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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 26, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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it's about faith, it's about togetherness. you don't need a lot of fancy stuff or toys or gifts or whatever it is. you don't need a lot of fruitcake, that's for sure. all you need is the christmas spirit. and if you've got the christmas spirit, boy, you feel complete. and that's the meaning of christmas. a very merry christmas, america. you've earned it. that's right. doggone it. merry christmas. merry christmas to everybody. watching wish and everybody a blessed and merry, merry christmas. and to all a good night. have a merry, merry christmas. ♪ ♪ >> carley: a fox news alert,
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the u.s. tricking three facilities used by uranium backed militia in iraq. it comes after another attack on one of our bases and injured three service members and one is in critical condition. you are watching "fox and friends first" on this tuesday morning, i am carley shimkus and todd has a day off. the secretary lloyd austin said his prayers are with the brave americans who were injured and he said the administration will not hesitate to defend our people and our interest. robert charles is standing by with his analysis on this breaking news, but first david spunt has more from washington, hi, david appeared >> i mike mccarley one of those critically injured we don't know but we expect to learn more in the hours i had to pure the president with the strikes after u.s. forces came under attack by a drone according to national security sources, has split and other affiliated groups under the umbrella of iranian backed militants going for the attack. president biden briefed by
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national security team yesterday at camp david christmas day pure defense secretary lloyd austin put out a statement that said, "let me be clear we will not hesitate to take necessary action to defend the united states, or troops, and our interest and no higher priority while we do not seek to escalate conflict in the region but we are prepared to take further measures to protect their people and our facilities. the white house putting out a statement president places no higher priority than personnel serving in harm's way. the united states will act at a time and in a manner of our choosing should these attacks continue. the ads to a growing list of u.s. forces october 17th days after hamas targeted israel in the united states armed forces stood with israel. the text more dangerous than others like this one yesterday critically injuring a service member, to go whether service members sustain injuries
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as well. according to the official statement, not as severe. we will continue to watch, back to you. >> carley: david spunt live in washington, thank you. a assistant secretary of state for george w. bush, robert, good morning to you. what is your assessment this morning if our response to this attack that left three service members injured including one in critical condition? >> i mean it is definitely a step up, carley, from where we have been. iran is more risky and both iraq and syria and the rebels and not just international shipping but also hitting american sites. but the bottom line here, it is a proportionate response, it is clear, we have been consistent. in many ways, this is the right level of response that directly hits the party that in turn hit us. i think one of the things we have to be thinking about is this gets closer and closer to
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direct conflict with iran. these are proxy parties. hezbollah sub unit, the rebels and even those in syria iran support for islam, g hud out of gaza peered at the end of the day we have to be aware we are creeping to conflict with iran and that would change everything and take us back to a period similar to 1980s where a rainy and had to do decisive things with iraq. >> carley: do you think the strikes against the u.s. forces in iraq and syria will decrease as a result of what we just did? >> the goal always goal is to create deterrent so that they understand that there will be a rise in the cost to them. we obviously, israel is part of delivering that message. we are part of delivering that message. you know, the senior leader in
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syria lost last week from israel but the idea was for iran to stand down, stand back and back office support of these groups like hezbollah. because the next step up, honestly, is a step similar to what ronald reagan did in the 1980s, october 87 he initiated operation and in april of '88 and we directly hit iranian naval assets and took out half of the iranian navy. i think iran needs to be careful. we keep stepping up and what will happen is proportionate response is to create will actually increase in their intensity and probably get closer to iran itself. >> carley: you mentioned this leader just killed but i wanted to ask about that according to irani and state media, they took this guy down. he is responsible for
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coordinating the military alliance between syria and iran. apparently was a friend of who died in a drone strike in 2020 at the hands of the united states. iran's president say that israel will pay the price for killing this guy. does that mean that israel's war widened or escalated in any way that we should know about? >> i think escalation is always a concern, carley and we should think about that hour-by-hour not just day by day and week by week. iran is intent on pushing the envelope, but i think it is a good thing the biden administration in concert with israel is responding and that israel responded to the page actually from the trump book. so lonnie and took somebody obviously proactive element in g instability across the region. we have instability in syria, iraq, the red sea and obviously
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gaza and perimeters of all of those parts of the world and we have an arena missile that hit a commercial vessel in the indian ocean. so there is a clear propensity for escalation. but the idea of responding proportionately is that you make it clear that the cost will be direct. they are going to be significant, and if you keep pushing the envelope, the pushback will get stronger and harder. ultimately, that is what we know. that is how you deter. but the answer is yes, it takes us another step up towards direct conflict with iran. iran needs to back off and stop the aggression. >> carley: you do mention there is uncertainty in the red sea and major focal point of conflict right now where forces are attacking these commercial ships, 15 ships have so far been attacked by forces with the help
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of iran pure "the wall street journal" said they have a new front in the battle between israel and hamas. and are just the latest test of washington's ability to support its closest middle east allies while trying to continue the conflict from spilling over into a regional war. apparently, there is debate within the biden administration how to handle these houthi strikes on ships in the red sea because the biden administration feels the houthis or a wild card. how do you think we should respond? >> i think it is not that complicated. you have 12% of all the international commerce going through the red sea. in these houthi rebels are not just supported by iran but they are directly acting on iran's direction. there are moments come from iran. what we need to do was put together a coalition force led by the united states similar to the force called ernest will used by reagan in the '80s.
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we need to make clear we will protect commercial shipping in the red sea like we did the persian gulf like we do in the south china sea and all over the world. because free markets and freely creating countries need to be on her. they certainly don't need to be hit by iranian drones. >> carley: robert charles, thank you for joining us in sharing your perspective. we appreciate it. merry christmas to you and your family, have a great day. the conflict here at home as hundreds of pro-palestinian protesters shut down the street in midtown manhattan and clashed with the police as they demand a cease-fire in the middle east. ♪ ♪ some protesters also heard shouting "christmas is
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canceled." six arrests reported and not clear if officers injured. the reports nypd and level with free mobilization in the second highest alert level for the department. so did you and your family discuss politics at christmas? there is certainly a whole lot to chew on with another election around the corner. here to tell us what she thinks was driving the conversation around the dinner table. did you see this? >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> carley: [laughter] colorado's governor got a lot of attention for that interesting performance. we will tell you what people are saying about that. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> carley: another presidential election is just around the corner. and there was a lot for families to talk about this christmas from president biden's historically low approval rating is to former president trumps multiple legal battles. janelle king is the cofounder of
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a "let's win for american action." janelle, good morning to you. merry christmas spirit the one hand low historical ratings and the other hand 91 felony indictments. how do you think these conversations went last night? it could be an indicator of the 2024 election plays out. >> good morning, carley, merry christmas to you. i can tell you what my conversation was here in my home. it was around voter apathy. i think that is something we are not talking about. a lot has to do with what you mentioned. you have joe biden anywhere poorly continuing to descent and no one is doing anything about it. and then you have on our side, we are having to position ourselves to defend some of these indictments i have come down the pipeline as well. a lot of voters are feeling disconnected, and i do believe that is something that will play a major role in 2024. especially when you start talking about third-party options.
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but a lot of voters are feeling disconnected because when you look at the christmas dinner, there were some people that had to leave some things out and others who feel like the cost -- it cost me in order to get the food to the table which is way too much not to mention there are a lot of people and educated around what is happening. the democrats not having the primary at all although there are primary candidates. there was a lot of that going on. like i said, the overall voter apathy and a lot of people feel like they are not being heard. the american people as a whole are being pushed out of the conversation. he was leaving it right now, consultants, money, and a whole lot of things not connected to the heart of the issues. >> carley: you mentioned the third party candidate. just when you thought everybody who had announced they are running for presidential election in 2024 has, you have senator joe manchin speaking at this event in new hampshire typically reserved for
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presidential -- and he has left the door open and the past year speaking to sean hannity. take a listen to this. >> is this two month tour a part of a tour for you yourself? are you considering or would you consider running on no labels party for president in 2024? >> sean, first of all, i will never be a spoiler trying to throw the race one way or another to take advantage or not take advantage. that is not who i am. >> carley: he said he's not a spoiler but he didn't say he wouldn't run. what do you think will happen here? >> i think he is waiting to see how the numbers will shake out. a while back we saw a poll 70% of the overall voting electorates either biden or trump you are 21% said they do not want biden or trump. that is 17% in 2020. not to mention 41% of the voters
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if acting of the quinnipiac poll that came out 41% of voters state that they are willing to vote for trump. i'm sorry, willing to vote for biden, should there be an indictment. there were issues with trump as well as there should be a third-party candidate that they don't feel strong enough. here we are in a very interesting conundrum here. i think looking at independent voters is key. it goes back to the voter apathy. if they don't feel like they could be heard on the two-party system, they go on the third party system. joe manchin is one of those individuals that can shake some things up. he has a moderate record -- obviously he voted on the democrat side but appears to be a little bit more moderate peer that will play a role for him. i know he's claiming that up. he is testing the waters with other candidates that may be looking as well. >> carley: he certainly has been testing the waters for some time here the clock is ticking.
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maybe this time to dive in if you are going to. janel, thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. in massive migrant caravan with 8,000 strong and growing heading to the southern border. griff jenkins spoke with an activist traveling with a caravan, and he is here to tell us what he knows coming up next. ♪ ♪ (whimpering) - it's okay. - don't be scared. - let's go. - that's a good job. - can i see him? - this is our home - and this is our room.
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our future will demand more energy than ever. and with innovations in natural gas and oil, america can deliver. but washington keeps pushing extreme policies that limit america's energy. their plan? restrict oil and natural gas produced in america. government mandates for how we fuel our cars and cook our food. a future where energy could be less reliable and more expensive. tell washington - stop the extreme policies and let american energy deliver.
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♪ ♪ >> carley: secretary of state antony blinken and homeland security alejandro mayorkas to meet with the president of mexico tomorrow. it comes has 8,000 migrants headed to the southern border. it is the biggest caravan so for this year and growing. griff jenkins spoke with the activists accompanied the caravan and he joins us now, good morning to you. what did he say to you? >> good morning, he has been organizing caravans for fox and traveled 7,000 miles through those honduras, guatemala, all
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of mexico in the southernmost part of mexico at guatemala. in 2018, 2019 incense. he believes that migrants should have a path to the u.s. and the u.s. should do more to help migrants from countries where there is this credible fear throughout in this caravan of 8,000 were larger as they go through mexico more will gather up. remember there is a pipeline and not just 8,000 but five, six, 10,000 a day all across the border. but this caravan is largely cubans and haitians largely various times under her hands and not so much they are. but he wants to get multiple close to mexico city where they will feel pressure. with migrants on the way and they want to see the u.s. extend more opportunities for migrants to come to the u.s. >> carley: i was reading this
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caravan they are holding signs that say exodus from poverty so is talking about fear threats but a lot of people were coming to the united states for economic reasons. i believe he is the same guy that told the bbc and i thought this quote was interesting. he said the problem is southern border with guatemala is open. 800-1000 people are crossing daily. if we don't get out, the town will collapse. even he leading this group of illegal immigrants is acknowledging they are causing a major economic problem in southern mexico purities talk about the fact the border between mexico and guatemala is wide open. >> it is. literally there is a river and it separates guatemala and pay 5-10 pesos to cross on a raft and literally mexican immigration police to stop them in the town which is this have for migrants. they don't allow them to work. they will set up in the streets and try to make inns meet before they ultimately make their
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journey north to the u.s. here is the dirty secret, the focus of the conversation with mexico and that is mexico is a transit company and they want the migrants in the u.s. to get jobs and move quickly, move it along, move quickly through with so many on top of the town. it is an economic drag in the town itself which is a pretty big city in mexico. so, i think what you will see is activists become louder and louder because they have gotten leverage here. they are putting pressure on the mexican government, which by the way he is out of money. the immigration folks, that is part of the reasons they are not helping so much. so they will lean in mexico to try to do more, even though they are out of resources while resources are stretched two points we have never seen before. >> carley: what is your expectation for this meeting between alejandro mayorkas, antony blinken, and the mexican
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president? >> i think the mexican president is outgoing, he's done after six years. and under the trump administration, we threaten harsh economic penalties. this administration has not threatened that. and the mexican president will ask to do more in the way of granting asylum to migrants like cuba, haiti, venezuela, right? they are coming from countries the u.s. knows repatriation agreements with them although we have began venezuela under a special agreement. but i think ecuador will do whatever they can, like i said as quickly as possible so they don't become a drag on mexico's economy. in the u.s., by the way, reporting the center for immigration studies put out 59% of illegal alien households are on welfare in the u.s. so mexico does not want that
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problem with illegal aliens and their country. >> carley: so final question here, if this is becoming -- if illegal immigration is becoming a drag on the economy, why doesn't the mexican president shut down between mexico and guatemala, a simple solution? >> he doesn't have the resources. >> carley: he doesn't have the border patrol resources? >> he doesn't have the resources internally to do it. but ultimately, there is also political part of it, which is he doesn't want to be seen as being negative towards the migrants. he wants to be open arms, we welcome you on your journey on mexico to the u.s. >> carley: the mexico political calculation is an important part of the story never discussed. it is important to hear you know so much about it, griff. >> i observed a lot of time. and they called [speaking non-english language] basically someone to move the caravan along and i will tell you in the final point, the
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mexican independent journalist from time and equal pass a few weeks ago, he's interviewed migrants on the mexican side. he says that none of them mention credible fear. all of the mentioned jobs. >> carley: it is a topic that you cover so well. stay right there because we will talk about it in a little bit. let's talk about the weather. blizzard warnings across central u.s. the storm expected to bring strong winds, snow for tomorrow and likely cause major travel delays for millions of travelers. nebraska state patrol sharing photos of 18-wheelers that slid off the road and partially blocked interstate 80. down in the southeast, heavy rain is still pouring down several states already face a flash flood risk. meteorologists here with the rest of our fox weather forecast, adam, a lot of precipitation ac across the country. >> a big mess and it depends what side of the country you are on. the later colors to the east are
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the 40s and 50s but deep blue falling into the 30s. that is where we see the blizzard so far. what is still snow spinning across the highlands, nebraska, dakotas and all those folks who saw a ton of snow, still pulling in that region. everything you are looking at here from the orange does cover large portions of the dakotas down to nebraska. that is a whiteout conditions and still heavy, the winds are an important part of the spirit and snow on the ground is going to continue to drift. these are getting wind gust up into the 40 and 50-mile-per-hour range. incredibly windy conditions and even 60 miles per hour here that will cause any of the snow to continue to drift and driving dangerous. of flying, basically the same spots a couple of delays. some delays for today for folks waiting a little bit longer to head back. this whole system treks itself across the country the next couple of days. that is where we will see the best risk of slow down. no blizzard but the cold air
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stays input. we will see the storm sweep across the country. >> carley: some people will have a white christmas it sounds like. how did you spend yours? >> i was here in the city, but like a week ago, i was able to go back and see my family. >> carley: these are your nieces? your brother's kids, right? >> i was here working like a week ago when i saw my nieces. >> carley: you are a cute uncle and they love you. so excited to see you. you know, how did you spend your christmas? i knew it. the three of us were altogether. what about you? this is a cute video. >> and was checking in on my family and i have two daughters and a wife and a dog. unfortunately, rasco had a fantastic family and a scarf. that is my oldest daughter, madeline, with a selfie and rascal got a duck toy. he got that and a jacket.
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he fared well. i'm not sure exactly how the daughters fared. i think there was a little bit of a fight over the gifts, which i cannot take credit for creating that problem. overall -- >> carley: you can't take credit? >> today is boxing day. in the u.k. it started because the lord's ladies had christmas. so the staff, you know, had to work on christmas. boxing day to celebrate the day after christmas. happy boxing day to everyone in the u.k. in the caribbean. that is a huge part. >> carley: an open question for those like christmas and boxing day. a holiday that we can get attached to. i also like that you talked about your dogs more than your daughters. >> being a dog, you can only
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have so many endeavors. >> carley: it was my first christmas. he left the tissue paper, boy, oh, boy, a ton of fun peer that is my husband and my son. he's getting so big. a restaurant that we went to and one he absolutely destroyed the paper. coming up, this was really how christmas was with my family. that was another one. before the presents were opened. this was my favorite. he was so excited. tissue paper is his everything. >> brock will get this down toa science. >> carley: brock had the best christmas of all of us. totally. the tissue paper, the boxes, he was all over it. the gifts he played with it but that was where the real fun was. >> wrapped in the plastic that pops and has the bubbles? >> carley: no, and i don't know if he has had a bubble wrap encounter. that is a great idea.
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brock is celebrating his boxing day. i will love it. guys, merry christmas. i will speak to you all morning long but we have more politics to get to president biden airing frustrations with the media has he left washington for vacation. watch this. >> about the economy, what is your look this next year? >> all good. >> carley: beverly hallberg is on deck to respond to that. hi, beverly. ♪ ♪
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with 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins. and... new gold bond healing sensitive. clinically shown to heal & moisturize dry, sensitive skin. gold bond. ♪ ♪ >> carley: president biden still campaigning on bidenomics, even though some of his allies wish he wasn't. here is his respond about people upset about the economy. >> about the economy, sir, what is your outlook this next year? >> all good. go report at the right way. >> carley: for president with fellow independent women's forum beverly hallberg joins me. good morning to you. what do you think about that response? he says the economy is all good but the reporting that is the issue. >> well, it almost feels like the gaslighting of the leader of the free world at this point because all one has to do is do a little google search to see
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most media outlets reporting the number of the biden administration is putting out. they say bidenomics is strong. the problem is cherry-picked data does not match the people's lived experience. a fox news poll shows republicans and independents but actually 61% of democrats do not think the economy is strong. so i think biden would do better if instead of scolding americans and reporters for not believing the numbers that they actually took a look at his own economy and actually improved america's life because it's not matching reality right now. >> carley: that is a good point and 40% of voters feel they have been helped by president biden's economic and 44% of voters think the economy will get worse next year and 31% say it is going to stay the same. not only do people think that president biden hasn't helped them but they don't think it
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will help in the future either. asking a lot of you and this next question, beverly what do you think the president should do to change this? >> he has to look at what has really happened. why is the data so off? why is he selling something not matching the reality? part of it is looking at so-called millions of jobs he's created. the administration is counting people who just went back to work after being forced out of their job during covid. take a look at inflation. inflation has cooled. that is true, but it doesn't count for the 40 year high last year. a lot of people put charges on credit cards and the feds raised interest rates. you have a lot of people cost of goods are still high. he will continue to sell byte in economics and not matching reality. the biggest problem the administration did was call it a fight an end all mix. you can't say it's trumps economy anymore.
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he has to own it. it is not working. >> carley: it has his name in it. what were they thinking? and what is really interesting president biden canceled $132 billion of student loan debt. he did that for youth voter support. and polling shows young people still don't think he's canceled enough. he's got a youth voter problem. a lot of young people in swing states are the reason he's president today. what will happen in 2024? >> a lot of young people expect this to be the expected thing. but i think he also has another problem when you look at working-class americans, plumbers, electricians, hairstylists. they are the ones paying extra in taxes for somebody else's college bill. why should working-class americans who didn't need to go to college to have this career that they have beat on the hook for paying off his college debt? i think it is going to be mixed when you look at the swing states, a lot of swing state
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blue-collar workers in the youth he's going for. a lot of people have an issue with the age of the president. a lot of tricky things as we head into an election year. it is going to get interesting. >> carley: really quickly on that, a lot of people have issues on his age and rightfully so. he will be 86 years old if he wins a second term and on the campaign trail. the biden campaign announced at the start of 2024, which leaves serious room for error with the president. how do you think that will go? >> i think there will be more errors because no matter what his staff do to try to prep him, it is obvious to everybody watching he is not on the top of his game. i think it is going to run its course. it will be interesting to see the republican nominee who have whoever that happens to be. if they will push for a debate seeing biden on the debate stage at this point will prove to make interesting sound bites that i'm sure you play on circulation on
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fox news. >> carley: absolutely. president biden's campaign manager has not committed to president biden debating in any of the presidential debates in 2024. it is certainly going to be a while. beverly, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. have a great day. always great to hear from you. turning to sports, the baltimore ravens are officially the best t in the nfl after scoring -- after soaring to victory over the san francisco 49ers. >> they toss, jensen, a touchdown! speak with the defense stepping up forcing interceptions and the ravens win 33-19. a flight to victory, the philadelphia eagles or another victory with their rival new york giants. >> second antenna, a three-man rush, slips wide open, touchdown for philadelphia. >> carley: the giant struggled on offense and they would lose
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33-25. it was a rough day for the kansas city chiefs losing to the las vegas raiders that home. >> he has picked off and this one's going back for a touchdown! >> carley: the raiders defense controlled the game and the chiefs kept them from clinching but taylor swift was in attendance but only come up with five catches for 44 yards, the raiders win 20-14. there she is with number 87 on her signature hat, very cute, cute. alexandria, okc is told the story and a lot had to say about her version of events. we will tell you what she said and mike huckabee is here to react.
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♪ ♪ >> carley: oh, boy, which look at this? colorado governor with a lot of questions after posting this video of himself singing police navidad.
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♪ ♪ >> carley: i'm going to give him a capital e for effort. on his official spanish x account and most of the comments calling it cringeworthy. the video comes after hundreds of migrants dropped in denver from the border. there is some political criticism of that performance there. and a florida woman's practical joke is going viral. watch this. >> that seemingly harvest gingerbread man swings into action and startles her driver as he walks back to the truck beer the woman who posted the video said she just wanted to play a prank and the driver said the joke made his day. that would scare the living daylights out of me.
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also this from social media, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez is being criticized for invoking the israel hamas war into a christmas message. she wrote in part, "in the story of christmas was born in modern-day palestine under the threat of government engaged in a massacre of innocence. thousands of years later, right wing forces are violently occupying bethlehem has similar stories unfold for today's palestinians, so much so, the christian community in bethlehem has canceled this year's christmas celebration out of fear for their safety and respect. former consultant governor mike huckabee joins me now to respond to that. i'm sure you have a lot of thoughts, governor. what do you think about her christmas message? >> there is a lot to unpack and that, carl e. is she not aware that was jewish? is she not aware of the term palestinian meant jewish people until 1962 when yasser arafat
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clicked of the term and created a nation and made up of people? and called them the palestinians who were previously jordanian? is she aware at all of the fact that when she talks about how bethlehem is not letting the christians celebrate christmas. back in the poster. these and i was going there since 1973 but up in the '80s come 80% of the population of bethlehem was christian and 20% was something else. now it is 80% muslim. there was only about 15% christian because the christians were pretty much burned out and shut down by the radical muslims who took it over back during -- this is a person orderly ignorant about what she was talking about. she may do something she knows like bartending because for gosh sake, she has no clue about the history of the middle east, the jewish people, the state of
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israel are virtually anything else that she talked about. >> carley: she talked about the massacre of innocence without mentioning october 7th as well. i understand you were just in israel and you said 75 days in this war after october 7th, you could still smell the death -- you could still smell death in the air. how horrible. i was that experience for you? >> carley come it was one of the most asked sobering experiences of my life. i thought i was kind of prepared for what we would see and hear from the people. we talked to survivors. we talk to families of hostages to idf soldiers. spent time with the prime minister. but i wasn't prepared for the emotional impact of just seeing firsthand walking through the village of coffer, as a one of the first ways of hamas terrorist who came in and slaughter people. i can't describe on television some of the things done to innocent people.
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i'm talking babies, little children, women, elderly people. it was not just a murderer. it was a slaughter, a humiliation, mutilation of their bodies. people from gaza came over and looted the homes. having to step over the bodies and the body parts of dead israelis in order to go to the refrigerators and take their food and go into the cupboards and closets and take things and then go back into gaza. it is the most uncivilized act of atrocity that we have probably seen in our lifetime. just beyond measure. for anybody to defend this and scream from the river to the sea, it is not just anti-semitism but anti-humanity. this is evil in its most grave form. >> carley: a lot of people are shouting from the river to the sea, especially on college campuses. and there is major backlash now happening in harvard. apparently, former and current
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harvard faculty are now pressuring members of the harvard board. it is an 11 member panel called the harvard corporation for standing by president claudine gaye and they spoke to "the wall street journal" but one medical school dean said they are under pressure, that is obvious. they are the fiduciary body and no one will deny that harvard's reputation has taken a substantial hit in the world on its watch that this is happening. what do you think will happen to harvard, the future of the university college campuses in general? this is happening pretty much across the board and also what will happen to claudine gay. >> if they don't wake up and find their moral compass come i would hope parents would say, "i might send my kids to a lot of places including a community college but i will not waste money to send my kid to a place that will turn him into an idiot." why would i pay a thousand plus a year to be a total jolt when it comes to the realities of
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history. yes, they should fire her but the board ought to resign in disgrace for not already having done it. they must recognize harvard's history is training christian ministers. i don't think they have a clue what their history was pure they were certainly not living up to it now. >> carley: a lot of folks are thinking twice about sending their kids to ivy league which i thought i would never say. thank you for joining us and have a great day. a look at what is coming up on "fox and friends first," hi, joey. the morning after christmas u.s. forces striking back after service members are wounded and one critically and yet another attack from irani and proxy forces. we will have a live report at the top of the hour and insight from cory mills what it means for escalating tensions in the region. plus reported 15,000 migrants heading straight for the southern border as the top biden officials to meet with the president officials and a report
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on the record surge. all of this and we will show you how to protect your privacy on new holiday gadgets. gordon chain on the latest efforts of secrets in tammy bruce with insight as joe mentions 2024 and review. as he goes to new hampshire on "fox and friends." stay tuned. . .
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