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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  December 25, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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♪ i cry ♪ >> carley: that was so beautiful. we're opening up day take of our "fox & friends" advent calendar right now. kevin, do the honors. >> wow, look at this. >> carley: 24 count gift box includes 24 individually wrapped pieces of premium luxury chocolates. it's a classic gift for the host or hostess among us. adam, that would be you. have a great day, we love you.
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>> welcome to a special edition of fox news live. problems piling up for president biden at home and overseas. peace looking as el useive as ever in the middle east while the crisis at the southern border spirals further out of control. despite all that merry christmas, everyone. i'm rich edson. >> i'm claudia cowen. the president is facing growing pressure to respond to houthi attacks in the red sea. the white house confirming iran has been providing weapons and intelligence on ship locations fueling a crisis in global shipping and raising tensions in the middle east. exiled iranian leader says when it comes to proxy wars, iran wrote the book. >> this regime has mastered proxy wars particularly emboldened and encouraged when apiecement becomes an element more reason to push the
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envelope. we shouldn't be surprised to see these are the kind of acts that the regime will take advantage of to try to get as much credit as possible but at the same time not bearing the consequences and responsibility of it. >> let's go live to trey yengst live in tel aviv. merry christmas, trey. what's the situation there where you are? >> claudia, good morning. first of all merry christmas day 80 of the war between israel and hamas. in the holy city of bethlehem christmas was effectively canceled. normally there would be thousands of people going to the biblical town on christmas eve to the traditional birthplace of jesus. this year, though, while prayers were allowed in the church of the n nativity seen. thousands of palestinians have been killed since the war began. inside gaza, fighting does
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continue. 17 israeli soldiers have been killed this weekend alone as the idf uncovering new tunnels like this one. israelis say the bodies of five hostages were found in the interest try cat network of tunnels and troops are working to clear new areas. this week israeli prime minister netanyahu's wife sarah wrote a letter to pope francis asking for help to pressure hamas to free the remaining hostages. last night thousands of miles away in vatican city he delivered his traditional christmas eve mass. he said this. >> tonight our hearts are in sorrow where the prince of peace is rejected by the clash of arms that even today prevents him from finding room in the world. >> the conflict continues today. a little known fact about gaza. there are 800 palestinian christians who live there and last night there was a small
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gathering for christmas eve in the southern city of rafah. the region remains on edge and we understand today that an egyptian seas fire proposal that ended the war was rejected by hamas and islamic jihad. >> stay safe and merry christmas. >> they've gone up since a christmas tree. they've encountered 150 nationalities crossing the border since october. we don't know who is in our nation. >> rich: the unchecked border crisis and security concerns. customs and border protection says there were more than 242,000 encounters at the southwest border last month. highest november on record. 17 on the terrorist watch list. december in on track to smash another monthly record, 241,000
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arrests so far. all this is creating a huge backlog in immigration courts. records show the average caseloads of the 682 judges now on the bench have jumped to 4,500 per judge. claudia. >> the crisis effectively makes every city a border city, including chicago. the mayor there is threatening to sue over bus loads of migrants being bused from texas right to his doorstep. garrett tenney live in chicago now with more this morning. garrett, what's happening there? >> chicago mayor brandon johnson isn't telling migrants to stay away but trying to make it more difficult for texas to send him here. they approved tougher penalties for buses if they don't give the city a heads-up that they are coming and if they drop migrants off at non-sanctioned locations. that's led to at least 96 citations so far and one bus being impounded. so over the last couple of weeks
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texas started sending buses to the suburbs where migrants then make their own way into the city. but that is putting a strain on sub suburbs that don't want to be caught up in it and are sending migrants to the windy city. >> i have spoken with the mayor's office in chicago and expressed to them that based on them opening their arms and saying that they are a welcoming city in this particular case, we are going to forward folks. that's their final destination to chicago. >> several others have passed own ordinances to try to keep migrants from being dropped off or housed in their towns. chicago struggles to deal with the more than 30,000 migrants it has received and as many voters here, especially in black neighborhood, continue to say how can we be spending tens of millions of dollars a month on migrants when our communities
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have been begging for resources for years? it is an issue that is dividing this blue city less than a year before the democratic party comes to town for its national convention. claudia. >> thank you very much for that report. >> new york isn't very much better. nichole malliotakis joins us now. merry christmas to you. i want to start with the conversations ongoing now. negotiations in the senate over border issues, over funding for ukraine and for israel. what are republicans hoping they can get in those negotiations and how do you think that might help at the border? >> we need to have comprehensive border security. at the end of the day, this was a problem that was created by joe biden himself when he issued executive orders that dismantled the border security measures put in place by the trump
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administration. we don't want to see things that will be watered down in negotiations. quite frankly the house passed a very good bill, hr2, border security act back in may. it would address some of the issues we're seeing with asylum but reinstate remain in mexico and ramp up barriers and border wall construction and stop the catch and release. it would do a lot of different things. chuck schumer and the senate refuse to do anything on their side. they could have passed a bill this time that had their priorities and we could have reconciled and negotiated the differences. it wasn't until they wanted ukraine funding that they decided to maybe start conversations. the reality is that the problem is completely out of hand, as you mentioned. they have caught people on the terror watch list. those are the ones that they've actually caught. who is among the 2 million who have evaded law enforcement all together and snuck in according to customs and border
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protection? we don't know who they are, what their intentions are. it is concerning to me in a post 9/11 world and it should be to chuck schumer as well. >> mayorkas and blinken are heading to mexico meeting with mexico's president in a couple of days. what do you think the mexican government can do here? do you think it's reasonable to expect much from the mexican government? >> it's ridiculous that we have to go to the mexican president's country to try to get any type of resolution here. the answer is right before us. we simply need to reen state the policies of the trump add inis trigs that were working. two ways, the senate could pass the bill we passed in the house in may or president biden could simply just undo his executive orders. that's all he needs to do. our bill, by the way, gives customs and border protection the tools they've requested. they told us what they need to keep our border security. why are we not giving it to
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them? that's really the question for the democrats who seem to want to perpetuate this crisis. mexico could be helpful going after the drug cartels. they can certainly help on that front. but the problem is this has become a business. this has become a business for a lot of the countries along the route who are selling temporary visas to pass through their countries. the drug cartels are making billions of dollars a year off this human trafficking and the fentanyl trafficking throwing over our open border. the democrats should be looking at this and saying it's not right for anyone nor is it compassionate. what they are doing is allowing the people paying the drug cartels to come over our border to be heard first in court. you mentioned the back laing. it is up to ten years backlog in new york. the people who have been waiting in line doing things right are being further pushed down the line because this administration is prioritizing the people
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coming over the border claiming for asylum and half of them don't even -- >> thank you for joining us. >> big legal victory for president trump and big legal setback for jack smith. but i would argue that jack smith lost more than just a legal issue at the supreme court. he lost credibility. >> santa arriving early for former president trump. the supreme court friday declining the special counsel's request to fast track trump's presidential immunity case. what that means for his election subversion trial and the race for the white house next. plus home prices ballooning this year putting a key to the american dream out of reach for more and more people. >> hi, everyone. i just want to take a moment to thank you you for welcoming us into your homes on this very special day. we are so grateful here at fox
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news for all of our amazing viewers who tune in day in and day out. thank you. wishing you all a very merry christmas and a blessed new year. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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>> claudia: a cornerstone of the american dream slipped farther out of reach for many this year. housing affordability took a dive in 2023 to its lowest level on record. before covid, the typical u.s. household could afford 40% of the homes on the market. that number was cut in half to 20% last year. it fell again to 15% this year. rising mortgage rates now the highest in nearly two decades, a big reason for the steep decline. another fewer listings down more than 20% over the course of this year. >> rich: that just one of the many stories that kept us busy this year. bill hemmer takes a look at 2023 in review. >> bill: 2023 was another turbulent year marked by two
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major world conflicts and political instability here at home. those stories and more made plenty of headlines over the past 12 months. >> the white house spending much of 2023 confronting new threats in this year. in january a chinese spy balloon passed through alaska and the central u.s. before being shot down off the coast of south carolina. the war in ukraine grinding on for another year. the pressure on russia's military prompted the wagner -- the rebellion ended when he cut a deal with putin. he died a few months later when his plane crashed under mysterious circumstances. in march, yet another political
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precedent was broken. donald trump becoming the first former president to face criminal charges after being indicted by new york prosecutors for allegedly making illegal hush money payments to his former mistress. that indictment followed by three others. including criminal cases related to attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election and his retention of classified documents in mar-a-lago. it was a big year for unions. in may the first hollywood writers strike in 15 years. members of the writers guild of america walking off the job calling for more money from streaming services and protections against the use of artificial intelligence. two months later the screen actors guild followed suit bringing hollywood to a halt in the middle of the summer movie season. the strikes were eventually
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called off after both unions won what they call historic victories against the big studios. another big union strike hitting the economy hard in september. the united auto workers picketing against all three major auto manufacturers for the first time ever. tens of thousands of workers walked off the job costing the u.s. economy more than $9 billion. it ended after 46 days. uaw claiming a big win with increased wages and better benefits. intense winds knocking down power lines on the hawaiian island of maui sparking fires that pushed into lahaina. folks had little to no warning as the flames reached the town. some were even forced to flee into the ocean. at least 100 people were killed and more than 2,000 buildings destroyed causing some $6
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billion worth of damage. >> the office of speaker of the house of the united states house of representatives is here by declared vacant. >> congressional dysfunction reached unprecedented levels in october after kevin mccarthy became the first house speaker in history to be voted out in the middle of his term. it happened when he cut a deal with democrats to avoid a government shutdown angering some conservatives who then voted for mccarthy's ouster. it took weeks for republicans to agree on a new speaker finally handing the gavel to louisiana republican mike johnson at the end of the month. israel experienced the most deadly terror attack in its history. more than 1200 people killed in a surprise cross border attack by hamas. they were civilians including hundreds attending a music
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festival. 240 others were taken as hostages into the gaza strip. israel responding with a massive invasion of gaza. diplomats from the u.s. and qatar are working on a new cease-fire but it will not be easy with prime minister benjamin netanyahu vowing to keep up the fight until israel is safe. now looking ahead to 2024, israel and ukraine will continue to top the headlines. but we're also keeping it very close eye on the race for the white house. after all, it is an election year, america. and we will be here for all of it. in new york, bill hemmer, fox news. >> claudia: election year indeed. turning to politics. on saturday, attorneys for former president donald trump a grant him immunity and toss out the case. that was the day after the supreme court smacked down a request by the prosecution's special counsel jack smith who
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wanted the justices to fast track trump's presidential immunity hearing. let's bring in a former counselor to attorney general barr and fox news legal editor. good morning to you, and thank you for getting up early to join us to talk about this latest round of legal wrangling here and what do you think this means for the former president as these trials move ahead for him? >> well, it's a fact the supreme court denying jack smith's request helps the president in that his case will not proceed along its normal course. jack smith had essentially asked the supreme court to leapfrog over the d.c. appeals federal court to hear this case on an expedited basis. it is obvious jack smith and his team are trying to get all these trials wrapped before the 2024 election. the supreme court is allowing things to move forward as it normally would. the next time we'll hear from jack smith and his team in early
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january when the same case he is asking the supreme court to hear on an expedited basis will be heard by the d.c. appeals court. >> claudia: the news out let the messenger talked about this. let's do this call for and talk about what the mess ener said here. jack smith never explained while the trial is so urgent the defendant should be denied one of two courts for appellate review. the assumption is that smith's urgency is to convict trump before the 2024 election for the benefit of voters. that, of course, would overturn the longstanding justice department policy to avoid even the appearance of trying to influence elections. that from jonathan turley writing that op-ed. what do you think is the next step here? this obviously can still be appealed once the loser in the appeals case will go to the high court once that happens. but is this just the former
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president running out the clock? >> certainly a legal strategy and typically litigants do that. i would say the march 4th date that is currently on the calendar to hear the case in the d.c. court regarding whether or not the president interfered in the election process, that's march 4th, that's looking less and less likely to happen. the d.c. federal appeals court hears this in early january. let's say the former president loses and he appeals to the supreme court, and they may or may not take it up as we all know the supreme court has full discretion what they even take up and they take up less than 1% of the petitions that are presented before them every year. so it's unclear what they will even do. but i want to touch on something professor turley put in his column. i couldn't agree more. there is a lot of focus on jack smith and his team trying to wrap up before the election in november. what i think, they're trying to
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do it as fast as they can before may. because there is this internal justice policy, i remember it clearly when i worked there at the justice department that says that d.o.j. official eaves should not be engaging in any acts that could potentially impact the election. that memo, that guidance to remind d.o.j. employees about this policy is typically issued in may. both attorney general garland and barr have done that for the last four years in may. we're looking at may. may is looking less and less likely given how this is going. >> claudia: wow, a lot to consider there as we wrap up this year and look ahead to the next. thank you very much for joining us and merry christmas to you. >> merry christmas. >> rich: hamas underground headquarters exposed by the idf. plus festivity in short supply
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in the holy land. bethlehem making a somber christmas in a time of war. >> i'm eric shawn at new york city hall. i hope you have a great new year. here at city hall, us taxpayers give gifts to these politicians all year round, not just today. . when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred.
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swiffer wetjet. the all-in-one and done symptom relief of mucinex is delivered fast with doordash, so you don't have to leave the couch. oof! that was fast. mucinex. available on doordash. it's comeback season. >> claudia: you're looking live at the holy city of jerusalem this christmas day. miles away a somber scene in bethlehem. known as the capital of christmas. the city quiet on christmas eve. no marching bands, concerts or christmas lights. instead rubble was added to nativity scenes as they mourn the lives loss since the brutal october 7th assault by hamas. >> rich: israel's response to the attack continues.
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idf pushes deeper into gaza. there was another master orr tunnel in gaza. the bodies of five hostages found inside. let's bring in chad, a retired u.s. marine and founder of the mighty oaks foundation. chad, thank you for joining us. merry christmas to you. i want to begin on this tougher discussion perhaps of a proposal from the times of israel. a three-step plan beginning with a two-week lull and release of 40 hostages followed by the formation of a palestinian government, then release last captives and idf pull-out. this is something that has plenty to be controversial and rejected by both sides. hamas has already rejected that version. is something along this do you think workable to get this conflict to a point where you can have negotiations? >> you know, i don't see where
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israel and hamas could come to terms on their own. it will take third party countries from the islamic third party countries like egypt and saudi arabia to step in and negotiate this. unfortunately the white house has done a terrible job at trying to de-escalate this and has only fueled more by telling them to do things like the four-day break where hamas is on their heels and you have israel back off for four days let them reassess and restrategize. as a warfighter i hate war, i hate conflict. i hate the collateral damage war on women and children like we're seeing here. when you continue to give these four-day breaks to someone who is on their heels this is how they stay in the fight and more people are killed. so i think real -- the real influence that's going to have to come from islamic countries
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to put their hands in the situation with hamas like egypt. >> rich: where do you think this war is right now? do you think israel is close to defeating hamas? can they every defeat hamas or an organization that could possibly take its place after this is finished? >> absolutely israel can. the question is can israel beat hamas, can israel beat hamas cause as little collateral damage as possible to the palestinians. the difference in this scenario is hamas does not care about the civilians in israel or palestinians. they are hiding behind their own people. everyone is confused about this. the easiest way to say it is if israel lies down their weapons? what happens? israel is annihilated.
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israel can an ill late hamas in days but they're trying to do it in a humane way to save lives. it's complicated when you have hamas building weapons caches in hospitals and civilian apartment complexes. >> rich: we've seen iran backed proxies. should the u.s. military do more to deter it? >> absolutely. we have been so soft on iran. we're giving them -- you talk about a country that's hailing death to america, death to the west, and while we're giving them billions of dollars. they are an enemy of the united states. they are an enemy of freedom and we have to have hard lines against them and that includes stop giving them money. cut them off. call them out for who they are. hold them accountable for their actions. they are funding this terror in
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hamas, in israel right now. we are doing nothing. to answer your question further, not only are we abetting them in this situation but we're putting our u.s. troops in the middle east at risk. our troops are being attacked right now on christmas day as a service member who is deployed eight times in afghanistan, as a matter deployed my own son as a marine to afghanistan i know what it feels like to have your son abroad and my thoughts and prayers are with every family member at christmas as their members are in these areas. merry christmas. >> claudia: rich, diversity, equity and inclusion were the big buzz words in the tech industry. but now companies like google and meta are ditching dei and slashing the program's budgets. plus you know it's bad when a pro-football player can't afford
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christmas presents for his teammates. 149ers quarterback is blaming his pricey city. ♪ - when did doing business become more about culture wars and less about well, business? some companies today bring politics into the boardroom, then into our living rooms. that's why i use spotlight reports from 1792 exchange.
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>> rich: a milestone for the stadium in land. it's the first professional sports stadium in the world being known for having near zero waste. we're live in atlanta. >> with more than 50 events and 300-0000 visitors each year this worldwide recognition for.
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total research use and efficiency certification. at least 90% of all waste created inside of the stadium is diverted from land phils. >> it's the get that trash the leaves the bowl pre-sorted before it goes to the resource recovery room. >> employees work through the night in that room sorting through waste sometimes with a quick turn around. efforts go beyond sorting whether it's aluminum recycling. >> all the proceeds from the aluminum cans is then donated to habitat for humanity and we build habitat homes with that money. >> their on-site garden. >> we grow fruits and vegetables and employee events for everything served grew here. >> off site compost facility. >> hot dog turns to mulch and we can use it at the stadium. what started as a food item can end up as mulch in the backyard. >> their sustainability playbook.
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>> a lot of others once they see and understand it they will say yes, we can do that, too. it is important. >> officials at the stadium say it's great to be number one. the work isn't offer. they say that diverting 90% of waste is not the limit and hope to keep pushing boundaries and do better. rich. >> rich: great story, madison is live in atlanta. thank you. >> claudia: rich, tech titans are he thinking diversity, equity and inclusion programs. companies like google and meta slashed their dei budgets. some reportedly by up to 90%. a far cry from 2020 when many tech giants were boosting the programs and pledging to invest millions to improve diversity in their ranks. let's bring in macro trends advisor mitch rochelle. thank you for joining us to talk about this topic because these
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companies are saying we are committed to dei. we are investing resources. we're just doing it in a different way now. what do you make of this? >> i think that massive pendulum switch to focus on stakeholders and not shareholders, that came from the business round table in 2019, i think it backfired and what i've learned in business is when the pendulum shifts one way it springs pretty hard the other way. they realize what they were doing to try to make everybody happy has failed. i remember my grandmother once taught me if you try to make everybody happy you end up making nobody happy. this notion of equity is intended to make everyone happy. it is backfiring. >> claudia: i've heard that said as well. the job site indeed puts the numbers in stark prospective. look at the numbers. by mid 2023, dei related job
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postings had declined 44% from the year prior. in november 2023, the last full month where data was available it dropped 23% year-over-year. you weighed in on this a moment ago. what do you think is driving this spiral down? >> well, at the end of the day, companies are concerned primarily with profits. while they may be concerned about the community, that is secondary. they may be concerned about their employees but they are only concerned about their employees to the extent they are driving profits. a, they are spending tens of millions on dei programs and maybe some of this stuff isn't as important to their workforce as they thought it would be. so at the tip of the spear what are they doing? cutting costs. the first costs to get cut are some of what i would call frivolous programs.
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>> claudia: what do you think the reaction will be from activists to companies slashing the programs. will we see a boycott or what is the reaction? >> well, let's put google first into perspective. if you are an activist and decided to boycott google, you would probably have to find another search engine to get or another email server to get your word oust to fellow activists. google has enough power in the marketplace they can with stand getting canceled by activities. i have a 23-year-old twins new to the workforce. one of the things that they have remarked is how companies are constantly talking about social justice issues. they show up at work to get away from things they heard on campus. i think they're starting to get feedback from their own employees that maybe just work is what they want, not necessarily social justice campaigns. >> claudia: i think a lot of
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people would agree with that. thank you for joining us and merry christmas to you. >> thank you. >> rich: traveling over the holidays? how your christmas tree could be behind being sick and what you can do for relief. big fights over chick-fil-a and sundays and one senator says this means war. ♪
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>> rich: people across the country and around the world are waking up this morning eager to unwrap president. the bishop of new york has the reminder of the true meaning of christmas. >> when you hear people say at christmas, yeah, you'll hearsay, i hope i get this, i hope my little nephew gets the spiderman bike. that's all i've heard. but you will hear mostly people say did i forget anybody? is my gift sufficient enough to them to show my love and appreciation? that's the -- that's that sentiment that christmas sparks.
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that's light and we need it. >> rich: words to live by this and every christmas. claudia. >> claudia: rich, artificial intelligence keeps growing faster than anyone anticipated. the latest warning from experts arrives in fake profiles on social media. douglas kennedy with the story. >> this is a completely fake online profile that you created using artificial intelligence. >> you can see the ai is now generating a week's worth of social media posts including pictures to make this person appear to be a real person when they are actually an a.i. machine. >> bill is an a.i. researcher at the rand corporation, which is now sounding the alarm with this report of a.i.'s potential to destabilize open societies like the united states through social media manipulation. >> what's scary is with this
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a.i. technology you can have tens of thousands, millions of fake profiles that look like americans t. problem is they are all puppets on a string controlled by a foreign adversary injecting whatever they want into our conversations. >> rand isn't alone fearing that disinformation future with a.i. >> as this technology advances we understand that people are anxious how it could change the way we live. >> that's the ceo of chatgpt. the company considered the world leader in a.i. innovation. he appeared in front of congress. >> fundamentally the new systems will be destabilizing. they can and will create persuasive lies at a scale humanity has never seen before. >> already russia and iran are trying to do just that. he has identified this man in china. so this is lee change, an agent for the chinese military. >> he is sponsored by the
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chinese military and for years he has been working how to weaponize a.i. for just this kind of threat. >> he says the u.s. must act now to counter the threat including creating a military unit to protect the integrity of social media. we must, he says, prepare allies like taiwan to identify the coming onslaught of a.i. election interference. also on the table for many is regulating social media companies for their a.i. content. >> this is an urgent threat. we recommend there be some kind of u.s. government public/private collaboration to address it. we have to do something. >> do something now, he says, before the technology becomes uncontrollable. in arlington, virginia, douglas kennedy, fox news. >> rich: south carolina senator lindsey graham gearing up for an
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epic fight in defense of chick-fil-a as new york lawmakers push new rules on state roadways forcing the restaurant chain to stay open sundays, senator graham tweeting this is war. let's bring in former nfl player jack brewer, the founder of the jack brewer foundation. merry christmas and thank you for joining us today. i want to get your perspective on this issue. new york state says look, this is valuable real estate here. roadways, people traveling on them on sundays, they have to have open restaurants. we can't have this real estate closed on sundays. what do you think of this? >> you know, i think it's overstepping. we take a company like chick-fil-a that employs thousands and thousands of people across the nation not just who they are emotion employing but the things they support in the community. it is a christian organization. no matter how hustle and bustle you want to be or no matter how much you think that a store should be mandated on when it's open, they pay their rent, they
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pay it on time, they pay their taxes and they pay it on time, and they should be able to praise their lord and savior jesus christ without anyone saying a word. i think this is just showing you how vile the people in new york, i think these leftist politicians have gone against the word of god and i just call for all of the new york democrats who claim to be christians to stand up for the gospel of jesus christ. stand up for companies that want to promote goodness in our nation. as their state loses people by the thousands who are coming to flock to places like texas and florida where they can praise the name of jesus at will. you have companies like this. i think it's an overstep and god bless lindsey graham for something something about it. >> rich: it is christmas day. what is your christmas message? >> just god wants us to give gifts. gifts are supposed to be given to family members, loved ones and your community. god wants the glory for it.
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let's not take the glory forgifts and not forget what jesus did on the cross to die for our sins and remember he is a healer. if you are going through depression, anxiety, drug abuse, if your family is out of whack and going through distress, remember to give it to jesus today. he was born for that reason to come save us. god right here on earth. i just pray for this nation right now that we find unity but more importantly, that we come together for the gospel of jesus christ and remember that ultimately eternity is what we're living for, not for things of this world. we can't die with and can't take it with us when we leave. just to give glory to god in all that we do. >> rich: jack brewer, thank you for your perspective on christmas day. >> god bless you. >> claudia: voters do not seem to be buying what team biden is
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selling. the hurdles his campaign is facing as they work to give him a second term. and no, that is not coal in your stocking. why socks are one of the most popular gifts this year. stay with us. ♪ hi, i'll have the avocado toast... minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more.
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