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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 28, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PST

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wrong direction under democrat. they don't have the ability to shift policy wise and make that change. the panic actually is a sign of what is to come in 2024. i believe we are going to see a changes in the white house because of it. >> todd: let's also keep in mind you can keep your party affiliation and vote for whoever you want. you can vote for a republican. the fact that they are switching to democrat -- to republican and disavowing the democratic party, that seems to be extremely telling as well. final thoughts to you. 10 seconds, stacey. >> well, in pennsylvania, in order to vote in the primary, you do have to actually be registered for that party. so they are switching their registrations because they want to vote for a particular candidate. we will just have to see who that is. >> todd: i think that's interesting. once you make that commitment yeah you can as tense isivably go back. want to vote in the primary and the general. we will see what happens. stacy, thank you. with that, "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪
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♪ i get a good feeling. >> griff: good morning, looking live at a gray kind of looking pittsburgh. you are listen to florida. florida is back. good morning, griff jenkins, joey jones joining us christmas week. you are stuck with us another day. do you know what i like to do before the little bug shows what city it is. i look at the city and try to guess. guess how many times i have gotten it right. >> griff: zero? >> carley: goose egg. maybe this time will be the time i get it right. >> joey: go with the state. west coast i don't know if i could go city.
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>> griff: new york city wet and rainy. >> carley: cats and dogs. >> griff: handed me at the hotel i'm staying at umbrella covered in cats. did not protect me. >> joey: only one umbrella for this show called the weatherman. >> carley: i needed one. i never have an umbrella on me. and i'm always surprised. i never learn my lesson. every time i leave my apartment building always running. run. >> griff: katy our producer doesn't do umbrella just the rain jacket. >> carley: i didn't know that about her. that's a tactic. >> joey: marine corps won't let you use umbrella you don't need to have things in your hands. ironic they hold the brealgs for the president but not for ourself. i have never used an umbrella for eight years i was told i can't do it i have to be able to defend myself. >> griff: when you mention that countless videos tomb of the unknown soldier where they stand in the rain and snow no matter
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how bad it is. no holding an umbrella that. >> carley: certainly not. last week the colorado supreme court dropped that big bombshell news that they moved -- they ruled to remove donald trump from the ballot. yesterday, there was a development in this case. colorado republican party officially appealed the case to the supreme court. and now the supreme court is expected to take this case because, of course, their ruling would have national implications. 14 states have bills or have -- sorry, moved to disqualify donald trump. so whatever the supreme court decides in this case could possibly be an indicator for all the states. >> griff: that's right. just so our viewers understand, because, you know, people go colorado supreme court is trying to kick trump off the ballot, whatever. this is a very narrow section 3 of the 1st amendment that says that any candidate cannot be on the ballot then gauged in insurrection. a charge for which donald trump in four indictments across 91 charges has not been charged with has not been convicted of, and it is not even a
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constitutional authority that charges an individual with insurrection at a state level, so, therefore, colorado lacks the authority. but, yet, they kicked him off the ballot. that is why the colorado g.o.p. is petitioning this to the supreme court as fast as possible saying this, quote: by excluding president trump from the ballot, the colorado supreme court engaged in an unprecedented disregard for the first amendment right of political parties to select a candidates of their choice and you sur station of the rights of people to choose their elected officials unless the colorado supreme court is overturned any voter colorado any other jurisdiction that follows its lead. therefore, they are saying this would be perhaps the largest and greatest act of disenfranchisement we have ever seen. >> griff: they are saying if you go forward with this and we have an election with donald trump on it. then whoever does win, either the g.o.p. primary or the actual -- electoral college,
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those votes essentially are disenfranchised because they will sue and that that person's votes basically taken away as well. >> carley: when this news came down it was the colorado g.o.p. that appealed first. i was assuming trump would appeal this decision. there are some questions on whether or not they have the, i guess the authority to do this because this ruling -- the standing to do this because in colorado supreme court ruling effects trump. so can the g.o.p. then do this. >> joey: if effects every g.o.p. voter in the state of colorado. >> griff: timing matters in this because you have until january 5th, the evening of the 4th. a week essentially from today to print the colorado ballot and so what the g.o.p. wants is a stay to keep trump's name on the ballot. we'll see whether or not the supreme court acts quickly enough. but, yesterday, we were sitting here talking to lindsey graham e talked about this and said this is why the timing matters and we got fight. here is some of what lindsey graham said. >> i think the supreme court
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will slap it down. a state interpreting the insurrection clause is a bad idea. this is a political decision in colorado. they hate the guy's guts. but you talk about radical? they want to pack the supreme court, the left. they want to abolish the electoral college. they want to have h.r. 1 national voting. they are the radicals, not donald trump. this colorado decision won't stand. it's time for us to all fight back. >> carley: he is not worried about this. also the colorado g.o.p., their initial reaction to this, remember when vivek ramaswamy posted a tweet saying that if trump is not on the ballot in colorado he is not going to be either. the state g.o.p. said don't even worry about it because we could move to a caucus system. then apparently there would be serious issues with that because the colorado secretary of state's office would need to agree to switching from a primary to a caucus. and the ruling is not going to be on the ballot it doesn't look like they go along with that. >> griff: colorado is going first. the reason why this also matters, there are 35 now
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separate litigation cases section 3 seeking to disqualify former president trump from the ballot on this civil war clause. it hasn't been used. 35 separate cases across 14 states and that is why colorado would haveo -- what happens in colorado is really going to have a huge impact on the other ones. jonathan turley was saying that this is the biggest one we have had since bush v. gore. >> bush v. gore was destructive for the court enemy respects: justices spent years trying to repair the divisions on the court itself. i think that the chief justice is going to try to get a unanimous decision here. i hope that it can speak with one voice. and that voice should be to reject colorado's decision and to protect our democratic values to show the public that the court itself is divided ideologically but they remain unified on these basic values that define us.
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>> joe: there is a chance here this really doesn't hurt donald trump because, if they go through this process and they have the primary election without donald trump on it, someone else wins and donald trump still wins the nomination, chances are the supreme court will rule on this before the actual presidential election. and at that point he would be back on the ballot in colorado. and they would have just taken any opportunity for really someone to hurt him in a poll because primaries work that way in a sense of. [clearing throat] someone gets momentum. >> carley: that's a good point. and also this colorado supreme court ruling just affected the primary so not the just election. >> joey: exactly. >> carley: i think it could help trump in other ways as well. eric trump his first reaction to this when this happened last week he posted this on twitter this colorado decision will add five percentage points to donald trump's already run away polls. er time there are these court cases that go against donald trump his poll numbers go up. >> griff: you will hear about the michigan supreme court who ruled yesterday trump could stay
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on the primary ballot there primary is towards the end of february, plenty of time there i think, you know, what jonathan turley was saying by the way about the most significant case since bush v. gore is significant. if people remember back to the year 2,000. bush v. gore was a 5-4 decision that ruled that the chief justice rehnquist essentially said that the florida supreme court in a case, which is ordering a recount of the undervote did not have the authority to do that. but it was one of the most divisive cases 5-4 in history. that's why turley says hopefully, because this clause is seeking to disqualify him because of a crime he has not engaged in, charged with, convicted of, which is insurrection, they will be 9-0. one sided to put it to bed. otherwise, you will continue to see more and more cases. they are throwing darts at the wall if you will. which is why there is 35 similar pieces of legislation like the one playing out in colorado.
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>> so true. if you play that out not unanimous by the supreme court. then you know democrats are always going to say it's just because it's a g.o.p., it's a republican controlled supreme court. and donald trump shouldn't have been on the ballot in any of these states. >> joey: in effect, last word on this here, the colorado supreme court has taken upon itself to convict donald trump of insurrection by doing. this. >> carley: he has been indicted a lot of times not on insurrection. all the 91 federal indictments. >> griff: that's what is so interesting about it they are choosing to go after something he hasn't been charged with. you can't overstate that enough. we will see what happens. >> carley: let's talk about a real crime coming up. the attacker accused of stabbing two teens girls at grand central stage committed another crime just weeks earlier. why the judge let him go. >> griff: plus, did you see this. pro-palestinian protesters blocking the entrance to two of america's largest airports coast to coast. where they are targeting next,
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we will tell you. >> joey: wait until you hear how much people are paying for a table at applebee's just to watch the ball drop in times square. all of that is right here. ♪ just keep your eye on me. i said you're holding back ♪ she said shut up and dance with me ♪ this woman is my destiny ♪ she said honey... honey... nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste. nyquil honey, the nighttime, sniffing, sneezing, couging, aching, fever, honey-licious, best sleep with a cold, medicine. hi, i'll have the avocado toast... minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days.
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>> carley: a fox news alert. right now the idf is fighting the last remaining hamas battalion extremely bloody and intense battle in northern gaza. [gunfire] [explosions] >> carley: israeli officials revealing three more soldiers have been killed in combat in that ground invasion. last night prime minister benjamin netanyahu and florida congressman brian mast visiting wounded idf troops at a hospital in jerusalem. mast, who lost his leg in the war in afghanistan, shared how he copied with his combat injuries. the ftc is now the second biden administration agency to sue the largest christian university in the united states. grand canyon university is accused of using deceptive advertising and engaging in illegal telemarketing.
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back in october the school was fined $37 million by the department of education over similar claims. gcu officials called the lawsuit a targeted coordinated attack by the administration and officials at new york city revealing the brand new design for the 2024 new year's eve ball. it's called a bow tie pattern and created by fountain blue, las vegas. a lot of folks are shelling out big bucks to watch the ball drop in times square. the apple bees in midtown manhattan is charging $650 per person for a celebration. but, look at that on the right-hand side of your screen. you could book a luxury couple's package at the marriott marquee but cost you more than $12,000. so here's a question. how much do you plan on dropping this new year's eve? email us at and we will read some of your answers later in the show. joey over to you. >> joey: i would pay you to punch me in the face first
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before i would pay that much money to be around that many people. i'm sorry. that's how i feel about it. >> carley: same. i would take the punch. >> joey: speaking of the new year, mayor eric adams says nypd is taking precautions to prevent anti-israel protesters to disrupting the new year's eve ball drop. and i think that i am reading -- i'm sorry. i got confused. just yesterday, hundreds of demonstrators blocking streets leading into two of america's largest airports causing headaches for holiday travelers and now is where i toss to the actual reporter here todd piro who is here with more. >> todd: good morning. protesters may have tried block traffic yesterday but it wasn't stopping some travelers from just plowing through to ghetto their flight. look at this video. this happening at new york city's jfk airport. travelers making their way through the crowd all as police begin to arrest some of those demonstrators. over to lax, los angeles international you see a similar
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situation. protesters locking arms and blocking traffic while calling for an end to the war between israel and hamas. police say more than 60 poem were arrested during both demonstrations. with no signs of protesters slowing down ahead of the new year, new york city police rolling out the cavalry to make sure the times square ball drop goals off without any disruptions. >> there is always rawlsz a serious concern around safety new year's eve. large number of people. everyone look for events like this if they want to do bad things and the police department is on top of it. >> todd: the nypd says there are no credible threats yet. they are taking precautions. they are deploying thousands of officers to the area both in uniform and plain clothes. the force will be using different technology to monitor any potential threats as well. and they are going to be teaming up with private security firms and federal authorities to help secure the area while setting up checkpoints. about 1 million people are
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expected to be in times square to watch the ball drop but as we just learned throw myself in here todd will not be one of them. who knows about griff. he is a wild card. he may go. >> joey: griff is liable to jump and crowd surf. carley did too. i will not be crowd surfing. i might throw some legs out there and let my legs crowd surf but i will not. thank you, todd. career criminal stabbing two teen girls grand central stage at christmas as we reportedly learn he was cut loose by a bronx judge just weeks ago. he reportedly declind to commit him to a psychiatric ward for threatening to shoot a stranger. instead issuing a conditional discharge putting him back on the street shocked victim from that incident saying quote they shouldn't have let him out of jail he pulled a gun on me and said i don't care what kind of green card you have. i'm going to shoot you right
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now. retired nypd lieutenant joe cardinale joins us now. good morning. and, listen, lieutenant, we had a conversation about this on "the five" yesterday. and one of my colleagues said well, all these stats are going down. but i think the truth behind some of these stats going down is there aren't as many police officers so there aren't as many of these incidents being reported. >> absolutely, joey. and, let me tell you, it's because the police are not proactive any longer. that's the problem with policing today. nobody is proactive. you are just getting reactionary reports, all right? whatever they are called to and whatever they can respond to, that's what you are getting the reports for. look, this guy here is a violent criminal. he should not be out on the streets. if he needs the help for his mental illness, he is not getting it because he is not insofar as traited to do. so the judges are reluctant to do it. it's ridiculous that they can even come across and say this is working with the bail reform and everything. it's clearly not working. what is it going to take to get
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it through the heads of the people that can make the change to make those changes. you have a d.a. like bragg that's not prosecuting the crimes. is he absolutely responsible for this. and he himself, cannot be removed unless the governor removes him. what do we do in a situation like this. >> joey: the judge let him out with these conditions that included inpatient treatment but obviously if the resources are not there you can't take him from jail to that inpatient treatment apparently. >> this is a statement from the bronx district attorney's office. he says the bronx district attorney's office believes mr. hutcherson would benefit from substantial mental health programming, including inpatient treatment. the judge ordered individual counseling as part of a conditional discharge with the aim of further assessing what both parties concurred were underlying anger issues. listen, i read empathy in that like this salesman mentally unstable. empathy for someone who would do harm because it may not be, quote, their fault that shouldn't supersede the safety
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of two innocent teenage girls or millions of people that live in the city. >> absolutely. let's look at what the streets look like. i mean, all these individuals who need this help for mental illness out on the streets and committing crimes. violent crimes. not just little crimes. they are slashing people. hitting people over the head. i mean, they are acting out in such a way that somebody has to do something. and nobody wants to take the bull by the horns and just take them into custody and get them the treatment that they need. but, once do you have them in custody, the fact that they are released by a judge under the pretense that this is part of bail reform is ridiculous. bail reform is so far out of control they have never revamped it. it's so long overdue. it should be revamped immediately. d.a.s like bragg should be removed by the governor that won't happen because same party lines it doesn't benefit anybody in that party. >> joey: listen, you put your life on the line for people in the city. the nypd does it every single day. someone pointed out yesterday it's such a good point.
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17 times the police did their job and the d.a.s and judges did not. thank you for joining us. let's hope something changes about this. >> absolutely and thank you for your service, joey. >> joey: california wants toy stores to pay up if they don't have a gender neutral section. we're going to give you more on that. first, 7500 people from 24 different countries, no, that's not olympics a huge migrant caravan heading to the border. 6,000 a few days ago by the way. that's up next. ♪
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and the fear and guilt of eating is gone. >> griff: top biden officials offering few details after meeting president obrador in mexico yesterday for help curbing the crushing tide of migrants heading north. mayorkas say would he go had a productive meeting with president obrador and members of his cabinet today in mexico
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city. an independent journalist covering the border crisis firsthand, he joins us live from mexico where he lives. you a den your thoughts on this meeting? did anything come from it? >> this was a private meeting there was no comments afterwards no. statements going than issuing statements there by secretary mayorkas and secretary blinken. and what i have deducted from this meeting listening to obrador from morning discourse saying that if anything the u.s. was wanting for mexico to implement more blockades, slow down the influx of migrants into the u.s. more than being this about immigration, i think it was more
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about ukraine. and elections. as you know, republicans have stated if the biden administration does not do anything at the border, they will not give funding for ukraine. >> griff: that was the objective of secretary blinken or secretary mayorkas for three years he has been pushing legal pathways into the u.s. i think cbp 1 has been a failure and i think is he pushing for mexico to hold migrants in mexico and not allow them to use this legal pathway, instead of him crossing illegally into the u.s. >> griff: auden it strikes me because you live in mexico and see the mexican press. like you, i have been spent a lot of times i havemate made half a dozen trips to tapachula the southern most city where cross from guatemala. they come there first before they come across our border. i have going to the darien gap.
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they are not stopping it there either. the pipeline is full. yet, after this meeting, a senior biden official told reporters that mexico's officials their plan created a pretty significant reduction in border crossings. is that accurate? >> well, mexico did implement some actions. for example, in matamoros they cleared the camp using bulldozers. momatamoros is across from brownsville. the new governor had met with obrador two weeks ago and started flights back to southern mexico. so there is some action where they are clearing migrants from northern mexico. they are trying to hold them in southern mexico. as we all have seen the footage, that's not holding them back. they will take the caravans and walk to central mexico and that's where they are taking the
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trains. something that we have documented and it's a major black eye for both administrations. >> griff: you have 2k0789ed -- you have done such a great job. but for you, and a few others, we wouldn't even know and as you look at that caravan beatsly and today -- we know the path. get on a train and end up in a number of days. numbers are about to break the record. this month is going to break the record for the most highest month ever. nap a couple of hours, auden. does mexico have the resources and the political will to effectively stop this crisis? >> well, one thing they do is they have the upper hand. they know that the u.s. is desperate. and i think mexico is asking for more funding. and also they have elections coming up next year. so, i think negotiated for
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mexico will receive more funding. and after, this we'll see exactly what was discussed or what comes after this meeting. but i think mexico does have the upper hand in this case. and we'll just have to wait and see what actions are taken. but, as far as the migrant flow and the pipeline, they are all coming. >> griff: auden, last question. i only got about 30 seconds. i want to ask you the administration is going to tell us they are doing everything they can and that the border is secure. is that true? or are they lying to us? >> well, they have been lying to us for the past three years. and i think this is where we come into play. we will be very critical what we report. every time i go to the border and report, it's completely opposite of what the administration is saying. so we are gearing up and getting ready to continue documenting the reality here on the ground and the border. and expose the administration. they have been lying to us for three years. i think they will continue this final year, continue lying.
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>> griff: auden cabello, independent journalist in mexico risking his life to tell the stories. the cartels are watching you as much as they are watching anybody else. auden, thank you for speaking out and coming on. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> griff: coming up, you won't believe how many gen z americans have a positive view of usama bin laden. we will show you the shocking poll. first 328 days since the east palestine train derailment and not once has biden visited. why a trump adviser thinks the former president's visit was a turning point for his campaign. ♪
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>> carley: 328 days have gone up by since east palestine ohio was from a toxic train derailment and not once has biden visited. >> griff: stark contrast to president trump who met with residents and even brought responders some mcdonald's you see here. the visit helped the former president's surge ahead of his g.o.p. competitors. >> joey: how is the town doing now? let's bring in lifetime resident and business owner b.j. yokley. first of all, so sorry this has happened to you. secondly, do you feel supported? do you feel like this
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administration is supporting you? where is everything? >> good morning, thanks for having me. i appreciate you all. >> so we have been supported. >> for us we have been supported by the american people. you know, e we are every town u.s.a. we feel like if nobody else, especially this administration is not going to support us, we will rely on each other to support each other. the american people have come through town. have you shown president trump come through town and support us. >> it was more than a photo op. as you said. he brought the residents food. the responders food. he brought water and he brought support and he brought attention which is what we needed at the time which left everything flat by this administration. while it was disappointing we sure appreciate the support. >> carley: you are the perfect person to talk to about this. because not only are you an east palestine president. you are a former councilman and business owner as well. you are really invested in the community. it's clear former president trump's visit to your town meant
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a lot to you. why don't you think president biden has visited yet? >> a good question. at the end of the day we are the blue collar americans that, you know, vote to put this entire regime in office. you know, from one standpoint. and, you know, while it sounds weird, we would never root against any president. they are a reflection of you was. whether they are on the blue side of the aisle or red side of the aisle, wherever it comes from. the truth is, if you root against the president of the united states and you are an american, like rooting against the starting quarterback of your football team. it doesn't make sense. we don't understand why we haven't received the attention or the support of this administration but, again, like i said, we will not be bullied. we will not be abandoned and we certainly won't be defeated because we have the american spirit. >> griff: d.j., why would a visit now, this many months later, remember the event happens, the derailment happens at the beginning of fen.
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it's a month later that president biden says he is going to come in march, never comes. why would a visit now matter? i don't know none it wouldn't from my point of view. the reality is becomes now it's an obvious photo op. and opportunity to just bring himself into the light of i went there and checked the box we need somebody to come in, roll up their sleeves and go to work with us. it certainly hasn't happened from this administration. >> griff: what does that support look like, d.j.? what do you need. >> the businesses need financial support. residents need to know that they're safe. you know, i have been out of my business, my headquarters of my business for 11 months, and nobody has been able to tell me that it's safe to go back. i have people that i employ that have, you know, different scenarios that they can't be put
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into situation they could be injured or die. i have a family to protect. to the left and right of me i have seen businesses go out of business and sell. there has been no support for them. unfortunately, for the businesses that are left, we either have to move, we need to make tough decisions that effect our family for generations to come. so for us, the residents need help first and foremost and the businesses that are the heart beat of that community need to be supported. >> carley: d.j., real quick, governor dewine announced $3.3 billion in forgivable loans have you been able to get one of those. >> i was not. 18 businesses were fortunate to get it. we weren't even told. we weren't told. we found out via press release. it's frustrating. it's one of those things that, you know, as a business owner and someone who has advocated for this town through the entire process, again, i will not lose
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this for my family. this is something that we built from the ground up and i'm edges sighted to keep going. but, it's going to be like everything. it's going to be tough. lucky for us we live in the good old country of the united states of america. >> griff: you are doing it -- go ahead. >> carley: ohio needs to make that pool of money little bit bigger. been out of your business 11 month and get back to your business to me it sounds like a perfect candidate for one of those loans. >> griff: got keep fighting. d.j. yokley, thank you for coming on. keep us updated on any new developments. >> god bless you guys. >> carley: god bless you, too. lots of luck. >> griff: turning to headlines moscow, idaho. in hours crew also begin knocking down the house where four university of idaho students were murdered last year. two of the victims' family believe the house could be vital in the investigation. they are when the victims can't speak, you have to speak for them. when you feel someone is hurting the case. >> prosecutors are pushing for suspect bryan kohberger's murder
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trial to begin this summer. and former baltimore prosecutor marilyn mosby could lose law license after being convicted on two counts of perjury. the attorney was found guilty last month of falsely claiming financial hardship during the covid-19 pandemic. thought maryland bar council is pushing for her to be disbarred. in a separate federal case mosby face twos counts of making false mortgage applications for vacation homes in florida. jury selection for that case begins next month. and here we go to college football. usc beating the louisville cardinals 42-28. the trojans backup quarterback six touchdowns, that's a new holiday bowl record. >> first down and 10 at the 44. play fake. goes deep. he has got it caught. touchdown. robinson.
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that's six touchdown passes. >> griff: six t.d.s. virginia blowing out unc in the duke's mayo bowl. after the victory kneel brown getting a mayonnaise shower. >> carley: oh, no, that can't be. >> griff: yuck. here is a sight you can't unsee. i watched a lot of that game. the team play-by-play guys were eating mayonnaise nachos. >> carley: why would they punish the coach for winning by dumping over his head. >> joey: gator aid. >> carley: feels like a punishment. feels like the losing coach should have gotten that. that's what that feels like to me. >> griff: check in with meteorologist adam klotz for fox weather forecast. hey, adam. >> i like mayonnaise but that grossed me out too. here is the forecast we are tracking two pockets of energy moving up the east coast. one rainy raw conditions across the northeast. the other continues to be snow
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back across the midwest. you are looking at snow currently from kansas city running along i-70 over towards st. louis. see some snow dip fairly far to the south. everything in blue kentucky and tennessee. maybe even into alabama and georgia. these are areas that typically don't see snow or at least they haven't seen snow for quite some time across the southeast, again, some of these spots it's been a year and a half to maybe even two years since we have seen any sort of snowfall. i will leave with you that if you see snow across the southeast or portions of the southeast, it hasn't happened in a while but that could be on the way. those are your weather headlines. for now though, i will toss it back over to you guys. >> carley: adom klotz with the weather report. thank you so much. >> joey: thanks,adam. >> carley: this the most disturbing thing you will hear all day. 22 years after the 9/11 terror attacks, it's now looking like some young people approve of usama bin laden. just look at this daily mail headline dham out yesterday. they conducted a poll and found
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out one in five young americans have a positive view of bin laden, disturbingly "the daily mail" poll results also reveal three in 10 gen zers think bin laden's views were a, quote, force for good. this group of young people think the largest terror attack on u.s. soil was a good thing. >> griff: before i get to you respond, joey, because i want to know how you feel about this. when i saw this. i was absolutely stunned and concerned as a father of gen z kids. but this, i think, can be traced back to a few weighing in and let's not forget that the gen z folks get so much of their news from tiktok. here is a montage of those users on tiktok praising that letter. watch. >> i need to you stop what you're doing and go read a letter to america. it is literally the craziest thing i have read in a while. while i can't a say that i'm not
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surprised, i am pretty shocked. >> this isn't like an argument for bin laden but he actually had some good points. >> he could have left the guys and -- the rest of it, you know, he was eaten. >> joey: i don't speak that language. i don't know everything they are talking about. i don't know what the cut off date is. most gen z americans have one thing in common. they were born right at or after 9/11. they see it in history books. not real life in person. that's no excuse. when this letter was circulating and "the daily mail" is the one who pulled it back off the internet. don't pull that letter off. let people read it. as a matter of fact, if i were teaching any form of social studies from probably ninth grade on, it would become a lesson. because we have school. we have education to teach people to think critically. to hear something that sounds good and have the tools to weed through it. >> so no matter what kind of milk and honey bin laden poured
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over words, they were words of murder and genocide and hate, words of evil. and you don't have to be a learned scholar to know that if you are not getting taught to think killing innocent people is wrong no matter what your cause. if you are not being taught in school it's not the gen zers and everyone responsible for educating them. including their parents. if you lived through 9/11 and have you kids that in their teens and not talking about it. you are delinquent on patriotism and delinquent on teaching your kids the truth. >> griff: that's so true. discovering this letter being disillusioned without being knowing and being taught the actual history that matters so critically much. >> carley: all right. coming up. california wants toy stores to pay up if they don't have a gender neutral section.
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that insane law is coming up next. ♪ elf i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq.
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because this is how we work now. ♪ >> carley: starting this new year's day california stores will now be forced to include a gender neutral toy section for children. the law which governor newsom signed in 2021 forces all stores with more than 500 workers to comply or face fines starting at
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$250. former state senator voted against the bill and she joins us now. good morning to you, melissa. so, out of all things california could tackle crime, homelessness, drug use, they chose the toy aisle. what was your initial reaction in 2021 when you read this bill. >> well, i was really stunned, number one, because the author of the bill doesn't have any children. so he has no idea what it's like to go to the store scrambling trying to find that toy for your child's birthday or christmas. rush home to make dinner and take care of the family. he has no idea. i was stunned that someone without children was so focused controlling on how i shop for my children. >> i don't think there are even labels on toy sections. you know, did you go into a toy store. you don't see a boy section and a girl section. so, practically, what changes here? >> well, you know, there are some retailers who have already
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decided to start doing. this and that's probably how it should be. you know, rather than the government trying to step in and co-parent with parents in california, let retailers decide what is best for their customers and what their clientele wants. but the last thing we need is for the state legislature in california to decide no, parents, this is how you need to shop for your children and oh, by the way, if you have a son and you take him to the section where there are trucks or legos that somehow that makes you a bad parent. it's policies like these that are terrible for people living in california. and, you know, across the united states, too. any other states are choosing to do this. but, again, we don't need the government trying to co-parent with us. we have got it just fine. >> carley: the vice president of the california family research council said this violates the first amendment. he says you go to the government -- you got the government now dictating the signage in stores about what words can be used to advertise products. this is opening a pandora's box.
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>> it is. i'm with the america first policy institute, our mission has always been you put the american people first. you put the californian people first. this puts special interest groups first. decided this just terrible for children. we are going to give them the voice and the power to control everyone's choices and how they shop and for goodness sake, we have $68 billion budget deficit in california. i'm pretty sure we could probably be focusing on some things other than the toy section at our local target businesses who do not comply with face fines between 250 and $500 who is going to be checking the toy isles? >>aisles.>> that is great quest. deputize all the children in california and have them report. i don't know. it's beyond absurd right now and again we have a huge, huge --
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>> carley: california feels like it's parody but it's not. you mentioned the guy who wrote this legislation. his name is evan lowe; is that right california democratic lawmaker. >> that's correct. >> carley: he said we need to stop stigmatizing what is acceptable for certain genders and just let kids be kids. what's your quick reaction to that? >> well mikesell quick reaction is go have some children of your own and then can you talk to me about how i should raise my children. but, secondly this notion harming children for crying out loud. we have been raising children for years and years and years. we understand how to do so. and someone who doesn't even have children just doesn't need to be weighing in on this. i mean, he said that it came genesis was a staffer of his that had little girl and she wanted to know why some toys were off limits to her. they are not off limits. if they're off limits. they are off limits because your parents made them so. not the store.


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