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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  December 30, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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♪ pete: appears our graphic is loading. maybe you're loading in morning. that's a beautiful shot of myrtle beach and beautiful screen. there we go there. joey: people that go to myrtle beach and take the time with the graphic and myrtle beach, that's a red neck haven and we're going to enjoy the beach and usually the water is a bit cold though. thanks for having me on. i enjoy working with the two of you. pete: same thing he told griff
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and carley. joey: listen, i told griff and carley that i got to go to church on sunday and get a bit of influence that's positive in my life. bit of a heathen. pete: i don't know that i've been described as a positive influence. but i'll take it. certainly this one is for sure. but it is december 30th, year of our lord 2023. two more days in 2023 and we'll say bye bye to 2023. there might be a few things going on in '24. joey: just a few. things going on right now that will carry over into '24 for sure. third hour of "fox & friends" this morning with this. former president trump is fighting to keep his name on the ballot in next year's presidential election. rachel: that's right. he's expected to appeal the decision in maine and colorado after surviving recent challenges in california and wisconsin. pete: alexandria hoff is live with the details. good morning, alexandria. >> good morning.
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the trump legal team has sights set on tuesday for appealing the decision in colorado and maine. there's 13 states where lawsuits seek to bar the president from the ballot and common tactic is utilizing a civil war era clause in the constitution to argue a person involved in insurrection can't be elected to public office. what making maine unique is this is the first state where the secretary of state shannon bellows took action unilaterally against the state supreme court. how bellows responded to the criticism over the solo judgment. >> so the criticism has been it's not really your decision of whether or not someone can be on the ballot. >> every elected official swears on oath to the constitution. i swore an oath to the maine constitution and the united states constitution and maine election law requires me to hold a hearing of this sort. >> it's almost symbolic because
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bellows is a democrat and suspended her decision pending a suspected appeal from the trump-appointed team and in colorado, trump's name is back on the primary ballot and will remain unless the supreme court steps in and affirms the decision to remove him by the state's supreme court. gop front runner's name is printed on the gop primary ballot and the effort to bar him was dismissed and shirley weber told la times "i have to basically continue to abide by the rule of law and for me not to do that, i'm no better tantrum and i must be better tantrum and do that loosey goosy interpretation and seat interpretation and open us up for a state and nation and vulnerable and a opinion and point of view. neither colorado or maine went for trump in 2020 and most states seeking those lawsuits against him right now and did go for him and looking at colorado
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and maine, there's more they'd like to vote. pete: she's right. maine does partition with the electoral vote with the congressional district and there'd be a political window dressing at this point and for all the wrong reasons, i appreciate what shirley we shall said for california and she's a trump hater all the way and the whole i'm better than trump thing is better than this and rachel: we had the iowa attorney general on in the last hour and we asked her like what are the people in iowa thinking? she basically said, listen, the people in iowa know that since day one, even before he was in office, they were plotting the russia hoax but since day one, donald trump had a target on his back.
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listen. >> president trump had a target on his back since day one and the democrats are so worried about him as president and they're going to court to try and stop him. at the end of the day, this election is up to the voters and they have a right to vote for president trump if that's what they choose. it's just not right and it's antidemocratic with the indictments and everything else that's been going on and it's been a very political process and not a real legal process and not impartial court and very political and this is election interference plain and simple. that's what i'm hearing from iowan and this will not change their support one bit and in fact it makes it stronger and they know that this is a democracy that they live in and they want to keep it that way. rachel: think about all the things thrown at donald trump and russia hoax and two fake impeachments and 94 different bogus prosecutions. pete: only 91. rachel: 91. they banned him from social media for two years and now
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they're trying to take him off of the ballot and i think it's both that people go we want to keep the country we had where we get to vote for whoever we want and imagine that. but also what are they so afraid of? joey: i think all of this is a strategy beyond what is reads so, yes, this may be honest efforts to keep him off the ballots and some think he's guilty of insurrection and even if it's not keeping him off the ballot but keeping his resources tapped. we interviewed the colorado gop and he basically said asking should you have counter sued first? he said we can do it now. trump's legal team is overtasked and they've got a lot going on. they have so much going on that it makes sense for us to bring the suit first and then trump's team may add to it later. rachel: joey, that's another point. that's another point too. the republican party in colorado
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is also expending resources just to keep their candidate on the ballot instead of doing what they're supposed to co. all of this is election interference at a scale i have never seen in my life. it's so disgusting and so un-american and it's communist. pete: "fox & friends" here inside the nation and at a caucus site at that night and if the polls hold a guy they're targeting we election interference winning with 50 or 60% of the vote and voters get the final decision no matter what the secretary of state is trying. look at next story and wrap your brain around this one and the border is wide open and biden doing it intentionally and now we know texas and others have been busing illegals to cities where they want to go like new york, chicago and elsewhere and now the cities are complaining we can't hand it will and we need more money. well, guess where they're getting the money from. there's a new report, chicago's mayor is tapping into
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$95 million in federal covid-19 relief funds for illegal housing costs. so $100 million of taxpayer or printed money going to house illegals in chicago to address the border crisis. rachel: yeah, $100 million as you said of printed money that's actually driving up inflation which they could, if this money is sitting around, why don't you pay down the debt with that. we're at $34 trillion in debt. our currency has never been in worse shape. this is actually creating a lot of financial -- pete: there's a lot of ammo you can buy for $95 million. joey: american ammo that goes for that. synergy home in virginia fry
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health healthcare even for illegals and not paying $95 million four years ago and and we were bankrupt and bankrupted by manufacturing crisis and money laying around and this is our border and by stealing the same money and shows the hypocrisy among democrats from side to side from joe biden with bidenomics and touts what he's done for the country's economy and he looks back at the money and stolen from us and both parties and potentially in my opinion about two president trumps and weather president trump had the information to make a better call at the time through 2020
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and 2021, our government trying to kill our country and hard working americans that kept it around. rachel: in chicago, there's illegal migrant children that died because these infections running around and don't have the resources to take care of this many people. mission to that, we have a hum trafficking crisis and child sex trafficking crisis and just this week, joe biden announce that had january so the guy that opened the border and increased child trafficking, child sex trafficking, child labor in our country and we've been catching kids on midnight shifts and meat packing plants in perk, yes, that's happening in america, he's amound that next month is human trafficking month and they're all over it.
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pete: mayorkas traveling to eagle pass, texas, on january l. >> they're only increasing the pull effect and. rachel: dick durbin putting together a proposition to allow illegal immigrants to join the military. and they want to let illegal migrants fill in the gap there. pete: a lot of guys in my platoon in guantanamo bay and they were leer legally and joined the military as a process to gain full citizenship and we fully support that had and it's a wonderful thing. joey: it's a program that could be installed at the border with the right vetting perhaps.
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if you're willing to fight and die for this country, you should be a citizen. the fact we live in a country and you can sign up to fight and die for it and not be guaranteed citizenship but show up to the boarder and say you owe me something and be granted residency and they lobbied for you to get amnesty and that's a crazy thing in my mind and the program where anybody can show up to the boarder and the point is the irony there is die for the country in the battlefield and not even earn citizenship and show up to the border and tell this country what it owes you and have a whole political party and half the country lobbying to have citizenship that shows where our party is and can't have an alternative to begin with. rachel: i wonder if people do this and i'm the daughter of somebody that came here legally and super patriotic and i believe the entire citizenship process that she went through, my mom, has made her the pate jot she is and letting people
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come illegally over the country and citizenship joining the military and to me that's like a% natural rights approach and i'm asking this as a sincere question, what you think this does to the military to allow people not having alleges to our country to join our -- alliance to our country to join the military and helping guys gain citizenship and flooding the boarder and trying to address your recruiting crisis by throwing illegals into the water. it's a different. rachel: i'm going to be really honest about my concern for this and my concern is over the last couple years i've become more weary of my government and what my government wants to do because of the way i think. i feel a little better that there's an american born or naturalized citizen in the military if the government wants to turn them against citizens
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and they're less likely to do that than they would people that have an allegiance. i'm sorry, what your intentions are. joey: there's not enough americans that want to fight and die for this country. not enough born here that appreciate what you're born into and not enough of them to defend it and on top there's a government ascending the last two generations of americans and talking millennials and warning about supporting them and bringing them with afghanistan and die along the way and fight and die for the country and it's the narrative there among the patriotic and if you want to fix something, fix the soul of this country and how we have the relationship with our government to begin with and not what happened in 2020. that's not how it goes and that's why we can't fill spots now and americans that don't have it in their heart and don't
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do it at the border. rachel: protest with people flying foreign flags in the country and even before these recent protests and i remember seeing lots of daca protests with people flying flags from their home country as well and i'm not questioning the patriotism of people that want this country and i think that's a step too far. pete: it's true. prior toes say the former police chief was killed during an aler indication with officers at a local bar where he fired his gun and officials say an officer was shot in the leg during an altercation and expected to be pipe and no other injuries were reported. and the nypd is stepping up security ahead of tomorrow's --
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tomorrow night's new year's eve celebration in time square and millions expected to flock to the city to see the ball drop. thousands of officers will line the streets accident some in uniform and some in clothes and amid the crowds in new york, there's no credible threats yet and warn that law enforcement will be on high alert. today is national bacon day. honor of celebration, wendy's is offering hungry customers one cent junior bacon cheese burgers. if you want to take advantage of the cheesy deal, order the burger on the wendy's app and give away all your personal information. that's not part of it. or online on wendy's website and deal goes till tuesday and later on in the show, the mcla mother boys joining us later with --
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mclemore boys are joining us with fun bacon themed snacks. rachel: do we have to wait? pete: it's probably being prepared. rachel: if it ready, can we place an order otherwise i have to place an order give all my information. pete: i got my bacon socks on today. it's national bacon day. i wear them once a year. rachel: i'm impressed. pete: i plan ahead and put it in the calendar. rachel: little pieces of bacon on there. joey: all right, coming up, joe biden wants to get rid of fossil fuels but the energy source goes way beyond every day items. our next guest breaks down the vital life saving tools fossil fuels provide. rachel: las vegas love a wedding boom. it's hitting the strip this new year's eve because of the unique digits in the day.
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rachel: unique reason to get married. pete: what could go wrong? ♪
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you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible
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that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? did we peak your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening.
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rachel: welcome back to "fox & friends". new op ed arguing that the left agenda is bigger than solar panels and disposable cups and turner breaks down the devastating loss of his father. he highlights the medical procedure for the medical and advocating for a green transition never tell us the plan to make needles and bedpans phasing out fossil fuels. he joins us now. daniel, you make such a great point and i've always thought these climate cel lots have beee indoctrinating our kids and they've done a terrible job of making life better and making our country more prosperous and lift people out of poverty and in your case, these medical
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advancements we get because of it. >> yeah, thank you. irishuate the opportunity to talk about this because the fossil fuel industry does so much more than produce electricity and that's what wind and solar do and that's what we need to transition too and wind and solar don't do that well and fossil fuels provide millions of products that more than anything else give humanity dignity and nothing dignified about trapping people in heat and cold and telling them they can't keep their food refrigerated or have cleanliness and hygiene and the case of my dad in the hospital, just a little example on how many have been in the hospital and the little needle in his arm and the port and that needle is foreigned from coal and iv tube attached from the needle is made 100% from oil and all come from natural gas and joe biden and john kerry demonize this industry and say we need to get rid of fossil fuels hawaii are
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we doing for medicine and doing for the millions of products that sustain life and they try to make us healthy and clean but most of all at the largest level, they give us dignity and hope and there is no solution to that. ricker i've lived in the third world and those would love to have advantages that we are afforded because of our access to fossil fuels and green zealots want to take away and a lot more control over the countries and they're purposely trying to impoverish people and my question is you don't have to debate me on the benefits of fossil fuels and it's clear what they're waging is a war on modern life and why haven't they done a better job of explaining this and instead what they've
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done is taken the bait from the green energy people and tried to convince us oh, we're also green instead of saying wait a minute. this is good for humans and good for human prosperity and enforcement. >> they've not taken for granted they'll be around forever and seeing the suza suza suza zealog and there's no coming back from all that and i wish the fossil fuel industry and wish they'd support me and they can. check to power the future and doing a better job than you are but someone has to fight for the industry and we're fighting not just for our freedom but fighting for our dignity and human dignity is the most valuable thing in the world. rachel: yeah, they're writing
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checks to green organization for these carbon replacements that they're coming up with to offset their carbon footprint and going to make life better. i'm glad you are and thank you for joining us, daniel turner and your organization again and it's called power the future. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. rachel: you got it. coming up, democracy is supposed to be in the hands of the people and it's like the one in maine that wants to stop you from voting for trump and plus a slew of politicians report being swatted and our next guest is the latest victim and jonathan turley shares his decision next. r about a natural solution with golo. (amber) i was on the verge of getting gastric bypass surgery,
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and i saw the golo commercial, and it was the last thing i tried 'cause it worked. golo's changed my life in so many ways. before, i was over 300 pounds. now, i literally have the ability to take a shirt off and go out in the sun. i just don't have to worry about the weight coming back anymore. (announcer) on golo, you take one release supplement with each balanced meal to take control of your hunger and sugar cravings and increase metabolic efficiency. after i got married, i really struggled to lose weight. nothing seemed to work. i've lost 75 pounds with golo, and i've kept it off. i've tried to lose weight in the past, and i've lost 80 pounds several times, but i was not able to maintain it. with golo, i've maintained this weight loss for over a year. it just works. (announcer) with golo, you keep the weight off and eliminate starvation dieting. and best of all, there is no prescription required. golo and the release has been phenomenal in my life. it's all natural. it's not something that gives you the jitters. it is an amazing product. before golo, i felt sick, i felt sluggish.
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since being on golo, i truly feel like i'm back to the best me i can be. (announcer) the key to losing weight and keeping it off is managing hormones, maintaining healthy insulin levels, and maintaining lean muscle as you lose weight. (katie) golo worked for me when i thought nothing would work. what a change it made so fast. (jason) i was 424 pounds. so when my doctor told me i needed weight loss surgery, i knew i had to make a change. i don't ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. so i'm committed to golo for life. (announcer) whether you need to lose 10, 20, 50, or over a hundred pounds, lose it the right way with golo. go to that's
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pete: former president trump fight ago political battle on many fronts and expected to appeal tuesday after bag barred from the ballot after being barred in colorado and maine. the supreme court faces mounting pressure to make a definitive ruling. fox news contributor and george washington university law professor jonathan turley joins us now. jonathan, great to see you this morning. i want to get to your personal story in a moment. what kind of legal challenge or just a political smoke here? but alternately both the state court and supreme court will shut it down. >> i do believe the supreme court will reject this theory
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and it's an anti-democratic effort to win this election in the courts rather than polling places. the key is to get this matter before the court and there are still some possible maneuvers moving beyond january 5 and keeping trump's name on the ballot if the court doesn't rule and with many, it should be clear to the court that it needs to speak and bring finality but also hopefully enmity to speak with one voice and on the court that's id logically divided and they remain united by the things that define us as citizens and many of us are hoping they will expedite a ruling and put this thing to bed once and for all. pete: no doubt. speaking of going to bed.
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touch transition. it's morning television, give me a break. you went to bed last night and later reported there's this trend of swatting going on where people call the swat team or the police department making a false report. you'd spoken out, jonathan, to fox news digital just a day or two ago about how dangerous this is and it happened to you last night. someone called the cops on your house. it's great to see you and your family safe this morning. this is really dangerous. what happened? >> it is dangerous. of course the police did show up, the fairfax county police department did a wonderful job, they're very professional and very supportive. it was clearly swatting. i'm just the latest example of that. we had a number of members of congress who were targeted days before i was. it really is dangerous because you're removing these officers from the street where people are in need of protection. but it's also a sign of the day
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of rage and rage is addictive and gives people a license to do things they would not otherwise do including sending officers to someone's home during the christmas holiday. and we have to sort of look at this as a country because this is what we have become. it is tempting to yield and you, this is an effort to silence people with opposing views and they don't just target you, they target your family and your home even during a christmas holiday. but you have to remind yourself and your family that there's a great deal at stake here that if you do silence yourself, you yield more than just one voice you yield to this effort to harass and intimidate others and there's too much at stake and comes at a cost and we have to get a handle on this swalletting epidemic that we're seeing. of coursely people enjoy this
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and this is hate. this is harassment but we all i think can be united and then there's prosperitying things happening and we often don't trust those with opposing views and you've played on the air and people like the california secretary of state and other democrats that have denounced the effort to remover trump from the ballot and we have more in common than we do in conflict and this is one of those times we have to remind ourselves of that. pete: well said what a wonderful perspective if the fact that they're targeting people like you shows how deranged the effort is and one of the nicest guys we know. jonathan turley, thank you so much. god bless you and your family and hopefully you're safe. hopefully this trend stops. >> it needs to. pete: ohio governor mike dewine vetoes a bill that would have banned transgender surgeries on minors and in sports
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participation. he's a republican apparently. riley gains testified in favor of the act back in november and she is next.
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joey: welcome back. ohio governor mike dewine vote
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ago bill yesterday vetoing a bill yesterday that would ban gender reassignment treatment for minors otherwise known as mutilation and block trans athletes from participating in girls and women's sports otherwise known as common sense. >> i cannot sign this bill as is currently written. this bill would impact a very small number of ohio's children. but for those children who face gender dysphoria and for their families the consequences of this bill could not be more profound. parents have looked me in the eye and have told me that but for this treatment, their child would be dead. rachel: the next guest is authentic defender of women and true feminist if you want to use that word and she says that the governor is a coward. pete: joining us is the director
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to have riley gains sentedder leader of institute and ambassador women's independent form. what's your response to the governor, riley? >> well, you just said it, i believe not only is he a spineless coward but morally bankrupt. there's no argument and any sort of moral person could make that would veto this bill. not only as i mentioned is this lack of morals and showing a lack of doing what's right and what's fair and just. this doesn't accurately represent ohioans or nevertheless doesn't represent the nation of america. rachel: yeah, it would be interesting, and i wonder if your organization looks into what are the financial ties he has to the medical community he admitted as pete pointed out earlier in the show that he got advice from doctors and so many of the hospitals very powerful in his state and what kind of, you know, is he potentially compromised in this way? making this decision?
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>> of course, i believe that's something that needs to be looked into and that's ultimately what the movement is about and corporate america and the media and gender ideology movement with sports and of course the transgender care aspect of this and it's very much driven by money. politicians again are corporate leaders and don't follow red or blue. of course not. they follow the green and that's been evident over the past year or two and a half years and that's for sure. pete: what part of the bill is the most important and preventing surgery on minors and that's insane to me. the other part of the bill was about males competing in women's sports and calling themselves female and not knowing how genuine a lot of them are. leah thomas, guess announced engaged to a woman and from that on twitter, you got called everything from homophobic to
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lesbian phobic and seeps to me a better investigation on who identifies as a woman could be a part of this, i don't know. >> absolutely. that's been a big push and we've recently through my work at independent women's forum created a bill that's the women's bill of rights and does just that. codifies the word woman. it's been passed in four states thus far, kansas, tennessee, oklahoma, most recently nebraska. that's a big push for this next legislative cycle. getting more states to implement the women's bill of right sos there's no more confusion on what a woman is. i mean, we have a sitting supreme court justice who can't even define what a woman is because she claims he's not a biologist. well, guess what, i'm not a veterinarian but i know what a dog is. that's the silliest thing i've ever heard in my life. we need more states and of course the federal government to take this on. it's been undertaken by representative debbie le sko and
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others. pete: it's defining what a woman in and become as definitive political bat and will in ohio, do you anticipate the legislature will overturn the veto? there's enough votes there? >> of course i do. there's enough votes and look at the people that have come out in opposition and really detesting what governor dewine did yesterday. there's the attorney general of ohio and lieutenant governor and the senate president and speaker of the house and the votes are certainly there to overturn this and i'm confident and hopeful it'll be overwritten in ohio making ohio the 24th state to hopefully pass some sort of legislation that prevents men from competing in women sports in the 22nd state to prevent child surgical and chemical castration in the state of ohio. rachel: these are political battles and it's a cultural battle and you're knee deep in this and at the forefront and
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tip of the spear and as a woman, i can't be more proud of everything that you've done. what are you seeing on social media? joey spoke a bit about how you've been attacked and that's predictable but within your generation and on these very important cultural platforms on social media, are you starting to see a turn that some of this trans indoctrination and silliness resulting in a lot of people being permanently mutilated and hurt and in terms of women's sports, are things turning around? >> definitely. i believe the tide is turning and i knew this from the beginning and only a matter of time before people had eyes opened and parents, coaches and young boys and girls and they'll always prevail without a doubt and i will say in terms of the backlash and in terms of people going after one another. i think what's turning a lot of
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young conservatives or, sorry, my generation away from the conservative party is this conservative party we're seeing on social media and i feel as if i would be remiss if i didn't take the opportunity to say we see a lot of this in fighting and how many of these conservatives call the governor's office and demanded he sign this piece of legislation. i bet there's not a ton of them. that's what we need more doing and more activists and talking hands and people on the ground willing to do the work and not just spewing information on twitter or x or any other social media platform. pete: get after it. rachel: gov done a lot to help turn the tide on and break the spell. woe hope of all this insanity. thank you for your courage. pete: thank you, riley. joey: thanks, riley. >> thanks, guys. rachel: you got it. pete: turning to chief meteorologist and chief rick mike mouth for the fox weather forecast that's been here all morning and haven't seen him once. >> rachel and i had a chat.
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pete and i haven't talked yet. i'll be in in a minute. let's talk weather. we've got a pretty calm weekend going on and one storm out across parts of the a bit of remaining storm in parts of the east. what's settled into place behind the big storm that brought the blizzard this weekend is cooler air and some air going down across parts of the south. take a look at today's highs, panama city, 56 and jacksonville 59 and temps around 10 degrees below averages this time of year and tomorrow we warm up a little bit. i want 20 show you monday to -- to show you monday to wednesday this week and more rain across parts of the south and really good news and need moisture to break up droughts in parts of the south in louisiana and mississippi and getting knew sense and beneficial nonetheless and throughout the day today and remaining snow in parts of the northeast and some across higher elevations into the app lagses and next storm moving in across
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much of the west coast. back to you guys inside. rachel: come back up, rick. he's jealous. pete's jealous. thank you, rick. joey: all right, still ahead, jocko willinik shares his inspirational new year's eve message. rachel: 123, 1 123 that's the de for the difference on new year's eve and we're hitting regards and we'll talk to one lucky couple, next. ♪
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rachel: get ready to hear wedding bells in las vegas. the city is expecting its busiest wedding day of the year tomorrow on new year's eve. joey: thousands of couples expected to tie the knot on the lucky date of 1- 23, 1-23. pete: we're joined now. it's wonderful to meet the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. are you getting married because of 12/31/23 or deeper than that? >> it's deeper than that for us. we started dating on new year's
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eve in 2017. fixer makes sense. rachel: you guys met online; correct? >> we did. rachel: why 12/31/23. why vegas and on this particular date? >> so i thought it was an awesome number sequence on the calendar and proposed it to him. i initially wanted halloween. i couldn't get him on board but when i saw 1212 i threw it out to him and he immediately said yes. choosing vegas, it was always in my mind that i wanted to get married in vegas as a little girl and i remember going and seeing all the chapels. joey: mike, listen, i get the play of like, hey, make it a holiday, make it a very memorial date so there's no chance of me forgetting it but what you know now is you're never allowed to
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forget and you've mutt something with it where she goes listen, there's all the reason in the world to remember it. >> yeah and just makes things safe, 12/31, 12/3 there's no chance you'll forget it. pete: is this trend continuing? >> we have a little competition going on. i don't know when i'll follow up with it and i'm sure someone will try. pete: look at that. party bus going? is this a wedding with a party attached to it or a party with a wedding attached to it? >> maybe a party with a wedding attached. it's definitely nontraditional. rachel: i like it. i'm not going to break news here by saying that you guys know that a lot of young people aren't getting married these days, but you guys are so make the case for marriage in general for us.
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>> so -- pete: mike. mike. >> so for me -- rachel: why don't you start, mike. >> you know, it's just when you find the person that you want to be with, then you make that commitment and you let them know and let everybody else know that this is your person and you get married. pete: bam. it's that simple. rachel: well, let's hear the next version. pete: in ten seconds. rachel: sarah. >> i see thing as little bit differently. i actually am a practicing lawyer so i see it from a legal perspective. and i see it as protecting myself in the future. pete: there you go. mike and sarah, graces in advance. joey: absolutely. pete: hope you have a wonderful wedding. rachel: i see a bright future for these two and congratulations. >> thank you. pete: going to be a party. more "fox & friends" in just a moment. -it's a nail fungus infection.
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-...that's gross! -it's nothing, really... -it's contagious. you can even spread it to other people. -mom, come here! -don't worry about it. it'll go away on its own! -no, it won't go away on its own. it's an infection. you need a prescription. nail fungus is a contagious infection. at the first signs, show it to your doctor... ... and ask if jublia is right for you. jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. its most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness... ... itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters and pain. jublia is recognized by the apma. most commercially insured patients may pay as little as $0 copay. go to now to get started.
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