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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 1, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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together. n next, plan a vacation together, rekindle that relationship and make a weekly date night. you are not friends, you are in a relationship, a love life. next dedicate a night for intense communications when you can talk. talk about your highs of the week, lows of the week and how can your partner help you manage your week upcoming and make intimacy and priority. we are not friends, we're in a relationship. focus on that, as well. >> rachel: prioritize your love life, should be as important as your career, and a lot of us
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forget that. cher, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me and happy new year. >> rachel: happy love life for you. bye. third hour of "fox and friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ wake me up before you go-go don't leave me hanging on a line like a yo-yo. ♪ >> joey: welcome to the first hour of first "fox and friends" of the year. it is january 1, people rang in the new year about a block from my hotel. they must have kept it dissents,
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i didn't hear a thing. >> rachel: you didn't hear a thing? >> griff: anyone would have heard me snoring through the nine hours i got. happy new year. i've been going to bed early up here getting to fill in with you, going to bed at 8:00 p.m. one night 7:30. >> rachel: you don't have a problem going to bed that early? >> griff: there is a secret, beer. >> rachel: i need to try that. >> joey: much more natural. i lean into the nyquil, i might being addicted. it tastes good, it is not supposed to taste good, i am tasting it often. >> rachel: the secret is not
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having little kids around. >> griff: there is that. you are looking at fireworks around the world. sydney had a lot. >> rachel: paris made it look good. this is dallas. you said they use drones? >> joey: it is a computer program, there are the drones, how cool is that? >> rachel: amazing actually. i see engagement announcements that way. >> griff: there is paris. >> rachel: i can't imagine new year's in paris. >> griff: wake up and have croissants. i rather be in dallas. >> rachel: you are in nyc. >> joey: there is the eiffel tower in las vegas. >> griff: what are your
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resolutions? i will spend more time with my dogs. >> rachel: i will work out before the kids get up. i'm worried about 2024, volatile year, don't know what is going to happen, only thing i can control is my family, me and sean, our new year's resolution fortify our family and family bond. we are ready for whatever 2024 brings us. >> joey: i've been on a lot and asked this question and i almost became a hypocrite, i've had resolutions and i have said i don't believe in resolutions. i don't believe in resolutions, i do believe something needs to change. this week is definitive week in my year thchl is a turning point
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in my life, when i get home, something i'm going to work on is just spending more time at home and with my family. it seems is say yes to a lot i don't have to. not necessarily work, other thingings in life. if i say yes, i will bring them with me. i will start with having them with me more when i do have to life. >> rachel: reprioritizing your family. >> joey: never a bad time to do that. >> rachel: that is similar to mine. >> griff: we got resolutions from viewers. jody will have the entire family at the dinner table at least five times out of the week, if not dinner, breakfast. >> rachel: proven results when you eat dinner as a family at the dinner. jenny will cut back on drive-thru food, if i go, pay
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for dinner for the person behind me as punishment. pay it forward, i like it. >> joey: accountability through charity. e-mail from robin. pick up phone and call loved ones and friendings on birthdays instead of sending a text or comment on facebook. when you meet someone, put their birthday in your phone with notification and once a year send them a note and remember them on that day of the month. if their birthday is on the 16th, reminder to check in every month on the 16th. we are busy, but we care about you. >> rachel: somebody celebrating new year's far from america. not too far away, warmer
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climate, not at the white house, he's rarely at the white house. 37% of his presidency is spent on vacation or at one of his homes, including camp david. this year he decided to share a message with ryan seacrest. >> griff: 417. maybe his new year's resolution was to spend more time on vacation. >> rachel: right. trump had 381, he was working in mar-a-lago, set up a second white house. president biden shared with ryan seacrest and here is what he had to say. mr. president, before we start here about the new year, what sort of holiday food have you been enjoying over last few days? >> president biden: eating everything put in front of me. pasta, which i love, chicken
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parmesan. italian food and ice cream, chocolate chip ice cream. >> so many eyes on the big ball tonight getting ready for 2024, what are your hopes for the new year for both of you. >> president biden: high hope is everybody has a healthy, safe and happy new year and i hope they understand that we're in a better position than any country in the world to lead the world and we're coming back and it is about time. >> rachel: we love this video, we keep looking at jill biden who is white knuckled, paranoid about what might come out of joe biden's mouth. >> griff: we talked last hour and seacrest said what do you hope for. he said, i hope the american people remember you are feeling pain at the pump and grocery store, just remember we told you, you are doing better
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because of me. vote for me. >> rachel: did they do this with donald trump? did they have this exchange? >> joey: i don't remember ryan seacrest asking donald trump much of anything. one resolution he did not say, we would secure our border. didn't we expect him to say that? maybe not. in either case, resolution or not, truth is, this month, december of this year, 300,000 migrants have crossed the border, a thresh old and record we never touched before. 785,000 more than fiscal year, this is over last three months, where we are with open border those in the white house have you believe is somehow secure. >> rachel: i don't think it would be his new year's resolution. this is intentional, only
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problem, he doesn't want us to see the numbers and draw attention to it. the numbers just don't talk on the other networks. >> griff: important points, reporting of bill melugin and the fox drone team, there lonely even when there was not a reporter there, showing the people crossing, so much so cnn now kcovers it. i call a call from my cbp s source, there are numbers never thought imaginable in 2021 74,000 and now over 300,000. when i heard a little before christmas, december 21, karine jean-pierre stand at the white house podium and say this, my
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jaw dropped. watch. >> what we're seeing here at the border, migration flow certainly it ebbs and flows and we're at time of the year we're seeing more at the border and it is not unusual. >> griff: not unusual, she is oblivious. >> rachel: she is not oblivious, she's a liar. >> griff: or she is lying, intentionally lying to paint a narrative that is anything but the truth when you have humanitarian national security threat risk happening everyday at the border. >> rachel: interesting you brought up the drones. maybe viewers remember back i first realized fox was using drones was over the bridge where the hatians had gathered and pete buttigieg, we will talk
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about with john ordon. pete buttigieg tried to stop the drones, did not want you to see. >> griff: they did not want you to see, even today we don't have unfettered access, but for the drone we're able to show you. what you are looking at is 150 countries from eagle pass to lukeville, arizona, 1000 miles separate these areas, eagle pass average 3000 per day now, no more than 20 to 40 agents on shift. 200 to 1 outnumbered and congress is about to come back for funding for the border. what i'm watching closely is what they'll do, will they change policy in border reform or just allocate more money and
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add 10 or 20 more agents to do more transporting and processing. transporting and processing leaves hundreds of miles of wide open border for cartels. >> joey: two terms, there are border crossers and border jumpers, jumping is entering illegally and not being interdicted in any way. you never are in any kind of entanglement with law enforcement and make your way into the country. we want to call those known gotaways. i hate that term, known gotaways describe the amount of people on camera or sensor and does not describe people never detected. what are unknown gotaways? what are they doing? even if les people, are they
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bringing drugs and terrorists across the border? we don't have resources to know. what might have helped would be sturdy wall we pay. >> rachel: you are rights, that would have been more affordable. we are spending more to take care of illegal immigrants than the cost of the wall. what we don't talk enough about, we look at numbers ands talk about them and it is mind-boggling and we don't spend enough time talking about, brian brenberg talked about taxes, what are consequences on the american people? how does this impact our future and this is an invasion, what are the long-term consequences on your taxes and budget and
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even on the culture, none of these people will be asimulated, i can say that as the daughter of a legal immigrant. how does that impact our country? we have not began to unpack that. >> griff: more coming. to a fox weather alert. 7.6 magnitude earthquake off japan sparking tsunami warning. >> rachel: the shocks felt as far as east tokyo. no official report on death and injuries. >> joey: check in with meteorologist adam klotz with the fox weather forecast. >> adam: scary what is happening in japan, 4 p.m. local time. expecting largest waves from the tsunami to batter the largest
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island in japan, which includes tokyo, which is eastern side of the island, no concern there. it is the western side. they are preparing for waves 10 to 15 feet high, they were many 12 earth 2k4r9 quakes largest. something we'll pay attention to. back to rachel. >> rachel: thank you. turning to headlines starting with this fox news alert. multiple people hospitalized including three police officers after a man plowed through several new york city streets in an suv overnight. police responding to a dispute near penn station and the man took off in his vehicle and struck dozens of cars trying to
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evade authorities. he was arrested. can anti-israel protesters were seen all over new york city yesterday, storming 34th street macy's, setting off a smoke bomb and others could be heard praising the ongoing attack by terror proxies. [chanting] >> yemen, yemen. turn another ship around. >> rachel: yemen is home of the iranian backed houthi militants who have attacked ships in the red sea including on american ships. tonight lucky winner starting new year as multi millionaire as
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powerbaurl reaches $810 million, fifth largest jackpot in the game's history, it grew after nobody took ome the grand prize saturday night. these were numbers, 10, 11, 26, 34 and power ball 7. >> griff: i will play today. chris, where do i buy them? i need the winning one. all right. still ahead developing this morning, former president bill clinton said to be unmavenged this week in court document related to pedophile jeffrey epstein. live report on what we might learn. >> rachel: interesting. who else is on that list? john fetterman speaking out on his struggle with depression saying social media was an
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accelerant. >> i never noticed anyone to know mental health was supporting by spending time on social media. >> rachel: i agree with john fetterman on something. marc siegel with how you can take control of your ment at health in the new year. >> joey: what changed tom brady's mind from unretiring again this year. ♪ ♪ hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills.
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hi, i'm kevin, and i've lost 152 pounds on golo. (uplifting music) my biggest concern when i started golo was food. i'm a big guy and, shockingly, i like to eat. i was worried it was gonna be like other diets that were bland and restrictive. but with golo, my meals are great,
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and i'm no longer hungry like i was before. i'm so pleased i gave golo a shot. don't wait, go to ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> griff: did you see this? new reports say former president bill clinton will be identified as several of the john doe's connected with jeffrey epstein. >> clinton is not the only big name expected to be released, there are 150 individuals identified as john or jane doe.
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manhattan federal judge ruled no justification to have documents sealed in this settled case . the documents are expected to know unredacted as early as tomorrow and among those named former president bill clinton is mentioned 50 times within the text. there are attempts to have him testify. there is no indication of illegal conduct or allegations of wrongdoing by clinton, although accuser in the case did claim she met the former president on epstein's private island. he ended contact with epstein in 2005.
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abc notes many prominent names like prince andrew have already been publicly connected to epstein. >> griff: thank you. joey, over to you. >> joey: thanks. treated for clinical depression shortly after winning his senate seat last year. now senator john fetterman revealing what made the battle more difficult. >> do you think social media made your depression worse at the time? >> oh, yeah, it is an accelerant. social media, never noticed anyone to believe their ment at health is supported by spending time on social media. >> joey: dr. marc siegel joins us to discuss, thank you for joining us, happy new year. i find this interesting, you say
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depression, anxiety, poor self esteem, loneliness are accelerated by social media, how is that so? >> dr. siegel: add sleep disruption and low self-esteem. i agree with rachel. what happens social media supposed to bring you in, it ends up excluding you. people are anonymous on social media and not responsible for what they say. they get it out on other people by meanness and senator john fetterman was talking how his family was targeted and he was embarrassed. treatment for this and i love what you guys have been saying on the couch about family. family is the answer to this.
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when you go to the dinner table or get together with your family, excludeiphone, social media and have a face-to-face gathering. i tried it last night, i didn't use my phone and the results were positive. you sleep better, feel better, your self-esteem goes up. studies show use of social media in teens and low self-esteem, depression and suicidal thoughts. >> joey: talk about teens especially, senator fetterman, i feel for him, he's grown, had a career in politics and understands pressure. teenage girls is the group most acutely affected by this. should we do more to educate parents and kids on social
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media? >> dr. siegel: education is the key, not government at restriction. you start with restricting and mandating and saying what you can do from the government point of view, that won't work. intervention early from the family. it is also setting a spotlight in this country. half of americans according to kaiser family foundation don't have access to mental healthcare at all or may be embarrassed to go there. the ment at health system is broken. most importantly, if you are on the i-phone, your kid is on that i-phone. >> joey: words of wisdom and clinical science, stay off that iphone a little bit.
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>> dr. siegel: and watch you on tv, happy new year. >> joey: coming up tom brady says he almost unretired again this year. we'll tell you what changed his mind next. one congressman this year hoping to pump the brakes on biden's ev push because of human rights abuses and will explain right here next. hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor?
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sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that $9.95 plan, today. (jonathan) is it time for you to call about the $9.95 plan? i'm jonathan from colonial penn life insurance company. sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. if you're age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance starting at just $9.95 a month. there are no health questions so you can't be turned down for any health reason. the $9.95 plan is colonial penn's number one most popular whole life plan. options start at just $9.95 a month.
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one of the leading causes of stroke. and it's the only personal ekg that's fda cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think this costs? probably in the hundreds. $79. oh, wow. that could be cheaper than a tank of gas. for a limited time, kardiamobile is available for just $74. hurry, these prices won't last. get kardiamobile for yourself or a loved one at or amazon. >> griff: headlines, kim jong-un saying his military will annihilate the united states if provoked, ramping up war-like rhetoric over the last year.
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this comes as experts say potential of small-scale military clashes breaking out between north and south korea could happen this year. delaware computer repair shop owner who went public with hunter's laptop said his home was swatted. i was not home, the pd responded quickly and carefully. nothing will take me out of this fight. cheers. false police reports are made to bring law enforcement to an individual's home. on friday maine's secretary of state said it happened to her after she removed president trump from the ballot. tom brady teasing fans on social media addressing reports he was close to coming back to the
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playing field prior to the 2023 season, writing the only downside to 2023 was when i was about to unretire in may and my friends threw surprise retirement party forced my hand. those are headlines. rachel. >> rachel: marjorie taylor greene was also swatted eight times and on christmas day. wow. biden's costly electric vehicle push facing growing pushback as critics say white house is putting green agenda over humab rights. >> the art easian mines. >> yes, sir. >> do you understand artisian mines have thousands of children working in condition of slavery
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mi mining cobalt in the democratic of congo? >> yes, sir. >> rachel: most of the world's cobalt comes from republic of congo and mined by 40,000 children working under brutal conditions. derrick van orden sits on the house transportation committee. congratulations on that hearing, the way you questioned pete buttigieg and others on this issue was remarkable, you did not let them get away with it. what was stunning, they admitted they know their green agenda is built on the back of african black child slavery and they don't care. >> no, rachel, it is shocking. i want to remind people republican party was started by
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a group of abolitionists. now we have 21st century slavery being financed by giving people tax relates to buy electric vehicles. 4.3% comprised of cobalt, 70% from democratic of congo and 40,000 children mining cobalt with their hands to forward biden's green new deal agenda. i will have no part of this, this can be stopped by changing a couple approximatelies and make sure we are not buying cobalt from the democratic republic of congo. >> rachel: republican party started abolitionist movement and had that as center piece when it started and would be
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great to return to roots when it comes to child slavery in africa right now. i'm sure you can get republicans on board and get black caucus to join on this issue. a few policies could be changed, how easy would it be to get policy changes? >> let me remind everybody of the blood diamond movement. sierra leone were banned throughout the world and everyone was on board with that. that is from angola and congo. you couldn't bring the diamonds into the united states. diamonds are commercial luxury item and has neagenda behind it.
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cobalt, there is idlogical vent to push the green new deal forward and they are willing to do that at expense of having children working in condition of slavery. if we just redo the blood diamond plsz policy, we will not accept cobalt from congo and slow roll date of 2030, having all vehicles being electric vehicles. it is unrealistic goal i swear the biden administration picked up a calendar and picked. slow roll this thing and prevent implication of cobalt from congo and dry up child slavery. what could be a more better goal for 2024 than that? >> rachel: please keep us posted and we want to know which congressmen and women refuse to
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join this battle to fight child slavery in africa. there are medical issues, as well, i wish we had images what it looks like, horrifying and hard to believe it is happening today. thank you for championing this issue. i just can't thank you enough, happy new year and please keep us posted. >> i will, happy new year. >> rachel: still ahead, today expected to be busiest travel day of the year, adam has a live report what you need to know. first wake me up when the political pandoring ends, green day back at it with anti-trump tactics. ♪ ♪ tammy bruce will join us next with a much brighter tune.
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>> griff: fox weather alert.
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the tsa anticipated the passengers flying today. so far only 14 flights have been cancelled. adam klotz has the forecast. >> adam: good news with flights, any delays will not likely be weather related. nice forecast on first day of january of 2024. that is outside, all green, no weather delays and not a lot of weather to discuss. storm activity rolling to the west coast. otherwise things look largely clear. temperatures in the 30s and 40s on this first day of 2024. for now back inside to you. >> griff: clear skies, green light, 2024! green day, the band, using new year's performance to rip into former president trump changing the lyrics from "american
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idiot," to this. >> ♪ ♪ maga agenda. >> griff: next guest says green day may be trying to influence young base, but more of leaning toward trump. tammy bruce joins us now. >> tammy: fox news poll found the same thing two weeks ago. this is not an out liar. when you see something like that, it feels like 2018, a little old. i think young voters like with the "u.s.a. today" poll, trump leading by 37-33% with young voters. fox news poll has trump 13 points ahead compared to biden. young voters think it is the
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economy and national security and international affairs, they are not dummies. we remember how hollywood and bands and celebrities chimed in with all hate trump and it was bitter and vile. we were lied to. everyone's lives have been changed for the worst and we don't like being manipulated or misled and that is what this sounds like. >> griff: bill joe armstrong does not like trump, i get it. you feel you are authorized in field of politics. and ryan seacrest talking to jill biden and president biden. when trump says they are trying to attack me, they are giving
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him what he want. >> tammy: giving people the impression trump is the bad guy, when you look at the economy and nature of impact on policy, i think we expect this now, it is baked in. they have been doing this 10 years and trump is still going up. on this first day of 2024, should give everyone hope regarding fellow americans. we're not in a coma, hollywood, we are not dumb. we are different from elites on the coast, we are raising our family and you know, young people, it is probably sad when your favorite band doesn't agree with you, there are more important things at this point. >> griff: tammy bruce, great having you here. new year, new you. next for all of you with fitness
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goals for 2024. >> 4001, 4002. >> griff: crunch fitness joins us with easy at-home workouts, next. emergen-c crystals pop an ♪ ♪ back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. what's my price?
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♪ ♪ >> so it is a new year. it is a new eu. physical fitness is number one on everyone's priority list. >> so how can you reach your fitness goals? here to show us some workouts you can do at home is director of group fitness strategy and development at crunch fitness, brooklyn settled. tell us what we are doing today. >> we are talking about our new year's resolutions. it is very popular this time of year. there's hundreds of options. the bad news is there's hundreds of options. before you give up on everything altogether, head over to crunch. we got everything you need. we have classes and it is a great place to start, especially if you're not sure what you love. go on to it is easy to find a class.
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we do tons of different kinds of classes. i will show you some different exercises that you can do right now or in a couple of hours if you are tired. let's start with a cardio exercise. we're going to get sweaty. so you will come around to one leg and drop the other leg. get into it. we're going to push off of this and jumped onto the other leg. and tap right back down. good. and so -- so we can keep this nice and low. or we can level it up by adding an extra hop. yet, the arms are definitely a part of this. so we are moving over to up and down. you are working it. he has. so she already has a leg up. she is stepping up. >> there are days where it is a blessing to not do certain things. today is that day.
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>> so let's move onto a strength exercise. we love to see that. we're going to do a bowing scarecrow if you will. we will do those hebb's a little bit. reach those palms out. palms are going to be facing towards you. you can always level it up. tap into the shoulder. extend the tricep. how are you? yup. back in and then extend those arms back down. full body. we are engaging the trunk. and then also staying nice through the hips. >> is it okay? >> yes, absolutely. 10 to 15 pounds in your hands. your form is pretty great. and that is what we are looking for in strength. let's talk more about pilates. so is a little lower. typically a lot of body weight stuff. we are looking to feel good. so a little bit different.
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we're going to take those hands up. and then as you exhale, stand right up. yeah. take it all the way down. so you are exhaling. you are driving the belly button and then standing right up. so we are trying to move through that wall and then if you want to level it up even more. try the knee-high. >> you are also working your core. >> i view it. >> and the last one that i want to bring you guys through is more of a mental fitness exercise and this is great. we learn this from -- >> we are out of time. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thanks for being here. thanks, everybody. happy new year. ♪ ♪


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