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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  December 25, 2023 10:00am-11:01am PST

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>> 20 years of marriage. >> absolutely. >> and i like funny christmas movies, so i love elf. i love a christmas story, christmas vacation scrooge. bridgette jones's diary. and if the kids have gone to bed and you want something naughty, bad santa is good. >> i forgot bridgette jones is a christmas movie. >> it is such a christmas movie. >> the holiday, i've already watched it three times, and it's christmas day. i'm going to watch it until new year's. all right. that is going to do it for us. merry christmas to you and all those you love, and we can't wait to see you all the way and into the new year. blessings to you. thanks for watching this special edition of outnumbered, and once again, can we say it together? >> yes. >> merry christmas. >> woohoo.
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it's the prime minister pledging to keep up the fight in gaza of hamas. speaking with commanders and soldiers about disturbing discoveries in civilian areas. hello, everyone and welcome to a special edition of fox news live, and a very merry christmas. i am along side, not physically but my bestie bryan. >> merry christmas, julie and to everyone home watching us. right now israeli forces intensifying their military operations as they work to wipe out hamas and the gaza tunnels. they tell the wall street journal it could take months to gain control over a key city in southern gaza. all right. let's get right to trey. he's live with the very latest in israel. hey,
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trey. >> reporter: yeah, hey, julie. good afternoon. it is day 80th between the war of israel and hamas, and as the fight rages on, christmas was canceled this year effectively in the city of bethlehem. normally thousands of people would be going to that biblical town to mark christmas eve as the traditional birthplace of jesus. this year while they were in the place of jesus, it was no more gatherings at the traditional location. the lack of celebration was planned in solidarity, thousands of whom have been killed since the beginning of the war. inside gaza, the fight rages on with 17 israeli soldiers killed this week alone as the idf uncovers new tunnels like this one. they say five bodies of hostages were found in these tunnels, and troops are working every day to clear them. the
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prime minister and his wife asked for help from the pope for his help to clear hamas. the pope did clear hamas. he didn't mention the palestinians by name but said this. >>p tonight our hearts are in bethlehem where the prince of peace was rejected by the ideology of war and the . >> there are actually 100 palestinian christians who live there and some were in the city last night celebrating christmas eve. and it is talk of a cease fire on the table, though a new egyptian proposal that would ent endthe war was swiftly rejected by those who don't want to see new leadership in gaza. >> trey live in israel. thank
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you so much and merry christmas, trey. migrants are pouring into chicago at unprecedented rates. texas governor sent more than 100 respondents to the city and threatening to sue what he calls rogue operators over what he calls rogue operating shipments. let's go to garrett who is live in chicago. how is the city housing its new migrants. >> reporter: chicago simply hasn't been able to keep up with the demand, and it has been a lot of trouble with the shell shelters where they are put migrants. last week, a five-year-old boy died, and six other people living at that same shelter, including four children were hospitalized. despite those claims and being overwhelmed, the mayor says all are well squmd rather than
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blaming the white house, he's blaming the texas governor greg ab abbott. >> we have a governor placing families on buses without clothes, wet, tired, hungry, afraid, traumaatized. the governor of texas needs to take a look in the mirror at the chaos he is causing for this country. >> to try to control the flow of migrants, they imposed tougher penalties for buses if they don't give the cities a heads-up they're coming or drop them off that has led to 100 citations. they have cited arora, who are in turn are sending them straight on to chicago. >> i've spoken with the mayor's
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office in chicago and expressed to them that based on them opening their arms and saying that they're a welcoming city in this particular case, we are going to forward folks because that's their final destination to chicago. >> seeing what chicago is facing due to its city status, aurora is trying to keep people from being dropped off or housed in their towns, but they say they will continue to ease the burden on burden towns by sending them to the cities of their choice. >> we've seen similar battles here in new york city between the city and government as well. merry christmas. >> merry christmas. for more on the border surge, let's bring the judge. thank you so much for talking
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with us and merry christmas to you. >> thank you, julie. i appreciate it. >> i need to talk about this crisis, under this president, under the past year, it has been 200 illegal immigrants come into this country. in fact, that's 10,000 to 12,000 per day. this didn't prolong the title 42 which didn't stop migrants at the border and send them back in the other direction. what is this president going to do in 2024 to prove to us that he will finally get a handle on the border. it is his last year in office. he is up against the presidential election and the humanitarian crisis on the border? >> i don't think he's going to do anything. he's shown that he's more willing to do what his open-border activeists want to do than what's best for the united states. he could stop this crisis model if he wanted to. it is policies that we could do that would end this, but he hasn't done that. and so there's nothing that shows
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he wants to end this crisis. he wants to continue because that's what the border activists want. >> yeah. i mean, at this point, you know, the president hasn't been to the border, yet, he did just meet with the mexencon president. they had a conversation. i don't know where that's going to go because if the border is not enforced on our side, it's not up to the mexican president to enforce it on his. apparently they're going to be meeting again, and it's going to be talks with our secretary of state. i want to read this from an actual migrant that said this, and this is why we are inviting migrants into this country because they think that they're entitled to be here. he said we've been waiting here for three or four months without an answer, traveling alone, having left his wife and child in his native honduras. he said hopefully with this march, because it's a 6,000 person march headed to the border, he said it will be a change and we have permission
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to head north. ehere's how perm permission works. you get in the back of the line and apply for a work visa and come in legally. you don't wait on the border for months and leave your children and expect you're entitled to be let in. this is the myxed message we're sending these migrants. >> yeah. we want to enforce the law. we want them to do this legally. we don't want them to jump the line. it's how the cartel makes billions of dollars. it's how they're able to get their drugs into the country to kill so many of our citizens. everything is drilled by organized crime, and they know what they need to do. they coach them to say exactly what they need to say to get released. that's the magnet that draws so many people. and like you said, we can't control what mexico does or venezuela or honduras or china. we can't
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control what anyone does except for what we do right here in this country. we can do what we can to secure the border. this president doesn't want to do it. it's all about politics. it's all about what he thinks will be best for him. it's about driving voters to the polls. he knows if he secures the polls tomorrow, the voters won't show up for him. that's why he does what he does. >> you know what it's about? it's aboutopics, and theopics is that the president will care about the border and go and send the secretary over to talk to the secretary president. apparently kamala harris is going to start talking about border patrol. she hasn't dawn thing. this administration hasn't done a thing. on friday, the president of mexico said that he's willing to work again with the u.s., but he wants to address the concerns of migration. and here's his concerns, and i want your thoughts on this. he urged the
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biden administration to ease restrictions on cuba and venezuela, where about 6,000 migrant encountered nation-wide hailed from. what is the u.s. to do? because this sounds like a quid pro quo. lessen those sanctions on communist leftist countries and cuba and venezuela and maybe you've got a deal. >> yeah. what mexico is trying to do is hold us hostage to ease sanctions on countries they want to work with. you can't do that with people who are trying to hold ultimatums over our head. mexico, while they will be a great country, and president trump has proved he can force them to be a great partner. they can't if they think that they're weak. he knows biden is weak, so he's going to try to exact what you
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said. he's going to get what he can, rather than do what's best for the united states. we have to look at this from our side of the border. if we were to do this, we would shut the border down tomorrow. >> judd, thank you so much. we appreciate you coming on. merry christmas again. >> merry christmas, julie. thank you. julie, israel's military expanding military operation in gaza as it presses ahead with the goal of destroying hamas, sequence for all. what will be the key for israeli forces in this next stage of the war? to duckduckgo on all your devie
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. now that israel's military has operational control over northern gauze oz, fighting has intense fight in southern gaza, and israeli casualties are growing as the idf fights hasmass militants. merry christmas and thank you so much for being here this morning.
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>> merry christmas, bryan. thanks for having me. >> let's start off with this new report from the wall tree journal. it says the idf was surprised with the vastness of the tunnel system in southern gaza, and it's going to take months to take control of the southern city. what do you make of the war, and what does the idea have to do? >> thanks, bryan. i don't think there are too many surprises left. i think what they're doing in southern gaza is a surprise. gaza city was the initial target and of course they weren't surprised by what was there. we've seen a terrorist base camp built in gaza strip, and had of the discoveries will come over time. and at this point, israel is still assuming a lot of casualties because of their desire to move methodically
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through the strip and itentirety. and the fact that they're doing the best they can to reduce acivilian casualties in the process. they're assuming a lot of risks. they don't need to, but they are. i guess at this point, it's a madder of clinical will. >> so what they're doing now is hopping out of the tunnels and aattacking. they're hopping out and going back in. the casualties are wracking up. we have 156 casualties and racking up since friday. how do you limit these casualties in these new guerilla tactics they're implementing in gaza? >> well, the first thing to remember is that it's not going to be the pace of war people expect, which means the shock and awe and moving quickly. the more you do this and methodically, the better chance
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you have in succeeding, and that's no surprise. they've been doing this since the idf in gaza strip. let's keep the pace slow and have to protect each other and keep an eye on everything. everything should be suspect at this point. this is what the military learned in iraq and specifically in bag dad and even afghanistan around the builtup areas. everything can be used against you, and you have to treat everything with suspicion at this point. that slows you down, and we have to expect that. >> you talked about the minister. he said this will be a long battle,b and it isn't close to being finished. he's getting pressure right now from the families of hostages that are in gaza, about 129 that are being held by hamas. he's getting pressure from around the world. what do you think the united states needs to do now. do you think it's political will here in the united states to support benjamin and the israelis for
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months on end. well, the first thing i think you have to do is stop send agmixed message and send a clear strategy and if they need help in the first place. we're sending a mixed message by saying we're on his side and at the same time saying we're going to submit a two point solution. and it shows we're not behind the idf as much as we say we are. so we have to really make that clear. we have to be behind israel, israel defense forces much we have to not at the same time look like we're fighting against them as well. >> from a military perspective here, what is the strategy, you think from the idf? they've maintained control from northern gaza and trying to hit conunit now. where do these folks go? that's the next question. they've hit gaza.
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and we know the president has talked about keeping the military force in israel. what's the objective because top leadership for hamas is still in place? >> i think israel has made it pretty clear what the objective is to hit gaza and strip it in itentirety. if you compress them more in the southern area of gaza, and if egypt isn't letting them out of the gates, all you're doing is trapping them at the corner. you're continuing to fight harder. that's why israel has to take its time and move through the area and clean out as it goes. what this is going to result in is that more of these hamas are going to die where they are. remember they're in leadership. the people pushing them to do this are safe in their hotels. so leadership is not there
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leadership-style. and hopefully we don't give them a public relations victory. >> hopefully they can limit these casualties as they continue to push through elsewhere. we'll see if the political will is in the united states here. and see if they support this mission. i appreciate it. merry christmas and happy holidays to you and yours. >> merry christmas. thank you. >> thank you. julie. if you have a cough that seems like it just won't go away, hello. here i am. we've got the lowdown on what is the problem and what you can do about it.
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>> brian: deadly gun fp fire at a shopping mall on christmas eve sparking panic as holiday shoppers run for cover. the senior correspondent with a live update. where did this happen clod ia, and what do we know. >> clodia: cops responded, and they say a disagreement between two groups became physical before it became deadly. >> best as we can tell at this point that there were two groups of individuals engaged in this fight before the shooting started. this was not an active shooter situation. this appears to have started again as an incident between two groups of people.
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claudia: police say they found a man shot to death in the mall. he has not been yet identified. two others were taken to the hospital with gunshot wounds and listed in serious condition and a woman is being treated for minor injuries. they have multiple people in custody who have not confirmed if the suspected shooter is among them. they say the situation is contained and no on-going threat to the community. this is the second shooting within days. christmas shoppers had to run for cover when shots rang out. one person died, and others were injured in what police call a targeted shooting. they say albert j. shell, jr. is on the loose, and they are putting out his picture and offering a 5,000 dollars reward. they are searching for a bystander who
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took evidence from the crime scene, a red hat police say belongs to the suspect and may contain valuable dna evidence. >> brian: should be pretty hard to find a red hat. hopefully they find it. merry christmas. >> claudia: merry christmas to you too. julie: are you like me and have a colted or flu and doesn't seem to go away? well, doctors say it is not unusual. that's a relief. why does it feel worse this year than past? i would like to know, and she is a family and emergency medicine doctor and fox news contributor. let me go down the list of what i've been dealing with? two months of rsv and germs in my house and the icing on the cake was covid last week. that's my two
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months in a nutshell. why are we constantly getting sick? i would think my immune system would be stronger by now? >> hey, julie. i'm glad you're getting better. believe it or not this is a normal thing for cold and virus infections. we are around people and this gives viruses more of a chance to spread among one another. even though it drops 5 or 6 degrees in temperature, it gives chance for viruses to spread from one person to another. and we have to look at multiple viruses. i'm diagnosed with covid, flu and all types of viruses, and sometimes you can have a back-to-back ininfection or unfortunate lay, two infections at once. i've diagnosed them with rhino virus or covid
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together. they had rhino virus and shortly after that covid and that's why your symptoms can linger. and we have to take into consideration we're experiencing an immunt gap, which is immunity debt. when we were masking or having a covid, pandemic lockdown, our bodies didn't see these infections as much as we used to. so we're getting back into the routine where we're seeing these viruses. sometimes it takes long for it to recover, but it's normal to take days and weeks and sometimes months for these symptoms to go away. the most common i'm seeing is sore throat, cough, fatigue and sometimes chest pain and for some people, they may develop secondary bacterial infection. you may have strep throat or
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immune infection. but the good news is that we have treatment for all of it and testing for all of it. we have moved in the right direction. we have anti viral medication if you're diagnosed with influenza, for example or covid. we also have new vaccines to help with rsv, which is what you recently recovered from. and of course, my mom is a registeredinose, and i always share home remedies of hot tea for your symptoms and keeping your hands washed and cleaned and not protecting your face. these are protective measures to not spread the virus and infections to other people. >> julie: i think if you have children, no matter how many times you wash your hands, you are going to get sick. i do encourage my children to wash their hands, but i wash minel all the time, and i still catch germs, so the whole washing thing, i want to talk more about the vaccines. i did have
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covid. of all of the last things i've had in the last three months, it's been since halloween, no joke, covid vaccine was nothing for me. would you recommend it or rsv vaccine? when you go to the doctor to get tested for covid and rsv, those are two separate swabs up your nostrils and two separate tests. there are two separate vaccines. do you recommend them? >> believe it or not, we do have one swab now that can check for multiple viruses. one that can check for rsv, flu, covid, simultaneously. so you have to ask your doctor for that. who should get vaccine? it's independent. it depends on your age and underlying medical condition, and with covid, we learnedt let's focus on the most vulnerable population, those with heart disease, diabetes, ongoing treatment, that sort of thing.
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you have diabetes or obesity. so it depends on your underlying risk factors on who should get vaccine for covid. and also if you had covid, you will have natural immunity. so you don't need to get it right away. rsv vaccine is recommended for those over the age of 60 and those born into high-risk time of the year. so talk to your doctor and pediatrician on what's best for you. and going back to precautionary measures, yes, sometimes it's inevitable. sometimes you may wash your hands all day long. and that doesn't help. but sometimes viruses can remain on key knobs and doorknobs. so not touching your face and staying home if you're sick. sometimes these measures altogether can can help. we've all had them, and for most of us, it's self-limitting, and we will get better. >> and let's not forget the flu. so you recommend the flu vaccine as well. and i don't know if you've heard of this
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epidemic, the man flu. is there any cure? >> yes with some tlc. i do recommend for influenza. it's not too late. get your flu shot for six-months of age or older. high, anthony? >> hi. >> it can minimize -- . >> tell him i said merry christmas. i love his pjs. i have the same one. >> i'll let him know that. i have. >> i have the same ones. but yeah. it's surprising it hasn't become a pandemic. thank you so much doctor. get back to your beautiful children, and we'll speak to you soon. >> merry christmas and happy holidays to you. >> brian, have you had the man flu? >> no. no man flu here. this is why i haven't visited you.
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new trouble is being spelled for president biden as he closes out 2023. what does it mean as we get set to enter a critical election year? >> this is captain headily, top notch surgeon. i would like to wish my wife jessica and daughter evie a very merry christmas and happy new year. love you, baby.
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. i just want to give a shoutout to my mom and dad back in kentucky. i just want to say i love you. merry christmas, and i can't wait to see you guise when i get back. julie: a blizzard in the northern plains could cause a travel nightmare for some folks this week. parts of colorado,
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nebraska and minnesota can get hit by as much as eight inches of snow. man, i wish we had that. more than 5,000 people are under blizzard warnings. this comes as triple aaa expects more than 115 million americans to travel 50 miles for their holiday plans. president biden closing out the year with another batch of dismal polls. it reveals that only 39% of americans approve of his job as president. that marks the lowest rating of any modern day president ahead of election year. let's bring in the advisor for the american republicans and the former democratic state senator. thank you both for being here. merry christmas to both you and yours. let's begin with the
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most obvious question here. what could possibly turn this around for president biden? when you're looking at theseb numbers, i mean, this is the fifth time he's been below 40% this year, guys. let's start off with david? >> david: yeah. i think these are not the poll numbers you want to see, but if you look closely at the polls, it says he's made a jump and jumped up two points since the came out. it's not great numbers, but president biden inherited a very difficult situation, whether domestic or foreign, with hamas, russia or florida. he's past legislation that made a difference. we hit record highs on the stock market last week, and we have record lows of unemployment. i think as the latest polls come out, we will see it soft squn biden start to do better. i think
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his messaging hasn't been working on the economy but his policy has. >> i mean, chris, he may have inherited a tough situation, and that is what the argument is from democrats. and these polls are showing time and time again that they disapprove on how he's trying to improve this nation and virtually on every single topic, the economy, immigration. what do you think is weighing him down most and what do you make of democrats who remain optimistic heading into 2024? >> yeah. ultimately, the approve rating is what young folks like me with call vibe check, and right now from the president, the vibes are back. and folks see him as weak or feeble or out of touch, and all of those are attached to real issues, like, the ones you mentioned. but ultimately, it's a vibe issue. folks aren't feeling the president's, you know, concern about their issues. they don't feel he's
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meeting the needs they have, and specifically, it's among young focus. my work with republicans, i work with young folks often, and that's where you see the real vibe issues happen, and the disaproval is increasing among young folks, which is an opportunity for democrats to win over young folks and turn over the polls next year. so the optimism seems a little from my colleagues. >> brian: yeah. there's a report that says the president is frustrated by these numbers. he's talking to his staff, and he doesn't understand why this is happening. he thinks these numbers are unacceptably low. he thinks and do you think he should go back to biden-nomics
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or abandon it entirely? >> no. it's a great point. the policy is working. the messaging is not. that's why the latest shift of saying hey, if you don't believe the latest of what i'm talking about, wait for donald trump, who would take away the henl mf care from millions of americans with this policy. and so negative campaigning works. it says i have passed this. you should feel good. he has passed it, but he's contrasting. and that's why you'll see him talk about it and what it means for the american people.
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>> brian: yeah. chris, they're saying -- they're hedging their entire campaign on this. they can't wait for trump. that is their entire message. >> chris: yeah. i got they're looking for an opportunity to go up against the president. this is a totally different environment. we're talking about a year of campaigning. i will say it's an opportunity for republicans not to sit on their world. i think when you see ratings rubing this for president biden, squiget it's this concern among us that compares to trump that will be issues or whatever. i say we go on offense on every issue. like i said with young folks, we care about picking off disaffected voters with the climate issue. and i think the reason that is because we can have young folks who care about the issue and clear up the problem and china is one of the biggest things you've seen
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people frustrated with with biden. you've seen words like too weak or too old. creating a contrast with a great issue of a political foe on a number of issues like climate or whatever, that creates opportunities we should pounce on and ultimately, that a lot of those comparisons wlaurbt of that negativity goes away when you have a positive vision that is articulated with the american people. >> and why isn't he resonating with his base? isn't that the concern here, young voters, american voters, black voters? >> i think people are specifically concerned over inflation and what going on overseas. >> they can stay home though. >> bridavid: they could, but
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young democrats are more more excited to come out. according to the american poll of politics, it shows young people are far more likely to stay home. we see president biden is still doing good with democrats. he's overwhelmingly performing with the primary candidates that he has, and so we always say we would like someone more younger and handsome and charming and check all the boxes. but that perfect candidate doesn't exist, and that's why they're rallying in soldearty behind president biden because he's walked the walk and talked the talk and delivered, whether it's a stock market or unemployment and real income going up. these are just the realities. and i say republicans are really in a bad position because all they're doing is attacking, attacking, attacking and not putting up policies. president biden is actually doing things, and of course, in politics, if you want to make an omelet, you've
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got to crack some eggs. >> brian: it is a bold statement, david, to say that about a president who has the lowest approval ratings in the modern era. and also his approval of democrats is down from 83% to 78%. it's not heading in the right direction. i understand your point. >> it's up with independence and up overall, that polling. >> brian: yeah. yeah. well, chris johnson and david, thank you for being here. merry christmas to you and yours. i appreciate it. >> david: merry christmas thank you so much. >> chris: merry christmas. one of the newest stadiums has already around a prestigious honor. we'll tell you how mercedes benz stadium has around a prestigious of
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platinum by recycling improvement. we'll tell you what that means th
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arrival. i want to give a shoutout to my wife and my son rhia and sebasttion over in chesapeake, virginia. hi, guys, love you. mer sidesies benz stadium became the first stadium to receive platinum certification. what does it mean? it sounds pretty impressive and important. >> reporter: yeah, julie. it means that almost every piece of waste from the stadium is recycled. with over 50 events and three million visitors every year, this is that much more impressive of an ignition.
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>> reporter: it is the first to receive this recognition. it means that at least 90% of all waste created inside the stadium is diverted from landfills. >> the goal is to get it before it goes down to the recovery room after it's resorted. >> reporter: efforts go beyond sorting, whether it's alume nm recycling. >> all of the proceeds from aluminum cans is donated to habitat humanity, and we build with that money. >> reporter: onsite gardens. >> everything is surfed basically through here. >> reporter: or even the offsite compost facility. >> the hot dogs turn into mulch, and we use that as . rrk all of that to build their
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sustainability play book. >> i believe once they see it, they will say we can do that too. it's important. >> reporter: officials say at mercedes benz, while it's great to be no. 1, the work is not finished yet. they say diverting 90% of waste is not the limit, and they hope to keep pushing boundaries and get better. julie. >> julie: madison, thank you very much. brian: the best thing about that stadium is that you get free refills there, which is awesome. a six-year-old child is separated from his parents after being put on the wrong flight. how it happened next.
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. i ran into the flight attendant, and i asked her where is my grandson? he was handed over to you in philadelphia. she said i have no kids with me. he said mom, i don't see you. i go


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