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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  December 26, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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injuries but the presents were going into the water. first responders sprang to action and managed to salvage most of those gifts. the sheriff's office said they hope that their efforts made the family's christmas, quote, a little bit brighter despite the crash. i'm sure it did. what a story, mike. >> mike: sorry about the car, but the good news is they rescued christmas and obviously thank god the people weren't hurt. that's really wonderful news. >> claudia: that's right. what a great job by those first responders and great news for that family. >> mike: pleasure being with you today. thank you for watching this special edition of "america's newsroom." "the faulkner focus" is up next. here is julie banderas, who is in for harris today. julie, have a great show. [shouting]
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>> julie: thousands and thousands of migrants are currently trekking through mexico headed for the southern border right now as we speak. it is the largest caravan in over a year and it comes as law enforcement at the border is struggling to process a record number of crossers. i'm julie banderas in for harris today and you are watching a special edition of "the faulkner focus." this migrant march north comes ahead of secretary of state antony blinken's trip south tomorrow. he will sit down with the mexican president and identify ways both countries will address border security challenges. but the "new york post" editorial board is not so hopeful calling out the president's lack of action writing this, i quote. biden can stop migrant caravan heading to the border if he cared. the administration's inaction can be seen in the historic numbers at the border.
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more than 241,000 migrant encounters so far this month alone. approximately 79,000 known gotaways. republican congresswoman laura lee of the house homeland security committee here. >> there is no reason at this point to have any confidence that joe biden actually wants to secure the border. the solutions are simple. we had them during the trump administration. we need to build a wall and have a physical barrier and need to be enforcing our laws and policies like remain in mexico to stop this unprecedented flood. >> julie: william la jeunesse joins us with the latest on this story. >> the picture that you paint is the best christmas president an immigrant could hope for. instead of being turned back at the border, detained, deported or forced to wait in mexico, most who are encountered over the weekend got a blanket, food, bus or plane ticket to almost any city of their choice in the u.s. and six months from now a work permit. so the video here is eagle pass,
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texas, which processed 10,000 migrants over the weekend. mostly from central america. >> the president of the united states must help us. we are migrants. in reality, some of us only go to the u.s. for four, five, six, seven years and then return to our country. for this reason, we demand that joe biden help us. >> in many ways he is. when president trump left office the border patrol apprehended 30,000 migrants a month. most were deported and forced to remain in mexico. they went home. agents are apprehending 30,000 migrants every four days as the administration uses humanitarian catch and release to handle the vast majority of those they encounter. >> he could stop this crisis tomorrow if he wanted to.
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there are simple policies enforcement activities we can do that would end this but he hasn't done this. nothing shows that he wants to end this crisis. >> what is not helping are selfies and videos of bus loads of migrants arriving in new york and chicago beamed around the world encouraging men and women from west africa, china, south america to follow. the caravan that you just saw moments ago leaving mexico and the guatemala border a few days ago there are 6,000 headed to the u.s. a caravan will double as it goes through central america. then it appears to dissipate as different groups and cartel-sponsored buses begin to siphon off large groups heading to different places along the border. el paso and others. the caravan is a focal point, mexico is a non-stop highway of migrants every hour, every day. the only traffic jam is at the u.s. border.
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back to you. >> julie: william la jeunesse, thank you. new york congresswoman nichole malliotakis sits on the house foreign affairs committee, as well as the ways and means committee and she joins me now. thank you so much for coming on. i just want to talk about these numbers. 241,000 migrants in one month alone is ridiculous. if i -- i don't know if you just heard in the report just now, an illegal immigrant is asking joe to help them. as if he is entitled obligated to help them. he is by opening the border. why not, if biden really cared, okay, why not reinstate title 42 and allow these migrants to remain in mexico until they go through the process legally? >> these individuals feel entitled because the president is putting them before american citizens and he is putting them before the individuals patiently waiting in a system that applied and done everything right. as a matter of fact, he is
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scheduling these asylum appointments who paid the cartels. he incentivized this mass migration. unsustainable. unsafe. they aren't being property vetted and it is bankrupting cities like mine in new york where the mayor insists on providing free housing and services. >> julie: "the new york times" pateing this picture of the situation. chaos, fury, mistakes, 600 days inside new york's migrant crisis, more than 150,000 people have arrived in less than two years throwing the city into crisis, missed opportunities made things even harder. and plus the "new york post" with this obtaining data that shows the amount of migrants showing up for new york city identification cards actually just hit a record. a major step in them becoming
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residents of the city. 82,000 sign-ups from january 1st to december 15th of 2022. that's over 112,000 during that same period this year when the migrant crisis was at its worst for the big apple. it is one of the democratic cities in the country bearing the brunt of this illegal migrant crisis. it was covid that drove out the tourists and residents that paid taxes here and now it's the migrants. these democratic leaders are allowing our cities to go down the toilet in the process. >> they continue to incentivize more individuals to come to new york city by offering free housing and services and that even american citizens don't receive in the city. as a matter of fact i had veterans and seniors kicked out of an assisted living facility and it turned around and entered a shady deal with the mayor to
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house these individuals. you mention something interesting about the i.d. cards. many individuals coming to the city don't have proper documentation. we don't know who they are or where they came from and they are using often time false i.d. now you give them a legitimate government i.d. card that gives them access to city buildings and schools. it is concerning that they are handing out these i.d. cards. furthermore in the contracts for these migrant shelters, they are actually saying the contractors have to register individuals to vote. it says all individuals at the facility need to be registered to vote. it doesn't say citizens. it says all individuals. they are saying this is a boilerplate statement put in all their contracts. think about that wording, right? and the reality is they get work authorization within 30 days they can be registered to vote if the mayor succeed in winning the lawsuit we have with him right now trying to stop a law that bill deblasio put into
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effect that would allow anyone with work authorization to vote. we won the first round. the mayor is appealing. it's concerning they are giving out i.d.s to help them register to vote and participate in municipal elections. >> julie: one of the migrants say they come to the country for only a short period of time. that's not true. you are stuck here. they don't go back. they know if they stay here for six years and go back they will never be allowed back in again unless they go through illegally once again. that's not true. we're basically feeding an illegal workforce at the expense of our taxpayers. i have to move on to northwestern university becoming a latest college to face backlash over its gross handling of anti-semitism on campus in the wake of hamas's october 7th attack on israel. a nonprofit advocacy group has launched this ad campaign over the rising hostility toward
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jewish students. let's watch. >> northwestern university endorsing anti-semitism? students and faculty groups at northwestern resoundingly support hamas terrorism. even after at least 1200 men, women and children were tortured, raped and slaughtered on october 7th. >> julie: pressure is growing on harvard's president claudine gay to resign. a fox news headline 2023 was the year campus anti-semitism finally got its reckoning after college students cheer for terrorism. i want to talk about claudine gay, the president. first of all. she has only been there since july 1st. she is already threatening the school and the board, essentially they are calling for her resignation saying i'm not going anywhere. if you force me out, i will sue. my thoughts. let her sue. she sat before congress and actually denied that calling for the genocide of jews by college students was okay. she did not actually denounce
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that at first until she came out with a statement 48 hours later. she is essentially supporting hate speech. for the genocide of jews. she thinks her job is safe? i think not. >> these universities have gone woke. they've been indoctrinateing students for quite some time and now we see the anti-semistism that has been allowsed to fester on campuses. i'm glad congress is calling out the universities beginning with harvard's president. we need to do more. we see big donors pull funding which is great but we need to think about pulling federal funding if they allow professors to spew this anti-semitism and allow for these anti-semitic rallies to take place. if they threaten the lives of jewish students. we need to take action and we can do that by pulling federal funding. prohibit federal student aid from being used at those
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universities. we also need to pull the visas from individuals participating in this anti-semitism from other countries. i am introducing legislation to do all three of these things. we need to hold the universities and college presidents accountable. >> julie: this is just blatant racism, okay? first of all we talk about an african-american woman who is the president of an elite university, harvard university, okay? if the tables were turned and let's say that this were a white president and blacks were being victimized and treated the way that jews are being treated right now, i believe it would be a very different story. would you agree? >> well look, we're seeing other college presidents continue to allow this type of activity to take place. northwestern is a perfect example as you highlighted before. the bottom line here is regardless of where it's coming from, there needs to be accountability. i'm seeing that the pressure
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continues to mount and i think at the end of the day she will be forced to resign. the board should just fire her. we don't need someone who says that it's maybe a violation of campus policy to act in an anti-semitic manner at one of the most elite college in our country. the example needs to be made here and quickly. >> julie: congresswoman nichole malliotakis, thank you for talking to us. >> thank you. >> julie: the u.s. retaliated against hezbollah terrorists as attacks on u.s. troops grow to more than 100 since mid october. we're live in israel with a the latest on the ground there. a special prosecutor in trump's federal election case knocked down by the supreme court. >> the supreme court even the democrat justices saw through
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this. an accelerated process for no reason other than jack smith is trying to get trump any way he can. >> julie: now lawyers for the former president are fighting to get an appeals court to throw out the case entirely. fox news legal editor carey urban in "focus" next.
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immunity. that leaves it in the appeals court's hands and potentially delays the trial's march 4th start date. critics like former director of national intelligence says smith's pursuit of swift justice is a partisan ploy to keep trump out of the white house. >> i would argue that jack smith lost more than just a legal issue at the supreme court. he lost credibility. i think this was nakedly partisan and overtly political and it was revealed to the supreme court that that's how jack smith is operating. >> julie: david spunt is in washington with more on this. >> the former president says the charges should be dropped because he is covered by absolute immunity. his attorneys said he was president at the time of the alleged crime. page 19 of the 71 page filing his team writes president trump
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has absolute immunity from prosecution for his official acts as president. the indictment alleges only official acts so it must be dismissed. the former president's attorney general william barr over the weekend gave his thoughts on this claim that trump is indeed immune. watch. >> if you are performing an official function, the president has absolute immunity. i think that has to be protected. i support that. the real question here is what was the function he was performing when he was doing these things after the election? and the government's position is going to be that he was a candidate. he was acting as a candidate, not really as president. >> the plea comes to the appeals court after the supreme court declined to hear arguments over whether the former president is immune. they may still hear arguments but after the appeals court does on january 9th. this is clearly a delay for special counsel jack smith. it likely means the march 4th trial will be pushed back.
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it wanted it to happen march 4th the day before super tuesday. now this could push things back especially if the supreme court could hear arguments even later in the spring, perhaps early summer, julie. >> julie: thank you so much. carey urban, fox news legal editor joins me now and serves for public affairs for attorney general bill barr. let's talk about whether you believe the president and his attorneys are accurate when they state that he should be immune because of the alleged crimes that he is being accused of occurred while he was president. would you agree? >> there is longstanding president that a president does enjoy absolute immunity when operating and performing their official duties. the question before these courts is in the weeks around the election and leading up to january 6th, was he operating in his official capacity as president or was he acting as a
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person campaigning to be reelected? if he was acting as a person campaigning to be reelected it would not be considered official duties as president of the united states. so it's an interesting question. one that hasn't been examined before. interesting to see how the courts decide on that issue. >> julie: there is also the colorado state supreme court decision to block trump from the ballot in that state. senator ron johnson reacted this way and i'll have you react. >> radical leftism has infiltrated every institution in this country. the courts, the education system, government agencies. it is a real problem. that's what needs to be rooted out. radical leftism. >> julie: there are more than a dozen other states that are considering similar measures. so at this point if colorado takes trump's name off the primary, okay, and then all these other states do, they are basically having a say in the future election. it will fall in the hands of the supreme court bust right now
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it's in the -- what is the next stage at this point? do you actually see the supreme court getting involved and supporting this or slapping this down? it seems like it would be a very difficult thing for colorado to get away with. >> the supreme court has full discretion whether they take up the case or not. they take up less than 1% of the petitions submitted to them each year. one never wants to predict what the supreme court will do. in the case of colorado unilaterally taking away the choice of donald trump from the voters you would think the supreme court would get involved because it is such an outrageous use of power by a handful of judicial officers and the likes of which we haven't seen. one thing i keep coming back to as i think about this situation. donald trump has not been charged and convicted anywhere in this country of insurrection or incitement. the federal government jack smith who has been aggressive in his case has not brought that charge. this man has not been charged
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nor convicted of this. and with respect to colorado, what kind of fact finding did they engage in and due process occurred? it seems like basically none. the fact that a few citizens could get together, go to a court and say hey there is this provision in the constitution that we think applies against the frontrunner, gop frontrunner and he should be removed from the ballot and we should make sure that our fellow citizens can't vote for this person and the court says yeah, that sounds good, let's go with that. it's outrageous. not how justice works in this country. >> julie: he is still in the court process and not been convicted of anything. for the state of colorado to assume he has been convicted of anything just seems absolutely unlawful. former president trump is facing four separate criminal trials, speaking of. usa today calling it a juggling act. the traffic jam of four criminal trials pendsing against donald trump has left prosecutors and
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judges struggling to get any of them moving while avoiding collisions. the result leaves open the question of which, if any, will begin before the november election. now there is pretty much no way this is going to start on time. march 4th? jack smith wanted to start then. that is not looking likely whatsoever. obviously this is a victory for the trump camp because they want to stall this as much as possible. this is very likely going to run into the presidential election. what happens if that's the case? >> not just the election. there is a lot of focus on november understandably because the stakes are very high. but d.o.j. has its internal policy they are very particular about and that's a policy that basically says that d.o.j. officials, attorneys, etc. should not go into acts that could impact an election. the foreign general sends out a memo in may reminding d.o.j.
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employees of this policy. garland has done that, bill barr has done that. the same memo. when people are thinking about jack smith a prosecutor in this case has until november, i would guess that he and his team are thinking actually we kind of have until may and june given our own internal policy. if they violate the policy it will be a huge problem as well. >> julie: i believe it helps the trump campaign if you look at him as the presidential candidate. if you take a look at his poll numbers. all the criminal trials seem to be helping him, which is not your usual reaction for anyone facing a criminal trial. >> it certainly has been helping him. given this policy that people at the justice department are particular about. i remember it clearly being there. they are thinking about may and june. that shortens the timeline even more. >> julie: all right. it is certainly keeping us on our toes. thank you very much for talking to us. appreciate it.
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so the u.s. is finally retaliating from more than 100 attacks by iran proxies on our forces in the middle east. it has been going on since october. three service members injured in iraq on christmas day in the latest attack. hours later, the u.s. struck three facilities used by hezbollah terrorists. early assessments say a number of hezbollah fighters were likely killed. gop congressman corey mills of the armedselves eaves comm-- services say -- >> they have continued to move forward doing attacks on people in israel. now you have where the houthis are starting to take attacks on the shipping lanes and looking at maritime and commerce distractions. then you fast forward to iraq again, we have to understand that geopolitical alignment of china, russia, iran and north
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korea need to be a broader topic for us to discuss, not looking attacks in singular areas. >> julie: a smoke rising over gaza today, meanwhile, as israel continues its offensive against hamas terrorists. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu resisting calls for a cease-fire again and outlining his conditions for any deal in a "wall street journal" op-ed. they're destroying hamas, demilitarizing gaza, and deradicalizing palestinian society. trey yengst in tel aviv with the latest. >> a lot of developments here. overnight president biden ordered the u.s. military to strike a series of targets belonging to an iran-backed iraqi shia militia. ac according to centcom three strikes destroyed the facilities and likely killed militants. it came in response to a drone attack against the erbil air base. three americans were injured in
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that attack. one critically. it brings the total attacks against american interests in the middle east to 103 since mid october and comes as israeli forces remain on high alert after an air strike in syria killed a commander muse savvy. iran said it's the sign of weakness in the region for which it will pay the price. we do know there have been more attacks into northern israel today with both civilians and soldiers coming from the lebanese militant group hezbollah. >> the empty tank missile attack just recently on the st. mary's greek orthodox church injuring a civilian in israel is a reminder for hezbollah and iranian puppet masters nothing is sacred. there is no going back.
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either hezbollah retreats as part of an effective diplomatic solution, our preferred option, or we will push it back ourselves using military force. >> real concern in the region about the possibility of a broader war with iran. julie. >> julie: thank you so much. reporting live in tel aviv, israel. a white-out christmas in the plains. blizzard conditions threatening to disrupt holiday travel for millions. we'll have the forecast for you. stick around. ♪ i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred.
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>> julie: blizzard conditions in the midwest and north central plains causing major travel headaches for millions of people trying to head home from the holiday.
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we have the forecast from fox weather. >> we know this is such a busy time for travel especially for people driving. you will have to be careful. there is a cross-country weather on the move. dangerous driving conditions. the combination of snow coming down fast and winds as strong as 50 miles-per-hour made it hard for drivers to see. the nebraska state patrol responded to more than 100 weather-related accidents on christmas day itself. parts of south dakota are in the lead as far as snow totals, picking up a foot of storm. the next wave of storm is ice causing problems in north dakota. the storm has another wave. it will have a wintery mix making its way east towards us. when all is said and done more than 30 states will be impacted by this one. >> julie: all right.
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thank you very much. so for full up-to-the-minute weather coverage you can download the fox weather app. stream forecasts, track radar and keep up to date on iim weather near you. sky high prices and interest rates and the changing world of artificial intelligence it has been quite a year in business. maria bartiromo wraps it all up for us. >> as the lights go down on 2023, investors have reason to celebrate. investors racked up double digit gains in 2023 on bets on lower interest rates in 2024 dominated end ever year trading. >> it is almost like a spell the fed will start cutting rates fast. >> the worry of the year was higher interest rates cutting into economic growth. the federal reserve raised rates 11 times in its effort to tame 40 year high inflation. >> the economy is still going
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but slowly. they decided to cut because they're close to the 2% and want to adestroyed a recession. >> despite expectations the economy would take a hit from rate increases the third quarter of the year saw growth of about 5%. soft landing in the new year became the consensus on wall street. >> inflation is slowing down. we have seen compared to 12 months ago. transportation rates, labor rates, slowing down. we're definitely seeing a more stable environment. >> rate cuts to follow with a slowdown. >> i think the fed much to the disappointment of the special interests who are banking on early reduction of the funds rate that will we assert its determination to see the rate of inflation fall to the order of 2% rather than three or 3 1/2. >> in 2023 investors found
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growth in tech companies providing artificial intelligence support. inindividual yeah that makes ai chips up 230% in 2023. microsoft, a stake in open a.i., up 55% for the year. the debate on i.a., experts question whether machines will take work and influence from humanity. politics and infighting reigned in washington heading into a presidential election. kevin mccarthy was ousted. the colorado supreme court said it was removing president trump to the ballot sending the issue to the supreme court. maria bartiromo, fox business, new york. >> julie: the president seems to be laying the blame game on the economy after pushing bidenomics for months. >> it's another way of saying
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restoring the american dream. that's what it is. the financial times and "wall street journal" meant it as a compliment started to refer to my economic policies as bidenomics. guess what? it's working. >> julie: reality check, mr. president. horrendous poll numbers indicate many americans don't feel it's working and maybe why not biden is attacking a familiar target. the power panel coming up next, stay tuned. ♪ hi, i'll have the avocado toast... minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck.
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>> julie: president biden with a
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new spin on the economy and voter's low opinion of it in poll after poll. he is now blaming, guess who? you guessed it, the media. >> about the economy, what is your outlook on the economy next year. >> president biden: all good. take a look. start reporting it the right way. >> julie: polls keep showing aren't buying what the president is selling. data backs them up showing inflation up nearly 20% since he took office. op-ed on puts it this way. biden's boasts about 2023 economy and jobs, jobs, jobs are more spin than reality. grady trimble of fox business in washington with more. >> the reporting on the economy is the problem or so says president biden. he says the economy is in good shape right now and he is predicting it will stay that way in 2024. the president still trying to sell bidenomics to voters who are skeptical to say the least. he visited the swing state of
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wisconsin just last week to make the case for bidenomics. voters are not happy with the current state of the economy or president biden's handling of it. 78% say the economy is in bad shape according to our latest fox news poll. only 14% of voters say president biden's economic policies have helped them. so even as we're seeing inflation cooling, it is still eating into americans' budgets. >> that 20% increase in prices, that's embedded into everything that you buy now whether you go to the grocery store, gas pump, mortgage. when biden goes around the country telling americans how good things are it makes him seem like he is out of touch with main street america. >> lately, the white house has been pointing out that wages are higher than inflation. the fact is, though, that hasn't been the case for most of biden's presidency and if you look at the since he took office
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real wages are actually down fairly substantially, julie. >> julie: thank you very much. shermichael phillips on sirius xm and david car -- every time i hear the word bidenomics i cringe. bidenomics is just a negative word for you don't have enough money to pay for things. that's really what it boils down to. but when the president earlier in a report whispered it's working, that gave me chills in not a good way. is this president just absolutely in denial, will he ever own up to the fact that inflation is a huge problem? >> merry christmas ahappy holidays. the numbers don't indicate bidenomics is working. many democrats want to get away from the term bidenomics.
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many democrats running for re-election aren't using the word with the exception of one or two. when we look at the numbers, the supplemental poverty measure, how we registered how many americans are living in poverty, that is up 4.6%, the highest we've seen since 2010. gross median household incomes have declined 2.7 close to 3%. so while the numbers have somewhat improved, the numbers haven't improved with wages. the numbers haven't improved with what they were several years ago. so no, bidenomics is not working. the current iteration of our economy under the white house under democratic control is not yielding to economic success or freedom and prosperity for the average american family. >> julie: when he talk about people living in poverty and the poor demographic, a lot is made up of minority communities and the minority vote is just not there. the president needs to understand why. it's not only because of the
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illegal immigration problem, but a lot of minorities are struggling looking at the democratic president who they voted for and asked why did i believe you? >> there are a number of things here. we can point to a number of economic statistics. unemployment, the stock market, they are doing extremely well. i think the problem is any time in this political climate where we try to boast, we try to say hey, trust me, i'm doing the right thing, it is a real hard strategy. so what is president biden doing? bidenomics, the policies that he has done has worked. it is bringing down the inflation rate to the tune that jerome powell has said they won't increase interest rates in 2024. sent the stock market to record highs. the reality is people believe the negative more than the positive. that's why when we see headlines in the newspaper it never says tomorrow is going to be a
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beautiful day, it says tomorrow might be a bad day weather-wise and we pick up the paper. negative sells and why you hear president biden's lexicon changing. maganomics, contrasting him to what the other policies are. >> that's just not true what he is saying. sure, people have access to -- wait a minute, let me finish my thought. as i stated in my initial analysis here, household median incomes have declined. this is a statistical fact. i studied economics in grad school. any person who said basic economics knows it to be true. you can keep saying unemployment has decreased, sure, i may have a job but if i'm not making enough money to keep up with inflation it's like i can barely make it. communities of color say they aren't voting for joe biden. >> julie: when you talk about employment, yeah, there are people making money but they aren't being able to pay their
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bills while wage increases are a thing, inflation supersedes the wage increases. what people want to see are prices coming down. it is unaffordable to cook your family dinner. >> i agree. president biden made an impact. global issue, inflation, the wars overseas were brought on not by president biden but foreign agents. president biden is doing what he can. yes, the political tactic of attack, attack, blame, blame, is one strategy. but it is not going to be enough to elect a president. president biden has to do the hard work. he has to roll up his sleeves and sure, he takes the blame because he is the president. but look at congress. when we give republicans control, what do they do? very little. and that's the reality that's creeping in. when we look at these polling numbers, president biden is actually improving. yes, it is not great, but he
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improved by seven points. >> that's not true. that's absurd here. joe biden's approval numbers are the lowest they have ever been since he has been in office. if you look at historic data, no way in the world if the election were held today that joe biden would be reelected. you look at young voters, hispanic voters, african-american voters, all of those critical democratic voting blocks are saying we're not happy with the economy, we're not happy with immigration, we want someone else other than joe biden. you cannot deny those facts. >> julie: i get what you are saying, david about global inflation, of course. when it comes to inflation in america there is one person you turn to for relief, the president of the united states. so as far as placing blame on the president for our current inflation crisis, who else are we supposed to blame >> you are right. he has used the few tools available to him to bring
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inflation down. everyone expected with these inflation rates the only way to curb it is to have a recession. now the federal reserve is saying it's possible that we might lower inflation without having a recession. that's thanks to the policies. >> julie: final word. >> by not raising basis points. it will take a year to get to people get to where they were before in this debacle of an economy. >> julie: thank you both for coming on. happy holidays. we want to thank you for watching this special edition of "the faulkner focus." i will be back all week long. stay tuned with me through friday. "outnumbered" is after the break. don't you go anywhere. r. after farmer's dog, she's a much healthier weight.
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she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at
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