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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 28, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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that is what i -- >> >> kayleigh: that is a great florida resident. they were upset about their delay. whole flight cancelled. >> probably don't have kids. when it comes to dogs, people feel different. >> kayleigh: exactly. all about the girls as they said. remember your girls he was saying. that is all the time, catch me on "outnumbered" at noon on weekdays. hannity next. ♪ >> sean: welcome to this special
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edition of hanty hanty. removed trump from the ballot in maine pending appeal. she doesn't like how he inflamed supporters january 2021. she is palling around with joe biden few months ago. political bias nothing to do with her decision. just so happens, she was one of the three biden electors in state of main in 2020. she rushes on to msnbc to brag.
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trump has five days to challenge this bizarre decision maine superior report. full reaction and analysis straight ahead. antoni blinken's trip. little more than a pleasant conversation, it was mexico making most of the demands several points of entry southern border. border not opened enough. meanwhile latest caravan 8,000 illegal immigrants marches north through mexico. overwhelmed with unprecedented.
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border patrol apprehending 22,000 illegal immigrants. massive numbers one of the nine sectors. mass catch and release. that is what it is continues largest scale ever seen. biden administration unwilling to force mexico to help unwilling from the state of texas. texas dps to deport illegals, no. we are coming after you. doj threatening to sue over border security bill. joe biden might not be fully aware of the current chaos. he has been on vacation quite a while.
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today he called the lid at 11:30 a.m. beautiful st. kcroix. fox news contributor, tull i tulsi gabbert. >> i think it is important, pete, every single american seeing this news alert popping up to recognize how dangerous. secretary of state known partisan. known to be against trump. supported impeachment of trump to say former president cannot be on the ballot. ta taking away our right who we want to serve as next commander in chief. recognize how dangerous this is.
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where if this is allowed to stand, one person gets to take away voices and rights of every american to engage in democratic pro process. whether people like trump, don't, like biden, that is not the point. democrat or republican, remust stand up for democratic process, our right and voices to decide our future. >> pete: tulsi, i remember months ago, rumors, they might try to remove him. they have succeeded, colorado walking back. now maine. is this in the dna.
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if they could would they remove them from the ballot altogether? >> yes. this is the mo of the democrat elite. stop at nothing to maintain power even if it means taking away right to vote of americans. no issue taking trump off the ballot. no issue pursuing him. they have no qualms doing whatever they feel is necessary to hold on to power. ridiculous we are seeing this many of these very same people people driving this.
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president trump's unwillingness to buy into their establishment ways. >> pete: you talked about it a lot, ukraine. you just heard numbers i reported about our own. what is the goal here. blinken is listening to mexico. going nothing. numbers at record lovls. what is the goal of democrats? >> hard to say, pete. democrats and biden-harris administration trying to put their head in the sand you heard the white house press secretary, normal things happening at the border you have with the leader of mexico. these are ir rel lar migrant movements. complete denial of what every american is seeing. some more than others depending on where you are what is happening in our country.
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poses direct threat. these are not just poor women and children trying to escape oppressive conditions. this is a direct threat. also undermining. leaders in this country. ability to provide for basic needs of americans. more and more cities, sorry, guys we have to cut for education, sanitation. those funds goes to those entered our country illegally. no, we don't like the shelters.
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>> pete: is this electoral strategy, real quick, importing voters? >> i think it is a valid question to ask. many democrats like myself across the country disgusted with the direction democratic party. they will try to cancel anyone that doesn't go with their narrative. >> pete: tulsi, thank you for your time. >> she mentioned it new york city and trade aus.
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we need to insure undocumented immigrants neat to have protection. we need to treat them with dignity they deserve. also, tired, poor, all welcome in the big apple. hah hah, that was then, this is now. nearly 70,000 illegal immigrants in new york shelters. mayor adams no longer so virtuous. in fact, adams turning away buses full of illegals if they don't meet certain conditions, new message: don't come to new
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york city. you are not welcome. >> did he believe it then and too tough, is it political? what the about face? >> he was a fraud then, if he cared about the safety and security of the people of the new york city he would announce immediately new york city authorities, police department departments, rent department, housing department taking down immigration status, making sure next administration have that,
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still a faith faithful member o democratic party committed to regime of open borders. i don't take seriously one word out of the mayor's mouth. >> he said we need to spread them out why can't everyone have amount of illegals. i notice florida is not having this problem. this is a -- we can't get a straight answer from the department of justice and dhs where these people are shipped in the middle of the night in
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what numbers, how they are being taken care of. what is so rich mayor adams, mayor of chicago. case of new york this is 67,000 he is having to deal with out of the over 10 million in new york city metropolitan area. that is a fraction of his population. you look at border communities, arizona, texas, elsewhere, you are talking 100-200% of their population. why is it okay all these years, texas' hospitals, schools, f infrastructure overwhelmed, but now new york, it is a national
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emergency. solution to throw more money. more shelters, more hotel rooms. they are frustrated with biden because he is not spending more money. all the democrats will do is flood more -- president trump forced most left-wing president to put his national guard on his southern boardser and shut it down. >> pete: first of all budget is a disaster in new york. stephen, they say here is all this money. here are all these hotel rooms,
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people in any of the five bu burros. there is a political play here. there is a reason white house can't change his strats ji. >> everything you are seeing is deliberate and purposeful. from the day biden came in. replaced with a mass release machine. mass resettlement operation. all democrats ever asked for two things: amnesty, citizen shi and more money to place in shelters. more tax payor dollars. they want the problem accommodated and accelerated. direct connection to topic of president trump being removed from the ballot.
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war on american democracy. no control over voters. now deprived of their right to choose their next president. it is waged by the partied of joe biden. >> >> pete: they are auto cats. juroring you remember nancy pelosi hr 1. her first voting bill to lower voting age to 16 to flood the country and basically make the country be able to ballot harvest like new york and california. it is not just immigration. it is not just secretary of state and da's going after president trump. it is also the democrats in washington trying to
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fundamentally change how we vote. stephen is absolutely right. well need to see it for what it is and wake up and fight like hell to stop it. >> exactly right. democrats worship god of government, power and control. >> thank you both. >> pete: coming up, desperation from democrat party. more political violence on the left. goldstein weighs in on this special edition of "hannity."
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poot pete >> pete: do you remember peter, the trump-hating fbi agent. struck out of the fbi a while now. listen to what he just said about political violence. >> fact of the matter. this is an environment where adherence and supporters of the former president engaging in threats of violence.
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comparative absence of any sort of like behavior on the side. you don't see supporters of joe biden threatening michigan justices. >> struck thinks the left is never violent. let's refresh his memory. does he remember a crazed california liberal arrested for trying to assassinate bret cavanaugh. or the ones that attacked the white house that summer. i was deploy ed with the -- wit a riot shield. i wasn't looking at trump supporters, i can assure you of that on the other side of the
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line. deranged bernie sanders supporter shot at members of congress and almost killed steve scalise. trying to get the swat team to break down the doors and maybe far worse. ton of political violence on the left. media never noticed. 3% are republicans. here with reaction, mike huckabee and joe concha, is this his covering his behind? do they believe it is a trump thing? >> he is a big liar.
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let's face it. this is a guy that said he could go to walmart and smell the people. nothing but content, people that support ed trump. this is a guy that is as corrupt as corrupt can get. there are 3% that vote republican. i would be guessed less then that. >> pete: it really is when you look at news rooms across the country, peter struck, yeah, yeah, send in those points.
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>> pete, why is peter struck on national television, fired from the fbi. talked about insurance policies, defeating donald trump with his girlfriend lisa page. andrew mckab, big fat contract from cnn. makes you wonder when there were in office were they a political? that is insane. as far as this whole poll 3.4%
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of journalist republican. top journalism student out of college, i apply and i share i was part of college republicans. what do you think my chances are being hired at these news organizations? slim to none. couple more conservatives in journalism. they will never admit i want l it. >> pete: they have to stay in the closet. peter struck commentator. used to be at the top of the fbi making calls about a sitting president. this would have been his willingness to pursue political
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ideology. main secretary state. how far are they willing to go? >> they are willing to do anything it takes to stay in power. and to suffer consequences, hey, pete, joe and i are good buddies, we decided you are a bad guy. you don't deserve to be on television anymore. just wanted to tell you tonight you are fired. do we have the authority? of course we don't. this is absurd. hope the supreme court will throw this non sense out 9-0. tell these people to take a
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civics course. 9th grade level would be just fine. >> pete: can't help it, governor z kind of fired by governor huckabee. sounded very authoritative. joe, what is going on in maine? >> let the people decide 312 days from now. you can't vote for somebody you want to vote for whole bowl of wrong. this will have a boom rang effect. supreme court left and right it is going to come back 9-0. all of those other ballots. all the other efforts trump off the ballot in wisconsin, georgia, arizona. those will go by the wayside.
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jet fuel for the trump campaign. let the people decide. let them vote. >> yep. mar-a-lago raid-effect on the campaign. governor, joe, thank you bothed very much. think i still have a job. anymore proof left radical tactics, enraged marchers blocking roads to jfk and lax airports. illegal. six other protesters after unhinged anti-semitic rampage through new york. brook goldstein, they keep
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pursuing this approach. >> pete, thank you for having me and highlights this issue. terminology so important here. these are not pro-palestinian protests. these are prohamas riots. strategy to intimidate american people. adapt anti-isreal proterror policy. that is not going to happen. mayor adams strong words for the people who were running a muck
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through new york city. unfortunately not one person has been arrested over 1,000 people engaged in property destruction. jewish stores targeted. in front of nypd officers. they did nothing. we should bring out national guard. they were brought out for blm. what is happening on the streets of america right now poses a great national security threat. we are all threatened when proterror mobs running around the streets of america.
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there are no consequences. >> what they are doing is violence. rioting. looting. cameras, yet they determine whether the cause is one they like or not and prosecute based on their own scale. if only we arrested people that blocked roads or broke things we might have peaceful protests. >> right. as the director of the law fair project, we have been working hard to provide pro bono kouns ole. we represented matt greenman beaten up by proterror violent fanatics. put him in the hospital. we had to work months and
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months. perpetrator was sentenced to 18 months for conspiracy to commit a hate crime. law enforcement so crucial. crucial victims understand they have rights. they have civil rights. s we are here to help them enforce them. >> pete: you are exactly right. all about intimation. brook, thank you very much for your time. up next, biden's poll numbers plu plummeting. democrats panicking. what did one form er biden's
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informates say? we'll play the tape coming up. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> pete: welcome back to this special edition of hannity. democrats hitting panic button as biden's poll numbers sink even lower. barring trump from the primary
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ballot shows just how desperate they continue to be. here is what one former balbam obama adviser said. >> super scary. fate of the republic hanging in the balance. polls have donald trump leading. >> pete: better have a good poker face. some democrats brushing off disastrous polls. comments come after frustration around biden mounting. cornell west threatening to peel away arab voters from biden in
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michigan. back in 1979, little interview in delaware, joe biden said jimmy carter should not run for re-election. jim jordan's polls were bad and inflation was high. joe, does that sound a tad familiar? fearless tommy and podcast host tooter dixon. sounds like joe biden of 1979 makes sense. wonder if he is sieeing what th rest of us are seeing that he is not aware of how much jeopardy he is in. >> i think the fact he said that so long ago he has been in politics far too long. does he remember he said that?
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sure not. probably remembers story of small kitchen fire than legitimate comments about jimmy carter. democrats desperate to get rid of joe and confident about election strategy. he does not want to step down. e go man yak and narcissist. democrats still feel good. they have early voting and ground game tried, tested and true. republicans i know it seems it is desperate. never underestimate their eights. >> tooter, i i think we have a picture. she was an elector for joe
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biden. woman trying to take him off the ballot in maine, if they could state by state to include michigan, minnesota, they would take him off the ballot. if they can't prop joe up, they are trying to remove trump any way they can. >> absolutely. if you come to michigan, secretary of state, we are going to take a hard look at the general election and get him off the ballot. former democrat strategy guaranteed in the state of michigan, when we get to the general, they are going to get him off the ballot. if republicans we are talking this way, are you serely not going to run an election, they know joe is that bad. back in 1979, joe biden said
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this, oh my gosh, we have to go all the way back to 1979, he was in office then. it was bad enough, democrats might not win. we have to have a president knows what is happening. that is why jen is freaking out about the fact his poll numbers so low. john fedderman says it is okay. okay. >> pete: 1979 just yesterday. john fetterman has his back. tommy, anything that could ch change? anything joe biden could do to reverse these poll numbers. other than the tom foolery. try to game play the media and ways to manipulate social media?
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could he make himself more appealing to voters? >> i doint think so. rateds would have to drop significantly and army of tiktokers making videos dap and night to convince millennials he is their guy. only saving grace doing something at the cone vengs. gavin new som. michelle obama? would move that forward trump.
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>> arab communities disappointed. they want to go against joe biden. they are not happy. if they have another party they can go after, that is 147,000 votes. that is beyond the margin joe biden won the state by. hands state of michigan to a republican. they are going to do everything they can. puts joe biden in a tough position with this palestinian-israel war now. he has to make a decision where he stands if he wants to win michigan. a lot of people would say as the state of michigan goes, goes the state of the country. they should be encouraging west to do this. >> destroy hamas or michigan.
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tommy tooter. thank you. biden's weaponization of justice system worse than ever. endless witch hunts. we'll bring you if lthe latest p next. 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp. i always hear people say, you know, when you get older, you know, people lose memory. i didn't want to be that person. i decided to give prevagen a try. my memory became much sharper. i remembered more! i've been taking prevagen for four years now. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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a. welcome back to this special edition of hannity. trump continues to face a relentless barrage of witch hunts that has happened to him now for eight years and he is not alone. biden has another target, elon musk is facing numerous federal probes after his efforts to support free speech. spice this the administration
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says it is toxic to question the justice department's integrity. watch this. >> i want to talk about the toxic environment here in washington. you have republicans who are will say that the justice department is full of political operatives that are working to help president biden hurt president trump. >> it really bothers me when i hear those claims because it does a disservice to the men and women of the justice department. it contributes to the toxicity that you're speaking about. >> oh, boy. here with reaction is monica and eric. we should feel bad for the justice department. it is just so toxic. how do they deal and work in this environment? >> yeah, to watch lisa monaco
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make those comments, pete, is really something to. behold. she is the deputy attorney general right now under merrick garland, the most radical activist, left-wing attorney general we have ever had. she was the top lawyer in the obama justice department and she had her hands in this weaponization and politicalization of the law for a very long time. their spin that every administration does and there is outright gaslighting and lying. this administration weaponized government to the enth degree. the left started a long march through it decades ago. this has been going on for a long time, but the absolute construction that we're seeing now against all of the regimes enem enemies. you mentioned trump and musk. they're two of the most
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prominent targets, but we're talking about innocent americans from the january 6th attendees, to parents at student board meetings. they are directing and weaponizing the law against the average american because they happen to think the wrong way. this is totalnanrianism. >> if they can go after the prumtive nominee, why would they not go after anyone that is a threat to their institutional power. >> unfortunately the federal government has gone against those they believe have a political side logical difference them. let's not forget lois learner targeting conservatives. the department of justice
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targeting parents at school board meetings. this is not new, unfortunately, for the federal government. here is the real kicker a lot of times. it is our taxpayer dollar that's are allowing for the targets and the funding to happen for these institutions and these federal agencies to continue to target the american people conservatives in congress have a serious job to do especially in the house to make sure there is overieth and that we're holding people to account, investigates and oversight are the duty of congress and we only have the house at this point in is why elections have consequences and matter deeply. if anyone can be targeted, the former president, the richest man in the world, a parent at a school board meeting, it is our job to elect officials that stand up and say enough is enough and we will not allow them to target the swamp in this way because of political
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differences. >> can this be deweaponized or is it too far gone? >> that is the perpetual question, right? i ask it all of the time to my podcast guests. can the system be reformed or does it need to be raised to the ground? i think the corruption is so deep and the weaponization is so extreme, and this kind of left wind influence, this kind of tyrannical execution of political opponents. people say this is a banana republic but it is worse than that. in a banana republic you don't have a long history of due process, law, and equal application of the law like we have had here for 200 years. so we should know better and still the system should be weaponized. this is worse than a banana republic and in my mind i think all of news institutions starting with the doj and fbi, the security state, the cia, the
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rest of it, needs to be taken down, dismantled, and start all over again if we're going to have any hope of saving this country. >> this is such a good point. banana republics don't have to keep the pretense, but these deep staters keep the presence up of equal justice and manipulate out faith. we have to leave it there, thank you for your time. >> that's all of the time that we have left. thank you for joining us. don't forget to check out, if you would, on fox nation battle in the holy land. plus, of course, catch me, rachel, and will every saturday and sunday morning on fox and friends. "gutfeld" up next, have a great