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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  December 30, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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his evident u.s. heading into a
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new year the new record at our southern border bridge sources tell fox news there have been at 286,000 migrant encounters in december. about is the highest monthly total ever. meanwhile president biden is spending the week vacationing in the u.s. virgin islands. critics say should be here handling the border crisis with more urgency. hello welcome to "fox news live" i am rich edson eric shawn and arthel that will have the week off. molly: i am molly line by the president for us to usher in 2024 to the caribbean sun his poll numbers are underwater. a new fox news poll finds more than half of voters surveyed, 53% said 2023 was a bad year for them personally. two thirds said it was a bad year for the country. lucas and thomas what is traveling with president biden he is in sync st. croix with mon all of this, lucas also under the caribbean sun, to you for quickset is right. president biden bringing in the new year despite a record number of migrants on the southern
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border. molly, many republicans are outraged about that. >> there is a problem at the board of the reality is the house republicans passed three pieces of legislation to address this issue to e cbp the tools they are requesting the technology and tools they say that they need to do the job. what thoughts go through those numbers that rich just read out. record-setting stats from the southern border from the border patrol. there have now been over 286,000 migrant encounters of the southern port of this month the highest ever break in the previous record set three months ago. it spent 770,000 migrant encounters since october 1 making this the first quarter of the new fiscal year at the highest ever recorded every that's a population bigger than seattle on just the past three months but white house press secretary recently commented on the spike in a migrants on the southern border. >> what we are seeing here at
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the border, the migration flow the increased migration flow it ebbs and flows we are at a time of the year will be a sing more at the border. it is not unusual. >> the justice department is threatening to sue texas governor greg abbott after last week he signed a bill into law giving his estate the right to arrest migrants and deport them. and of course governor abbott wants to take this fight to the supreme court and i do not think i'm going out on a limb for a new year's production u.s. supreme court is going to be very busy next year per. >> will be talking of that for the next couple of hours as well and some the other guests we have lucas tomlinson great point trump with the u.s. president in and the u.s. virgin islands thank you. rich: more follow-up from main secretary of state removing former president chart for the 2020 ballot. she has gotten threats since announcing her decision thursday night. maine is a second state to
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remove truck from its primary ballot after colorado. alexandria hoff has the latest from washington. >> the trump legal team is planning to appeal the ballot decision in colorado and maine on tuesday. right now there are 13 states with pending action to bart bark from the ballot. it bans a person involved in insurrection from holding public office. what makes the main decision unique this is the first in a state where the secretary of state took action unilaterally. the decision came from the supreme court. here's how bellows responded to criticism over the solo judgment. >> every elected official swears an oath to the constitution but i swore an oath to the main constitution and the united states constitution. maine election law requires me to hold a hearing for quick service we almost symbolic bellow as a democrat suspended
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her decision pending the colorado trumps name will bring a pair of the primary about illicit supreme court sides of the state supreme court decision to kick him off. jonathan turley he sees that is unlikely. i do believe they will reject this theory. we will see this for what it is which is a distinctly anti- democratic efforts to win this election from the courts and polling places. >> gop front-runner's name is on california's ballot that was determined this week. secretary of state shirley weber declined efforts to have it removed on the l.a. times i have to basically continue to abide by the rule of law. for me not to do that i am no better than trump. rich, when you look at main it's one of those states that splits
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its electoral votes. it's one of the two states that does that. i went for biden in 2020 trump did walk away with one of maine's four electoral votes. trump campaign not casting any state off. rich: alexandria hoff live in d.c. thank you. molly: for more on this u.s. attorney for the northern district of oklahoma. sir, thank you for joining us on the cusp of the new year. we appreciated what you get your insights on what the main secretary of state has done. she writes i conclude because this was a unilateral decision the record establishes mr. trump over the course of several months culminating on generally 62021 is a false narrative of election fraud to inflame supporters and prevent the certification of the 2020 election and the peaceful transfer of power. her conclusion on her ability to she did and the decision to do it she made? alexa false narrative has done anything that is consistent with our democratic values that we
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hold so dear here in the united states. her street unilaterally exclude former president trump from the ballot. that leading candidate from the party that is the opposing party is simply shameful. this is a violation of not just fundamental fairness but our fundamental rights that are enshrined in the constitution. namely due process of. >> she is a diehard democrat. schloss bivariate white margins she was appointed by the legislature not elected by the people. it might also note in social media puts it in 2020 the riot in insurrection. her opinion has been out there. here's how she defends herself, take a listen. >> it was not just an attack in which seven people lost their lives. it's an attack on the peaceful transfer of power. the evidence submitted at the hearing demonstrated that it
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happened at the behest of it with the knowledge and support of the outgoing president. she also notes or she argues her personal views on generally six to have a bearing on the case because she said her decision was made because of what she heard in the hearing. your thoughts on all of that? >> is absolutely ludicrous. see out of iran at the ballot cleansing effort as has been described by jonathan turley. she is not upholding her oath here. this is the possible opinion of one a person she is relying on the reports a highly politicized from a highly politicized process. that entire thing was produced by a tv producer and orchestrated by a former speaker nancy pelosi. the minority party at the time from participating. so we cannot rely on that
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report. that is what we've seen the colorado supreme court dupree that's what we have seen this bellows do in every democracy loving american. every future candidate for any political party should be concerned about these particular actions. molly: speaking of political covenant former ambassador nikki haley has been pulling behind president trump. often she is seen as second behind him. she is running for a wellness race as it stands right now. she had this to say about how things were unfolding in maine. >> the supreme court needs to respond quickly before any more states do this. you cannot have people deciding right now we are seeing too many elected officials decide who is good, who is bad, who is right, who is wrong for that is not your role. if you are a leader but your role is to put all of the information out there. be as transparent as you can and let the american people make decisions for themselves.
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>> she also argues with what is happening is changing the entire face of democracy, your thoughts? >> nikki haley got this one right this is a threat to democracy. on the one hand claiming that donald trump is a threat to democracy while on the other hand and at the same time orchestrating means to exclude him from the ballot. it is anti- american it is anti- democracy is the exact opposite of what ronald reagan once described as our values that make us the shining city on the hill. the beacon of hope for the rest of the world. the actions being taken are things you'd expect from a banana republic not our great country. she looks to think about this i couldn't help think about the people of maine the voters of maine those in the second congressional district in the rural north that twice voted for president trump in 2016 and 2020 he went with one electoral vote because maine splits them. what does this say to the people of maine, the voters? exits as they do not matter.
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what should be of concern here this does not mean we have to support donald trump by saying he should be on the ballot. it means you support fairness, the basic democratic values of our country you also support due process. the former president has not been charged in any criminal matter with engaging and in insurrectionist activities. this is so far afield from common sense and from democracy and fairness. and protecting the civil rights of every citizen including a former president. the supreme court must take action here. >> as her reporter lukas thomas and martin say how they will be in 2024. former u.s. attorney thank you for coming on. >> happy new year. rich: israel's pushing its war on hamas deeper into relocation camps. fling the center of the strip. the southern city that's already
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overcrowded with civilians, spotlighting the growing concerns over the lack of food and medical aid in gaza. matt finn is live in london with the latest there. >> for the past 48 hours israel says it has been in a blitz into all areas of gaza and lebanon. the idf provided us with the video that shows israel striking hezbollah infrastructure known to be used for terror purposes and lebanon. the strikes happen this morning and ar run the lunchtime hour. the idf also says numerous launches from lebanon into israel and intercepted at least one. israel said it is engaging in fierce battles striking terror cells by land and sea with the help of the israeli navy. crystal says it has killed dozens of terrorist in the slightest campaign. for the first time since israel launched a ground operation the idf says it is attacking the exact that served as the base of
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her hamas militants before they crossed into israel for the october 7 terror attack. israel said it is intensifying the seven gods op gaza operatiod oz and near in honor of the israelite that was savagely attacked. israel unprecedented air and ground strikes have reportedly displaced 85% of gaza 2.3 million people. tens of thousands of palestinians are now living as refugees in the southern most part of gaza called rauf break the large portion that remain are reportedly starving for its widely reported hamas is considering a potential peace deal being offered by egypt. even traveling to cairo to discuss it. egypt's proposal in part requires it relinquishes power in gaza. so far hamas it says no deal unless israel stops its attack. the former israeli ambassador to the uk where i am told fox news israel will stop its attacks
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immediately if hamas surrenders. rich: matt finn alive for us, thank you for it was much more later in the our international security expert jim walsh coming up. molly: moscow says ukraine carried out a series of deadly airstrikes on southwest russia over the past 24 hours. officials report 14 killed in the russian city. this comes one day after russia wants its biggest air attack on ukraine. a poorly killing 39 people. kitty logan has more. >> hi molly. ukraine has a poorly targeted a russian border city and its drone strike. that follows a huge series of air attacks on ukraine by russia. we can see russian authorities confirming this attack killing 14 people and injuring more than 100. there has been no direct claim
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of responsibility by the ukrainian government. that area borders ukraine and has been hit before. all of this coming just after russia carried out multiple air attacks across ukraine killing at least 39 people. those attacks happe happen in te capitol and also here hitting a shopping mall they are causing several civilian casualties. the port of odesa was also targeted by russia. president zelenskyy says russia has hit around 120 cities and towns over 18 hours. making this the biggest wave of air attacks since the start of the war. ukraine of course has been asking for more western support to improve its air defenses. it's conducting attacks of its own on russian targets just a week ago and if you remember the ukraine forces struck this large naval ship docked in a crimean porch that was a major step bar
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for russia some believe russia may have been stockpiling for this massive air assault perhaps to try to shift to the status quote, the stalemate we are seeing on the ground. back to you. >> kitty logan thank you. >> the count that as on 22024 but here in new york city the ball drops in times square, final preps are underway to keep an estimated 1 million revelers at safety. we are life of the cross roads of the world. it is coming up next. are now for your whole body. plus, fast-working crepe corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. gold bond. champion your skin.
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career assistance, and life skill training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. >> you are looking at live earth cama pictures from times square in the heart of manhattan less than 34 hours now until the ball drops tomorrow night to usher in 2024 but of course there is extra heavy security on hand. nypd said there's no specific threats but there it will be thousands of officers on patrol for any potential disruptions. cb cotton live anywhere else, times square. cb coming to you. >> hyatt mildly like many of us are anticipating new things in the new year nypd has a similar tastasks to anticipate what coud happen during the celebrations here in times square. as in 2024 new years even ball get set to drop with hundreds of
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thousands expected together. nypd officials have said both mentioned repeatedly there are no credible threat to the iconic bash that rings in 2024. however, adams has stated he anticipates pro- palestinian demonstrators who have taken to the city streets the entire holiday season to try to disrupt the festivities but he repeatedly said this week supports the right to peacefully protest right however he said disruptions to public events and life will not be tolerated. >> we have witnessed -- there's a small number of people who have tried to embed themselves in the protest and bring about destruction. it's not going to be tolerated or accepted but this is a city where there is no room for hate. there is no room for breaking laws. you break the law, you're going to have to do with your city police department. >> strong words t there. you handle those disruptions
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again as he puts at the nypd turns to robots and surveillance drones to get an overhead view. to put resources into action quickly but in addition to those drones their canine uniform and ever undercover officers with the re- security checkpoints around the perimeter. molly, you may remember lester three nypd officers were attacked by a man with a machete. federal investigators say in that case the man was an isis sympathizer. his trial is set for march in the new year, back to you for. >> rate points they are about what our nypd officers are facing. cb cotton thank you light from times square. >> firm all on handling an event like this spring informant d.c. homicide detective ted williams. also a fox news contributor. ted, good to have you here this afternoon. you saw the report the massive police presence you've robots, you've got drones, this is not just times square this is a city wide event for this to something
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have to be looking out for not just when the ball drops all across the city. >> you are absolutely right. let me say happy new year to you. they are in new york and all over the country right now you have what is definitively called all hands on deck. meaning that every law enforcement officer that can put on a uniform are being used especially they are in new york. you have got the dogs, you have got robots, you've got drones you have bomb sniffing detection equipment. if got metal detectors you've got police officers undercover. you've got uniformed police officers. they are all preparing to make sure the citizens and the individuals visiting new york, that when this a ball drops and it is 2024 and everything happens in a safe manner their progress give them what we have
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seen how much has that changed preparation and the profile of what we are expecting this year? >> i think it has changed. it has given them a heightened sense of alert. every year they plan for perhaps terrorist acts when the ball is being dropped. and for many, many years now we have been successful that there have not been any terrorist acts. so, when you look at what is going on in israel, hamas and that wall and demonstrates who want to demonstrate. what is going to happen is they are going to allow them to demonstrate but they're not going to allow them to get very close to times square there in new york. and i can tell you they are prepared to make arrests of these demonstrators if he gets s out of hand immediately. >> will have seen for a lot of the demonstrations is to disrupt a transit that has been a huge
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part produced on the highway disrupting people trying to get to the airport a few days ago. how much can the new york police department do when police departments around the country do to make sure people can get to where they go? >> they are prepared for that they have already factored that in that these kind of demonstrators may try to paralyze law-abiding citizens from getting where they want to go. and as a result of that they are ready to be as proactive as they have to be. meaning law enforcement all over this country. and i want to emphasize that, all over this country. new york is the center spot for what is going to happen there tonight when the ball drops. this is happening for a law for lawenforcement is prepared r anything to state take place anywhere in the country. rich: you heard at mayor adams say he wants to have people be able to protest and exercise the
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rights. how do police officers themselves negotiate that? how did they make sure people are exercising their rights but not crossing the line to do something illegal? what's as long as the protesters stay in their lane away from the perimeters to the celebration here tonight. i think the they are going to bl right. but if they get out of hand law enforcement officers will move in immediately to make arrests. seven ted, if you are crowding into times square tomorrow night whether it's times square or any credit event what safety tips would you recommend. >> i would tell them not to bring any heavy bags with them. they dressed in a manner that they can immediately get into the perimeter and out of the
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perimeter. i would also ask them law enforcement are proactive in the sense of looking around being aware of their surroundings and also if they see something they believe is out of the ordinary there will be so, so many law enforcement officers to tell law enforcement officers if you see something you believe they should know. ask for mark homicide. >> be the eyes and ears and law enforcement. rich: good tip thank you for joining us it's always good to have you on it. happy new year to you. >> happy new year my friend. happy new year vaccination. >> sounds good, thank you. >> the presidential election is not the only big race to watch in 2024. also the house and senate races. we will decide the balance of power in washington, what to watch out for, next.
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♪ ♪ >> i believe not only has a spineless coward i believe is morally bankrupt too. there is no argument any sort of moral person that would veto this bill. the only of course as i mentioned this lack of morals and showing a lack of doing what's right and what is fair, and what is just, this does not accurately represent ohio or at nevertheless it does not represent the nation of america. cooks former ncaa swimmer rightly gains with a fierce rebuke of ohio governor mike dewine. this week he became the second republican governor to veto a bill that would band gender affirmation surgeries for minors. dwayne said he spoke with the parents of transgender kids and visited hospitals but he feels families, not the government should make healthcare decisions the bill would have band biological males from competing in women's sports leagues. >> members of congress are gearing up for a fight in the new year as a 2024 campaign
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cycle begins the paired republicans thoroughly hold a rm two-seat majority in the house. a poor showing in november could tip control back to democrats. senior congressional has a purview of the battle of the power of the house. >> house control is the undercard to the presidential election. that does not mean it won't be a street brawl. for than three dozen house members are resigning, retiring or seeking other office. two thirds of them are democrats republicans are defending 18 house seized was present by the one upon the seat held by nebraska don bacon mr. biden on the district by nine points in 2020 capturing one of nebraska's five electoral votes. >> generally our district is center right. they elect f like folks who areg to govern, work across the aisle. that treat people with decency proprogress republican house control in 2022 thanks to new york which favored the gop of
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the maps are angled toward the democrats. >> democrats once again do whatever they can to try to tilt the scale to give themselves an advantage in the election figures f pretzel target vulnerable republicans who voted to open an impeachment inquiry piglets i have defended a lot of typos over my career. i so legislation is right and responsibility is used to provide bigger e regrets it coue toxic and battleground district. what's the reality is doing so by verbal costs the republicans their majority per. >> aboard a crisis could catch democrats in undertone next fall. texas democrat represents the border district likely faces former or present mira floors in the fall but he contends his district does not witness a border surge. >> they are not walking around town pretty think it's much more of a burden for larger cities like they're being sent to like new york than places along the border if you can campaign achievements both sides will run on what they are against instead
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what they are for. in washington chad pergram fox news. >> those tough from chad right there. for more on the battle to control congress a spring in thf princeton university associate research scholar lauren wright too. thank you so much for h gi him s timeless new year's weekend. we really appreciate it. republicans have this razor thin majority be the red wave that so hope for the last election did not come around for his chatters reported their 18 republicans representing districts biden won wondering the 2020 presidential election. there were a lot of competitive races your thoughts on the map of the house and what it looks like the republicans or democrats? >> it is always competitive. chad is right close elections. most consensus seems to be there will take back the senate and the house why is that? >> the senate there are a few
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seats. montana, ohio, west virginia this one democratic incumbent leaving joe manchin's when one who can win there. conservatives outnumber liberals by more than two -- one on the house site of trump is the nominee that will also make it more difficult for the moderates to win. unlike in democrats who have been a really, really critical hope that president biden it seems republican house member struggled to be critical of former president trump in the same way. >> just on the issues, chad highlighted a few there potential impeachment inquiry. but abortion seems to have played a big role in the last election. we see that still happening as we head into another big election year. >> it is huge. and frankly think abortion is one of the only advantages democrats have come to the
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election season the other as trump would be the nominee he is a very divisive figure. if you look at a state like ohio and montana i just mentioned is very similar. people do not realize about thae 5% of voters there favorite some form of legalized abortion. there was is just a ballot meae in ohio that passed with 57% of the boat that's totally vote thy different than summer or west virginia the most conservative on abortion and the entire country. and so it is a mistake to treat all of these states as the same to paint them with a single brush. but abortion is a huge advantage for democrats. instead of spending the time since 2022 really being an lockstep on abortion and having a message republicans are all over the map. six weeks, 15 weeks, exceptions, no exceptions that that lay up for democrats this particular issue per. >> for one it will see a repeat is the issue concerned. you mentioned big states in the
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senate races montana, ohio, west virginia of course. which one do you think is the most likely pick up the republicans? is it west virginia? >> it is you are exactly right. joe manchin, he got beat up by progresses for so many years. they did not seem to realize this is the only democrat that you could really have an west virginia and he was a popular for a lot of that time. with the pivotal position in arizona but of course she's now an independent. rather than trash those of peopeoplethey should be thankfur them. a lot of them are getting out of the picture. molly: list dive into that its thought of as purple territory as you mention, sinema going from a democrat to an independent. it seems like things are pretty feisty out there but how do you think that will ultimately play out? we are in primary territory right now. and very conservative at carey lake trying to run her race and
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on the democratic side pretty interesting competition going on there as well. >> think about a senate or gubernatorial race very moderate candidates for either party are the best way to go. of course they have to appeal to an entire stage. not just the idiosyncratic districts were biden or trump leading very popular. some is interesting as ruben is running for senate seat now. he is a house member. democrats like this on an issue that is extremely salient. like immigration all republicans have a tremendous advantage they are seen is much more credible on the issue. they've been really critical of biden on crime, on border security. and so they realize this is a weak issue for us. we need to move toward the center. if statewide candidates can do that they will be successful. i think that applies to both parties. there is a host of issues right now will republicans do have an
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advantage immigration, crime, the economy, and what i would also say are anti- israel protests happening all over the country that is a main stream democratic position i never thought i would see. molly: great conversation great insights thank you for taking time with this happy new year regrets thanks molly, so much to talk about. rich: paula abdul drops a major lawsuit an in her former americn idol boss. details are next.
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your sleep number setting. and actively cools and warms up to 13 degrees on either side. the queen sleep number® c2 smart bed is now only $990. plus, no interest until january 2027. ends monday. only at sleep number. this bombshell lawsuit grammy winner paula abdul the former producer of american idol and "so you think you can dance," of sexual assaults. abdul claims nigel lythgoe attacked her more than once while she was a judge on those shows. annamarie has the latest on all of this. >> both paula abdul and nigel
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lythgoe worked together very closely during american idol. and if so you can think you can dance. recent court documents obtained by tmz says abdul kept quiet about the allegations for years over fears she would be fired in retaliation. now, and the lawsuit filed friday in l.a. county superior court, according to tmz abdul accuses nigel lythgoe of sexually assaulting her in an elevator while they were traveling for an american idol l audition for this suit alleges he shoved her against the wall touched her inappropriately and kissed her. the second assault allegedly happened at nigel lythgoe home in 2015 abdul was a judge on so you can think you can dance. he forced himself on top of abdul william they were on his couch and attempted to kiss her. abdul is suing nigel lythgoe, freight mental entertainment america for sexual assault, battery, sexual harassment for tmz says abdul is seeking damages for gender violence and
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negligence according to people's magazine abdul says she was a target of constant bullying and harassment and received unfair compensation and benefits compared to her mail judge on american idol. we did reach out to both parties involved have not responded just yet. reports say the suit was filed under california sexual abuse and cover-up accountability act. which didn't allow it to be filed outside the statute of limitations. >> cracks in it marie these are such familiar faces to those who love the show. rich: for the second time it's one of the bite of menstruation as bypass congress approved emergency weapon sales to israel. meanwhile president biden says u.s. airstrikes in iraq this week aimed to deter iran and its proxies from continuing u.s. forces in that you middle east. let's bring in mit security studies program jim walsh. thank you for joining us this afternoon. i want to start with the weapons
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sales about one or $50 million to israel. do you see that as significant when you're perhaps $14 billion in assistance to israel? >> at first it did catch my attention. because exceptions are really made. we have had them over the years but they don't happen very often. but then as i dug into it deeper it turned out to be more of a limited issue, more of a limited problem for the very reason you pointed out. it's o what a $50 million is a t of money to me congress does have as we point out i'm very large billion dollar level aid package it is sorting out now and its negotiations with the biden administration. including the immigration issue. i think congress is going to get it say here for they let this one go through let's face it they're fighting a war. there's not a ton of money.
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congress on the end of the day get their say with a much other larger bill that is in congress. >> some in congress largely republicans are critical when in theadministration and its retaliatory strikes against hezbollah at some of the around backed groups in the middle east pushing the middle east they want to do more, attack more, attack against who have been targeting shipping in the red sea. what you make of that? do you think the administration is playing this right by showing more restraint to prevent a wider war or do their opponents have it right sing the fact they have restrained drawing more attacks? >> is a very vigorous debate. this is eight debate for some years now. had this back and forth. by around affiliated militia going back and forth. their critics are certainly right to say the intensity is
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increasing. but the traditional sort of debate this not really apply for this reason. the war in israel and palestine and the war between israel and hamas plus the war in ukraine with her russia has scrambled e board internationally. a lot of things in my been true five years ago or 10 years ago or 15 years ago are really not true today. those words have reshaped the politics, reshaped that motivation and the intentions of all the countries in the region. the u.s. or i run or grows into a whited war not just israel and gaza and lebanon and i iran and in that i think everyone loses. israel loses and has to fight a multi- front war and it doesn't want to do that when it's done with its own problems are and
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gaza. the other countries they might think they want a war but then they would suffer very great consequences. everyone is throwing stones and talking tough these little attacks are increasing they do carry risk appeared behind the fact if you get carried away and you escalate too much to have a much much larger problem on your hands are quick several trigger points he mentioned the fronts in this you also mention on top of all this the united states is very focused on what is going on in ukraine right now. do you think the u.s. military which by the way is to carrier strike groups in the region as beefed up its presence there? it spread to thin. there's no sign of it yet but i'm sure if effect of military commanders they are a little concerned. it's not just the war in ukraine which is a huge party for the u.s. and rightly so. in the war in the middle east which could spin out of control. you still have to keep an eye on china, taiwan, the other places in the world.
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i think it is a stressor on the military. we have not reached a point where it is substantially challenge the u.s. that point would come if it turned into a big fat multiplayer war. rich: jim walsh thank you for the perspective and have a great new year. >> happy new year. rich: we will be right back. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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molly: powerful cyclone combining with the paranormal tides to create massive waves of embedded in the california coast. the party except some people to the hospital and the danger may not be over yet. christina coleman is live in the wwest coast spirit with more on this. >> hi, yes. emergency crews have conducted dozens of water rescues in these huge waves have been pummeled thing the shores. take a look at this video powerful waves crashed over a single wall in pacifica and northern california tossing folks around. today's forecast calls or 15 -- 25-foot waves and parts of california. at least eight people were hospitalized since thursday as a huge waves rolled in. fortunately they are expected to be okay but the danger did not p until the world's elite big wave surfers from descending on the coastal town in northern california for the mavericks
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competition barely spoke to a surfer this morning here in l.a. about writing the huge waves. take a listen. >> a lot of guys, myself included, i'm driving up or down the coast all day looking for the perfect way. some people flew in from different parts of the world for their guys coming in from other different cities. it is the definition of a surfer, constantly changing the stove. >> a lot of surfers here. and coastal flood warnings are in effect in this area until tonight. back to you. >> we can certainly hear the waves crashing behind you, christina coleman thank you we appreciate it. rich: feeling lucky as the year winds down? with no further than that last powerball of 2023. that jackpot with the next drawing is tonight spirit is the fourth time this calendar year the powerball jackpot has topped a half a billion dollars. so get those final tickets while you can.
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usually i wait for it to be more than a billion before i play. molly: it is a gamble, it is a gamble. rich: it really is. molly: bareback at 4:00 p.m. join us right now the journal editorial report coming up next. the all-in-one and done symptom relief of mucinex is delivered fast with doordash, so you don't have to leave the couch. oof! that was fast. mucinex. available on doordash. it's comeback season.
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will
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be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their
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final months that they're not alone. ♪ ♪ >>


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