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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 1, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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say you are entertaining a lot of wait because you indulge for a couple weeks. that could mean you are insulin resistant. in insulin doesn't work well you can't take that weight off. that's something that has to be looked at. >> rachel: can ozempic lead to this insulin resistance. >> no. it treats. ozempic and mounjaro and wegovy and zepbound treat insulin resistance that's why they are also approved forever diabetes. when you are on medications we are really treating that for the people not on it. let's say that the average viewer out there that's watching and they say oh my gosh i think i have gained like 10 pounds this season. i'm saying it's something to think about. you could be insulin resistant. >> rachel: that's interesting. it's a very interesting debate on whether people should be on these drugs or not and whether they're learning to eat healthy
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without it. >> rachel, i think my patients are because when your appetite is zoned down and insulin is working better these discussion, especially mounjaro effects two appetite receptors in the brain and stomach. you rye really start craving after a while healthier foods. it's also anti-aging treatment, rachel, believe it or not, because it when you are stabilizing insulin, which is a hormone that doesn't work as well as we get older, you know, not only are you able to burn fat, which is what insulin does, cure exercise more efficiently, you are also building bone and muscle. and when we're young we are burning fat and what else are we doing? building muscle and bone. so there are a lot of very positive effects no. one is saying that lifestyle is not important. but so many of the patients have come to see me and my new york city practice have really they know how to eat and they just noticed a real change in their body when they become insulin resistant. the weight my not go up that much. they notice that they are
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putting weight on in strange places. and we put them on a special body composition scale. we see that their body fat is really very high for their weight. so this is really something that has to be looked at. >> rachel: we do. and i think there is still some questions out there. i know people who have been on it who said they lost a lot of muscle. >> they shouldn't if they are doing it properly. people have to be monitored. one thing, rachel that, a lot of people aren't being told to do is if he are not drinking enough water. that's a really bad thing. you have to drink upwards of a gallon of water today to make this drug work. >> rachel: wow. >> you really shouldn't be losing muscle. we monitor our patients carefully. we really make sure they are getting enough protein and enough vegetables and we see them every couple of weeks. we are on the phone with them a lot. people need to be handheld if somebody is just going on one of these online sites and accessing the medication and getting he no guidance, yeah they recollected have some problems and many my patients can be tapered off the
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medication. >> rachel: doctor, again, the debate is out there. i'm kind of a naturalist. i'm not with you on this. i think you are giving good advice get yourself on and off. doctor, thank you for are for joining us. >> thank you. >> rachel: you got it. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ looking like a true survivor ♪ feeling like a little kid ♪ i'm still standing ♪ after all this time. >> sing it, elton. still standing. happy new year if you are just waking up. it's the year 2024. joey, rachel and i ringing in the new year here. >> rachel: we still are.
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>> joey: took me all year to remember it was 2023. now it's 2024. maybe some time i will start writing dates correctly a problem i have every year. 2024. that kind of blows my mind. i graduated high school 20 years ago. let's see, 9/11 was 23 years ago. it is just amazing. 2024 seems like a date that growing up was forever away. and here it is and i don't feel old. i just feel grown up. >> rachel: going to be an interesting year, year and a half. let's just be very clear about that. 24 is going to be very different than 23. >> griff: because of an election. >> we will get to that we did end the year on 123123. >> rachel: we did a segment yesterday a lot of people getting married in vegas because they wanted that -- those numbers. 123123. >> griff: looking at fireworks all around the world this is in rio dejanuary narrow and you see
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that jesus statue which taylor sw swift. >> rachel: not sure i like that. >> griff: she is kind of a big deal. bigger than jesus? do we have the bells or the bells happen when fireworks as well. >> joey: that's in sydney, australia. that's beautiful. >> rachel: they really know how to do it over there. >> griff: if it was a contest i would give it to them what we have seen so far. cool shot. >> dallas, texas using the drone technology. fireworks were going to be obsolete. these drones come in and make huge images in the sky says happy new year here. >> rachel: paris gives run for the money. i didn't see any fireworks because i went to bed at 8:00. new year's resolution go to bed
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early. >> rachel: you didn't hear them either? >> griff: testimony wrote in his book 20 years ago i slept through a rocket attack. i was so tired. we were going for like 24 hours for days and days and days. and you know, took incoming fire from a morality shell, actually. then they scattered got behind trucks where is jenkins? i was sound asleep under my camera. i was trying to feed video i can sleep through a lot. >> rachel: that's a super power. >> griff: hopefully one that continues. meanwhile, more communities across our country ringing in 2024 in unique ways. >> joey: alexandria hoff joins us with some of our favorite ball drops. what do you have. >> griff, you were talking about frontline work. this is an area where i have had some frontline experience. i spent some of my career
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working in central pennsylvania about anything but a ball is dropped or raised at midnight. a shoes, massive hershey kiss. one that always draws a lot of attention new year's eve lebanon, pennsylvania. it's the famed bologna dropped. they pronounce the beef cylinder the dutch way i suppose. the celebration of the regional delicacy started in 1997 after being inspired by nearby dillsburg pennsylvania where they drop a pickle. olive, north carolina started in 1999. mount olive pickle company. it's now a public point of pride. raleigh, north carolina. acorns poured from the sky to mark the start of 2024. big one there earlier in the evening acorns fell from the sky to allow the children to take part in the festivities there as well. that's really a big one there. for something that almost gets
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close to a disco ball. dropping oversized beach ball refurbished of to be more colorful than ever. more than 10,000 mini beach balls dropped for the kids. so that's good to have them feel included. it's really the food items that i feel prevail as a quirky. boise idaho potato drop and perogie drop in indiana. >> griff: i love it. beach ball is a good one. >> rachel: sounds good. >> joey: if you drop timing might be off. you don't know how to time it coming back down. >> griff: true. >> joey: a little too light. >> rachel: looking into the new year first of all, yesterday, we had i believe stephen moore on talking about who are the most underrated and overrate offed presidents on his underrated president list was calvin i
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believe new york post call thomas wrote it. talking about the lerves from 1924 from 2024. 100 years ago the 20s were roaring and president calvin coolidge did things the current president in congress would do well to emulate. coolidge won a land slight victory on a platform of limited government. reduce taxes and less regulation. he followed through on all three creating an economic boom. cool lick signed number of foreigners come to america. that's might be why stephen moore has had him on his under rated president list and by the way those seem to be the same policies donald trump and by the way donald trump was adviser to donald trump when he was in office and we certainly did see record economic numbers in that
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presidency. >> yeah. you know call thomas one of the leading voices. hills torian in the sense of victor davis hanson and others. are able to look at the arc of history and say these are the things that we really need to make sure we don't lose sight of obviously the border going to have to be something done about that. walk it out. why would that matter the last part of his quote about limiting the number of foreign folks coming over. well, we want everybody to come to america the legal way. it's the strength and fabric of what made this nation great. you look at the crisis we are having with the highest number ever in december just out of control 2.5 million last fiscal year. we now know from the center for immigration studies that three out of five illegal alien households are on welfare. that's not strengthening the country. and it's not fair to them,
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either. because it's going to put them in a position to achieve american dream talking about losing sight of. good on call thomas taking time to write this. >> joey: look back and see things play out n similar way. what can we apply today effectively help guide us through what we are going through? after the roaring 20's comes the great depression and world war. so many things happened. not to say we should do a certain thing keep war from happening because it happened 100 years ago. really what you look at and say what of these policies could be employed today? the idea that immigration law has always been something this country has struggled with or at least believed in. i mean, you know, the big sentiment republicans don't want more immigrants now because they are afraid of the big replace.
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theory. no, even when there was plenty of land and places to the go and industry and things to do. imgraduation law was important because anyone who is here needs to be fully invested as a part of the system. that doesn't mean just paying taxes but having that social responsibility. so much about immigration that we don't talk about are the people that come here and are left in the shadows. they come here for the american dream and they end up in an american nightmare. they end up in the shadows of our society. it doesn't always become a better life for them in the sense of the life that we live. so, if you truly care about people and you want them to have the opportunity to come to this country, shouldn't you want them to have the opportunities that coming to this country legally provides? that's the rebut that you can bring to democrats i don't hear republicans saying enough. >> rachel: i think we have been caught up in i don't know over the last decade or idea that diversity is the strength. the ability to do it legally. go through that civil -- citizen
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process country a way to have a unified fabric in america. this idea that you come in and break our laws and northbound dick durbin want to put you in the military as you -- after you cross border. this is a recipe for disaster i'm glad that cal thomas wrote this op-ed. much to be learned about the future. >> griff: speak eases in the 20's. coming up. >> joey: enough collision. >> griff: british obesity calls of measuring the waist lines of. >> joey: 700,000 illegals will be gifted healthcare thanks to gavin newsom. the most outrage just new laws for 2024. >> rachel: first is it maggie and harry's redemption year or taylor swift's engagement era?
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>> griff: yes. will. >> rachel: have you heard of acting your wage with a w? pop culture round up is next ♪
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not to take today for granted. if you're age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance starting at just $9.95 a month. there are no health questions so you can't be turned down for any health reason. the $9.95 plan is colonial penn's number one most popular whole life plan. options start at just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate can never go up. it's locked in for life. call today for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. (soft music)
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♪ hello, colonial penn? i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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♪ >> joey: we're back with a fox news alert. at least nine people have reportedly been hospitalized including three police officers after a man plowed through several new york city streets in his suv overnight. police initially responding to a dispute involving the suspect's near penn station in manhattan before that 44-year-old man took off in his vehicle. the suspect striking dozens of cars, including a handful of police vehicles as he tried to evade authorities. he was arrested a few blocks away. now to a fox weather alert. a 7.6 magnitude earthquake offer the northwestern coast of japan sparking a tsunami -- sparking tsunami warnings and evacuations. video shows a large fire believed to be related to the quakes as well other damage. the shocks reportedly being held as far east as tokyo no. official report on deaths and injuries. tsunami warnings have been issued in north carolina and parts of russia.
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the delaware computer repair shop honorary who went public with the contests of hunter biden's laptop says his home was swatted john paul mac isaac posting on x, quote: i was not home but the outstanding men and women ph.d. responding quickly and professionally. nothing, let me repeat that nothing will take me out of this fight. cheers. end quote. yeah, this is just the latest swatting incident reported which is basically swatting is when false police reports are made to bring law enforcement to a honestly on friday's maine's secretary of state says it happened to her as well one day after she removed former president trump from her state's ballot. and those are your headlines. rachel and griff, i think you have got some pop culture for us. >> rachel: that's right. it is time for the first pop culture round up of the new
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year. i'm going to say something, griff. i requested george santos. i got you. you are the backup for george santos. >> griff: that's okay. i will take it. this is the coolest segment on "fox & friends." i'm starting the year off in pop culture round up. good start indeed. >> rachel: all the greatest and latest drama. start off right away. there is a trend. this is a new workplace trend where you are told -- where young people say you act your wage. so if you are making 20 grand you just have to act like you make 20 grand insteted of acting like you make 100 grand. how are you going to get ahead? >> griff: this is a bad idea. you should assume you are the ceo even if you work in the mail room or be the first guy there or gal and last to leave and show everybody what kind of work ethic you have got. don't act wage or else never make that wage. rich rach look the part. pull yourself together. meghan markle and prince harry
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are hoping that 2024 will be redemption year. >> they are losers in holiday right now. they want to get back in the game because the money is running out. >> griff: i going to trial to move wherever they are now. to l.a. to try goat more in the industry. i don't watch that show the suits. apparently popular on netflix. who cares? this is not the year of redemption for them is going to be my prediction. will and kate they do it right. they're doing the royal thing. they left the royals. we will see what happened. maybe they find a place this noodle. you wish the best for them? >> rachel: you do. >> griff: people are not ename moored for them as they think. >> rachel: here is the story i think you might like. taylor swift and travis kelce continue to dominate all the headlines again yesterday they were at a game. she seems to be good luck charm at these games. what do you think is in store
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engage 789 in 2024. >> griff: they won last night. and she was in the box shearing cheering. taylor wore a matching white nfl jackets of travis' to the game. the chiefs won last night. i have do predict indeed that they're going to get engaged. year of engagements. swift no. mics added 4 trillion to the g.d.p. unlike the bidenomics. she is good for the chiefs, she is good for travis. she is good for the country and good for the world. they are going to get engage because she would never let this romance go publicly this far unless it was true love. they were kissing bite way on a party i saw on social media last night. >> rachel: wow. >> griff: buckle up. >> rachel: i think there is going to be enimeajment were. big pharma another part of the economy me. could lose a billion dollars due to the lack of major holiday movies after we saw big flops.
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indiana jones really excited about that. they didn't take a could you cu. top gun made the right way. do you think things will get better next year for hollywood. >> couldn't get snow white off the ground. >> rachel: snow white didn't want a prince. that's the problem? >> griff: apparently not. what is wrong with these people. best money of the year aside from top gun was cocaine bear and also movies like southbound of free dome and different tact and approach. surprise surprise it was buildly popular. >> ainsley: one of the movies did that did well barbie remake made millions. even i watched it. i couldn't help i love barley. griff griff using fake passports to cross at the border. never ending surge next.
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>> rachel: plus okay if 2023 wasn't the year of romance for you. how far can you level up your love starting today? talk about how to get your round up. >> recall round up. >> rachel: great job, griff
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hi, my name is joann, and i lost 75 pounds on golo. the other times i've lost weight, i was tired, run down. with golo, you feel great as you lose weight. i have enough energy to exercise every day. (energetic music fades)
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>> griff: today is expected to be one of the busiest travel days of the season as the tsa anticipates more than 2.5 million passengers it seems to be mostly smooth starting this morning so far only 11 flights have been canceled while nearly 300 flights have been delayed within the u.s. let's check in now with meteorologist adam klotz for our latest fox weather forecast. hey, adam. still raining? >> it is still raining on fox square, griff. the good news is if you are one
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of the folks traveling today the forecast is going to be pretty good. i will dive into it. what you can tell across the country as far as weather goes we're not looking at any sort of delays and not forecasting any delays. this is what it looks on satellite and raider across the country. very little weather to zoom in on. the one spot we are seeing is the rain i'm standing in. that's fairly light. further to the west that is snow to pittsburgh. none of this is to seriousing it's going to impact travel whatsoever. you are looking wide there there the 30's, 40's and fifth across the country on new year's day. those are the he weather headlines. tossing it back inside to you. >> joey: thanks, adam. we have another fox news alert. this big just in. december was a record month at the border. but we cross a threshold of more than 300,000 migrant crossings, this has never happened before. according to border patrol sources. >> we have never had more than 300,000 creditorsings in a
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single month. and if that's not bad enough, border agents in arizona now warning about illegal immigrants using fake passports to pose o. pose as minors so they can severe the country and stay here. chad wolf joins us now. chad, this is-though seems pretty specific and pretty on purpose. they are going to take passports. these are people from guinea. going to change or passports maybe even with the help of their own government to create fake passports all for the purpose of getting here and staying here. explain to when we what is happening. >> yeah. obviously very concerning. any time have you such overwhelming numbers in the month 300,000 astronomically high nun it overwhelms the border patrol. the smugglers and cartels know. this they are coaching individuals how to get across that border. how to alter passports if they need to be released into the
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country. a number of things going on among that border public safety and national security concern. again, just to go back to that number, # hundred thousand, that's unprecedented. during the trump administration, if we had 60 or 70,000 come across that border, you know, we were very, very concerned. they are at over 300,000. the system is broken. the biden administration has broken this. they have had three years to fix it. but, unfortunately, every year gets worse. 21 was historic year. 22 beat 21. and now 23 is beating 22. and so it just continues to come pound on itself we're going in the wrong direction. things are not getting better on the border things are getting worse. >> question about migrants from west africa. not like just a bunch of people from south and central america. these are people from all over the world coming now focused on 300,000 number. benchmark number. doesn't spell anything good. we talked all week how the
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current administration's policy is this notice to appear. they basically take people that are illegal here and give them a permission slip to be here illegally really violates our laws. >> with a number like this to end out this year going into election year, do you see the biden administration changing anything when it comes to their border policy, maybe trying to reinstate remain in mexico or end this farce of the notice to appear that somehow getting people here illegally? >> well, they should be doing all of that they should be changing their strategy completely because it's not working. unfortunately i don't see or hear anything different coming out of the biden administration. we in people go down to mexico city. nothing came from that. no new enforcement measures announced. no new policies announced. that's what it se needed along t border. catch and release. releasing hundreds of thousands if not millions of folks into the interior of the country
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every single day is catastrophic. that's what the remain in mexico program was designed to stop it did that well and of course the biden administration tore that down and they had repeatedly said they won't believe in the program. so i don't believe it's coming back. reinstating that program. very concerning. putting going in its place. if you don't like remain in mexico put other enforcement measures in place not doing that as well. >> joe: nthank you for joining us. thank you for joining us. >> absolutely. >> all right. up next, 700,000 illegals getting free healthcare. mexican residents instate tuition in california. which state now has the highest minimum wage? brian brenberg breaks down the will you laws in this new year. i feel refreshed
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>> well, it's new year's day and that means new laws are taking effect from coast to coast. let's break down the most outrageous changes on the books with my friend, co-host of the big money show on fox business brian brenberg,.
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>> happy morning. >> griff: let's start out in washington state. they are going to bump up minimum wage to 16.28 per hour. what? >> yeah. the highest in the nation. and i don't bee grudge anybody wanting higher wages. the problem is with these minimum wage hikes and we see it all over. we have seen it in california. it's united states for the people who keep their job who don't get their hours cut. but as soon as you do this to a small business that, small business says okay, what do i do to adapt now? how do i make it with my budget changing like this? so they look for things like cutting back on jobs. cutting back on hours. they have got to save the money somewhere. it's not like these smallies businesses are flush with cash. so washington, california, there is 22 states where the minimum wage is going to go up this year and the ones where it's the highest are the places where i think some workers might find out it's not such a great deal when the state says they have to get paid more money in this graph it is increase of more
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than 3% over last year is a meager 3% increase to the highest state minimum wage and up progressive. >> scenes going up every year inflation is driving this do you. some will say inflation is last year. raise minimum wage higher. you get that cycle of the government causing it and making businesses pay people more to cover that inflation. that doesn't end. it's a spiral that just keeps going up. >> griff: got to get to california. obviously a guy covers the border this one is quite shocking. free healthcare for more than 700,000 illegal immigrants. >> of course not free, california. because taxpayers, you're going to pay for this. yeah, so governor gavin newsom said we are going to give 700,000 illegal migrants health insurance in the state even though the state doesn't have any money. the state is in a $68 billion deficit so they are adding
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$2.5 billion in costs on top of that this is one of these magnets that attracts illegal migrants to the u.s. if you find out can i go there and get healthcare, it's one more treason cross that border which apparentry nobody is taking care of because we saw record numbers in december. >> griff: you are exactly right. we cover the border about push factor, pull factors, pull factor in places like venezuela and other is healthcare. they have no way to pay for this but they keep writing checks that the taxpayers of california can't cash. which is why they are leaving and small businesses leaving. you hated to be the last one stuck around because the tab is going to be enormous. >> griff: by the way california another law taking the books. next can residents near the border can qualify for instate
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tuition. >> if you are within 45 miles of the border but you are in mexico, can you get instate tuition in california which means taxpayers are going to subsidize that. that's about 5 grand per student the difference between out of state and in state tuition. remember, you don't from any money. you got california residents that need healthcare that wanted to go to college. but, mexican residents are getting this benefit. >> griff: if you live -- if you are a mexican resident and live in tijuana. then california taxpayers are going to pay for you to go to school in san diego state? >> you got it. this is community college tuition. it's the same deal. $5,000 subsidy the california. you may want to be helpful and help people in need. you got to ask yourself, you are out of mob. the little money that you have where are you going to put it? you have got plenty of problems in california to deal with outside of subsidizing other country's residents to go to your colleges.
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>> griff: brian brenberg "the big money show." we look forward to the great year and these laws are something else. happy new year to you, brother. >> griff: all right. joey, send it to you. >> joey: i had to lose both my legs to get my college paid for. i don't know. police are investigating the cause of a fire at a brooklyn apartment building last night. neighbors reported hearing fireworks just before it started. at least 80 people displaced from the fire which spread to at least 12 apartments. seven people were hurt, including two children and two firefighters. green day changing the lyrics to one of their socks during last night's new year's eve performance to take a dig at former president trump and his supporters. lead singer bifflely joe armstrong changing the words of american idiot from quote i'm not a part of a redneck agenda to this. ♪ i'm running maga agenda
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>> green bay is the band that sold out. this isn't the first time the band has slammed trump. back in 2016. armstrong changed the remember lick ricks for the song holiday pulverize the trump towers. football, the arizona cardinals showing philadelphia eagles why you can't take anything for granted on sunday. the cardinals scoring 29 second half points to come back and upset the eagles in philly 3 35-31. yeah. all right. baltimore offense soaring against miami. lamar jackson throwing five touchdowns. helping lift the ravens to a 56-19 win. almost as good as georgia beating florida state. finally in kansas city, the chiefs using some timely defense to help clinch their division. let's take a look. >> browning, stepping up.
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and heaving it. down for higgins. the ball hits the ground. kansas city is going to take the afc west for an 8 consecutive year. >> joey: taylor swift's kansas city beating cincinnati 25-17 much to the satisfaction of the queen of pop herself taylor swift. and those are your headlines. >> griff: have we made you a swift fan yet. i have been working on you for a week. >> joey: no. >> rachel: you don't like her music? >> joey: her music is just fine. i think she is plenty talented. i looks like the swifties and swift mania more than i dislike her. i don't like idolizing human beings. i hate when we get all excited about the royals. those are people. >> rachel: we make fun of the royals here. we don't idolize him. >> joey: not we at fox. we as americans. we or on the right track here.
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>> rachel: turn the swifties on us. we're vicious. >> griff: i will protect you there i got an in on the swift nation. talking about the royals by the way. did you see this headline out of u.k. the national obesity forum calling for annual measure of school kids' waist telegraph on christmas day. the figures for both men and women are alarming. too many 6 us are eating as though it's christmas every day. national institute for health and care excellence that's the british entity is quite right to urge that waist measurements now be taken annually from a time a child first goes to school. >> joey: i'm for it. i think we need to be every man a warrior, every woman can be a warrior. a war society is a healthy society that lives and you got to be able to -- if caught on fiber right now, if i have legs i should be able to pick you've
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and carry me off and you should be able to pick me up and carry me off because i don't have legs. we should be able to help ourselves. >> rachel: is that the right method the obesity is 4% almost 5%. union nighted kingdom 36.4%. so almost 37%. can. >> joey: land of gluttony. >> rachel: in japan they have had law since 2008 requires company and local government to measure their employees within this age range to make sure their waist lines don't fall outside of predetermined limits. 35.4 inches for women. and if the employee's waist line exceeds the maximum measurements aloud or an employee has a weight related illness, he or she is required to go dieting class if he or she doesn't lose
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the necessary weight in three months. we don't want these kinds of authoritarian things. as i was reading this article and this is on the heels of us having just done a segment with a doctor giving advice to people on ozempic on thousand handle it whether they come on or off of it during the holiday season and how to do that safely in america we have everything backwards. we're not eating healthy. from the minute kids get in, they are -- you know, think about bill gates trying to put us on fake meat and eat bugs. you know people go to europe on vacation notice that they eat bread there and they don't gain weight and they gain it he here why genetically modify our grains and process our bread and put kids on conveyor belt of processed food. we don't encourage breastfeeding the way we should. put them on processed fake milk. >> griff: eating bugs makes me want to run out on a break and
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eat the hot dog stand on the conner. >> rachel: you are part of the problem, griff. >> griff: i have agree with joey's sentiment you got to make strong men. got to be careful not to give young children not a negative self-image. >> joey: education and information not mandates and prohibition. so, i'm for going in and educating kids and parents early on what is or isn't healthy and making them aware of the fact hey, your child is physically overweight. you want to talk about nutrition? is there some supplemental information we can give you? that's the type of thing. >> rachel: supplemental information coming out of big pharma. our medical establishment and big food. there's just a lot of corporationization of our food system. when you get back to the way our grandparents ate farm to table much more healthy and much more better, long term. so you don't end up on ozempic. still ahead, halls this ever been you?
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>> i'm in love. >> i'm sorry? >> i know i should be thinking about mom all the time and i am. tuesday and i'm in love. there is nothing i can do about it. >> rachel: don't worry. it's a new year and a new chance to find love or improve what you have and that's next. ♪ we were loading our suv when... crack! safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> rachel: it's hard to celebrate happy new year if you are not happy about your love life. our next guest has tips to spice it up. dating expert, new york city's woman joins us now. great to have you on. let's get to it. what are tips to improve your love life. i've heard from people who said this year i'm going to find love, single ladies. >> many singles resolutions are how they are going to find love this year. i will give you tips how to do that. join a dating app. a lot of people don't want to do that, there are singles on the app looking to find love. get on the dating app.
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go ahead and sign up for new hobbies and activities. put yourself in a place to expand your social circle and you will find someone or meet someone who can introduce you to someone new. finally, start conversations with people around us. you never know if the love of your life will be walking down the street. start saying hi, give compliments, be open-minded and if you like someone, had a first date, give it a second chance. sometimes people go into a date nervous and feeling unsure. focus on self-improvement. it is 2024, new year, new you.
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focus on yourself and when you go on that date, you feel confident and good. >> rachel: i love this advice, i think everyone should get on a dating app. i love you included this idea signing up for new activities, i think best matches are when someone says, i think i know someone who is great for you. i call it dating like the '80s, i think that works. if you're in a relationship, how do you keep the spark alive and improve that? >> so many people in ep ras think about it, how can we make our relationship better? number one tip is put your phone away. when you are on your phone, you
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are not having quality time together. n next, plan a vacation together, rekindle that relationship and make a weekly date night. you are not friends, you are in a relationship, a love life. next dedicate a night for intense communications when you can talk. talk about your highs of the week, lows of the week and how can your partner help you manage your week upcoming and make intimacy and priority. we are not friends, we're in a relationship. focus on that, as well. >> rachel: prioritize your love life, should be as important as youree


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