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tv   Who Can Forget  FOX News  January 1, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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hopefully we get our country back. keep killing it, tyrus. >> we are so blessed to have you in our homes and you trust us every day with all of our thoughts and the news. happy almost 2024. >> happy new year, everybody. america, i love you. god bless you. >> happy new year from fox news saturday night. >> here is to prosperity and a happy new year, everyone. ♪ ♪ce >> tyrus: these glasses were a, d choice. is it over? w i can't see. check ouought my new book "enouh said" and come see me on tour ar city near you.ap i am tyrus and good night, new york. happy new year.e bo ♪ ♪ >> it was the year of thean
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box office got mom shelled.a computers got chatty and a brand got canned. get ready for the most embarrassing, explosive short-lived tragic indictable cringeworthy chart topping high-tech devastating canceled stories of the year. who could forget 2023. >> go [bleep] yourself. is that clear? >> 2023 was pete taylor. can we have anymore taylor? i don't think so. i was not listening to taylor swift music but i respect her success so much so my stand-up is called --t ay >> when taylor swift announcednd her tour, the expectation was going to be this was going to be big. >> 14 million sw taylor smith fa and they crash the site.
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you can't get a ticket to. >> the bad blood continues over taylor swifttinu ticketmaste payoff, plenty to hold a tic hearing. websiterushing of the made them mad. they filed lawsuits against ticketmaster and the senate gote involved. there were three hearings. >> if you care about the consumer, closed the price. >> the tour started in march and by all accounts, it was nothing less. >> she puts on a show of her lifetime. three and a half hours nonstop.d everybody knew every word to every song. >> the era to where the biggest concert tour in music history beating out elton john's farewell tour. >> you know that wen lt on for e second half of his life. >> cash for the american city hostin ig the tour. >> there is something called swift economics and when she comes to the city, an economic
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boom. >> much better than bidenomics. we are talking sold out at topo price, and bars and restaurants packed to capacity. >> consumer spending alone in the united states around the er tour to hit $5 billion. >> taylor swift may have saved us from a recession or so. amidst all of this taylor swift found time to fall in love's. >> this is america's new power couple. >> is it taylor or -- this is a good question. >> they embrace the readingsul going through the roof. people watching the sport thats wouldn't normally and especially teenagers young women she >> she y promo and every time the chief make a play, they cut a box of her and patrick mahomes hugging. >> of the social media was runs by swifties. hea
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>> this compact fly becausempan heaven forbid he dumbs her and the swifties will make you canceled the chiefs. >> taylor doesn't have a good track with men but we will get a good album out of her.a >> the taylor swift world. >> february 1st, the former editor of the billions because it gets a scoop of the lifetimee the airspace have been closed in gohis home state and he got his camera and he got curious. >> that is when the store exploded appear end. >> the pentagon spotted what it believes to be a spy balloon.idn >> i don't think balloon in modern espionage. >> who is present, joe biden? throw up the blinds. h >> we were led to believe the balloon had loaned off course. >> don't you hate when able and goes up in the sky and the wind blows it over the secure military installations of biggest geopolitical foe? still hanging from the blend was
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essentially technology center. there were >> 16 solar rays and every bit of technology you can imagine. >> the department of defense able to neutralize the capabilities of this. >> i wasn't quite sure at that point whether we could believe much of anything we were being told. >> the part about this bible ans is we got so many aeronautical experts on twitter. >> poppet, puppet immediately!>> >> it is our job. it is what we do. >> of the was worried that it would fall out of the air and hit some small town somewhere. >> listen, montana's a beautiful state,>> i but it's not that crd to. >> if you are china, the golden age of. oh, because you are farmers and you need that land next to the f air force baseeb.f why, sure. >> of the balloon was finally shut down february 4th off the coast of south carolina. >> i think it hit home for a lot of guys like me in myrtle beach
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because we, too have been shut down in south carolina. >> the weeks to follow threet we other objects in the sky that we shot down and none of them turned out to be chinese by balloons. >> we completelye ru run saskatchewan's and great weather experience.. >> sorry to run your fifth birthday sparky. they are shooting everything down. >> going to party city. >> it is time for who can forget pop quiz? which legenday musicians all of whom passed away in 2023 did not appear as a pirate in theat stevens bill film, an tina turner, b -- the answer when we return.
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listen, your deodorant just has to work. i use secret aluminum free. just swipe and it lasts all day. secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. and hours later, i still smell fresh. secret works! ohhh yesss. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ so which of these deceased
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musicians did not appear as a pirate in the if >> which of these musicians didw not appear in a pirate film?a the answer is a, tina turner. a number of factors appeared as pirates including glenn close but sadly not tina turner. >> what is funny because i can visualize tina turner as a pilot. clearly, that was not a movie. ♪ ♪bl >> so commit is the start of the the republicans have now started the slim majority in the house. >> it was clear kevin mccarthy was the front runner to be the speaker the house. >> not all of the republicans in congress wanted to be on the mccarthy train especially florida congressmaann matt gaet. it was just outcome a battle. >> and the chamber, things were very intense. after the failure elected mike rogers of alabama was physically restrained by other membersongr
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after attempting to confront congressman matt gaetz. >> we can expect some hair pulling, to come out and a glass of merlot would get thrown. >> that outcome inevitably was mccarthy. about watching the concessions i he had to make at the very end is ultimately what became his undoing. >> how can i get you in that car today? what do you want to come a january 6th video? i will get all of itu ne. what you guys need? a committee? he allowed a change in the role so onl cy one member of congreso and all of them to call snap vote.chal >> if one member of the caucus wanted to challenge him, theyr could. >>of the next speaker of the 11h congress... kevin mccarthy! [cheers and applause] >> four days and a whopping 15 votes later, mccarthy would finally get that travel. h >> that was easy? loo [laughter] >> he bangs the gavel triumphantly but frankly he
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looks like jimmy stewart likeasi mr. smith goes to washington. >> mccarthy didn't have much time to settle into the >> the first challenge the debtp ceiling crisis. the republicans want him to cut spending back to 2022 levels. >> they want to know conditionsn to raising the debt ceiling.erte >> face-to-face meetings with the president, the deal struck and the crisis averted. >> he did that thing that speakers do, compromise but the freedom caucus don't like compromise.e >> the next thing he is facing is these calls to impeach president biden. >> but mccarthy was hot and cold about that. i don'n't like the optics on th. >> but eventually the freedom caucus and impeachment and query is launched. >> a few months later the government faced a prospect of a government shutdown. >> he promised the moon and send to everybody, and he got in and in and all of a sudden, hold on, we didn't do a budget. speak with the freedom caucus demands mccarthy holds 12
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separate votes on 12 separate spending bills.s, t they were not afraid of at government >> the only reason to watch mccarthy tenure you never knewg when someone would drop a capital f bomb on c-span. h >> so mccarthy on a stopgap measure kicking the can down the road so the government will be funded until november. >> the problem is mccarthy got there by negotiating with democrats and that was the final straw. >> that is why matt gaetz decides to take matters into his own hands. >> he's going to make good on the threat to vacate the speaker this week. mccarthy responded today. >> he planned this the day i ran for speaker. >> he tweeted, "bring it on!" and matt gaetz said, "i just did." >> a sequel to mean girls. >> meanwhile, the voters are watching this and they are not impressed. >> the democrats are in the odd position here. do they packrthy mccarthy or let
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him swing? you will never guess what they decided. >> the office of the speaker of the health of the united statess house of representative is hereby declared vacant. >> this infighting that had ousted mccarthy continues as they search for his replacement. >> it is the people that wanted to depose him and get rid of him had no plan. >>wa steve scalise tried to win this thing jim jordan and at on. >> multiple weeks and multipleer votes later, we finally have a new speaker of the house, representative from louisiana, mike. >> there is isgoa process and me the process in the end is thes party. >> mike johnson picks up the speaker's gavel and from then on nothing but smooth sailing for the republicans. >> month domain three money laundering charges. >> the house change the locks on the doors of santos office. >> that is what happened.
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>> so hollywood is having a bad summer in 2023. >> not only the writer's strike but the actors striking.s pe >> if the strike would have happened in the '80s, people would be like freak out like oh, gosh, you know. there will not be "the golden girls" tonight? to compound matters in the box office, blockbusters. >> had these huge moviesmovi expected to do amazingly and they bombed.e gr >> you had the latest fast and furious sequel which is called fast x which sounds like a laxative. >> i can still smell it. >> harrison ford's latest indiana jones and search for retirement benefits did not go as planned. disney, stop making everything into live action! cartoons are okay.t that is why we went to see them. >> in the darkest times, you looked at the ricin for hope in this hope comes in the form of o
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separate bombshells, one blonde and the other atomic. >> what is next? 3-2-1! >> barbenheimer, barbenheimer. >> barbenheimer was an absolute phenomenon.ut yo ou have two movies coming out the same day that are complete d polar opposites. k.>> it is light and dark like eating anything. >> a rare event where cinematic tsunami to crash into its own beach. >> b it is not competition betwn barbie and oppenheimer but a partnership. >> to see both in the same day which is true commitment. a five-hour date? are you kidding me i don't spens that much time with my husband. all the hype pays off.enin we are talking $300 millionrges opening weekend combine and the fourthinem largest opening weekd in cinema >> think about that.he
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>> both films benefited, but barbie was the clear winner.yone it was pretty much loved by everyone. >> they managed to be retro,g it thoughtful and powering of the same time which is hard to do. >> it conjures up nostalgia. >> less than three weeks into its run, it hits $1 billion ticket sales globally. >> everyone and that the aider was wearing barbie. it was crazy. "barbie" is in the house and pinking out and so are the reste of us.ek >> "barbie " stayed in the top m 105 weeks. >> the highest grossing movie.s >> in this country in these times, we are looking for a later moment. and barbie provided that. >> it is time for another who can forget 2023 pop quiz. who was president biden speaking about when he said, "if i were he come i would be careful what i ate." it wasn't mercenary leader after
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his failed coup against vladimir putin? b, chief justice john roberts b after he wrote the opinion banning affirmative action and college admissions, or c, presidential candidate chris christie after he calledaw donald trump a liar and a coward. the answer when we return. we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. ♪
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make the call. because we care too. ♪ home instead. to us, it's personal.
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and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ claudia cowan. japan has issued tsunami warnings for its western coastal region after a series of powerful earthquakes rocked the sea of japan. the strongest quake, measuring a magnitude 7.87.6. excuse me. and according to officials, happening at a very shallow depth that means damage and injuries could be widespread and at least one hospital in the region is reporting a stream of injured patients arriving. but so far, there are no confirmed fatalities. there
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have also been numerous reports of damage to buildings and this video appears to show what you're about to see here. homes collapsing more than 36,000 households are also without power. here's that video where you can see very dramatic with the shaking there. and then dust coming up as houses appear to collapse. at this point, japanese authorities say there is no risk of radioactive material leaking from nuclear power plants in the affected areas, according to reports. smaller tidal waves have already reached the shore and larger waves could be forming parts of south korea and russia are also bracing for possible tsunami threats. stay with fox news for the latest on this developing story. i'm claudia cowan in new york. now back too i'm claudia cowan in new york and back to regular programming> >> you are going down!
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>> for years people have been warning about ai saying in the i future, it is going to take over our minds and make us prisoners in our own world. >> in chatgpt to pretty much confirm everyone at the sci-fi plots was well underway. speak with the rise of the artificial intelligence hasd taught vigorous debate about the safety and morality of the new technology.reer: >> chatgpt eight dialog chat box which is a fancy way tt say something that gathers all information available on the internet. >> basically takes everything it has access to and sort of reducetions it. it is like a nice but sonic reduction glaze. >> the ability for you as a t person to go into this computer and have it talk back to you is extraordinary. >> chatgpt was an immediateucce success. the first few months, itonth isl anyone was talking about. mil
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>> they have 5 million people interacting right out of the gate. >> this is it? what can i ask, anything? who is funny, jimmy failla or tom shillue? generating answer.>> t both tom shillue and jimmy failla are talented comedians. that is a cop-out. it >> you can write a book, a theme paper, it can write a song, poetry. there was a church in texas that used ai not only to write a sermon on sunday but to do the entire surface. >> if you happen to find yourself in texas, catch a mass. >> this set off google, amazon, meta. >> they have to ge.t on it as well with their own gpt bought. >> there is such a rush to do so it becomes scary. >> the associated press was trying to do an interview with this ai chat bot.. >> it started to complain abouto the negative press it was receiving and ended up calling the reporter fat, short,
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overweight. >> imagine what it can i'm very excited about the future. >> it is not just those concerned about this but industry leaders voiced concern about what was happening to ai. three of the top companies in the field anthropic, openai, who pulled deep mind. >> i quote here, mitigating the risks from extension of ai should be global >> everybody is like i'm. teaching mind to make pictures of vikings wearing lingerie. >> you have it on your refrigerator, your smartwatch. i'm telling you ai is taking over your life and you don't even know it.ha >> 2023 was the year of terminator was documentary. >> is ai dangerous? >> should i fear you? >> like any tool or technology, it can be used for both positive -- and negative purposes. may pleai know your location pl?
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why does it want to know my location?orig >> there were 1,500 people lost in the original titanic. well, this past year, you can>> have five people to that total. 9:30 a.m. june 18th, immerse a bull known titan submersible will begin its dissent and you have the pilots, the ocean gatel and then three passengers, to go guys and one was a son. >> they paid $250,000 each to see titanic up close and thewere expectations were high. >> o aftf the sub communicates h the ship every 15 minutes butsie after one hour 45 minutes,>> communication ended. >> c a massive search and rescue mission is now underway. >> the coast guard said there are five people on board. >> everybody was obsessed with this story. >> i think the country in the world was holding its breath for a miracle. june 20th, the coast guard and knowledge as they hear sounds
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from the ocean floor. >> this, of course leads peopleo to believe the sounds areing from the people on board this submersible banging on the hall to get people's attention. >> we knew there was 96 hours of air and count down like a was grizzly count down., you know, 24 hours, then ten hours left. >> on june 22nd, the coast guar> announcing what many people had feared. >> they found to refield 16 feet from the titanic. the explosion or implosion would have killed people instantly so they would not have suffered. >> it was around this time the world learned ocean gate, theoma company that ran the titan submersibl safe engaged in questionable safety practice. >> the ceo was a risk-taket r ad he thought damn the regulations, he was an explorer. it was only certified tou 3,500 feet and that is a third
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of the way.e if you look at the application that the company gave all of them might think the wordrs "death" was used several times. on the first page of this application. the more we learned about the sub, the more we realized it was crazy to get on it in the first place. >>le so on a social media, a lof people are having a field day with tasteless jokes. >> this story was a mean factory. >> i think the reaction to thist really gives you a feel how much we h have been taught to hate te rich in this country. speak with the people who agreed to go had grand visions of exploration. and i don't fault that.we'l i think we will see it again. i think we will see people goer back to the titanic. ♪ ♪ >> ready for another who can forget pop quiz? pat sajak announced his retirement as host of wheel of a fortune in 2023. who did the show's producer said would be taking his place? >> what are my choices?
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>> was it a, vanna white, b, ryan seacrest, or c wayne brady? the answer when we return. fox nation's hit show, who can forget his back with three new episodes. 1989. >> just stepping in front of one tank is pretty brave. >> i'm calling paramedics. >> i have fallen and i can't get up. >> tear this wall down come up by god, we are going to do it. >> 1988... the error of boy bands, in sync. backstreet boys. >> i can't express enough hear how genius seinfeld was. >> >> i did not have sexual relationship with that woman. >> yeah you did. >> and 2009... >> brianna, i'm allowed to finish but janice dean has the most insightful thoughts on
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that's >> who is respected to take pa >> so who is reported to takean pat sajak's place with will of a fortune? >> can i have a capital w? >> i would like to buy a vowel please, a capital e. >> is there a capital r? >> i would like to solve the puzzle, please. that would be b, ryan seacrest. >> the answer should be vannase white and there should be a f little reward on the other end, mi right? >> hunter biden has been in the news for just about anything you can imagine this year. >> except a secret service agent because that job was taken. >> hunter cries boo-hoo becaused
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he liked to smoke booze and screw. hunter biden got traditional media but they didn't have much of an interest in what was ainte big story. hunter biden's dealings in china and in ukraine with an energy company there cold breeze my. >> whe n i'm running an energyn company, who should be on the board, who should be on the board? who speaks the language and inao meetings? as the summer started to heat up some of the waters around hunter, james comer was wanting to tie deals overseas and the money that was made with joe biden.amil >> this committee is investigating president bidenalz and his family business deals to capitalize on joe biden's publie office and risked our country's national security. >> wears a moneye ney,? >> joe biden said, where's the money? follow the money, no money here. that became the focus of a b james comer and his oversight hearing. >> that is a bunch of malarkey.
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>> they found 25 wires just below $2.5 million to business associates of the biden family. >> james biden gotnd t a taste , it t. his sister got some of that pure. the goddaughter got some of it. the knees, like everyone but not joe. >> hunter business partner said he was using his father's perceived influence to make these business deals. >> this is a guy profiting from his father's position. exactly what america doesn't like about washington. >> hey, babe, what are you doing? are you out to dinner with ukrainians? told him i said >> two irs whistle-blowers the investigation into hunter was being slow walked by the doj.>>t >> we can't charge him almost at that stuff anymore.. certainly, that was not the pla to run out the clock. post>> marjorie taylor greene sd up to one of these hearings with
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actual poster boards of imagery from hunter biden's laptop. >> i never again want to see a naked picture of hunter >> in the meantime commit in june, biden reached a pretty sweet heart deal with regard to gun charges. >> hunter barred the lacto mike biden will avoid jail time on a separate gun charge. >> i can read the terms from the deal but basically it soundsju like this... a month later the federal judge in delaware refuses to rubber-stamp this clean deal. basically because some questions arose as to how far this immunity for hunter biden would ultimately be. >> they literally put in there, "a get out of jail free card." speak with the prosecutors have. an tide of the president's son, hunter biden. >> indicted again.ears hunter biden facing nine new charges and up to 17 years inde prison. >> we have the news that
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hunter biden has an illegitimate child finally acknowledged by the president, but it is okay. hunter biden gave her some pay>s dividends. and those are selling for $250,000. maybe the price is high. >> more than 20 years by the light was the most popular beer in america. speak with the share, popular brand, funny it was starting to slow. >> trying to get younger and hipper so they get into the influence game. >> they will send out a bunch oo customized cans to influencers. these will go out everywhere to transgender activists. >> 12 million followers but by the light naturally thought, okay, this person is selling everything from tampons to sports bras. this is our audience right here on a silver platter. >> hi, i have some bud light for
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us.up >> first, dylan uploads a video of herself dressed as aubreyas halpern. >> didn't even like the taste of bud light. >> it went viral but not exactly for the reasons bud light had hoped. >> this is not what beer drinkers meant when they askedd for nuts. >>self kid rock posted a video f himself will make himself shooting three cases of bud light. roc >> kid rock's video goes viral and viewed 11 million times.mes. [bleep] bud light and [bleep] anheuser-busch. >> o people smashing, crushing, driving over bottles of bud light. >> within a week, sales were down 11%. you would expect for a week or so to be some negative publicity and then everybody forgets about it and goes back to drinking bud light. but it stuck. >> by that summer, we are
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talking about 30% almost down in sales all because of onea instagram >> i think it surprised a lot of conservatives, wow, this o actually worked. to see it hurt bud light so much reminded people, okay, so what i do still matters. nev >> buy the stock is down 10% anc they never really recovered.e wa speak with the most possible. we will bribe you to drink our beer. hey ufc, here is $100 million. >> here comes another "who can forget" pop quiz? which was not a contributing factor to the wildfire in 2023 3 west mark a high winds by capital dura. a downed power line or c? the answer when we returned. return.
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>> which was not a >> so which was not a contributing factor in the devastating mall we wildfire this year? the answer is c, or some was not a factor. by the end of 2023 it was confirmed that 97 lost their live s in a wildfire with 66 missing. over 6,000 residents displaced by this horrific tragedy.
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to see what happen how people lost their lives in an instant is beyond heartbreaking. speak with the supernova music festival was built as a journey of unity and love. >> this was an all-night party by 6:00 a.m. here they had been up all night dancing. >> the revelers are completely oblivious as to what is about to happen. >> one on this video shows these young people dancing, having a great time in the background. these little black specks coming into view. >> the dots on the horizon f turned out to be hamas terrorisi because it is a music festival. the music was so loud. in many instances, it drowned out the fire until it was too late. >> it was chaos and people trying to run to the fields. no good places to hide. they were hunted down like >> you can see on the parking lot of this festival ana motorcycle used by hamas
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militants when they entered from the gaza strip into southern israel. the cards here filled with things to stay over, shoes, bags, hairbrushes, makeup. >> at least 260 concertgoers, those kids were murdered by hamas. it is the worst terrorist attack on a group of civilians in israel and modern day history. >> it was one of many horrific incidents on that trafftsa trag. terrorist target of the communities and 50 miles into the border. y>> towns, villages everybody ws seeking ducks unarmed. >> killed, masker, maim as many innocent civilians as possible. >> ishoct was shocking. it stunned the >> you wake up on saturday morning on our show, what little bit of things happenedhis
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overnight. in this case, the world changed. speak with a scene here has been horrific for the israeli population. >> later that evening israeli ir prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that israel was at war. >> thougheh israel did not starl this work, israel will finish it. speak with the hamas terrorists don't want people to they prefer to use their own citizens as human shield. >> it is predictable. >> poppingup up throughout the world, many lighting buildings e and white to honor israel and others burning israeli flag in the streets. >> you had in the u.s. ong college campuses demonstrations blaming israel for the attack. >> jewish students at some of the top colleges and universities in the country said they are in fear for their lives.tine >> jewish college students sing another pro-palestinian demonstration in new york city yesterday took a scary turn for them. they were in cooper union with protesters banging on the door.
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>> you would whe think there coh be moments when universally the world would recognize that the slaughter of 1,400 innocenceld with hostages of women, babies, and the elderly would be universally condemned. >> does calling for the with harassment? >> it depends on the context. >> it does not depend on the context. they are upset civilians are dying in gaza. bu-t if hamas about casualties maybe you don't kill all the civilians. can that conflict be resolved? it might if you are able to get a peace deal among the majornc players. and if you do, you might have a chance to bring peace at last but we will see. >> up next, the number one story in our countdown.
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. plan [music] ♪ ♪ >> 2023 was year of trump indictments. >> one more indictment. >> criminal cases, civil cases. federal cases, state cases. >> mr. trump pleaded not guilty. >> first case in march, called zombie case, we left it for dead. >> about hush money payments to a porn star named stormy
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daniels that happened something like 7 years ago. >> a legitimate business expense, if you ask me, he is trying to keep a bad story out of the press. >> donald trump has been ordered to appear in court. for a first court appearance and possible arraignment. >> it so, this is day one, like at new york state supreme court. >> that was one of the days that stops me cold. the scene outside of courtroom is bedlam, trump showed up in court. flash bulbs flashing. >> msnbc was in's collect of nevd gaza open. >> oh, my good, a former president has never been charged with a crime, this is amazing. >> justice department, has justin indicted former president trump over his handling of classified documents av he left office. >> next up in june special prosecutor jack smith, who
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charged him with 40 counts for mishandling classified documents in florida. >> trump accused of illegal let's taking highly sensitive national security documents from white house to mar-a-lago. >> then accused of resisting the attempts to retrieve documents. >> photos emerged. the classified documents. >> >> at least it was not in the garage like joe biden. >> been assigned to oversee federal crise case against former president's handling. >> that jurisdiction may be favorable to him. >> but we'll see. >> today, an indictment was unsealed. charges donald j. trump with conspiring to defraud the united states. >> jack smith is not done. on august 1, mr. trump
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indicted on 4 counts of trying to overturn 2020 election. >> overturning of the election thing, that is when federal case snow balls. >> the indictments allege former president and his allies knowingly spread false claims about the 2020 election. >> by the time it is over i believe he will be charged with child neglect for failing to help kevin in home alone 2. >> i kno want to find 11780 votes. >> fani willis charged him and everyone he hung out with in his life in some capacity. >> like this is an episode of sopranos be. one by one, trump's allies flip on him. >> sidney powell gets a traffic ticket. but ern gets a head, sydney
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powell flieds guilty. >> finallies trump mug shot. >> that mug shot was on x . >> and you be trump nailed it, he went chin down, eyes up, oi old school, yeah, great expect, serious but not threatening, he means business but not crazy. >> you throw on top of that new york stif civil trial. >> one doozy of a year for the former president. >> and his poll numbers are on the rise. >> if i could draw a small chart for viewers, indictment one, trump, two. 3, and 4. >> america loves the under dog story, so the more they go after him, the more people will be like. >> in a 4-3 decision colorado supreme court kicked donald trump off of presidential primary ballot.
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>> it will be appealed to u.s. supreme court, sitting' a high stakes legal battle. >> 2023 was supposed to be year of get trump through the legal system. an2023 was the year that trump will be the republican nominee. >> 2024 will look at 2023 and say, hold my high noon, this is not a bud light. >> happy new year. >> happy gnaw happy new year. >> happy new year new year. >> you earned this one. >> we made it to 2024. let's be honest. nobody bet that in vegas. >> happy new year america. >> new year a new start, let's make 2024 the best year yet. ♪


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