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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  December 29, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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we wish you good health, a good run and happy new year. thank you for sharing your story and the veterans and how people can help. we really appreciate it. >> all the best from san diego. >> molly: wonderful, thank you. all the best to you, mike. >> mike: what a remarkable guy. look at times square. the earth came giving us a look at where the ball drops in three days. it was revealed earlier this week. any new year's resolution? >> molly: one year we went vegetarian for the month. i think this year i want to declutter. clear space. what about you? >> mike: maybe i'll take the month off from drinking. we heard there were good benefits. >> molly: going to join the dry january club? >> mike: "the faulkner focus" is next, julie banderas in for harris. >> julie: fox news alert. maine is now the second state to
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remove former president donald trump from its 2024 primary ballot. big bipartisan backlash over this. some are calling it a far left political ploy to try to get trump out of this race. maine's top election official democratic secretary of state shenna bellows announcing her unilateral decision last night. last week colorado's state supreme court voted on party lines to boot trump from the state's ballot citing the 14th amendment section three. both state decisions are on hold pending appeal. colorado's secretary of state announced yesterday trump's name will be on the ballot unless the supreme court decides otherwise by january 5th. the maine republican party not holding back on unelected bellows single handed trump takedown. a statement excerpt reads we've been fighting these back roomy leitz since they started their
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push to subvert democracy by tossing president trump. we reserve our right as a private organization to use a caucus system if that's what it takes to keep a democrat hack secretary of state from infringing on the rights of maine voters. republican state rep echoing that same sentiment. >> shenna bellows should know that and go out of her way to be nonpartisan. with this edict she has disen franchise eid 300,060 main voters with this partisan move. our nation is a republic. maine is made up of citizens and not subjects under shenna bellows. she opened the door to election chaos. >> julie: the primary rivals genocideing with trump on this issue. >> the idea that one bureaucrat in an executive position can ute
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laterally disqualify someone from office. it turns on its head every notion of constitutional due process that country has always abided by for over 200 years. it opens up pandora's box. can you have a republican secretary of state disqualify biden from the ballot? he has let in 8 million people illegally. >> julie: former president trump faces more than a dozen pending primary ballot challenges. louisiana is now reportedly considering joining that list. six states have already dismissed such attempts and will include him in their nominating contests. california the latest certifying its list of candidates including trump late last night. lucas tomlinson is in the u.s. virgin islands where president biden is spending his holiday. he joins us with the latest. >> julie, a reminder in colorado state supreme court made that decision kicking trump off the ballot. although he still remains after the gop appealed that decision. this was a unilateral decision
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made by maine secretary of state bellows. let's get right to her decision. she writes, quote, mr. trump over the course of several months and culminating january 6, 2021, used a false narrative of election fraud to inflame his supporters and direct them to the capitol to prevent certification of the 2020 election. former president donald trump not wasting any time responding to bellows saying, quote, we are witnessing in realtime the attempted theft of an election and the disenfranchisement of the american voters. democrats are suspending the civil rights of the american voters by attempting to summarily remove president trump's name from the ballot. maine's democratic congressman goldman does not agree with this decision. he is posting, quote, i do not believe he should be reelected talking about trump. however, we are a nation of laws and therefore until he is
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actually found guilty of the crime of insurrection he should be allowed to remain on the ballot. maine secretary of state bellows responding to that congressman in her state. >> i reviewed section three of the 14th amendment very carefully and determined that section three of the 14th amendment doesn't say conviction, it says engaged. >> it should be decided by the voters of the united states, not decided by courts. and the fact is that while there may be people may think there is some justification for doing this, it is not good for our democracy. in the end, donald trump should be defeated by the voters at the polls. >> notable secretary of state bellows from the state of maine has suspended that decision until maine's courts can respond. >> julie: thank you very much. tom dupree former assistant attorney general joins me now. you heard a flood of reaction
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from both sides of the aisle. ron desantis comparing it to opening a pandora's box. can you have a republican secretary of state disqualify biden from the ballot? he is currently facing an impeachment inquiry. wouldn't that be the same thing? >> that's the thing. if the colorado supreme court and maine secretary of state approach is correct turn about would be fair play and all sorts of republican secretary of state and courts looking to disqualify president biden from the ballot. i suspect the supreme court of the united states will step in here, julie. this situation is untenable. you have different states taking different approaches to what the 14th amendment means. there is huge significance for our democracy and huge significance for the rights of voters across the country. this case is tailor made for the united states supreme court. i expect they will take up the case in the next week or two. >> julie: the maine democratic
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congressman who said that he doesn't believe that he should be reelected regarding trump, however, this is a very important to note. coming from a democrat of all people. that we are a nation of laws. therefore until he is actually found guilty of the crime of insurrection he should be allowed on the ballot. that's the perfect example and what i've been talking about all week long. this is a trial and until a decision is made and he is found either guilty or not guilty of insurrection it is really up to the courts to decide and until the trial is over nobody should have that sort of power. you can't be convicted of something that you haven't been convicted of. that's what these states are individually trying to do. >> right. look, to state the obvious that's the way our system normally works. normally if you are going to be found guilty of insurrection or assisting that's a determination made by a jury with full due process rights and put on your case and testify and defend
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yourself. then a jury of your peers makes that determination. that's what our constitution provides for. under this system that we're now seeing some states follow, that decision, which is constitutionally committed to a jury, is now being made by individual politicians. popularly elected partisan in many cases politicians who make a unilateral one-person decision that someone is an insurrectionist and disqualified from the ballot. our system provides elections should be decided at the ballot box. >> julie: remind people the 14th amendment section three and what it was originally intended for. never has it been used for a former president. it was intended to keep former confederate officials from gaining power in the reconstructed government following the civil war. clearly it was not made to be used in these circumstances. these are democrats taking
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advantage and abuse the 14th amendment. trump's campaign will challenge it. they are witnessing in real time trying to -- disenfranchisement of the voters. he says recklessly and unconstitutionally suspending the civil rights of american voters to remove president trump's name from the ballot. what should voters feel about this? they are basically being told they are not given a choice in certain states who they want to vote for. that's unamerican. >> right. that's the great irony that underlies so much of this. in the name of preserving democracy, that these courts are basically saying we're going to deprive citizens of one of their most fundamental rights. the right to vote for the candidate of their choice. look, this amendment has been part of our nation's fabric for well over a century as you pointed out. post dates the civil war and enacted in a very different time. i'm confident the framers did
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not anticipate that it would be used as a tool of partisan warfare as a way of winning elections by disqualify people from the ballot and denying citizens their right to vote. it was enacted for a very different person. if the supreme court hears this case will do a deep dive into the history of the amendment. what it was enacted for and whether it is being used today in the correct constitutionally proper way. >> julie: i believe the supreme court has to respond sooner than later with all these states following suit until the supreme court weighs in. tom, thank you very much for talking to us. happy new year. >> happy new year to you, too. >> julie: more backlash from far left congresswoman tlaib.
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americans tear into mayorkas and the president. >> he should be impeached. biden should be impeached to execute the laws of the united states. they are ignore their duty to enforce the borders and endangering americans and texans. >> julie: december is still not over. already an all-time record for migrant encounters and that massive migrant caravan is on the move. texas congresswoman weighs if next. hi, i'll have the avocado toast...
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minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more. ♪ i was looking at my ancestry traits the other day. i figured it out why i never actually made the football team. yeah, because you're 5'8”. wait robbie, go look at the sprinter gene. i wonder if you have it or that's why you didn't make the team. let me see. let me pull it up. don't have it. yup, i knew it. what else does it tell you? no, hold on, i'm going to find some athletic gene in here. endurance, no. speed, average. i would say below average. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry.
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>> julie: biden's border crisis setting a sad and scary all-time record. a stunning 276,000 migrant encounters in the month of december alone. the most ever for a single month
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and we still have a few days to count. add to that a massive caravan of nearly 8,000 moving through mexico to our southern border as we speak. this absolute chaos has the democratic mayor of eagle pass saying this. >> this is unacceptable. our city here in eagle pass, we've been getting slammed with 2,000 to 3,000 people a day. it is an unfair, unethical situation what's going on here in eagle pass. we feel ignored by the federal government. i have called to the government that we need action. >> julie: border cities aren't the only ones pleading for help. the democratic mayors of chicago, denver and new york city are all calling for the migrant crisis to be classified as an emergency. they say they are cities are at the breaking point and need federal aid. garrett tenney is in chicago where texas is sending hundreds
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of migrants. >> this growing crisis the having sanctuary city mayors face the realities of their policies. for months mayor johnson said anyone who want to come are welcome. after receiving 30,000 migrants in the last year, the progressive mayor is starting to change his tune and acknowledges there are practical limits to those promises. >> we have infrastructure in our local communities that are not designed to carry such a burden. local municipalities are not structured to be able to carry the weight of a crisis like this. and without a coordinated operation, this is going to crush local economies because there is a financial responsibility that we have all taken on.
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>> a growing number of chicago suburbs don't want anything to do with the crisis the windy city is facing. 60 miles southwest of the city in that county officials put up the sign along the highway saying no migrant buses. directing the buses to keep going to chicago. that comes after buses started dropping migrants off in the suburbs to then take trains into the city after mayor johnson started cracking down on bus companies issuing fines and impounding buses that continue comply with new rules or when and where buses or migrants can be dropped off. so far at least ten cities have taken steps to try to prevent migrants from being dropped off in their towns including this village about 50 miles west of chicago. >> when they show up at our station, fine, let's get them on the train. let's get them downtown. we don't have a place to shelter them. we don't have a way to feed them to make sure that they are taken care of. >> more suburbs are expected to
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take similar steps because they see this record number of migrants coming across the southern border. many of those migrants are expected to make their way here to chicago. >> julie: thank you so much. a new opinion piece calling out that meeting among u.s. and mexican leaders discussing the border crisis. the brutal headline. mexico's president rolls biden. gives us worse than nothing on border. texas congresswoman beth van dine member of the ways and means committee joins us now. during this week's mexico visit secretary of state blinken called on mexico to help end what he calls an irregular migration. that's an understatement. republicans are obviously tearing into that meeting as should every american with some calling it all talk, no action, and too little too late. i would like to know where in the world was kamala? >> that's a great question. as our border czar, why wasn't
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she down there? that's a great question. i can't answer it. we have been saying this this whole week as soon as we found out the meeting was scheduled. great to talk to the president of mexico, what is your plan? what is your demand? what is your goal? how are you even setting this up? again the trump administration mike pompeo went down there he had a definite goal. mexico, you will partner with the u.s. and help us protect our borders. if you don't you will see increases in tariffs, decreases in aid and there will be a plan put forward. they went down there for nothing more than a photo op. exactly what they got. they got schooled by the mexican leadership and mexican president. we were down there a few months ago from ways and means and met with president obrador and came back with a message. this is a person who has no interest in working for the u.s. he is allowing as many of illegal immigrants to go to his country and fine with the number of mexican cartels that are doing human trafficking, drug
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trafficking, child trafficking into our country. he has no problem with that. this was a message we sent out month ago. they didn't have a plan or strategy. they went down there for a photo op. >> julie: governor abbott is tearing into the mayors of new york city, denver and chicago and they are complaining seeing a tiny fraction of what border communities see. the sheer hypocrisy of these democrat mayors knows no bounds. they are now going to extreme lengths to avoid fulfilling their self-declared sanctuary city promises but silent as president biden transports migrants around the country and oftentimes in the cover of night. instead of trying to provide relief to our border communities the democrat leaders should call on their party leader to do his job and secure the border. you have mayor adams here in new york city simply just saying
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this is ridiculous. you can't bus all these migrants to new york city. we need federal funding. one day alone i believe last week there were 14 buses that arrived in the city. why isn't he freaking out on the president? if the president would secure the border we wouldn't have the crisis that we have in new york city and all these other democratic cities. >> you are asking the right questions. they are just not answering them and assuming the american public is stupid. we've been fighting this fight for years in texas. as a former mayor of a city in north texas i saw this firsthand. instead of the u.s. conference of mayors and those leaders from some of these larger blue cities instead of them supporting our efforts they fought us. they called us names and racist and hypocrites and called us haters instead of supporting it. this is what happens when ideology hits reality. they are seeing thousands of immigrants come into their cities and with a recognition they can't support them. we have been saying this for
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years. which is why under the biden administration, number one thing he did was started taking off all the tools of the table working in the trump administration. for nothing more than spite. when you think about it, we have to understand this entire play of what's going on at the border was planned. they were warned what would happen beforehand if they took things like remain in mexico off the table. they did it recognizing the fact you would have millions of illegal immigrants come into our country and that's exactly what happened. we've had over 10 million folks come into our country illegally. 4 million have come to texas. when i look what is happening in new york, chicago, la and they're complaining. welcome to the fight. instead of fighting us and the supporting of democrats supporting these policies, why don't you get on board and start helping us change the policies that are causing all this human trafficking, all this child trafficking, fentanyl deaths and
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the push on our resources in our own country? start with the next election focusing on who is actually caring about and prioritizing the american citizens over incentivizing those to come into our country. >> julie: it needs a bipartisan push. it can't just be republican mayors and republican governors and republican senators trying to force washington to finally pay attention to this crisis on the border. you need the democrats to get on board. the only way to teach the democrats it's a real crisis is bring it to their doorstep. it is an example but really stink for those innocent citizens that have to live among the mess the democrats have created. former president trump's campaign is slamming president biden's handling of the border in a new ad. watch this. >> while the world burns, joe biden has created a violent threat in our own backyard. biden's open border has opened the floodgates to record numbers, including terrorists, fentanyl traffickers and raises
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the possibility of a hamas attack. >> julie: first of all, potential terrorists not to mention the drugs coming over our border and the deaths that are as a result of the cartel basically taking advantage of these open borders. what are we doing? >> the cartels own the borders right now. they are using the biden administration as great partners to traffic people into cities throughout the country and giving them free bus passes and train tickets, giving them plane tickets to get into our country further. that's all paid for by taxpayer dollars. so what are we doing? well, we passed out of the house hr2, border security bill. we're trying to force this administration and these agencies to do their job but having a fight now in senate that apparently doesn't have the same interest. trying to tie every other focus they have. every priority, high spending into their focus. their priorities as opposed to
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protecting our border. republicans are fighting for this but it has to be a bipartisan push. we have to have the senate on board. maybe the sanctuary city mayors are recognizeings the problems we've been talking about for years, maybe they will have some influence. we haven't seen it yet. >> julie: beth van dine. thank you for talking to us. great to hear from you. thank you. happy new year. >> thank you. >> julie: insanely giant waves are swamping california's coast. people swept away and the danger continues for millions. plus we're bidding farewell to 2023 and with it some notable figures we lost this year. actors, singers, entertainment icons and lawmakers. a look at the legacies they leave behind next.
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(son) dad. you ok? (dad) it's our phone bill! we pay for things that we don't need! bloated bundles, the reckless spending! no more... (mom) that's a bit dramatic... a better plan is verizon. it starts at 25 dollars a line. (dad) did you say 25 dollars a line? (sister) and save big on things we love, like netflix and max! (dad) oh, that's awesome (mom) spaghetti night -- dinner in 30 (dad) oh, happy day! (vo) a better plan to save is verizon. it starts at $25 per line guaranteed for 3 years and get both netflix and max for just $10/mo. only on verizon. >> julie: as 2023 comes to a close we remember the icons who
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passed away this year. people who shaped politics, pop culture, entertainment and sports. >> weddings are a great place to meet women. when i dance i look like this. ♪ ♪ teach your children well ♪ >> you are a nerd. >> i know you are, but what am i? >> this is jim brown, the most devastating ball carrier in the history of football. ♪
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>> my name is john schaap. ♪ >> t♪ >> deep to the bullpen. ♪ ♪ what the world needs now ♪ ♪ >> fill t the post --. >> my love for the game of
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baseball overrode everything else. >> where did you hear that? ♪ >> harold t. stone presiding. >> technical against the bench and against bob knight. ♪ >> swing and a miss. >> every time i stepped on that field i gave everything i had. ♪
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♪ >> the myth that women can't play in the big leagues has been pierced once and for all. >> you are beautiful inside and out. ♪ >> kissinger is a man known to all people who are interested in foreign policy.
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five, six, seven, eight. ♪ >> the pass -- ♪ >> what are you implying? ♪
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>> the first pitch. >> there the cardinals win it. >> there is just one of me. >> find the defendant robert blake not guilty. >> tim takes a vicious cut. >> it has been a privilege and honor to be with you. >> this is pat robertson. ♪ >> a drive deep to right field. ♪ >> sergeant munch.
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♪ >> working together we can make a difference. ♪ >> here is the star of the new price the right, bob barker. >> have you your pets spade or neutered. ♪ ♪ just the way you look tonight ♪
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>> julie: coming up republican presidential candidates are in a campaign blitz. the first primary cons right around the corner. bad timing for some candidates. more and more voters say they're worried about biden in 2024. >> you have joe biden who can't put a complete sentence together. >> right after joe biden took office anything -- >> democrats like me are fleeing from the democratic party. >> julie: high profile democrats and liberal media to those with serious concerns about the president's campaign. power panel next. to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,
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had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx.
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>> julie: massive waves slamming california's coastline yesterday sending some people to the hospital. look at these waves. flooding causing evacuation orders in multiple beach front communities in northern california. in southern california, a towering wave swept away nearly 20 people, eight people were hospitalized. >> obviously we've seen some significant consequences here today. really up and down our shore. we've seen some damage to coastal access point stairs and things like that. >> julie: jonathan hunt is in
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pacific palisades, california with wild scenes. what's the latest there? >> well, it's going to be a busy few days along the hundreds of miles of california coastline. here just south of malibu you can see there are a lot of surfers out enjoying this particular spot. it is one of the favorite spots for surfers here. waves not that impressive at the moment but they are picking up. we're about an hour from high tide right now. of course, the warnings for people are being ignored by these surfers. they at least know what they are doing in the water. up in ventura not so much. those geniuses getting far too close to the wave and this is what happened as a result. a huge wave crashed over the beach barriers sweeping the legs from underneath several people as others ran for their lives. those lucky enough or maybe sensible enough to have stayed in trucks drove out of the area
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as quickly as they could. eight people were taken to the hospital. lesson learned maybe. certainly the ventura fire department felt compelled to restate the blindingly obvious saying once again, quote, for your safety, please avoid the area near the ocean as it can be quite dangerous. up and down the california coast there has been flooding from san francisco to san diego and there may be more to come. the waves could be unusually large in several parts of the coast over the weekend. listen here. >> people can turn away for just a second and those waves can come in instantly. and sweep them out, cause significant injury. you can hear them crashing behind us. it is pretty scary. the ocean is a very powerful thing that you don't want to mess around with. >> so yes, the ocean is indeed a very powerful thing. the basic message, julie, if in southern california over the
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next couple of days, you actually want to make it to 2024, keep your distance from the waves, watch them from high ground just as we are right here. julie, happy new year. >> julie: when are these people going to learn? how many hurricanes have you covered where you see people surfing like you are stronger than the ocean and the wave won't take you down? >> always dumb. >> julie: i'm glad you're right by the water, though, that's great. >> it's where you want me. >> julie: i hope you have your swimsuit with you. happy new year. great to see you. more panic over president biden's plummeting approval among voters. one recent poll finds the president under water on major election issues including inflation and immigration. just 28% approval of handling of inflation, 26% on immigration. even some in the liberal media are taking notice. watch. >> look, let's just sort of put
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in context the politics of this for president biden and how important it is. immigration he is down 26%. that is not good. >> it's not good at all. part of the trip yesterday to mexico by a senior biden add min trigs officials was to have the diplomatic conversations but it is a regional issue and blunt the criticism from republicans. it doesn't change the fact he is under considerable political pressure over immigration. >> julie: poll after poll trump leads biden in a head-to-head match-up. it caused internal frustration around white house and campaign staffers as well as president biden himself. a former obama advisor with this warning. >> there is just this scary thing that overhangs everything about whether we're just too
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divided, it is too late. too many silos, how am i going to reach all of the voters i need to reach given all of the media silence there are? >> julie: biden knew carter was in trouble in 1979 and now he is in the same boat. a quote from biden in a local newspaper back from 1979 when biden actually said this. that man is in trouble politically in trouble. asked who he would endorse for president at the time biden said i'm not certain it's jimmy carter right now. the journal puts it this way. both men struggle to sell legislative victories and retain the party's core voters as high inflation and foreign policy disasters eroded their support. both men had a disconnect with voters. that's leaving democrats afraid that biden could share carter's political fate of being a one-term president. jessica anderson, the action fund president and former executive director of heritage
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action and matt bennett, former clinton white house special assistance. jessica, two key topics heading into 2024. inflation and immigration. as we just heard according to a monmouth university poll conducted between november 30th and december 4th he flunks in both of those. it doesn't seem to get better. almost too little too late? would you agree? >> i agree if president biden can't unify his own party behind him how can he be expected to unify the american people behind him? this disarray and fraction within the democratic base is how broken they are with the policies and how out of touch they are with the american people on every issue, immigration, economy, family, culture, even you look at the national security sites that we have biden is out of step with
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what it will take to turn this country around and make life better for all americans. you see it in full force with the discontent within the party. >> julie: i don't know if the president listens to people in his party. when you hear one democrat calling the election scary and describing the democratic party as completely too divided sayings herself it is too little too late, does the president listen to people who don't agree with him or only those who listen to those saying sweet nothingings. >> he is frustrated by the polls. of course he is. you've talked about the show many times. economy on paper, you look at the facts behind the economy it is doing quite well. if you look at the experts are predicting the economy will
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improve substantially next year. unemployment will be very low, inflation is going to be very low. the question is, will people over the course of the next 11 months feel that change? i don't know the answer to that. i think that they will. i think by the time we get to the summer, people will feel differently about the economy than they do right now. i don't know if they feel differently about immigration. it will depend whether congress can get to a deal on immigration. some of that will be up to the republicans. but the president is trying very hard to get to that deal and i think they are going to recognize that. the other thing i'll say his opponent in this race faces 91 criminal counts, that is far different than the opponent that jimmy carter faced in 1980. the very popular governor reagan. i think that's a big difference here. >> julie: we are talking about biden and whether or not he has enough time to actually turn it around. when you say the economy and i have to call you on this. when you say the economy is doing quite well. comparatively speaking no it's not.
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under the trump administration it was doing better. it has to go better because we were in the midst of a pandemic. economy and inflation hit rock bottom. there is not anywhere to go but up once you've hit rock bottom. tell that to the americans that can't afford to buy groceries or put gas in their cars. i mean, if you compare to where we were four years ago would you say it's going quite well? i will go to you, jessica? >> yes, if you look at the facts gas is around $3 a gallon and going down. pumping more oil than we pumped under trump and the market is doing well. for people who do have 401ks that's doing well. things do need to improve. we aren't there yet. no question. but we have 11 months between now and election day. all predictions from economic experts are that things will continue to improve and i do think people are going to start to feel that. i agree they aren't feeling it yet. but they will.
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>> julie: will they, jessica? >> they aren't going to feel it. the reality is that the economic policies the biden administration has put forward and the debt and the spending and the overregulation is long lasting. these are not quick and easy fixes. look how long it took president trump to turn the country around after obama's miserable economic state? the same thing will be said about biden? >> julie: that's all the time we have. thank you for talking to us. we need to issue an correction in the -- we misidentified frank thomas for the pittsburgh pirates. the frank tomorrow was also a pro-baseball player. he is alive. we apologize for that mistake. thank you very much for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" is after the break. i'll join the cast in a minute. stay tuned. must be complicated.
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