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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 27, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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communist, fair to call her that. it is about claudine gay who did not resign in the wake of her horrible response to israel and her plagiarism. she says she plagiarized her acknowledgment, i take no joy in saying this, but harvard president ought to resign. your thoughts? >> she absolutely ought to resign. and she can do it with the understanding that there are quality 10 talented black, white, brown americans who can take her place. >> kayleigh: and there certainly are. thank you very much for joining me. that is it for us tonight. i'm kayleigh mcenany. don't forget to tune in weekdays at 12:00 p.m. eastern time when i cohost the show "outnumbered." with -- rachel >> carley: president biden leaving the white house one day
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after returning from camp david to ring in the new year on the beach in the caribbean. sounds nice. you are watching "fox and friends," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. it is anything, but a vacation for americans who are losing faith in joe biden. the president spent 411 days of his presidency on vacation. president obama spent 328 on vacation over two full terms. >> carley: president biden is skipping the end of year press conference this year. david spunt is live in washington. >> the president heads to the u.s. virg in islands with the first lady today. when the president returns it
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will be 2024, the year he runs for reelection, he wants to go full out on impeachment. and his son will face several federal charges. the president is dealing with the migrant encounters at the southern border and 103 attacks on u.s. forces since october 17th and the house plan to launch an impeachment inquiry. chairman james comer is pushing for not only impeachment inquiry underway, impeachment he believes into hunter biden's business dealings will broaden to other biden family members. >> i think most americans realize something stirnks here.
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we provided bank statements that show the bidens received 20 million from around the world and they cannot answer aicism question, what did you do to receive the money? the american people think he's a crook. >> hunter biden will appear on january 11 to answer for nine federal tax charges in addition to charges he's facing in delaware temperature is possible david weiss will file more charges. it may not happen for a while, if at all. >> todd: enjoy 2023 because 2024 is about to get busy real fast. thank you. to the war in israel, black smoke over gaza. this comes as officials reveal
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three more israeli soldiers have died bringing total number of at least 140. and ron did you rememberer meeting with officials in d.c. to discuss the war and hostages being hold in gaza just days after prime minister netanyahu vowed to destroy hamas. and the u.s. navy is bat eging houthis in the red sea. shooting down 18 attack drones. 100 drones have been shot down since october 17th. experts warn iran and proxies seeing how far it can push the u.s. >> this was iran and hezbollah's moment to take advantage and i think the pressure from the united states stopped that. that being said, no doubt some
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proxies are testing the limits here. i think the administration should balance and respond forcefully and not give opportunity to widen the war. >> todd: there have been 103 attacks since october 7. there was a strike on christmas day that injured three servicemembers. >> carley: and iran producing more enriched uranium, official tells fox news this is concerning at a time when iran and iran proxies continue their dangerous and destabilizing activities in the region. uranium can produce weapons.
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iran is enriching it close to 60%. the iran nuclear deal capped uranium enrichment. that puts that story into context. and meeting with the president of mexico as 8000 migrants zero in on our southern border. there are demands for the president. >> we go to the united states for four, five, six, seven years and return to our country, we demand joe biden help us. >> carley: former ice director jonathan fahey will react next. >> todd: and kamala harris taking this photo on christmas, remind you of thanksgiving?
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we'll explain mere, keep it here on "fox and friends first." liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right?
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[dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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>> todd: san antonio police searching for answers after finding what they believe are the bodies of a missing pregnant teen and her boyfriend. >> we are looking at a very perplexing crime scene and detectives are looking at this as a possible murder, but we don't know for sure. because the complex crime scene
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we can't say for sure. >> todd: family members realize she was missing after she skipped her hospital appointment to be induced last week. >> my granddaughter and great grandson are gone. i don't know what we're going to do now. she was a good girl, she did not deserve to go this way, especially with her body, nobody deserves this. >> todd: a horrible story. the cause of death is under investigation. texas planning to send migrant flights to chicago. the first flight was last week after 139 buses made their way to chicago.
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president biden is leaving american cities to deal with the issues. >> cities should not be handling national problems. i hope our national leaders understand decompress strategy and pick up the price tag of this average. >> todd: border is averaging 10,000 crossings per week. >> kayleigh: secretary of state blinken and mayorkas will meet with the president of mexico on the migrant crisis today. same time a massive caravan is heading to the southern border as we speak, some have a message for president biden, watch this. >> the president of the united states must help us, because we are migrants. some of us only go to the u.s. for four to seven years and then return to our country.
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for this reason, we demand that joe biden help us. >> i was used to christmas dinner with my family, not spending it in the street as we did yesterday. >> first christmas away from home. >> carley: jonathan fahey joins me now. do you think anyone will change as result of the big meeting happening today? >> not at all, this meeting is trying to create pretense they are doing something about this. they are getting bad press to do something about it. they are going to do this meeting for just show to make it appear like they are taking this issue seriously. answer to this problem is not in
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mexico, policy and refusal has created this catest officeree and i have no optimism and they will get decent press and may help them by doing this. >> carley: one of the issues here is mexico southern border with guatemala is wide open. is that a good place to start the discussion with mexico, working to close their southern border? >> good place to start, if mexico is not inclined to do so, they will start with, why not close your southern border? you are undermining everyone that tries to enforce the sousouth border.
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they would reimpleapt remain in mexico order until asylum claims are adjudicated. they will not go there and take this seriously. they will probably come back with some agreement, no reason for american people to believe their interest will be put ahead of migrant interest. >> carley: donald trump was successful getting the mexican president to agree to remain in mexico plsz, how did he do it? >> we have all the cards dealing with mexico. they need us more than we need them. you could simply say we're going to reimpose and reimplement it. we can do things to make it more
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bearable for them and save us money because we are spending so much on processing migrants and all things mayor adams complains about. it is expensive to have migrants coming in that need services that are for american citizens. >> carley: we were just showing images of that migrant caravan coming from southern mexico and heading up north to enter the united states. some signs the people are holding are saying exodus prosecute poverty and some migrants say they come to this country for economic reasons. do any of those pictures or sound bites get played during their immigration hearings when they are claiming asylum? >> well, who knows who has
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access to these and the immigration hearing, bill melugin reported somebody has a hearing date for 2031. these are asylum seekers and one false narrative this administration pushes is they are legitimate asylum seekers. if this was such a big problem in this hemisphere of massive torture, why is this administration seeking to identify the torturer or persecutors because everyone knows it is false. i've seen so many times when people are interviewed and really just coming here to increase standard of living, which is perfectly fine and admirable quality, you never hear anyone saying we're fleeing persecution and the clip you
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played earlier, making demands on president biden is funny and sad, reality, he'll be more responsive to his demand who want public safety and just abandoned that. >> carley: you say the united states hold all the cards, wooelt see how mayorkas and blinken decide to use them. have a great day, we appreciate you. story in minnesota, bakery was supposed to celebrate his 30th anniversary, but they are closing because they can't afford basic ingredients anymore. >> todd: the owner is here. don't miss it.
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(dogs barking) - hey, we're here to get you. (whimpering) - it's okay. - don't be scared. - let's go. - that's a good job. - can i see him? - this is our home - and this is our room.
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>> we continue to track a blizzard, winding down, but folks seeing snow from colorados, nebraska. wind is hanging on. winds were 70 miles per hour, now 30 miles per hour. snow has fallen over last couple of days. a couple winter weather advisories, fewer than there were 24 hours ago. this system is winding down. next weather system is moving across the country and slowing down flights, certainly one to pay attention to. next the east coast is soggy.
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low in chance of flooding, this is not like a major rain. this is soggy in the mid-atlantic for the next 48 hours. >> tom: minnesota bakery supposed to celebrate its 30th anniverse and he and the owner is pleaing for donations to keep afloat. owner of muddy paws cheesecake joins us. what was the final straw for you? >> combination of last two years of ingredient prices rising and deliveries combined with debt coming in, came to point i couldn't handle both the debt and the ingredient prices.
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we have small margins and when prices raise, it is hard to do business. >> todd: prices for eggs, milk, butter have increased 15% since 2020. have you ever seen price hikes on your ingredients like this? >> i have not, simple answer is to raise prices, you can only raise so much until you are not competitive and you get stuck in that middle part. we can't move forward without help. >> todd: how much increase can you pass on to the customer? 5%, 10%, what number without driving customers away, tammy?
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>> i would say like 5% is greatest i can go. our customers are our friends, they come in every celebration and we get to know them. i want to be walking that fine line of making it where they can still get cheesecake and we can stay in business. >> todd: you are one of many small businesses struggling. does it seem like the government does not support small business right now? >> small businesses are facing high prices in different ways. i don't know where the blame falls, i feel like we fall through the cracks in receiving help and it would be nice if cities would help in lots of
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ways like advertising and -- i'm not sure of all the ways they can help. there is room for that. >> todd: from your perspective, you see wall street, when times are bad, wall street people are making money. seems like combination of elite and rich get richer and small business people, muddy paws, shows probably a passion for dogs and making cheesecake, seems like the is the should reward you and it doesn't. is that your feeling? >> i agree, small business owners are filled with passion and we're part of the community. we are big part in giving back to the communities, giving back
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is big part of our mission statement. people come back because we give back. it is all a big circle and everyday is filled with joy and passion. it is hard work and exhausting and i don't have anything saved, no backup plan. >> todd: you are hoping the community you supported supports y you, you hope to be opened by january 20, if people step up and donate to your store. hope they can get their cheesecakes. >> muddy paws >> todd: hope 2024 turns out better than 2023. life is a beach, if you are joe biden. taking off another week to ring
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in 2024 in st. ccroix. >> carley: not celebrating. >> nick claxton. >> carley: their season just went from bad to the worst ever. ♪ ♪ but washington keeps pushing extreme policies that limit america's energy. their plan? restrict oil and natural gas produced in america. government mandates for how we fuel our cars and cook our food.
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>> todd: president biden and the first lady jetting off to the u.s. virg in island to ring in the new year. >> carley: biden is losing ground to his republican rivals, trump is leading by two points in a head-to-head match up. kaylee mcgee white joins us now. the president resting up before the new year. is there anything the president can do to make things better when it comes to polling?
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things are solidifying for donald trump? >> he can start campaigning, which he's barely done. he's spent 40% of his presidency on vacation. he is in st. croix. it would be one thing if he were out on the campaign trail or in front of the press asking reporters questions, he's not. you have reports from within the white house of aides saying we troo to shield him because they are worried about what happens when he is in front of the cameras. >> todd: when you look at
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trump's lead, how much is desire to have somebody working hard all the time behind the desk, not 40% of the time. we are a hard-working lot, how much lead you see with trump, i'm tired of the personality. i know he x's and tweets too m much, but he workings hard. >> he is being attacked and people believe directly by the biden administration and the colorado supreme court discussion trying to bar him from the state's ballot. there is certainly that sort of rebound effect as a direct result. >> carley: there is economy and
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yesterday i heard one strategist use the term trump-onomics, and will it work? >> bidenomics started as a republican insult and the biden administration adopted it. biden himself has avoided using bidenomics because he realizes it is unpopular. >> todd: what does trump-onomices look like? seems odd. i want your thoughts on this. kamala harris, vice president on thanksgiving posted a picture with a gas stove. another holiday photo with a gas stove. there is the christmas one with
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the banners on the side. do we have the thanksgiving one? different background. is her team not telling her about the backlash or do they not care? >> they just don't care. they want to deny you what they want for themselves. we saw during covid, hypocritical double standard. and with all the climate n nonsense, it is about control, they want to control the way you live your life, what kind of stovo use or car you drive or what kind of food you eat. that is part of it and she is flouting it. >> kayleigh: someone need to read the comment section, it was
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not her or biden wanting to ban gas stoves, they vetoed the idea. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. >> todd: you are from michigan, i confirmed that during the break, i don't know if you are a pistons fan, they just set record for the longest single-season losing streak, just dropped the 27th to the brooklyn nets. >> nic claxton and claxton rim running the, way. >> todd: pistons have not won since october breaking previous record shared by cavaliers and
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76ers, pistons face the celtics tomorrow. the celtics are really good, i would say the streak grows by one. tommy devito's dad said he was perplexed his son was benched. i thought he was hurt maybe and then i heard coach's decision. here is what tommy devistso had to say. >> it is a business. you -- they will try to find someone to replace you, same day, it is business, your job, i respect it. no feeling one way or the other. i was hoping he would ball and we would win. >> todd: cutlets has been called a hero after leading the g-men to victory. g-men will try to get back to
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winning ways when they play the rams this sunday, new year's eve. pretty helmets. >> carley: activist group doctors against genocide just cancellationed upcoming. >> todd: david webb is here and we'll get his reaction, don't go anywhere.
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you do you. visit today. >> carley: doctors against genocide cancelling event set to take place in the holocaust museum in washington. they said the goal was to express empathy for the horror of that genocide and bring awareness to ongoing genocide in gaza. david webb joins us now. this group has called for a ceasefire before and appeared alongside rashida tlaib. why hold their event at the holocaust museum? >> david: they don't know the definition of genocide or chosen
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to ignore it. you mention rashida tlaib, i start tracking something. there is rashida tlaib and ilhan omar and cory bush -- >> carley: united auto workers. >> david: doctors for ceasefire, these groups are all connected and formed out of jet pack. they paid their executive director $65,000 a year, this is doctors against genocide using nonprofit status to claim that. this is part of the leftist scam. you get rashida tlaib, ilhan omar, cori bush.
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the squad. they are claiming genocide, not the definition of genocide, they cancel it to get press, this is part of the leftist progressive. i could go down names, my editor said ask questions, if you have questions, keep asking, dig into gr groups. >> carley: follow the money. >> david: higow do you pay your executive director $65,000? >> carley: what are you insinuating? >> david: why pay somebody two-thirds of your total revenue as charity? >> carley: interesting, we -- one to follow for sure. there is this. pro-palestinian protesters have
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taken over new york city streets, becoming a big problem for the nypd. after the black lives matter protests, nypd was forced to make changes, ended crowd control tactics to cop fine protesters before making arrests. hands-off approach for peace. demination. listen to eric adams. >> i read the settlement and said, this is a problem, this is a problem. you have to go by advice of your attorneys. i read it, anyone who police this city should be concerned about what is in the settlement. >> carley: what do you think about this?
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>> david: he's a fraud. mayor track suit doesn't care, he says what is in the moment. you have police officers being injured daily and nightly and i hear from nypd guys, injuries, wounding, they are costing the city, they want it. what happens, let's say three police officers get injured, they are off the beat and recovery. they can't field more than one academy class next year, the projection, what does this mean to the city, to the bodega getting robbed and the person that needs police for an
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emergency response being look at it for what it is. this is about disrupting, tearing society apart and mayor adams supported black lives matter and he should have been dancing with the mayor in philadelphia celebrating them and now upset because they grifted him and taxpayers? >> carley: he is lead guy, the mayor, maybe it is up to him to change it so police can respond to protest in an appropriate way. thank you, we appreciate you. >> todd: it has not been a great runfor kansas city chiefs 've late. some think the problem is in the stands.
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joe concha is next with his take. first griff jenkins, a swifty, that is not a joke, you love t-swft. >> griff: i do. hold fast, taylor. major escalation in red sea as u.s. navy is forced to engage rebels with missiles to defend incoming fire. fresh insight on what it means in the region fwr kirk lipold and top biden administration officials head be to mexico to meet with president obrador. 35,000 migrants crossed the border over the weekend. brandon judd has reaction and dr. nesheiwat talks about high blood pressure and charles payne
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and lindsey graham here is all coming up live on "fox and friends" in about nine minutes.
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>> todd: president biden stepping up to the podium for 12 news conferences this year and we do not expect that number to go up, since is he planning to skip the traditional year end news conference for a third time. >> i think of any time the president travels and is in front of the measure pee he does that he did that in wisconsin when he talked about bidenomics. he talked about small businesses and how that's a pillar of bidenomics and investing in america. you heard him do directly to the american people, look, we, make an effort to do a press conference as often as possible. >> todd: fox news contributor and columnist for the messenger joe concha joins me now. joe refresh your recollection buying that explanation from kjp as to why joe is skipping the year ender? >> no. tolled. you just look at the numbers. and they are striking. let's look at donald trump's
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last year in office compared to joe biden this year. joe biden has held, we're talking solo press conferences, not just press conferences where you take maybe two questions but a solo press conference he has had exactly three. compare that to donald trump and his final year who held 35 press conferences or about 12 times as many. and here you have joe biden complaining about the press and the coverage of his economy. well, okay. why not just call a press conference. he can do it when he is in saint croix. it doesn't matter. he has the press traveling with him and take questions for an extended peer of time and not from a predetermined list of hand picked reporters and make your case to the american people. as you said, he has already canceled the year-end press conference. it's a long tradition held by democratic republican white houses in the past. here is where we are at this point where the basement strategy isn't going to work, todd, in 2024. this man will have to campaign if he wants to be reelected because he is trailing in all the states that matter right
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now. all while an overwhelming american majority of americans do not believe this president has the mental or physical fitness to be president for another five years and hiding from the press just isn't going to cut it this time around, todd. >> todd: does remain to be seen whether he does increase the number of press conferences, press availability, press anything requesting into an election year. i understand what you are saying, joe, i don't know if he does it. i think his handlers are so scared of a gaffe they are willing to let it ride as it is. meantime, sports commentators, joe, are blaming taylor swift for the recent losses of the kansas city chefs or chiefs as they prefer to be called. skip ail less tweeting about time to call taylor swift a distraction. what do you think, patrick, andy? how about you, travis, referring to patrick mahomes, andy reeves the coach and travis kelce boyfriend. not a good football team and travis kelci looks like he
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should retire he has been worthless the seven or eight weeks. the double worthless pfizer shots may have caught up with him or taylor swift is the latestio co-ohno, maybe both. do you agree with the takes does anyone think because of one person in the luxury box and biggest star in the world actually impacting the team on the field? this is the reigning super bowl champs. they have been to the super bowl three times this decade alone. forcing players to line up off sides in key mommy's like we saw against the bills or making patrick mahomes murphy into ryan leaf? did taylor swift trade tyreek hill the team's most explosive weapon to the dolphins? there is a reason why teams don't repeat in the modern day nfl anymore.
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there is too much parody, hard to stay on top. either way, we have never seen this kind of impact from a nonathlete like we have with taylor swift as far as her impact on the league. as far as ratings, as far as travis kelce, jersey sales. it's been a positive impact for the most part as far as the nhl is concerned. the problem is travis kelce and the chiefs aren't playing as well as they have in the past. they have played at such a high level it's impossible to expect them to continue to play at that level. by the way, we still have some weeks left in the season. they are probably going to win the division but go to the playoffs. let's see what happens from there. todd. >> todd: i hate to disagree with the colleagues under the fox corporate umbrella outkick and fox sports it has to do with the fact that the chief's receivers look like morons. look completely off the same page as patrick mahomes. that's a problem they need to fix. joe, thank you. "fox & friends" right now. ♪


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