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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 26, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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out. we are. more than 300,000 has been paid back but much has not. we're going to track down who has not and how much and we're going to do it for whatever happened. lastly king richard any advice for young people wanting to go in journalism or news he'll pass my university journalism class in the spring. listen keep on driving. sometimes you don't know how you're going to get there but keep on driving, can't see the road but eventually you're going to get there and sometimes it's bumpy along the way. tomorrow's special report dr. marc siegel janz us to discuss a new covid variant reportedly the strokeest strain in the u.s. if you can't catch us live set your dvr 3:00 p.m. on the east. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight and every night. that's it for tonight's report, fair balanced and still unafraid. the ingraham angle is now. >> hello everyone i'm jessica
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tarlov along with dr. nicole saphier >> there's lots of news to get to. we have a big show ahead. the biggest migrant caravan marches up from mexico. pro-palestinian protesters causing chaos. president biden lashing out at the media. but before we dive into all of that, our brains are still in vacation mode. let's feast off some holiday leftovers. it is time for the fastest. first up, returning gifts are without a doubt the guilty pleasure of the holiday season. in fact, 50% of all gifts get sent back. but watch out. retailers are making the whole process more annoying this year. you may encounter new policies like to return windows to higher return fees, and fewer every
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return offers. so is it even worth it anymore these days? first and foremost, hi, everybody. did everyone have a good christmas, those who celebrated? okay. fabulous. i have my return package waiting by the elevator to go down and started my business. are you a retainer? >> first of all, i am the person who wrote -- no longer go to the mall. everything i do his online. i will be -- buy many, many things. i can imagine that is probably expensive for the store and when it comes to christmas gifts, here's the big question i have. why are there more returns? is it people are overspending and they have buyers remorse? are they really just buying a whole bunch of kind of crap that nobody really wants? i don't know the answer to that. >> there's a lot of crap in my house. >> my sister is amazing. and she is -- one of the best things in my love, one of the best people in my life. >> but -- is back but --
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>> i knew there was a big but here. >> she was about me the same shirt and it was her own size both years. it was two big -- too. the first year. so she went down eight size and i went bigger and so i learned to never return anything and just never know what might happen. >> did you tell her? did you tell her that it did not fit? did you give her that feedback? >> there were years where everybody bought me shirts that were two sizes too big. i'm not as big as i looked on tv. finally, i'm as big as i look on tv. so she was right all along. but on the return stuff, talking about mid-january. getting back to before may to january. >> that is too fast. >> that makes no sense. but i think that is not enough time to gather yourself. >> three weeks, you can decide if you are going to send it back? >> and you have to get there. or i guess you put it in the mail. >> guys don't return things. i don't know any guy who has ever returned anything.
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coming to she is like, she gets it immediately and takes it out of the box. i'm going to return that. she is already put planning to return things and then get other things. i actually, i said that i never return things. but there was, i did have something the wrong side. i will put the belt on and i will crank the belt. but she said do it. so it came with a little slip. and it was a third party operation called happy returns. so this company uses a third-party. you are able to go to the happy returns drop off. are really giving these guys a plug. you can go to the door. >> like u.p.s. >> , go to a number of different stores, staples, all these different places are happy returns places. and you just bring the qr code with it. you don't even have to bring a bag. you bring it and boom, they put it in an envelope and often goes. they make it easy. so i did finally return something. >> it was a happy return. >> it was. >> that is like my amazon return places in my whole foods and i just walked in and i'm like,
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take my things. >> it is the best thing. you go to the whole foods counter. amazon has made it very sea seamless. it is almost difficult at this point and i'm not giving them a plug because lord knows jeff bezos does not need it nor his rippling man was -- but i will say why shop anywhere else because they do make it easy and if something does not fit, if something breaks, i had two bottles of cinnamon syrup break. they gave me a refund. but the reason people are doing that is because there was so much when shopping during the pandemic because the government was giving us free money. we were sitting at home drinking. what do you do when you drink and you have a bunch of money? you go shopping. you go online shopping and you buy 15 things and then it is like for christmas in may because all of a sudden he got the stuff you forgot buying and then we go ahead and return everything and they were letting people do that so they would keep shopping to keep the economy flowing. but now, stores are on to us. they know about the drinking and shopping policy. that is why they are blocking everything up. i employ the 8020 rule.
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i buy 80% of the presence of the people of my life, for my two girls, they also give me christmas gifts. so there's no prospect there's very little error. >> if we are giving plugs, i feel like i should give my sister a plug. michelle mills. give her a call, okay? >> okay. up next, returns are not the only thing you have to worry about after the holidays. your fridge is probably filled through the brim with enough leftovers to feed the entire neighborhood. so how long the way to toss everything or do you wind up gorging on it all? we will go to the doctor first on this. >> the fun one of the group? >> you with no. >> i thought it was all a lie, that things went bad unless they were evidently bad. you smell it and your look at the. back when in doubt, you should just throw it out. if it looks, tastes, or smells funny, no. pet food poisoning is a big deal and most common thing that people get sick from our undercooked poultry. and then when you keep it too long or you can leave it out too
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long, also not washing your vegetables and stuff. it is our common stock cook your meat is the really and really it shouldn't stay in the refrigerator more than three to four days. yeah. >> once it is cooked, though, if you cook the chicken and there's nothing wrong with it, put it in the fridge. it is going to last more than a couple days. >> no, not that one expect. >> to look at this killjoy over here. >> they can stretch anything o out. >> i want him made a comment about not washing hands and he live with it for the rest of his career. i -- i'm afraid i'm going to make that comment. >> don't do it. >> i would pull mold off bread and eat the good part. >> really good immune system. >> you got to get that in you so you can be immune to it. and also, refrigerators were not around that long. you know? they were not around for thousands of years. so those people had to eat food and they cannot afford to just throw it away. i think the whole thing is a fourth. if it looks good, smelled good, eat it. >> maybe don't over buy and
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overcook pitchers the appropriate amount. >> i want to push back a little bit because that you can, i follow peter's sermon's eggnog recipe and i made 15 giant piles of eggnog for family and friends. that has real eggs in it because that is what you should be doing. you should be consuming things with ex and i tell people, i give everyone the disclaimer, since when has robin brady. is when has rum and bourbon. this one has bourbon and pork. all of them have raw eggs. during at your own peril. or drink until it is super extra delicious and then go online shopping. [laughter] >> and works. i don't know how dangerous the raw eggs are. they say -- >> like in the cookie dough batter. >> you have to cook your eggnog experience. throw scrambled eggs in your eggnog? >> i will not do it. i thought this was america. >> a little alcohol is probably going to kill it. >> absolutely. i do eat the cookie dough. i don't follow the rules. >> my daughter had an amazing birthday cake and i went 10 days
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eating it and my husband was like to give me that stale cake. it was good. [laughter] up next, have you had enough of your holiday guests and you're ready to send them packing? martha stewart showing the secret of getting rid of houseguest after hosting a party. click. >> i'm going to bed. i did say that. [applause] >> they keep handing out. spikeball, just turn the lights off. [laughter] turn the lights off. >> turn -- side of the fire alarm. one night, i had the fire department show up. nobody would leave. it is a bear alarm. not really. i did have a malfunction in the first and the whole fire department showed up. , fire chiefs told everybody, get out. zero outside and he made everyone go out without their clothes. that is one way to get rid of them. >> kennedy cook feel like that
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is that night, approach. right? are they just turn off the lights. and then you are out. >> what she is doing, she is doing an in-house average, by. which is absolutely brilliant because everyone knows the irish -- you leave without saying goodbye to everyone. but when you leave your own party, that is such a ball or move. this is why martha stewart is a beloved national treasure. because of her honesty and her creativity and just going to bed. you know what? clean up yourselves. i don't care anymore. >> how are you at a party, tom? >> i just walk out and then, you look at that you don't have to say goodbye. you don't have to make any excuses. and if i'm home, you know, my wife is usually going to stay downstairs. i would just go upstairs and go to bed. i'm actually very honest with people. they always say, oh, you must have to go soon. maybe, oh, i don't want to keep you. they do the passive aggressive. i'm sick of this. you go home now. [laughter] people appreciate when you just squared up with them. >> i think there was also a study that people who are rich, by lived a couple weeks seen
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necessarily the most amount of time. but that it is a healthier way. >> a couple weeks. i'm pretty happy about a couple weeks. i'm good with that. i think if martha stewart really did pull the fire alarm and she realized she was going to get burned from that, i think she really just, a little bit of associated -- sociopaths took a picture. people's lives in danger in order to get her out of the house. she was hobnobbing with a bunch of celebrity stuff. that is what celebrities do. i would not know. you guys would. but for me, it is quite simple. i don't drink. all my friends and family to. i'm going to bed before on my guests. and it does not bother me at all? it seems 2023 is that you, of pulling the fire alarm when you don't want something to happen. i'm actually known for going to sleep during my own hosting events. my husband -- everyone knows i do it. it is a thing. i'm sorry. >> if it is who you are, i think it is all forgivable. >> all right, last up, we saved the best for now.
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last. what did we do over the holiday break? let's take it around the table. i will begin. so on christmas eve, and christmas day, we went to new jersey, two different new jersey destinations, my husband's family. there was no traffic. i was complaining about the parkway. a dream it. this daughter. in a little scene outside of myy husband and's onto's house. this is her house in front of her tree. this is her half christian side. but -- but you can see also her hair. difficult to get the ones in pigtails. but that is the best that i could do. and she loved the presence. we have an hour -- elbow fanatic. just the cutest. okay, nicole. >> i was here guest-hosting, filling in for a ritual for "fox & friends" over the weekend. we moved into a brand-new house also in new jersey. this past week. and this was me and the dog is waiting for the little ones to wake up yesterday morning. and this is my youngest son. we were exploring just around
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our property because there's a lot of nature preserves. mike has been met, that is the goose that i made on christmas day. my husband is serving it up for as. dining room. very positive. >> this is -- >> yeah, this is the new house. >> organic wheat harvest a goose. >> i love that. indels my family. my three points, my husband. >> amazing. tom? >> look, i feel very intimate around the holiday at fox news. tom, can you come in? can you fill in on content. absolutely i can fill in. here is me. let's go backwards. that is me at 10:00 on christmas eve. the assumption and here is me at 7:00 on the big we can show filling and. look at joe up there. and then here is me at -- with the fox nation group. great christmas showdown at 8:00. so i had a very busy holiday here. >> and you got in a little church action. >> yeah. you always got to end there at the manger. >> that is what i hear. you got to eat at the major.
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joe? >> i don't know if i got my picture because i was delinquent. is the first year i have been able to host christmas at our house. we have always lived the way. >> we went back to the home town. my daughter got her slithering robe had made by her grandmother for christmas but she had to keep it on all day. not put in the theme, but it works. and it was just great to two christmas morning in my home house, my son joseph there. and the rest of my family. so we had a great time. >> kennedy cook take us home. >> i went to montreal. i have never been to montréal. it is amazing. i just follow this cute guy around and yet, roasts. i followed him but he chose you. [laughter] there we are at the market. ho, ho, ho. you are calling my name. [laughter] that was christmas by the way. every time she sees santa, she is like ho, ho, ho! coming up next, a new way for the new year. a massive caravan set to crash into the southern border. n
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the southern border. ♪ ♪ he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> the migrant crisis is about to get even worse, if you can believe it. since october there has been 730,000 migrant encounters at the border. caravan of at least 6,000 people are stretching towards the u.s. illegal immigrants are demanding help from the biden administration, making the trip over christmas weekend. >> to president of the united states must help us
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because we are migrants. in reality some of us only go to the u.s. for four, five, six, seven years, and then returned to our country. for this reason we demand that joe biden help us. >> i was used to make christmas dinner with the family, not spending it in the streets as we did yesterday. >> first christmas that we spent away from home and not in the best way as we expected to give the best to our children. >> all right, well. make demands. sentry cities are filled with pressure. 4,000 migrants and denver are overwhelming shelters with more buses arriving in the city over the last few days. colorado governor was blasted for not taking this issue seriously. instead he posted this video of himself dancing and laughing.
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♪ ♪ [laughter] >> nobody loves him more than i do even when i say his name wrong. i love this song. sold more albums than mariah carey. is that how you address this crisis that is happening right in front of us? >> i don't think that his migrant crisis approach. people are allowed and yes it was a little cringing. they're allowed to post something on social media that has nothing do with the real problems that the city is facing. something that is affecting you personally did that might be aggravated to see. jared polis is a complete success story. he has 61% approval rating in the top ten of governors across the country. he is more libertarian than he has democratic. he was on with bill maher and
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had a wonderful interview with him about it last year. i think that there is a place for this. do i wish he was better coordinated and look less awkward to? hundred%. does not mean that he is not serious about the border crisis. he has spoken out about it and say he cannot give us federal dollars if you want us to deal with thousands of people who are being shipped here. democratic mayors and governors are doing all over the country. >> i don't know. might neighbors are from denver and it cannot get out for a couple of years ago so i don't know. maybe he is doing a better job. doctor, we are going to go by the numbers. you know numbers more than any of us. 10,000 migrants arrested per day at the southwest border in the last week. on top of that there are 10,000 seeking asylum and just coming through eagle pass. hard to put our finger on the total number because they got away number is a prediction, but the numbers are unlike anything
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we have ever seen before. our economy is not doing all that well right now. it is malpractice on behalf of the administration. >> we do not know the number. the number we do know is the 20238 fiscal year is 2 million migrants across the southwest. not counting the people who came from our northern border. came in last month alone. as for a talk about them for they had 16 busloads of migrants being dropped off at their doorstep. i think the video was bad timing. very cringeworthy. it gets added to joe biden's taco comments, president biden saying that "you ain't black." you start to see that you have more supports for president trump and the polls are showing when it comes to his hispanic and black voters. reason is because of how they
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handle the border and economic policies. people are hurting at home. >> i agree with you. i come from a town of 70% hispanics inside the city limits point i was talking about it on ""fox & friends"." i had a moment sitting there, they are my people. the people coming from mainly mexico are a part of my family. people i went to school with. best friends. first generation americans. some are dreamers. my parents and grandparents were not coming here this way, coming here from even those countries, there were not coming here to do with those people are doing which was to complain about not getting enough from america. it is a time where we look at these caravans and the situations coming through mexico, not from mexico. the kamala harris approach of finding the root of the problem which has no roots, satellite
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and we can do? >> if you talk to people, blue-collar workers up in westchester who are doing landscaping, guys working as contractors. they have been here for years and years. they don't like what is going on. they have worked hard to get the jobs that they have. they see these migrants coming in and so they have the same attitude about it. it is america's blue-collar's workers do. the sanctuary cities. i'm so to sick of this act that mayor adams is putting on it. it is saying that we have got to do something. the headline is that mayor adams is really mad about the democrat policies. he wants money. they are sanctuary cities, invited these people here. now they want to petition the government for money. this is part of a two-part scam. if you have a street scam then you have got one guy running the scam and then someone else who is a phantom operator and attempt to be taken into the scam and work together. that is mayor adams.
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he is the silent partner. demand money and what they put up the money or once by didn't give them the federal money then that will federalize the migrant situation. the cities have a new source of income. federal government is giving them money for every migrant that comes. they will have more migrants coming here. >> a lot of democrats use replacement theory, that they want to bring in people of their politics to have the right to vote or kids have the right to vote. to change elections. they call it racist. what is the mind-set to keep the border wide open. how does that make our country better? >> there is an idea that you should let people into the country, especially seasonally to fill jobs that americans just will not. people who want to work and people that you see in your hometown you have been there for decades. some of the hardest working people in this country. if you had a better immigration system then you can welcome those people in and if they feel comfortable they will leave and
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go back. that is not what is happening. we have such a confusing immigration problem and lack of policy in this country. it is impossible to immigrate here legally. so what is also interesting is that it is kind of racist because republicans go we do not want to talk to his people because they are invading our country. it democrats go, their grades because they're going to vote for us. hispanic voters they are peeling off of this president because a lot of them are from catholic countries and aligned with traditional republicans who are trying to outline and create a better coalition in their party. you have been ignored by everybody. while kamala harris says that she is working under root causes, the cause is metastasized on her watch. whatever the root causes were two years ago, this whole new thing, whatever they are doing is not working.
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shame on them because it hurts people in these border towns, hurts people and century cities, hurts homeless veterans who cannot get the care that they need because resources from the federal government are going to people like the first guy we saw in the video who is demanding something. there is an aspect that i am really having an issue with. it has gotten worse under distal administration. >> if you have respect for hard work, taking care of your family and the society around you didn't i don't care what language you speak, color of your skinny, i want you around there's a lot of americans that don't have to anymore. get them here illegally. >> pro policy on mob -- -- take it out. ♪ ♪ (son) dad. you ok? (dad) it's our phone bill! we pay for things that we don't need! bloated bundles, the reckless spending! no more... (mom) that's a bit dramatic... a better plan is verizon. it starts at 25 dollars a line.
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♪ ♪ [shouting] >> the israel haters are not taking a break for the holidays. tried to cancel christmas. pro-hamas trying to in new york city. christmas is canceled. trying to pander to that mob by comparing palestinians jesus to. >> to born in modern day palestine. thousands of years later our occupying wilhelm as similar stories unfold. she is a special little lady. she is really pulling the presidents on this issue.
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it has grown vocal and embolden it. why do you think that it is and what does that do to your party on israel? >> i don't see the president and terms of his actions. i know thinks he has spoken about and secretary blinken have been giving credence and airtime to the innocent palestinians that are dying. their policy has not changed. it has been clear about that. they have not been placed on the israeli side to change what they are doing. u.s. has been responsible for making sure that we get the humanitarian aid in or as much as hamas will lead us. aoc is getting louder, but not having more of an outside affect. two things, i saw this happening over the weekend. i get it because it was christmas. annual tradition of saying that jesus was from palestine or saying that he was palace till unit which is just an effort to
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replace jewish history or identity. it is horrifying. he left with the indigenous la land. jesus it was jew. cnn had on a priest who is making this case. listen to this. this myth designed to get christians amped up and on the side of house over the weekend there was big news. hamas rejected a narrow cease-fire agreement and not just from us and israel's, but the egyptians. it might be a tough pill to swallow to get control of the gaza strip, but i don't know how they can think that there is any other way that this is going to end. they claim that they are open discussions about releasing hostages. it has been the slowest of trickles. these protesters continued to be confused about this being about
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palestine. it is not about palestine. understand their rejection to the west bank. i myself am not a fan of netanyahu. it will be best for people with the social media accounts like aoc to be very clear about this. this is not about palestine, this is about brutal murder of people and hundreds of hostages that are not being returned. if they aren't they have been raped, tortured. incomprehensible. >> there are people on the progressive left who will not even a mention hamas or what happen on october 7th. "the new york times" publishing an op-ed from a mayor, i'm member of hamas in gaza. your thoughts about that? >> not surprised. it is "new york times."
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they lasted over tom cotton putting over the air. my thoughts for mo focused on this aoc part because there is a bigger thing and play. embodying that tiktok. learning from it and you can google adapt. you can look it up and find out for yourself if that is true. she is embodying a younger generation then her who are out here in the streets making havoc who are getting informed by tiktok. did you know that. on tiktok if someone says jesus is pal still in. that is how they are learning. learn life acts on social media from idiots on tiktok. it is whatever college university they're going to is asking them to. that is the danger of it is. it is okay if you can google
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some and learn if this politician is lying to you. it comes full circle. politicians can ask you to inform yourself through social media. >> it emboldens the protesters who have made the situations dangerous for police and bystanders. >> they are acting as if this was the united states action. 20 years ago we did go to war in afghanistan, we did go to war in iraq after that. u.s. is an ally of israel. i'm not going to tell ezra what to do. fighting for their survival. the protesters are acting as if it is the same situation. u.s. is at war and that is what is happening. >> there is a great deal of ignorance. if you push some of the protesters, the ones they can get close enough to talk to, they don't know what their talk about. one guy who is holding a sign that said "nazis." how you defining this.
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>> complete uninformed generation dies doing anything that they say. it sing on tiktok. content that you see on tiktok is aligned more with the c.c.p. by this then on instagram. there is some motivation there. i expected nothing more from aoc. it cannot let christmas be christmas. she had to go forth with more social justice. a call and for whatever she has. it does not mention the hostages that are still there. this not mention any of the lives lost on october 7th. she mentions the children of gaza, not the israeli children that she started to become public with her true anti-israel. >> thank you. sounds like somebody got a lump of coal for christmas. president biden is snapping at the media for throwing shade on his sexy baidu now makes. that i
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♪ ♪ >> talk about a scorned lover. president biden with his buddies in the media before jetting off for a holiday vacation. they guy is blaming them for the bad rap that he gets on the economy. >> what is your outlook on the economy next year? >> all good. reports at the right way. >> kennedy, will be effective slogan, all good? >> not for people. look out the amount of credit card debt. trillion dollars. i wonder what he is doing with the inflation. the aspects that affect people most are where people are hurting the most. that is things like gas, food,
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and rent. president does not acknowledge that. they take into consideration. i want there to be a soft landing. it don't want inflation to keep going up, prices to keep going up, people to keep running and dipping into their savings and living off of credit cards which is what people are doing now. you have got to acknowledge what is happening. if you want to fix the problem and be serious about it, but also if you want the people to be who are most affected of it which is 60% of americans, if you want them to vote for you then you have to acknowledge their pain. he used to bid this bid this empathetic guy, but he is ignoring the parts of the economy that is weird. >> couple of weeks ago. if you look at the poll. keep saying that the are the wrong poles. i hope he believes it so he rest on his laurels. he did become president from a basement. i don't want him to take it too seriously because i don't think he can to fix it.
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don't want him to start putting mandate and make things look better for a short period of time to get reelected. i don't want that to happen. barring capital is how poor people find their way ahead in life. borrow money to start a business to buy this and work hard. they have employed five pieces of machines. got to bar our people's money, if you have the intellect then you can make it work. you do not have the opportunity. it cannot change your station and life, that is a problem because inflation says that interest rates have to stay high. when we go from here? >> jessica? >> go right back to 1600 pennsylvania avenue because we have good economic news. media does not want to cover it. should not just say that you are looking at the wrong thing. i have got to communicate this better. we have got gdp growth up to
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4.9%. went up 14%, consumer confidence. inflation is running at a rate below of this. talking about a rate cuts. personal income is up. this part of it is really importance. they did a forward looking question. what you think 2024 is going to be like, 48% said the economy's going to be better, 62% said that they will be better off in the next year. election is november 2024. democrats make your case. case to be made. >> good job, jessica. a doctor, give me a medical and academic analogy. >> facts matter and things are getting better, but still pretty bad. people are hurting when it comes to rent and food, energy, everything else. president biden needs to acknowledge that americans are still suffering. cannot buy a home, cannot go on vacations. he needs to appreciate that instead of just saying that you
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look at the wrong information. not what we need. >> speaking of vacations, move over kevin mcallister. 6-year-old boy gets the home alone at treatment. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back. next story is a real life "home alone." remember when kevin mcallister got on the wrong flight and a sequel? it actually happened in real life. spirit airlines is apologizing to the family of a 6-year-old boy after they accidentally put him on the wrong flight. the little boy was flying solo from affiliate to fort myers, but ended up in orlando. no worries. he is safe and sound. joey, you have a 4-year-old. should a 4-year-old be flying in general and what happened with spirit airlines? >> we were in china be supporting a family. 6-year-old tidy up and learn how to get stuff done. should be more responsible. >> jessica? >> it is a scary thing. grandma was waiting on the other
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side. >> actually called the grandmother saying, where are you? where was the spirit airlines person? >> someone was with him the whole time. where was the person holding his airline pass. you cannot get on a plane without a boarding pass. screwed up. >> put him there. >> give him back $150 service fee. >> i have had worse flights on spirits going to the wrong city. >> they make a movie out of this than they have got to spice it up, the kid has to take over and land the plane. >> terrible. "one more thing" com when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast,
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all right, it's time now forll g one more thing. >> i'm going to go first. fio woman gifted was kept at 105 fireball shooters reebrateto celebrate her 105th birthday. florence jackman, god bless you. apparentlys drinks a little bit of the cinnamon whiskey spirit every single day. fireball caughe t wind of her dedication to the product and guaranteed you won't run out any time soon. sdshe celebrated the milestone birthday by sipping fireball, surroundedhing by 50 loved ones and watching her. >> cincinnati bengals beat the minnesota vikings as aminnen additional gift. happy birthday, flo. all righayt, candy girl, after my own heart, i want my fireball t-shirt today. >> wely tl done, flo.ou are and here's the flo. you can feel it. you're going to watch the po gtp tarts that's in two nights from trop going to be north carolina state versus kansas state. and look at the trophy nexo tht to the victory bowl that it now resides at ucla. >> this is the second bestt trophy in all of college football because you can fit little wellp tarts in the football slot. it's like a football toaster. well done.
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oh, do they toast? they will. that is awesome. lly cool story words of delicious. >> this is a really cool story. so a pennsylvania animal tcheck thshelter got the best cs gift ever. >> you got to check this out. 60s, they adopt it is what out. nearly 600 animals, they reunited. this is what i what i think is most important. >> the reunited 125 of them with their owner s. everyb >> and so they had to killod that one stray cat that came th iust like scratch everybody and leave. say >> but the only problem is, i hope next week we're notin also actua saying, hey, we found out this was a kill shelter. so hopefully they actually adoptell alld that, took that to it. i'm just saying i'm skeptical you guys woulde be greg's numbr sandmann like, you got to be skeptical of the first story, right, tom? >> all right, chris. christmas corg tom?i is there was a corgi race during the halftime of the 49 ers versus ravens game. >> look at these cool corgis.d they didn't disappointon. >> they turned on the heat and they even cheated a little bit by attacking each othe otr. but that. oh, look at that winner. corgis are tough. you know, they're very bossy.ittl they're bossy dogs. they know that they're little
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collies, whatever they are. i love corgis. readare.y to. all right.infl all of you who love your inflatable decorations, they're a floridations floa woms christmas decorations actually came to life literally in a video making the rounds on social media. >> she hides inside a gingerbread man inflatable decoration. >> and when the amazon delivery driver makes his way, she ran up behind hie dem to give him a friendly fight. glad he didn't have a heart attack, the driver said. dn't havattack.the prank made h. i don't like the inflatable. tt. ' you don't. opu know, frankly, those people inside themle insthem., e seen that before. >> but as a city kid and still, a city resident, i love whene i'm outside of the city and see people's house likn e people really gone to take with all. >> and when they have a yard full inflatable, it looks better from the side. >> i om: lookt can be all right. >> got it for us. have a great night and we will see you back here tomorro


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