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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 28, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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>> trace: and finally tonight, a special day. ♪ ♪ >> and finally tonight, aur special day. >> it's amazin bg to see that ta native american culture is being represented this year. it's an honor to have my dad. >> jolene vargas is one of many who will have a special flow and mondays 150 at the rose parade and pasadena while her floatyear celebrates her native culture, the theme of this year's paradeh ises celebrating the year ofeasy music, the universe universal language, thousands of volunteers put work into each and every float, the parade will feature 40 after the parade ow ocomes the game, roll tide. tomorrow on "special report" as electric vehicles are installed with the need of additional charging.esid if you can't catch us live,ere. always tape us. ♪ ♪lo
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>> hello, everyone, i amwith kennedy, along with jessica tarlov, katie pavlich, and big jim fail out, it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." give us your poor, your tired, and your federal money, the leaders of three sanctuary cities areng begging president biden to shower themts with some cold hard taxpayer-funded cash.h as and they wind their hearts out over the big bad texas governor busting illegals to their doorsteps.rnoreps. >> we cannot continue to do the federal government's job, the federal government must take responsibility and lead on this humanitarian crisis, instead ofi leaving itng for cities and localities to handle. >> we need thee federal government to lean in, and provide more financial assistance. all of our cities have reached a point where we are either at
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constant capacity or nearly out erelof her room. >> we need more federal support toor be able to manage this amot of inflow. it will crush city budgetslook across the country. looking at $160 million going into next year's budget, that's 10% of our entire city budget. >> kennedy: you do know that the definition of sanctuary,? don't you? r off noty are bette seeking help from team by then, because this white house is acting like nincompoops on the issue, secretary blinken and ncommallorca's coming back froma meeting with mexico's president empty-handed with no big borderd deal to announce. antony blinken did come up with a strange new term for thesis, crisis, irregular migration. and mallorca's thought the meeting was productive. that's a fun word. it does not here, but order state democrat does not think productive is cutting it, watche speak of the border has been
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ignored.ey'r they are listening too much to thethe gration activists, white house and a lot of members of congress listen to the immigration advocates, but who is listening to the border communities? ies?they feel that the democratic party, that the president is not doingiden enou. >> kennedy: clearly that is not breaking through to them across, so the party is praying that voters live under a rock. >> look at the immigration/border security, look at the top two now, 19%, so closing in on the economy, the most google searches for migrants by state. look at all of these states,nois phil, illinois one,two, massachusetts three, new jersey is 4, colorado is 5. >> kennedy: what? you mean that people care aboutf aemigration, jimmy? to >> imagine, great to see everyone, and bear with me, you're the first sober people
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i've spoken to.y but joe biden took the bordertok and turned it into the college bar that does not check i.d. i'm over that bar in college, where the word got out, once yob got it you would get in no the matter what, but they had no deal and had none i guess chutzpah, is that a fair word, try not to say it on tv, but tha idea that they came back and said that, it was productive. this is now a problem, we just broke a record for her friends and all poisoning nginfrastructure is overwhelmed aninfrd inner-city use. and the fact that he calls it productive is such an insult and indifference to the people being honed by this. this is what i want to bring up is that the democrats and everyone should remember this, when the election rolls arounddn and they say we are the party have struggling minorities ining inner cities, okay, they are cru crushing struggling minority is in their in infrastructure and facilities and it is the biggest screw you to the people they report topo care aboutle the mo, so if i am a little hopped up
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it's not just the tequila. >> kennedy: we will be serving e seplenty of those in your whie coffee mug throughout the show. mark my word, but jimmy brings up a point that you sort ofdi discussescd yesterday, and thats these mayors are saying we only have so many resources.what so what are they supposed to dov if they have declared themselves sanctuary cities, so they put the brightening on open sign at the front door and now people are going in, how do you solve this?ho >> jessica: i think that you have to let city council meetings like the one that was shut down in chicago where theto people wanted to talk about a voting to make chicago not a sanctuary city anymore, you have toet let those go through and hr what thed he people say. it does not mean that the policy is automatically going to be overturned, but you can take that information and you can goe in to the federal government or you can go to your governors andd sa say, the people do not want us anymore. at the people got us in theth first place because they did anc
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it is working differently than it used to. yoo.u look at the people who aro advocates for sanctuary city. policies and chief among sam rudy giuliani, who obviously in a veryrudy different state of md and position in this life was talked about how important is that people could come out of the shadows and work with law enforcement to talk about what ials going on in their communities to make us safer and understood thaus st the people d were coming here were here for a better life to work hard, werein paying taxes into accounts just inin case the government checked them, wanted their kids to gheoo school and to pay it forward as it were. that's very different to what is going on right now and it is becoming a quality of life issue and that's what people vote on.a and i alwaysys say this, this ds not mean that a bunch of democrats are going torats becoa bunch of republicans. that's not to this, but it does mean that you have -- >> jimmy: it does mean a bunch of new yorkers are going toe become a bunch of floridians.s or>> kennedy: where maybe they
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don't advertise themselves, but charlie, are they justbut tryid get money from the federal government? is that the play or are they the really trying to shift policy i in a more rational direction? >> charlie: primarily they are trying to get money because that's what they do. but but the larger argument is what happens when ideology meets reality. they sit around anyalitd they tk about the stuff in ideological terms and it all sounds nice and rosy, and they also go even further and tell people what it is that their policy solutions for problems that they are not personally facing. and of course, the border state governments have been dealing withgo this for 20 years and hae been screaming about it saying we neeeend to do something about and all of the sanctuary city'v e people say i have all the is what you do. then when that happens all hell breaks loose and it is a catastrophe an bred now we are g to have to dig them out of the ideological hole that they have gotten themselves into. inluckily i think that --
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i do think that maybe they don't become permanent republicans, but they will vote -- this is a very powerful issue that people do vote on, and when they look around and they see things as you point out thatther don't work, whether it is the economy or getting on an airplane and seeing that your tax dollars are paying for illegals tllaro fly around the country, it makes people mad. >> katie: because this issue is not necessarily an illegalion immigration issue, it's apu bleducation issue, sanitation issue, a issue when you are cutting budgets for education, health care issue, whenin emergency rooms are overrun with people who are not paying in the system, the mayor of chicago and new york city ask joe biden tobe do something about this. they are not doing anything. if you read the readout between state department and to the president in mexico that was issuedent today is paragraphs d
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paragraphs of gobbledygook diplomatic nothingness. but the good news is they willis meet again in january a couple of weeks from now to go over how this issue can be resolved. you know how it's all, there's nothing in that meeting at least publicly they put out about anyd kind of asylum or form or remaii in mexico policy that can be puu into place, that's what is needed here. it's actually not complicated in these mayors, there are thingsgs they can do.can they can say we will not shelter you, we will not give you benefits or allow you to use our facilities coming to will not b, welcome here, but they are not t doing that. they are asking for more money to manage more people coming into the country as charlie s said, theyai are perfectly fine with this happening in placesli like texas and arizona but don'w want to hold the federal government accountable. >> kennedy: but that's thele b issue, texas and arizona cant absorb so many people, because they know if they overrun the system the odds are in their favor theyfavo will get in the country. they want court dates for six or seven years an yd it goes to all the layers that are broken,
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e because it's not just the cities, it is the federal government, it is diplomacy that is broken down. bro it's immigration, its border protection, it's all of its and it doeans not seem like anyone s really serious about fixing it and i would throw republicans in there too. they get really mad about it, but we have not seen any solutions from either side when they get both houses of congress and the presidency. >> jessica: no, gangs have everything, gangs of six, gangsh coming across the border. i know that's what you want me to stay, and that's completelyrc correct, and there's also aemor memory hold on my side of the aisle about who barack obama was when it came to the immigration issue?r in known as the tort or in chief and shared the latino vote, people are waiting to see thatei the border is open that everyone in the world can comerybe in, t. want a fair system that does not mean that people should be able to claim asylum, that something that is important andim pofundamental to thes th
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united states, but there are only votes to be lost by leaving it as it is, their votes to bemr gained for democrats and to seea that this alliance of the henry cuellar's of the world and john fetterman, even katie hobbsme i saying i'm going to send the national guard down to the>> border. >> jimmy: i knew there was something up one eric adam's? left the nightclub. >> kennedy: that's when you knew it was so the crowd is some serious party pooper is blocking traffic at two major airports and scheming to ruin your new year's eve plans, don't you dare, commies, that's next! ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [honking] >> charlie: get ready to bring in the wit new year with pro-has educators, what they hope to do this new year's eve, dozens getting arrested for blockinglok roadways outside travel hubs including new york city's jfk airport. also made life pretty miserable for travelers at lax the blockades forcing players to burst through signs on foot to bypass the roadway. unfortunately you might see thim nonsense as we count down to24 2024. protesters are expected to target the times square ball
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drop, mayor adams promises that the nypd will be on top ofat t things. >> there's always a serious concern of around safety in new year's eve, because they are a large number of people, everyone looks for events like this if they want to do bad things. and the police department is on top of it. >> charlie: yeah, we will see. there's a lot of very seriousof vand dark stuff to get to, but big picture, kennedy, is this working? are they winning any friends by thisdoing this? >> kennedy: no, i bought a star of david necklace after seeing another pro-palestine protest, they are calling for, and they smell, they are not changing anyone's mind. i got caught up in one of these dingbat protests in columbus circle, and the mall they are, they had shut the mall down and i'm like i'm just trying to go to lulu lindeman and get my ludaughter a pair of wagons befe
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christmas, can you move out of the way, because all you are doing is making the case for the other side. and all people have to do is alb little bit of research to see that today intellectually undermine themselves every timec they show up and scream into bullhorns. and it is protest to protest p tourism,ro these are people whos have been bored, fat, and unemployed since 2020, since the george floyd protests and arelo ydlooking for something to do. >> charlie: so maybe they are actually helping, but it's all appalling, but i have to say watching people jump out of their cabs ajumpt lax to run, i mean, jimmy, a cabdriver's worso nightmare. n >> jimmy: oh, yeah, because ae again it's not people that are legitimately invested in the cause, if there was a true educated hashing out, how do they think gaza strip is a gentleman's club. should i bring singles to the protest?goin but back to kennedy's point of how they are inseparable peopl e
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who don't have the skill of persuasion, no one, no one isno sitting in that cab at lax going oh, my gosh, they made me miss my fligh tt i'm going to adapt their political views, and that's a problem as her times square, i'm not going there, as a jets fan i been watching the ball drop allas a . the night, everybody, there it. is. >> charlie: there it is, katie, when you havestor unbelievable stories where they are like christmas carolers are getting crashed with people saying things like long live int truvadmaa and christmas is canceled, he started to wonder if maybe there might not be a distinct religious outrage? >> katie: that's a call for murder and, these people are not interested in persuasion. what we are seeing is an effort to intimidate and use terrorist tactics to shut down freeways and to harass people and scare children with their families going to a christmas tree or t trying to get on are flight to
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maybe for a family emergency, they are interested in controlar e not having a debate about the topic. it's occupy wall street, antifat 2020 rioters repackaged at thise for the most p but historically when it comes to the airports in the '60s in '70s, there were a dozen hijacked planes by palestinian terrorists, so this is a real problem and the threat we have seen throughout the course of modern history anded pterr law enforcement should treat itd as such before things get much worse. ththese are not people interest in democracy or having a discussion about human rights, theyan are interested in murderg people and making sure that you know if you cross them that you will be on the list next and as you point out, they are not going to leave anybody behind, any they start with the jewishwish deli's and naha misplace down the street and then they go to the christmas trees. they want you to take their side orant else. >> charlie: a new level of dark for me was this group holding a protest outside d.c.
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holocaust museum, inside the d.c. holocaust museum, i mean,e. this is nuts. >> jessica: it's beyond nuts,thr it's one of the more uneducated movements i thinunedk that we hr ever witnessed before, total lack of respect for humanity,hit for history, for the national consciousness, like read the room r, people, people are upsea about this on both sides of it. but anyone who is being thoughtful about it knows thatat to the holocaust museum here and in israel, hollow ground, itund, sacred, your life will beil changed if you spend 5 minutes in either of those museums, it'. appalling. what they are doing is also alienated to israelis who are some of the most supportive people of the palestinian cause, gallup with the highest level oe support against a 2-state solution, i think i ditwd thatod inverted, but there used to be a lot more support of it and now they are saying you know what, this is who you are and how you're treating us and it is
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harrowing, and i would stillill recommend it, there is ak ti "new york times" investigation piece that camame out today cald screams without words, how hamas weaponize sexual violence on october 7 coming you should goit and look at it, this is an excerpt that says she saw a young woman with copper coloredi hair, blood running down her back, pants pushed down to her knees, one man pulled her by the hair and made her bond over, another penetrated her and everl time she flinched he plunged the knifnde into her back.e in that is all that this is about's. not about free a palestine, ther time for a free palestine is when all of these passages have been returned, we found another american hostage dead today an dan hed r husband murdered, just hod d itit for a second and wait unl your people are returned, you
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will get a more amenableen conversation out of itab as wel, but when people are sitting there being bludgeoned and raped and killed by the day, no one wants to see this, they are making athey mockery of themsels on the situation, this dire situation in the middle east and e emboldeningon benjamin netanyahu. >> charlie: no civilized person wants to see this, but you wonder about these people who look w at this ohon octobern and then come out on the side of terrorists and scratch your head and think, maybe some people do you want see it. >> kennedy: how are you the president of harvard? >> charlie: exactly, let the d eia layoffs begin, big tech company is taking a getting rid of woke diversity programs. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: elon musk history and with din must die, and sounds like the billionaire musa get his wish, billionaire tech e marks like google and meta are filing diversity, equity, and inclusion markets this year and laying off workers, declining 4l year compared to 2022, academiam however is a different story,it critics argue the onlyic reason why harvard's president has kept her job despite two scandals over his anti-semitism and plagiarism is because of the focus on therism ei. kennedy, i want to start with you on this. so dia jobs have been around a long time. they just after the murder of george floyd we got this huge surge, a 56% jump in terms of the listings for it, how can wee keep k the parts of the system that are important and get rid
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of the virtue signaling aspectsi of it? >> kennedy: i think what was happening was these companies were responding because they bafelt the backlash and competey eight that there was indeed systemic racism that has been with this country for hundreds of years, but the way that they are tackling it is wrong because it is very divisive.ive. so if you work at a big company and you deploy teams who are supposed to work together butli ciimplicitly you are dividing people by race, that's bad for business, because people won't be able to coalesce if they naturally see another person as their enemy because of their immutable characteristics, for that reason it's been bad for the bottomn for other companies they are downsizing and cutting a lot of jobs intact so that they look at this and this is an enormous basket where a lot of resource s have gone, but it has not has improve the bottom line, it hasa not improved morale, so you have to move on from it and admitt maybe this is not the way tompro
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improve the system, maybe you are actually creating more of systemic struggles and teaching people at your company how to sue you. >> jessica: would you like to make a good point yourself?vard try. >> jimmy: i think that harvard's president said it best when she said ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself, here's a problem, the reason businesses are bus walking way is because it'scr crushing their bottom line frome the standpoint. it takes the focus away from one actually makes company is com profitable. if your hamburger company coming you make money selling hamburgers come you don't make money cateringmake to these socl justice struggles on the side. i think that disney learned this the hardest. disney is in the business of placating parents and kids thatn g want to go on vacation and asa they quickly found out, no kid is waiting in line to ridented peter pan, they wantedever peter pan, regular everyday life, disney's business was notn
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social justice and that's why you see it trying to backtrack, so i think that's a long-term solution is if you wanted to help, you go back to madmen, where they cater to the customers preferences, dia's mad them, all of the customers are miserable becausgee they are not getting what they want, and don't worry about it, you don't need to know. >> jessica: i'm still back on the gaza strip club. [laughter] katie, what dohat you think happened to claudine and all of this? it does not seem over? 's before she has a very specific public example based on her testimon tesy in plagiarismt that's not the big issue here. to the big issue is that a lot of these corporations decided they wanted to engage in virtue signaling by implementing the ei, but that forces you to discriminate against people based on theirpeop race, based n theice,r gender, and they are at to get sued and they have been
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threatened with lawsuits because doing that is a violation of the civil rights act, so in this effort to be more diverse and to engage in the ei, they have inherently discriminated against entire classes of people. academia does this as well and there been lawsuits against harvard for example for taking a applicants of asian students entering them out the windowian because they happen to be asian students in favor of others.ers. so this whole process and system they have built forces them to you discriminates which is not what they are supposed to do. and it's actually illegal, so they are walking this back andnd saying it's a bottom-line issue, but it's also an issue of fair labor practices are not violating the laws already in books about discrimination. >> jessica: all for fair laborea practices, but denial that there are systemic challenges that affects group --'s
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>> jimmy: but it's not a merit-based level, that's why it icbackfires, you can address thm by putting the qualified people ind the positions, the probleme have at harvard where she is clearly not the most qualified person but they made the bed in the camp fire her because that's an abandonment of the whole thing. so i would be all for any of it, like when i get on a plane, i don't care who is flying theng t plane, but i want to know that they can fly it. whenever i get on a plane, for real, just going to dallas and i'm like you're in the cockpite we have the most diversecr crewn the delta fleet. i'm like i'm getting off the plane. ettii want to hear i am a cranky ex-military pilot and we have the guy on the flight deck whoy needs to let us go or hepi is going to havi e a problem. i want a guy who knows how to do the gig. >> charlie: though only place to get it is through education and have to provide stellarto education to everybody no matter what their income level is or where -- what their background is, and that's of course whatsc school choice, it's such an
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important aspect of all of that and for some reason democrats and unions fight that tooth and nail, but if you want to bring the quality and parenting too everybody coming to do it byyo educating everybody so that they can perform. >> jimmy: it's one of the many reasons i turned on down a scholarship to harvard, get your act together, i'm going to nassau community. >> jessica: and he really showed them, pizza hut is ditching derivatively drivers as they hike the minimum wage to $20. ♪ ♪ (son) dad. you ok? (dad) it's our phone bill! we pay for things that we don't need! bloated bundles, the reckless spending! no more... (mom) that's a bit dramatic... a better plan is verizon. it starts at 25 dollars a line. (dad) did you say 25 dollars a line? (sister) and save big on things we love, like netflix and max! (dad) oh, that's awesome (mom) spaghetti night -- dinner in 30 (dad) oh, happy day!
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♪ if i could be you and you could be me ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> katie: well, be careful what you wish for, liberals, pizza hut is laying off 1,000 delivery drivers in california,
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just as a $20 fast food minimum wage goes into effect next year. franchise owners will used- third-party apps like doordash and uber eats instead. i and that's not all of the damage. mcdonald's and chipotle arean warning of price hikes in the golden state. and if that does not help estimate jobs, ai is supposed to take whatever is left. the world's first fully autonomous ai powered restaurant is set to open inin southern california. so is this a utopia we keep hearing about? >> charlie: yes, it is. >> j>> katie: robot restaurants and poverty? >> charlie: yes, it's the backward wall that they come up with, they want to say that thee have done something that helped people, but they don't care about the actual consequences, everybody is in favor of people making more money. what is weird about it is thatht all of these democrat policies which make it more difficult for companies to thrive and prosper
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actually wind up hurting people who work and hurting -- preventing people from making more money, so it's just another example of the us government lies and policieverns that theyl solve the problem for you but actually they will make it wo worse. >> katie: an>> pd politicians like avenue some will say we can tax the rich to subsidize publie benefits for people who are laid off by private corporations. so then those people leave as well and there's no tax >> kennedy: and they leave in droves, rich people leaving california. anyone who can rent a u-haul is leaving california, but what happens is you end up pricing people out of labor market so that people are tryingople to gn the labor market and you're talking about people who graduated from high school,igh minority is in this country trying to get these minimum-wage jobs so they can move up, but. they can't get them because who are at a premium where there aro fewer because you cannot support the work force necessary to keec
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those restaurants up so that's number one comes to people turn to black-market jobs where they are our cash only and they are not paying any taxes, so that hurts the tax base in the states andat h then theand flip side of that is you go totn automation as quickly as possible and that's qus what the restaurants are doing because pizza hut at mcdonald's they pizzcan afford to do the r&d soy have the automation mechanisms in place to pull the trigger second these laws go into effect in places like california where they will fail and they will fail lowering people fastest. >> katie: and it's this situation where people can't gea the lower entry jobs it so they can't move up the company. >> jessica: i don't know all of the fairy tale stories, wherg people who own mcdonald's franchises, how much it will continue ttinuo happen, it usedo be, i'm not sayingn. it was common, but it was something that was around, right, and that
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opportunity is simply disappearing.definite there is a problem where the federal minimum wage which has been stuck at seven and a quarter since 2009, so that's. the longest amount of time we have had since a hike was in history, going back to 1938 and k part of the problem is that yu look at profits which arere soaring and you say these sweet people even if they are getting fired that year, they are building parachutes, who could keep a steel town getting out of business afloat just to get a ndcanned and not something when you say tax the rich, why it has to go up is because of that and the shareholders are involved that are regular people, but there are folks at the top taking everything fromt of themselves and they are taking the minimum wage employees wear their companies have been successful, like the wahlberg's of the world, the targets of the
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world have not had any sort of sat back and raised minimum wage fak.r above what is mandated. >> katie: there are a lot of targets and walmart set of selfs checkout, that's why they are raising it ihe rn these cities e they raise it beyond what they can pay. >> jimmy: this is a delicate subject for me because i get paid and fast food, it's chicken fingers here. but let me go in a real direction as a former cabdriver, because there is an empathy to the story that resonates withcui everybody hearing it when it m comes to minimum wage and people can imbibe. we talk about not having money in the bank, we had a nike shoe box, hoping to make it to the hot streak and the bank of reebok. so that's where i started, so i understand what it's like to be in the other trench, but here's an angle and want to propose all certain jobs are supposed to suck so they inspire you to work harder and strap on more
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ambition to your vision for life. okay, so as a cabdriver i would noayt be sitting here if i wasnt doing what i was doing for 16 whours a day.urs and he will say is a cabdriver, do you have her profile and not pick somebody up because you are dangerous? no when you are working 12 hours a day, you want to die. if i did not pick you up, it's because you do not look dangerous enough. and they put them in the cell with the ex-con and three teardrops under his eye and he screamed at the kid until he got his life together, that's whatr. they are supposed to do. so the idea that there is a fine line between being empathetic ep but denying someone as you said a path up in employment, but also ambition, okay, if cab driving was paying me a thousand dollars more a week, i would definitely and still be a cabdriver, and don't get me get wrong, the way that this hits i will probably be back there soon, but the point is there's a fine line and we are screwingis the little guy in the name of helping them, because the little guy also goes to mcdonald's and now has to pay $22 for a
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value meal. >> katie: i know you have thetae book about cancel culture, but i wanted the jimmy cab tales. >> jimmy: good luck getting it passed me. >> kennedy: >> katie: all right, good luck! "the fastest" is up next.
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♪ ♪ >> jimmy: maybelline really was a. welcome back, time for "the fastest" and a guy you don't want to mess with, check it out. >> don't turn around, this won't take long. ♪ ♪ >> wait, who are you? >> someone who prefers not getting involved. >> jimmy: even if buff action heroes like him had to deal a childhood bully is, spilling thl begins on a run and he had with one of his tormentors and told "wall street journal" i ran into one of the guys who teased me in high school i wanted a selfie, i was happy to oblige but it felt strange, he forgot what he did, kebut i didn't.
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isn't that's just proof that bullying works, i don't know if he grows up with that ambition. >> kennedy: what if everyone coddled him and he got a participatioion trophy and everyone said that it was wonderful and amazing, you know what he would be doing right now? he would be working atf bank of america, whicham is a great job. >> jimmy: heb down the block protesting on behalf of hamas, obviously it's hard to look at him with eye candy like me on the set, struggling. >> jessica: i'm struggling. and the pheromones off of charlie hurt, but i did not think that if i were stuffed in more lockers, i was taller obviously, but i appreciate though that he did not say anything and that -- it contextualizes how little all of these things that feel likeis the biggest things in the world to us when we are young you just
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grow up and you are the star of the show. and how about that. >> jimmy: you almost don't have to pay back bully is,ov everybody loves a story, but if that's how you live your life it usually catches upches to you anyway. >> charlie: he should have thanked him, but you know, you look at, what you think that guy is doing? he's probably not as -- he is clearly not a successful as he is, but we should do more celebrating adversity in people's lives. it is the thing that got you out of the cab.e >> jimmy: a couple of vehicular homicides. let's not kid it. i kid, i kid, katie pavlich, where you ever bullied? >> katie: oh, yeah, there was a gang in high school that made shoes and shirts against me, they had colors, there was a whole gain, colors againstga in m me,inst but they say the best revenge is living well, so here we are. >> charlie: the one person here that i would have guessed
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would never be bullied was you. >> jimmy: this is before she became a fire enthusiast. >> kennedy: it was the buzz cut. >> jimmy: if you hang on in the green room, you will figure it out. and finally, i love this, this next story sounds like something out of armageddon, check it out. >> it's what we call a global killer, the end of mankind, does not matter where it hits, nothing woulg wid survive, not n bacteria. >> my god! beg >> jimmy: nasa will launch a spacecraft mission to the study that a god asteroid before hits the orbit, but that sucker won't be a problem until 2029 and eve. then it will only be 20,000 miles away from us. so i want to start with you, ism see through this scam, they seei funding drying upcoming in a window woman is about to leave a man, so he makes big promises.yo baby, we were going to go on a
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cruise, are you buying this? >> kennedy: no, you are right, d between blue origin and space x and urgent elected, they are putting nasa outut of business o they are not taking people tope mars, what are they going to do? blast and asteroid and pull itof off course with a magic rope and some magnets. and that's why we needrope to kp them around. >> jimmy: for th thee low cost f $30 trillion, are you concerned that these independence day comparisons will create a crave r a bill pullman type president, meaning younger. >> jessica: may be in 2028, i love all of the old presidents, the old-school movie presidents, like yes, itol m should be -- >> charlie: you know how we know it's made up? because the name of it is the god of chaos. it's so good.>> >> jimmy: you know they are a desperate when they say it's ay covid asteroid. are you in or out?ster >> katie: i think that the asteroid flies near and looks down at earth and says no way,ee
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keep going. no thanks. >> jimmy: i'm kind of rooting for the asteroid, i have to berd honest, 5 minutes on twitter yo are like bring it on! "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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governor no, you didn't carry the two. josh kiss my abacus and never leave this bar. >> it is now time for one more" thing. kif with jessica. okay. so grateful dead fans. there's a bi mg deal inis our house. i'm married to a deadhead. stanford university is now offering agrse fon online coursi fans wishing to learn more on the band's music and cultural. impact. the windsor castle, taught by musician and journalist a guest a numberto b of guest speakers and readings. registration is open. you do not hava ste to ben ou a stanford student to take it. >> we will be taking it outr of our household album magnolia. >> well done. that'swell great, katie. all right. it's winter time for some winter sports.k,
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an ice storm in bismarck, north dakota, created hazardouss for conditions for people driving a ma, but perfect conditions for a man who decided to godidnt around town on his ice skates. chdidn't have much traffic.. so good for him and file to make sure he's safe great. and no injuries. looks like a great way to spend the day and see the town. >> i wondered where brian boitano retired. well, ifn bo you love condiment, you absolutely love the duke's mayos. bowl.d conn it's where the champ alternates between the scc and big 12. and yes, that is real mail that gets dumped on the winning head coach. that, of course, neil brown. via mountaineers head got coach, try to wear an extra big hat. it didn't matter. >> you've got a body full of delicious to talk about.k ab talk about covering the spreadde . oh, we lost we won the game and we covered the spread and they spread the cover. >> all right, charli away.e, tat away. >> okay. keeping with the sports theme,
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this is nba superstar star mr ms bridges. >> i think i'm saying that right. at michael extrao one way, i presume a he's got an extraordinarily clean and strict diet as an nbae star. >> you'd be wrong. turns out that he has beenen eating chipotle every single day for the last ten years. >> yeah. all right. so people have never eaten sugar. r eate >> what is it like, chipotlen real man? i never heard. life. >> i've never seen it in myth life. but i can't imagine it could be in the nba if you did. >> yeah, you could buy is chipotle and a copy of my new book cancel cultureh dictionary. he does. he got to winning the war on fun, which wewe a going t arg to do and go on tour and see me do comedy this spring. there are the red hot dates fora the first leg of the everybody calm down tour. and of coursbee, in the summergn i'll also be touring with some alcoholic mass. i'm not going to sayto who rhyms with kennedy. >> i know you can't wait. neither are we. >> that's it for us. have a great night


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