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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 29, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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public. all those fancy leaders are coming into town peer that isy true. >> this is not my time here and speak of the race is over. no, yes! >> think about 2023, coke and white house and sex. >> that is it for "special report" trace gallagher in los angeles and do not forget tuesday night fox news at night returns to normal slight time in a clock in the west, 11:00 p.m. in the east. for all of us here, "special report" fox news at night, we would like to wish yop pyand your family a very happy d healthy new year. trace gallagher in los angeles, "the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ ♪
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>> hello, everyone katie pavlik, rachel campos-duffy, charlie hurt, it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five."el >> katie: democrats creating more election chaos as they try to stop americans from voting fo trur donald ommain disqualifying g.o.p. frot allrunner from 2024 ballot andt is all thanks to the state democrat secretary of state. she decided to follow colorado's lead and find trump to be ineligible under the 14tham amendment insurrection clause over his action surrounding shjanuary 6th. she makes it no secret shet sh a far left tack and routinely posting selfies with joe biden and barack obama. and she is also an outspokenhmen supporter of trump's second impeachment. of course, she immediately ran to the liberal media to spike
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the football. >> first and foremost,o it isit important to know my oath to the constitution and my obligations to the constitution come before any other consideration. no other factors could weigh on that decision and did not. >> i reviewed section 3 of theco fourth amendment carefully. i'm saying that it is not conviction and the weight of the evidence that i reviewed that im was, in fact insurrection. mr. trump engaged in that alinsurrection. >> katie: it looks like. liberal political activist sticu together. colorado secretary of state is gushing over the unilateral move in maine to go after trump.y >> i do think secretary shennage bellows is brave and courageous. heshe is the first individual by herself having to make this decision. a and we are acutely aware of the threat environment tha wort we k in. so i commend her for her
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actions, and we will see how tho litigation and inevitably plays out in the state of maine.thin >> katie: but even cnn thanks maine's reasoning is low legally week. >> there was abecaus question tn maine did because if you look a the hearing and she details in the ruling, they are from one fact of this, a law professor. she based her ruling on a lot of documents, but also youtube clips, news reports, things that would never pass the bar ina normal court. she is not a lawyer, by the way, consulted with lawyers, butit teunelected and chosen by theosn state legislature. she was chosen by the legislature but not democratically. >> katieyou': so charlie hurt, u have been covering politics for a long time.u haof you have a plethora of experience. what do you think about this new age we are in with polling s candidates up for the pilot based on single opinions? >> charlie: it is kind of bizarre to protect democracy by absolutely destroying democracye it doesn't make sense.of
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i think democrats are terrified of one thing, they are terrifiee of the fact that donald trump really is going to probably win the republican nomination and go on to win the general election. and their only response to it is to gather as that guy on cnn just pointed out unelected officials and going an d rigging the election so that donald trump can't face an election in front of the peoplet and it's worth noting, i dogn think it is kindif of significac tethat shenna bellows was electd by the legislature andd by not y the people.not she has never run and facet th voters.ur tht,e same with colorado supreme court.lega so, all of the options come all of the legal questions aside, step back and look at all of the options, you actually have major actors inside the democrat party trying to preserve democracy by destroying it by removing him from the ballot.wh >> katie: rachel, a lot of
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these wrongs are coming whenld joe biden is losing to donald trump and a number of swing states. democrats are taking notice of joe biden's low approval rating and chances of losing the general election. take a listen to this on cnn. >> it is looking super scary, you know? the fate o's jf the republic is ending and the balance. >> it is too late and too many silos. how am il going to reach all of the voters i need to reach given all the media silos that there are? look at the equipment, the issues and how he fares? infrastructure, jobs, climate change, inflation, immigration.. he is now 26%. that is not >> it isri not good at all. >> katie: she worked the 2016 campaign. >> rachel: they are in trouble peer that is why they are doing thisot. this is a highly coordinated effort. other states will also be attempting to take them off the ballot. i think it is worth noting why are they doing this?
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just think about it, impeachment, '94 polkas,they prosecution, 95% negative mediae coverage. social media for two years andta now taking them off or banningwh from the ballot. whewhat are they so afraid of? what iplans the plan that they e for us that they are so afraid that donald trump is going to disrupt? you look ats en those numbers on those poles on what those issues are, what thea globalist, borderless oligarchical world where only elites rule. this is an example -- by the way, he studied latin america and got master's degree in c latin america. this i is also familiar. this is all communist type you go, "you are not allowed to choose who yout o want to vote for." we are literally not going to give you that choice.y. it is really scary, but what is interesting is even though the
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conservatives are out protestin and we all know why, they are a afraid of the government. they will be called insurrectionist, go to jail or put on no-fly lists, no but th look at the polls. those poles are higher. because they don't even like so ig. don't think any of this s working. they were getting nervous andwht they will do more and more extreme things like this. k >> katie: so ginny, what do byou think of the girl power between secretary of state and maine?in >> charlie: that is a good point of entry. to rachel's point because i did not study latin america, but i did study latin american women in my 20s. do not buy a used laptop off of this guy. i will be up front. i am the hunter biden of thista paken panel to be clear up your let me give you a sense of this okay? what i believe w fe are watchine as we have hit this fork in the road where there was definitely groundswell with the democratic party to talk biden off of the ballot. okay, we are past a lot of ways
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ththe threshold of replacing him in getting people into the primaries. so thilis is the next way to do this. theyke said joe, get off of the ballot. no way, i can beat president nixon peer they were like, we don't know that you ca, dang it, he's not leaving. that is basically my take. gumebut i do laugh at the argumt we are saving democracy by destroying it. inwe have an arson problem in ts town. i will protect you guys by burning down your house. that way the arsonist can't get to your house peer that is what is going on here. that is where i'm scared. okay question works on people and i don't want to pur sot thin every democrat but for some people, okay to have this unhealthy hate fore self awareness. what i mean is when you are operating from a place ofou 'remotion, you are unable to ser how crazy you are to rational people.d. this is crazy. you know, he didn't gete convicted. therwe don't know that he engagd either. we need dida conviction to telq uihe did appear this is equivalt
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of getting mad at somebody for something they did in your and we will do that in an ?ing ion i don't think that is healthy. they are fighting so hard for control of the toy they don't realize they are breaking it. >> katie: the senator from maine disagreeing with the secretary of state's decision saying, they have thisd impeachment process and althouge he voted to effect, he doesn'tst believe it should be up to a secretary of state in any state it shoul d be up to the voters. itti seems liknge that's what democrats have been advocating for years about democracy. truand yet, they are throwingl. donald trump off of the ballot. >> it should be noted as wel wel that the congressman also said the samempea i voted to impeach him twice. i don't think he should ever serve anywhere near 1600 pennsylvania avenue. this is not the way to do it.ha ads d susan collins to the pilea someone who halds been very critical of donald trump or self even though she is a republican.
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a lot of people do feel this way. i see a real distinction between what what happen in maine and what happened in colorado. and i take your analogy and i know people. and i have not accuse myself ad flying off of the handle when you say trump and suddenly i'm a different color and everything is awful. but in colorado, they did have a h5-day bench trial evidence presented from both sides. trumps people had a chance to do it and they did find he engagedc in insurrection. you know what, it is true. >> katie: there is no insurrection!then >> jessica: people with ties just hanging out. then it gets kicked up to theevn supreme court. if you look at the opinions from all seven justices, the four who voted to take him off the ballot in the threein that didn't, no e disputes the fact of insurrection but whether he should stay on the ballot or not.s that is differenhot than one mai person. this is how the procedure works in maine. she didn't break the law by f doing this.
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i think it is a faulty procedure peer that is a different thing from going from a bench trialnoe and colorado supreme court and should be noted as well in the majority opinion, they cited neil gorsuch when he was on the court of appeals because he rolled before someone has engaged -- >> katie: what about thee co condition of the country thoughs in terms of democracy and votin and whether to move forward as a country in the way people are so polarized. is this a good idea for y of state to take a e people offn to tak the ballot? >> jessica: no. california had the opportunity no.o it and they said but i do know the country looks better than it did on h january 6th. >> katie: whatn ? >> honestly come i don't know. have you see n the border? abusing gas prices? >> jessica: i have>> and they are down. >> there is a precipitout iss -- >> katie: what is better? >> jessica: what is better? the economcrimy is better.
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crimnot e and safety. the bordes not better. all these statistics -- >> 12% on the economy questioning >> jessica: if you go with real clear politics joe average, joe biden is around tws points down in the average. e there are slow polls where hei leaving donald trump. frankly, there is this done nihilism somewhat the last b election said. democrats won 2020 and joe biden did that by millions of votes on top of it. >> katie: by suppressing a laptop. >> jessica: oh, my god,>> d hunter biden -- pictures, we will persuade this. [overlapping voices] i'm not allowed to see any more pictures. spoon we won't. hunter biden's laptop is wrapped up here an td straight ahead,lyt black lives matter takes another hit and liberal city policies are directly to blame. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> another embarrassment for pure thees matter group that squandered millionss of dollars in donations now seem to be losing donation and liberal cities. seattle is removing the black lives matteroria memorial garden that got set up in 2020. citing ramp homelessness and removed tents near the garden,mo the residents arvee split over move. i put a lot of work into that
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and i see a lot of people come here in tears. a lot of people were lost. >> this is the community gardend right? anything community-oriented can stay. >> crime is running rampant. >> camped out under the tree using needles in front of kids.c they are naked. >> seattle is not the only city collapsing from liberal policies. phoenix, arizona, is plagued by homelessness here at a sandwich shop owner had to sue the city over more than 1,000 residents.a he fought a long legal battle to clear the area and finally one. >> but has just gotten out of control. you know, the coke, the debts. it was insane. and it took "the new york times" guy coming down here and talkino tow me for four days to make me realize how bad it really was. you have tu hao get up, you havo go to work, you have to make a
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living. you want to survive.. 70 years old. an d it was just him saying, this is crazy. i said, yeah, you are right. it took you being down here to realize how crazy it really wass >> so jessica, the black livesnc matter movement came in with a whole bunch of promises.ut and a lot of people talk about serious reform s and things like that. but it all sort of devolves into looking more like posturing than anything else when you have, you know, things like this happening. >> jessica: posturing was actually more generous than the term i was is going to use, whichto it turned out to be a they took an advantage -- the organization black lives matter but not the movement. cause is what united all of us. people on other sides of the aisle, everyone that i spoke to that spent any time with no matter who they voted for wasat unified after we watch that tape
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of george floyd dying here in and said, "something needs to be done." the organization has preyed upoe people, mostly nice white people that sent in a lot of money, right? red white these guys should be donating. and ended up with these leaderse s of the organization withou $6 million in los angeles to help people out who were living in these encampments. i think it is terrible and it does a disservice to the social justice movement behind her allegedly behind thereal organization.nt but for me, really the turning point was, remembeofr there wasa homeless encampment with a lot of going on across a preschool in los angeles? if you can't see that these things are completely unacceptable in our civilization, than we have nothing to talk about. e owner is correct here they are preying on members
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of the community who are good. citizens and good liberals. >> so rachel, obviously it turns out the quality of life actually does matter, especially to voters. >> i didn't fall for covid or the blm thing. but you had to read the missione statement. it was marxist and that is the roots of it and we can't lie about it. they want to dismantle the blaca family falling apart is at the heart of all of the things you are seeing here.. so blm was corrupt in its mission and not just because its members happen to also be drifters. it was corrupt in its ideology. and incompatible. now, create gardens, community gardens, the area does not need gardens but it needs cops. so, all of this was just so dumb. and i'm glad people have woken up from it, but sadly, i don't
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know if the nice, white ladies who fell for fragility ority, whatever they call it, white red fragility come i think they are still living in that world. >> katie, i'm always amused whe left-wing people especially those who live in the cities decideties to show normal peoplw it is done by building a gardenn of. [laughter] it is like when michelle obama had the garden at the white house and they couldn't eat the vegetables because there was so much lead poisoning. it is like, you live in the dirtiest places on earth.o why are you telling us about the environment or how to live a good, clean life? >> katie: it is the perfect virtual signaling move from seattle leaders, woke white leaders to plant a garden and like nobody has to take? care of the garden. what do you think isu th going . happen to a garden?it you have to take care of it.n they shut it down for maintenance reasonings but the plan to take over by homelessd people doing drugs.
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they needed to do receiving and turf but yeah, growing a garden is not something that just happens but you have to actually take care of it. to your point, seattle needsec law enforcement.uts they need law and order. they need prosecutors to get thn cops backs. they don't need gardens that they will not tend to. it is signaling a virtual idea e and we can throw seats in theth ground and that will make beverything better and everyonr willac have social and racialstc justice because we did that for this community, which they don't know about by the way.anur >> charlie: manure is good for gardens. >> jimmy: love the fact thatee someone walked around seattle m. city like new york where you can't go 3 feet without smelling weed. i got it, more plans. i will tell you what the cityigt needs. listen, i do believe their hearo was in the right place because the point of a community garden was to get people together.he repair relationships and start e conversations. i do believe they have that and i don't want to make the segment 'm doingabout me or stand up ine theon april 5th and tickets atx
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on sale right now. but i can tell younow. this ise' somebody ands there was generai indifference for thegh quality a life decline we are witnessing right now. what gets me truly mad, okay, i don't get mad about anything. i'm so dead one, the inside. okay, but the fact that we are now engaging in these conversations and this has been going on for five years, okay, it tells you it is the politics that matter more than the people. they don't care about the kids who have to walk past the safe injection site or the peoples where they are spending money. but they are scared. i want tcan o believe we get the country back to a place where w are collectively better than this. there should be issues that go,e beyond politics where b republican, democrat, libertarian and member of the whig party like trump come i don't care, hay, jokes. the point is we shouldn't be okay with this. >> charlie: anything else you want to pitch? >> jimmy: i'm good here.
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>> charlie: major celebrities are getting busted. and "the rock" just got himself into. ♪ ♪
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>> celebrities are getting themselves into trouble as we end th ♪ ♪ >> celebrities are getting themselves into trouble as the we in the year. pierce brosnan is headed tok. court in january.trai he is accused of trespassing yellowstone national park. he stepped off theou trail into various dangerous hot springs area.he he was slapped with two code violations and "the rock" got busted for apparently lying of fans of a popular burger chain. taking to social media to say he has never experienced iconic california restaurant in jail before. speak with three double-double,h
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lettuce, tomato, onion. >> what is a spread of? >> thousand island. >> no spread anywhere. the rock has been to the fast food joint twice in the past year and documented eating it. >> the reason why this is history in the making, this is the very first time that i have ever tried and in-n-out burger or in-n-out burger fries and i have picked up in-n-out burger before, the drive through for a. few times but i've never tried it so this is a first.: st >> jessica: straight to the slammer, right, jimmy? >> jimmy: here? is what i observed. he might have forgotten eating it. here is a new flash, in-n-out burger overrated>>.t >> jessica: may be used saw it and don't remember. >> whataburger is better.e >> jimmy: take it a step further, the one thing you can't penalize is anyone in hollywood?
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eating eating anything deserves a round of applause. i'm friends with hollywood actresses and when they get pregnant they start eating foroe one. the fact we have calories in ayn hollywood body is a win. >> katie: where nobody is hungry. so first of all when we talkend" about fast food on "fox & friends weekend" we have been waiting for in-n-out burger here. goi i think he is obviously going through to get a paycheck for ti this, right? he is doing this -- this is a promotion for sure. by the way, pierce brosnan thing come i am officially volunteering to arrest him. [laughter] i do think he is so, darn sexy nh has not affected him at all. and he is still married to the - same woman and everything about him -- look at that, i mean -- s
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and he just kissed me, blew me a kiss. [laughs] >> i think he should be arrested for what he did. i can't stand it when people wh go off the trails at national parks and there is they are not supposed to go. he took a risk because these ho springs are like 100 and -- >> jessica: they are dangerous. >> katiesoea: they can actually literally cook you. stupid idea, but at least he didn't get too close to the >> charlie: has anybodyat watched remington steele? >> katie: i do not. i don't know what that is. >> jimmy: remington state was 20 years older than her. like legitimate. ->> charlie: i remember when it was coming out. it wasn't like bench watching. >> was at breaking the rules?deo >> charlie: he would have gone outside the lines. >> he is a celebrity. [overlapping voices] >> welcome i think it goes both ways but that category where sadleathy sophie does happen.l t
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i will take a picture -- and al weird way egg dish and by subtraction because of social mediaallo.os >> katie: he got luckye .th he can get swallowed up by those things.pick >> charlie: who sends "the rock" to go pick up your fast food? goi >> jimmy: charlie, he wasn't working for grubhub.. he was going to get food! >> charlie: i don't understandan tsany of that. it seems like he is lying. >> ra>> rachel: exactly and he wants to run for office. and he is already starting to live. >> jimmy: there you go, he's. got that under his belt >> rachel: he does. >> charlie: can i give pierce brosnan a break on one thing ane i will cut jessica off. the reason i can't bag on pierce brosnan i come from a long line of my mom needs to be called out pa for this thought kicked off ofei graceland because she got so excited when she saw elvis'
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bench she jumped in it hear the alarm went off. my 40 year old mom got dragged up of the plane and got throwntn off of the lisa marie and nothing i could do to talk thean guy out of it. sorry. >> jessica: you should watch priscilla. it is in his bed is featured in it heavily with him in it. up next from a man and his paintball gun versus the apex predator. find out what happens. ♪ ♪ (son) dad. you ok? (dad) it's our phone bill! we pay for things that we don't need! bloated bundles, the reckless spending! no more... (mom) that's a bit dramatic... a better plan is verizon. it starts at 25 dollars a line. (dad) did you say 25 dollars a line? (sister) and save big on things we love, like netflix and max! (dad) oh, that's awesome (mom) spaghetti night -- dinner in 30 (dad) oh, happy day! (vo) a better plan to save is verizon. it starts at $25 per line guaranteed for 3 years
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and get both netflix and max for just $10/mo. only on verizon.
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♪ ♪ >> all right, welcome back. it i tims time for the fast is e at heart-stopping video shows a monster wave swamp in
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california's coast. >> holy [bleep]! [be oh, my god, what the leap! oast>> rachel: wave sending fols running for their lives up and down the golden state swallowing people whole and sweeping away cars. it left eight people in the hospital. jimmy, these people, they are roadblocks. theybloc s still went out to loe of them. >> jimmy: this is in a lot ofure ways attack on stupidity. nature is in a bad mood, don't come here and someone shows up with youtube camera and a surfboard. obviously, your heart goes out to the victims.diti in a lot of ways, these incidents turn into addition byr subtraction.le thankfully, no one is dead and i we will continue to pray for them. >> rachel: jimmy talked aboud at the surfers loved it and theylyd were out there. >> jessica: i don't know how to surf but it did look like a good time here the other people were exercising their fate with darwinism which often timess. happens.
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this remind me about the climate change fanatics. you really think you can control the ocean. don't pollute but -- >> charlie: if you would have y eight bugs this holiday season, this would not have happened. shame on you, you have blood on your hands! >> charlie: and normally with the idea of not messing with nature but i mean come i have got to say, those waves are pretty amazing here thatthat is> like -- >> griff jenkins would have loved it. he is a surfer. >> jessica: i try not to suffer when everyone stops and rubbernecking, but you do get l overwhelmed by nature sometimes because it looks so i'm sure a lot o lf these people are like, when a i my going to e something else like this? it could not happen in a parking lot 4 miles away and it still happening tose him. i could see myself getting p in >> charlie: you are one of the people that causes the bear jambs in the parkway?e.
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>> what are you supposed to do? >> speaking of bearers, charlie. >> charlie: you stop and look at them. >> here is a guy that actually deals with the bear instead of looking at them. he said, "don't poke the bear." with paintballs. watch this. b>> that is incredible. he is america's bravest naturee enthusiast.hous a big black bear squatting under the house in california. the bear hunter bravely crawling and firing several shots of a paintball gun. >> he has two inside! e is a pro guy, don't worry.
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by the way, 30 different evictions of bears this year. >> it is not the paintball done but the plumbers crack. >> i thinkhow so too. i love how you say what we were all thinking. that is a giant bear and i guess he moved to the side? >> charlie: made sure he had the airhead and on the way out. the only time bearers are bad if you cornered them and they havei nowhere to go. ngo >> shoot a paintball at the? >> charlieo go: if you go bear hunting --ntba >> that his tiny hole. >> but if he moves to the .corner. >> jimmy: but you araie going one-on-one with ntun.a bear.poun >> in enclosed space. >> katie: he thought the bear was 450 pounds but if he is doing 30 evictions there is a problem with the population because there is not enough predators for hunting bears in california. there is an offsetting that needs to happen. >> you dsmo you know how bad ber
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smell? they smell so nasty. >> really?in i feel like they are always in a creek lathering [overlapping voices] >> the>>y probably smell pretty bad, probably. >> up next, it is timeim for important life advice from. america. always look up. and don't wind up like this poor lady who took a nasty spilln't while she was distracted on her phone. don't worry, she is okay here at about this is what people call -- when people get hurts texting and walking but it turns out this has spiked up 50% since 2012. i'm sure all of us at some point have been guilty of twalking, right? >> amazing i've never taken a temple because i do that on a t normal basis with my phone orl texting. i try not to text in new yorkwh
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while walking because you can get hit by cars. and the cab driver in a bad position actually walking into a street. not a good idea in a crowded>> space. >> jimmy: the only reason not to text and walk with new york p is because someone will run away with it twice. i pulled my phone out and after my phone got stolen, somebody chased it down. so it is a good thing -- maybe obama will do >> charlie: there is ae e difference between twalking and the sophie craze. f cliffs.ll of >> jimmy: that his potential death. >> face time o i hatn the stree. >> i hated. >> jessica: insane. it is out there and you can really hurt yourself. but it is the bikes, getting hit by a car, i don't fear. >> they put it on like climate change but all the bikes are motorized beer they are breaking every law.
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- [narrator] wounded warrior project helps post-9/11 veterans realize what's possible. with generous community support. - aaron, how you doing buddy? - [narrator] we bring warriors together and empower them to become stronger inside and out. - it's possible to begin healing - to get the help you need. - to find peace. - [narrator] and as each warrior's needs evolve, so do we. because these last 20 years are just the beginning. >> ♪ rock of ages ♪
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♪ ♪g >> oh, girl, it is "fan mail friday" and we will start with you katie and work our way around. what is the number one thing? >> katie: number one. before that annoys you while flying? >> katie: i think it isth listening to people's music or games without headphones. >> jimmy: fair. the one or headphones and whatever they are listening to is so loud that they don't havem headphones. but i can do ae. whole show abot things that bother me. >> katie: everybody is worked up about flying. air travel is a formidable -- you get angry and people calloyn you names. charlie, the most annoying thing about flying? : it is brutal out there. i would say removal of shoes. anything like that that also then intrudes on other people
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space, like inspires the most id me.t i want to murder somebody. >> jimmy: yos u get threatening. j.t.?y. >> jessica: stinky feet. food. dana perino will talk about it, peter on a flight and he had aso fish fillet sandwich. he loved it so much that it worked out almost a quarter of , sentry. >> jimmy: that is love. peter has game though. he might be the one guy that ca. get around eighth fish sandwichy because he is funny. he has a british accent and you probably overlook it. >> jessica: fish and chips appearance before a classic name for it. >> i still like -- i'm still amazed at these germaphobe's who haven'ven't figured out that wee all -- >> jessica: stinky fish might be a immunocompromise and w
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wearing a mask? >> jimmy: uri don't know, and our emotional place when we fly. but hear me out my hate emotional support and i love i come from a big animal house and a dog. it is the motivation for it, okay? people bring on emotional support dogma why? they think the plane will crash. and aren't the commercial a jerk for making the dog die too? some shady doctor a note and gor a script and let's move on, question number two. but don't kill your pyou should be putting on sharon's gnomic shoes and cleaning up your act on these airlines. the last time i flew spirit airlines the guy came down the aisle, excuse me ladies and gentlemen a dollar for something to eat -- an.d that ws the pilot, move on. spirit, facebook question for monica. what is the most memorable sporting event you have ever attended? >> probably the ncaa tournament with my dad. >> jimmy: that is nice.
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>> actually that is not true the most memorable sporting event was losing the state championship iballn high schoolr both basketball and volleyball in the same year. and i'm clearly not bitter abou, that at all. >> jimmy: it comes right out. 222. >> charlie: 2024 world series come i was traveling with john kerry's campaign and we wound up in fenway park and i was blackberrying my friend and i'm on the field before the boston red sox. e th>> jimmy: you wrote that guy on your phone the whole time.n jessica most memorable sporting event? >> jessica: i was at the olympic spirit to track and field ones. just incredible. >> jimmy: that is read. i did it all. kno >> jimmy: good for you, rachel? >> rachel:t i hate sports and everybody knows that about me,90 but i did love watching my
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husband claim and 90-foot tree because he was a lumberjack athlete.e wo so going to the world champion lumberjack competitions in wisconsin and watching my husband win. >> that is awesome. >> jimmy: 2k mic two-way tie come i was at yankee stadium ana lot of people don't know they he umpires on the field's hurt gnoc secret service agents and my t brother joey was on the field which is cool because he was a cop. although i was liee d to buy the ticket broker that said these seeds have a good deal but you forgot to mention it was jupiter. n i was like oh triple zx. peer at the time was past saturdayrs g lincoln i pittsburgh steelers ga guest of the team so we were on the field.d fo and it was amazing for lincoln and for me't but he doesn't know how much his dad gambles. this could have went sideways, right? dad, whyys i are we leaving in e third quarter, shut up lincoln!
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"one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ god he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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i've been to tell the kids and not to. it is amazing deal. if you want to look at military mindset in a shot, meet the weekly shot at how to use way connect with the provider at glencoe . your man has late no on to
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be the crime dramas where global drug cartels use highly conspicuous speedboats just keep going. how about that first half? i mean, that offense, they were slicker than a two hour shoot on a $3 smile. let's go back to the studio where the $3 smile. what do you mean? you do impression? i don't know what you're talking about. hey, do you reckon i can save butter my button? call me biscuit on my tv. i do not think you should say that. >> duck. >> 40 8% of americans don't get enough magnesium, which is vital for bone, nerve and muscle health. i recommend kernels, extra strength, high absorption, magnesium. it gives you 100% of the daily value of magnesium. you know, the brand i trust. >> hi, i'm jason alexander.
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ah, as you probably know me royal flush at 25 from wsop. and if you love these poker tips, avoid making ego based decisions like you know you should fold but you just can't let someone like ian win. >> looking at his bragging about his precious infinity pool, you just can't help but going all in all house, i in your pool. >> if you love poker, play poker on the wsop three to play download now and it's it's never leaving this bar. esa >> it's time now for one more thing. jessica. onay, so before i get to m: e my one more thing, i want to plug our new year special, which is coming up on monday b. taking a look back at the most memorable moments from 2023, revealin fg our new year's
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resolutions and predictions. don't miss it. so see you monday fo r that. and now the father of the year award goes to this dad s. everlinoi dad, tony has been taking his three year old daughter, willow to dance lessons every saturday time for the recital required for parents to accompany their child on stagedaccompan has another fu tony agreed to join her. tutu included wife tiana posted the clip to instagram with the caption you're a 6'5" sprinter m and £50 samoan, but you're also a girl dadoney . >> not all tony and willow stole the show with their moves. super cute, very cute.t >> good job, dad. all right, check out. juryr. a goat named junionad junior is experiencing something we all can't stand, which is whe is whenn itn you hh that is out of reach of junior r dad and use the brushes on his to it's broom to reach the spo's . and he may have been trying to eat it as well. but i love for junior for making himself comfortable.t th >> i love the story to you. is that junior as an inch and not the fact that he's in a kitchen? >> yeah. it's like charlie's house thatse would be definitely a problem. all right, check out this videio
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. biologists in utah tookeeri three deer on the ride of theidr lives for a routine checkup. checkup? the helicopter airliftedr liften the deer to a nearby medical center and gave them tracking devices to track annual migrations. now, if you look closely, these deer are blindfolded. in but i don't think i don't think that helped. >> i don't think being blindfolded prevented them from. but i thinlsk they're all is specialized. all right, rachel, go ahead. maall right. this is martha stewart. she's making the internet go wild over yet another 70.ght. >> yeah, 90. >> wow.ivin she's 80 two years old. >> she's been giving us these kind of stuff all year long, this work. all right, jimmy, we got to go watch your shows. i think we're out of time. watch we are. i am hosting godspell tonight. it's going to be a disney and watch a show. that's it for us. have a great night. and happy new year


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