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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 30, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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with the gary sinise foundation and your beautiful i love what you do. i love the foundation. thank you for being here tonight. and of course, our prayers for for mac and the entire family and you, of course. gary sinise .com. you can learn much more there and max he's on youtube you can find more of that beautiful music there. so thank you so much for being here gary as always happy new year. wonderful to see you, raymond thanks for having me. >> well, that is it for us tonight. i'm raymond arroyo, in for laura ingraham. >> wishing you a merry christmas. it's the first day of christmas, by the way. >> so get my christmas merry and bright cd. you can still celebrate. it's wherever music is sold. thanks for watching this special edition of the "ingraham angle". >> i'll see you on the weekend show tomorrow. pete hegseth is in for jesse. he takes it from here. night.
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hello, everyone. i'm katie pavelich, along rac with rachel campos-duffy, jessica tarlov, charlie hurthei. and jimmy failla, 5:00 in new york city. and this is the five bells they democrats creating more election chaos as the ty to stop americans from voting for donald trump. maine disqe disqualifying the g frontrunner from its 2024 ballot. f and it's all thanks to the state's democrats. secretary of state shennaw bellows. she decided to follow colorado's leacolo d and find trump to be ineligible under the 14th amendment insurrection clause over his actionunding ssa surrounding january 6th. shannon makes it no secret that she'ss a far left hack by routinely posting selfies with joe biden and barack obama. bellows is also an outspoken immeorter. >> trump's second impeachment. and of course, she immediately medin to the liberal mediand to spike the football, askingnsu
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if it's important to know my oath to the constitution. >>ti my obligations to theother constitution and rule of law come before ann.y considerationc no other factors couldis weigh on that decision and did not. >> i reviewe d section three of the 14th amendment very carefully and undeterred meant that section three of the 14th amendment does not say conviction. it sayht of idences in page thrf evidence that i reviewed indicated that it was in fact an insurrection and mr. trump engaged in that insurrection. sts st and it looks like liberal political activists stick togethericgether. colorado's secretary of state is gushing over the unilateral move in maine to go after. trump. >> ii do think secretary bellows is brave and courageous. rself she is the first individual by herself havinhadecisiong maka decision, and we are acutely aware of the threae t environmet that we work in. >> so i commend her forlitiga
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her actions and we'll see how the litigation inevitably plays out tate of s out in the e of maine. >> but even cnn thinks maine's reasoning is legally weak. >> i think there's a questio'snh there with regard to what maine did, because if you look at the hearintailg and she details us the in the ruling, they heardla from one fact witness, a law professor. she based her rulingprofessor. o of documents, but also youtube clips, news, things that wouldal never pass the bar in normal cou courrst. she's not a lawyer, by the way. it's a smartly written decision, clearly consulted with lawyers. but thisartl an unelectedchosen she's chosen by the state legislature, elected by th be chosen elected legislature, but not democratically elected. >> s electedo charlie hurt, you covering politics for a long time. you haveha a plethora of experience. what do you think about thist age for end with pulling candidates off the ballot based on singl b singl?e? e >> yeah, it's kind of bizarre. trymaketo protect democrac by absolutely destroying democracy. it doesn't really make sense. i think are terrified of one
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thing. they're terrifie td of the fact that that donald trump really go going to probably win republican nomination and go on to win a general election. i >> and their only response to it is to gather gathe, as thy on cnn just pointed out, unelected officials goingg and rigging the election soo -- that donald trump can't face an election to in front of the people. and it's worth noting, i dt'o it's kind of significant that she that general bellows is a was elected by the legislature and not by the people. she's never run for. and not by the s. same with the colorado supreme court. so just all of the opticou'rputf you're putting all the legal questions aside, step back and look at all of the optics. you actually have major actorsy ,the democrat party, trying >> preserve democractoy by destroying it, by removing somebody from the ballot. >> so,hel, aot rachel a lot of e
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rulings are coming at a time when joe biden is actually losing to donald trump in a number of swing states and democrats are taking noticmocran of joe biden's low approval rating and his chances of losing the general election ection. . >> take a listen to this on cnn. look, it's super scarys scar. ae you know, like the fate of the republic is hanging in the balance. it's just too late. there's too many silos. how how am i going to reach all of the voters i need to reach given all the mediae iu silos that there are? >> look at the issuees ands. re, and how he fares. infrastructure, jobse, j change. inflation. immigration. he is now 26%. that is not good. >> it's not good at all. and rachel, of course, that was hillra o, that wnniferl jennife, who worked for hillary clinton's 2016hy they' campaign. >> yeah, and they're in trouble. and that is whre. ty they're this. i mean, this is a highly coordinated effort. there are other states that alsoto going to be attempting to take him off the ballot. i think it's worth noting. why are they doing this?
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i mean, just think about it. you have russia, how they impeachment, 94 bogus , 95% negative media coverage. they've banned him from socialdh for two and so now we're here at taking him off or banning him fro from the ballot. and what are they so afraid of? what is the plan that they have for us thaust so afraid that donald trump is going to disrupt? and i think if you look at those numbers on those polls and what those issues are, what they have in store for us is a globalist, borderless,ss by tarchical war world where only the elites rule. and this is an example of it, by. the way i study latin america. that's where i got my master's y degree in latin american studies. this is all so familiar. this is all communis fthis it te things where you go, you're not allowed to choose who you wantou to vote for. we're literally not going to give you that choice. it's -- it's really scary.nteres but what's interestingti is evew though the conservatives are out protesting and we all know why becauseection
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they're afraid of their government, they're afraid that it'll be called insurrectionist, don't to ja or put on a no fly list. but they are. look at the polls. and i bet those polls are higher than that says because, you know, conservativevatives s, even like pollsters. so i don't think any of this is working. and they're getting nervous>> s and they're going to do more and more extreme things like this. >> so you thino what you think girl power between the colorado secretary of state right. and in maine, what do you thinkp about that? well, that a girl withoint o ita good point of entry because making decisions by herself. >> well, to rachel's point, lf.o rachbecause i did not studn america, but i did spend my twenties studyingi spen lati. american women, which is not nothing cool to not do not buy. a used laptop off this guy. i'll be upfront. i am the hunter of this panel,eo to be clear. >> okay. let me give you a horse sense. takea taken th on >> okay. what i believe we'reg is f watching is we've hit this fork in the road where there was definitely a groundswell withion the party to talk biden off the ballot. okay, we're pastok in a lotnt
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of ways the threshold for actually replacing him and getting people intoid the primaries. so this is the next way to do this. like they basicall joee bally s get off the ballot. >> and he was like, no way i can beat president nixonn.likt >> and they were like, we don'te know that you can beat president nixon, joe. and they he' were like, dang it, he's not leaving. get out the lawyers. that's basicallybut augh my tak. but i do laugh at the wholedemo argument of we're saving democracy by destroyincritg. t. imagine i said to you, okay, we've got an arson problemm in thigoins town and i'm going to protect you guys by burning down your house. that way, the arsonist can't get to your house. >> that's what's going on here. and that's where i'm scare ois e okay? is for some people. okay, i want to put this on every democrat, but for peoye some. okay, they have this unhealthy hatred for trump. r trum's denyithat's denying ths self-awareness. what i mean is, you know, when you're operating fro meam a pla, of emotion, you're unable to see how crazy you sound. irrationalo se. this is crazy because he didn't you know, he didn't get convictet she sahold id. en she set all the threshold is engaging. okay. but we don't know that he engagegaged ei.needd either. we would almost need a conviction to tell us he did. so this is the equivalent
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of getting mad at somebody foro? something they did in your dream. okay. and we're going to ddon'o thatt >> an election. i just don't think it's healthy. and i think they become children when they're fightingie harr co so hard for control of a toy, js they don't realize they're breaking it. >> so, jessicath, senator from maine, angus king, issued a statement today disagreeing with the secretary of state's decisionof, saying that they had this impeachment process. and although he voted d to convict, he doesn't believe it should be up to a secretary of statebe u in, any state, it should be up to the voters. and it seems like that's for, have beenn advoca advocating for for years about democracy. and yet nod yet,w they're throwg donald trump off the ballot. bal i should be noted as well that jared golden, the congressman from maine, alsog. said the same thing. he said, i voted to impeach him twice. i don't think he ever serve anywhere near 1600 pennsylvania avenue again. but this is not the way to do it. so there's an ad, susan collinst as well, to that pilhee, someon who has been very critical of donald trump herself, even though she's aa republ republice
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a lot of people do feel thisa way. i see a realal distinction between what happened in maine and what happened in colorado and take your analogy, jenny, that's kind of i knowe people and i haven't accused myself of flying off the handle and you jusha trump trump and suddenly i'm a different color and everythingav is awful. but in colorado they did have a five day bench trial where evidence was presented from both and trump's people had the chance to do it. and they found that he did engage in an insurrection. >> and if you look at what it's true, there's no insurrection. insurrectionsurrecti people have zip ties just hanging out. okay. so the kd ofn gets kicked up ton supreme court. and if you look at the opinionso from all seven justices, the four who voted to take them off the ballot and and the three who didn't, no one refutes the fact that he engaged in insurrection. there'ction.there's differens a of whether he should be able to stay on the ballot or not. thone perst thanak the one person. and this is how the procedure works in maine. she didn't break lawdoing this d this.
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i think it's a faulty procedure. that's a verur vy thing from goe through a bench trial and the colorado suprememe and, it shoui be noted as well that in the majority opinion they cite neil gorsuch himself, when he was on the court of appeals, because he has ruled beforof be that someone is they can remove someone who has engaged in that. >> sgaged in that.o what the coe country though, i mean in termsd of democracy and voting and whether we should move forward as a we shourd a and th, that people are so polarized, is this a good for secretaries of state, admittedly to take a single n to t california, take people off the ballot? >> no. right. california had the opportunityi do itht and they said no. but i do know that the country looks a hell of a lot better januand on six.>> and i do know from what i see, n i don't know. n gas >> i mean, really, there's been so much footage. have you seen the border>> i h? have you seen gas prices? have you seen additional schools? ye.s. there is a lot better. what's better? what is better? oh, the economy is iso
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>> crime and safety is better. the border is not. but is that why he's calling it like 6% on the economy? 12%? if you go look at the real clear politics average of the fivethirtyeight average, you see that joe biden is around two points down in the averages there. there are a slew of pollare sler swing state polls, where he's leading donald trump and frankly, there is this denialism about what the last elections haveons have said dems want in 2020. joe biden did that by millionsn of on top of that area, left electronic suppressing a laptop and i got you feel like hunter biden's pictures we were going to swaygo that becaue i don't know this wasn'tn't. right i don't want to see any more pictures or crowd like where we and boy hunter biden's laptop is wrapped up straight black lives matter takes another hits and liberal city policiese are directly to blame . i know they have pay little
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>> i put a lot of work in andr h i seen a lot of people come here and shee a lod tears oversn the loss of a lot of people that were lost in the work community garden. so like anything that is unitcommunity or community cent, i think should stay. crime is running rampant. people camped out here underng the tree and there, you know,ey using needles in front of kidsne that naked is seattle is notl the only city collapsing from liberal policieses. phoenix, arizona, is also plagued by homelessness. a sandwichby owner thereover actually had to sue the city over in camden with more than 1000 residents. he fought a long legal battl e to clear the area and finally won. >> it's just gotten out of control. you know, th, the the puke, th ,the deaths. it was insane, you know? d and it took the new york times guy coming down herefor and talkinfourg to me for four s to make me realize how bad it, ge. ly wasyou i mean, you know, you have to get up. you have to go to work. you e becausg. e a livin
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>> you want to survive. because i'm 70 years old and it and,just him saying, joe, this is this is crazy, you know? and i said, yeah, you're right. it took you've been downw crazye to make me realize how crazy it really was. >> so, jessica, the black lives matter movement camewith in a we bunch of promises and a lot of people talkine g about seriot reforms and things like that. >> but it all sort of devolved into into it looking more likeen posturing than anything else. >> when you have, you know h, these things like this happening. >> pastoring is actually more generous than the term i was going to use, which is that it turned out to be a scamnerous t that se. and thee >> the organization black lives matter, not the movement cause.e othehe cause is what united all us and people who are even other sides of the aisles of t.e everyone that i spoke m to and spent any time with no matter who they voted for, was unified. after we that tape and
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of george floyd dying and said something needs to be done. >> the organization has preyede. upon people mostly nice white people that sent in a lot of money. right. t ofthey read white fragilityan as bad guys should be donatingdh and ended up with these bargains. and the leaders of thellion ho organization of $6 million homes in los angeles, they could really help people that were living in these encampmentsg in. campmt i think it's terrible and it does a disservice to the social justick it'srible ane movement or allegedly behind the organization. here was but for me, really the turning point was, remember, there was a homeless encampment and with a lot of going on across the street from m a preschool in los angeles. >> it's like if you can't sethae these things are completely unacceptable in our then wek have nothing to talk about. and the store owners corrected ho
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. >> they're just preying upon members of this community who arred citizense good citize> liberals. >> so, rachel, obviously, you know, it turns outly doe the quality of life actually really does mattes er especially to voters. >> yeah. so i did not fall for the covid psyop. i also didn't fall for the blm thinhe g. >> you just had to read the mission statement. it was marxist it was and the roots of it, and we can't lie about it. they wanted to dismantle. the nuclear family, which as we know, the black familye falling apart is at the heart of all of the things that you're seeing on here. so the blm was corrupt in, its mission, and not just because its members happens happened too be grifters. it was corrupt in its ideology o and incompatible. now that they use some of this money to creatthis me and commuy gardens, the area of chazso all and chop doesn't need gardens it needs cops and. so all of this was just so dumb and i'm glad people have woken up from it but sadly i don'tw if
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know the nice white ladies who fell for fragility oragilit whatever they call it, white fragility, y. >> i think they're still living in that world. so, katie, i'm always wheneverws left-wing people, especiallyhow who live in cities, decide peopl to show normal people howwhen m it's done by building a garden han it's likeand theic when michelle obama had the garden at the white house and they couldn't eat any of the vegetables because there was so much lead poisoning. >> and it's like you live in a r places on earth. why are yoe you telling us about environment or how to live? >> a good, clean life is just the perfect virtue. sea >> signaling move from seattle leaders, white leaders to plantn gardrden and then act. nobody has to take care of a g garden. what do you think is going to happe tn to garden?hut it you have to take care of it.r they said they shut it down for byintenance reasons. in addition to all of the planned takeover by homeless turfle doing, drugs they needed
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to do reseeding and turf restoration. yeahon, yeah, , like growing a n is not something that just happens. enu got to actually take care it. and to your point, seattle needs law enforcemenement.w ant they need law and order. they need prosecutors have the cops backs. they don't need gardens that d . the people are not going to tend to it. such a socialists virtuenk we signaling idea to think we canwe just throw some seeds on the ground and that ever just make everythins in tg better and everyone will have social and racial justice becausybodll have did that for h community, which they don't know about, by the way. yeah, exactley >>, y. >> so, jimmy, when it was good for gardeners. yeah lov, i love the factcity l that someone walked around seattle, a city likee new yo ne, where you can't go three feet without smelling weed. and it was like, i've got it. more plantell s. ieve t i'll tell you what the city needs. listen, i do believewas in the t their heart was in the right place because the point of a community garden is to bring people together. >> oka, ok, ane y and maybe repr relationships and start conversations. >> i do believ believe they haed that aim and i don't want to make the whole segment st ir the stand up mecan ge doing in seattle on april the fifth with the ticketst r at
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us here at fox across america dot com. those tickets are on sale right noare on sght w. e's a but i can tell you this is somebody who knows the country there is a generalg. indifference to the quality of life decline we're witnessing right now. and what lly m really gets me likeything truly mad and i'm i don't but mad about anything i drove a cab a long time. i am so dead on the inside. okay, look, i don't care're no,n but the fact that we're nown engaging in these conversations and thisgog on has been going os five years, okay, tells you that it's the politicso walk that matter more than the people. they don't care about the kids who have to walk past the safe e site on a storefront that people don't feel safe spending money on, but they. scared l nu scared ofl numbers. and this is what gets them to act. and i just wane countrt to beli can get the country back to a place where we're collectively better than thisn there should be issues that go beyond politics. >> republican-democratitics.e libertarian. >> okay, you can be a member of the whig party like trump. i don't carea we >> hey jokes. but the point is we shouldn'tis be okay with this. >> yeah. anything else? you want a person. and i'm good here. you're good. there's a record. there's whole city block area. the elebritiesajor wgomajor lebe
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right, legal route now to see if you qualify for a against the manufacturer. the call is free and only takes a few minutes. call now. call one 880 949797. that's 1-800- 8949797. >> summer like celebrities ise getting themselves into trouble as we on the air. james bond star pierce brosnan is actually headinin courtg to t in january. he's accused of trespassing in yellowstone nationayellowstl the actor allegedly stepping off the trail and into the ver y protected hot springs area. t springhe was then slapped wito violations and the rock just got busted for apparently lying by fans of a popular burger chain. dwayne johnson takindoing jobs s media to say he has never experienced the iconic californiaay he' in and out bef. >> souble double lettuce, tomato, onion knows those
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instead of the spread. e ?the spread now. oh, yeah. no, no, no spread anywhere.memo >> the rock must have a badry memory. he's already been to the fast food joint at least twice in the past six years, and even documentedst six it. >> the reason why thisause is history in the making is because is the very firstthat time that i have ever triedrgero in-n-out burger orr in. >> and out fries or anything in and out, for that matter. now not picked up in-n-out burger before the drive thru a few times for some buddies of min e. >> i've never tried it. so this is a first straight to the slammer, right, jimmy??e but here's where i absolvemi hi okay.ov he might have forgotten it again, because here's a newsflash in.y an >> out. overrated. oh, i'd say in and out quickly. >> hand don't remember. you know what? hey, girl. know what? a burger is better thaattaburghk it's not true. i'll take what a burger hie can't a.n't take i >> step further. okay. the one thing you can't penalize him form ok, i i. okay.
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is anyone in hollywood that's eating anything deserves ok?e. t eatipplausap okay. i'm friends with hollywood actresses. when they get pregnant, they start eating fong one, okr >> okay. the fact that we've even gotten some calorie c hollywos into a d body is a win. yeah, especially in the age. of great. or nobody's hungry. yeah well, , well, so, first of all, when we talk about fast food, aren't a that fox and friends weekend? >> they always bring us the fast food. something waiting fod so i'm e in andrt bu the in-n-out burger on. no in-n-out burger here. i thin'sk obviously going throuh to get paid a paycheck for thisy . >> i mean, he's doing this. p this is a way to make sureierc it's a promotion, for sure. by the way, on the pierce brosnan thing, i am officiallym to arrest him. oh bon, it's your favorite one.d i do think he is saro darn. cted it has not affected him at all. and yeah, and he's still married to the same woman and i just. everything about him is. look at that. i meanthat!, and he just kissede
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in the movie a. >> right. so i do also think he should. be arrested but for what h we did. i can't stand it wheofno and people off the trails at national parks and areas, they're not supposed to gohek . and he took a big risk because these hot springs are like 104 dangerous. >> yeah, 80 degrees. i cay n actually literally cooki you. so stupid idea. but at least he didn'tdn't getco get too close to the buffalo because, i mean, anybodybodydid who watched remington steele can't be believe that you did not you probably is. knew i'm s you probably know charlie steele is 20 years older than her. >> like, i'm not getting like, n legitimate. like, i remember when was coming out, when we would watch it because wowit e didn't know t wasn't like binge watch without thinking the rules go, oh, just that that he would have like, gone outside the lines. >> it's like he's a celebrity, a pilot to a movie. >> well, i think it goes bothe l ways, but i think it falls into that category where, sadly, when selfie deaths happen,e
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it's kind of people go, i'll go stand by the cliff or i'll take a picture. with a lion. there's a loyou there's a lot oa weird way, addition by subtraction because mea. e al medi >> so you got lucky. yeah. you get swallowed up by those things.. o pick >> so how do i mean, who sendsa the rock to go pick upfood your order from fast food in an in and out in an d hour.charlie, >> go burger and talking. charlie. he wasn't working for grubhub. he was jumping to get food. . lying. >> not clear. i don't understand any of that. it was like he's lying. . he's exactly. and he wants to run for office. and sod so he's already, you kne starting to lie. yeah go!. >> there you go. i he's got that under his belt now. bsnan apeter, can i just give e brosnan a break on one thing and i want to just cut off jessicknow youa one more time. i love you. i know you have a lot of great things to say. the reason i can't beg i come frrible on brosnan is i come from a long line of terrible terrorists. mymy mom, she needs to be calle out for this. marian fowler got kicked off elvis'vis' pla s plane at graced because she got so excited when she saw elvis', she jus bed.
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>> she jumped in it and all that. and the alarm off. my mom got dragged out, the plane got thrown the. i the lisa marie there's nothing i could do to, like, talk the guy out of it. just hadt. e man, to. the man sorry, is the king for i a reason. hurtca: you sh? you should watch priscilla. yeah. yeah. it's beautifulin i. >> w and his bed is featured in it heavily. is it ever with themit in? okay. up next, a man and his baseball gun versus the apex predatort h >> find out what happens at times. pilots are married all around. they're laser and determined to perform without excuses. this is their school. those who rise to the occasion prove they hands down the top combat pilots anywhere.
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>> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> rogue wave sending folks running fo ar their lives up and down the coast of the golden state, swallowing people wholee cars and sweeping awayt eight cars. itle in th left eight people in the hospital. jimmy, are people. there are road blocks and they still went out to look. some of them the this is. oh, yeah. no, this is a in a lot of ways a tax on stupidity. doenever they say like nature is in a bad mood. don't come and someone showsn' p with a youtube camera and a surfboard. obviously your heart goes out to theoes ou. but in a lot of ways, you know, s into additionully by subtraction. thankfullyno, no one is dead. >> and we certainly continue to pray for the people. and jimmy talkedke about surfer surfers. loved it. they were out there so well, i don't know how tloito, but itd look like a good time. but the other people look like they were exercise ing their fate with darwinism, which oftentimes happens. eminds but this also reminded me about the climate change
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fanatics like you really clichak you can control the ocean. >> yeah. whether you're standin if we g. now, if we were to eat bug s for dinner this holiday season, sham could not have happened.k a shame on you. you're not on your i have last weekend and normally i'm wite h with the idea about not messing with nature, but i mean,, i to thy those waves are pretty amazinatg. that's like surf. jenkins would've loved it. he's a surfer. he would have been there>>. t yeah, it does. cause, ah, i try not suffer from, you know, on the highway where everyone stops to watch an accidenr t or rubbernecking. >> but you do get overwhelmed nature sometimes. like something just looks so cool. i'm sure a lot of thesf these people were like, what am i going to see something else like this? and it can't possibl se like y. s away and then they're in a parking lot four miles away and it's still happening for them astil but i. could be myself getting caught up in it. >> ee you're one of those blue ri people that causes the bear jams on the the blue ridge
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parkway with the bear cubs. >> you got a bear? well, yeahg of bea. >> is this a do you think, a bear, charley? no. you stop and you look at them. >> yeah, well, here's a guy. here's a guy who actuall ere's o actu they deals with the bears instead of looking at them. so he saysa don't poke the bears nah, just do that. it with paintballs. watch this. >> that's incredible. he's america's bravest nature enthusiast. evictee. a massive, big, big black that was squatting under the house. under a house in californi a nowg the bear hunter bravely crawling in, firing several shots from paintballl s fr gun, and then he gets to storming the bear. >> yeah, he's a pro, guys. don't worry. he badly is abou tions oft 30 different.
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evictions a bear's just thisck year. >> yeah, but it's not the paintball gun. it's the plumber's crack. yeah, i knowoticed too. >>, i know that.that's to the desert. what's going on here? yeah. you see what we were thinking, but, yeah, i mean, that's a giant bear a .. >> and i guess he moved to the side or made sursure he e he ha the bear had a way out, which is really. i mean, the only time bearre is are really bad is if you corner them and they have nowhere e to go for you people.nt t >> adam yeah. if you're going to go bear hunting, you don't want to go bear hunting with a very cornered that's a tiny little bit, i think he went overh to the far corner. >> it looks like the underside with but again, you're goinga one on one with a bear, with a pinpoint in an enclosedhe space look. that's the bear, what he thought. and the first time was only £150. and then now in noit but weighs £400.he's d but on the evictions thing, ifoi he's doing 30 evictions, there's a problem with the population because there's on the predatorse there' meanins who are hunting bears. in california, there is anthere' there that needs to happen that bears smellbear.
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they smell so nasty, right?a yeah. yeah. >>e they're always in a creek like like that and reading a book and like, if you like there or is that all wild animals? they smell pretty bad. probably. all right. well, up nex next, timt, time fi some important life advice. america alwaysca. up and don't and don't wind up like this poor ladl y who took a nastydon' spill while she was distracted on her phone. yeah, don't t. she is okay. but she e this-- is what people call talking. it's when people get hurt. textin people g, working. turns out that this has spiked up 50% since 2012. i i'm sure all of us at this table have at some point been guilty of talking, right? i'm amazinglwalking,y never tak a tumble because i do that on a normal basis about walking and talking to m. y phone and texting. >> i try not to text in new
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y notoggee you're walkin because you can't get hit by cars very easily. and i want to put the cab drivert cars a bad positionpositi that you're walking into the street. so yesony , a good idea in aspa. crowded space. >> the other reason not to text and walk f in york is if you pullned out your phone, someone will run away with it. that happened to me on 23rdto m street. twice. for real? yeah. i pulled my phone out and they got aftee on 23r et.utr comedy show at gotham. my phone got stolen. someone actually chased them down from the showsomeone chm d >> it's a good thing and at. good set of you bombed. they don't do that. well, there's a difference between talking and the selfie craze. the selfie craze when people get injured differe that selfi, likealk is a they fall off cliffs. >> yeah, that's just cleaning. selfg the injury. >> a selfie is potential death. the face time on the street. what gets you do that? i hate that it's insane. and neve airpodsr with airpods e anything it's -- it's straight out there and yoalt u really hua yourself but it is the bikes when you say afraid of getting hit by a car, do not fear cars like i fear this direction. >> they put him on his bikege lands because they were like climate change. but now all the bikes peopaking evd and people are breaking every wall. so it's very.
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oh girl, that is mail friday.ari let's do you guys ready to rumble? i'll start with you. kpou, and we'll just work our w around. what's the number one thing? number one that annoys flyin you while flying? >> oh,g. i think it's people listening to music or a game on their phone withoutthou headphones. they're like broadcast kids orth they have and they have whatever they're listening to so loud that it's like they don'tit's have hea have he. that's what. but i could do a whole show about thing>> everysir about everyone's worked up, about flying. >> flying is commercial air travel is like a an n dominatrix at this point. you actually go through, you know, debating. you get angrtingy, call you nam. >> charlie. mostly what you think about flying, you know ? shoes >> no, it's brutal out there. i would say removal of shoes. . >> oh, yeah. the barefoot guy. yeah. yeah. you know, and an g likey any anythingntrude like that. >> that also then intrudes on other space that, that likeri
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inspires like stillness in. i want to i want to murder you get rageful jt have you ever threatened someone'sy life as charlie has? >> no, but stink>> yeah.y. >> oh, yeah. that's like, hater. it's just crazy selfish. >> sandwich and g.o.a.t. dana perinwe'll o we'll talkd hi about it. she met peter on a flight and he had a fish fillet sandwich. she lovem s workedd the whole mo that it has worked out for g almost a quarter for her that is love it peter has game now like he might be thearound a gu who could get around a fish sandwich is funny. make it funny a long way. >> he's got a british accent. you probably overlook it, you know fish an fish and chips and fish. thank you. he'd also. yeah, exactly. you'd have a classic name for it. yeah >> so i', i gotcha.t so i'm so, like, annoyed all the maskers and they still exist. >> like, i'm still amazed atd at germaphobe. dude. haven't figured out that, u , we weryou know , i played an stinkyu peop fish to you people who might havele maybe immunocompromisedwe
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and are wearing a mask. >> i don't know. i thinaring ? thinkk we all in n emotional place when we fly mine. you may not agremie wie with but me out i hate emotional support. animal and s and i love animals like i'm a big animal house. get a dog. i get an animal can suppor motnt because it's the motivator, the motivation for it. okay, people bring do on emotional support, dog. why? because they think the plane is going to crash. . are you kind of a for makingd wt the dog die, too, or they're lying and they just want to get. >> well. of course they are. they get they wrote some shady e and fifo box and got a script. >> let's move on. question number two. don'. n't kill your dogs nber if you really think the plane's going down and you should be putting on shoes and cleaning up your actng you shou, these s airlines. okay. i believe the last time i flew spirit airlines guy comepirit sn the aisle right before takeoff, he's like, excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, if i get spdollar for something to ea. g know? >> and that was the pilot. all right, move on. i've heard that spiritir. onic. >> facebook question from monica ee. hey, girl, what is the most e event ymemorable sporting evt you attended? >> hm probably the ncaancaa tournament with my dad.t oh, that's nice. actually, it's not true.
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most memorable sporting event i ever attended was losing the state championshipe high ina school for both basketball and volleyball in the same year. wow. and i' at all.m clearly not bitter about it at all. >> comes right off the refs job. does. she's about the docs. the refs. they should be fined up20 to 22,000 for president world series. i was traveling with johwith tha kerry's campaign and we wound up at fenway park. >> this is beforbefore inge i fg baseball and i was like not texting blackberry. my friendsd i was like, hey, is cool? >> i'm on the field for for the boston red sox for the u of that guy on tv on his phone the whole time. >> everyone hates yeah jessica most memorable sporting event i went to i was livingto g in london in 2012 when they had the olympics, so i got to go to a lotot of events, especially the track and field runs. that's true. that's incredible. that's i tow i rad, this ivory . >>did it all. good for r you, rachel.t abou well, i hate sports. everyone knows that about me. o becai did love watching my husband climb a 90 foot tree
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because he was a lumberjack athletathlete.e and going to the world champion lumberjack competitions in wisconsin and watching my husband wiching >> yeah, that's a two way tie. o i was in yankee stadium when bush threw out the first pitch of the world series 2000. >> wow. epic. a lot of people don't know. they had umpires1. mpires oe fiel on the field lik that were secret service agents dressed as umpires, like mon you'veoey waked gu ever seen. that movie was straight out of that. so that was a when my brother joey was there fiel cit on the field, i w which was cool because he was a city cop, although i was lieal d. to by the ticket broker who said this, you know, these seats have a good view. he forgot to mention it waion is of jupiter. >> i was in like row triple z xs and thate tie is this past saturday, lincoln and i wear the pittsburgh steelers game. .steelershis steelers game as a. of the team. and oesn'tere on the field and like, it was amazing, you know, for lincoln and for me. but he doesn't know how much his dais thingd i'm like, this g could have went sideways. >> and he's like, dad whyup nex are we leaving in the third quarter? >> i'm like, shut up, lincoln. anyway, one more thing is up nextt. guy takes care the time
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resolutions and predictions. don't miss it. see you monday for that. and now the father of the year en ta year goes to this dad from illinois. dad, tony has been taking his three year old daughter, willow to dance lessons every saturday. time for the recital . tage for parents to accompany. their child on stage hasr tutu another first. tony agreed to join her. tutu included wife posted the clip to instagram with the caption you're a 6'5" sprinter a and £50 samoan, but you're also a girl dad . >> tony and willow stole the show with their moves. super cute. very. >> good job, dad. all right. check out this goat namedd junior and junior is experiencing something we all can't stand, which is whenh you have an itch that is out of reach. >> innovative junior. broom and use the brushes on his owner's broom to reach the spot . he may have been trying to eat it as well, but i love it. junior make himsell.f. ct he >> i love that the story to you is that junior has an edge and not the fact that he's in ia kitchen. >> yeah, it's like that. be definitely a problem. all right. check out this video.
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biologists in utah took three deer on the ride of theilr for a routine check checkup.el the helicoptericopte, the deer a nearby medical center and gave them tracking devices to trackee annual migrations. >> now, if you look closely, these deer are blindfolded. t t >> but i don't think.ol i do not think that helpedde. >> i do not think being blindfolded prevented them from. i think they're all psychologists. all right, rachel, go ahead, tranquilized. all right. this is martha stewart. she's making the internetewart, ng theovert go over yet another. >> wow.has be >>en she's 80 two years old.. >> she's been giving up these kind of stuff all year long, this work. all right, jimmy, we got to go watch your. i think we're out of time. watc h. watc we are tonight hostingh gutfeld tonight at ten of our .. ♪


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