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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 28, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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certain decorum by which we live. i don't mean to be a prude come of it if you're walking with your boys, the boys might like it, but if you're a dad, listen -- we went out for ice cream and you got more than ice cream walking down the street. don't do it. >> innocent until proven guilty. real quick, one sentence. i need new year's resolutions. jason first, then sean. go. >> be a nicer person. >> i'm going with the classic. i'm going to channel jason myself and try to lose some weight. i put on a few pounds over the last several months. we will both lose some weight. work out a little more. we want to look like pete hegseth next year. >> oh, come on. you are both wonderful people who don't need to lose any weight. that's it for us t >> todd: a fox news alert,
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thousands of migrants sleeping in the streets of sanctuary cities with thousands more on their way from mexico. >> we have reached a critical point in this mission, absent real significant intervention immediately, our local economies are not designed and built to respond to this type of crisis. >> todd: just wait until you hear who big city mayors are blaming for this. brandon judd here to weigh in. >> carley: and key to presidential election, thousands are ditching the democrat party, wait until you see the numbers. >> todd: it's a big deal and california forcing certain retailers to add gender neutral toy section. that issue is plaguing the state of california said no one ever.
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you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. expanding the biden impeachment inquiry to determine if president biden had anything to do with his son. >> house republicans say it is simple, they want to know if the president of the united states helped and encouraged his son to ignore the congressional subpoena to give a closed door deposition earlier this month. hunter biden did appear, but outside, not in the committee room. the chairman of judiciary committee and oversight committee say they have reason to believe the president and hunter's dad encouraged him to skip the deposition. congressman jim jordan and james
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comer says light of an official statement that president biden was aware his son would defy two subpoenas, we will examine if the president engaged in conspiracy of congress. they want documents from the white house to see if they can prove the president did so. the white house is questioning the credibility of the probe posting this new video to social media yesterday. >> this morning house republicans are pushing into an impeachment inquiry. >> where is the maga wing resorting to this political stunt? two words, donald trump. >> the president and his family are in the u.s. virgin islands, hunter biden was spotted at his
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home yesterday. he is preparing for an arraignment in january surrounding indictments. >> carley: the suspect accused of stabbing two teenage girless at grand central station was turned loose by a bronx judge less than two weeks before that violent outburst. steve hutcherson had threatened to stab a different stranger, but granted conditional discharge. he has sfoen prior arrests, several domestic violence complaints and mental health disturbances. he is facing several felony charges including two counts of attempted murder and tyrus was
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on "the five" last night, listen. >> the police department did their job 17 times, they arrested this guy. men and women in blue are doing their part. he is sent out by the da. he is oppressed. he is stabbing people from south america and he's a man of color, doesn't matter. 17 times put in cuffs and he was turned out in the street. >> carley: robbery is up, assault and grand larceny spiked 3%. >> todd: marilyn mosby convicted on two counts of perjury last month. the maryland bar council is
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petitioning for her to be disbarred. she faces two counts of making false mortgage application for vacation homes in florida. jury selection will begin next month and she will be sentenced when both trials end. adam klotz is here. in the southeast, it is soggy. >> adam: two systems we are tracking. that blizzard we have been talking about, snow is hanging on. it is snowing in kansas city and looking at fairly heavy snow across st. louis. there is rain, todd was talking about that. it is warm in the east and snow is falling and not going to be particularly heavy. talking about snow getting down into north georgia, places that have not seen snow in a long time.
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this path you could be talking about snow. portions of northern alabama, tennessee, toward nashville, getting into the appalachian mountains, spots, you could see snow. a lot of places, southeastern united states, not seen measurable snow whatsoever in two years. we could see a change because snow is ep krooing through. traveling here today, that system will work to the east coast and slow downs on the east coast. saturday and sunday, looking clear across the country. >> carley: good new there. thank you. community garden formed during the 2020 black lives matter protest is being shut down over safety concerns. we'll tell you what happened. >> todd: and talking to a republican who wants to be next governor of washington state, why he thinks the state will go
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red for the first time inner yoos. don't go anywhere, "fox and friends first" coming up.
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liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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>> todd: seattle parks and rec department is shutting down a garden. more than 5000 people trying to upon to the removal did not work. the city is looking to find a new location for the garden. >> the number one issue is sxurt and safety. if you don't feel secure, nothing else matters, people are
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fed up and you have mooing out, i'm out of here. if you like the way things are today, i'm not your guy. >> carley: former congressman david reichart is looking to clean up crime and homelessness plaguing his state. he joins me. it sounds like a towel order. joe biden won washington state by 19 points in 2020. a lot of people think you have a chance at this, why do you think you can flip washington state from blue to red? >> there is a number of reasons. when we entered the race in mid mid-july, immediately political pundits changed from solid
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democrat win to a battleground status. recent polling shown we are two points ahead of leading candidate in washington state and i haven't lost a race, won seven races, two for sheriff in the battleground section of washington state on the west side of washington and lastly, the issues lineup perfectly with the experience that i've had over the years, law enforcement and public safety being number one. issue much homelessness and mental illness tied together and the economy and serving on the ways and means committee and several committees with trade and tax.
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>> carley: former congressman, swat team commissioner and sheriff and part of the reserve. sounds like you have more hours in your day than i do. if donald trump becomes republican presidential candidate and you have to share a ballot with him under the republican ticket, it could make things more challenging for you to win your governor's race in a state like washington. what do you think about that? >> i don't really see that as a challenge for me. i'm an independent thinker and i would be able to work across the aisle, it is what i'm known for in congress and here in washington state working as the sheriff, reaching out to communities and neighborhoods, bringing people together to solve problems. that is what we want to do in washington state. people are tired of the way
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things have gone. we have been 40 years in the wil wilderness without a governor. the timing is right, people are hungry for charge and looking for someone who will work with the community, bring the community together and really look at the facts around a problem and leading to a solution. >> carley: one reason people in washington state could be hungry for a change, because of crime. seattle just had 72nd homicide marking highest record since 1994, and they have lowest amount of officers per capita, how would you fix that? >> murder rate has gone up.
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first thing you can tell by my law enforcement memorial flag on my shirt today, first thing we have to do is allow police officers to do their job, enforce the law. second thing, make sure and i've been encouraging people across the state, vote for people in cities and counties that support law enforcement. only thing that will bring qualified people back to law enforcement profession is feeling of support and passing of laws that encourage officers to enforce the law and protect them in way they don't have to feel like they are going to be sued or go to prison for doing their job. i'm sick and tired of watching people walk by those in need that are laying on the sidewalk in our cities across the state, it is opposite of good samaritan law in washington state, people
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are afraid to take action and help fellow men, including police officers who are directed to not contact those people if they are not breaking law. >> carley: how can people learn more about you? >> dave reichert for >> carley: great meeting you, have a great day. best of luck. how far is your paycheck going these days? new change by the irs could put a couple extra bucks in your bank account next year. >> todd: something to help the people? dan will be here don't go any anywhere.
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>> carley: filing for conservatorship of her 47-year-old saying she is worried he will spend his money on drugs. given his issues, petitioner is concerned any funds will be spent on drugs. this is one year after his estranged wife claims cher hired people to arrest him in an intervention attempt. >> todd: you might see a bump in your paycheck thanks to new irs tax brackets, that are shifting higher by 5.4%. dan, certified public accountant and market analyst joins us now.
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walk us through the changes and twho benefits most? >> taxpayers will benefit, how about that, todd? good news in the morning. we do not have a change in the tax rate, but we have a change in tax brackets, they are being lifted up. why? because of inflation. so for 2023, we got 7.1% bump, 2024 will be 5.4%. that means in order to move to the next bracket, your compensation or taxable income would have to go up 5.4%, it is a little relief for people out there and we could use it. >> todd: if your paycheck will
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pay the same, you will not have as much money taken out when you get your first may paycheck in 2024? >> yes, it is. >> todd: that is the good, go to the bad and ugly. global debt hits 97 trillion, that is unfathomable. that is 40% increase from 2019. how much do we account for that? we being united states. 39 trillion of the world debt and it continues to rise. what does this mean for the average american? this number, 97 trillion is unfathomable, if i'm sitting here watching, what does that mean to me? >> well, that number is astounding, we can't comprehend it. it means our country is going
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deeper and deeper into debt. what does that mean with interest rates going up, it costs more to keep going. where does the u.s. government get money? two places. one, us, the taxpayer and number two, we start printing more money. when you print more money, guess what happens, more inflation. this is bad news for u.s. taxpayers. >> todd: we say our grandkids will have to pay the bill. what does that mean? does that mean they will have to pay the bill with higher taxes? what does that mean? >> it means that. bigger picture, we're talking about like financial armageddon, complete meltdown of the
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financial system because debt gets too heavy to pay it back. talking about a potential financial meltdown, that is way more dangerous to us than the melting ice cap. we need to keep our eye on the ball and get spending under control. what the u.s. congress and past administration have been doing in terms of spending is criminal. criminal. >> todd: how much longer can the world go on like this before this debt bubble bursts? >> todd, we just don't know. when do we get to that point of no return. now it is just a matter when does it start to blowup. that starts to happen when you miss your payment, meaning default. are we going to have enough
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money to pay bills? once we get to the point we can't pay our bills, the problem hits us. >> todd: lower debt rating, higher interest rates and concern that the american dollar will not be the world's currency. still the greatest country in the world, dan still italian, he talks with his hands. you're welcome, dan. have a great 2024. three democratic mayors think they call the shots on the migrant crisis and trying to stop illegal immigrants from coming to their sanctuary city. >> we cannot allow buses to arrive without warning any day hour of day or night.
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>> the lack of care displayed has created chaos. >> carley: mayors have a new list of demands, we'll see what brandon judd thinks about it coming up next. - don't be scared. - let's go. - that's a good job. - can i see him? - this is our home - and this is our room. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the
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energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and
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well, it's spending season. but that's okay, because there's one. the app and cashback debit card that can help you earn rewards at your favorite stores. and 5.00% apy on savings to put toward those future plans. there's a lot of banking options out there. but one is not like the others. >> todd: california will kickoff the new year with a new law forcing retailers to force a gender neutral toy section or
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face a fine. >> carley: cheryl casone is here with more, hi, cheryl. oh, no, her lipless are moving, we can't hear her. talk about this, todd. >> todd: items sold for 12 and under, fining them if do not have a gender neutral toy section. if stores do not comply, there is a fine. >> carley: according to california research council, he says the government is dictating what words can be used to advertise, this is opening a pandora's box. that guy said it is first
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amendment issue. the government is saying you have signs that say this aisle is gender neutral, this is a boy sec section, this is a girl section. so california. other levels of the story, it is government overreach. >> todd: this is not number one issue facing people in california. people are fleeing for a plethora of reasons, this is not one of them, i believe we have our friend cheryl casone from fox business. are you back? >> cheryl: i think so, you don't need me. >> todd: we do need you. >> cheryl: fabulous job. you have liberal mayors saying we have a migrant crisis, who are they blaming? not joe biden. they are blaming texas.
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>> cheryl: that is ironic about this thing. the migrant crisis continues to be out of control. may ors are banning together blaming the state of texas for the migrant surge, not the federal government or the biden administration. >> temperatures drop, chicago, new york city and other cities, we are calling for federal declaration of emergency. financial support and national resetelment strategy. >> buses arrive in chicago and other areas of the country, chaos has left our economies under tremendous duress. >> denver is at ground zero trying to resolve and respond to the migrant crisis. we are first big city north of
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el paso, shortest trip for the governor trying to find places to seen people. >> cheryl: what is their answer? more authorize agsz. they are asking for more money from the federal government through fema and asking for national coordinated entry plan. number of encounters is rising. 35,000 plus. 730,000 plus since october 1. the economies, that seem to get politico attention, politicians attention when they can't afford to house or care for migrants. that is when being a sanctuary city is not convenient anymore. >> carley: they are pushing for
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work visas that could be an added incentive if they know they can work and make money. thank you. have a great day. bring in president of national border patrol council brandon judd to talk about this. what do you think of the mayors saying they have ub run out of space and blaming texas? >> their message will fail, they are not putting the blame on the proper person. if they will talk to biden like it is his fault, they would get his attention. as long as they deflect, biden is given a pass, until he is called on the carpet, he will not do anything. the mayory need to say it is a federal government problem and they have a clans to get the
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crisis fixed. we have to stop giving that magnet that draws people to cross our border. we continue to give them aid, they will continue to come. >> carley: that magnet is pulling people toward their country and caravan by some estimate, 15,000 strong to get to the united states. once those people get here, what happens? >> depletes our resources doing processing, hospital watch, duties we were not supposed to be doing. we cede control to the cartel and they pass product like criminal aliens, aliens from countries that want to do us
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harms harm, they will bring fentanyl in and as long as we are flooded by illegal immigrants, we will pull our people out of the field and we see chaos and we see americans die. >> carley: there is that meeting with blinken and mayorkas and president of mexico yesterday, they called it productive, but nobody announced changes. do you think this is all for show? >> there is no incentive for mexico to do anything. for our government to say it is another country's problem is ludicrous. we don't need another country to get involved. if we have another country get involved, we will propose tariffs and hit them
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economically. no incentive for mexico to do anything. immigrants are working up through mexico. all of that money goes back into the economy and no incentive for the government to stop this. >> carley: exactly what former president trump did when he implemented remain in mexico policy. mexico complied. we'll see if that happens in the future, maybe next year. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. there is also this, switching gears iran is enriching three times more uranium than it was in june, near the level needed for nuclear weapons. >> todd: not good, we are talking about joey jones about the threat coming from america's
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biggest adversaries. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. adversaries. one america's biggest adversaries. america's biggest adversaries. lf . ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ meet gold bond daily healing. a powerhouse lotion that moisturizes, heals, and smooths dry skin. with 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins. and... new gold bond healing sensitive. clinically shown to heal & moisturize dry, sensitive skin. gold bond.
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loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. >> carley: experts are warning of iran intention as tehran targets bases in syria. >> todd: we are pretending we are at on the war, iranians and
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houthis are at wor with us. fox news contributor and retired bomb tech joey jones joins us now. is biden administration is denial over iran's true intention? if so, why? why can't they confront the reality we see? >> joey: i asked this request to lindsey graham, if these bands of idiots, people that are antiu.s., ashgsz tack us at ground level and 30,000 feet iran is supporting them, what is the 60,000 foot view? why is iran such a thorn in our
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side? is it that china and russia want to be aligned? as a senior senator and i don't agree with him often, his opinion was as a matter of fact, if bombs dropped in iraq tomorrow, what would be the consequence? he said nothing beyond iran is no longer a problem. i don't understand his view on that all the way back to carter, those don't lineup. that leaves us asking, why are we afraid to tackle this? look at iraq, we fought a war there 10 years, afghanistan 20. if they say all roads lead back to iran, why are we fighting in other places? i'm asking why have we done what we've done if it goes back to iran? >> carley: development on the nuclear weapon front with iran,
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they are increasing uranium enrichment. the 2015 iran nuclear deal capped enrichment of uranium, it takes 90% to reach weapons grade. it sounds concerning. iran feels embolden which is a huge problem. >> joey: just to break it down, what makes nuclear material nuclear, protons, electrons, you have too many in an atom and it has more energy than it should and you start a chain reaction. that is a bomb. that is 90% enriched. 60% enriched is more than you need to make energy. you don't need enrichment at that level to create power, which is what they say they are
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doing. no reason to have 60% enriched uranium, we sit here and have a doomsday clock counting down to midnight. the markers are second arm ticking. i don't know they are not already nuclear. do we want another nuclear power? pakistan may have a say, saudi arabia. most recent trip houthi intercepted was going to pakistan. it can't be just a u.s. problem. >> todd: talking about nuclear weapons as a deterrent and i understand that is how nuclear weapons have operated. as somebody who tapped into the military community, this is not just a deterrent, they will use this weapon on u.s. forces or
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the u.s. >> joey: somebody watched oppenheimmer, by the way. they could give people -- poisoning that that would be psychological poisoning. psychologically, we have ships going the long way around, they are controlling red sea by threat of sending a random missile. i don't know it is nuclear bomb getting detonated, it is psychological and resulting diplomacy, it is power and leverage. >> carley: they wield power if they become nuclear super power. all things are connected, what is going on with iran and
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uranium enrichment and houthis in the red sea, big development. >> todd: it looks like a new development reuters reporting in red sea this coalition italy and spain are like, we're out of it. this big maritime coalition is down to -- >> joey: united states marine corps was born to go on merchant ships. so far they have not been u.s. merchant ships, but when they are, we have a fors. >> carley: right now houthis are controlling trade. >> todd: and joe biden's reelection campaign. >> we are not great and it tells us that voters expressing appension here.
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it is clear. >> todd: those comments did not sit well with john fetterman. wait until you hear his comments. >> and stacey is here. ♪ ♪
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way. cirkul, available at walmart and you are not responding to this five alarm fire. >> the polls are not great. it tells us that, you know, voters are expressing some apprehension here. that's pretty clear. >> that was james carville, pennsylvania senator john fetterman fed up with the democratic strategist, mr. carville repeatedly
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expressed concern over joe biden's poll numbers. fetterman quote i will use this as another opportunity to tell james carville to shut the bleep up. like i said my man hasn't been relevant since grunge was a thing. i don't know why he thinks it's helpful to say these things will incredibly difficult circumstance with a incredibly strong decent president. american policy institute and ambassador stacy washington joins us now. what is this dem on dem violence tell you about this split in the democratic party between the old guard and the new guard? >> well, to kind of quote fetterman there, there is incredibly difficult circumstance going on with voters in pennsylvania, which is a huge state that democrats need to lock up in order secure 2024 for biden. so, what we are looking at with over 30,000 of those democrats switching registration to r. that means they have trouble there. james carville may have been around back when grunge was a
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thing. is he still relevant now he is sounding alarms for democrats on policies failing americans. we are talking about $11,000 worth of extra costs that americans are bearing on a yearly basis to live the lives they had during trump years. that's something important. fetterman is tone deaf here. >> todd: fetterman responded i never met this man to be honest with you. he is the proclaimer of relevance in american politics. i'm really glad you brought up what is happening in pennsylvania. like you said, this is really bad news for president biden in what really is his home state. scranton joe. he moved to delaware. he considers himself scranton joe, scranton is in pennsylvania. more than 35,000 registered democrats switched their party affiliation to republican this year, like you mentioned. keep in mind, joe biden only won pennsylvania by 80,000 votes. you have 35 switching their registration this year. if this trend continues into 2024, is joe biden real risk of
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losing the keystone state? >> so, i would say yes. and this is also because president biden doesn't have propensity for changing his policy directions as bill clinton did. if you think back to the bill clinton years after he was impeached, he really ran for the fences and tried to make changes on policy that would impact americans and shore up legacy as great president. he was able to with the pep of newt gingrich and amazing economic boom that salvaged his presidency. biden doesn't have that ability to pivot and make changes in order to benefit americans. that's why voters are looking more seriously at the frontrunner on the republican side, which is president trump. >> todd: okay. so take both of these together. you have on the high level these politicos, a senator and a strategist attacking each other, but at the granular level, you have lifelong democrats in a union state like pennsylvania saying i can't be part of this party anymore.
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so taking all of that, again, i refer to it as dem on dem violence. i think it goes deeper than that there's a panic level inside the democratic party right now. does that panic level just totally change the face of the 2024 election? regardless, excuse me, of who the republican candidate is? >> so, regardless of who the g.o.p. actually nominates, who goes up against biden in the fall, the issues facing the democrats are systemic and the panic is real because they know these are things they have advocated for and the activist base won't allow them to withdraw from. i'm talking about their horrible energy policy which refuses to allow us to drill on american land. refuses to allow net energy producers. refuses to look at the median house income family of four dropped after rising consistently four years in a row under president trump. if you look at every single metric whether it's the price of chicken thighs at the grocery store. cost of energy at your home to heat your home or the cost of
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energy at the pump, trending the wrong direction under democrat. they don't have the ability to shift policy wise and make that change. the panic actually is a sign of what is to come in 2024. i believe we are going to see a changes in the white house because of it. >> todd: let's also keep in mind you can keep your party affiliation and vote for whoever you want. you can vote for a republican. the fact that they are switching to democrat -- to republican and disavowing the democratic party, that seems to be extremely telling as well. final thoughts to you. 10 seconds, stacey. >> well, in pennsylvania, in order to vote in the primary, you do have to actually be registered for that party. so they are switching their registrations because they want to vote for a particular candidate. we will just have to see who that is. >> todd: i think that's interesting. once you make that commitment yeah you can as tense isivably go back. want to vote in the primary and the general. we will see what happens. stacy, thank you. with that, "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪


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