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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  December 31, 2023 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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>> it is about to be a big party
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in the big apple tonight. new york city and the rest of the country are set to ring in the new year end just a matter of hours. meantime others around the world have already welcomed in 2024 but you are looking at celebrations in the middle east where the clock just hit midnight. happy new year everyone and welcome to a special edition of fox news live i am rich edson. you are looking at times square courtesy of ea earth cam authorities here at home find the right balance between safety and celebration crowds already gathering in new york city's times square for eight hours to go until the iconic ball drops. 1 million people expected to attend in person there tonight. law enforcement agencies in the federal state and city level all taking special care as israel's war against hamas sparks heightened concern over potential disruptions like protest or even violence. thousands of nypd officers and
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fbi agents are ready for any threats to public safety. and alexis is live and times square monitoring all this for us. >> happy almost new year here from manhattan. they're about a million people expected to be in times square for this massive new year's eve celebration but nypd tells me there is no credible threat against the celebration or against new york city. it's not a matter of if they expect these pro- palestinian protesters who show up but when. we want to show this is at columbus circle here in new york city. even to those hundreds of protesters now marching across this area. they're all good right to possibly show up here near times square for a new year's eve celebration. nypd says these groups are planning to interrupt things but they have everyone on standby and they are used to this because it pretty much happens every single week. take a listen. close our leadership teams are concerned about protest right now and obviously they cannot be
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at the protest but is like that having a front row seat so they know exactly what's going on. >> drone and technology just like this would take a look use high-tech drones to scope out the crowd. the team gets a birds eye view from above nypd also increasing their footprint inside the city subway system. on a daily basis. that's more than the populace of l.a. moving through, watch. >> millions of people either here with us are watching throughout the world. we are ready and we are more than prepared our cops are going to be out there in force. we just hope everyone comes and has a good time. >> this comes nypd expanding their security perimeter this year. they can take a look on sixth avenue hundreds of people try to closer times square asking the
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officers cam a cut through? the answer is no it takes a lot of security clearance to get through there's a lot of checkpoints again this year. they're focusing on the airports, bridges, tunnels, adding an checkpoints. hundreds of undercover and plain clothes officers are mix into these crowds. >> i tell that we are extremely well prepared. we have hundreds of officers here to help make sure this night goes off smoothly and safely. it is true we are in a heightened threat and that is not unfortunate going to change anytime soon for that is why we deploy all the resources that we do to make sure those that you see in the resources behind the scenes are working together with all of our partners to keep everybody safe. but it is going to be a great night out here. >> if you are looking to have a quiet nights, this is not the place to be. people are dishing out hundreds of dollars to watch the ball drop at the applebee's and times square that's how desperate some people are to get a look.
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others have been waiting in line for hours just to get a seat they will stay there all the way through midnight. no credible threats directed here at the times square ball drop. >> that is pricey, pricey in the neighborhood were great to see those eyes aboveground and underground from nypd alexis mcadams thank you very much happy new year. >> henry and i both together have over 50% of the southern border and we are the ones seeing it every single day. we want solutions enough with the finger-pointing. enough with the lawyers getting rich with these lawsuits we want a real tangible border security solutions that keep americans a safe quick. the historic migrant crisis under president biden is showing no signs of slowing as we head into the new year customs and border protection sources tell fox in december alone there have been more than 286,000 migrant encounters that is a new monthly
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record. bill melugin is live following all of this as he usually does, bill give us the latest update please. >> those numbers for december have gone even higher. cbp sources tell me as of this morning we are now well over 290,000 migrant encounters at her southern border and just december that's a single highest month ever recorded but cbp sources telling us since the new fiscal year began on october 1 they have now been about 780,000 migrant encounters of the southern border. that is the highest first quarter everett record it's also a population size bigger than the city of seattle coming across our southern border in just three months. there are zero signs any of this will be slowing down anytime soon. another migrant caravan made up of thousands is currently moving north through mexico headed right to the u.s. southern border where the majority of border patrol agents are off the patrol duties and are focusing on it m massive processing and s releases.
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>> the last time we had amnesty was in 1986 you had a democratic congress you had a republican president ronald reagan. that was the last time. i do not support that but what tony and i are trying to do is trying to figure out how do we stop the large numbers of people coming in? >> texas passes its own border security bill which is set to take effect in march that bill would allow texas authorities to arrest and deport illegal immigrants while the bite administration d.o.j. is threatening to sue texas if they decide to move forward with that law. but to see the hostility from our own federal government try to stop texas essentially the country cbp sources tell fox as of this morning there have now been over 85000 don't got a ways at our southern border since october 1. that is more than 80000 people who have not stuck into the country and are here to stay we have no way to who they are back
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to you. >> great point, bill thank you. for president trump's legal team is prepared to kick off the 2024 primary ballot he will remain on the ballot in colorado until the supreme court rules on the state republican party appeal and at maine secretary of state has suspended her decision in anticipation of an appeal that is not stop the criticism. alexandria hoff has the latest. >> mena secretary of state said she and her husband were not home on friday when police showed up at their residence according to local reports a man had phoned 911 that he'd broke it into the home no one ended up being there. the address had been released online in a flurry of criticism following her decision to remove former president trump from the gop primary ballot. the threats escalated quickly. >> swatting the home of an elected official who is doing
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their job is unacceptable. what my staff, my team have experience, what they experienced all day yesterday it was a constant onslaught of threatening communications. that has to stop it. >> a bell as a democrat has suspended her decision pending an expected appeal from the trump legal team on tuesday. trump's name will appear on colorado's primary ballot unless the u.s. supreme court steps and insides with colorado supreme court which used a civil era to kick them off by. >> no matter what the court does. whether it declined to take the case, decides to take the case, i just urge them to do it quickly. i certify the names of who is on the ballot next friday for the presidential primary. >> is an overall push to have the supreme court way and in short order the high court declined to fast-track claims of the former president that he is immune to prosecution in the
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federal election interference case against him. that case was sent back to appeals court weren't yesterday special counsel jack smith filed a motion urging the court to reject trump's immunity claim smith wrote quote immunity from criminal prosecution would be particularly dangerous where as here the former president is alleged to have engaged in criminal conduct aimed at overturning the results of an election. three judge panel is expected to begin hearing oral arguments generate ninth. in washington alexandria hoff fox news. >> 2024 gets off to a busy start for hunter biden was several court appearances and legal deadlines in january. a look at where his criminal cases in civil cases stand in the new year.
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>> to think of it through the eyes of a police officer you see on the screen of coming and have a too. they do not know what they are facing. it's just not fair for law enforcement much less its very of violating to my family. >> new york republican congressman brandon williams. he's when the victims of a holiday swatting spree that
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targeted lawmakers and public officials. swatting is when someone calls the police to report a fake crime the forces, the swat team member show up and respond. republican and democratic officials across the country have been victims of swatting calls a in just the past week. some of those targeted at pushing for tougher punishments for these hoax calls for the spring and maureen o'connell former fbi special agent for thank you for joining us on this holiday weekend, we really appreciate it. the representative there poured out his heart to the officers that are involved in this. their hearts are pounding as they are arriving at the swatting calls. what is the motivation that people have, the people who do this? and how you can about that? >> first i'd like to agree with the congressman was saying. we have trained our whole careers going all the back to columbine that if you are aware of an active shooter scenario you just go in because there are the lives of children and other nsn's at stake.
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and even if you are undercover law enforcement officer even before the swatting gets there it is the heart pounding the adrenaline pumping at significant traumatic event. what causes these people to do it? all kinds of things they can have political motivations there are a number of the swatting incidents that initially were taking place they were targeting high profile eight list of celebrities and those people were being traumatized as were the police. it is a very, very, very dangerous situation for everyone involved with the possible exception of the perpetrator because of the lax laws that we have here in the country right now pickwick said is a great point. some of those fallen victim to swatting calls are calling for tougher laws for better enforcement of this to go after the criminals a little bit with a little more teeth so to say here senator rick scott on his swatting incident and changing
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the law, take a listen. quick to talk to the naples police department to see what they can do. right now they are not optimistic. i know capitol police is looking into this. hopefully, with the technology capitol police has the fbi has we can find out who is doing this. they get prosecuted if we do not have tough enough laws i'm going to make sure we have tough enough laws to prosecute these people. >> isn't tough to catch the people who make the swatting calls and hold them accountable? >> it is tough to coach them cam often times not always. they can relay their address all over the place. they can often do it from another state's redoing it from another state and perpetrating the swatting incident and a state where ever, once you cross the state lines is when the fbi can come into play. there is a larger overarching vulnerability here right now.
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that is the lack of open source intelligence experts with experience and the expertise and the it credentials to get in there and at tact and find and hunt down these ip addresses in reverse it. also, the fbi has come together with local law enforcement agencies and with fusion centers throughout the country up with their 76 or 79 of them to really try to get a picture of what is happening or real time for all of these municipal law enforcement entities and others that decide to work within these confines. >> before going want to get into them or think swatting calls as schools we have seen a significant uptick very scary for students and parents. also what makes it so scary we have seen a real mass shooting events at schools and shooting events at schools. when this call comes in people can identify it the hearts get racing it creates a terrifying
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experience your thoughts on what to do with that aspect of swatting calls? >> we need stricter rules. i think once you cross state lines like you said, molly, put teeth into this i have federal charges against the bureau charge someone just this last year i think 20 years redoing a swatting thing that resulted in the death of an innocent party on the other end of this. we all understand how serious this is we all understand what is at stake here specifically when it comes to the huge increase in false reporting toward schools we need to work together we need to make it harder. need to put psa's out there and show we are taking these people down and taking them down hard >> maureen o'connell the potential of holding some of these six waters accountable we will see what 2024 holds happy new year to you, thank you for coming on. >> thank you. rich: justice department against
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hunter biter picking up of the new year. hunter also faces deadlines to file legal motions, the president's science expected to make a series of court appearances in january that includes an arraignment in los angeles on the nine tax charges but three are felonies how could this all play out question but don't ask out doug burns criminal defense attorney former federal prosecutor. doug, thanks for joining us this afternoon. hunter has pled not guilty this is something he thought he had all wrapped up in the plea agreement fell apart. what do we expect here? he is requesting these charges be dropped. is he faced real penalties here? what's he no space and real penalties. on the gun case it's a little confusing and it's mixing apples and oranges f per there is a cae in the midwest the nicest court of appeals for the fifth circuit calling into question a little bit possession of a firearm by summary of the drug problem but that's only one of the charges. there are chargers about being untruthful, lying on the floor and those will not be affected
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by that case. that is one discussion. the tax case as you said there are three felony counts. six misdemeanors. the six misdemeanors or failure to file and pate which is not implicating you did anything wrong you just did not file and pay that's a good news for the defendant. the badness is the three felonies are conventional tax evasion knowingly evading the proper taxes and a lot of money is involved so he definitely is in harm's way on that case. rich: what about the possibly of jail time, competency phase an? >> look at the u.s. sentencing guidelines everything is governed by the amount of taxes. the amount of money that was not accounted for properly i took a quick look at the guidelines i have been in many, many tax cases on both sides of the courtroom. with this type of money involved a faces the potential for three or four years in prison but
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again people get way ahead of the seas they don't realize i don't fault them because they're not experts, no matter what the guideline range is that's just advisory. the judge could give them more, could give them less, could give them probation. depends upon the judge. >> if you think we'll see another type of plea agreement here? how do you think this ends up playing out he settles it, pays a fine and moves on or are we going to a trial here? >> it's a really good question i don't have a crystal ball. the earlier plea they tried to slip in what we call very broad immunity. you will be charged further basically with anything. they put it in a side agreement not the plea agreement the judge caught them, it was embarrassing the government and defense were seemingly working together. so to answer your question i don't think you'll see a plea agreement particularly that quickly. and since the case is such a
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political case a lot of what happens depends upon what happens in the election. which by the way by definition automatically shows you what a terrible situation that is for a legal case. nothing in politics should affect a straightforward federal criminal case. but that is not what is going on here. the whole election cycle primary season all going to play in. i would put it went mildly sarcastic editorial is doubly for the government is asking for a speedy trial. unlike the trump cases which also shows the highly political nature because the government rarely asks for it speedy trials, seriously. >> on top of this issue that he faces legally he escaped a congressional subpoena. he says the committees are going to twist his words you want to testify in public does not get him out of any type of penalty or consequences for not going to something in an interview he was subpoenaed for? >> know another very important t question for the point is in now
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american garland and the d.o.j. are really on the spot. i am telling you right now the arguments, generally from the right we seem to be look into tiered justice. it's starting to resonate and that is partially probably why hunter biden was recharged. so now they have to go ahead and prosecute him openly not agreeing to appear on a subpoena otherwise are going to look again like it's shamelessly political per they went after steve bannon, it is really not fair that here they would not go after him. i'm really waiting with baited breath so to speak to see whether at the d.o.j. will step up to the plates and bring a contempt charge against them that appears to be warranted for getting the politics i do not care what political party we are and i don't care. the man did not show up in response to a subpoena.
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>> criminal defense attorney doug burns, thanks doug. >> thank you. >> doug looks great he's all dressed up for us today >> and more on the legal front a new law in california will change how people by and carry guns as well. parks, stadiums and churches just some of the 26 in public places where people will no longer be able to carry concealed guns. but the law is facing legal challenges. tina marie is live with on this request federal appeals court has cleared the way that law to take effect on a monday at legislation signed by governor gavin newsom and september bands and gun owners from carrying firearms like you mentioned 26 of the sensitive places like hospitals, playgrounds, stadiums, zoos and a place of worship. the law also bars and gun owners from carrying concealed weapons and privately owned businesses open to the public like restaurants unless an owner
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allows it. >> if you are at a restaurant that is serving alcohol, do we really want guns and alcohol in the same place? i would say no. is it a robust list? absolutely. we take a step back and look at the common sense of the list you can make a compelling argument for every single location that is on that list. >> governor gavin newsom reacted to the appeals court decision saying in part this ruling will allow california common sense gun laws to remain in effect while we appeal the district court dangerous ruling as of january 1 hunts will be restricted in some public places as the legal battle plays out in court for the california rifle and gun association which suited to block that law has not responded to our request for a comment. rich: 2024 will be a big election year. but there is more to it than just a race for the white house. control of congress is also up for grabs. look at those key races next.
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who's russ spector shorted jet ski but later direct state record say this is the eight shark attack in hawaii this year. and the first deadly attack. >> i am not ruling anything in or out. we have made it clear publicly to the houthis we made it clear privately to our allies and partners in the region we take these threats seriously. we are going to make the right decisions going forward for. >> national surety council coordinator john kirby on the potential of the u.s. response recent attacks on red sea shipping by ironic backed houthis. u.s. central command says navy
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helicopters killed several houthis destroying their boats after the fire to the choppers for u.s. warships were they had attacked trey has more on this from tel aviv. next we are following the breaking news out of the red sea the united states was directly engaged with ironic backed houthis rebels. u.s. navy helicopters responded to a distress call from a container ship that was under attack by fort houthis boats. when helicopters arrived they were fired upon before returning fire and is sinking three out of the four vessels beat the crews were killed and the houthis say 10 of their fighters died. last night the same commercial vessel was hit by a missile that was fired by the houthis will respond to that incident the u.s. shot down two -- at ballistic missiles with the developer it's in the red sea, as intense fighting continues on the ground in gaza. it is day 86 of the war between israel and hamas. israeli troops are going after an intricate network of tunnels around gaza's second largest
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city. the idf said the paratrooper brigade has been deployed to southern gaza after weeks of fighting in the north. israeli military statement said the big raid killed several hamas government during recent street to street fighting for it overnight to additional israeli soldiers were killed bringing the total to 172 cents ground operation began. as the israelis continue to look for more hostages inside gaza go after hamas leadership we understand according to reports a new cease-fire deal could be on the table. in tel aviv trey yingst fox news topickwick some on the escalatig situation other issues crowding president biden's agenda let's go to lucas tomlinson who is traveling with the commander-in-chief and the u.s. virgin islands. >> first u.s. forces have come under direct attack from the red sea and have returned fire in self-defense. capitol hill some republican lawmakers want the u.s. military to take the next strikes a short
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period. >> this administration been very timid and responding to escalation by iran in order to address this they're going to have to look at operations. >> early this morning u.s. from the aircraft's carrier dwight d eisenhower the guided missile destroyed gravely is to respond to a distress call after danish owned cargo ship came under attack for the second time in two days. that cargo ship was hit by a missile yesterday and greatly shot down to ballistic missiles. the heels arrived on scene today, they were shot at. the americans returned fire, sinking three of those facts and gun votes killing all those according to a central command one boater bugged out and headed home here is more from john kirby. >> we do not seek a conflict in the region we certainly are not looking for a conflict with the houthis the best outcome would be for them to stop the attacks. >> present biden faces a number
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of foreign policy challenges at home with the stock market with major gains near record highs, something he doesn't mention his biden's topic advisor record-setting $1 trillion worth of credit card debt. >> if you actually look at the trend in the economy, the strength of consumer spending, real wage gains for nine months in a row year-over-year for mid level workers i think you see some real momentum and a good start for the new year. >> something else you do not hear from the administration the "washington post" reporting united states is producing more oil than any country ever. >> lucas tomlinson traveling with the president thank you. space extravagant party has high hopes regaining senate and the new year 34 senate races will play out to big democrats hold 23 of those seats and eight of them are vulnerable according to
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nonpartisan analysis. republicans will defend 11 seats with only one rated as competitive a. democrats currently hold a slim majority in the chamber right now but they are poised to lose a senate seat next year after west virginia senator joe manchin announced just last month he would not be seeking reelection. john bussey joins me too breakdown the chances of the senate tilting red in 2024 but happy new year, thanks for joining us with your predictions. >> happy new year to you to youe regrets what are you anticipating as we head into 2024 with a fresh look as everyone hits the campaign trail? >> it is interesting then numbers just favor the republicans at this stage of the game. there are 34 senate seats up for grabs as you just pointed out to pre-23 of them, two thirds of them are democratic he held areas or leaning democratic.
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the rest are republican. so it just by the odds of the races the chance for the republicans picking up enough to seats they just need to they are fairly obvious that does not mean it's a sure bet. they were very enthusiastic and optimistic about the midterms. did not do well there. but the numbers right now do you favor republicans as you point out there are eight contested seats the other half a tossup. >> with control the senate it looks really closer are key issues that prevented the republicans and gain the ground they thought they were going to gain in the last election of worshiping chief among them. when you look at the issues have a fox news poll these are some of the issues the voters think our face in the country, the economy, immigration, voting
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rights climate change a long list what are your thoughts on the issues that would help the americans, help the democrats what are we headed for? >> reporter out of washington has a good story on this. the issues driving voters to the polls are abortion, to start off with. to curtail abortion rights it has been a volatile issue. it tends to favor democrats. hoping some the ballot measures on states election and election polls this time of round will bring out a lot of voters those voters will ultimately vote a democratic slate. former president trump criminal prosecutions he has gotten four forthem in the works. he has already been found guilty
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of sexual harassment. they weigh way on some of the undecided voters. but primary, the first and foremost issue for voters is going to be the economy. it always is, pocketbook issues. in that regard president biden is going to have a better and better story to tell it is a strong economy now. inflation is coming down. the job market is strong. over the next 10 months. >> you mention these numbers are looking better. will they get better fast enough for american families to feel fl them? and change a boat they might otherwise have made are not made? >> that is a critical question is in it. the presumption is six months before an election the boater has got to be in their mind they there were not quite there at six months. the inflation caused by the pandemic not by the trump
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administration of the biden administration but by the supply chain shortages that resulted from the pandemic. prices are at 19% higher than they were before the pandemic hit caused by the pandemic related supply chain problems. that is going to have a voters mind. they're also going to see more discounts and stores, gas prices way down. inflation one third of what it was at the peak. interest rates dropping, mortgage rates d dropping we wil see whether four months is going to be fast enough to bite administration for. >> as a great point, john bussey thank you so much for joining us and happy new year to you, thank you. >> you too. >> georgia santos to cn -- make a lot of scandals rock the nation this past year. i'll look back at the most outrageous incidents of 2023. so i got hearing aids. my vision was not as good as it used to be, got a change in prescription.
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♪ ♪ a royal shakeup in denmark in
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the new year they rating rain mark will abdicate the throne the 83-year-old announced she will step aside on generally 14th grade the 52nd anniversary to the throne her son crown prince frederick his wife mary will succeed as the new king and queen. denmark has the oldest ruling monarchy tracing its line back to the vikings of the tenth century. today the monarchs rule is largely ceremonial. >> from conservatorships and congressional expulsions to college cheating in the crypto kid 2023 had its fair share of scandals. fox and friends cohost looks back at the biggest wow moments of the past year. >> there never seems to be a shortage of scandalous headlines and 2023 was no different. the royal family's lips are sealed not offering any response or prince harry's memoir. the prince lobbing a host of
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accusations against his family and they tell all including his brother prince william physically attacked him during an argument in 2019. despite this he made the trip across the pond and in may for s father's coronation. voluntary manslaughter charges dropped against actor alec baldwin this year following the 2021 fatal shooting on the set of his movie. now prosecutors are attempting to charge him again citing new facts in the shooting which killed cinematographer. that 70s show actor danny masterson sentenced to 30 years behind bars after being found guilty of raping two women several decades ago pretty plans to appeal his conviction. meanwhile masterson's of friends and costars ashton kutcher and mila feeli filling the follow-ur the verdict. issued a public apology after writing letters of support for masterson before his sentencing. musician known for her message
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of a body positivity facing a lawsuit from three of her former dancers accusing her of sexual harassment creating a hostile work environment. one a dancer saying she was fired after gaining weight. she said all allegations are false. and a late-night host jimmy hit with allegations of fostering a toxic work environment. current former staffers speaking to "rolling stone," accusing him of being drunk at work exhibiting erratic behavior which affected employees mental health. ♪ ♪ ♪ country star jason al d dean t backing down over his song try that in a small town. that musician accused of promoting gun violence with his lyrics. other saying the music video which originally included footage of black lives matter protests had racist undertones despite the backlash the song
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soared to the top of the charts. >> you are changing that boy's life. >> many blindsided this year former nfl against the family claiming they did not share any of the profits from the book and the movie the blind side about his life story. the court documents filed by the couple show he was paid more than $138,000. the conservatorship was ended in september. on capitol hill battled congressman georgia santos expelled from congress in the wake of his scathing ethics committee report. now left to try charges of conspiracy, wire fraud and falsifying records about lying about his background to get elected illegally using campaign funds. disgraced founder elizabeth holmes reported to prison for her 11 year sentence the former tech giant found guilty of defrauding investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars. making false claims technology of her company would be able to
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diagnose a number of health conditions with just a pinprick of blood. ftx founder found guilty of stealing at least $10 billion from customers and investors. >> perpetrated one of the biggest financial frauds in american history for. >> he claims he never committed fraud or meant to cheat customers pretty faces up to 110 years in prison with the what thesentencing expected in . there's plenty of success on the field but questionable actions behind the scenes for that university of michigan football team. an analyst accuse it in person scouting against opponents. head coach denied any knowledge of wrongdoing excepting a three-game suspension the scandal not affecting the wolverines performance though the team is set to play for their chance at the national championship on new year's day. 2024 sure to bring its own scandalous stories fox news will be here to cover them all. in new york fox news.
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>> famous a secret agent made a serious faux pas at a national park and earned him a day in court. details on that, next.
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>> former james bond star appears abroad so it is scheduled to appear in wyoming court next month after a misstep during his trip to yellowstone national park. the seven-year was cited for violating closure and use limits brownie parks and geysers it back in november but it's unclear whether he will be criminally charged. if he is a good faith they're up to six months in jail for his court date right now for januar. seven molly, rim of the wagner
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group the mercenary group in the invasion of ukraine question but there's a brief rebellion that the former leaders at death, which is not meant the end of the wagner group just yet. jennifer griffin has that story. >> when the plane carrying the one-time ally of vladimir putin and founder of the wagner group exploded in mid air near moscow on august 23, killing him and his top associates, many thought the wagner group days were numbers. >> it's highly unlikely it will reconstitute its former glory. >> dmitry was born in russia and is the author of world on the brink. >> it does not have access to the recruitment of prisoners, of convicts whatever is left is going to be a shadow its former self or. >> a plane crash came two months after he staged a mutiny against russia's defense ministry and began driving an armored column toward moscow. just days after the disgraced wagner chief spoke during a visit to africa.
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>> the core of the convicts that wagner was so famous for recruited from prisons, have been taken over by the minister of defense for. >> the wagner fighters who went to africa to extract diamonds, gold, raw materials and recruit mercenaries for putin's wars are regrouping under new leadership including his own 25-year-old son. >> there is a feeling that family and the wagner have learned there less and they do not cross the regime. >> they would lose a substantial part of his african foothold. you have all these russian state owned companies very active. >> found it by him and 2014 putin use the wagner group to carry out clues and africa for heat exchanger weapons for mining rights. especially in sudan, libya, and the central african republic. >> it's the war in ukraine for himself.
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that training of mining concessions allowed him to avoid the sanctions. >> at the pentagon jennifer griffin fox news. rich: the big party getting set right outside the door here. have a terrific new year peter so great spending the last couple days with you. molly: happy new year to you that is that for 2023 on the special edition of "fox news live" but have a safe, healthy, happy new year everyone.
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