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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  December 28, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> hello, this is "outnumbered," i'm molly line. joining me today, fox news contributor tammy bruce, family emergency medicine doctor dr. nesheiwat, heritage foundation's kara frederick and todd piro. president biden is soaking up the sun, our commander-in-chief landed in u.s. virgin island yesterday ringing in the new year at a place owned by his power donors. nothing new for this commander-in-chief, he spent 40% of his presidency on vacation. the border crisis is reaching
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unprecedented levels. december on pace to be a record month and massive new migrant caravan is set to make things worse, that is heading in this direction. the problem is so bad even democrats and liberal media cannot ignore this any longer. mayor of denver, chicago, new york, all blue sanctuary cities, are begging the federal government for help. >> this is unacceptable. our city in eagle pass getting slammed with two to three thousand people everyday, it is unfair, unethical in eagle pass. we feel ignored by the federal government. >> without significant investment from the government, it won't just be the city of chicago, it is entire country at stake. denver is at ground zero trying to resolve and respond to the
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federal crisis. we need federal support to manage this in-flow. >> those who should have been helping us in government just critiqued us, i'm not seeing light at the end of the tunnel from the federal government and this is not a plsz, this is urgency. >> molly: the call has been made, top of mind issue heading into the pivotal 2024 election. even cnn agrees. >> the top issue facing the nation, economy is number one, number one in august and now. take a look at immigration/border security, 11% in august, now 19%, closing in on the economy. most google searching of migrant by state, illinois,
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massachusetts, colorado and of course a lot of talk about the migrant crisis in illinois and new york and seems like voters in those very blue states, states democrats win in general elections, they are focusing on this issue, as well. >> molly: part of that is these states and cities feel the impact because migrants come there. massachusetts, major problem with the shelter system. todd, your thoughts. >> todd: it is like the cities and states are realizing we are in a crisis, we are in a crisis now, but this problem of immigration has been ongoing for years and decades. just because it is hitting their cities and towns, they are complaining. texas never held out as a sanctuary state and they are baring it is brubt. they distribute it to cities and
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towns that put themselves out there, greg abbott in particular is getting flack from governors and mayors and that is shocking to me. when it comes to mexico, i hear they are putting together a task force to solve this problem. any time you hear a task force, that is clear sign what you are doing is nothing and this is for show. final point, mayor adams in new york city, by executive order, now saying any bus that comes to this area that is charter bus, must give 32 hours notice. that is to interdict that bus. kara frederick, play lawyer, that is violation of commerce clause, it is their job, you are interfering with that job, if i'm that bus company and state of texas, i sue.
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>> kara: bill melugin saw this sign at tucson airport directing nonu.s. citizens without passports into a special line. migrants across the country, this is a national problem. it seems like leadership is noticing it now. >> kara: we've said at heritage foundation, every state is a border state, you saw arizona and texas and now people feel the pain. remember martha's vineyard and how quickly they got illegals out of there. this is intentional. 10,000 illegal border crossings per day. not just a national issue, it is international issue and national security issue much these are coming from high-risk countries, when it comes to terrorism and countries where we know a lot of
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terrorism emanates out of that. this is a problem when you have military age males crossing the border, national security threat. i would not be surprised if we have sleeper cells. we are not keeping account of the people, not vetting them, we don't know what they are bringing with emthis, we don't know how many frankly this is happening and not for people like bill melugin and his tenacious reporting, americans would not know until the big one hits and that is what i'm concerned about. keep it up, everybody, i fear it might be coming if we don't clamp down now. >> molly: kara, this is a national security issue and leaders talking about how this is hitting home in communities across the country and our own
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homeless and veterans. it has a domino effect. >> tammy: democrats not caring, it is about agenda, mission, like what harvard is dealing with, not thinking what this means and they scramble. one thing i can say about joe biden and vacation, he is the captain stub ing, the one who hs dinner and walks around but not running the ship. now the world doesn't realize that, we understand that, we don't know who is running the country and agenda attached to something so outrageous, even a broken clock is right twice a day. this should be stopped. it is almost as if it is so bad, they are frozen into not knowing what to do.
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then i would say like harvard, it really destroys the entire theory from the start, the moment it proves trump being right, they have to go back to the dynamic and that is a problem, but many people's lives are at risk as result of their bull headedness. >> molly: one democratic congressman is concerned about what this could mean for democrats and the president, as well, take a listen. >> we are losing democrats, they feel the democratic party, the president not doing enough, we will lose democrats because we are not doing the right thing at the border. >> bring in the good doctor. >> dr. nesheiwat: he is right, 30,000 switched recently. molly, we are breaking records today, records we're not proud
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of three hundred or four hundred thousand migrants in the last fiscal quarter. these are terrible numbers, because we are sending a global message we are open, come on down. it is overwhelming sanctuary cities that are drowning and i can attest first hand. here port authority, buses and immigrants come in. where i go for my shift to take care of illegal immigrant patients everyday. it is heart breaking what they go through. we talk about inhumanity. i talked to the mom of an immigrant child who was sick with a parasite she picked up from crossing through the waters. i asked mom, what was the journey like. she had to make seven stops to get to mexico and a point her
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daughter was crying and hungry and they had no food. she told me mexican cartel threatened to take her away. another patient, a father came in, i asked the hardest part of his journey. he said every place he went, he had to pay to get through. not to mention stabings. i asked a patient, why didn't you call 911 when you were stabbed. he told me he didn't want to be deported. this is inhumanity we are putting these people through by not securing the border. >> molly: and these are fortunate people that reach you and can get medical care. terrible journey. warnings ringing out president biden's reelection campaign could be in trouble with red flags come from biden's home
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>> tammy: it is appearing more and more evident that rematch of the 2020 race could be on the horizon. the way voters view president biden has changed. first term plagued by the botched withdrawal from afghanistan, spiking inflation and the crisis at the border to name a few. the "new york times" is warning biden campaign voters may see donald trump as sa safer pick ts time around.
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the piece saying voters want change, instead of clamoring for someone to blow everything up, they are crying out for someone to put things back in order. mr. biden did not deliver. if between mr. biden and mr. trump and fought on chaos versus stability, even with the drama swirling around the former president, don't assume people will consider second biden term. foreign policy and immigration, not good for president biden according to a sienna poll, president trump is leading biden in five of six key swing states including pennsylvania where democrats are flipping to the republican party in droves. over 35,000 democrats reregistered in the state so far to republican to around 15,000
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republicans. i think for the oaudience and most people, this makes sense, we have been deluged with negative talk and abc said trump might be bad guy, he knew what he was doing and i'm paraphrasing here. and a woman who thinks all politicians are crooks and trump was trying to bribe people, but at least he got things done. that is what we are facing now. >> kara: sle absolutely, we hav palpable feeling the world is on fire. biden campaigned on restoring decency to the white house, paraphrasing, coming out of twitter during the campaign in 2020 and proof is in the pudding. look what is going on, border
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chaos is rampant, inflation, people are feeling this. i say this often, you go to the grocery store and i went to harris, i used to go to whole foods, is harris the new whole foods? i think so, spending over $200 for snacks. look at ukraine, israel and the gaza war. this is something people recognize. >> tammy: molyl, what they claimed in 2020, bring normality back, to be stable, americans feel lied to, they had expectations and the opposite occurred. >> molly: you hear about the pen lum swing, is the pendulum swinging back and trump is the stable one? he was supposed to be the
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chaotic one. people are thinking back to when trump was president and inflation and grocery store prices. he has that selling point to go with. it is a major concern what they are seeing out of pennsylvania. it is president biden's home state, could be embarrassing to see that, pennsylvania is such an important part of electoral process. it is major prize. that is a big concern, as well. >> tammy: it is interesting, all the rhetoric banting trump and media using the word hitler, the american people, i'm happy about this, regardless of politics, american people continue to think for themselves at this point. >> dr. nesheiwat: voters misthe american dream and only hope to get back to reality is president
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trump by looking at the polls and take a look, what has donald trump done? we've seen that in four years, compare to president biden. under trump, thriving economy, energy independent, organization at the border and abraham accord. our 401(k)'s were expanding, you could go to a movie on friday night. americans are feeling it, whether putting food on the table, putting gas in vehicles or trying to have extra to do something buying christmas gifts for children, they are struggling and americans have had enough and they are saying something with their vote and as we are seeing with the polls. >> tammy: part of this movement, not like they waited a generation to see if they could
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deliver. it is stark different at every level, not just the economy, security and terrorism, nowhere look where it is better than it was before. >> todd: that explains quotes you read from abc and voter switches. when i used to do diners, we spoke to demmic voters and they said the democratic party left me. these are current union people. look at '20 to '23, people leaving the democratic party are the liberals because everybody has a price and impact on their budget and wallet and bank account has trumped their desire for social justice.
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there are uber elites and this doesn't matter and people at the bottom getting free stuff. >> tammy: nobody likes to be lied to, it is not good, coming up, former race car driver danica patrick attended a conservative event and was bashed on social media. her response to that coming up. ♪ ♪ respiratory reference
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>> tammy: i'm telling you, instead of bowing, this is key, instead of bowing to the backlash, scomb i believe we should speak freely and bs democrats can be proud. the reaction is interesting, since all i said, i love this country. todd, i think this is fascinating and good here. to see someone not be bullied and not care, who knows what these people are tweeting from. they don't have medication. you don't know who -- this is
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what we must do to overcome what is happening. >> todd: so important so many people in society in 2023 are not bending the knee, if this happened two years ago, a lot of people behinding the knee, the pressure was greater. if you look at 2023 with the bud light backlash, people who try to force woke, being met with backlash, four people on social media attacking patrick is not going to hurt when she comes from nascar. the rank and file people watching racing are 99.9% conservative. >> tammy: there are existential
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dumb debate which harm how kids view the future and what is at stake and take the high road by standing up for yourself and being honest. >> she is incredibly likeable. of course people have feelings about politics and she is not someone who needs to hide her feelings about politics. there are great headlines, she is doing other things, too. check those out. any time you have actor or famous person, there is somebody that finds out something, i did not know you were into kale and vegan, something somebody gets upset about and she can let it go. >> tammy: how different we all are and it is like a box of
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chocolates. it still shocking to see people condemn someone simply for being different or having a different opinion. >> in a sense, it is bullying, this is typical hypocrisy will of it is left -- and this means
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this is time to stand up for ourselves and why it matters. >> don't bend the knee. >> she should not apologize. >> i love america and i've lived other places. my dad is deployed to iraq and afghanistan and i have done deployments. live other places, if you go to other places, there is a reason people want to come here. >> tammy: you don't need to live somewhere else, just travel. more power to this woman and she did the right thing. >> tammy: great job. coming up, new report reveals
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google search questioning sexual orientation have surged. the first time you made a sale online with godaddy
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biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works. >> molly: america google searches questioning their gender have skyrocketing, up 1300% since 2004. utah led in searches for am i gay, am i lesbian, am i trans? market research went into social
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values as potentially significant factor. findings published by the currents institute. >> tammy: that is classic spin, it is about social conservative values. you have people who are hearing terms and they may be curious. you don't know, maybe their kid said it to them and they want to learn more about it. in this case, as a gay woman, you don't need to google if you are gay. you don't. and there are dynamics, consistent percentage four to 5 percent and something that happens in nature. with the internet, you have questions about your kids or something from your past, that is what searches can be, it is not because, this is issue of
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like spin of everyone is now maybe gay or everyone thinks they are trans. it shows power of propaganda. when you hear about it all the time, people get moved and hear something over and over again and think maybe that is them. and there is a natural curiosity, this is shame on that kind of attempt to spin this as socially conservative people. there are some kind of retribution or pushback, that is nonsense. you don't need to ask google if you are gay. >> the term nonbinary. there are new terms and new issues at stake, trans athletes, doctors, what do you think? >> covid lockdown, everybody had time on their hands and that
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could have exacerbated issues. we have to look at big picture, we think of gender male versus female. do you have xy chromosome? that will determine who you are. then we have dei activism wave come through and they given that new meaning thinking, okay, this is who i am on tuesday, on friday, i'm someone else. it caused so much confusion and we have to be respectful to the fact gender dysphoria does exist, only 2% population, address this. people may be 13 years old or adults, we have to address it and take it seriously temperature is small porgsz of population struggling with questions, it is important to understand when you have someone, if i have a patient
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struggling with identity or gender dysphoria, not hormone, get physical, therapy, counseling. it does bring to light good conversation that must be had. >> tammy: todd, what do we read into information seeking? >> todd: with regard to significant portion of those searching, the internet is a good tool. gender dysphoria is a real medical condition. those individuals, this is great, first line before they decide do i need to seek information from a doctor. i think for so many others, to tammy's point, this is all i've been sparked by something that i have heard in school in the media, this indoctrination and i'm going to look at something that may not involve me, i've been told that it involves me. i think that is where the concern lies. when it comes to a medical professional, i will not step on
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your toes, i want medical professionals to handle this if their true selves are not that gender. we are human and want other humans to live their true lives and be happy. for those confused by indoctrination, this is a problem. >> tammy: at an age hormones are starting to move and you don't see desire for intimacy and romantic attraction, that begins to happen when you are adolescent. >> kara: todd, i think you are wrong, i think social media pla platform, has a lot to do with this. social media platform like tiktok, in 2021, we found videos bearing trans other than seen 26 billion times and this is 2021,
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not even in the past two years. they partner with trans activist and have features to use preferred pronouns. >> todd: i don't think we're disagreeing, i'm talking about individuals the doctor is talking about, those who go to the internet to find out is something going on in me that i need to see a doctor about. we are in lock step on this. a lot is indoctrination, whether social media, tv or school. >> that takes up to the break, more "outnumbered" in just a mo moment.
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checking off the box they showed up in person. recent study by owl labs found hybrid workers are coffee badging. 6% claim to be interested in taking part in the new trend. do you want to take part in the new trend despite 22% want to be in the office all the time. >> i think that is perfectly fine. to me, it is about expectations. if you want someone in the office longer than to have coffee and swipe their badge, tell them to be in the office for longer. if you can come in and have coffee and make relationships and go home, maybe you have kids to pick up and you have good work-life balance i'm pro-coffee
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badgerers. are you growling? >> is this quiet quitting? when you think about it, complete your duties and get the job done, does it matter where you are doing it from? >> stop with phrases, quiet quitting and coffee quitting, get back to the office, america. i'm tired of this. when you go to the office, so much, relationship, mentoring, fighting on camera with kara frederick. things you cannot do in your own home. we all need flexible work-life b balance, i do not disagree on that. you are paid to do a job and you can have better collaboration when at the office. so many people are missing out on that because they have been told any interaction has to be
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devoid of personality, they are losing a lot from that and secondarily, you don't get to fight with kara frederick. >> it is no surprise this stemmed from a tiktok trend. it is not hazardous to your health. >> kara: one thing that is not, i'm of two minds. todd, i think you are right in some instance, muscle memory going into an office and having to be polished and look people in the eye, i think that is critical for younger kids to develop. we do a lot of deep work, maybe that is best when you devote time to that. there is goodness and organic meetings are important, as well.
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kids don look people in the eye and don't talk to each other and experience messiesness of human relationships is critical. >> surgeon general puts out report that shows united states struggling with epidemic of loneliness. this forces social engagement. >> anything that came from the pandemic is bad. there is nothing beneficial from what happened and it speaks to that, you start college having to deliver and show up on a certain time and stay there, develop relationships, find out what works and doesn't, find out your problems and learn from people on regular basis and more you don't do that, more you are resisting engaging with other human issueings in other parts
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of your life. this has got to end. small businesses, restaurants, this makes things work. anything that comes from covid in this regard need to be reversed, it is not good. >> coffee is good for you, rich in antioxidants. >> i'm not anti-coffee, make that clear. >> more "outnumbered" in just a moment 6789z 6789z .
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♪♪ >> all right, last but not least, new year's resolutions about alcohol always popular, even led to dry january, where folks cut out all booze. but despite the known health benefits of it, fewer took part in 2023 and leading some to wonder if a more moderate approach is better, like damp january, you love that name? todd loves it. todd, do you have your grumpy glasses? damp january? >> i'm not just going dry, i'm going death valley january. since i started at fox, i'm up to 207, and started at 175, and the next time i'm on the couch, i want to do the buttons. so, dry january, dry february,
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dry march, cutting out carbs, doing everything. you know what's going to happen? i gained four pounds last year, so, way to go, america. >> doctor, we want to bring you in. supposedly some medical benefits to just going damp and good for you. >> i'm not a big fan of dry january insinuates you have been binging on alcohol all long. >> no comment. >> if you cut down, it's good for your skin, your liver, save money as well. >> some drink more around the holidays, maybe they feel like drying out. >> during covid, people went to drink, i went from like two drinks a month to two a week, and that was a big deal with me. and the weight gain and everything else. but box it into one month, it gives the person who maybe does
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turn to drink maybe a bit much idea of ok, i can do it for four weeks and at least you can have that, and everybody else is doing it with you. >> not a chance, not a chance. i'm german, beer, and i'm -- tequila, not happening. sorry, todd, tammy. >> other resolutions then. >> can we hang out in april? once i'm done with the first three months. >> you are stretching it out. >> like lent on social media, not really. >> do not forget to dvr the show, "america reports" around the corner, looking forward to that. we appreciate it. see you next time. >> the colorado republican party is asking the u.s. supreme court to overturn the state's historic decision to ban the former


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