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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  December 31, 2023 3:00am-4:01am PST

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welcome back, america. as you begin a new year, i hope we make a resolution to do something that will better our families, communities and country. preserve ideals upon which our incredible nation was founded. from my family to yours, we wish you a very happy new year end i will see you next time on life, liberty and levin. ♪
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♪ [playing national anthem] [playing national anthem] [playing national anthem]
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[playing national anthem] ♪ >> if you are in new zealand, happy new year to you. as you are waking up somewhere
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around the globe throughout this program, someone is partying their face-off because it is 2024 already. you are looking at the future right there. rachel: we are going to party with everyone celebrated the new year around the globe every hour. >> nonstop party all day. >> it's two and a half men it past the new year, we are celebrating, we have noisemakers and hats. >> all where the guns had. >> the great late jimmy buffett said it's 5:00 o'clock somewhere. right now it is new year's somewhere. pete: here we are straight to new year's all day long. rachel: can i bring this back into the kids. i love it. pete: get more for her we need lots more. joey: that's what i'm talking
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about. pete: the street already blocked here in new york. rachel: it was hard to get to new york. rachel: i almost preemptively gave my resolution, i didn't get the memo that we were supposed to talk about resolutions until today but we ask reviewers for resolutions and i want to start with those, this one is from donna my 2024 new year's resolution is to eat dinner with my family twice per week at the table, no phones or tv, that is an awesome resolution. joey: that is practicable and doable. pete: you can get stuck eating at the counter no were doing dinner over here, and then we might talk to each other. rachel: all the sports going on with kids, they're just doing takeout, you have to be intentional and that's a good one that will help your family. pete: here is one from cassie my resolution is to read the whole
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bible. rachel: do we have the nicest viewers, what is going on. pete: i think some of them got filtered out and we kept the good ones. i love that one. joey: 2015 i resolved to lose 116 pounds, it took two years i have kept the weight off for seven years and by 2023 resolution is to go to weight loss coaching business and publish a story i have written, i love it, congratulations it's not about how you look at the ball how you feel if you have kids and family it's about being around for them it is not easy at all and i applaud you for, share the gospel love of how you were able to do it. rachel: that is heavily i would take advice from, 116 pounds, doing it the right way over several years. pete: is not just how you feel, it is how you look to. joey: it is how you look, ask the marine corps they put me in great shape on a weight loss program because they don't make
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tape. pete: how big is your neck, that's all they measure you in the military. rachel: viewers might have more resolutions that they want to share with us, e-mail us at pete: i never understood why our e-mail changed to but the friends account never changed and still can someone from it explained that to me. rachel: i'm not following. your e-mail ends but the friends e-mail >> they want to filter it out this is just a viewer mail. joey: my e-mail is gmail so i don't know what you're talking about. pete: would you like to give it? joey: no. pete: is going to be a fun four hours and we have some news to get to.
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2024 promising to be a busy year for former president trump as he fights to keep his name on the ballot. rachel: just to run, it's unbelievable nevermind trying to win. meanwhile maine secretary of state becoming the latest victim of a swatting call one day moving to take trump off the state ballot. joey: alexandria hoff is live at the capital she's going to explain this. >> this is the primary election where the courts are playing a colossal role, jack smith filed an argument with the u.s. district court in d.c. disputing the former president trump is immune from charges related to election interference. he wrote this, immunity from criminal prosecution will be particularly dangerous where as here the former president has alleged to engaged in criminal conduct overturning results of election. last week the u.s. supreme court declined to fast-track trump's claim of immunity in the appeals court where it is now was
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considered to be a win for the trump legal team as it can push the case beyond the 2024 election but a delay seems to be a no-win in the case of colorado's ruling that disqualifies trump from the gop primary ballot the high court has been asked to move quickly on that to clarify if trump's name should be printed. >> no matter what the court does whether declines to take the case or decides to take the case i urge them to do it quickly. i certify the names of who is on the ballot next friday for the presidential primary. >> last week maine became the second state to roll that the former president is not eligible to run based on the civil war era provision of the constitution. the decision was made unilaterally by maine secretary of state shenna bellows who says she is a victim of swatting because of it that's when police are inappropriately called to your home most likely a report of a shooting in one did happen
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but it causes chaos. earlier statements made by bellows is surfacing where she expressed interesting views on the electoral process as a whole and wrote this in an op-ed in 2021. it should not be easier to vote in maine than montana, voting rights of our neighbors matter as much of our own especially in a relic of white supremacy that is the electoral college remains in place, with her ruling the electoral college has been launched in the chaos and were waiting for the supreme court to weigh in, right now republicans in the house and senate are working on bills to penalize states that seek to bar trump from the 2024 ballot there are 13 with lawsuits to do just that. rachel: thank you. pete: happy new year. joey: you know when you call the electoral college and a relic of white supremacy i think you're an activist you're not a public service. rachel: you are crazy.
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pete: i also think you don't like the country you would just say all americans are a relic of white supremacy. rachel: she got swatted on get a take a bet that the fbi finds his water but not the eight that spotted marjorie taylor greene. pete: or jonathan turley. >> much more likely they find out who that is. to the point i would place on actuality and politically, someone just wait and pretty interesting former obama advisor david axelrod says if this actually happened and they prevented trump from running which i don't think will happen but they're trying pretty hard it would rip the country apart, watch. >> it's only been a day since he started getting indicted and what we thought might be kryptonite as to not to be battery packs and this is a big one for him presumably the supreme court will deal with it fairly quickly and i expect they will leave him on the ballot.
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i think it would rip the country apart if he were actually prevented from running because tens of millions of people want to vote for him. forget a beat donald trump you're probably going to have to do it at the polls. pete: that's true. rachel: i was trying to find the quote inside what he said, the plan is not working you have to beat about the polls which to me shows this was a planned or trying to play it both ways, david axelrod is a mouthpiece for barack obama. this get trump off the ballot basically launched nuclear law for against him. that is entirely a constructive plan by theparty of which obama and axelrod are leaders. he is kind of talking about how it's a bummer it's not working. pete: is a good point this is a nice fallback, it didn't work so i guess were connected beat about the ballot box, they don't
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care if they rip the country apart if they cared about ripping the country apart they would not of launched, which obama did russian gait and everything else they did. pete: the already ripped apart the ballot box there what happened under covid and all the ways in which they change of how we go. you're counting on that to. joey: georgia responded to that passing a law to make the election as fair in rural areas as it is the metropolitan areas and that ended up being jim crow 2.0 despite the fact of record number of people registered and voted in the election since then that was jim crow 2.0 make it true the georgia elections were fair and equal and accessible does this plan work and may not working keeping them off the ballot but is absolutely working and spreading resources then when you gop parties in colorado just to get trump on the ballot
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the docketing voters registered no bond forming or doing what they need to do to get people to the polls to vote. maybe it's working in ways more and if areas then we see. >> on election night while ford and georgia that will get returns. joey: hopefully no water pipes bust at 3:00 a.m. pete: it'll happen. let's move to california where there's always chaos in the new law in 2024. signing the law by gavin newsom. which basically nullifies the second amendment. there was a ruling of the supreme court this year on new york's kerry to conceal which is led to a lot of people have a lability in new york to get a carry concealed permit and never had the opportunity before. california does not care and they passed a law that makes it illegal to carry anywhere even if you own a restaurant or members of the public to come into the restaurant you cannot carry. an appeals court upheld this law and we will see if it ends up going to the supreme court but
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here's what governor newsom said as he appeals court upheld his terrible law. this will allow our common sense gun laws to remain in place what we appealed the district court dangerous ruling, california overwhelmingly support efforts to ensure that places like hospitals, libraries and children's playgrounds remain safe and free from guns. it's in the middle of the court to be contested all over the place but they're hoping to get a hold of it. joey: how many children's playgrounds have someone a law-abiding citizen going through the hoops that it takes in california to legally carry a weapon how many times has somebody law-abiding legally carried a weapon past every background vetting possible have they usually gone unlawfully at a hospital, library or school playground. i would venture to say the answer is pretty close to 0. the reason why i pointed out these laws are not about making things safer there not about preventing bad actors, this law is not about access to guns for
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criminals it is about red meat for a certain group of people, it's about putting something on the table that has little effect on the safety of society in order to pay and to a group of people that don't know anything about guns or how guns do or don't help society but need something to beat up on. they need something to draw a line in the sand and say how dare you stop over it, that's what the moves are about we should see the gavin newsom does not care about the safety of his people and you go to san francisco you could see that but he does care about finding something to throw red meat on the table and disenfranchise the second amendment while he's doing it. rachel: the craziness in california does not end there. now the l.a. public health department is saying party responsible this new year's by carrying, don't ask me to pronounce things. rachel: naloxone and using fentanyl test strips. don't carry a gun.
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take drugs just test them first. is that what that means, okay cool. this might be the best week of 2023. rachel: it is good, this is bill melugin. l.a. public health had the strictest covid mandates in the country, shut off comments on the social media and they use taxpayer money to pay millions in no-bid contracts to pr firms for their messaging which was amongst the worst in the country it is still led by barbara for her and unelected nonmedical doctor that has a phd in social welfare and decides the mandates for accounting of 10 million people which once included forcing restaurants to trigger tvs after the pandemic and being the first county in the country to be an outdoor dining without a shred of medical evidence to support such a move, the woman putting out the party safely with no locks alone and fentanyl strips is the same lady who
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doesn't have a medical degree but has a lot of crazy mandates for the poor californians out there. pete: this is because there's an uptick of covid cases in hospitals in california, ramp it up, happy new year. my wife and i went to the circus yesterday, did you know there is a circus. the rockets are the circuit everything around here is a circuit. she picked the circus so we went to lincoln center near columbus circle and there is a tent and you go when it's an old school 50 circus except there's no animals so it's a bunch of human tricks. but i'm telling you 30% of the people were masked up and i'm like what are we doing here. joey: does the bearded lady identify as a man or lady. pete: the whole thing is a freak show.
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rachel: the circus is run outside of this building. joey: we're going to wrap that up entered your headlines starting with the fox news al alert, u.s. central command confirming the helicopters from the uss eisenhower destroyed three who think gunboats in the red sea earlier this morning after responding to a distress call from a cargo ship this comes hours after the uss bravely shot down to ballistic missiles while responding to a houthis attack the day before. there has been 24 attacks by iranian backed groups on ships in the red sea in the last six weeks. now to the "fox weather" alert, while few days on southern california beaches with massive waves caused by coastal flooding. authorities warning of possible evacuations and storm systems in the pacific ocean bring rough waters. more on this download the "fox weather" app or stream "fox weather" on any connected tv
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device. here we go, working to go to college football, america's football, oldness of the southeastern conference taken penn state and the people in atlanta, the rebels quarterback jackson going for over 400 total yards and four touchdowns to lift his team to 38 - 45 victory as oldness secures his first 11 win season in school history, down to south beach where the orange bowl had the top two teams left out of the playoffs against the playoffs, the georgia bulldogs and they take on the florida state i'm getting set out seminoles in a dominated fashion. here comes the guy from my hometown, that was a botched flea flicker he just decided he was going to run it in, here's
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another touchdown, 63 points and are not trained to robin. pete: not of this is in the teleprompter. joey: this is me letting you know what happened. it says something how it got so bad with uga players responded on instagram live during the game. it got so bad that a third string quarterback scored three touchdowns three times in a row and let me tell you that man right there king of college football kirby smart had to national champion ships in a row and polished this year off with 13 and one, anyway the best, the absolute best, they were beat by the crimson tide who may or may not have beat michigan in just a few hours. pete: 63 - 3 not good. that is basketball scoring a soccer score on a football field. spivak she blacked out when you are doing not. rachel: i started thinking about
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taking out the meat for tonight. pete: she was think about di dinner. joey: all you need to know is go dogs. pete: they can go very far they didn't make the playoffs. as a new illegal caravan has for our southern border critics are issuing dire warnings about the repercussions, that's a big word to say at 6:00 a.m. the year pressing an unchecked illegal immigration including a major jump in sexual assault committed by refugees. will talk to journalist to cover the crisis extensively next. rachel: cleaning your luggage with an airtag, one for the family tracks their stolen luggage with the help of apple and that family will join us ahead. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪
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new emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? [sfx: video game] emergen-c crystals.
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>> as thousands illegal track towards our southern border, many are pointing to europe is awarding a potential repercussions of unchecked illegal immigration. in italy more than 155,000 migrants reportedly landed this year up 50% from the year before according to italian news outlets most of that is spicy. in germany a brand-new report
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indicates 7000 women have been sexually assaulted by illegal migrants since 2015 when the country became in epicenter for europe's refugee crisis, here to react is documentary filmmaker ami horowitz. you have covered this illegal migrant issue in europe extensively, how bad is it and what preview could be for america where we are taking an even more? >> it is bad and it is getting worse and it's across europe. italy is a newer phenomenon, i think germany, france, sweden have been dealing with issues for a very, very long time and it had massive social ramifications. i know a lot of europeans want to ignore that and they've ignored it for years and by the way ignoring it has led to tumbled in those countries. if you look at germany for
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example the illegal immigrants at germany makeup, 2.5% of the population that excludes ukrainians that is carving the ukrainians out. 2.45% is a large number itself but if you look at the ratio in terms of the amount of violent crime committed by the illegal immigrants they make up about 10% of violent crime so huge outperforming of the population. it is been terrible. in terms of the ramifications of the lessons we can learn we are seen as similar massive migration from our southern border and i think it's a preview of things to come. not only that i think the left, democrats in particular should take no more than anybody else, what you have seen this illegal immigration in europe driving a move to the right. you see in italy, norway and the
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netherlands, you've seen a massive political shift happening to the right primarily driven by the immigration cr crisis. we know the immigration crisis is one of the top issues with inflation in the economy here in the u.s. i would take note and i would be very, very worried. pete: you take the stats for the 7000 sexual assaults in germany, there is multiple parts to that, a lot of that these folks are coming from countries with very different social norms you might say and they're not assimilating to those countries but also the press and the european countries i follow this very closely, they will often not acknowledge that the perpetrator in an assault is it illegal they will work very hard not to talk about that. so they don't even want to acknowledge that this happens. >> the media malpractice on this
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issue is epic and has been for many, many years i learned a lesson firsthand what i had a video and sweden that made the international news across the country. i was interviewed by cnn, nbc and everybody in the country and did an interview with intercourse all they would do was try to push back they were trying to form themselves into logistical pretzels to push back on the notion in the reality that there is a social dislocation and a large amount of crimes that come from the people particularly when they're coming from the nation of the arab nations primarily because let's be honest women don't have a high status in their culture and they bring the culture frankly over to europe. not to say that all or most of these people are committing crimes, that's not the case but there is no question that they do at a much higher proportion than on the locals in the
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countries. pete: if you don't protect your borders in your culture, did you get other cultures with very different views and in your own citizens suffer as a result. thank you for your time, we appreciate it. happy new year. we are counting down to 2024 and many of you keeping a better count of your pennies is your top resolution. ramsey solution has some top tips just ahead. a live look at capitol hill were senate democrats will be in the fight of their lives as republicans try to take back the majority next fall. david webb breaks down the toughest battles on the trail, that is next. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need—
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instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do.
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joey: we have a live look at the nation's capital. it's beautiful it stands for freedom as democrats gear up for a major battle in the new year,
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not only to hang onto the white house but keys senate seats, this morning were breaking down the state of the race and five contest that will likely determine the balance of power in the upper chamber, fox news contributor david webb joins us now. good morning. i have five names and five states i want you to break them down and let me know where we are if the republicans when the democrats lying on or perhaps an independent. first joe manchin this is the biggest worry the fact that he is retiring from the senate but may be looking at poking a presidential run what you see happening to west virginia you've a democrat candidate, zach shrewsbury but your republican candidate jim justice, alexander mooney, christopher rose and zane lawhorn a pretty contested fi field. >> is a pretty contested field for the republicans of the primary and they need to get their act together there.
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jim justice is an example of what happened in west virginia, you know west virginia voters going to the republicans they have a strong field but my caveat to the republicans, always get in the room and get your act together. you need to combine and win. >> whatever happened with joe manchin he was a parochial senator so there's a lot of things it was virginians reward as they got more red. look over to montana we have to remember there is a montana beyond the places that you see on tv so jon tester is the incumbent as a democrat but he's going to have to challenge tim sheehy, jeremy mcglynn and thomas madigan, is there a chance for republican to bring it forward in and see in a cabinet in montana? >> i think that is what the likely goes republican seats. that is because of the voters. you have a smaller base to draw
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from, republicans have been building a game legislatively, they have gained the trust of the voters and at times tester fames beta republican being effective for but i don't think it works this time, i think that one goes republican. joey: we talked about to democrats editors and solidly red states. let's talk about states that have gone right and could go read this year were talking about the democratic in ohio and jd vance flip on his support for donald trump and win a senate seat, what you see happening in this race in several republicans look to unseat. >> i would love to see republicans look strongly look at the fact that they control super majorities in both houses in the state legislature, they have a weak governor and look what happened with the transgender bill. republicans in ohio seem to want to find a way to lose and unfortunately i don't think this is a likely republican. i think this is a tossup in the
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states that we are talking about. joey: the next day very similar to ohio it could go read and decide the prince under presidential election pennsylvania blue-collar workers there and you democrat candidates, bob casey who is an incumbent. we have some republicans there looking to challenge as well, what you see happening there. >> what it comes to pennsylvania, the numbers matter. the republicans are down 446,000 and get around at the numbers and registered voters versus democrats. there are over 950,000 other affiliations and other small parties republicans do not have a voter advantage in pennsylvania and while the switches are trending towards them how do you overcome 446,000 plus versus the democrats.
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i think that'll stay a democrat, bob casey knows how to write in pennsylvania and i'm a fan of the primary system is you are i want there people to make their votes known but republicans need to be big boys and girls and get in the room when it's time to put the candidates together and say you run your race but right now we need to win the race. joey: absolutely, kyrsten sinema in arizona and that's worthy of a second member of its own, you can leave us on a cliffhanger to see what your prediction is. thank you, we will see you soon. kevin up nearly six in ten americans worry about the financial well-being daily. in nearly half lose sleep over it. ramsey solutions expert joins us with his new year's tips to make sure you are not one of them. speaking of new year the countdown is on, rich reichmuth is live in times square where people are lining up for the big night. what is going on?
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>> of the best seat in the house and the coldest, 26 stories above times square all morning long this is the famous one that drops at midnight, we will be here all morning long don't go anywhere, "fox & friends" we'll be right back. ♪ rchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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rachel: a live look at times square were a million people are
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expected just around the corner of the drop of the ball at midnight. chief meteorologist rich reichmuth is liar live with the "fox weather" forecast. get excited. >> can you believe a million people going to times square packing in pretty sound like the worst experience of new year's eve ever. don't you think. rachel: yes i totally agree. >> you're not grumpy and old. >> good. >> i am grumpy and old but i'm also correct. right now at the absolute best seat in a bin appear for 18 or 17 years. this year it's different when the light comes up i'll show you views of times square that we've never been able to show you it is a cool view appeared this morning it's also pretty cold it's not that it's that cold but will were 26 floors up it's pretty breezy and cold. i want to talk about the weather
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across the country, things overall for new year's not looking about if you're traveling home or trying to get to your destination things will look at temperature wise almost everybody in the country is a little bit above average, temperatures into the 20s across the plains could be a lot worse. when you look at the satellite radar, no precipitation going on with the little clipper is going to come across the great lakes and fresh dusting of snow but nothing is going to cause any real significant issues and for tonight temperature wise almost everybody looking good a little bit of inner areas of new england looking for reciprocation new york, times square if you're one of the million crazy people, temperature 38 degrees looking pretty good. will send it back to you. rachel: really quick, 17 years ago you were there was it more exciting 17 years ago.
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>> in life i was way more excited and way less grumpy than i am now i think that's what happens but the first time i was here, i was standing next to the ball that we've grown up watching and seeing this thing on tv forever in this next to is really cool experience. it was really, really cool the first time. rachel: better to do that right there them with a million people around you, smart choice. pete: we need to get you 2024 resolution, starting with less grumpiness. will get it later in the show, we love you. we are hours away as rick mentioned from ringing in 2024 and for many of you at home getting your financial health in order is likely a top resolution on your list. joey: were taking a look at how you can conquer your goals and budget your money wisely in the new year. rachel: here to break it down george kemal. it is so great to have you.
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i was reading about you and is as you graduated from financial peace university and i'm like boy, does everybody need that. what are the best ways, it is tough times right now what is the best way for people to think about having a great financial future and the next year. >> happy new year to you all, it is so true. i have a real degree but financial peace university change my financial future at ramsey solutions. america has become land of the free and home of the brook, if you are feeling that way, new year's same money problems, it can all turn around that's why i wrote my book breaking free from broke to help people break free from the financial chains. rachel: how do we do that? >> the first part is taking debt off the table, it's a huge paradigm who are used to a life of payments, the car payment, credit cargo because you're used to swiping the card we have to say no, no more debt were
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cutting up the cards a distinct debit and cash. the next thing is get on the spending plan we call that a budget everyone's a solutions and we have a great app called every dollar that will help you do this on your smart phone and is paying attention to your money. once you do that i am telling you following the ramsey baby steps in getting out a proven plan one thing at a time focused intensity get out of debt using the debt snowball get the emergency fund in place and began building by investing 15% that is how america can finally break free from these chains. pete: basic steps, you mentioned snowball, does that mean they probably feel small at the beginning but once you get moving you can save a lot and get rid of a lot of debt. >> that's how i did a $40000 in consumer debt ten years ago and i listed out from smallest to
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largest and i attacked the little one with a vengeance make minimum payments on the rest of the debts and as you do that you free up a payment and add that to the next debt in the next debt and 18 - 24 months we find people becoming debt free in the able to free up the money and have more margin in their life to live a life they're not exhausted by. rachel: it makes people feel proud of themselves as they make the baby steps that give them financial freedom. great to have a new, the name of the book. >> breaking free from broke. i love it, thank you for joining us, happy new year. >> happy new year to you all. his. rachel: claiming your luggage with the air attack, one for the family tracks their stolen luggage with the help of apple, that family will join us next.
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i'm a little anxious, i'm a little excited. i'm gonna be emotional, she's gonna be emotional, but it's gonna be so worth it. i love that i can give back to one of our customers. i hope you enjoy these amazing gifts. oh my goodness. oh, you guys. i know you like wrestling, so we got you some vip tickets. you have made an impact. so have you. for you guys to be out here doing something like this, it restores a lot of faith in humanity.
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rachel: of florida family taking justice into their own hands over christmas break when their luggage was stolen from the airport. an apple airtag that demonstrate to the thieves house where police found their missing bag in the luggage belonging to another victim, the traveler catherine covino joins us now. thank you for joining us, you were traveling from miami to the carolinas and you go to get your
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bag and you actually belong to your parents who we're going to be traveling with you or who were with you in the bags missing and you realize i have an airtag in their and then what? >> we went to baggage claim and we got all of our luggage is that we checked in except my parents so i checked my app and i see that there luggage is not near are other things so that's what my brother and i get some help and we end up to the rent-a-car and eventually the suitcase ends up on the highway and that's how it all began, we quickly tried to gather together, we tried to go after them the location of pain that first was in the middle of the highway so i decided to call 911
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and make a report. i was told whenever i got a status update on the location to call the police so they can go ahead to the new location so that's how it went throughout the days that we were there. rachel: the next day, christmas day you look at your phone and you're like i have a location in uc house and you call the cops back so there was multiple locations but happens on christmas day we were back in the charlotte area because we were staying in the actual area so we headed that way to drop off my brother and sister-in-law in they tell my dad it's 20 minutes away, let's go into happy to be a house in the find my app was pinging there when we were parked out there so i called the police and they met up with us and thankfully one of the officers knew about air tags and how to use it and they
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search the area and the grass and then they knocked on the door and they were that in and i initially thought there being that and there's nothing to hide but they took a while and my dad was like they found something and they confirmed my luggage was there and another officer told me that we weren't the only ones that reported stolen luggage. they also had an airtag but it was pinging behind the house earlier that day and when he went he did not find anything so happened that it was with our stuff in the house. rachel: a lot of the stuff was stolen but at least you got the suitcase back and file a police report. a great lesson that i think a lot of people will think i gotta get it airtag were to travel next time. more "fox & friends" coming up, thank you.
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