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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  December 27, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PST

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, nypd, kkk, idf. they are all the same. some even shouted allahu akbar and the protesters. they even decided to mock the christmas holiday as they carted around. get this, a nativity scene, which, according to the "new york post", was splattered and appeared to be fake blood. isn't that nice? the nativity scene was thrust in front of st patrick's cathedral. you could see it moving right along the same evening as midnight mass happening and the protesters loudly chanting, cease fire! now radicals are not stopping. they're also disrupting holiday shopping in san francisco and blocking the streets in l.a. this the the christmas
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disruptions. they weren't us here in the united states. no, they happen across the world. as these pro palestinians ambushed a christmas blind children in australia. the fundraiser was largest for vision australia children service. the host said to are relax. worshippers in germany were forced to search as they entered the churches, celebrating jesus christ. the searches took place.
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the city's police chief say they worry about new year's eve threats, not just germany, austria and spain have warned of attacks across the holiday, too. christmas was cancelled in bethlehem, birthplace of jesus christ in solidarity with palestinians in gaza. gray and sad without decoration for the first time in living memory, no traditional christmas tree at the center. how sad. radicals are not staping, pro-hamas mob tried targeting the u.s. holocaust museum, that was supposed to happen thursday in an urgent call to action by
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doctors against genocide on thursday 11:00 a.m. at holocaust memorial museum. please obtain free entry tickets, they wrote. the group says they have been misrepresented. amid outrage, the event was cancelled. joining me is tep stephen miller, founder of american first legal. they protest a call to action at the u.s. holocaust museum and said they have been misrepresented, your thoughts? >> that is one of the most vile things i've heard when it comes to demonstrations. it is pro-hamas demonstrations
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across the west that are vociferously anti-christian and anti-western and we have to face up to the uncomfortable truth that we have admitted millionings into the west as weapons against us and willing to dominate space, block our roads and trash our history and use physical intimidation and violence to get their way. if we don't have to immigration policy in the west, small taste of the future coming our way. >> kayleigh: you mention this and immigration, there are people crossing the border from
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all over the world, not just south america. you see polling of young people, 30% don't believe putting a baby in an oven were terrorism. is it young people led astray, plus folks crossing our border? >> the polling of young people is terrifying, education system is an incubator of antiamericanism and antisemitism and anticolonialism trying to deconstruct western civilization. you have k-12 and mutually reinforcing, you have education system and immigration policy that is bringing people into the school system and university system being taught to hate the country. look at our university system,
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this issue has become very much at the center of the debate lately. you have university students on foreign visas going to class, being taught to hate the west. there is combination of radical indoctrination and incredibly lax immigration policy across the board. state department, justice department, whole continuum of our immigration system is allowing people into the country who have dangerous videos to our way of living here and you merge that with the complete poisoning of the education system in this country. it starts in prosecute preschool, so many have to leave preschool or change educational plans before kindergarten because of curriculum they are
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pushing on kids who are two, three and four years old and one parents are deeply concerned about. >> kayleigh: a cancer in this country and police officers getting punched in the throat. thank you. >> we find ourselves at another moment in history when democracy is under siege. >> we know that democracy is on the ballot, we are fighting. >> we will not retreat from valueless that make us strong, we will defend democracy. >> kayleigh: left claim to be true defenders of democracy, the angusel exposed their definition of democracy is keeping republicans out of power by any means possible. where is outrage over hamas rejection of the latest
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ceasefire telling "new york post" hamas rejected peace plan because they refuse to take part in one of the biggest conditions end to by forming palestinian parliament and holding free elections. left rather tashg to the street for a terrorist group than stand up for values they claim to cherish and biden is silent. joining me is victor davis hansen, hoover institution. i hear ceasefire now, which means israel, accept the fact your women, children and babies were killed. where is the ceasefire now crowd where hamas rejects the ceasefire? >> they don't believe in democracy. this is not party of jfk or bill clinton, they believe in
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mandated equality, not libertier or freedom. they want to get rid of the filibuster or take an opponent off the ballots, they don't believe in democracy. polls show 50% of democrats wanteds to curb free speech, 75% of republicans didn't. when they look at the world outside the united states, they that same idea. force multipliers of open border and people coming from autocratic and liberal regime makes it astounding, they come to the united states in the case of immigrants and enjoy their freedoms and try to enjoy that freedom by shouting down and defacing monument and icon of freedom to champion illiberal
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regime abroad who are fighting only constitutional system in middle east, israel. old aclu distribute exist anymore, they want power to enact that and anybody that gets in their way, they call racist or fascist and don't want to let the people speak. it is ironic to have people come and flee autocratic regime and what do they do when they get here? take advantage of our freedom and try to destroy them the liberal regime. americans are like a sleeping dragon looking at this every single day. deface monuments, throw paint on the lincoln memorial, disrupt
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christmas. they will wake up and say, we're done with it. >> kayleigh: you can't leave the liberal media out of this, i want to get this in. this is "new york times," publish op ed by gaza mayor, hand picked by hamas. compare that to how they treat a u.s. senator tom cotton. this was summer of 2020, you got it. >> this is not liberal media, they don't believe in free speech or exchange of views, they have a hard-core, progressive socialist a agenda. they can't distinguish between october 7 and reaction to
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october 7. they have 20 days before idf wents in, only news they had was the most barbaric savagery we can imagine and what do members of squad and left wing, they cheer that on and they don't want hamas to be subject to election and review, they feel that might bring in a different point of view that wouldn't be conducive to destroying israel. arab countries suggest different viewpoints, people in the united states don't want that, they are on the same plain as hamas and want to destroy israel just like they want to project their agenda. they think they are superior and that is their goal. >> kayleigh: that is their goal, victor davis hansen, thank you. biden administration want you to
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think conservatives are attacks, but conservatives are under assault. take christmas day, marjorie taylor greene and brandon williams were victims of swatting calls. we reached out sheriff's office. they did respond to congressman williams yesterday after receiving report of an alleged shooting that had occurred there and were able to confirm the report was false, this was intended to elicit a law enforcement response. congressman williams joins me now. i'm sorry this happened on
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christmas and sorry for marjorie taylor greene. tell me what happened. when did you learn something was amiss at your house? >> i got a call i didn't recognize the number and went to voicemail. i looked and it said this is the sheriff, we're on the way to your house for a shooting incident. i stepped outside, police coming in heavy to my house, they don't know what they are facing. i tried to make it easy for them, i gathered my family in one room and told them show your hands, be respectful, which they would do anyway. you have to deescalate that, it is not fair for law enforcement
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and violating of my family. >> kayleigh: of course it is. someone put a sign outside your mailbox that said end the war on gaza. do you think this is intimidation tactic because of your pro-israel views? >> no question whchl they target your house. we've had neighbors that have had a car stop and say, do you know where the congressman lives? i was heading to the airport to go down to d.c., leaving my family at home and this has happened a couple of times, they know where i live and the incidentses may be related. >> kayleigh: have they found the person who did this yet? >> it is easy to hide your location when making phone calls
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because of voice over ip. i have given the police marjorie taylor greene -- the margin to do their investigation and trying not to interfere, i'm sure i'll get an update, i've not heard of any leads so far, i hone that changes. >> kayleigh: stay safe, i know this happened congresswoman greene eight times. russia banning a political candidate from challenging putin, what does that remind you of? i'll tell you what it reminds me of, it involves trump, next.
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>> kayleigh: russia is giving the angle a serious case of deja vu after banning antiwar candidate from challenging putin. electoral commission rejecting independent candidate candidacy three days after her, citing 100 mistakes in her forms.
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that is what happens in dictatorship. 29 people filed to run for rus russian presidency, just one candidate was able to register, that is right, putin. in a 4-3 ruling, justices declared donald trump ineligible for running. 1868 amendment passed in wake of civil war, to go after confederates. bring in donald trump and let's delegitimize him from the bench. the ruling should to be appealed to the emsproo court, but yet another attempt at russ ian interference. they verified the laptop, then
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you have four indictment and disqualification from the ballot. sensing a pattern? the colorado decision reads the secretary may not listing president trump or count write-in votes cast for him, that sounds like russia, not the united states of america. joining us is fox news contributor sol wisenberg. you can't write in the guy's name? what is going on here and supreme court, what is the trajectory to overturning this? >> i think the supreme court will take the case and reverse the colorado supreme court fairly quickly. >> kayleigh: fairly quickly? do you think history serves?
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>> i would like to see that. they have to look at a lot of things that relate to president trump. they will look at presidential immunity and may take a look at the gag order and it is important to decide this with as much unimity as they can. particularly close decision. this section of the 14th amendment that the colorado supreme court utilized, the majority, is simply not self-executing in my view. that was a position of the then chief justice of the united states, salmon chase in 1869, less than one year after the 19 amendment was ratified. i don't see this as much -- so much as an issue of election interference, though it is, as another example of trump derangement syndrome.
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this time this time in the judiciary. i say this not as a political supporter of president trump. i have never politically supported president trump but these efforts are very, very disturbing and very anti-democratic. >> kayleigh: i would love to know your theory on this but i have heard other legal analysts say. i know this i went to law school. you look at history and precedent, there is a reason the president isn't listed in this section. they list all these other office holders but they don't list the president. you read that with intention, by design, our founders thought about each and every single word. do you think this section 3 of the 14th amendment even applies to a former president? >> you know that's very much disputed. i think there are good arguments on both sides. it's certainly not clear to me that it does apply to the president not clear you know if the text isn't clear then you get to go to his structure and
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things like that some of these questions are close on this issue of what the clause means but to me the critical -- the critical thing, which was discussed in one of the sentences i believe it was justice sam door who focuse foce griffin. congress must put teeth in the 14th amendment. congress must say this is how we are going to enforce this disqualification clause. now, they did that. they passed a criminal law. it is still on the books. 18 usc 2383. jack smith did not indict former president trump for that that's one critical thing. it's to the a self-executing portion of the 14th amendment. two, you have to provide due process for somebody you are
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going to take off the ballot. the process provided here was an absolute joke. didn't have the right to subpoena documents. didn't have the right to subpoena witnesses. there was not a fair trial in any sense of the word here. >> no due process, not self-executing. fascinating analysis. sol, thank you. the despite the left's constant accusations of republican attacks on our institutions. they are guilty of undermining the highest court in the land. the supreme court will likely hear challenge to the colorado ruling taking trump off the ballot. is their plan to reject whatever the eventual ruling is? >> the supreme court itself has considerably less legitimacy now. >> the supreme court justices are facing their own reckoning with reports clarence thomas and justice samuel alito major gifts from billionaire and calling ethics and legitimacy into question. >> deeply unpopular and facing the most profound legitimacy
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crisis in u.s. history. >> kayleigh: joining us now is phil president of the committee to unleash prosperity. i wanted to start with this. kimberley strassel had a brilliant piece in the "wall street journal." she talked about the implications of this for the court. she says this: there was a day when the professional class, in particular prosecutors and lower court judges cared about institutions at least as much as about winning. this crew, what makes their actions more deplorable is the cynical view that harming the high court is an added benefit not a cost. if the justices rule against mre left accomplishes an immediate political goal. and if they rule in mr. trump's favor the left smears the justices and ramps up its campaign to pack the court. your reaction? >> yeah. i think that's absolutely true. i think it's important to remember most outrageously thing that happened in the obama administration when he declared he could make recess appointments even when the senate was in session.
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he lost 9-0 at the supreme court. that was the end of that no one could defend it. if we don't get that sort of emphatic rejection of these outlandish legal theories that they are advancing in their attack on president trump, that will allow them to say this is just the conservatives on the court playing politics and the only solution is to pack the court. and we were very close to them being able to pack the court. remember, we were only two democratic senators who stood in the breach, kyrsten sinema and joe manchin who said we are not going to kill the filibuster so we can pack the court and do d.c. statehood and not the rest of it. it is not far. it's not outlandish thing they were very close and depending on the outcome of the election they could be over-the-line and do this. that is what they're building the case for. the liberals on the supreme court have not distinguished themselves as of late. remember, even when the president tried to spend half a trillion dollars usurp congress' power of the purse to the tune of half a trillion dollars of
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transferring student loan debt on to taxpayers, the three liberals on the supreme court said that was fine. they were fine with that. >> carley: you are exactly right. so i want to get this in. we are talking about the state of colorado, right? and you have the governor of colorado jared polis. i basically want to play this soundbite because my son is watching and he was a 1-year-old and he was hezboll mesmerized b, america not so much ♪ if he l feliz november dad ♪ feliz navidad ♪ >> he is in a very odd but happy mood it seems. >> i think he is showing that, you know, even if -- even a gay guy can be that goofy. so, it's interesting. it gives hope to the standard heterosexual white male that even the gay guy could be that awkward. >> you know, my son loves him.
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my 1-year-old son. if he's to put together a child's album, i will purchase it. phil, thank you. new year? new migrant caravan. you won't believe the video of what is headed our way. that comes next.
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>> kayleigh: well, happy almost new year. the border is still in crisis mode. a migrant caravan leader says that 15,000 asylum seekers are set to crash the border and that would only worsen the current situation. according to fox news' griff jenkins over the four day christmas weekend, there were more than 35,000 migrant encounters over four days. now, over 250,000 since decembe. things are not really slowing down in eagle pass, texas. the del rio sector alone
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encountered more than 200,000 plus migrants in the last 24 hours. and probably most shocking of all more than 24,000 chinese citizens have been apprehended crossing into the united states from mexico in the past year. that is more than in the preceding 10 years combined. joining me now now from acuna mexico, cabello, independent journalist spent years covering this crisis from both side of the border. alvin, welcome. i mean, chinese citizens crossing the border. that is a pretty astonishing thing. 24,000. >> yes, it is. and i previously went to tapachula and there is something very interesting that happens there for those that have been in the darrin gap, you see people from all parts of the world and once they arrive ground zero in at tha tapachulaf the sudden they get filtered out and you only see central americans. for example, in this caravan that's walking out, it is mainly
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composed of the venezuelans, cubans, haitians some africans, you will not see in public any chinese or europeans. what is happening there is depending on their resources, how much money they have it's who they can pay and that determines where they cross and when. chinese are paying up to $30,000 and that's why they are all crossing in california area. >> $30,000. >> exactly. here in pedro negras we are getting the poorest of the poor venezuelans, they are riding the freight trains from central mexico to pedestrian driveway negras a direct route. that's why we are getting hit in that particular border town. >> kayleigh: i want to get this in here. your wife after six years of waiting. very long time of waiting yesterday on christmas was finally given a date to interview for a green card into the united states as i understand it one of your children born in texas.
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one born in mexico. thousands of dollars spent. congratulations. tell us about that process. >> thank you. well, it's taken a lot of patience. that's exactly right. i'm a u.s. citizen. my wife is a mexican national. initially we were living in del rio, texas, and we had to move to acuna on the mexican side in order for us to process her green card. and after five years of waiting and paying thousands of dollars, yesterday, christmas day we received our miracle saying we had an appointment. come february we logical be traveling for her interview. all this time i have been living on the mexican side i have been documenting the illegal mass crossings happening not here here in acuna and del rio with the haitians now pedestrian driveway negras and central americans. foo is a wonderful gift to you
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and your wife and children. thank you very much. americans are being attacked and killed biden is nowhere to be seen. retired u.s. army colonel and attorney kur we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they're basically sitting on a goldmine? i don't think they have a clue. that's crazy! well, not everyone knows coventry's helped thousands of people sell their policies for
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>> kayleigh: where's biden? our soldiers are under attack. three u.s. service members wounded after another drone attack by an iran affiliated terrorist group on on erbil air base in iraq the latest attack has left one u.s. service member in critical condition. our prayers for him or her and their family. in retaliation, secretary of defense lloyd austin announced today at the president's direction u.s. myrtle forces conducted necessary and proportionate strikes on three facilities used by can a tab hezbollah and affiliated groups in iraq. so another pinprick strike that will do little to deter our adversaries. and this comes as the iranian backed houthi rebels are escalating. overall, the houthis have attacked over 21 international vessels and the question becomes why hasn't the biden administration redesignated them as a terrorist group? why? president biden is failing and now is he letting the international trade commission trample over american companies,
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even liberal ones. upholding the apple watch import ban is action he is taking there. and he fails to adequately support ou our ally israel instd telling them to control their rage after an attack that left americans killed. americans taken hostage. is this why the "new york times" is now calling him the real drag king? "new york times" saying biden will be a drag on dem races in key states? retired u.s. army colonel and attorney kurt slither joins me now. i mean, kurt, you served yourself and now we have a soldier in critical condition, a u.s. service member why are these people still breathing, kayleigh. i was there in desert storm the last time unequivocally won a major war. and you know in the wake of that, after we wiped out dozens of divisions in about 100 hours no one would screw with us.
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if you want to have power, you need to execute. you need to use it next throws muscles. the romans understood how this works. if you messed with a roman citizen, game over, buddy. cartridge time. it's done. we need to reestablish this here. there is nothing wrong with protecting americans. but you have americans getting shot at by the houthis, wherever the hell they are, a bunch of scummy bandits in syria and iraq. you have palestinians daring to take hostage and murder americans and the. [lost audio] >> kayleigh: we lost kurt schlichter there. we will show you. this fellow octogenarian john kerry had this to say. >> so, it must really tick you off all this stuff about biden and his age. >> it does. i think it's ageism. he has done a brilliant job i
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think as president. he knows how congress works and america and how the world works. that's what you need today. >> interesting words there from john kerry. well, thank you to our guest kurt and we will leave you with that soundbite. the supreme court now overturning a affirmative action but have liberal college administrators already found a loophole. horace cooper thinks. so he joins me next. ♪ people are always asking me why why do i do this work? two words come to mind for me. one is responsibility, the other is purpose. it's just so inspiring to do research that impacts human lives. stand up to cancer has been a critical partner in advancing research for cancer. cancer research saves lives. so please help us fight in this battle against cancer. biovanta is the only number one
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of ink in the box. models starting as low as $199.99. call or visit now to order yours. just fill and chill! >> laura: new year, a new situation that we are dealing with today as the supreme court, we remember it, they overturn affirmative action. but cnn found that there's already a workaround. >> i believe emphasize that i was black a bit more than i would have. it is important, my identity, who i am as a person. >> do you think schools are still looking for the diversity? >> yes. it is not just college kids who
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are seeing a back door through the supreme court's opinion. experts are saying it, too. >> do not ignore such a crucial part of your identity. it paints a holistic picture of who you are. a lot of the elite colleges are looking for ways to identify these students. the piece of advice is make it easier for the colleges to know all of who you are. >> joining me now, horace coop cooper. i want to point after supreme court in the affirmative action and decision said you are still able to talk about your background, your experience, your race, how it has affected your life. but the whole plant of the ruling was to make sure that we don't discriminate on the basis of race which is exactly what affirmative action. so if these college administrators than still try to implement the same result, we got a problem here. >> of course we do. it is remarkable how unwilling the left has been to let go of
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the idea that the race of the person is the most important thing that we should know about them. and in particular, at the university level, we see this phenomenon. and it is a very, very troubling. why after the supreme court has made it very clear, we can, white, black, or brown, compete and be admitted without regard to a limit being placed on our race or an advantage being placed on our race. the university of texas back in 1955 was still sending restrictions on the basis of people entering the university and they could just look at you and decide whether you would come in or not. then a supreme court said no. this is no different and yet what i see are progressives, the
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modern jim crow advocates, who now say, no, we are still going to look at your face and make that the basis of who you are. and so if they tell you put a picture in, if they tell you, mention your race, color, it is no different than what we saw prior to the supreme court landmark decision. >> kayleigh: that is right. and horas, chief justice roberts said the best way -- ways to stop discrimination is to stop discriminating based on race. you see this through the biden administration. here's this new situation, the biden administration's minority business development agency currently facing a difficult challenge for giving assistance to americans based on race. the suit alleges that the mbta which helps minority run businesses fly for federal grants violates the equal protection because.
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and we saw this in the early administration with farmers saying we will give certain grants to black farmers are not white farmers. there is a trend here. >> absolutely. that is to. and the same is true, by the way, with reparations. there's some local governments, even the state of california, and apparently now the state of new york is looking at this idea, whether it is the biden administration, whether it is local government, you are not legally allowed to prefer the race of the person and then decide whether they are going to get a benefit. if you have a policy like that, it is on very, very shaky constitutional grounds. at the same time, it violates the idea that we should be judged by the content of our character, not by the color of our skin. >> kayleigh: that is why. so the washington post liberal
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communist, fair to call her that. it is about claudine gay who did not resign in the wake of her horrible response to israel and her plagiarism. she says she plagiarized her acknowledgment, i take no joy in saying this, but harvard president ought to resign. your thoughts? >> she absolutely ought to resign. and she can do it with the understanding that there are quality 10 talented black, white, brown americans who can take her place. >> kayleigh: and there certainly are. thank you very much for joining me. that is it for us tonight. i'm kayleigh mcenany. don't forget to tune in weekdays at 12:00 p.m. eastern time when i cohost the show "outnumbered." with -- rachel >> carley: president biden leaving the white houson


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