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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 28, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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>> if no one gets close to donald trump, he wins iowa and new hampshire, is that game over and he's the candidate? >> it means desantis is absolutely done. if haley's clothes and new hampshire, she can hope that she gets the same sort of party coalition that joe biden did right before south carolina. it it was jim clyburn endorsed joe biden and got a lot of his competitors to withdraw from the race. but the republican party isn't that consolidated. it's less effective a machine then the democratic party. >> it seems like -- it seems like it's almost on. we will see what happens in iowa and new hampshire. i appreciate it, thank you for your help. your world, will have a lot more, 2024 republican presidential candidate desantis will be here. keep it here for "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone, i'm kennedy
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along with jessica tarlov, charlie hurt, and jimmy failla, it's 5:00 p.m. in new york city and this is "the five." give us your poor, your tired, and your federal money. at the leaders of three sanctuary cities are begging president biden to shower them with some cold hard tax paying funded cash as they wind their hearts out over the big texas governor busting illegals to their doorsteps. >> you cannot continue to do the federal governments job. they must take the lead and lead on the humanitarian crisis instead of leaving it for the states. >> we need the federal government to lean in and provide more federal assistance. all of the cities have reached a point where we are either close
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to capacity or merely out of room. >> we need more federal support to manage this amount of inflow that will cross city budgets around the country as we know looking at about $160 million in potential costs going into next year's budget. almost 10% of our entire city budget. >> you know what the definition of sanctuary is, don't you? maybe they're better off not seeking help from team biden that's because this white house is acting like a bunch of nincompoops on the issue. coming back from a meeting with mexico's president empty-handed with no big border deal to announce. lincoln came up with a strange new term for the crisis, irregular migration. he thought the meeting was productive. that's a fun word. it doesn't apply here. but border state democrats doesn't think productive's cutting it watch. >> the border has been ignored.
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and they're listening to much to the immigration activists. the white house and a lot of members of congress and this senate listen to immigration activists, but who's listening to the border communities? >> they feel the democratic party, the president's not doing enough. >> clearly, that message is not breaking through to democrats. so the parties just praying that voters live under a rock. >> take a look at the immigration/border security. 11% in august. look where it is now. 19%, so it's closing in on the economy. look at all of these states, phil. they are all blue states. illinois one, massachusetts two, new jersey four, colorado five. >> you mean people actually care about immigration, jimmy? >> imagine. first of all, good to see everybody come up there with me, you're the first sober people i've spoken to. this is going to be a doozy. but this is essentially what
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happened. joe biden took the border and turned it into the college bar that didn't check i.d. they incentivize this, but the idea they were down there with no deal and had chutzpah, is that a good where you? i'm trying not to say balls on tv. it's productive. this is a now problem. we just broke a record for fentanyl poisoning deaths. infrastructures overwhelming inner cities. it such an insult and then indifference to the people being harmed by this. the only point i'm going to make on this. is that the democrats and everyone should remember this, election rolls around and they start telling you know, we are the party of struggling minorities and inner cities. they are crushing struggling minorities in their cities right now by overwhelming schools obviously an infrastructure and facilities. it's the biggest screw you to the people they care about the most, so if i'm hopped up it's
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not just the tequila soto's. >> we'll be serving plenty of those in your white coffee mug throughout the show. mark my word. but jimmy brings up a point that you discussed yesterday. that is these mayors are saying we only have so many resources. what are they supposed to do if they declared themselves sanctuary cities? they put on the bright neon open sign. how do you solve this? >> i think you have to let city council meetings like the one shutdown in chicago where the people wanted to talk about voting to make chicago not a century city anymore, you have to let those go through and hear with the people say. it doesn't mean the policies automatically going to be overturned to come you can take the information and go to the federal government or go to your governors and say the people do not want this anymore. the people got this in the first place and it's working
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differently than it used to. look at the people who are advocates for a century city policies. chief amongst them rudy g rudy giuliani. obviously in a very different state of mind and position in his life was talking about how important it is people can come out of the shadows and work with law enforcement to talk about what's going on in their communities to make us safer and understand the people who are coming here were here for a better life emma to work hard, we are paying taxes into accounts just in case the government checks on them, they want their kids to go to school, and pay it forward as it were. that's different compared to going on right now and it's becoming a quality-of-life issue and then the same as the economy. that's what people vote on. i always say this, this is not being a bunch of democrats will become a bunch of republicans. that's not this. but it means that you have -- >> it means a bunch of new yorkers will become a bunch of floridians. >> they are going to leave and go places or maybe they don't advertise themselves.
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but are they trying to get money from the federal government? is that this play or are they trying to shift policies in a more rational direction? >> primarily, they are trying to make money because that's what they do, but the larger argument is what happens when ideology meets reality? they sit around and talk about the stuff in ideological terms. it's nice and rosy and then all of a sudden go further and tell other people what it is their policy solutions for problems they are not personally facing. of course, the border state governors, the border states have been dealing with this for 20 years and they've been screaming about it saying we need to do something as well. all the century city people are saying i've got all the answers, this is what you need to do. and then when that happens, all hell breaks loose and it's a catastrophe. now we are going to dig them out of the ideological whole they've gotten themselves into. luckily, i do think that maybe
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they don't become republicans but they will vote -- this is a very powerful issue people do vote on. when they look around and see things as you point out that don't work whether it's the economy or getting on an airplane and saying your tax dollars paying for illegals to fly around the country. it makes people mad. >> because this issue -- it's not necessarily an immigration issue, it becomes a education and sanitation issue, a public safety issue when you're cutting budgets for education for example. it's a health care issue when emergency rooms are overrun with people who are not paying into the system and abusing the system. the mayor of chicago and new york city continue to ask joe biden to do something about this. they're not doing anything. if you read the readout between the state department and the president of mexico issued today, it's paragraphs and paragraphs of diplomatic
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nothingness, but the good news is they'll meet again in january, couple weeks from now to go over how the issue can be resolved. there is nothing in the meeting at least publicly to put out about any kind of asylum reform, and you remain in mexico policy that can be put into place. that's what's needed. it's not complicated and the mayors, there are things they can do. they will say we will not shelter you, not give you benefits, allow you to use facilities. you will not be welcomed here, but they are not doing that. they're asking for more money to manage more people coming into the country. if charlie said they are perfectly fine with what's happening in places like texas and arizona but do not want to hold the federal government accountable. >> they can't absorb so many people because they know that the more they overrun the system, the odds are in their favorite that they'll be able to get into the country. they will not have court dates for six or seven years and it goes through all the layers that are broken.
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it's not just the cities, it's the federal government, it's diplomacy that's broken down, it is immigration, border protection, it is all of it and it doesn't seem like anybody's really serious about fixing it. i drove republicans in there too. they get mad about it, but we have not seen any solutions from either side when they get both houses of congress and the presidency. >> we've had gains of everything, gains of six, gangs coming across the border. and that's completely correct. there is a kind of memory hole i find on my side of the aisle around barack obama when it came to the immigration issue. he was known as the deport or in chief and he increased his share of the latino vote. people aren't waiting to see if the borders open that everybody in the world can come in. they want a fair system, doesn't mean people should be able to claim asylum. that's something that's important and fundamental to the
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united states, but it's their only vote to be lost by leaving it as it is. there is votes to be gained for democrats and you can see this alliance of the heavy players of the world and john sutter ben, katie hobbs same i'm going to send the national guard down to the border. >> i knew something was up when eric adams left the nightclub. this is out of control. >> with a turkish date or no? >> that's when you know that was serious. to speak of the pro-hamas crowd are some serious party poopers blocking traffic at two major airports and scheming to ruin your new year's eve plans. don't you dare, connie's! that's next. ♪ ♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie
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♪ ♪ >> get ready to bring in the new year with pro-hamas agitators? getting a practice run on what they hope to do this new year's eve, dozens of them getting arrested for blocking outside major travel hubs including new york city's jfk airport. they made lifer travelers miserable at lax and blocking to bypass the roadway unfortunately we might see the nonsense as we count on 22024. protesters are expected to target the times square ball drop, but mayor adams promises
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that the nypd will be on top of things. >> always going to be a serious concern around safety on new year's eve, because it's a large number of people, everyone looks for events like this to do their things. the police departments on top of it. >> yeah, we will see. there's a lot of very serious and dark stuff to get to but big picture. is this working, are they winning over any friends by doing this? >> no, i bought a star of david necklace after seeing yet another pro-palestine protest. here protesting for, and they smell. and i got caught up in one of the dingbat protests in columbus circle. the mall, they had shot them all down. i'm like trying to go to lululemon and get my daughter a pair of leggings before
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christmas. can you a heads just move out of the way because all they are doing is making the case for the other side. all people have to do is a little bit of research to see that they intellectually undermine themselves every time they show up and scream into blow horns. it's protest tourism. these people have been bored, fat, unemployed since 2020 since george floyd protests and they're looking for something to do. >> so actually may be there helping? i have to say, it's all appalling but i have to say watching people jump out of their cabs at lax. i mean, it's a cabdriver's worst nightmare. >> going on right now, yeah, especially because it's not people who are legitimately invested. like a true educated passion. they think gaza strip is a gentleman's club. should i bring symbols to the protest? we're going to the gaza strip. >> their insufferable people who do not have the skill of
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persuasion. no one, no one is sitting in the cab and lax and all my god they made me miss my flight, i'm going to adopt their political views. as for times square, i'm not going there. as a jets fans, i've been watching the ball drop, every year. good night, everybody! >> kennedy, obviously when you have these unbelievable stories where it's like christmas carolers are crushed with people saying things like long live and christmas is canceled. you start to wonder if maybe there might not be like a distinct religious elements. >> it's a call for murder. these people are not interested in persuasion. what we are seeing is the effort to intimidate and use terrorist tactics to shutdown freeways and harass people into scared children with their families going to a christmas tree or try to get on a flight for a family
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emergency. at their interest in control. that they are not interested in having a debate about the topic. while street, and tivo, repackaged into this for the most part but historically when it comes to the airports in the '60s, '70s, one dozen hijacked planes by palestinian terrorists. law enforcement will should treat it as such before things get much worse. these are not people interested in democracy or having a discussion about human rights. at they're interested in murdering people and making sure you know if you cross them, you will be on the list next and you pointed out they are not going to leave anybody behind. they start with the jewish delis and the hummus placed on the street and they go to the christmas trees. they want you to take their side or else. >> a new level of dark and all of this for me was this whole idea of this group wanting to hold a protest outside the d.c. holocaust museum.
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>> inside. >> inside the d.c. holocaust museum. this is not spirit >> it's beyond nuts. it's whether the more uneducated movements i think we have ever witnessed before. total lack of respect for humanity, for history, for the national consciousness. read the room, people. people are upset about this on both sides of it, but anybody who's being thoughtful about it knows that the holocaust museum here in israel, hallowed ground, you say great beer that your life will be changed if you spend 5 minutes in either of the museums. it's appalling. if what they are doing is also alienating israelis. if some of the most supportive people of the palestinian cause. gallup recorded the highest level of support -- against the two-state solution. inverted. but they used to be a lot more supportive of it and now they're saying you know what, this is who you are, this is how you are
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treating us and it's harrowing, i would still recommend it, there's a "new york times" investigation piece that came out today called screams without words, how was hamas weaponized sexual violence on october 7th. you should go look at it, this is an excerpt of it. the first victim said she saw a young woman with copper hair, blood running down her back, one oneman pulled her by her hair, d plunged a knife into her back. that's all this is about. it's not about free palestine. the time for prepalestine is when all the passengers have been returned. another american hostage was dead today. her husband has been murdered. just hold it for a second and wait until your people are returned. you have a more amenable
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conversation out of it as well. but when people are sitting there being bludgeoned and killed and raped by the day, no one wants to see this and they're making a mockery of themselves, their making a mockery of the dire situation in the middle east and you are emboldening netanyahu. >> no civilized person wants to see this, but you have to wonder about some of these people who look at this on october 7th and they'll come out on the side of the terrorists. you scratch your head and think may be some -- >> heart are you >> let the dia layoffs began.big rid of diversity programs. ♪ ♪ people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't.
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♪ ♪ >> dei must die and it sounds like the billing they are mike and his wish. a major tech giants like google and meta are quietly slashing their diversity, equity, and inclusion to varmints dei related postings declined 44% from the bill of this year compared to 2022. academe has a different story. critics argue the only reason why harvard's president has kept her job despite two scandals over anti-semitism and plagiarism is because the universities focus on dei. kennedy, i want to start with you on this. it dei jobs have been around a long time. after the murder of george floyd, we got a huge surge like a 56% jump in terms of the listings for it. how can we keep the parts of the system that are important and get rid of the virtue signaling
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aspects of it? >> i think what happened is a lot of the companies were responding because they felt the backlash and they could look and see that there was indeed systemic racism that has been with the country for hundreds of years, but the way they are tackling it is wrong because it's actually very divisive. if you work at a big company and deploy teams who are supposed to work together, but implicitly you're dividing people by race, that's bad for business because people won't be able to coalesce unless they naturally see another person as their enemy because of their inherent characteristics. for that, it's been bad for the bottom line. other companies are downsizing, cutting a lot of jobs in tech so they look at this and this is an enormous basket where a lot of resources have gone. but it has not improve the bottom line, it has not improved morale. you have to move on from it and admit may be this is not the way to improve the system.
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maybe you are actually creating more systemic struggles and teaching people in your company how to see you. >> would you like to make a complaint yourself? try. >> i think harvard's president said it best ask not what your country can do for you. here's the problem with dei if you want to know. the reason businesses are walking away is that it's crushing the bottom line from the standpoint. it takes the focus away from what makes companies profitable. if you're a hamburger company, you make money selling hamburgers. you don't make money catering to the social justice struggles on the side. at disney's in the business of placating parents and kids who want to go on vacation and they found out no kids waiting in line three hours to ride peter pan's actual beard they wanted peter pan, they wanted regular everyday life. disney's business was nonsociall
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justice. if you wanted to help, you go back to mad men. they catered to the customers preferences. dei took don draper, made him don draper and the customers are miserable because they are not getting what they want. and seen. >> i'm still back on the gaza strip as a strip club. [laughter] katie, what do you think happens to all of this? it doesn't seem over. >> she is a very specific public example with her testimony and plagiarism, but that's not the big issue here. the issues a lot of the corporations decided they wanted to engage in virtue signaling by implementing dei, but dei forces you to discriminate against people based on their race, their gender, and they are about to get sued and they've been
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threatened with lawsuits because due to the violation of the civilcivil rights act. in the effort to be more diverse and engage in dei, they have inherently discriminated against entire classes of people. academia does this as well and there is lawsuits against harvard for taking applicants of asian students and throwing them out the window because they happen to be asian students in favor of others. the whole process and system they built forces them to discriminate, which is not what they are supposed to do and actually is illegal. they are walking it back and saying it's a bottom-line issue, but it's an issue of fair labor practices and not violating the laws in the books about discrimination. >> all for fair labor practices but the denial of the fact that they are systemic challenges that affect certain groups seems impossible. >> they are not addressing them on a merit-based level and
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that's why it's backfiring on them. you can address the systemic challenges by putting the most qualified people in the position. it's the problem at harvard right now where she is not the most qualified person but they made the bed in the campfire for her because they'll be amending the whole thing. i'm all for any of it like when i get on the plane, i don't care who's flying the plane, but i want to know they can fly. whenever i get on the plane, for real, like flying to dallas and i'm up here in the cockpit we have the most diverse crew in the delta fleet. like i'm getting off the plane! i want to hear a cranky e ex-military pilot. i want the guy who knows how to do a gig. >> the only way to fix anything as their education. you have to provide stellar education to everybody, no matter what their income level is or where -- what their background is. school choice is such an important aspect of all of that
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and for some reason democrats are finding that tooth and nail. but if you want to bring the quality and purity to everybody, you do it by educating everybody so that they can perform. >> this is one of the many reasons why i turned on a scholarship to harvard. get your act together. i got other options. >> you really showed them. pizza hut is ditching delivery drivers. hiking minimum wage to $20. ♪ ♪
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liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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♪ ♪ >> well, be careful what you wish for, liberals, pizza half sling off more than 1,000 delivery drivers in california. just as governor gavin newsom
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$20 fast food minimum wage goes into effect next year. a franchise owners will use third-party apps like doordash and huber eats instead, and that's all on the damage appeared at mcdonald's and aaa are warning of many price hikes in the golden state. if that doesn't help decimate jobs, ai is supposed to take whatever is left. the world's first fully autonomous ai powered restaurant is said to open in southern california. charlie, is this the utopia we keep hearing about? robot restaurants and poverty? >> minimum wage laws are the most backward law politicians ever come up with. it's designed to say they did something that helps people, but they don't care about the actual consequences. everybody's in favor of people making more money them up but what's weird about it is that all of the democratic policies which make it more difficult for companies to thrive and prosper actually wind up hurting the
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people who work and hurting -- preventing people from making more money. as another example of the government lies and promises they'll solve a problem for you but actually they're going to make it worse. >> politicians like gavin newsom say we can then tax the rich to subsidize more public benefits for people who are laid off by private corporations. those people leave as well and there is no taxes. if speak of the corporations are leaving in droves rich people are leaving california. anybody who can rent a look view halls leaving california but what happens is you end up pricing people out of the labor market. who graduated from high school, they are trying to get minimum wage job so they can move up. they can't get them because they'll be at a premium because there is going to be fewer of them because you cannot support the work force necessary to keep
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those restaurants afloat. that's number one. a people turn to black-market jobs where they are cash only and not paying any taxes. that hurts the tax base first and the flip side of that is you go to automation as quickly as possible and that's with the restaurants are doing because pizza hut and mcdonald's can afford to do the rnd, so they've got the automation mechanisms in place to pull the trigger the second the laws go into effect in places like california where they'll fail and they will they'll lower income people the fastest. >> it creates the situation where people cannot get entry-level jobs and they'll never move up in a company. >> i don't know how many of the fairy tale stories where you go and see the person who owns the mcdonald's franchise and it turns out they were flipping burgers. how much it's going to continue to happen. i'm not saying it was common, but it was something.
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that opportunity is definitely disappearing. there is a problem though with certainly the federal minimum wage which has been stuck at seven and one quarter since 2009. that's the longest amount of time we've had since a hike. or going back to 1938 and part of the problem is that you look at corporate profits which are soaring. you see the c suite people who are getting fired that year, the golden parachutes could keep a steel town that's going out of business afloat. just to get canned. that something and you complain about tax the rich, why the corporate tax rate has to go up to some degree is because of that. i imagine shareholders are involved that are regular people but there's folks at the top taking everything for themselves and they are the ones who employ a lot of the "minimum-wage" employees and our company and been very successful by raising it. the walmarts and the targets of the world, they have not had any
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sort of setback. raising above far what was mandated. >> there is a lot of self-talk outs and the reason why they are raising minimum wage the artist because this is a delicate subject for me. >> but no, >> there is a lot of self-nctalk as a former cabdriver because there is an empathy to the story that resonates with everybody curing it. it becomes minimum wage and everybody struggles to get by. my son was born, we talked about being so port, we didn't have a bank. we had a shoe box. so i understand what it's like to be in the other trench. certain jobs are supposed to suck so that they inspire you to work harder and strap on more ambition to your vision for l
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life. as a cabdriver, okay, i would not be sitting here if i wasn't doing what i was doing for 16 hours a day. people say is a cabdriver like do you have a profile, not pick somebody up -- no, driving 12 hours a day, if i didn't pick you up it's because you didn't look dangerous enough. scared straight. remember the show scared straight where they brought in a mouthy person and screamed at the kid before the kid got their life together. they're supposed to do that. the idea that there is a fine line between empathetic and denying someone as you said a path to employment but also ambition. if cap driving made 1,000 more a week i would be a cabdriver. it don't get me wrong, i'm probably going to be there again soon. but the point is we are screwing the little guy in the names of helping him because the little guy goes to mcdonald's and has to pay $22 for a value meal.
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it's misguided empathy. >> i still want the jimmy cab tales book eventually. everyone was beer >> good luck getting that past legal. >> "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ but i want to live in my home where i'm comfortable and my friends are nearby. i can do it with the help of a barber, personal shopper and exercise buddy. someone who can help me live right at home. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪ (son) dad. you ok? (dad) it's our phone bill! we pay for things that we don't need! bloated bundles, the reckless spending! no more... (mom) that's a bit dramatic... a better plan is verizon. it starts at 25 dollars a line.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back, time for "the fastest." at first off, here's a guy you don't want to mess with. check it out. >> don't turn around, this won't take long. ♪ ♪ >> waitz, who are you? >> someone who prefers not getting involved. >> oh, girl. the kicking start of the action show "reacher" and they had to deal with childhood abilities. speaking about one of the run-ins he had with one of the tormentors and told "the wall street journal" " i was happy to oblige but it felt strange. he forgot what he did, but i didn't. kennedy, isn't this just proof
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lien works? i don't know he grows up to become alan ricks and with all that ambition. >> what if everybody coddled him and got a participation trophy, or told him he was wonderful or alluring and amazing. he be working at bank of america. it's a great job. >> he beat down the block burro testing on behalf of hamas. bully hooked him up. >> what you make of this? >> the pheromones wafting off of charlie. i hadn't considered if i'd been stuffed in more lockers things would have been the full length locker, i was taller. but i appreciate that he didn't say anything and that -- it contextualizes how little all of these things that feel like the biggest things in the world to us when we are young, you just grow up and you are the star of
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a show. how about that? >> i think there's a point and there is that you almost don't have to pay back. people love the story. but if that's how you live your life, it catches up to you anyway. >> he should have thanked him, but you know, what do you think that guy is doing? he's probably clearly not as successful as he is. but we should do more celebrating adversity in people's lives. >> a couple vi vehicular homici. i kid, i could be aired at katie pavlich, were you ever bullied? >> oh, yeah. there's a whole gang in high school that made shoes and shirts against me. they had colors, there was a whole gang of colors against me. but the best revenge is living well, so here we are. >> one person here i assume would never have been guessed.
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i would have been afraid to bully you. >> that's before she became like this. >> i don't know. >> she had a buzz cut. >> listen, hang out a little more in the green room you'll figure it out. and finally, i love this. if the neck story sounds like something out of armageddon, check it out. >> this is what we call it global killer, the end of mankind. it doesn't matter where it hits, nothing will survive, not even bacteria. >> my god. this begun nasa lod launching a spaceship. don't panic, it will not be a problem until 2029. and then it will be 20,000 miles away from us. i see through the scam, this is nasa, they see funding drying up. a woman starts leaving a man, you start making big promises. are you buying this?
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>> no, your rights, between blue origin and sp spacex. that they're not taking to people tomorrow so what are they going to do? lasso an asteroid and pull it off course with a magic rope and magnets. that's why we have to keep them around. >> for the low cost of $30 trillion. are you concerned the independence day comparisons will create an appetite for a bill pullman type of president meeting younger? >> may be in 2028. i love all the old presidents, the old-school movie presidents like yes! it should be. >> due by the story? >> you know it's all made up because the name of it is the god of chaos. >> you know they are desperate when they say it's a asteroid. >> i think the asteroid flies near and looks down at earth and says no way, keep going.
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>> i spent an hour on twitter, i'm kind of rooting for the asteroid. 5 minutes left leg bring it on! "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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(dogs barking) - hey, we're here to get you. (whimpering) - it's okay. - don't be scared. - let's go. - that's a good job. - can i see him? - this is our home - and this is our room.
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>> kennedy: time for "one moret" kick it off with jessica. >> jessica: okay. so grateful dead fans a big deal in my house married to a dead head. stanford university is offering online course for fans wishing to learn more on the band's music and cultural. winter course will be taught by david gonzalez. a number of guest speakers and readings. registration is open. you do not have to be a stanford student to take it. we will be taking it in our household. >> kennedy: contend magnolia, well done. katy? >> katie: winter time for winter sports. ice storm in bismarck, north
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dakota created dangerous conditions for people driving cars but perfect conditions for a man who decided to go around town on his ice skates. didn't have much traffic so good for him. make sure is he safe and no injuries. looks like a great way to spend the day and see the town of the. >> kennedy: i wondered where brian boitano retired. if you love connedments. conned connedments. acc and big 1, that is real mail that gets dumped on the wins of course kneel brown, west virginia mountaineers head coach tried to wear extra big hat it didn't matter. he got a body full of delicious. >> talk about covering of the spread. we won the game and covered the spread. all right. charlie, take it away. >> charlie: keeping with the sports theme. this is nba super star michal bridges.
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i think i'm saying that right. one might presume he has extraordinarily clean and straight diet as an nba star. you would be wrong. turns out that he has been eating chipotle every single day for the last 10 years. >> chipotle. >> have never eaten what is it. >> chipotle. >> chipotle. >> real man of the people charlie hurt. >> delicious. >> charlie: never eaten it in my life. >> jessica: could be in the nba. >> chipotle and the copy of my new book cancel culture dictionary. guide to winning the war on fun which we are going to do. go on tour and see me do comedy this spring. there are the red hot dates of everybody calm down tour and of course in the summer. i will also be touring with some alcoholic i'm not going to say who rhymes with kennedy. >> kennedy: i know you can't wait. neither can we. that's it for us. have a great night. ♪ ♪


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