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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  December 30, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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new jersey. i don't know where it is, it'll probably be near a costco or something. a starbucks. >> i'm heading to idaho falls march 1st, and it's a hard gig to get to because my gps keeps telling me to fire my agent. [laughter] j b, excited for 2024? >> i have no gigs, i'm just going to be a mom. >> mom it up. >> and kat timpf, you just going to be a kick-ass best-selling author? >> i have a bunch of sweet merch on my website. >> hot. love it. buy multiple copies of all of it, because none of that [bleep] is going to fit me. thank you to julie banderas, jim florentine, tyler fisher, kat timpf, and our studio audience! "fox news @ nigh fox reports this saturday, december 30, 2023. i am plan for jon scott, thanks for watching, happy new york. ♪
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♪ >> hello, i am julie along with joey jones, nicole saphier, and raymond, welcome to the "big weekend show". the big story tonight out of office, president biden on an island as his reelection looks dimmer by the day, biden enjoying rest and relaxation and as usual, ignoring reporters. >> dropping trump on the ballot. >> i'm there with you, i don't have new year's resolutions either. while he's busy with his vacation from reality, seven border crossings search juvenile records since december for over 286,000 migrants have already crossed. now a caravan of 6000 more quickly making it way north into the u.s. republicans calling for dereliction of duty as he seems to ignore this spiraling crisis,
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fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson following biden in st. croix, happy new year, lucas. >> happy new year, critics look at the southern border the situation is one reason the president poll numbers tank. one republican congresswoman arizona says it has democrats attention now, to. >> republicans are pushing for border security. you have democrat governors like the democrat governor in arizona katie hobbs saying biden administration is failing miserably and i hope we can reach a deal with biden where he changes border security policies but he has to implement them. >> you mentioned the migrant caravan heading north to mexico, 8000 people in there, groups leader spoke to the camera's.
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>> the president of the united states must help us as we are migrants in reality some of us only go to the u.s. four, five, six, seven years and returned to our country. for this reason, we demand joe biden help us. >> as you mentioned, there's been 286,000 migrant encounters of the southern border in december, the highest ever in a month in american history breaking previous record set three months ago. if that happened 770,000 encounters since october 1 making the first quarter of the new fiscal year also the highest in american history. that's more people in the population oon of seattle in the past three months. his former dhs acting secretary, chad wolf. >> whatever it is this a penetration put in place and encourages a set of deterring illegal behavior, most americans
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like immigrants. we like legal immigration, not illegal immigration is what we are seeing today. >> the justice department threatens to sue texas governor greg abbott revealed he signed into law last week giving his state the right to arrest and deport migrants since he's going to fight this to the u.s. supreme court, no doubt next year supreme court will be busy. >> yes they are indeed. lucas tomlinson, thank you. president biden breaking a sweat as he soaks up island sign because he has media doing his dirty work as it sells by economics to the american people. are you buying? auto about that. americans are getting. >> biden's formula. he cannot grope from bottom up is not only driving the surgeon the u.s. economy in large scale of the structure, it greater
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than the experts in economic stuff expected it to be. >> look at the numbers and by economics working stemming from the perspective of economic management dealing with this, president biden is not getting the praise he deserves. the best economic performance of any president since franklin roosevelt. >> i think joe biden has a better story to tell them obama did. [laughter] >> i want what they are having, it's not even new year's eve yet. a new old telling a different story, 66% of people said 2023 was a year to forget for our country, only order of americans thought was a good year. president biden's hometown in pennsylvania have had enough. >> this economy sucks. >> tougher for people how could he be seeing it through our eyes
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if it's gotten tougher for everybody? >> to the eyes of the people, i think they see through the eyes of washington it's gotten worse. >> registered democrats not happy. that someone who voted biden into office. it's a perfect example of buyer's remorse. >> consequences and we are living through it right now. to be fair, 2023 didn't see the recession this time last everyone was warning about whici guess but doesn't mean we should celebrate by economics, it doesn't matter how many times we continue to say by economics, it doesn't mean things are peachy keen. we still have the cost of things very high. they're not increasing the same rate but the cost of goods or 3% higher the master. people are not feeling the benefits. we are starting to see mortgage rates come down but the cost of living, utilities, mortgage,
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everything is unaffordable for the american people and when people go to the store, they don't have disposable income, the reality is under trump they had a lot more spendable income, it was better under trump. >> you are laughing but i think there was nervous laughter, i think you are close to crime. >> the media spin off is absurd. your house is flooding and somebody says it's okay, hydration will be spectacular for you, that's basically what they tell us when you dig into full, it's for the biden administration disaster 61% of democrat, 92% republicans and 85% independent say it's about economy for them and all you have to do is look at the underlying evidence, 61% of americans living paycheck to paycheck, 20 billion americans not paying utility bills, something is clearly wrong with
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this economy and crazy spending of joe biden is not helping. the debt is going through the roof, $33 trillion in debt, that's $100,000 for every man, woman and child in america. >> and the migrants, too, not just americans, but the migrants, too. >> the city's have to absorb and that's why the cities are. >> the top two issues are immigration and inflation and those are two things biden administration has failed horribly on. he's in denial about inflation and immigration. >> let me explain, regular americans talk to at home, my dad was detergent dollar .25 cents to hire three or four laborers and another amazing to pay for materials, like a block and make enough on the back and
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if it took a day or two they still make money. hispanics covid in 2000's, it was hispanics but the southern border, illegal migrants come in and pay for social security what they don't have to pay for insurance or taxes and bacon laid out for 50 cents a dollar, my god has retired at 56 years old and dies at 63 and probably alcoholism and a broken heart so this attacked my family had on my dad's career and took it from him, left him to his worst vulnerabilities, not anybody felt that his but it attacked my family. having grown up with kids, i call friends fellow americans so it is an issue hard to wrap your head around but it's an issue the attacks lower class and lower middle class. you look at inflation, how do poor people have a chance at getting ahead in life? they broke capital to invest in their ideas and hard work, you
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can't do that if the money cost more than you paid back. you number one means of gaining capital, your home if you paid some of it off so borrow money at six and a half, 7%, to take a risk on starting a business. there is so much you shall grocery store cost for energy is coming down but the situation in its entirety looks bleak for people trying to get a step up. >> the american dream will not exist of people cannot afford homes and home prices are unaffordable for the majority of americans not to mention interest rates. >> you have to have the ability to accrue savings but you look at these numbers, americans living paycheck to paycheck even those making $100,000 and more. this is not sustainable. >> in this economy, first time home owners are out, the kids reported and home prices have not returned to pre-pandemic levels and interest rates are crazy. interest rates are supposed to
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go down spring, early summer. >> super crazy to just really crazy. considering that we had under the trump administration. coming up, new york city use of security before the ball drop plus the democrats dream of minimum wage hikes is coming back to bite them. that's next. ♪
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♪ welcome back to the "big weekend show" on this new year's eve evil, ramping up security for the city new year's eve festival. festivities. expected 1 million visitors instructed to fill city streets in hopes of getting a glimpse of the times square folder. the "mayor eric elms in some cities ready. >> this is america's city and we are proud to host this major event preferring here thousands of people come and enjoy themselves and we only have one
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asked, spend as much money as possible. leave the money here in new york city we want everyone to have a great time and follow the rules. >> very honest. fox news correspondent cb cotton live in times square. >> it feels like the party already started. performers on the stage, crowds have started to gather and performers rehearsing for the big night tomorrow and the iconic ball at the center of these festivities got a test run this morning, organizers say the ball has 2500 triangles and can display 16 million colors together. this creates the iconic kaleidoscope look and feel be recognized. for the company, is a labor-intensive task, 3000 pounds truck into manhattan and hand thrown from rooftops.
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there will be security for hundreds of thousands expected to gather, or perimeter including checkpoints, people will have to go through. nypd deployed thousands of officers and using surveillance rows of robots and drones to survey from the street level and above. we are hearing pro- palestinian protest could disrupt the activities, those people in the groups going for permanent cease-fire from the israel amounts were. social justice groups several protest during holiday events in the city, protest could begin with a few hundred people and go to thousands but nypd points to the rockefeller tree lighting is an example how secure officers can make ligaments but from the looks of it, it's going to be fun of it and we are excited and i know you are, to. >> it looks like -- i'm excited because i will be in a hotel room. [laughter]
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got all the faith you will have a great time and bring a great story. >> police say the man accused of stabbing to team touristic grand central station, an inmate at rikers island. he was held without bail delinquent officers say he got up from his cotton, casually used a ceramic blade to swipe at the inmate lying file. crop say it was unprovoked. added to the list of his extensive criminal history including at least 17 arrests, to in the past few months. during the stabbing he apparently yelled he wanted to kill all and now he faces attempted murder and assault. doctor, if you had a patient who came in and for whatever reason exhibited psychological problems and cause them to kill people multiple times, maybe when they
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do get to jail, don't put them in a cell with somebody they could kill, too? >> so many questions, according to get the weapon? the system has failed this man and his innocent victims let's not forget he's stabbed to teenagers just sitting there in lunch with the family visiting but over and over there were reports and arrests on his behavior, people questioned madonnas and he was released his most recent arrest on a conditional program which is the new thing in new york, you're not in jail but released on conditions so maybe you get mental health treatment, who knows at the end of the day people are getting hurt and this light on crime policy didn't work in this case. >> that condition, the prosecutors asked for 30 days in jail. considering he pulled a gun on this diet executive board to kill him, that's right up to the line so 30 days in jail, that's
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all they could get in the judge said no, just released him if he stays out of trouble for a year, he'll be okay and we will get him therapy sessions while we are at. he didn't make it to therapy in time to not stopped to people. >> the red flag laws in this country to prohibit this from stopping this from happening and in new york we have them. his ex-girlfriend says he's mentally ill, it's up to himself and others in bipolar and refuses to take medication so should have been flagged from the beginning and for any judge to let him out, would still be in jail had he served 30 days, he wouldn't be on the streets and free to stab innocent teenagers weeks ago so it's a failure of our criminal justice system and a failure in new york city because they are constantly letting criminals onto the street and the rates here in new york city is skyrocketing famous
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chicago, los angeles and other democratic led cities allowing criminals to run the street so the criminals and illegal immigrants and would-be terrorists starting a party and the rest are moving out. >> the city council this last week banned solitary confinement in new york city. this is crazy. now you see the heavy price in innocent inmate in this case and the guards protecting them or put at risk, it's absurd. >> doctor, we look at this situation, a couple hundred yards from us, hundreds of thousands of people gathering together from all over the country worried about possibly a protest even of people protesting are trying to be violent, what is the intoxicated push back against the inner city where the cops did their job 17 times and 17 times prosecutor, fda or the judge did not ask
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them up. if you are nypd after the crowd from what you exercising to put men in danger to prevent something from happening? >> this is just big city crime, this is permeating into smaller towns, a town next door to my there was a home invasion, small-town in new jersey so people can't think we just live in a bubble, crime is up everywhere. i get nervous when i look at these crowds for many reasons, the rpd cannot do the job anymore because you have week da, refusing to put people in jail so nypd standing there watching protesters and criminals get away with criminal activity similar to what we see at the border. you have border patrol helping people through chain crisis because that's what they have to do under this administration. >> sanctuary cities are undeserving. mayor eric adams says your
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money, he doesn't mean get mugged. next, jampacked corridors, magazine covers, love her or lowther, taylor swift 12023. the "big weekend show" takes on her banner year. ♪ my name is john david carpten dr. kimberly stegmaier dr. edith perez i'm a medical oncologist and i focus on cancer prevention people are always asking me why why do i do this work? two words come to mind for me. one is responsibility, the other is purpose. there was a child that you know i took care of and adored and she said to me dr. kim, you know, will you remember me forever? sorry, it's been a hard year.
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every day i think of the faces of patients when i see their smiles, when i tell them that new treatments are helping their lives. it's just so inspiring to do research that impacts human lives. stand up to cancer has been a critical partner in advancing research for cancer. cancer research saves lives. so please help us fight in this battle against cancer.
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♪ are right, welcome back to the "big weekend show". dangerously high waves and rough watters wreaking havoc up and down california's coastline for the third day in a row.
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>> holy [bleep]. oh my god. what the [bleep] >> glad we have the lever on that one. spectators and others% fleeing to safety. fox news correspondent christina coleman has more as resident prep. >> emergency crews conducted thousands of water rescues as waves crash against shorelines. look at this video, waves crashed over a seawall in northern california passing folks around, hard for the money to get back on their feet and look at this, a giant wave slammed a beach area in ventura county west of los angeles birthday sending people running for safety. forecast calls for 15 to 25-foot waves in california. a people were hospitalized as a powerful waves, they are expected to be okay. the study you chose nick givens with the harbor patrol getting a
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man to safety after a surfboard broke and you can see a piece of the board flooding. the danger of not stopping the world's elite surfers from as far as france the portable to the coastal town in northern california for the mavericks competition. here in los angeles we caught surfers just as excited to cast the huge waves. >> normally we are flying to other places to serve when the waves are big, everyone comes here, it's cool. >> a lot of guys, myself included, i'm driving up and down the coast all day looking for the perfect weight and some flew in from different parts of the world coming in from other different cities so the definition of a surfer constantly chasing. >> hi survey coastal flood warnings in effect until later this evening. >> the waves are big. if you don't like her, you are
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going to have to shake it off. taylor swift 2023, time magazine and practically every teen girl on the planet is think so. football fans despised the cutaways of her watching her go, travis kelsey achieves games the climate crazies which she would pump the brakes on her private jet. she plant 2200 trees to offset her co2 damage flying back and forth. the price of the concert ticke tickets. we all agree she is an icon from a billion-dollar tour and we talked records, thousands registered to vote with one instagram post plus she makes a pretty mean cinnamon roll. all about tied into one. >> i know you all are probably down on taylor swift, i have
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young girls so i did see the movie, the tour because i was not going to pay 3000 for the tickets, guess what, you get to see it on the big screen, i'm not paying 3000 for the two of you but it was too long. she is an innovator, a positive role model, not a girl in hollywood and are slightly if you will, i like her, i think she's sweet and talented, who cares if she is with kelsey, who cares? i don't know why anyone cares, good for her, she seems to be in love. joey is taking notes. [laughter] >> what did you just right? >> these are my notes for the segment. [laughter] >> i want to say one thing i mentioned on the intro, national voter registration day, she did one instagram post, 35000 newly registered voters, she's got more people registered to vote in any politicians this year.
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>> stacey abrams. [laughter] vincent inside joke, lost both of the senate seat but anyway. i knew fighting my second war in afghanistan as they carried me off the battlefield with my leg severed, it was going to be okay because of taylor swift. i'm getting. [laughter] she is important, she gets people to vote, people want to use the money spent on her chores like it's good for the economy, i don't think they understand the concert card that she is responsible for because the teams and tweets -- >> do not blame irresponsible spending, both on the spender. >> if you talk about negative, positive, i'm sure she is a big part of this credit card debt for students who thought there loans will be forgiven rocked up so do we know she is not positive? we are.
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>> she clearly is and i am not a swiftly but i've been in town, to atlanta, the town transforms, she is a force of economic prosperity in those times. we pray for those and these are private citizens. i am a fan of classic american music so julie garland over taylor swift any day but putting aside, she's an icon, a huge following, i am concerned about the fact that she could mobilize 35000 people to vote suddenly, they will no doubt deploy her in this next election, we saw her move against marsha blackburn, let's not forget. she tried to have an influencer in the didn't work out and blackburn one but look at what she's done to the nfl, she's driven new eyeballs are in
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viewers to the game however, what other public event do we put a spotlight on the spectator and spend time watching the reaction rather than the arena? you don't do it at broadway or the movies, we shouldn't do it on the nfl either and kansas city chiefs are having a rough season and i don't think it's a mistake, you can't just shake that one off. >> is not just little girls were swifties, members of congress continue to quote taylor swift over and over again. >> as an old to taylor swift, we know all too well. >> once again, she's sure kat among the bleachers. >> take a look in the mirror and say i am the problem, it's me. >> that's amazing. [laughter] >> i love her, i really do. >> she is clearly a force to be reckoned with.
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>> i was a fan of her at 14 years old, she's gone back for herself. >> my daughter aspires to be taylor swift. >> i aspire to be as tall as taylor swift one day. we have to leave it there thou though. >> i just wish he would have lived a little longer. >> moving on, we are moving on. we'll control, ai taking over everything including your fast food drive-through order coming up. ♪
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♪ wish welcome back to the the
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"big weekend show" in california, the democrat dream of 20-dollar wage is about to become a new year's nightmare. more than 1000 delivery drivers in the golden state are being laid off. reaction to the minimum wage hike. california is the petri dish of whatcom, 22 states set to increase minimum wage in the new year. this minimum wage hike in california was mostly from pressure from labor unions in my question, have they priced workers out of a job given what we see happening in the golden state? >> congratulations governor newsom making a bad plan and listening to unions and letting unions make decisions for the people because now the thousands without a job, $20 an hour was great, also but if you can't afford it especially with deficit, inflation, companies and small businesses are hurting, pizza hut is laying people off, if pizza hut is
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laying people off, you know what's going to happen, imagine to the small business owners who will have to pay $20, they can't afford to pay health insurance. people will lose health insurance over this. >> once you get $20 minimum wage to one sector, you have to give to everybody. that's going to be the domino effect. more than half a million fast food workers are affected by this particular minimum wage hike. mcdonald's and aaa promising to raise prices passing it on to consumers. my question, doesn't this the working class and middle class and poor people you are talking about the start of the show? doesn't hit them, a law designed to help them? >> if that happens it will, i'm not going to begrudge people working hard in trying to be the best at whatever it is they do to earn more and have the opportunity, cost the american dream, most people in these jobs
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are not in a ladder climbing part of their lives, the teenagers and young people at home with their parents and the job is more about teaching responsibly than how they fund their lives, is not for everybody but for a lot of folks it is much like the jobs are lower paying jobs, i can't tell you always $20 is mandated minimum wage will affect the state of california for a company like mcdonald's but the food cost more and we are talking about it today, and all of nepal's normal more, what happens when a big. >> or cheeseburger cost twice? that is how some people can't afford to eat. eating mexican food talks about because we couldn't afford it anywhere else and i go to taco bell and get more food for $5. >> at mcdonald's and aaa, your pricing out the core of your customer base asked the problem with this government. has wage hikes in danger fast
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food jobs, now ai is said to replace them and southern california, a new restaurant kelly expressed set to become the first fully autonomous restaurant. they have robot checks, delivery systems, robotics, the company is possible for this, they are envisioning robotic delivery systems the nature of all fast food chains, you think they will be? >> for decades now and since 2000, we have seen close to 2 million jobs replaced through animation and moving into other sectors as well, we will continue to lose jobs, they say we will create jobs and automated systems but i think it will hurt people the most low and middle class and they won't be able to afford the food and things to buy but they will have a job.
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>> is hardly, i didn't realize del taco, hardee's, carl's jr. already relying on ai in the drive up operations at the company admit seven out of ten orders used human intervention from philippines to fill the gap because i guess robot can understand people ordering. >> it happened to me. [laughter] >> have you noticed at drive-through or anywhere you go, customer service it out the door, they are on their phone get what you want, can i help you? i would prefer a robot at this time. >> a robot to deliver me somewhere else. stick around, big weekend lobster next and a special surprise, stay there. ♪
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- [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. - [speaker] but wounded warrior project helps you realize it's possible to get out there - [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. - [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. - [narrator] through generous community support, we've connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and mental health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and life skill training for 20 years, and we are just getting started.
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♪ welcome back to the big can show. it's the big weekend flops. our pics for the biggest veils of this week, we will let raymond go first. >> my thought is the case of gubernatorial cultural misappropriations.
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cities across the state of colorado quickly overlook strain of illegal immigrants swapping shelters as a result, denver city resources are drying up so what is the response from colorado governor jared policy? he posted this bizarre gringo infused version of my pal, christmas classic on social media. asked the kids to leave the room for this one. ♪ >> paley's navidad. ♪ bailey's navidad. ♪ >> sometimes it best to post someone else stringing. if you are incapable of pronouncing for spanish lyrics, this candor and raised the england community who feel safe not doing enough to respond to
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the migrant crisis and is become a comic meme kino's, the biggest flop calo forgot lyrics new year's eve but continued singing without moving lives. focus on housing and migrant crisis and leave the scene to the professionals. >> gypsy rose blanchard despite spending years behind bars, a huge story, 32-year-old woman inspired with her boyfriend to kill abusive mother in 2015, she's now a free woman. don't expect to slip, taylor swift meet up while she's held onto the long shot hope of meeting taylor swift, good luck in kansas city and staking out the chiefs game, the state is asking the ex-con to be the siding security concerns and surrounding gypsy. i will say i think this girl was wrongfully imprisoned portrait by her mother, horrible. she pled guilty, her boyfriend
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spending behind bars but this is the toughest case of abuse and deserves to live out the rest of her life happily. >> maybe taylor swift will. >> she might be a little concerned. >> will get her reaction. [laughter] >> former msnbc host chris matthews claims voters mindset needs to be handled similarly to fighting terrorism. >> people who didn't go to college have a pretty good range on the hands, what you really want is a rage and in this case they are so angry at the liberal astonishment, coastal elite fighting terrorism. >> is probably one of the most liberal elite things you could do if you didn't go to college, you live in rural america, didn't vote for biden, a terrorist math the deer think i am a terrorist, outside that, i leave it alone. all right, straight out of home
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loan, looking for donald trump to get directions so spirit airlines firing the agent that put a so low line 6-year-old passenger on the wrong flight traveling for philly, i think traveling to fort myers or somewhere like that, ended up landing in orlando and he called his grandma to pick him up and he was three hours away in fort myers, florida so here's what happened. maybe i read it wrong, i think he landed in orlando. >> you supposed to go -- a three hour drive. >> here's my conspiracy theory, the kid did on purpose, what's in orlando? disney world, universal studios, a lot of cool places, legoland. what's in fort myers? if i'm the kid from a that's what kevin mcallister could have done.
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>> had at the agent allow the minor to get on the wrong flight? >> probably on the phone not paying attention. >> what parent puts their 6-year-old on a plane alone? i don't care if there was an agent with them, i would never put even my 13-year-old on a plane alone. >> i will not disparage any airline, i might need to get on 11 day but i feel like if it were delta it wouldn't happen. we will leave that exodus. if you didn't get your fill of flops, don't go anywhere. bells of the entire 2023 calendar year, a record hit. ♪ -dad, what's with your toenail? -oh, that...? i'm not sure... -it's a nail fungus infection. -...that's gross! -it's nothing, really... -it's contagious. you can even spread it to other people. -mom, come here! -don't worry about it. it'll go away on its own! -no, it won't go away on its own. it's an infection. you need a prescription. nail fungus is a contagious infection.
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at the first signs, show it to your doctor... ... and ask if jublia is right for you. jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. its most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness... ... itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters and pain. jublia is recognized by the apma. most commercially insured patients may pay as little as $0 copay. go to now to get started.
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♪ welcome back to the big weekend show. time for bonus weekend flops. the surprised. i know why our picks for the biggest fails for the whole year i will go first. the murder mystery after the longer trail the patriarch of the family, alex milani was found guilty of murder and his wife maggie and son apollo. theatrics behind the scenes, his lies and despicable nature. it is a good thing he will be behind bars for the rest of his life. i've an honorable mention i am sorry you cannot and they show without talking about diarrhea. the delta flight, i know you agree. delta from atlanta to spain somebody decided to take a pit
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stop but not in the toilet or the head. but all over the aisle she could not hold it in or he. we never quite found out who had the loose stools. anyway i love the story as we all do i still smell it. [laughter] likes lovely story. fantastic. listen i am going to flip this a flop. despite of the spiral moment of the year, let's take a look. >> i am telling you right now that mother f is not real. >> she has been dubbed crazy she left the country guessing what exactly she saw on the flight. we eventually learned the woman, her name is tiffany i believe it was gomez a freaked out over disagreement with a fellow passenger manny still had questions. here's the flip on the flop. first of all everybody wanted to know who she was knocked whoever it wasn't real know it was curious about what she actually so they would know who she was because some people found her
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more attractive than your random freak out person. what i love about it when she finally came forward and talked about mental health and someone who works the veteran's mental health space i appreciate the fact she did that part she made it about that and i appreciate her for that. >> is eager to a lot of pr stuff right now. >> to each their own her very first video she talks about mental health. >> i present that as well. this is summer, this is the one from a new york city soft on crime d.a. alvin bragg charged marine veteran daniel penny with manslaughter after he intervened to restraint and erratic homeless man i was threatening subway writers. penny placed jordan into a chokehold with t which i devaste ended up killing him. now he is facing manslaughter charges. yet the nypd of alvin bragg, you have other people not able to protect people but then you have this hero come out and try to protect people look what happens. what's a make up my annual flop of the year this is a big one. it is commander joe biden the
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president deadly pet who went on something of a feeding spree this fall sampled every secret service agent he could get his fangs to sending one to the hospital secret service agent described the white house as commander a hostile and dangerous work environment. he was caught on camera by the daily mail taking a bite out of a long time white house guard. that sent them over the edge the bidens finally sent their dog to undisclosed location. they say dogs reflect the temperament of their owners i think we need to ask the question, what were the bidens doing to this dog to make him act this way? maybe people should consider that as they decide whether or not to send the bidens to an undisclosed location, just a thought as 2023 ends per. >> what a happy way to end the show. i thought diarrhea was much higher. [laughter] happy new year that does it for us. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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