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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  December 30, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> 2023 ending with a record monthly number of migrant encounters at our southern border. more than 286,000 with one more day to go. and as migrants continue rushing in more democrats from sanctuary cities like new york and chicago, are speaking out. they're going to have to fork out more money for those here illegally. kelly. >> illinois governor pritzker's office says the money for those hotel rooms will come from additional $160 million set aside in the 2024 budget. this, as more migrants are arriving to the city daily. via train, plane and bus. chicago's mayor saying they can't do this without extra funding from the federal government, take a listen. >> as buses continue to arrive in the city of chicago and all
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over the country, the type of chaos that's been administered has left many of our local economies under tremendous amount of duress. we cannot do this alone. we need more support from the federal government. >> the windy city has received over 30,000 migrants from texas seeking asylum as johnson says chicago has been targeted for its sanctuary city status. nearly 15,000 migrants are currently housed in the city's 27 shelters. here in the fulton market neighborhood of chicago, people are housed in commercial buildings like the one behind me. the fulton market association says what the mayor's office is doing is illegal and that these buildings are not zoned for residential housing. in chicago, fox business. david: kelly, thank you very much. the big apple has a big problem with the migrant surge as well. democratic mayor eric adams says that president biden won't meet with him as the crisis
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cripples the city. and he's not happy about texas, but asking for them to fix it where it begins. griff: you know, david, eagle pass, texas, the border is roughly 2000 miles south of where we are here in new york city, but texas governor greg abbott has succeeded in bringing that border crisis right here to the big apple. you look at the numbers in new york city, by the way, self-professed sanctuary city for illegal migrants, and dealt with more than 160,000 migrants costing the city more than a billion dollars. 14 buses arrived on a single day this past week and it's indeed infuriating mayor adams who says he needs billions more to the tune of 12 billion over three years, calling on president biden and the federal government to fix this mess. >> the federal government said to new york city, we're not going to do our job, you do our
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job. you take care of 4,000 people a week, eric, you and your team. it baffles me. i have to keep hammering away at this issue. griff: he hammers away indeed and he's announcing an executive order requiring charter buses transporting migrants to now provide a 32-hour notice in advance of their arrival which will only be permitted to arrive between 8:30 a.m. and noon monday through friday or else those drivers could face a class b misdemeanor, possible fines, lawsuits, and the buses being impounded and governor abbott doesn't appear deterred and promising to send another 25,000 plus migrants here and tried flying migrants here although because of the inclement weather had to complete by bus. the other thing i should add to this, doj, david, is now threatening to sue abbott over his own law an anti-illegal immigration law he passed down there. so we'll see, it's sort of abbott trying to show the rest
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of the country what's happening, new york now saying, we're crying uncle, we can't do this anymore, and all arrows pointing back to-- >> the vast majority of migrants from new york are via the federal government not via texas, governor abbott. griff, you cover it all, see you at noon, taking over for me. and my next guest doesn't usually agree with the mayor of new york city, but she says he's correct, it's up to the federal government. and from the house ways and means committee, joining me now, it looks like president biden isn't even budging on the issue. because they're both, republicans like yourself and democrats like mayor adams who are saying the problem has to be solved, but they're not solving them. >> why, they ignore that there's a problem at the border and the reality is, the house
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republicans passed three pieces of legislation to address this issue to not only secure the border and go back to the policies of the previous administration, but to give cvp the tools they're requesting and tools and technology they say they need to do the job and tackle the fentanyl flowing into our country via mexico from china. we've passed legislation to prohibit schools and parks, as eric adams is using, used as migrant camps and shelters. chuck schumer, who is from new york city, refuses to allow the bills to come to the floor for a vote. mayor adams needs to talk to the senator from his city, why don't you talk about common sense solutions to solve this today, and eric adams is insisting that the city and taxpayers have responsibility to house, you know, tens of thousands of individuals that are citizens of other countries, when the right to
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shelter is for homeless new yorkers only. so he shares in the blame of this crisis that new york city is seeing and the reason is because he keeps incentivizing people to come to our city with free services. david: the mayor also keeps blaming texas governor abbott. there's-- a lot of people around the country, including the supervisor of san diego on the west coast who-- and they've received over 60,000, i think, in just the last three months of migrants who says it's not a problem of texas, it's a problem of the federal government. roll tape. >> i think it's ironic that the mayors of chicago and new york and denver all blame, you know, the state of texas when it's the border itself. in here in san diego county, it's the federal government that's dropping people here at a parking lot, basically, and then these people are being helped by our nonprofits who are funded by county and local
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taxpayer dollars. david: so that's what's happening in san diego. is that what's happening in new york as well? >> well, you have 10 million people who have entered this country at the border because of joe biden. they have to go somewhere. so certainly i don't like that governor abbott is busing people to new york, but that represents maybe 10 to 15% of the individuals making their way to new york city. the federal government is paying for these flights. nonprofit organizations are paying for those flights and so, why is our mayor not suing? look, let me point this out. texas has tried to put up its own barriers to stop this mess, they've passed a law to also deport these individuals crossing illegally. the department of justice of joe biden is suing them to stop both those things. so, the states are so limited in what they can do because our own department of justice led by joe biden is actually stopping them from trying to implement any measures to tackle this illegal immigration. david: congresswoman, i've got to talk about the meeting in
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mexico, secretary of state blinken, secretary mayorkas and the president of mexico, a question what was discussed there. they put out a communique that made it sound like they were talking about amnesty for the millions of migrants that are here illegally. speaker johnson suggested such in a memo that he sent out about what they were doing. were ne discussing-- well, they're not talking to our u.s. congress about the situation. are they talking with the president of mexico about an amnesty? >> you know, it could be amnesty, but certainly not about border security, which is the real issue here. we have fentanyl flowing into this country killing over 100,000 americans, we have sex trafficking, you know, you have women and children abused along this journey, raped along this journey. if you look at doctors without border report, there was 100 in just one particular part of the journey in one month period, hundreds of women and children that are raped and our president and this administration is allowing this to happen with its open border
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policy. we should be welcoming immigrants, the lawful way. my office, we've helped over 100 people become u.s. citizens that came here and stuck in the bureaucracy and guess what? the people that are coming lawfully and waiting patiently, they're pushed to the back of the line and told they're taking the border crossers first for asylum hearings versus those who are waiting in the system and did everything right. that's wrong that this president incentivizes people to come, knowing that they're paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to the cartels and that's who is benefitting that. i'm certain he didn't bring that up with the president of mexico. david: by the way, we did reach out for secretary mayorkas and apparently didn't have time in his schedule to speak with us. the offer still stands if he wants to make his case on our air. congresswoman malliotakis, thank you for being here. >> happy new year to you. david: and new york announcing enhanced security measures for
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the epic times square celebration celebration tomorrow night. but it could be the pro-palestinian protests that could be a bigger headache for police this year. how they're preparing next. we pay for things that we don't need! bloated bundles, the reckless spending! no more... (mom) that's a bit dramatic... a better plan is verizon. it starts at 25 dollars a line. (dad) did you say 25 dollars a line? (sister) and save big on things we love, like netflix and max! (dad) oh, that's awesome (mom) spaghetti night -- dinner in 30 (dad) oh, happy day! (vo) a better plan to save is verizon. it starts at $25 per line guaranteed for 3 years and get both netflix and max for just $10/mo. only on verizon. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine.
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so when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight. >> well, thanks to earth cam, you're looking at live pictures of times square here in new york city where everybody is getting ready, particularly the n.y.p.d., beefing up patrols for the new year's celebration tomorrow night. and the empire state's governor, kathy hochul, protesters have been disrupting events and key transportation hubs and even the 9/11 site, which is abhorrent. cb cotton has more on this. >> good morning, nice to see you. as many of us are anticipating new things for the new year.
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david, you know, the n.y.p.d. has sort of a similar task what could happen to the heart of the celebrations in new york city as the 2024 new year's eve ball drops. and they've said there is no credible threat to the city's iconic bash that rings in 2024, however, adam anticipates pro-palestinian protesters who have taken to the streets every holiday season to attempt to disrupt the facilities and repeatedly said he supports the right to peacefully protest, disorder to public events and lives will not be tolerated, listen to this. >> we have witnessed that there's a small number of people who are trying to embed themselves in some of the protests and bring about disruption. it's not going to be tolerated, it's not going to be accepted. this is a city where we're
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clear there's no room for hate and there's no room for breaking laws. you break the law, you're going to have to deal with the new york city police department. >> so, a strong warning there. and to handle those disruptions, as he puts it, the n.y.p.d. turns to robots and drones to get an overhead and street view of crowd sizes and to put resources into action very quickly. in addition to the drones, david, there's going to be plenty of k-9's, uniformed officers and undercover ones. you may remember last year three officers were attacked with a man carrying a machete and federal investigators revealed he was an isis sympathizer and he's due in court next year. david: thank you for that. before you rush to the store to return the unwanted holiday gifts. we have some tips for you coming up that could save you both time and money. you want to get your pad and pen out and takes notes for
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this one. first to the race for the white house as candidates make their final push before voting starts. is the money trail already showing who is going to be surging and trailing? that's next. ♪ my daddy's a cowboy, i'm a cowboy and i'm raising a cowgirl. and discovering that my family come from farmers for generations. this life is in our blood. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry.
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>> you have individuals who are deciding who the american people should and shouldn't vote on. i will defeat donald trump fair and square. i don't need him thrown off the ballot. but if we open this door, you can't close it and the supreme court needs to respond quickly before any more states do this. david: that was 2024 presidential candidate nikki haley from our first hour and
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as another state moves to take donald trump off the ballot she's ramping up the door-to-door, knocking with the first test in the hawk eye state just two weeks away and it's coming as rival vivek ramaswamy is cutting down on tv ads. and can anyone go up to the front runner. joining us, good to see you both. first the efforts to get trump off the ballot. once again the use of the law or perhaps misuse of the law to try to stop him from running as a candidate just seems to be helping. so i think she's serious when she says she's against it because it seems to be helping him in the polls. >> absolutely. and every time somebody comes and does something to trump, if you'll notice, there's a spike in his fund raising and there's a spike in his numbers. so, all this does is help fuel the fire for him, and i think
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that nikki haley, by taking that stance, i think that that's very smart and she basically is saying, look, i'll do fine with him on the ballot or without. or him not on the ballot, but i'm ready to face the challenge. >> doug, meanwhile, in head to heads between trump and biden, trump keeps coming ahead not with the same amount as he does against his rival g.o.p. candidates, but he is gaining and it looks like biden is slipping ever more. are there real concerns? are there real worries among democrats that they might not have the best candidate for 2024? >> i think those concerns, david, are growing and growing quickly. joe biden's approval is at or about where jimmy carter's was in 1980 when ronald reagan won an overwhelming victory. now, trump is not ronald reagan. he's very unpopular himself,
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but elections can be referendum on incumbents and joe biden is a negative one working to trump and the republicans' advantage. david: meanwhile, giving credit to the united states economy, i don't know if there's any bragging rights for the president on that, but the economy is doing a little better. inflation is down a bit. although prices are still high and of course, interest rates are skyrocketed. but if the economy and the markets continue to do better in 2024, might that make it harder for the republican nominee, whoever it is, to win? >> no, i don't think so. i think people are ready for a change and i feel like that there are a lot of things that are coming into play. and i think that some people are just getting used to higher prices at the grocery store and higher housing prices, higher insurance premiums, and everything else that goes with inflation, and although, you
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know, people are telling you that there's a little relief, overall, it not back to where when president trump was president that people felt like they were doing better. so they're relating that to republican leadership. so, i feel like it's the time for republicans. if we don't fumble the ball, i think that this is going to be 2024 our year. david: and then, doug, we have the problem of security. both national security and international security. everybody thought the focus was going to be on the economy, but the world seems to be falling apart right now and our border is certainly falling apart. how much of a concern is that for democrats? >> it's a real concern, particularly now at the southern border. with unfettered and seemingly unlimited immigration, the sex trafficking, drug trafficking, and the enormous cost to our economy and even liberal cities like new york are being overrun
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financially by illegal immigrants who are unable to stay in their countries and we don't have unlimited compassion or resources to provide for everyone. indeed, the war in ukraine is at best for the ukrainian stalemated, and in the middle east we're all hoping against hope that a wider conflict does not emerge as we see the houthi rebels in yemen attacking u.s. ships. i think over 100 times without a meaningful u.s. response and that leaves iran, hamas, and indeed all the terrorists as targets for us, for israel and the free world. david: noel, there's an old expression be careful what you wish for. wondering who the next
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republican nominee, if that nominee becomes president, it's going to be a lot to fix up. do you think it might be too big for that candidate, whoever it is? >> it depend on which candidate it is, i mean, if you look at president trump, i think we all know how he's going to lead and i think he actually thrives on chaos, i mean, look at the things he's handling in his personal life, all the lawsuits, they keep popping up, and getting off the ballots, all of these things. personal, and look, he's also still an avid campaigner so it seems like he thrives on chaos and he thrives on problems. so, if he were to get the nomination and be president, i think he's in his element. nikki haley well, you know, she got to be our nominee and won. we'll see, you know, how she would handle it, but she seems pretty aggressive and sink her teeth into it. ron desantis, he's absolutely got the record if you look at what he's been doing. is he ready for prime time?
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we'll see. david: doug, then you have the curious case of the convention, the democratic convention is going to be in chicago and a lot of people are thinking back to 1968 when there were literally riots in the street of chicago from the far left of the democratic party. well, bring it up-to-date and what you're seeing, this is 1968. of course, then you had a conservative democrat mayor of chicago, mayor daley, who cracked down on the rioters and now you have a very liberal mayor there. still, the parallels are kind of striking particularly when you look at the protesters out in the street today. the anti-israel protesters, some of whom are getting violent, they're disrupting traffic. there was this huge disruption of traffic to jfk and lax last week and then you had a protest right on the ground of 9/11 by pro-palestinian protesters, a lot of people say that was totally inappropriate because it is a sacred place. could that craziness that we're
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seeing on our streets today take place on the streets of chicago for the democratic convention? >> you know, david, i'm old enough, as i think you are, though you look a lot younger, to remember '68 and i remember what that did to hubert humphrey and ultimately played a role in the election of richard nixon. my answer is unabashed yes. i hope the conflict in the middle east is over and open that israel wins and largely fulfills the goal of eliminating hamas. but the issue of protest and instability is something i fear and it's one of the reasons moderate democrats like me are deeply skeptical of a party that we have historically been closely aligned with. david: you know, forgive me, nicole, for a second i -- noel, i just want to stay with doug on this. joe biden was a moderate for most of his career in the united states senate. >> correct. david: and what happened?
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and i don't see any sign of him shifting from the far left positions that he's been taking since he's been president. >> i don't either and i would have thought they would have emphasized bringing down inflation rather than just talking about bidenomics and job creation in the way that they have, which hasn't worked. joe biden's effecttively been captured by the far left to his political and i dare say the country's detriment. david: noel, what is it going to be or maybe a combination? and is it the issue of the economy-- and a fox poll overwhelming majority of americans think it's a bad economy and 53% say bad for their personal family. >> right, and you've got a point. and earlier on the show you were saying, you know, how biden has been touting bidenomics and the economy is on track for, you know, a little bit of relief, but overall, if you look at that
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fox news poll, it's just not resonating with people. right now, if the election was held, i think it's going to be the economy. interesting enough, we're going to be able to test the issues with the two primaries that we have for the g.o.p. on the-- in iowa and in new hampshire. so, we're going to get a little bit of a litmus test on the issues going on. border security, the economy, what's going on globally. so we're going to have a little bit of that test in a couple of weeks. david: since prediction, this is prediction time for 2024. doug, will joe biden be the nominee for president with the democratic party? >> i would say yes, but i'm not saying definitely yes. i remember another date, david, that you do, in 1968, march 31st, 1968 when lyndon johnson wit withdrew. i'm not saying it's going to
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happen this time, but not outside the possibility. david: i was a little boy watching with my dad. as young as i was, i was shocked to hear him to nobody expected it. that came out of nowhere, nobody expected it. >> exactly. david: and may come out this time. the same prediction, will donald trump be the nominee for the republican party in 2024? >> that's the big question. if i knew that, i would-- >> oh, doug went out on the line. go ahead, give it a shot. >> the way it looks right now, he's just-- the polls, the numbers, the gaps, it's too big, but the question, is he going to be eligible to run? right now, i mean, the polls are huge. david: yeah, it's hard to is your mount that kind of a run by donald trump. lady and gentlemen, thank you very much, noel and doug, good to see you both. have a good new year.
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>> you, too. david: the hamas-israeli war rages on and pushing deeper into gaza. new calls for a cease-fire putting pressure on u.s.-israeli election. we'll talk to an advisor to prime minister benjamin netanyahu coming up next. st $. two pairs! and they don't even have to be identical! in fact, one pair can be practical and sturdy, while the other pair is super stylish and wildly good-looking. not that it's a contest or anything. two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. the exam alone is worth at least $69. book yours today at the silent type, i see.
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>> the israel-hamas war intensifies as we head into the new year, idf forces are said to be going deeper into gaza as
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concerns grow in the area. matt finn has more from london. >> david, for the past 48 hours israel says it's been on a hard push into many areas of gaza. the idf says it's engaging in fierce battles with hamas striking terror cells by land and sea with the help of the israeli navy. israel says it's killed dozen of terrorists in the latest campaign and idf targeted three terrorist cells in lebanon and struck targets there. and numerous launches from lebanon into israel and intercepted at least one. for the first time since israel launched ground operation, the idf says it's attacking the exact kibbutz or town before they crossed into israel for the october 7th terror attack. and it's intensifying oz and
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near, in honor of the israeli kibbutz that was tacked and terrorist tunnels and rocket loss positions. unprecedented air and ground strikes displaced estimated 85% of gaza's 2.3 million people and tens of thousands in the southernmost town of ralfah. and it's considering that the hamas delegation is considering a peace deal from egypt perhaps travelling to cairo to discuss that deal. egypt's proposal demands that hamas will no longer remain in power in gaza. hamas so far has said there's no deal unless israel ends its attacks and israel has basically said no matter what, hamas will not be in control after it is done, david. david: matt finn, thank you very much. so israel is under intense pressure from all sides as the warheads into the new year.
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and doctor, thank you for being here, happy new year to you. when will the idf be able to claim victory against hamas? >> thank you for having me, david. the idf will claim victory in this war once hamas is destroyed and we free the hostages. that was the clear mandate that netanyahu's war cabinet gave idf at the outset, destroy hamas and free the hostages and that's exactly what the idf is doing now. david: but you have no idea how long that will take to reach that goal? >> right, so we don't have a stop watch on this. it could take a week, it could take a month, it could take a year, but what we have to do is to win this thing and to destroy hamas. that's our only alternative and that's the goal and that's exactly what the idf is doing right now, destroying hamas, go ahead. david: i'm just asking, what
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would happen after that? let's assume that you succeed in your mission and we hope you do, but what happens after that? who will control the area of gaza? >> right. so the prime minister actually laid down a very clear plan on that. one, we have to destroy hamas, after we destroy hamas they can't stand as a threat to anyone on earth, there will be no threat to israel from gaza and three, we have to deradicalize. we have to deradicalize gaza and the palestinian society so that children will no longer be taught to cherish death, but to rather love life. they will no longer be taught to murder jews, but rather, they'll want to live side by side in peace with israel. when that happens, there will also be peace. once the deradicalization process begins, gaza can be rebuilt. it can be rebuilt and then
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there will be prospects for peace not only with our near neighbors, but well beyond that. david: but can you think of any palestinian-controlled areas, whether it's gaza or the west bank, where education, for example, does teach a story of getting along with the israelis rather than killing them? i can't. and we know the u.n. has been complicit in coming out with hamas style propaganda in the schools. i mean, you would have to take over the entire education system, would you not, of gaza. >> well, i think deradicalization is not science fiction, it can happen, it happened after world war ii, it happened in germany and japan, it was denazi, and japan deradicalized and became close allies of the united states and today push for peace and prosperity throughout the world. more recently after 9/11, visionary leaders in the gulf
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states deradicalized their population. if you go to the gulf states, if you go to the uae on friday mornings you will hear a peaceful sermons in the mosques, you won't hear them calling for murder and they don't hate jews there. so i don't think that is science fiction. i think it's very possible and frankly no other alternative. frankly no other alternative. david: but it is a tall order and again, i just remember what the palestinian authority did when they were competing with hamas, what happened to them. hamas literally killed their rivals in order to take all control. i mean, it is a very tall order. let me just ask you about, though, you mentioned what's happening in the other arab states. one of the reasons i think iran was behind the october 7th massacre, et cetera, is because they were so upset at the progress that had been made in the abraham accords between arab states and israel and there was-- there has been a change in the arab states to recognize israel
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that you never thought imaginable 15 or 20 years ago. is that now dead because of what's happened on october 7th and the time since? >> no, absolutely not, david. you're right, the main objective of hamas on october 7th, they had three objectives, one was to murder jews, that's in their charter, they're a genocidal, sick terrorist organization, and the second objective was to take jews hostage, israelis hostage to leverage that and derail prospects for peace in the region. our objective, israel's objective as detailed by netanyahu's war cabinet, is to destroy hamas, that's what the idf is doing right now, to free the hostages, and once we have that, it will be much easier to have prospects for peace in the region, and in the very near region and beyond. we're actually optimistic that
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that's possible. david: so you think it's possible to get back on track, but the iranians, frankly, i think they believe that they're on their way to winning. let's face it, what they want to do is take over the entire muslim world. they want to transplant themselves in the roles that saudi arabia and the united arab emirates and other arab states now have and they think they're on their way to do that. in fact, in the united states, the support for israel in the past month or so has gone down. partly because their propaganda efforts have been so successful. >> right, so actually prime minister netanyahu has been warning against these-- the tyrants from tehran from july of 1996 when he gave a speech before congress. iran is the major threat. it's a huge threat not only to israel and not only to the middle east, but to the world at large. i think most countries understand that today and our
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allies understand that today and actually, we've had great support, great support from the united states, from president biden, bipartisan support from the american congress, and actually, from the american people and we appreciate that dearly. david: well, dr. falk we wish you the best for the new year and hope it's more peaceful than the last year has been. thank you for being here. >> thank you, david. david: transportation secretary pete buttigieg telling me that americans love electric cars, but are new numbers starting to tell a different story? we have that coming next.
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>> i don't know a lot of people who think that americans in 2050 are still going to be driving that old technology, that combustion technology that we inherited in the 20th century. >> americans like it, americans like it. >> the big question, no you're not going to meet a lot of people who are going back after they're electric, i think that
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really tells you something. david: transportation secretary pete buttigieg is bullish about electric vehicles, jeff flock tells ev sales hit a new high this year, they're starting to slow down. right, jeff? >> well, david, in fairness, ev's are still selling, a record year in terms of sales, over a million ev's, when the numbers come in at the end of the year. about 10% of all new car patches are ev's. they haven't sold like automakers and perhaps all of us thought they might and part of the reason for that, they don't seem to be holding their value. >> take a look at the survey done by i see they found over a five year period ev's lost 50% of their value. as you know when you drive off the lot, they lose a little value. but all other cars depreciated by 38%. ones that did the worst would be the cheapest of the models,
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tesla model f. chevy volt and the leaf. and why don't they hold their value? >> if there's adds 7500 value on a vehicle and msrp, 50,000, it's a 35,500 before you purchase it. because we've hit the inflection point people are not as interested in buying the cars at least not at the level where they're available. >> and reliability, consumer reports did a study of various vehicles and found that ev's had 79% more problems than other conventional vehicles. that despite the fact that in theory, the ev's don't have as many parts to go wrong, but still, more problems there. also, speaking of the world's biggest ev manufacturer, tesla, they are under fire, particularly from senators blumenthal and markey that
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wrote a letter to elon musk and folks at tesla asking their vehicles be recalled because of reports that they knew, tesla, that is new and concealed safety problems with vehicles. tesla has denied all of this, but still, a bit under fire and i leave you with one other one, david, and that's tesla was the biggest manufacturer of ev's and in the new year, it promises to be the chinese manufacturer, byd. they apparently are going to make more electric vehicles than the folks at tesla. they are noted for making much less expensive vehicles. a big surprise there, that the chinese have made something less expensive than we here in the u.s. back to you. david: yeah, maybe not so much a surprise. jeff, thank you very much. well, the holiday shopping rush is over, but the rush to return those unwanted gifts is on. retail expert herzog is here to
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it getting better or worse? >> it's getting better because retailers understand that this is their cash cow. they have to make it easier for the customer. and they also know that almost 40% of the items that are bought online end up getting returned. that's baked into their whole business model. david: even if it's not holiday, that's the return rate. >> just in general. they obviously make it easier, but for the consumer, i tell people, this is a big one. make sure to take a picture of the receipts. if you saw my hand bag in the green room you would see it's filled with a bunch of junk and different stuff. i lose receipts like crazy. take a picture of the receipts, go earlier in the day and go somewhere between, like right when the store opens to right around lunch and people tend to be nicer. david: that's a very good hint. i like that. >> and also to that point you want to be nice, right? you know, someone's in a bad mood just try to be nice and try to get what you need and
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don't be afraid to negotiate. let's say you forget the receipt, try to, you know, maybe you get store credit for something or maybe, you get something in exchange, maybe a different size. we don't negotiate a lot in retailers, here in the united states, but don't be afraid to do that. david: by the way, do they accept pictures that you take on your phone of receipts or you have to bring back the real receipt? >> i have shown pictures of that receipt because what they do, if they find the code. david: i see. >> they have a digital record. david: so a picture would be enough. >> exactly all they have to do is type in the number. david: amazon, got to give them credit. super easy to return things, whether you're doing it through the ups or going to one of the stores where you can return it, has that sort of translated into more stores using the amazon model? >> i don't mean to sound like an amazon commercial, they lead in logistics to getting the product into circumstance lays or off of your hands. if you're a prime member you
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can have amazon come on drop off the ups labels and they pick it up from your home and you don't have to go anywhere and makes it easier for everyone. >> are other online goods returning as good as amazon? >> a couple of a retailer netta porte and they deliver the clothes within two hours and pick it up if it doesn't fit. so. david: there you go. happy new year to you. appreciate it. >> happy new year. david: if you were making a new year's resolution for yourself. that's not fun. how about making one for neil cavuto. neil is looking forward to reading your responses when he comes back on tuesday. let us know, you can e-mail, let us know what hints you have. and fox news live continues with anita vogel and griff jenkins.
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