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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  December 26, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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♪ >> jason: welcome back to this special edition of hannity. unfortunately, that's all the time we have this evening. but before we go, i want to remind everybody that my book, "the puppeteers" the puppeteers, the people who control america, it's out, you're going to want to read it. and don't forget to check out my fox news audio podcast. just type in jason in the house wherever you listen to podcasts, great interviews, trey gowdy, andy mccartney and more. for now stay tuned because gutfeld is coming up next. hope you have a wonderful christmas, holiday, happy new year. gutfeld is up next. stay with us. ♪ [cheers and applause]
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>> ha ha, happy tuesday everyone, i am tom shillue in for greg gutfeld who i'm told is busy fighting extradition. so before we get to the news, i thought it might be appropriate to look at some of the new year's resolutions from some famous names and faces. for example, president joe biden, his new year's resolution? continue to cheat death. hunter biden. find that envelope i left somewhere in the white house. commander the dog, eat more salads and fewer secret service agents. kamala harris, to resolve to make resolutions for the new year, because it's new and it's a year.
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[cheers and applause]. >> i might add stop laughing, that might help, too. the custodian who cleans the senate judiciary room. three words, use more bleach. brian kilmeade, i will continue to be the butt of greg's jokes. and finally randi weingarten, add 40 pounds to my bench press. she'll make it. on to the monologue. so i'm looking over tonight's headlines trying to think of the perfect story to start the show. massive migrant caravan heading to the u.s. mexico border, its largest in over a year. the new york times turns its editorial page over to hamas. and aoc tweets mary christmas and by the way jesus was a palestinian refugee. each one more ridiculous than the next. then there's this a daily mail poll finds voters describe their 2024 choice between a trump
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second term and a biden second term as a choice between revenge or nothing. but is it really revenge that trump voters want? and is the biden presidency really about nothing? there may be no good things happening but that doesn't mean nothing is happening. there is a sense in our country that things have gone off the rails and even liberals are noticing. i'm thinking of people like noted feminist martina navratilova realizing wokeness is killing women's sports. dave chappelle refusing to allow a few ridge land groups decide what he's allowed to think or say. or celebrated democrat bari weiss who's not so celebrated anymore now that she thinks and writes for herself. or bill maher who keeps telling fellow liberals slow down, we're ruining everything guys. look at this recent rant by maher. >> i have one piece of advice for the youth of america. don't go to college. opening america's eyes to how higher education has become indoctrination into a stew of
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bad ideas, among them the simplistic notion that the world is a binary place where everyone is either an oh presser or oppressed. >> he went on to say things like if iing narns is a disease, harvard yard is the wuhan market. to applaud from his liberal audience. like anyone who stays in an motel six, when things get this bad, you have to wake up. so bill maher like many other liberals noted liberal education and many liberals things in general is about liberal things like quashing free speech and separating groups based on their race and outlawing debate. but here's what i found most interesting. his conclusions about elite schools like harvard. >> sure they occasionally turn out someone decent, but for every barack obama there are two josh hawleys. the former debate team [bleep] who had no friends that no one likes today and yet somehow
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manages to win a state-wide popularity contest. >> you see? they still can't quit their patron saint of cool barack obama. don't they understand everything that's about our country today, our crumbling cities an army of migrants crossing the border the weaponization of our intelligence services, the woke mind virus that's taken over corporate america, it is a all a project of obama iny c. remember him socializing medicine with obamacare. as if anyone living in martha vineyards cares about anything but his help keeping the pool clean. spread the money snarnd how much was spread between him and his friends. the international red line vanished faster than gutfeld when the dinner check arrives. ask jesse. his pivot to asia, china just told beside biden they're taking taiwan any day now.
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mitch o'connell playing pickleball pivots better than obama. there is a saying that it's played between the 40 yard lines. barack obama took us into the end zone and the dems haven't left since. the chaos is on purposes, that's the leftist plan. you have to make an omelet you have to break eggs, you have to tear down society and rebuild it in your image that's how the left always achieves utopia. let out enough murderers and people will beg for the secret police. so the democrats may lose in 2024 for all the wrong reasons. sure, biden is old and incompetent, but it's the liberal policies themselves that have hurt the country. even when obama ushered in his ideas with youth and confidence, didn't matter, the policies still failed. some called biden's presidency obama 2.0. it's like a tattoo on an 81 year old. sometimes horrible ideas get worse over time. [cheers and applause] >> period! >> let's welcome our guests!
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he's like an eagle patriotic bald and attacks people with his toenails. and his now you know tour starts in february, comedian jim norton. [cheers and applause] >> he knows overcoming adversity like being a guest on this show. fox news contributor johnny joey jones. [cheers and applause] >> he's so smart harvard's president refuses to plagiarize him. campus reform higher education fellow nicholas giordano. >> and she might be blond but she won't get conned, host of the hoop chat, emily austin. [cheers and applause]. >> all right, joey, what do you think? this idea that liberals are now waking up but then to hear bill maher say, if we could only just go back to obama. doesn't he realize what obama wrought? that's why we're here. >> does he realize it? he's still part of it, right?
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i don't trust any of them that are turning on biden right now because there are a lot of reasons to turn biden that have nothing to do with ideology. there's a lot of reasons, he's not safe horse to bet on. he's the horse that passes out and loses in turn two. i can't go back to barack obama. i can hear him in my head right now saying the war is over, we are a going to leave afghanistan. if you want your legs you can keep your legs. and, you know, none of those things were true. i don't need obama. we're getting obama three right now. everyone joe biden has employed worked in the obama administration. they were not very good at it so they got a promotion in the biden administration. >> there you go. emily, do you see people waking up? like i said we have a lot of people on the left. i mentioned bari weiss, you know, kicked out of the new york times now she started the her own operation. do you think they're waking up or not? >> i think that there's like a small minority that's getting louder but the majority, i hope, i really hope so, majority of
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the left seem to actually start to value life. and anyone with the slightest bit of common sense is going to understand the trajectory that the united states its going on. we're going to be screwed if something doesn't change. if we have four more years of whatever's going on right now, we're all in big trouble. so i don't think enough people are waking up but i hope that i'm wrong and i hope that by election time we can't allow america to keep going down this road because we are all going to screw ourselves. >> nicholas can i call you nick or how do you do it. >> you can call me nick. >> okay. i've been noticing this obama worship from people who i think are starting to wake up. you in necessity call joe rogen right wing. he's not right wing he's a liberal like bill maher has seen many sides of the issue but even he, this is from his podcast. he can't get enough of obama. but as far as a representative of the united states, who better than obama, he's the best of all time, the most educated eloquent and even-keeled.
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what is he talking about? does he not recognize the policies? because biden actually thinks he is obama 2.0. >> that's the thing. people look at president biden and they'll make attacks, his policies are horrible but it's the policies. no matter who you replace him with the same policies stay in effect. and the idea of wokism has destroyed higher education and our society. it's extraordinarily destructive. i mean, campus reform we talk about these equitable grading systems. what better way to achieve success than stop all standards have a plagiarizer become the president of harvard university and say that's acceptable and justify it. so we see the failures, people are starting to wake up but it took a protest calling for a genocide against jews to have people say maybe it's gone too far. it should have been gender ideology to kindergartners and the anti american pumped into the university system every bad idea filtered out through the
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colleges and we are seeing it real time. >> did you see president biden from behind the scenes is pulling for claw dean gay. he's trying to keep her. i don't know if that's true but why would he want to hold onto that when her credibility's been severely damaged? >> it has but our entire profession has been damaged. if i fail a student for plagiarizing now they can say the harvard president plagiarized nothing happened to her why am i failing. this is the embarrassment to our profession as people that teach and try to educate, it's not about education, it's about virtue signaling, emotions and about an agenda to push. that's the thing. former president obama wants claudine gay there to push an a general today. >> jim i never know where you're going to come from. i was mentioning guys like that like rogen doesn't see party, he takes on each issue. chappelle's the same way. you're probably the same way. what do you say to the american
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people in 2024. >> i don't think bill maher has changed or any of these guys have changed. they're just reacting to a younger generation which is more radical. same astra additional conservatives don't embrace all the far right ideology, traditional liberals don't embracer insane thing that woke ideology says. this is not new. i don't even think obama started it. he definitely pushed it but you look back to when clinton was president and he said yeah i believe in political correctness they started the language policing 30 years ago and in 1988 nobody came to the dice's rescue when he started saying dirty words. the comedians saying this 30 years and now it's more and more and people are now saying how could they allow this in girls sports but nobody cared 30 years ago and guys were in trouble for jokes. this started 30 years ago it hasn't changed it's just gotten progressively worse. i don't even fault obama this was long before him it started. >> i say most of the troubles in this country, joey, have to do
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with obama policies but that's just in the modern world. i don't think he's particularly more evil than any other politician, he's just been more effective. came out of the chicago school of politics and was a community organizer. people made fun of that. i'll never forget when sarah palin said i have a real job. community organizer is a real job and has more of an effect. >> if you live where i live community organizer's a hell of a jobment you have to go ten miles to find somebody to organize. i've always respected that. but, listen, you want to see what this is in effect in today's world look at gavin newsom. california's an absolute mess. there's nothing about him i particularly like but if i host fox and friends rachel's going to say he comes across charismatic. that's what people think. who cares that he's ruined the best piece of land we've ever had, california. doesn't matter. he's somehow caris matt i can. that was barack obama. >> and that is what i think
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gavin newsom wants to do is ride that charisma into the white house the way obama did it. about of we go a quick reminder you can come see my live solo show upon stain just combustion, albany syracuse stanford connecticut hartford and providence go to tom for tickets and info. up next -- that's right, give me a little love. up next dodging insults and lies topped kjp's replies. [cheers and applause] >> if you'll be in the new york area and would like tickets to see gutfeld, go to and click on the link to join our studio audience. ♪ [cheers and applause] oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ the all-in-one and done symptom relief of mucinex is delivered fast with doordash, so you don't have to leave the couch. oof!
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that was fast. mucinex. available on doordash. it's comeback season.
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♪ >> tom: did kjp have a less than stellar 2023?
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when careen's at her best fax guest expressed. white house press secretary karine jean-pierre had plenty memorable moments this year from clashing with reporters to offering insight into the president's thinking all by her own signature style. and by signature style i mean not answering questions while repeating the same phrases over and over. >> president biden went to his house in wilmington. what was he doing there. >> i would refer you to the white house counsel. >> something rerateed to this case. >> i would refer you to the white house counsel's office. >> i would refer you to the white house council's office. >> i would refer you to the white house council's offices >> tom: that phrase will come in handy during impeachment. she also taught us that sometimes you should try emphasizing a different syllable especially considering the president is doing everything he can. >> the president has done everything that he can. >> the president is doing everything that he can. he is doing everything that he can. we will do everything that we can. i don't have a policy update on
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that, but i know to tell you now, as i've been saying, we are doing everything that we can possibly. we're going to continue to do everything that we can. >> tom: and everything that he can does not include eventually finding his way off a stage. but, hey, when in doubt, always remember to trust the process. >> this is an ongoing process under the review of the department of justice. we're going to respect the process and we're just going to allow the process to continue. >> process. >> process. >> the process. >> let the process continue. >> it's an ongoing process. >> i am genuinely saying to you there is an ongoing process. >> this is all part of the justice department process. >> as part of that process. >> i said because there was a process, throughout this process. >> we just laid out the process that was taken. >> and that is the process. >> tom: trust the process. i think that's what they said about la la bot miss. >> for someone in charge of
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answering questions she's not good at answering questions. >> jim: this job is to stand in front of the entire free world and defend a pathological liar. you have to explain every stupid thing they do. can you imagine -- mike mccarthy was clinton's. could you imagine having that gig, you have to explain to people. the phone rang he just put the cigar down. like to have to explain what these guys are doing. so i think that she's irritating, her method might be eartating but to have to defend this dottering idiot is a very, very difficult job. anyone who's got to be the white house press secretary under biden is going to have a very difficult time because he just kind of mopes around so i don't envy her at all. terrible job. >> who was the last one, jen psaki? i think you could do this job emily austin. >> emily: i was about to completely disagree with you. i think this is the best job ever. this girl gets to glam up sit in front of the camera and repeat
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the same phrases over and over again. i don't know whose job i'm more jealous of, kamala's job which is to smile and wave which is my favorite thing to do. >> tom: and cackle. >> emily: i'm good at that too or sit in front of the entire world and lie between your teeth. she's not even being creative or trying to fool america. she's looking you in your eyes and does one of two things, she either repeats the same phrase as we just saw or my personal favorite is she flips the uno reverse card and asks you to answer question you just asked her. but my favorite line and i'm just going to stick it in there. when she said, are you ready for this, biden has the best border policy that america has ever seen. so she's not only a great liar, apparently she thinks she's a good actress. she hasn't fooled up. >> tom: nick, go ahead [cheers and applause] >> nicholas: obviously she's not good. who do you think was better, her or sake.
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>> jim: i kind of miss jen circle back psaki. >> joey: she would always circle back. you didn't show carinn walking in with the thousand pound binder where if the answers aren't in that thousand pound binder she will roll her eyes get mad and won't give an answer. she's the woke wonder of the white house. we talked about wokism. that's what she is. let's be honest she is not competent for this position. she comes out there. she gets relatively few tough questions except for maybe peter doocy, simon and a hand full of others and she doesn't like to answer those tough questions which is the press secretary's role. they're supposed to spin things i get that but it shows. this is why you don't hire people based on certain characteristics outside of competency. she is the epitome of' dei hire. >> emily: let's be honest that
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binder is full of biden's doodles. >> tom: she has the binder full of answers yet repeating the same phrases over and over. >> tom: joey do you think we need this position anymore? >> joey: when you're doing a job that you're following kaylee mcenany you're not going to look good doing it. i work at fox but she's brilliant and is good at what she does. when she comes out with a binder it's full of gotcha responses and no one likes it. i have pity on this woman. she is a press secretary for president, she has i boss, that boss is the president. the president has a boss, that's the easter bunny, right? and so this man -- >> [laughter]]. >> joey: this man needs an easter bunny to tell him what's going on and they spend their time dealing with kids and hiding eggs. so they have to talk in short sentences and say it over and over again. so when you're working for a guy in that direction, she just does what she hears. >> look at her face she's
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telling us what do you want me to say, he's an idiot. she knows that she is in a helpless position. two months away from doing an adult diaper commercial. what do you want saying. >> joey: if we had her phone every day, can a press secretary purger themselves, every day, every day. >> i think this thing is antiquated now we have youtube, if trump gets back in office he should do away with theater and every day put his phone on the desk and give an update and go straight to the people. i'm not supposed to say that, people in the news business love the press room. anyway up next the panel takes shots at trudeau the airlines and bots. [cheers and applause]
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prime minister justin trudeau, tampons are now available in men's bathrooms at the canadian parliament. the room requires federal workplaces offer free menstrual products in all bathroom regardless of the gender marked on the door. there's plenty of reasons canadien men could use tampons like to plug maple trees until the waffles are done or to stuff in their ears when elan is more set sings. joey next time you visit the canadian parliament could you make use of a tampon? >> joey: i went to northern maine and chose not to go into canada because i didn't want any of that sticky stuff to get on me. not the maple syrup but the liberal politics. i would make a deal with him. you can put tampons in my bathrooms if you'll do something
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that stops able bodied people from getting into the handicapped stall. r time i go in there i need the arms to get up. you should see the twister i have to do to stand up from a toilet with no rails to help me out. maybe take care of the common sense stuff first. the trans people need their tampons, i guess. i don't know. >>. >> tom: i never thought of that because occasionally if there's no one in there i'll go into the handicapped stall because there's a lot of room in there, right? but if i ever saw [boo]. >> joey: yeah, a lot of room in there you know why? because some people have a she'll chair and they have to get in there and do donuts and entertain themselves before they go pee. >> emily: i don't know you, tom. >> tom: okay, emily. what do you think of this rule?. >> emily: oh, god. okay. i'm just so glad, i always say, canada's priorities are so in line where they're not taking care of your handicapped needs but men who are menstruating get their needs.
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how lucky are they. all i know is if my tax paying dollars were going towards funding for tampons for men i would be in jail for tax purposes, that's a joke. but point being it's so messed up there's so many things wrong with canada and this is where they're choosing to invest taxpayer dollars. last but not least could we maybe backtrack a minute and realize if you're getting your period to the point you actually need to use a tampon not for symbolic purposes have one, can we start to agree you're a woman. go to a woman's restroom and get a tampon and all this will be solved and you'll have more tax dollars to help spend on joey. >> tom: nick you're a manager can you explain how men need tampons >> nicholas: no you can't make sense of the senseless. you have the world burning people's lives are difficult but he has the slings tampons in men's bathrooms. emily i hate to break it to you
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if you go to the botanical gardens in washington, dc and go into the men's bathroom there will be a sign saying tampons are available at the front desk. >> emily: what if i go in there identify as a man and take all the tampons back for the ladies >> woman: monte python did a stick where he wanted to be a woman and it was based on satire today it would be a documentary. that's how insane it has become. >> tom: jim will you require venues for your shows to provide tampons at all >> jim: i would. i with i really would get upset. how many do you walk in where there's breath minutes cologne and condoms. the height of optimism. but trudeau does the thing that's always the most irritating. something about him. he's like the gavin newsom of canada. whatever angle is going to make you go ughh, he always takes
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that angle. so this doesn't bother me but he's just an irritating ass. >> tom: next up, go ahead -- [cheers and applause] >> tom: next up, spirit airlines has apologized for inadvertently causing a oh scene reminiscing as home alone two. last week they put 0 unaccompanied six year old child on a plane. he was supposed to be headed to fort myers but went to orlando. this he didn't know spirit charged an extra fee if you want to be sent to the right city. joey is it any surprise this home alone situation would happen during the holiday season. >> joey: all i know if trump were president he would have met him there when he got off and gave him directions just like in the movie. i won't beat up on spirit too much but i hope they never ask me to fly the plane because i think you need feet to do that. >> tom: but that would work, that kid, if they make the movie, they have to let the kid fly the plane right? >> jim: first of all i blame the kid. check your tickets before the
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plane takes off. if you packed your bags, you get to the airport and you wind up getting on the wrong plane it's completely your fault. i don't blame the airline, he's a bad boy i fault him. >> tom: i never thought of that. emily, this kid, do you think it was inadvertent. some kid can be precocious he might have got on the wrong plane on purposes. >> emily: no the kid was six he was probably so scared. >> joey: in alabama they're supporting a family at six. >> emily: no, honestly when i saw this headline i was like what do they expect it's spirit. have you ever heard anything with a headline with spirit airlines in it that was something remotely positive? at this point at checkout i'm going to start reading, there has to be some waiver that you sign your life away at this point. i just can't be that they're always mess ping up and people are still returning. they're either really suicidal or they don't value their life. i can't manly who would still fly spirit. >> i think the tickets are cheap nick
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>> nicholas: think about what they got for the airline ticket. the six year old got a great adventure out of it and probably going to get some hollywood movie deal. make a movie out of it so for the price of a plane ticket could be a good deal they check in on. >> tom: i think they offered him 150 bucks, so -- last top particular tesla has unveiled the latest version of its robot that is lighter faster and more capable of its predecessor assisting dough mains in manufacturing, construction thealthcare and entertainment and it's 42% more pro dud i have than the previous version of the robot. [cheers and applause] >> tom: that's the whole reason i wanted to do that story. joey, what do you think of this? the thing is guys like elon musk keeps warning us about ai but is doing a lot to accelerate -- i can see what you're doing with your legs there. >> joey: yeah.
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listen the next thing you know they're going to have him telling bad jokes on gutfeld. that's what what he's doing trying to replace me. that's what it is. they can carry boxes now they can tell bad jokes next week and i don't have a job anymore. leave [bleep]. robots, no person should be more than 40% robot. nobody. >> emily: it's all fun and games until you get cat fished on your date by a robot. that will be the new trend you start to see i promise you. >> tom: would you be willing to have robots as part of your everyday life emily? >> emily: no. i think it's so scary. all jokes aside for a moment they're going to start replacing humans. ai we've seen what it's capable of and now we'll have these robots made by genius elon musk. they'll replace society and frankly i don't want i don't blame him for wanting to do that but it is a scary for us fellow humans. >> tom: nick do you think the robots will turn on us like in a bad sci-fi movie?
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>> nicholas: every sci-fi movie shows it's never worked out well for human beings when it comes to, a i and robots. i get this segment and i'm like what am i going to talk about? all of a sudden an hour later headline spits out tesla robot attacks engineer during invoice lent leaving a trail of blood. so yeah i do believe that. >> tom: jim i bet at that that employee taunted the robot. >> jim: i'm sure he did >> nicholas: used the wrong pronoun. >> jim: they walk weird. they have that -- that's why people they're creepy. >> joey: so? [laughter] man >> jim: i think the idea of robots, the idea of a sexual robot. like why do they have to look human? i don't think why they're making them look human. >> emily: i think we know why. >> jim: what i said, the sex. i look forward to a sex robot.
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they're getting there more and more and more. save myself a bundle on socks. >> tom: coming up, at what age do you start to wonder how long before you're six feet under. biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works.
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♪ >> tom: how often should you think about yourself in a coffin? turns out most people start thinking about their death at age 51. in some cases, though, it happens at 151. that's according to a new survey of 2,000 adults which highlights your 50s are often marked by major life events like the loss of a loved one and personal health scares. these tressful milestones coupled with the progression of your own aging leave many 50 year olds to the same realization. oh, man, i'm going to die, too. happy holidays, by the way. in fact 80% of people start
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thinking about their own mortality as they attend more funerals. there are those, of course, who refuse to take the hint. likewise attending credit jim norton's show will make you wish you were dead. >> jim: what? well, i hope you come. [laughter] >> tom: however going to a rollings stones show will make you wonder if there really is such a thing as death at all. eternally youthful. jim i think of my own death. we have a memento mauri means you're supposed to think about your own death throughout your life. >> jim: yeah, but people think about their own death maybe more literally when you're 51. but your whole life you're thinking about your own death. it's why you're taught as a kid to behave yourself so when you die you don't go to hell. so you're obsessed with your death your entire life. i think as you get older you
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start to look at the financials. like i don't want every single dollar in my life to be spent on my funeral. i'm a nice guy. you're obsessed your whole life the older you get the more you look at how is this going to be and who's going to die right before me, who's going to die right after me. >> tom: emily, you were laughing but are you planning your funeral? do you have a vision of what it's going to be like. >> emily: yeah. maybe i'm sick in the head but i've been planning mine since i was able to comprehend what death was. because when i found out what i funeral was i was like yeah, let me plan it like a birthday. i have a who's not invited to my funeral list. everyone who's ever been caught talking smack about me is not allowed at my funeral. anyone who pretended emily was my friend in high school i had no friends in high school you're not invited to my funeral either. last but not least people on instagram who will dm you about
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something you posted but not comment on your post you're not invited either because you're fake af and that is a list i've been thinking about since i was a child. >> joey: tom, that's gen-z for [bleep] snoop. >> tom: i was wondering. >> emily: thank you. >> tom: joey something tells me you've contemplated fatality. >> joey: is this a reference to me not having legs. i feel like that's dominated the show tonight i didn't want that to be the case. 51 is an astonishing age to start thinking about your mortality. i don't know if this is average person in the u.s. i would hope that it is. 51 is a good number to aspire to in some places and as human beings for most of the time we've in this world 51 was old age. only in a few hundred years have we been able to live as long as we did and have joe bidens out there wreaking havoc but alive
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mostly. if the average person makes night their 50s i started thinking about my mortality at 24 years old when i got blown up but it really hit me when i started having kids like what will i be here for and what won't you be here for. i don't know if everyone's waiting until their 50s after that but sometimes it doesn't work after a certain age so you might want to start having kids think about your mortality but do it in a great way. dying is beautiful because it shows you your days are limited and to make something out of all of them. it's a reminder every day. to me every time i lose something, i lost my legs i'll never have those again. that's mortality. my hair's kind of getting ornery, i'll never have that front part again. that's mortality. >> tom: nick, i think it could be a good thing and it's proven people as they get older they stop with the worrying and the anxiety that they have in their younger years and it's probably because they're approaching death and they see they've done what they have to do >> nicholas: i can relate with the hair thing, that's for sure.
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as far as going after joey and the whole leg thing, might seem superficial you wake up with a pain in your leg, is this the one, doesn't really work out that way. i think you're right. once you confront and understand that understand that you are a mortal being you can actually be happier. you can live your life knowing that time is precious, time is short and enjoy it. there are studies that show that your golden years tends to be when people seem to be the happiest right now. as far as the younger generations, most of them are miserable. why are they miserable? because they look at all the superficial bs. they were told stuff makes them happy in life. they have more stuff than anyone else, previous generations and turns out it's shot in stuff, it's relationships that's the most important thing. knowing mortality strengthens the relationships and i think with children is the most important thing. you realize you're mortal once you have those children. >> tom: panel you guys are wise
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af. >> emily: nice job. >> tom: up next a governor fanned her with singing that was substandard. [cheers and applause] my name's dan and i live here in san antonio, texas. i ran my own hvac business and now i'm retired. i'm not good being retired. i'm a pain in the neck. i like to be able to have a purpose. about three or four years ago, i wasn't feeling as if i was as sharp as i used to be. i saw the prevagen commercials. after a short amount of time taking prevagen, i started noticing a difference-- that i'm remembering this, i'm remembering that. i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back so i jumped right back on it. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. (son) dad. you ok? (dad) it's our phone bill! we pay for things that we don't need! bloated bundles, the reckless spending! no more... (mom) that's a bit dramatic...
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theater. >> tom: tonight's cringe theater comes to us from colorado. democrat governor jared polis. on christmas eve the centennial state's tubby governor posted a cringe-inducing cover of feliz navadad. either that or he's having a stroke. roll ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tom: so many questions. who thought this was a good idea. why is there no music? how is this guy only 48 years old. and why does it look like he's milking cows. >> emily: yeah. >> tom: i don't know. jim, i know you probably have never done anything nearly this embarrassing on videotape right? >> jim: no, i have not and i appreciate you saying milking cows because i thought there were two men missing from this
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video. [laughter] >> tom: what was he doing? joey, i mean, was he -- does he think this was going to play with the voters? he actually has a high approval rating according to jessica tarlov. >> joey: you can appreciate i'm not a man who dances, don't have a lot of pep in my step or hop. so i have no idea. i respect the fact -- it would scare me to death to sing and dance in front of people. i will give you an pen onabout the most divisive thing and not think twice about it but to sing and dance. >> tom: he has a lot of people coming across the border and to his state. did he think this was funny? is the joke about the migrant situation? >> i don't know but the left gets uptight about cultural appropriation so is this cultural appropriation. i don't understand politicians why they do dumb embarrassing
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things, it won't win you over voters, just be yourself. stop trying to pretend. that's cringe worthy to watch. no, don't. >> tom: emily are you cringe. what are you z? >> emily: gen-z unfortunately. i was cringing af. no, seriously, first of all f production. where was the background music. like they invested zero time and energy into this. b, this i think was supposed to be ma rock as. >> tom: you're right. >> emily: if i did that i would never have a job again but what if we pull a left on him and now cancel him for cultural appropriation and that will give him a taste of his own damn mental because he won't be so feliz when his city and state is overrun by immigrants homelessness and crime so teach him a sdmriem feliz was merry. >> emily: yeah. >> but the left doesn't get
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cancelled see claudine gray. >> tom: does the left, don't you want politicians to get stuff done. >> jim: bill de blasio thinks this guy's a douche. i love when they do it because it shows how embarrassing and naked they actually are. i love when they embarrass themselves like this. >> tom: fantastic, don't go away. we will be right back. ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business.
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