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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  December 25, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> merry christmas, this is a special edition of "outnumbered." i am here with harris faulkner here with emily compartment. kennedy herself is here. hurts on christmas i love it former nfl sideline reporter, michelle to foia is here. fox news contributor and professor of medicine at nyu medicus and center dr. marc siegel. let's begin with the dark cloud over president biden's reelection campaign today. he is setting his sights on 202 and it must feel like the finis line is getting further away after a year filled with controversy. 81 years old, commander-in-chief , he could not escape the concerns about his age, acuity, fitness, to lead, and the issue has caused a rift among his fellow democrats. president biden son hunter has
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not done him any favors either. he keeps talking and talking. the first sun facing a multitud of federal charges and it is se for next month. meanwhile, house republicans have officially formalized thei impeachment inquiry and president biden making him the sixth president in u.s. history to face such an investigation. if all those obstacles were not enough to overcome, there is still the issue of the president 's dismal poll numbers. the latest numbers pulling the president's approval rating at just 43 percent. recent poll from monmouth university shows 34 percent of americans approve of his job performance, that is lower than vice president kamala harris. a recent ap poll found 56 percent saying they would be quote dissatisfied if biden was nominated in 2024. anybody but biden?
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fulling shows president biden trailing former president trump by four points in a hypothetica matchup. democratic strategist david axelrod says these are dark day for biden. >> at the wall street journal poll was very dark in from bide standpoint. job approval down, ratings generally down. most of the comparatives with trump are not good. what i worry about you guys fro a biden standpoint is these are the kinds of things you get whe people are starting to rationalize their votes. >> so in other words, kennedy, that is a friend inside the bubble and he spoke in the bubble with a pen and it's goin to burst. >> he has been doing this for the last year's and it's interesting because he loves being the rationalistic within the party. everyone else is rallying aroun
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the president saying the job numbers are great, the economic numbers are fantastic great you're so long and axelrod is the only ones they were in real trouble here almost as though everyone else has their heads. in the sand thinking that if we just lied to them, they will vote for us. hasn't that worked in the past? i think what axelrod is doing i trying to scare democrats into shifting strategy because what they're doing is obviously not working. >> he is one ostrich on the far standing up. >> if the only place to be. >> all the other heads are in this in. >> member how the president responded to axelrod recently where he sort of bit his head off. he was really not having what h felt was undue criticisms of th bottom line is if he is not looking in the mirror and takin responsibility for his policies that have fractured and plummeted america and any type of sense of security that many americans have, how are they going to combat that corrects
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the answer is democrats rally around the pellet box and i think that's what they do make republicans need to heed. they can be harnessed if the go is effective with what this means for every american, so as we sit around the christmas table as we look at the rising cost of gifts and gas and food and everything that we usually need to make our family safe an secure and happy, think about whether our labs were better before biden. it's important to encourage you loved ones to vote because the turnout is what will change things. we know those policies won't. >> u.s. dickey question. oftentimes we see democrats in particular saying are you bette off now than you were four year ago? that works it into the messaging . instead they've tried to make i happen with my genomics. it's not working for americans. if u.s. the question are you better off, i guess republicans
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as emily said, they better star asking it and putting the answers and campaigns adds. >> emily is very astute on this they have to have practical concrete solutions. if you get the biden administration if you're thinking and scratching your head, they can't run on foreign policy, they are focused on the agent i'm focused on how firm i his hand on the teller? how much of a sense of fortitud you get when he stands up against foreign powers with what's going on in the middle east? the latest poll is saying kamal harris is she was the border borders all, and even biden has amended the border is a disgrace , so we have a leaky burger, people going to democrats eddies, being bused there, we don't have a sense of accomplishment. you made a great point about
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$11,000 more per year that people are saying for the same products as poor in 2020 when will we were in the middle of a panic attack pandemic. >> i have been hurt a lot of people saying i got an $11,000 raise to offset biden on mix of my life very. >> they're seems to be a genera consensus not only on this couch , but across america at that biden is into we thought h was, he didn't bring him bring us what we thought we were getting. all of those positives that we were promised. instead, i feel like the countr has just turned upside down and gone downhill on rollerskates. the question than becomes what happens next. if today the president is sitting with family around the christmas tree and holiday tabl and saying should i really do this, what is it doing to the party into america and he decides i will go ahead, but once we get into the convention i will step down, who steps in
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and what does that mean for the democratic party and what does that mean for the republicans? is there another option? we all know he's unpopular. lose this cycle so that democrats aren't too damaged an let them come back in 2028. i just wonder where this is all happening. >> it and it sounds like the we will rebuild next year. kennedy, last word? >> i think the michelle obama. i don't think it's gavin newsom he really has a horrible track record. >> the same as hillary clinton' was when she became senator. she is a successful lawyer, she has way more positives than hillary clinton. they're are a lot of independents that would rather stomach michelle obama administration, roll the dice o that then gavin newsom that has
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a proven track record of other failure. >> they are both from the same state. you lived in that states. i don't know them to be particularly good friends. two keep michelle obama could take gavin newsom. what about kamala harris? you can't just sideline her? >> when there was a vacancy on the supreme court bench, they should have put her there and said good job, little lady. >> 's urgent accident that the convention is in chicago? >> it smells like 1968, doesn't it? two keep merry christmas, everybody. they may not want to show at th white house, reminding people how painful it has made trips t the grocery store next. with the freestyle libre 2 system, know your glucose level and where it's headed.
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♪ >> welcome back to the special edition of "outnumbered." everyone remembers a scene from the iconic christmas movie home alone. >> hold on, i've got a bun for that. it was in the paper this morning . 1983, okay. >> now, in these days of people
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are getting a reminder of how things back then were simpler and cheaper. here is a look at kevin mc allister's grocery list back in 1990. adding up to just under $20. we added up the cost of those same items today and you can se that they cost almost three times as much. michelle, 60 bucks. he would need 320s. >> what i also notice is not only is there insulation, but there is shrink completion. i go to the store, i buy a thin of detergent in the guy that wa checking me through said did yo spill some of this because it looks like it's not full. so he sent somebody to go grab another one from the counter, put them next to each other and he said that's what you call shrink completion. is a picture is. it pick up a bag of chips and i
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feels like. you pick up one of those things of pods for your detergent, it feels like. so it's not just things are mor expensive, you're playing more for a whole lot less and that's what i notice. >> we talked about it, this happened to me this week. he said on amazon it looks so much bigger. you pay a lot more for these items we got but we're sort of. sure it's been over 30 years, t me it was just yesterday, but that the end of the day we're paying a hole up more for a whole lot less in just a few years time. >> i had the same experience this week. i went through and shook the bottle and said it was shrink place in. it has gotten so bad you know i love to make homemade eggnog, this year eggs are so expensive it's just dog. two keep milk in jamison. >> that's all you need.
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>> always. can you say that on christmas day? i did. 30 years are a long time, and we've had some inflation in between, so prices we're never going to be what they were 30 years ago. the comparison i make is what they were like thanksgiving ago. most expensive thanksgiving in the history for fixings for all the thanksgivings. now many folks will have that second holiday dinner, whatever you choose to do. they will do that again in one season. that's a lot of money. and see that historic price points. lots of things have changed. i want to shrink too, but figures that really matter wher the economy that donald trump entered this president coming out of a pandemic and where it
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has gone now. that inflation of one point was kicking around 9 percent grade they can't get it below where they need too. they can't seem to reach three and 2 percent standard bird tha means the prices are still goin up at the good clip. they're certainly not coming down in the other direction. >> when you sign the lease you can account for normal wear and tear that the mayor something else that happens when you brin a wrecking ball into the apartment. the precipitous increase of in recent memory. in the past three to years, it' frankly under this recent time americans are having a real har time of it. >> we used to call it pain at the pump and it was gas prices going up, now there is the job shrinkage going on. they're part-time employment.
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they are in the home working part-time. gaining weight and then they have other health issues that they have to worry about. it's the overall picture of les work, higher prices, and still want everyone around them as there is dinner and a smile. >> there is always things to be grateful for. at the end of the day there are decisions that have been made that affected us who are holdin two, three, and for jobs to mak ends meet. they are making different savings doing the best with wha they can, but it was the hand that they were adults. >> people working less of their student loans above and promise to be paid off so they don't have to work as much.
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>> to the point, there is natural progression and educate us on this. they're are things to account for but there are big impacts t americans recently that have ha the biggest effects. >> the price of gas still isn't enough in a place where people feel comfortable. we're still on the fossil fuels. majority of people use fossil fuels to get to work. they driver they take the bus, sometimes they are natural grass , which is great. >> gavin newsom. >> rent has gone up. >> the things that some liberal economist would like to leave out of the equation like energy and housing, those of the thing that are still stinging people and groceries, those have been the one constant in people's lives, things they can't afford and there are so many people trying to choose between which ones are by and which things to pay off, so when you have thing
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that are that personal like where you live and what you eat and you can't afford them, even though some of the economic numbers may sound good on the mac level on the very personal level, they're not if people ar hurting, and that's how they ar voting. >> what kennedy is pointing to is the crime with app and how that is helped to drive up costs , particularly on over-the-counter types of medications that now in many bi cities like new york cities are behind lock and key and all of those grocery stores and pharmacies that have made these areas food and prescription deserts because they couldn't afford to be robbed anymore. collapse of the cost of all of this has been passed on to consumers. we're being hit and a lot of different directions. making more out of the criminal as we've covered so many time rather the actual victims. for all of that political flexing, we pay.
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>> there is also supply chain shortages. nothing and the pharmacy when you get their pretty. >> thanks, mayor pete. how much time america's youth spends on social media. here is a hint. it's a lot. ♪ but we know christ mas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace. at america's best, you can get two pairs of glasses and a free eye exam starting at just $79.95.
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his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. narrator: time is running out to give a year-end gift like no other, a gift that can help st. jude children's
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research hospital save lives. ava: it is my first time having cancer, and it's the very worst. woman: you just have to give. you have to give someone that hope. because of st. jude, she has a chance at life. narrator: every gift counts, and whatever you can give will make a difference for children like ava. make your donation today to help st. jude save lives.
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♪ >> it seems like kids these day cannot get off their phones. a new survey is revealing the true impact of social media on america's youth. of research survey of teenagers found nearly 20 percent described their social media usage as almost constant.
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the highest percentage of those teenagers said they used tik to nearly constantly. with youtube, snapchat close behind in that poll found youtube to be the most popular platform among all teenagers, a least half of them signed on th youtube, tik tok and snap chat at least once per day. that is lots of phone. >> i got to teenagers, i didn't need these stats to tell me thi stuff, and to make it annoyed m anymore, but youtube, i don't know can we call youtube social media platform anymore because it seems to me that that is suc a source now of entertainment for people come up my daughter finds a lot of the youthful shows that she likes to watch o youtube, so i look at this and say okay, this snapchat thing and the tik tok where kids are constantly like this or looking at what their other friends are doing and may be feeling, why
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didn't i get invited to that, why didn't i get invited to this ? not to mention the national security part. i did need stats to tell me thi was invading them to an extent. that is changing, it has this thing. i don't know if your youngest teenager, my 14 -year-old has the spirit some will watch simultaneously and that is the social media aspect because the communicate through the comment now and you subscribe to certai channels and you watch together and that sort of thing, so it i a of a social. where kids are grown up playing games together as a community and it may be an olympic sport which is another conversation which i'm sure michelle could get into very easily.
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they're are a lot appearance that will be there given their first smart phone or may be our friends on the west coast, but it's like take that presence, put it away, save it for a couple of years. puts a little bit of cash in there. as parents, that's what we've struggled to do. emily has the most incredible stories. your parents were so good at that. like writing forces in going to space camp camp in white water rafting. and work like holy heck to get our kids outside and doing as much with their hands and bodies . >> emily, take us back. >> it was a family of volvo, it was beige, we were all in it an we were bro tripping around the
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u.s. at the end of the day, and it wasn't about the money it was about the experience. i know for a while now we've been discussing how the screen time has affected the development of children. especially in those young tende ages, screen time has a real physiological effect on children . we know that the apps themselve the content has a real effect o the skids on teenagers in particular, on teenage girls. now marry those with these debt that are telling us those kids are on those apps in almost constantly. it is horrifying. the other day my friend told me his son is seven. hill hold up the phone and say take a video for nana and then he will say thank you for subscribing to my channel. he doesn't know what he saying, but the exposure there it's lik you can't get away from it. think that's why so many parent have signed pledges and schools have i think some schools have introduced these types of pledges to support them where
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they give their child support until 13 or i argue later. >> is so when the lockdowns we're going on you and i talked about the addiction and how we knew how damaging so much scree time could be to our kids, and the teachers unions almost made it impossible over time to get the teachers back in the classrooms. they are not succumbing to covert at the same rate the res of us were. and we were going to do some things that we're irreparable. i think this is one of them. that situation pledges so much more addiction to those devices because they had to be on them all the time for school, for an other reason. >> you're absolutely right. the cdc put on a statistic that 56 percent of teenage girls las year had severe differential periods. the surgeon general said twice about this, first about loneliness and then about socia media. he said they are connected
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because you think you're being drawn into something but ill actually be isolated and ridiculed. the outcome of that is anxiety and depression. the only thing i would say is that prescription today for christmas dinner is put the phones away, let's focus on family. family behavior can help to replace the phones. don't allow the phones at the table, don't let the phones in school. >> i have a role, we sit and ea together. so we leave them, we spray them with lysol ends leave them wherever we're not eating. so on this christmas day when i go home and eat with my family little bit later, anybody who touches a phone can't touch any gravy. i want to make sure everyone is really hungry in a few hours so they believe their phones because otherwise it's this. you memorize the top of somebody's head and i refuse to
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have that. we have to make eye contact wit one another. by the way, it's not just kids. instagram has completely change their algorithms so adults get addicted. >> i am as guilty as anyone. wait a minute. >> you can have your phone on during the table. >> that's right. you got to walk it, talk it, an model that. it is hard. we make excuses. it's for my job, whatever. know, it's christmas dinner, pass the gravy. the power of the purse, what celebrities are doing to keep their children grounded. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> merry christmas. it smells very good. welcome back to the special edition of "outnumbered" pride how do celebrities keep their children grounded despite all the wealth and privilege fame has to offer? some stars say they refused to leave their massive inheritance to their kids. make jagger says his eight children don't need $500 millio and hence that he may give away much of his fortune.
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marie osmond who has a net wort of approximately $20 million says leaving her kids all that money doesn't inspire them. celebrity chef gordon ramsay won't let his kids swear like h does, they have to pay for thei own phone and bus fare with there. buddy gloster keeps his kids from being spoiled by having them scrub floors and toilets. send them over, but the. the celebrity chef as weren't his two sons, they are not goin to get a set of his $70 million fortune unless they come and take it from me. >> emily, i like all of this. i think it's a great trend because it keeps kids nervous. a lot of times nebo children, they tend not to work as hard when they know it's going to be
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a gilded path for them. >> i think the pattern i saw between betty and guy for example is they include their children in their work. there was a reason why these guys are millionaires, they've worked hard and i noticed a guy includes his sons and a lots of his shows. at the end of the day if you know what hard work look like, if you know what earning something looks like, and you get a piece of that, those are the values that contribute to wealth later on. to me i don't see it as much as withholding your wealth or not, it's about instilling those values in your kids. the matter how much or little, they know their value lies elsewhere and they can always put food on the table through they're own work in their own dreams and they're own inspirations. >> it's got to be tough because for a lot of the self-made people, it's very different. their childhood is very different from how their kids are growing up. two give their kids are playing probably flying private with them everywhere.
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i'm sure mick jagger wasn't thi way as a kid. sting is another one who is often said i'm not leaving my money to my kids. if you have $500 million, i can see why you wouldn't want to leave that to your kids. that is an overwhelming amount of money. i can see why other people want to setup up the other way. two make sure they are okay or at least put them through college. of work from the time most probably eight years old. i have never not had a job. never in my life have i might have a job. and that's what i hope i'm modeling to my kids for the harder you work, the more money you get paid and they also do you have to clean the toilets i the floor at my house. could get seriously, send them over, i'm not kidding about that . >> harris, if all these celebrities are going to have left over money, i have a wonderful place. charity starts at home. feet one and only kennedy.
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so you know, gordon ramsay has met mother made teenagers. especially for the one that isn't a culinary arts, and you know teenagers are material, bu they've had a couple of conversations at different events. they met at the super bowl earlier this year. that was a privilege in itself. she was at the super bowl with me and we meet chef gordon ramsay and i feel very blessed because he's got a couple of shows on fox. he said to my daughter what is your dream? and how can i help. >> what a sweetheart. he said if you ever want to com out to california, will give yo something to do. you can't just sit like a potte plant in the audience, but you can come watch and learn and we will give you something to do. and know he means what he sayin it's about value, it's about worth, it's about participation. i like that. so i get where they're going fo
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this. and what you do with your own funding. when you inherit of the money that these the celebrities get you. you model for the rest of our kids how you invest and help people who have less than you b a blessing to those that can offer you nothing more than their company. >> i love that. what is your dream and how can make that come true. >> it's all been said on this couch really brilliantly already . what harris just said, introduc them to people, at the end of the day, i like real estate. they have a beautiful house, an leave that to the kids, not a billion-dollar spread. >> tell the children i will tak your beach house. that is how benevolent i am. >> we have our christmas "outnumbered" just straight ahead. ♪
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>> welcome back. merry christmas. it is time for in case you missed it. the first one, what is the difference between men and wome comes to holiday shopping? one behavior expert writes that men are more brand loyal and tend to be last-minute shoppers. women generally buy more gifts overall but prioritize easy returns. interestingly, women are apparently more open to receiving gift cards. doctor siegel, what say you about this important data? >> the one great purchase i mad was last-minute they still wear them, ever since then, close, i don't buy women close. our going to return them right away, so i am kind of i think from a staff. >> i work for you. >> what you think about the gif
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card thing? >> i'm not a huge gift card person, i would much rather something small, it doesn't hav to be something expensive, but require some thoughts. i would rather somebody say i thought of you when i saw this few months ago and i got it and it could be a small item. mom i love you, but please know. >> here is what i was a. i generally, but i buy all of m books and i like to have a personal choice over them, so even if it's not i love gift cards because then i can buy al the books i have want and i hav a big stack to read. >> i like something to open under the tray and i like somebody to have that. i also put those things and a jar. they expire differently than they did a decade ago, so if yo give me a pair of socks one time , i still have them. can get it's been like a long time, but i still have them. i love soft cotton socks, pajamas, that sort of thing. that is easy to find.
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medium, i'm a tall girl. >> let me just tell you, one year my dad sent me on christma eve, he said go shopping for your mom he gave me cash and sa go shop for your mom, i get to the store in the perfume counte is five deep, all men, so they also do you like this one committee like this one. men are last-minute. >> next up, and new survey reveals the most unrelenting holiday gifts. it turns out the number one worst gift is bad romance novels . diet plans rank second. term manuals, and children's toys round out the top five. think my biggest question is wh is giving soap on a string, are these white elephant gifts? >> i don't know what these gift are, but i think the kids
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weren't part of that survey. when year, my brother and sister-in-law got up late for their meant wedding. two years later she gave it to me. >> here is some worthwhile advice via this holiday season. the punctual guys pitch and wit help household chores and keep your opinions to yourself apparently. these are a few of the tips etiquette experts revealed that will make you an a+ holiday houseguest. harris, what say you about these ? >> i like the opinion passing around the holiday season. i think we are so divided right now, and leisure opinion is tha you want to share how many ways you can be kind to one another and make yourself better, those types of i am totally into, but we have enough politics and we
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need to take a break at some point. >> two harris' point, kindness, figure out what is bothering somebody to keep making people feel better, just listen to them . >> and be on time. also, don't be early. please don't be early. i will open the door with a towel around my head in a mop i my hand. >> you know who is common for being benjamin franklin, don't be afraid to give somebody piec of paper with his face on it right now. a good christmas carol, it turn out listening to holiday music could be harmful to your mental health, especially if you start jamming out to it too early according to one psychologist, clearly disagree who may prematurely trigger holiday shopping, and interacting.
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now to me, doctor, the psychologist clearly has there on baggage to deal with. i start playing holiday music the day after halloween. >> you and target. >> 11 spiritual music and i lov holiday music and it's music that makes you feel good. singing and caroling, what abou christmas carolyn? ticket no one christmas carols anymore, do they? >> i love that, christmas caroling. we used to do it every year pairs. >> i grew up on military bases and that was a big part, especially there were families whose loved ones we're serving at the time so caroling, everybody got together and you know saying, and it was just a wonderful occasion. i would say that families missing they're loved ones righ now, that is important. reach out to the civilian community and the civilian
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community, reach out to those that you know our military families in your area, sing, hug , and praise the lord perky i always carol, especially to my daughter's rooms. on that note, with an epic anniversary savings event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while the season won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today.
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[music playing] mother 1: who is that?
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that's my doggie. charlie: cancer, it's different in a child because your child is still growing. i had 14 rounds of chemo. there's thousands and thousands of kids all over the world who need help. child: it is my first time having cancer, and it's the very worst. narrator: time is running out to give a year-end gift like no other, a gift that can help st. jude children's research hospital save lives. [music playing] mother 2: it's scary to watch your kid battle and fight for their lives. narrator: 1 in 5 children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. mother 3: childhood cancer is hard. it's a long road. you just have to give. you have to give someone that hope-- and especially with them being so young.
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narrator: please call, go online, or scan the qr code for only $19 a month. families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. father: she grew up in this. so when we go to st. jude, she's happy because that's her home. every time i take her to the doctor, she's excited because she gets to play. and that's all because of st. jude. narrator: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. mother (speaking spanish): narrator: every gift counts, and whatever you can give will make a difference. [music playing]
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. going left, going right. there's nothing better than sitting around the christmas tree and turning on your
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favorite holiday movie to enjoy the family. and when it comes to clist mlhristmas movies, op are gite strong. >> mine is it's a wonderful life. >> i love the original christmas carol. i love the muchpets christmas and the clayimation that won and the holiday. >> the holiday, the holiday. >> i'm with michelle on this. every time a bell rings, an angel gets their wings. the jimmy stewart character comes back to life, and he gets his
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life back. >> 20 years of marriage. >> absolutely. >> and i like funny christmas movies, so i love elf. i love a christmas story, christmas vacation scrooge. bridgette jones's diary. and if the kids have gone to bed and you want something naughty, bad santa is good. >> i forgot bridgette jones is a christmas movie. >> it is such a christmas movie. >> the holiday, i've already watched it three times, and it's christmas day. i'm going to watch it until new year's. all right. that is going to do it for us. merry christmas to you and all those you love, and we can't wait to see you all the way and into the new year. blessings to you. thanks for watching this special edition of outnumbered, and once again, can we say it together? >> yes. >> merry christmas. >> woohoo.


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