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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 29, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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travel. it's a beautiful program with the gary sinise foundation. to speak to your beautiful, i love what you do, i love the foundation and thank you for being here tonight. our prayers for mack and the entire family and you. of course, gary you can learn more there and max sinise on youtube. find more of the beautiful music there. thank you so much for being here, as always, happy new year. >> wonderful to see you, raymond. >> raymond: that's it for us, i'm raymond arroyo infra laura ingraham wishing you a merry christmas. it's the fifth day of christmas by the way so that my christmas merry and bright cd, available where music is sold. to think you for watching a special edition of "the ingraham angle," i will see you on the weekend show tom tomorrow. pete hixson is in for jesse. good night. ♪ ♪
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>> welcome to a special edition of "jesse watters primetime," i'm pete hegseth in on friday night. last night, donald trump was removed from the primary ballot in maine. this was not a decision made by a court or an elected official. donald trump was unilaterally removed by an unelected secretary of state and her name is shanna bellows. you only have to remember that for 15 minutes. but who is shanna bellows? he's not a lawyer or a legal expert, but she is a lifelong democrat activist who was the executive director of the ecl you in maine. we figure that's where she learned everything she nose. she always wanted to be a big shot, democrat snapping selfies with biden and obama, big old brand. if you run for senate in 2014 against susan collins. she had the most famous person
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in maine, stephen king, cut ads for her. >> have you ever worked so hard or hope so strongly for a change in leadership? shanna bellows would be a breath of fresh air, she is focused on people from the states. she should make a change and shanna bellows is the change. >> pete: she is the hope and change of maine, but even stephen king and his half billion dollars couldn't get her elected. the voters rejected her, but she ended up in a much more influential position than any senator could hope for. if you years later, bellows was appointed, not elected, to be maine secretary of state. her first big move was to kick the leading republican off the ballot. no court, no due process. bellows might not be a lawyer, but she does understand that this is unprecedented. but she's okay with it. because trump and directed the
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capital. >> i am so mindful and i say this on my own decision that it's unprecedented, no secretary of state has ever deprived a presidential candidate of ballot access based on section three of the 14th amendment. no presidential candidate has ever engaged in insurrection. >> pete: it's unprecedented. trump, was he ever convicted and engaging in a so-called rez insurrection? no. we have learned more about that day since then, we sure have. but convictions don't matter when you're secretary of state. we just go off of how you feel >> i reviewed section three of the 14th amendment very carefully, and determined section three of the 14th amendment does not say conviction, it says engage. let's keep in mind the events of january 262021 were unprecedented and tragic.
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it indicated that it was in fact in insurrection and mr. trump engaged in that insurrection under section three of the 14th amendment. >> pete: she set up camp in the cnbc newsroom. the way the evidence trump engaged in insurrection according to her but what evidence does she have? i will let see and then explain. >> she based her ruling on a lot of documents but also youtube clips, news reports, things that would never pass the bar and normal court. if she's not a lawyer, by the way. >> pete: never pass the bar in normal court, that's from cnn's top legal analyst. she's been planning this for years. he or she is in 2021 with a group of secretaries of state including colorado and michigan, some familiar on this front? talking about how they are organizing to take down trump. >> something that was on in you-
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unimaginable is elections have sabotage. it's a clear example of what's happening across the country. we need to organize to make sure we have better leaders in positions of powers to fight back against that. we started our careers at aclu, it's fighting back about systematic structural voter oppression, targeting specifically black and brown voters. rooted in white supremacy. we have to fight back to protect our democracy to protect everything. >> pete: wow, she's a walking talking point. a fighting election sabotage by sabotaging the election, got it, sounds about right. secretary of state's one of the most powerful positions in state government right now. apparently they have the power to eliminate any candidate you don't like, just take them off the ballot. it's a position most of us probably do not think that much about. do you know who you're secretary of state is? or who funded their campaign?
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it's an important and powerful job. in 2020, the secretaries of state's made it easier to vote absentee under the guise of covid. that resulted in record mail in votes. they changed how elections operates. going through courts or congress remember, i think is before for early voting, you count the days after they arrive as well. it appears we've done nothing, nothing to rein in their power over the last three years. now it is 2024 and they are completely out of control. one guy that saw this coming was george soros. he donated $1 million in 2022 to get democrat secretary of state selected. millions and elections previous and surely in the future. george likes how his plan is playing out. it kind of feels like secretary of state is the new d.a., appointed positions with tons of power that affect your life directly. now one doesn't states are
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considering kicking trump off the ballot and as we have said already, he hasn't been convicted of anything. the supreme court is going to have a very busy year, you might as well get at it. steven l miller is a contributing editor at the spectator. stephen, what we saw them making it about one person but this has been an organized effort for a long time on the left to get -- to fill the positions either through elections or appointments with people that will follow down the logical train of thought what the left wants. >> you're right about that, and colorado was bought by a progressive 501(c)(3) group. then the supreme court ruled on it and said now we are going to scotus, the united state supreme court. here in maine you don't have a court case and you have how she feels. her interpretation of the 14th
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amendment. the problem is there's no mechanism to enforce the 14th amendment so congress passed the act. there has to be a criminal liability and as you said trump has not been charged with that yet. not even jack smith in the case in d.c. has charged trump with an insurrection or anything like that. this will probably overturned and the supreme court which i think is what the long game is here. it's about donald trump, but it's about the legitimatize and the supreme court. >> pete: no doubt, public enemy number one. by the way, what we've seen, have republicans done anything to change the dynamics of how we vote in 2024 over all those temporary things in 2020. have they effectively become enshrined. i've got secretary of state feeling empower with republicans right off the ballot. >> i'm one of the guys who said if you make the rules you have to make them work for you. i do think that this is going to be interesting in the sense of
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if we are just going on the feelings of secretary of state's, how did the secretary of states of florida, texas with joe biden leading in 300,000 undocumented migrants? i mean, that's all that's really this is if we are going secretary of states and the states can say biden's off the ballots because he's endangering -- >> pete: exactly right, that's the logic! or ultimately, he's not mentally cognitive. his ability is not there. the 25th amendment, absolutely right. you open the pandora's box like this and create a situation where we become a banana republic. >> you don't go back from it. >> pete: thank you for your time. we are working out the kinks when it comes to artificial intelligence. but there's no denying ai can be helpful. kids use it to cheat on their
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homework. nfl teams use it to evaluate players. one guy used ai to help pick out christmas gifts for his family. i'm going to do that next year. but there are some occasions where there is no substitute for some good old-fashioned human legwork. just ask michael cohen, donald trump's former attorney. he's serving the remainder of his sentence for financial crimes on house arrest. it turns out house arrest can be lonely. it's better than prison, but it's got to get boring really quick. you can open the fridge has many times as he won't come on michael, it's still going to be meat loaf inside. so natural, it's natural for michael to want to get out. he needs to get out. msnbc appearances are so much more rewarding when you can be right here on site. you really need to see chris's flop sweat in person to get the
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full onset experience. so they asked the judge to end his supervised release early. michael, who remember, he used to be an attorney, used ai to help cite cases to support his request. great idea! actually, not so much. it turns out those cases were phony. they never happened. google's ai chat bought simply made them up. cohen and his lawyers had to apologize riding in a newly unsealed filing "i've not kept up with emerging trends and related risks in legal technology and did not realize google bar could choose citations and descriptions that looked real, but were actually not." just remember, this is the guy who's supposed to bring down trump. and he got tricked by a stupid computer. i wonder, how many more times is michael going to embarrass
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himself? >> quite a few times. >> 50 times? >> more. >> 100 times? >> more. >> 500 times. >> probably. >> pete: somewhere around 480 times. it turns out china's friendly little spy balloon was not so friendly after all. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> pete: do you remember that chinese spy balloon that flew over the united states this year? i know there were any field, you know the one i'm talking about. one joe biden was tracking before it entered our airspace and it was allowed to fly over our entire country, including our most sensitive military bases. it was shot down once it
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completed its mission. you know, that's the one. it turns out this was an even bigger intelligence failure than we thought. but you wouldn't know it with how much the biden administration has changed its story over the months. >> the fact is we know that it's a surveillance balloon. >> we were able to take steps at sensitive military sites we believed would be along the flight path to significantly curtail any intelligence ability. >> as of right now we're doing an assessment of exactly what the intel was trying i was able to gather. >> i it did not collect well it was transiting the u.s. or over supplying united states. >> pete: first it's a weather balloon, then it was a spy balloon with surveillance capabilities, then biden was able to cover all the military bases with tarps so it was okay. then the administration admitted hold on, we actually don't know
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what was sent to china. finally they decided to tell us never mind, it didn't actually collect anything. but now we know the balloon didn't just spy on us, it used an american internet provider tbd on who that was to send the information back to china in real time. biden let our enemies into our country, gave them free reign to fly coast-to-coast, and somehow didn't know they were using our own wi-fi to send state secrets back to china? where did he know? the intelligence failures from this administration are so bad, it almost looks intentional. joe concha joins me now on friday night. joe, the spy balloon we thought we knew -- it feels like every week if you're not paying attention, you don't hear it but you realize more about what the administration knew, didn't want us to know, and the types of intelligence china gathered.
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>> let's think about this, pete. it flew over alaska first, u.s. air space. we are supposed to believe we didn't detect at then end it flew all the way down through canada which takes some time before going over montana where a reporter they're actually took a picture of it and then the cat was let out of the bag. after that, through montana, throughout the entire continental united states down to south carolina it flew over multiple nuclear facilities and we just let it happen. the excuse was we can shoot this down, civilians will be hurt if it shot down over places like wyoming where there's all this room where we very easily could have done that and we know that. let's unpack this for a moment, okay? and american internet service provider was used to connect it spy balloon to the internet transmitting classified military intelligence back to the chinese government? nbc news meanwhile will not
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remain of the isp to the american people. why is that? the biden administration attempted and failed to hide the spy balloon's mission. what's going on here? a massive cover-up of one of the biggest coverups and politics in the 21st century or the 20th century. the old saying is that world war iii will not be fought with bombs and bullets, it's going to be fought with bits and bytes. china as we speak is reportedly infiltrating our infrastructure and power grades with malware. a cyber attack that could black out large swaths of the country while shutting down the internet. barack obama, michelle obama know very much about this because apparently they produced a netflix movie with julia roberts on this premise called believe the road behind, the former president provided notes based on national security briefings outlining exactly how this could happen. this is in broad daylight and more news organization should be talking about this like we are right now. >> pete: you're exactly right
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on your assessment by the way. they knew about it, they didn't want us to know about it, and then pretended not to know about it. they no doubt knew about the transmission as well. we appreciate you, brother. happy new year. the deranged man who step two girls on new year's day. nate foy has the disturbing details. >> pete, steve hutchinson appeared in court for his indictment after police say he stabbed to teenage sisters on christmas day selling the mic he wanted all white people dead. he stabbed his fellow inmate in the face buried hutcherson's facing charges of assault and attempted murder for the christmas day attack. that happened at grand central station, the 16-year-old girl suffered a collapsed lung, she and her 14-year-old sister are recovering after going to the hospital.
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according to the department of corrections, hutcherson's newest victim went to the hospital after being stabbed in the face and head multiple times yesterday morning at rikers island. hutcherson has been arrested over one dozen times including twice recently come up at the beginning of this week this man was free in new york city. here is the mayor eric adams. >> you know, people don't feel safe and that's why we have to make sure we've zero in and make the arrest as soon as possible and make sure we get the repeated offenders off the streets. >> last month, they arrested him for assault and harassment. congressman mike while they're saying new york law is flawed and keep dangerous criminals on the streets. >> new york is the only state that doesn't have a dangerousness standard theory that they are not allowed to hold people in jail based on the threat they posed to the public. if they did come at this man never would have been released. he threatened to shoot someone just a few weeks ago because they wear quote unquote working
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for a white person. >> overall crimes down in new york city compared to last year, both felony assaults like what hutcherson is accused of is up 6%. he's due back in court january 24th. back to you, pete. it's been one thank nate new year's terrorist attack very highly. we will tell you next. ♪ ♪ for luxury and adventure. enjoy private skiing with 23 runs for every level. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to to book your luxury experience.
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♪ ♪ >> pete: the rising threat of radical islamic terrorists reaching new heights around the world. we have seen disgusting rallies in support of hamas, not just in european cities flooded with middle eastern refugees, but here in america. these people have taken over college campuses, shut down airports, and continue to attack the american way of life. now, two of the european countries that opened their arms the widest two middle eastern asylum-seekers over the last few
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years are saying they are countries could in imminent danger. the french government, raising their terror alert to very high and deploying nearly 100,000 police officers and soldiers throughout the country over concerns of islamic terror attacks around new year's eve. and in germany, authorities have announced one of the largest police operations in years in the attempt to secure berlin. european capitals securing themselves. from a threat within. european security officials have been sounding the alarm about the growing rise of attacks from muslims who been radicalized by the war in israel. as if that's the problem. this is a problem brewing for decades. it was entirely preventable. for decades, european nations gutted their militaries to pay for their welfare states while opening their borders to hordes of muslim refugees without
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demanding assimilation or allegiance to the values of their country. once in the country, radical clerics and islamic's eagerly recruit newly arrivals. what's scary is that this is just the beginning. do you think future years will be safer? do you think this will all just go away? next year, the french could deploy 200,000 police military and it would not change their cultural suicide. they've been invading from within. without the willpower to protect the western system of government. and the danger no different here in new york. as the city prepares for one of the largest new year's celebration in the world, mayor eric adams says that things are okay for now, but could change fast. >> the entire team of intel, they are monitoring all the usual chatter and suspects and the chief stated, there are no specific threats to the city.
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but as we saw last year, you don't have to have a specific threat to get a threat. >> this is why europe matters. europe is a preview, and with millions of illegal military age men pouring over our border every year from places like iran, syria, pakistan, you name a country in the world, we are actively following europe's l lead. nile gardiner is the director of the center for freedom and he joins me now. what do you think? it's france and berlin this year, but it could be any foreign capital if you don't guard the values of your country and make sure you're not leading radicals in. >> thanks for having me on the show today. you make an excellent point because what you're seeing from europe in germany and many european countries, western europe especially, it's a vision of america's future i think. you look at the mass migration into europe over the past couple
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decades. huge numbers of illegal migrants, refugees, asylum-seekers mainly from north africa, the middle east from the islamic world. you are now seeing the results from powerless berlin to copenhagen. this situation really i would say is out of control. the islamic terrorist threat in europe today is incredibly high as we are seeing in paris and berlin. we have seen the rise of islamic extremity. many of you this as an invasion and occupation. this is a preview of what can happen in the united states especially with the large number of illegal migrants flooding in. nearly 1 million illegal migrants have crossed over the border over the course of the biden presidency. america has to be careful of what's happening in europe because the situation in europe is frightening, it's incredibly
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dangerous, and i think it really is a preview of what may have been in the united states in the decades to come. >> pete: do you see any of the foreign capitals in europe having the guts to do what's necessary to remove this threat or address it directly? could america do that if we needed to? we have a difference in our dna, or would be likely capitulate the way the capitals have. >> there is a hardening of attitudes across europe and certainly you are seeing real backlash against mass migration in europe. he saw that recently in the netherlands. the most important thing for the united states is to secure its borders. ensure borders are controlled, because europe has not secured its borders the past couple decades. we've had open portals approach which has been catastrophic and even though there's tougher measures being taken by european governments, the reality is of course the mass migration has been the reality for europe now for several decades.
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the situation i think it's incredibly powerless. it's hard to reverse this once you have opened the floodgates as you have seen in europe. the united states has to act now and secure its own borders, and sure you're not seeing a repeat of what you are seeing in europe. >> pete: nile gardiner, thank you for your time. you heard what set about open borders. a border patrol dropped its annual report today. it's a bad report card. the numbers were either shocked, scared, or engaging. senior national correspondent william la jeunesse has the grim details. >> 276,000 encounters in a single month, pete. not counting the got a ways, that's all most the population of pittsburgh. it's so big, i usually break it down into four problems, not one. why do people leave? that's the real cause argument. what are the choke points in transit? stay in mexico. what are our policies at the
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border? asylum and parole protocols. and finally after apprehensions, do we detain, deport, or release? each one offers the opportunity to decrease illegal immigration. but there is the will come of the money come of the critical consensus to do that. >> neither the u.s. or mexico has the capability to manage that flow of people particularly when it's 10,000 people, perhaps appearing at the border every day. >> now texas is trying, yet yesterday the administration promised to sue the state should it implement a new law allowing police to arrest, jail, prosecute, and deport migrants who entered texas illegally. this week, president biden agreed to keep mexican imports flowing or in exchange for troops on their southern border. yesterday from the video, you can see they made no attempt to stop this group. if mexico wants the u.s. to
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invest more money in central america. critics say the u.s. taxpayers already getting shortchanged. >> we are writing blank checks to these country. our financial aid has to come with strings attached to it. >> texas says biden's deliberate inaction left it no choice and it'll appeal to the u.s. supreme court to stop illegal immigration in their state. in a separate but related story, the border patrol arrested an iranian national disguised in terrorism sneaking into the u.s. near niagara falls. two days after being turned away at the rainbow bridge nearby. is it a legal resident of canada wanted on assault charges they are, held him for two months for his release last week. pete. >> pete: thank you. trying to get across our southern border. 8-10 voters described the border as a major problem if not in emergency. it's a problem for joe in november. it shouldn't be a surprise if
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you're paying any attention at all, but it is a shock to cnn. watch. >> immigration is now 26%. that's not good. speak out that right there is the problem that joe biden has. for a long time this conversation was these red state mayors, governors are being alarmist. but this crisis has gotten worse, not better. frankly, the strategy the red state governors have had sending a lot of the migrants up to blue states has worked from a political perspective. >> pete: here to weigh in, tudor dixon. cnn finally just got the memo, but i'm guessing you heard williams report and niall as well. if you're a country that has open borders and you have enemies in the world who wants to use those borders, sure, we can talk about politics and how it affects campaigns. it affects the security of every american.
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>> of course, it's outrageous to think that here we are watching france, germany, where watching the panic about what's going to happen or what has happened to the country and you heard democrats like darn, it seems as though it worked for the red state governors to send people to sanctuary cities. wait, don't act like this wasn't the plan or at least are you changing your mind now because you wear for sanctuary cities. we send people to those cities and let them know what it was like. you've got mayor adams saying wait a minute, i can't handle this. you've got mayor johnson in chicago saying we can't handle this. you've got katie hobbs in arizona saying this is a problem and i want national guard on the border. when you had democrats turned against you and they are realizing that this campaign issue that worked so well in 2016 but did not work in 2020 because remember, they turned it into a humanitarian issue back in 2020. now they're going oh, gosh, this has come to democrats in the
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blue cities and democrats are saying wait a minute, this is an humanitarian, this is a real problem. it's hurting americans and the people coming over. they are panicked and they should be. that they do not have a message on this and they do not have a plan. going to mexico and saying put troops on the border and having no repercussions for them standing there, that's not an answer and that would not have been under republican administration. >> pete: you're in a swing state in michigan. is this an issue people will vote on? while they watch and see this how it impacts their community and say there's other issues with this or that candidate but one will secure the border. >> absolutely. they see the state of the world become more dangerous, they see terrorism rise, and let's be honest, terrorism is rising across the country. across the globe. we saw this happen in israel and in michigan it's especially sensitive because we have a high jewish community. it's definitely going to be an
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issue in michigan. >> pete: no doubt. tudor dixon, thank you very much, happy new year. a republican governor sides with the trends industrial complex. why? ♪ ♪ my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk.
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biovanta really works. ♪ ♪ >> pete: ohio republican governor so-called mike devine has just vetoed an ohio house bill that would band kids from getting sex reassignment and purity blockers. the bill he vetoed will ban trans athletes from playing in girl sports in schools and colleges. but he refused to sign it leaving girls at the risk of being really ungovernable in locker rooms and beat up by trans athletes with a legitimate physical advantage. he fell for the lefts trends industrial complex. for years, they told us kids under the age of 18 need to get hormone therapy is an reassignment surgery's because it's a matter of life and death. after talking to kids, parents
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and ohio hospitals, he's now on the gender-affirming care for kids train. >> i also listen to physicians and counselors who provide gender-affirming care. i did that each of the five children hospitals in the state. i've listen to families and youth, young people who've had negative experiences and individuals who've undergone hormone treatments and transition back to their original gender. i've listen to youth and par parents, parents have looked me in the eye and have told me that but for this treatment, their child would be dead. >> pete: first off, those hospitals that he was advised by, the physicians and counselors have a deep financial incentive in gender-affirming care. for scrubbing purity blockers
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and the cash flow stops as well. 12-year-olds can't drink, drive, get tattoos, can vote. why is the left intent on making them life changing and physical decisions? is much as they tried to tell you purity blockers are reversible, they are not. the effects can last a l lifeti. >> i feel a responsibility as a physician to be honest about puberty blockers and hormonal therapy in teenagers. but it will be leading to infertility and i don't know if that's well known. give your body time to complete the process before you start changing things that could have long-term implications. >> pete: you think? but it's too late because democrats have built an entire system around teens through
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social media, teachers, guidance counselors, hollywood to come us in the moment the kid starts to him question their gender are encouraged to question their gender. they get gender-affirming care. ohio's republican governor labeled them more than ever before. with republicans like this, who needs democrats? a former trump legal advisor and she joins us now. may, your take republican governor has the opportunity to sign a bill, doesn't fly. >> yeah, he's my governor and i testified on this bill alongside riley gaines and a bunch of d transition r's who care about this. the aclu one, the aclu congratulated mike devine today because it's perplexing because it's a 70-30 issue appeared in 70% of americans say no to carving of the kid's, say no to young men playing woman sports. yet mike devine cannot agree
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with 70% of people. you nailed it, there's money involved. you look a nine of the top ten employers in ohio, they are related to health care like cleveland clinic. abbott labs which is the original manufacturer of lupron which is the puberty blocker drug they have a headquarters in columbus, ohio, for the nutrition branch. this boils down to money and i think there is an age factor. i have to worry about my daughter's participating in sports with boys and getting undressed in front of boys. he's 76, he doesn't have to worry about that, worry about his kids getting carved up as minors. >> pete: you have to follow the money. if it's a 70-30, did he get hoodwinked? does he have no courage, afraid of the backlash? the money thing is legit. what else? ultimately, you're the leader of a state where the voters agree
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with you on stopping something like this and you cave anyway. >> yeah, so the option number three is that he actually believes it and that seems to be what the ohio house leader, one of the authors of the bill seems to think it is that he actually thinks if you do not cut out a girls uterus that she might be at risk of dying. but the studies say exactly the opposite. people who are transgender, there was a study in europe, have an eight times higher suicide rate. that means the more that transgender ideology pervades our culture, the sicker our people become. the sicker our kids become. how about when someone comes in and they've got depression, they've got ptsd, they suffered from sexual abuse, they are unloved, lonely, and they're confused about their gender. we worry about all those other things first. we treat all those other things
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first. we help people find religion, we help them find love, we help them find community, and then we worry about the gender transition later. >> pete: yeah, in those cases again it goes back to a system incentivized to keep people to be patients. may mehlman, thank you for your time. up next, white colonizers and proposals. ♪ ♪ ve the couch. oof! that was fast. mucinex. available on doordash. it's comeback season.
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♪ >> it is time for headline roun up, let's bring him host of the greatest really scop eight starting with this, it's every man's worst nightmare appeared he went out and bought a ring, he brought up front run spots i front of a big crowd he gets ou on one knee, and i can't watch ♪ singing ♪
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[nonprimary language] ticket is this what you don't d it publicly? >> at think you can't do it publicly unless you really know 110 percent which i guess you should kind of have that anyway going into it very don't have a problem with her saying no if she doesn't want to take it to that next level i don't have a problem with him going out on the limb i have a problem with martin scorsese who kept filmin the whole thing even after it was clear that it wasn't going well. it looked like a disaster from the beginning. you have to know if you're goin to deliver it if you're going t do it publicly like that. >> we talk about a broken education system. how much dumber it's making our kids. watch. >> the idea of the gender man and woman was also european ideology. that was what other tools of th
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colonization process. >> what about when he hears about adam and eve, the europeans invented men and women ? >> you nailed it about the dumbing down of america and it so much of the insight we get into what these young people ar consuming is when these videos go viral on tik tok great coupl of weeks ago they were fan growing over osama bin laden, s is anybody surprised this is happening? it's a reminder of two people t get your kids off of tik tok especially headed into the new year, that could be your new year's resolution. it's not helping everybody. >> that's what they're teaching human history class. before we go we've heard the saying don't vote for the varic about, one man took his one ste further and shot one with the paintball.
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weight, he is in that whole. he went in and shot the bear in the bear came out the same hole he did. >> that is the craziest part to me is that he had to crawl in there knowing note having no idea where this bear was in the hole if he is going to get out of the crawlspace. it so scary i need somebody's help if i am killing a spider, so bravo to that man. katie i don't think enough money . >> me to do that. i think that guy is going to join us on fox and friends and the morning, so don't miss it that is all for tonight per don't forget to watch fox and friends tomorrow morning or you hill hilmar about that story thanks for being here. remember, i'm matt waters, and this is not my world. ♪


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