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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  December 28, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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open a.i. up 55% for the year. the debate on a.i. a major headline as experts questions whether machines will take work and influence from humanity. as politics and infighting reigned in washington heading into a new presidential election last year. kevin mccarthy was ousted and the colorado supreme court said it was removing president trump from the ballot sending the issue to the supreme court. maria bartiromo, fox business, new york. >> mike: always a blast working with you. excited we get to do it again tomorrow. "the faulkner focus" is up next. here is julie banderas in for harris, have a great day. >> molly: thanks for watching. >> julie: fox news alert. thousands of illegal immigrants flooding over our southern border each and every day. now a caravan of at least 6,000
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is closing in. both sides of the aisle pressuring president biden to do something to stop it and do it now. this is "the faulkner focus." i'm julie banderas in for harris today. secretary of state antony blinken and homeland security secretary mayorkas were both in mexico yesterday to discuss the border crisis. dhs calls the meeting with the president obrador in mexico and others, quote, very productive. republican congresswoman nancey mace says it's not close to good enough. >> blinken's visit to mexico is about paying lip service. independ departments, republicans and democrats are angry about what they are seeing at a border. this is a massive problem for the biden administration and they refuse to address it. >> julie: sanctuary cities are crumbling under the massive weight of the crisis. texas sending bus loads and now planes full of illegals their way. a tiny fraction of what border
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communities are facing right now. democratic mayors from new york, denver and chicago are tearing into texas governor greg abbott. listen. >> this is a national problem has only been exacerbated by governor abbott, cruel, inhumane politics. >> denver finds itself at ground 0 in responding to the migrant crisis. we are the first big city north of el paso. the shortest trip for the governor. >> our local economies are not designed and built to respond to this type of crisis. we are literally building the system as we go along. >> julie: nate foye on the liberal city mayors now feeling the heat. first fox business's grady trimble on the biden administration's handling or not handling of the crisis. grady. >> we saw that post on x from
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homeland security secretary mayorkas calling yesterday's meeting in mexico city very productive. but we didn't get any specifics from mayorkas or secretary of state antony blinken who was also in the room. mexico's president obrador said they agreed to open rail crossings at the border closed because of the surge of migrants. but he says fentanyl hardly came up. >> unfortunately this is just a hey we went down there. they will check the box, but nothing will get resolved. >> they went down there for a photo op. the policies have not changed. if they were serious about it they'd look at the tools they took off the table such as the remain in mexico policy. >> notably while the meeting was taking place and still right now, a group of thousands of migrants is making its way through mexico toward the united states and it's not clear how either country plans to deal with that caravan. just this month there have been more than 250,000 migrant
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encounters at the southern border. more than 35,000 encounters over christmas weekend alone. meantime, immigration talks in the senate are ongoing but slow going. they are happening remotely this week with so many lawmakers taking time off for the holidays. >> julie: thank you very much. three of those sanctuary city mayors held a virtual media brief yesterday. they are demanding restrictions on when and how many of governor abbott's buses can arrive and they are pleading with the federal government for more funding. border council president brandon judd says all the blame should go to biden. >> if they would actually come from a position of strength and start talking to biden like it's his fault, then they would get his attention. these mayors need to clearly say this problem is a federal government problem. not a abbott problem but the
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federal government problem. if they put the blame where it lies they have a chance of getting the crisis fixed. >> julie: nate foye with more. >> moving forward charter bus companies will have to communicate with new york city 32 hours before dropping high grants off at a decembsignated location. they must happen between 8:30 a.m. and noon monday through friday. any bus company that fails to do that could be fined or face other penalties. mayor adams issued the executive order wednesday after a record 14 migrant buses arrived from texas in a single day. he can't even get a meeting with president joe biden to address this issue. listen to him here. >> we cannot continue to do the federal government's job. we have spoken to fema and other federal offices and expressed concern about the border surge but not offered additional help.
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we need action and we need it now. >> the mayors of chicago and denver are also asking for more federal help. they want more money. they also want to expedite the approval of work authorizations for migrants. brandon judd said the problem with continue as long as migrants are incentivized. >> if we secure our border we have to stop releasing these people into the united states. we have to stop giving that magnet that draws so many people to cross our borders illegally. as long as we continue to give them aid, they are going to continue to come. >> secretary of state antony blinken and homeland security secretary mayorkas discussed the crisis with the mexican president. it has seen record breaking numbers for illegal migration. grady just mentioned it. the southern border is on pace for the most migrant encounters ever. more buses could be coming up to sanctuary cities like new york.
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send it back to you, julie. >> julie: unbelievable. matt gorman, former senior advisor to tim scott and tim hogan spokesman for hillary clinton join me now. 14 buses in one day in new york is ridiculous. at this point abbott is sending the buses here trying to send a message to democratic cities and we get it. new york city and other cities are now suffering and innocent civilians are suffering. families with children are suffering. who needs to take the blame here? which of you will agree with me, it's the biden administration. who else could you possibly point the finger at? >> i will go. they want to be sanctuary cities until the consequences of being that is on the table. this has been happening for years at the border. until these blue city mayors who talked about this in theory actually got a taste of what's going on down there, they
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actually started raising alarms and talking to their leader of their own party, joe biden, about what the crisis is. look, i was down there a couple months ago with tim scott. it was eye opening. down in the yuma sector you have hospitals, housing, police all strained for years because of this. they really -- if falls at the feet of joe biden and his inability to secure the border. >> julie: tim. >> joe biden sent a comprehensive immigration proposal to the republican congress on day one of his administration. in 2013 we passed comprehensive immigration reform bipartisan out of the senate to the house. republicans play loose with this issue because they know them demagog it and the political center of gravity is donald trump who says immigrants coming into the country and enact the largest deportation force in american history. we should take it seriously but
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incumbent for republicans to come to the table and stop using it as a wedge issue. >> julie: donald trump is not the president in the white house right now. it's joe biden. as far as the former policy the remain in mexico policy that curbed the numbers. nothing has stopped the numbers but certainly curbed it. 250,000 illegal immigrants in one month is unacceptable. if you don't see that as reason enough to close the border and go back to remain in mexico policy, i don't know what other policy they have up their sleeves. so far we haven't seen it. we have to move on. i would love to speak more about that but we have to talk about the upcoming caucuses. 18 days. the real clear average of polls shows former president donald trump has a big lead in the hawkeye state. advisors close to ron desynths are attempting to make the patient comfortable. that hurts ahead of a possible
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campaign suspension. he is running second in iowa with nikki haley not far behind. ramaswamy and grilles tee, get out now. like ramaswamy, christie won't get out of the race. he can do no good but plenty of harm dividing anti-trump voters into rival camps and preventing them from coalescing around other alternatives like haley and desantis. far from dropping out christie with a seven figure ad buy. watch this. >> some people say i should drop out of this race, really? i'm the only one saying donald trump is a liar. he pits americans against each other. his christmas message to anyone who disagrees with him rot in hell. >> julie: chris christie there showing he is stubborn will stay in. a lot of candidates want to make it to the end but when they look at the numbers, matt, are they
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being selfish? right now ron desantis at the very beginning of this was considered a very strong candidate. is chris christie hurting ron desantis in the end and nikki haley even? >> he is probably hurting nikki haley more. with two weeks ago tim and i spent time in presidential campaign. it is the voters for them to make that call. the morning after voting whether it's day after iowa for someone like desantis, ramaswamy or new hampshire with christie. if they don't meet expectations they'll make hard decisions. they should do it quickly. right now you're two weeks out. give a chance for the voters to have their say. christie is at 11 mid teens in new hampshire, behind haley, message is resonating up there. you give these people enough of a chance to at least have voters have a chance to vote or not vote for them and in short order the morning after see what the results are. stay in or get out and do it
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quick. >> julie: make the patient comfortable. that's an awful comment to hear. i have to ask you that comment could mark the beginning of the end of desantis's campaign. unwelcome news. it also comes less than three weeks before the make or break january 15th iowa caucuses. less than three weeks before that. where does the governor end his campaign? he must finish in the top two spots or he risks dropping out of the 2024 republican primary. what do you see in the future of desantis's campaign? >> i think he probably ends his campaign and one thing i agree with donald trump on. falling like an ailing bird from the sky. this campaign never took off. there was never enough momentum. you have a strategist saying he is now ted cruz with the personality instead of donald trump without the drama. i think he will stay until iowa. he needs a good first or second
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place finish for this campaign to go on. >> julie: it's only three weeks away. matt gorman and tim hogan. thank you very much for talking to us. going woke may be going away in one area. some big companies seeing, well, seeming to be learning it's not good for business. plus the housing crisis turning into a big election issue. watch. >> the american dream is being able to buy a home. that is completely slipped away under president biden. i think that's really going to be a big deciding factor for young voters looking to who they will vote for in november. >> julie: buying a home is out of reach for most average american families and guess who they are blaming? steve moore in "focus" next. but i'm also a mother of four. and as entrepreneurs, we weigh the cost of every decision. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family. so i can focus on my calling and our family. joining christian health care
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>> julie: soaring mortgage rates under president biden pushing homeownership out of reach for most americans. since he took office, the average monthly payment has nearly doubled. that is a big reason why home affordability is now at a record low. a new survey finds that just more than 15% of listings are now considered within reach for a typical american household. that's less than half of what it was just a few years ago. all that leading to this headline from the "wall street journal" reading the map for buying a home no longer works. republicans blame the president. >> the median home is six times as expensive as the median income. >> you have people trying to buy a home right now, people who may have missed a payment on their credit card. >> everything about owning a home has skyrocketed. you can thank the failed
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policies of president biden. >> julie: steve moore joins me now. first of all, home prices have not returned to pre-pandemic levels. so you have overpriced homes right now still on market because you have sellers who have been disillusioned by the pandemic thinking they can still get the money but buyers can't afford it because of the mortgage rates. it makes it impossible for first-time homeowners. what is the government doing about it? >> it's so interesting because we've been talking a lot about the overall inflation rate in the economy, 9% last year. come down to 3 1/2 to 4% now. that often doesn't take into account the huge increase in the cost of a mortgage. so you are exactly right. because the interest rate on the mortgage went from 3% under trump up to as high as 8% under biden. it has come down to 6 1/2% in most markets now but still very high. you are exactly right.
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the average mortgage payment per month now has gone up to $35 a hundred when it was $1800 a month under trump. what that has meant is that for especially young people in their late 20s or 30s they can't afford to buy the house now because mortgage payments are so high. >> julie: what really hurts is all the people who bought a home when the prices were reasonable and interest rates were low. interest-only loans. i want the talk about those. a lot of people got interest-only loans because they could only pay the bare minimum mortgage payments. they locked into the interest-only loans and hoped they would eventually start paying down the principle within seven years. you go from literally 3% interest rate up to 6 1/2 to 7% your mortgage is morning doubling. those are the people facing foreclosure now. what options do they have? loan modification is one.
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how likely is that to happen and how likely are banks to cooperate with the people who can't afford their mortgages? >> the last thing we want to see is people losing their home. so we need to have some policies to avoid that for sure. but you are exactly right. by the way, the other problem is that people who did get those low-interest rate loans when trump was president, now they can't really afford to sell their house, julie. if they sell it they have to turn around and buy a new house at 6 1/2 or 7% rate. so it has frozen the market right now. i'm mostly concerned about can my kids now in their early 30s, will they be able to achieve the american dream, owning your own home. i want them out of my basement. i want those kids to be able to start a family, have a home. that is the american dream. it is becoming unaffordable. my point is when biden talks about how good the economy is right now, is he taking into
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account that people can't afford a new home? >> julie: yeah, speaking of your basement, president biden has a problem with messaging on the economy. that is no secret. prices and interest rates remain high while data shows the economy itself is growing, there is a new op-ed laying it out for you. understanding how the economic and political trends are coming together underscores just how far biden has sunk with the public in just under three years. while the economy seems to be coming in for a soft landing, biden's landing looks even more like a crash. if these trends hold, it will be the first time since william taft in 1912 that an incumbent president lost with an economy that did not shrink within a year of his re-election. poll after poll shows a majority of voters have had a dismal look
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at the economy. >> what is your outlook on the economy next year? >> president biden: all good. take a look. start reporting it the right way. >> julie: what is he even talking about? start reporting it the right way? you mean lie? >> look, the economy is better today than it was a year ago, no question about it. last year we had an incredibly miserable economy. when biden came into office it's important for people to remember, the economy was growing again really rapidly as we came out of the pandemic. in the last six months of the trump presidency. we were on this upward escalation with the economy. biden came in. the first thing he did was spent and borrowed $6 trillion that we couldn't afford. that unleashed the massive increase in inflation that we haven't seen in 40 years and yes, the price -- the cpi level, inflation rate has come down. what the president doesn't seem to understand yeah, but prices
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are 20% higher today than they were three years ago. go to the grocery store or the gas pump. all these prices are so much higher than they were. that's why americans are in a bad mood about the economy. biden maybe should get out of the white house and look on main street how real americans are feeling things. >> julie: when you hit rock bottom there is no other way to go but up. with the economy doing better and inflation doing better and wages going up it doesn't matter. everything is unaffordable and people can't afford even with the inflated wages. of course we hit rock bottom. congratulations for getting us out of the dungeon. >> americans understand what we've done in the last three years under biden has been a tragic mistake. we've increased the national debt by almost $7 trillion. it's like going on a big drinking binge saying this is so wonderful. i'm dancing on the table and then you can't get out of bed
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the next morning. >> julie: i don't know what that's like. happy new year, great to see you. so former president trump getting a big win in one state. michigan supreme court rejected a move to keep trump's name off the state's primary ballot. now colorado's republican party officially challenging the high court's decision to boot trump from the ballot. plus house republicans digging into whether president biden was involved in hunter's scheme and whether his involvement was to defy two congressional subpoenas. republicans say that could be impeachable. team coverage. lucas tomlinson and phil holloway are with us next.
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>> julie: house republicans are looking whether the president played a role in hunter biden, his son, defying a congressional subpoena. karine jean-pierre admitted president biden knew about his
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son's plan to skip the deposition. they sent a letter to white house counsel saying a trouble new question we must examine, whether the president corruptly sought to influence or obstruct the committee's proceeding by preventing, discouraging or dissuading his son from complying with the committee's subpoenas. such conduct could be an impeachable offense. lucas tomlinson is traveling with the president in st. croix, virgin islands. oh, lucas, you poor thing. >> that's right. top house republican committee chairmen writing they are are expanding their investigation into president biden as part of its impeachment inquiry based off the top recent statements by white house press secretary karine jean-pierre, including this one. >> look, you know, the president was certainly familiar with what his son was going to say and i think what you saw was from the
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heart from his son. >> here is more from that letter written by those house republican committee chairmen based on that statement that you just heard from the white house press secretary. here is more from that letter. they write, quote, miss karine jean-pierre declined to give any further details whether the president approved of his son defying congressional subpoenas. james comer was recently on hannity to discuss this further. >> we know now because of our investigation that he sent dozens and das dozens of emails to many of these business associates. they won't turn the emails over as you know, jason. that's part of the evidence we're continuing to seek to receive through this impeachment inquiry. we know that he communicated with every single person that he said he never met with. >> hunter biden makes his first court appearance facing those
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new tax charges on july 11th. of course this isn't the first time a member of the president's family has made money off the president. recall billy carter made money off billy beer and speaking appearances, hawking that southern good old boy persona, i brows were raised when he accepted over $2 hundred thousand from qaddafi and made several trips to libya as well. >> julie: several questions. phil holloway former assistant district attorney and legal advisor to the georgia sheriff's department joins me now. thank you for talking to us. first of all, the president getting involved in any of the subpoenaing and all the research that needs to be done by these committees is certainly meddling but is it an impeachable offense? >> well great to be with you, julie. when you find yourself in a hole, the first thing that you've got to do is stop digging, okay? whether or not being remotely
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involved in any capacity with hunter biden and his decisions to defy that subpoena, whether or not it's an impeachable offense is something left squarely to the wisdom, if you will, of the house of representatives. i doubt it will make it that far. but it was stupid for hunter biden to defy that subpoena. it was certainly stupid of him to go on the capitol grounds and give the middle finger to congress on the day he was supposed to be in their testifying. it was stupid in my opinion for his lawyer to stand there with him while he was doing it and stupid if his father had any connection with it or any role in that whatsoever. presumeably both joe and hunter are trained as lawyers and the best thing to do is keep your mouth shut. whether or not joe biden is involved with his son's legal affairs seems to be something that would just be an automatic no-brainer for the president to just steer clear. but he can't do it because he
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just doesn't, i think, have the good judgment to avoid everything that involves hunter and his legal problems. >> julie: in a letter sent by the oversight and judiciary chairmen they asked the white house counsel and accused them and the president in this letter that mr. president corruptly sought to influence or obstruct the committee's proceeding by preventing, discouraging or dissuading his son from complying with the subpoena. that's obstruction of justice and a serious offense. if you are the president do you get away with that? it obstruction of justice not a big deal if you are the president? >> the devil is in the details. if the president merely knew what his son was going to say and didn't have anything to do with creating that response or causing that response it won't be enough to trigger legal problems. it's a political issue more than anything.
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the house of representatives decides what is impeachable and what's not. now, people don't like that standard but it is what the constitution gives us. it is very loose, ill-defined and something that's left squarely to the body politics and not the lawyers and courts. the president needs to understand that there is an official inquiry, impeachment inquiry going on and the further he can be from hunter the better. >> julie: if my child was in trouble just cooperate. i don't understand what hunter biden would decide to ditch his deposition. if you weren't the president son and ditched your deposition don't you think you get slap back? because he is the president's son it seems skipping a deposition is no big deal. i will move on to the michigan supreme court. a big story yesterday when it rejected a move to kick former president trump off of the 2024 primary ballot and this as you
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know comes one week after the colorado supreme court decided to disqualify trump from their state's primary ballot. the colorado republican primary, that party has officially appealed that decision to the u.s. supreme court. we wait for the u.s. supreme court to weigh in. in the meantime former president trump has praised michigan's ruling and writes the state supreme court has strongly and rightfully denied the desperate democrat attempt to take the leading candidate in the 2024 presidential election, me, off the ballot. there are still more than a dozen states, by the way, considering petitions to keep trump's name off the ballot. with that said, phil, the michigan court of claims judge who first got the case said that state law in michigan doesn't give officials any lee way to police the eligibility of presidential primary candidates. he also said the case raised a political question that shouldn't be decided in the courts. in the state of colorado the law is different. now with the nation's primaries
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around the corner do you think they'll weigh in these two decisions? we don't just have colorado, we have michigan that might put more pressure on the supreme court to come out with a decision sooner than later. would you agree? >> the supreme court has to do something, i think, very quickly by its own terms. the opinion in colorado, the stay is in place only until january 5th. this is going to need to be something that's dealt with very quickly. the colorado opinion, 4-three. three of the justices said what michigan said. i think they got it right. listen, the insurrection clause of the 14th amendment was designed to keep confederate loyalists seated in congress following the civil war. many of them got elected, went to washington and congress was able to refuse to seat them based on this. the courts throughout the united states and the various states, election laws are not equipped to adjudicate whether someone has committed an insurrection
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within the definition whatever that may be of the 14th amendment insurrection clause. this is nothing more, whether you like trump or hate trump, you need to understand this is nothing more than a liberal fantasy which is basically about killing trump's political career once and for all by keeping him off the ballot. the idea is if they can get him off the ballot in enough states. there is a lot of red or purple states that have left-leaning supreme courts. the fantasy idea is that they can just keep trump off the ballots. the michigan courts are correct. this is something that the voters need to decide, not the electoral laws of the individual states. >> julie: the colorado gop officially filed their appeal today. so that is on pause as of right now. his name will be on the primary ballot. we will have to wait and see how the supreme court decides and see how this appeal falls. thank you very much, phil
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holloway. thank you for coming on. the vice president's approval and unpopularity is fueling major 2024 concerns. this surely doesn't help. watch. >> you need to get to go and need to be able to get where you need to go. a.i. is a fancy thing. two letters, it means artificial intelligence. >> as the name suggests, community banks are in the community. >> julie: okay. the vp's defenders chalk it up to racism and sexism. people aren't buying it and voters are demanding more. joe concha is next. (son) dad. you ok? (dad) it's our phone bill! we pay for things that we don't need! bloated bundles, the reckless spending! no more... (mom) that's a bit dramatic... a better plan is verizon. it starts at 25 dollars a line. (dad) did you say 25 dollars a line? (sister) and save big on things we love, like netflix and max! (dad) oh, that's awesome (mom) spaghetti night -- dinner in 30 (dad) oh, happy day!
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>> julie: looks like businesses are walking away from woke. a new survey finds some tech companies are nixing diversity, equity and inclusion efforts posting 23% viewer dei jerboas on one large job site. fox business's lydia hu has more. >> the decline in job openings come as companies like black rock, j.p. morgan chase and american airlines are altering their dei policies according to reuters which tracked changes to scholarship programs, employee
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trainings and other company initiatives. according to the report black rock removed language describing a scholarship as designed for specific unrepresented groups. j.p. morgan had programs described as advanceings hispanics and latinos and black pathways. the changes come after conservative nonprofits including american first legal contacted the companies and demanded they cease employment practices based on race or sex. they were made to starbucks, morgan stanley, mcdonalds and others. some are at least six companies that appear to have revised dei policies after receiving letters threatening lawsuits. lohse, pizza hut and contour brand lee jeans. after the supreme court struck
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down affirmative action in college admissions, some now expect challenges to d.e.i. policies to grow. matt. >> that fig leaf is gone and coming under fire and have started to become sued over these racial-based hiring and promotion schemes. i think without that legal protection that they thought they had, whether they had it or not increasingly some of the compliance offices are saying this is a lawsuit waiting to happen. >> that increased risk for lawsuits is maybe why the postings for dei jobs are down. 23% year-over-year according to job website indeed. julie, back to you. >> julie: thank you very much. joe concha, fox news contributor and columnist and good friend joins me now. i will let you sound off. i'm sure you have plenty. >> thank you. who needs a question. we'll jump in. >> julie: it's obvious. >> when stripping away all the
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noise dei only promotes in the end division, instead of unity. perhaps harvard and the democratic party in general should embrace what john f. kennedy had to say about it in 1963 during research for my new book. i don't think quotas are a good idea on the basis of religion, race, color or nationality. we're too mixed to begin to divide ourselves on the basis of race and color. amen. this was true 60 years ago during the civil rights movement and true today. fortunately the boomerang effect in happening on d.e.i. programs. just follow the money and follow all those potential lawsuits that may be coming as a result. in the end the most important diversity any corporation should be pushing is diversity of thought, of ideas, and people get hired based on merit not because they check off certain boxes based on appearance or
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background. >> julie: look at the president of harvard. a perfect example. such a double standard there. she had basically allowed for protestors to come on her campus and call for the genocide of jews and she didn't think that was wrong. if the tables were turned and she was let's say a white president of harvard and these were blacks being targeted it would be a much different story. she has been accused of plagiarism, a much different story. she had the job since july and asked to resign. now threatening to sue. there is why this whole diversity thing blows up in employers' faces. it has to be about merit and qualifications. that's the bottom line. >> couldn't agree more. we are talking 40 instances, by the way, of plagiarism. the cut and paste variety. then again, joe biden on numerous occasions has been caught plagiarizing when he was in school to when he ran for president 35 years ago. he had to drop out of the 88
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race because of plagiarism and got to stay on as senator and eventually becomes president. claudine gay survives. it depends on the letter next to your name as well sometimes. >> julie: where is kamala? have you seen her? voters want more from her. much of america seems to agree harris is not ready to claim the mantel of party leader. one voter said i always wonder why am i not hearing about her? the vice president has been appointed some pretty big jobs as border czar to get to the root causes of the crisis. we haven't heard any of those yet. many critics say she has been lying down on the job having only visited the southern border once back in 2021, a stop in el paso, texas, plenty of moments like this. >> i am mortified, petrified. stupefied by the premise of this story. many of us would have a hard
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time believing voters want to see and hear more from kamala harris. this is the person in charge of finding root causes of mass migration leading to a national security and humanitarian crisis at the u.s. southern border and look at what we're witnessing from the reports there on a daily basis. it's a grade below f she gets it as far as her performance there. this is the all foam and no beer vice president. almost every time she does an interview or public speaking event the elevator doesn't seem to go to the top floor. one gaffe after another. most news organizations don't show those gaffes because they want to protect her. >> julie: i know. here in the news business when you get a job in television we put together a reel. i haven't done in that 20 years. anyway, yeah, a resume, could you imagine if you were kamala harris?
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>> when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time. culture is a reflection of a moment in our time, right? and -- and present cultures the way we express how we're feeling about the moment. there are, you know, people of every age and gender, by the way, who see something about being the first that lets them know they don't need to be limited by other people's limited understanding of who can do what. >> julie: now, i like a good salad. a word salad like that one i will choke on. the vice president's approval is a dismal 38% according to real clear politics. it could be a huge problem for 2024 when a lot of people look to joe biden they say he is an aging president and she is the runner up if something were to happen to him. you watch that resume tape, i would say no, i am not going to
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hire you. >> one heartbeat away. we have an 81-year-old president right now. a cbs poll out recently. 42% of americans said the job harris was doing makes them think worse of the biden administration. just 18% say it makes them think better. so if you think of the prospect of a president kamala harris, think of china, think of iran, think of north korea and all of our enemies abroad, what they will think of the united states if she ends up being the commander-in-chief. not a good thing. >> julie: not a good look. it looks like democrats dominate news rooms by a very wide margin. no surprise. a new study which found that in 2022 only 3% -- 3% of journalists identified as republicans. 36% identify as democrats. the number for republicans has been shrinking since researchers first did the study back in 1971. any time you hear biden speaks
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he attacks the press. he only has 3% of republicans. can you imagine if the numbers were the other way around. >> can we get even? fair and balanced, i've heard that before. what we're seeing is journalism morphing into activism. post nixon 3/4s of americans said they trusted the media. that was a time during cronkite, brinkler, and they reported the news instead of injecting their feelings and opinions into it. now it's the opposite. >> julie: i'm getting the 15 second fist. i love you, joe. i have to go. happy new year's. i will be on saturday for the big weekend show. i'll be back tomorrow. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus."
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