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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 1, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> molly: president biden is offering up some new year's optimism. and he climbs we are now in the best position to lead the world. the president left out a few important details. namely the ongoing crisis at our southern border, the wave of crime that is sweeping through big cities and a lagging economic agenda. welcome to a special edition of "fox news live." i'm molly line. >> mike: i'm mike emanuel. president biden's economic agenda has been a key talking point during his reelection campaign. lingering inflation and high costs have kept his message from resonating with american voters. the president into the economy during his new year's message last night. buys my hope is that everyone has a healthy, happy, and safe new year.
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i hope they understand that we are in a better position than any country in the world. and we are coming back and it is about time. people are in a position to make a living now and they have created a lot of jobs. and i guess i just feel good that the american people have been through a tough time with the pandemic, but now we are coming back. they are back. >> mike: lucas tomlinson is live with more is live with more on the president's new year's message. lucas? >> reporter: mike koster, was also no mention from the president last night about those u.s. navy helicopters killing those houthi rebels in the red sea in self-defense. on a much lighter note, we also heard from the first lady last night. >> dr. biden, your hopes for america? >> i think it is what i would always tell my students, be positive. be optimistic and be kind to one another. happy new year. >> happy new year.
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enjoy two scoops of ice cream tonight. >> reporter: our colleagues at "the wall street journal" kept a list of the promises. biden followed through on a campaign pledge to cancel the keystone pipeline and biden promise to stop all new offshore drilling but the administration said it planned to schedule three new leases in the gulf of mexico. the united states is now producing more oil than any country effort has. critics say the ball of that is private lands want to see more drilling on federal lands. here is the president's chief economic adviser on fox news on his bullish outlook on 2024. >> some of what you are calling is really a return to normal levels of credit card delinquencies or debt levels. if you look at how much it cost people to service their debt, even as interest rates have gone up, in quite -- they are in
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quite good shape. >> reporter: responding, the record-setting number of credit card debt in the united states, over $1 trillion now, the most in american history. not everyone on that "fox news sunday" program was convinced with what he was saying. >> the biden administration is extremely rosy when they talk about the economy. they seem to think everything is going incredibly well. i think it makes a lot of voters feel that the biden administration just has no relationship to reality or no understanding of what it is like to go to the grocery store, put the same items in the card that you have been putting in for years and just have the price skyrocket. >> reporter: mike, hamilton spent part of his childhood in st. croix here, and he wrote an essay about a hurricane that struck on the island and the town that came together, when he sent into the counties. the rest is history. perhaps president biden will take some of that message home
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to washington. >> mike: i found it interesting that the president spoke to ryan seacrest. when i covered the bush and obama white house is, they always ended the year with a press conference. interesting contrast. lucas tomlinson, thank you very much. molly? >> molly: for more on this, we bring in small business expert gene. thank you for giving us your time. we are talking about the president. he has been painting as has been noted this rosy picture of the economy and there are some economic indicators to say things are maybe looking better on the housing market. your thoughts on the way the president paints it and how the american people feel about it? >> molly, it is funny. i so agree with the comment that those are forgot the woman's name. she was on.
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the president painting a picture that is not connecting with reality and all you have to do is look at the numbers. if you are a consumer to an average buyer, you are paying 22% more for a car than you were when president biden took office. you are paying 25% more in gas, eggs are of. 57% since biden has taken office. and meanwhile, rents are up 21%. i'm throwing these numbers out just to give an indication that although inflation levels have been coming down, both consumers and businesses big and small or dealing with significant double-digit increases in their cost and their incomes. that is what the reality is in what is going on and i think it doesn't really hurt his credibility that he is ignoring that. >> molly: you know, in one of our recent fox news poll, only 14% say they have been helped by
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the biden's policies. and inflation taking down other things. perhaps the fed not hiking interest rates. it could help americans. but will any of it come in fast enough that the american people will feel it and it could be due -- it could do something for president biden? >> i think it is the opposite. the fed hiked interest rates so fast that i think we are only seeing now, the absorption of the higher costs, both on consumers and small businesses. it is a and have%. most of my clients are paying a couple points above that. a lot of the debt is coming due. a lot of them can't refinance. even if the fed and hopefully that will reduce interest costs, it takes a while for that to reverberate throughout the economy and i don't think any reduction is going to have a big impact.
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>> molly: the president was asked about his economic outlook and here is what he said. spoke about the economy, sir, what is your outlook on the economy? >> president biden: all good. take a look. >> molly: all good, take a look. this is essentially where he is insane, it is the way you are reporting it. you are not saying it right. as you pointed out, people can go to the grocery store and read the prices that are there. >> yeah, that is exactly right. it is -- you really have to be cessa -- suspect of anyone who says all of the economy is good. all is not good. you talked to people in the real estate industry and they are suffering. even manufacturing has been down like 13 months in the road. there are some industries that are doing okay. retail and restaurants have recovered, and that is great news.
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but you can't just make this blanket statement that the entire american economy is going good. there are plenty of people and plenty of businesses out there that are facing significant challenges this year. >> molly: what, depressed and possibly do? they struggled as far as communicating bidenomics, the numbers that they want to get out there. what can they possibly do in these next couple of months that would change the way americans feel? >> i really think that they need to start reporting the news accurately. i really think gets to putting these rosy numbers or rosy picture on what is a very challenging environment for a lot of people, i think the president should be and many, that yeah, costs have -- admitting that yeah, costs have gone up significantly. people are struggling right now. but i think the president's biggest mistake is he is not saying that. he is not admitting that people are challenged and struggling, even buying eggs and bread. and he is painting a picture
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that all is good or all is rosy. that has an -- a significant impact on his credibility. >> molly: there's a wide variety of media covering this. there are entire portions of our media committed to doing that. there are headlines claiming that the economy was booming under biden every day americans. not feeling it and the headline from the atlantic reading, why americans hate a good economy. as i mentioned, the recent fox news polling found 14% of americans claim they have been helped by president biden's economy. i mean, those are some tough numbers heading into an election year. >> they really are but you know what i have also learned over the years? the economy has so much to do with psychology and sentiment. since the biden administration has taken office, there has been very much of a pro-worker, sort
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of an antibusiness sentiment. there have been significant regulations. they have been following his lead. that really has an impact on businesses, whether or not they want to invest or hire or spend money. and that ultimately reverberate down to the consumer. if there was something to be done to increase the pro-business sentiment, that might have an impact. but i'm not feeling optimistic that is going to happen. >> molly: gene marks, thank you. have a good new year. >> mike: the u.s. strikes back against iran. there's a new warning. we will bring you the latest from the ground, up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> mike: the u.s. strikes back in the red sea. u.s. forces sunk three boats after they tried to attack a container ship. the who this sake 10 of their fighters were killed. a spokesman mourns u.s. is prepared to act in self-defense again. jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon. >> reporter: this is the first time the u.s. has killed, the fighters since these attacks in
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the red sea started in november. an estimated 10 who these attempting to hijack the shipping container fired. early sunday four a running back houthi boat fired on the denmark owned container ship. this is the second time the ship has come under attack and just as many days. the u.s. attack helicopters launched from the uss eisenhower and the guided missile destroyer uss gravley. announced in the -- they are postponing the operation. the white house is discussing with great britain and others whether to strike back against houthi forces in yemen with missile and drone launch sites. uk defense secretary crankshafts wrote an op-ed in the uk and said the uk is willing to take "direct action" if these attack
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players continue." if we do not protect the red s sea, it risks emboldening those who wish to threaten elsewhere. we won't hesitate to take further action to deter threats to freedom of navigation in the red sea. >> what about a preemptive military strike? >> i'm not ruling anything in or out. but we have made it clear. we have made it clear that we take these threats seriously and we're going to make the right decisions going further, please forward. >> there have been an unprecedented 23 attacks by the houthi's since november 19th. none of these ships have been affiliated with israel. iiran has deployed a navy frigae into the red sea through the straight in the past 24 hours. the foreign minister -- ministry spokesman said activities by the u.s. and britain in the red sea are in line with the role of
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those two countries and intensifying instability and insecurity in the regional waters especially in the red sea. such moves, he said, it will not help the region's stability at all. january 3rd marks the fourth anniversary of the u.s. assassination of the iranian revolutionary guard general qasem soleimani. iranian proxy groups have vowed to launch more attacks targeting u.s. interests to mark the anniversary. mike? >> mike: jennifer griffin, many thanks. molly? >> molly: there seems to be in no end in sight. israel expands its ground offensive in gaza. minister netanyahu now warns there are many more months ahead in this war. trey yingst is live with more. tray? >> reporter: good morning. it was an active new year's in the middle east after the clock struck midnight. hamas fired a rocket barrage
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toward tel aviv. and we understand protests erupted here in the city as demonstrators called on the head of israel's intelligence agency to cut a deal to release the remaining hostages through gaza. it is day 87 of the war between israel and hamas. there's no diplomatic end in sight. >> this is the new-year eve and everyone is supposed to be happy but we are not happy. we cannot be happy because our beloved somewhere under the ground at the gaza strip. and we want them home today. >> reporter: the calls for a deal come as hamas pulled regional media that they won't release the remaining hostages until all the fighting ends but fierce battles are ongoing still today. specifically around gaza's second largest city. it also comes as the israelis say they will withdraw some reserves from gaza in a move they say it will prepare the
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country for a prolonged war. israel is targeting positions in central gaza and officials say a hamas commander who participated in the october 7th massacre who was killed during the recent operations. these remaining concerns come as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says fighting will last for several more months. we also understand today sirens are sounding once again in northern israel as the israelis split their forces, preparing for more attacks from lebanon. molly? >> molly: trey yingst reporting live from tel aviv. thank you. mike? >> mike: more on this now with daren bobb and cofounder and executive director of restore liberty. welcome, sir. >> happy new year. >> mike: so the united states taking action seeking at least three houthi gunboats. your reaction to the response? >> a call that a decent start.
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i think the picture needs to be a lot bigger. it has to win back all the way to tehran. but at least for now, this is a small message sent that they need to leave us alone or they are going to pay for it. >> mike: iran is, of course, the big instigator. what more should the president and the pentagon do to tell the regime, stop? >> i would start by slapping the harshest economic sanctions on tehran. that is the easiest and fastest thing you could do right now and then you move from there. we don't really want to get into a shooting conflict on a bigger scale unless we have no choice. we can start by doing something that has a bigger cost economically. we can -- and paying them for hostages and various other things. it is time to get back to making them pay a heavier price.
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>> mike: to the conflict between israel and hamas, hamas fired a barrage of rockets. what is the impact on israel? >> first of all, it continues to show that the iron dome works extremely well and we should be thankful for that and says that as biden is complaining to israel of how they are taking part in indiscriminate bombing, that the only ones that are actually doing that is a hamas and it also shows that israel needs to be able to conduct basically a clean sweep of the gaza strip. only way they are going to be able to capture everything and reduce hamas' ability to attack israel like this. >> mike: then there's the pe people. 87 days after they were taken captive. what more can israel do about them?
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>> that is always a hard one, mike. first of all, we have to assume they are still alive. if hamas is telling us they are still alive, it is hard to even believe them because they are habitual liars and cowards in the first place. in the end, what israel can do is keep doing what they are doing right now, going from north to south in hopes of being able to find and free those people. but they can't just stop. every time they do that, they seek some sort of advantage to hamas. potentially making the situation worse. it tells anybody else around the world, that, hey, take hostages, it works. >> mike: colonel, any sense on how the military operation is going for the israelis? >> for right now, what i'm seeing and hearing from people inside the country, it is going very well, the pace is exactly what you would expect from operating in that environment with the full three dimensions of tunnels and buildings and land and sea, all of the above.
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we need to be patient and let israel and the defense force continuing to work at the vase they are doing and the fact that they are able to hold some units online to refit them and shows you that things are going well for them. >> mike: lieutenant colonel darin gaub, thank you for your service and thank you for your time today. molly? >> molly: coming up, a new year means new legislation. a look at the new laws going into effect across the country. the terrifying scene in the early hours of 2024. ♪ ♪ so... - we're engaged! - we're engaged! congrats carol! your youngest finally popped the question. but now, you're really going to have to get those new dentures. after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping mothers of grooms look their best.
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it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. - [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. - [speaker] but wounded warrior project helps you realize it's possible to get out there - [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. - [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. - [narrator] through generous community support, we've connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and mental health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and life skill training for 20 years, and we are just getting started.
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♪ ♪ >> molly: horrifying scene in the early hours of 2024. police were driving -- chasing a driver around madison square garden before he plowed his car into several police cruisers and pedestrians. at least nine people were hurt. alexis mcadams is live in new
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york city with more practice. so so this is still developing. we have been checking in with the nypd trying to get some new details. one woman was pinned underneath a food truck after she was run over by this driver. take a look here at your screen. this is some of the aftermath here in new york city. investigators telling us it all started with an argument between the driver and another person in midtown and when officers went over and tried to break it up, they say the suspect hopped in his car and took off. investigators say the 40 four-year-old driver was traveling at a high rate of speed. he had several cars and then drove the wrong way over all, he hit at least five people who were walking and three police officers. the driver is in custody. he was taken into custody just a short time after this crash, facing some serious charges after police say he drove right into those people walking home from new year's eve celebrations, crashing onto the sidewalk also and actually slamming into a local restaurant.
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one point, he also hit a food truck, leaving that 39-year-old woman paint under it. no major injuries surprisingly. investigators have not said exactly what charges the person is facing. we will keep you posted. >> molly: they are probably still looking into all of that. bad night for a crime in new york city. alexis mcadams, thank you. mike? >> mike: new laws going into effect as the weekend kicks in. 22 states had to put minimum wages increase. in california, all illegal immigrants are now eligible for health insurance. jeff paul joins us now. jeff cox. >> reporter: starting today, california now becomes the first state to provide health insurance to all undocumented people of all ages. estate is preparing to provide full coverage to roughly 700,000 individuals under the state's medi-cal system.
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proud, they could health insurance was available to undocumented residents under the age of 26. but this new law expands healthcare to any h. it is expected to cost the state $3.1 billion each year. we should mention that as this program begins, it does it comes as california faces a budget deficit. under the law taking effect today, banning guns in most public places. a federal appeals court on saturday put a hold on a previous ninth circuit court of appeals ruling that the law violated a person's right to bear arms. so for now, concealed carry permit holders will be able to bring guns to places like schools, government buildings, and on public transit. a california lawmaker who authored the bill calls the new law common sense. >> do you need a going to go to in your daughter's soccer game? i would say you need a water bottle and orange slices. if you go to dodger stadium's, i would say bring a mate so that
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your kid can protect themselves from an errant ball. >> reporter: 22 states are all increasing their minimum wage starting today. the highest minimum wage will be in washington state, $16.28. the biggest increase will occur in hawaii, where it will go from told -- $12 an hour to 14. washington, dc, is also raising the minimum wage and nevada, oregon, and for the are planning for increases later in the year. mike? >> mike: thanks very much. molly? >> molly: the crisis at the southern border takes on a new urgency with record numbers of migrant crossings. the already overwhelmed border patrol facing an even bigger challenges. ♪ ♪
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-hey there. -hey. -hi. hey there. how are you? i'm with disabled american veterans. i was wondering if you had a quick minute to thank america's veterans for their service and sacrifices -of course, why not? -oh, sure. -absolutely. -sure. all right. well, come on in here. i'm just going to hit record on this. i would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. i can't even think of the words to say of how grateful i am. i want to tell you guys how much, how much we appreciate. but most importantly, i want to thank you for your courage and bravery. wow. thank you. someone here who'd like to say something to you?
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oh god, you guys are awesome! someone has something they want to say to you. oh my goodness! how's it going? awe! so i will let you know how much appreciate it. how much we appreciate it! just feel honored, for everything you've done. thank you for myself, thank you for everybody. i get to live every day, you know, in peace because of you. a lot of people thank us, but we want to take the time to thank you, honestly, for giving back. and when you gave to dav, you are supporting veterans like dave and myself. so thank you so much. thank you, you guys are amazing. thank you. thank you. you can say thank you to our nation's heroes, by calling the number on your screen right now, and giving your monthly support of only $19. say thank you by going to right now, and give just $19 a month.
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when you do, we will send you this dav blanket as a thank you and a reminder that you support those who serve please call or go online to right now. your support says thank you to our nation's disabled american veterans ♪ ♪ >> mike: new year, a new records at our southern border. the seam inslee endless flood of migrants is overwhelming agents. sources confirmed to fox news the number of encounters topped 302,000. the most ever in a single most. republicans who blame president biden's policies outrage that he ended the month on winter break in the tropics. wisconsin congressman tom tiffany "joe biden is on vacation again all our southern border is being invaded by illegal aliens." he continues to put america last. andy biggs. joe biden is soaking up the sun
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in the caribbean on army of the illegal aliens. don't be fooled. this is what the radical left has always wanted. matt thuman is possible and tim hogan is a former hillary clinton spokesperson and senior adviser. gentlemen, welcome. >> happy new year, mike. >> mike: the breaking news about the 302,000 migrant encounters at the border during the month of december, being processed by border officials. what is the political impact of that, matt. >> the border is absolutely in chaos and broken and it is all based on joe biden's policies, where he opened the door. they one of his presidency. it is hurting democrats across the country, particularly in big cities and congressman henry cuellar has called on him several times to fix the situation at the border and at some point men to the president can get back to his job and fix
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the border and stop the chaos. >> mike: you have mayores calling for action. i had by partisan lawmakers calling for action, calling for solutions. so what about the politics of this. >> i think what is interesting is the three republicans you cited one on vacation. the house left was in the middle of negotiations. this is something that president biden has tried to address. he sent legislation to the congress and it just has not moved because republicans like using this as a political football. and goes all the way back a decade. i remember in 2013, we were negotiating comprehensive immigration reform and john weiner killed it the house. joe biden wants to come to the table. he sent a supplemental to congress. so it is incumbent on republican senators take this seriously and
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not just treated as a political issue. >> mike: so what kind of responses can we expect from congress? we are heading into an election year. it does not seem to be that kind -- that is going to happen, m matt. >> it is kind of sad that the democrats are using this as a bargaining chip instead of actually doing their job. they have had congress solely to themselves after joe biden was elected. democrat house, democratic senate. they did not fix it then. this is what the left wants. they want chaos at the border. they want undocumented illegals flooding into the country and joe biden can do this the width a phone call -- today with a phone call. remain in mexico policy the truck had worked. they took that right off the books. it is a shame. >> mike: what is your response, tim? >> it is not just one policy. has to be comprehensive reform. increased border security. it was increased border patrol
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agents. it was increase technology. it was also previous legislation, pathway of citizenship for dreamers. this is something that should be taken seriously. but unfortunately, the center of gravity is former president donald trump and he is talking about starting up the largest deportation force in our country. he is talking about immigrants crossing the border and poisoning our blood. that is why republicans are stalling on this. they don't want to give president biden a bipartisan win before the election. >> mike: lentz-pieffer to the race to the white house. trump is dominating the legal field. politico breaks down the favorites, contenders, and longshots. with just two weeks until the iowa caucuses, the fight is about to get into the mud so what are your expectations looking ahead to iowa two days from today, tim? >> i think everybody needs to say a prayer if they think they are going to beat donald trump.
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the best position ron desantis was a year ago at this point. it has been a steady decline on his part. it will be interesting to see if nikki haley can break through. i think the lesson is when we were down 30 points, you can't play it safe. if all of them drop out but one, maybe someone can consolidate. but that is the path that they have to be looking towards. >> mike: matt, what are your expectations for the caucuses two weeks from today? >> i actually agree 100% with tim. crowded field is hard for anyone to take trump on one on one. he will continue to dominate. desantis has to do well in iowa and nikki haley has to do well in new hampshire and it is the only three of them that really matter anymore. the other people are in the race because they have a wednesday strategy. that has never worked in the past. and will be helpful if the three of them could get on a debate stage and actually have a conversation. but because there's so many people in the race right now, it
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is difficult for desantis or haley to really break through. >> mike: will there be pressure to get out? we have seen governor desantis put everything into new hampshire. what about pressure to get out, tim? >> i think there will be growing pressure if you don't have a close showing. i think the question for those who would drop out is, do they want to be part of a of alternative coalition? or do they hold back and just let trump continued to dominate the republican field? >> mike: final word from you, matt. >> i agree. it is 2024, looks like it is looks like it is going to be donald trump's you could, particularly in the republican nomination process. without a consolidated field, i don't see how anyone else can take him out in the gop nomination fight. >> mike: wall president biden takes in the tropics, his approval has taken on water. some critics say he is spending
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too much time on vacation. the president was away from the white house for 128 days in 2023. that is more than one-third of the year. tim, your thoughts on that? >> i'm interested in whatever "the new york post" methodology was. if you are paying attention to what president joe biden is doing we know that is not the case. he was holding phone calls with foreign heads of state and able to announce that hostages were released from gaza. we know that he is doing the job. you know? unlike prison term, we saw him on the golf course a lot. on like this congress that we saw passed a number of bills. we know that joe biden is getting work done. >> mike: matt, how do you respond? >> any day joe biden is not in the oval office is probably a good day for the american
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people. he has taken more days often anyone else. and he is down in the tropics. for free by the way at a big donor's house. that is another thing. middle-class america looks at that and says, that is not something i, ever do or even dream of. not a good look. >> mike: matt keelen, tim hogan, happy new year. thanks for joining us. molly? >> molly: homelessness is on the rise among america's veterans. but there's a philadelphia nonprofit that is working to change that. the head of that group joins us next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> molly: newly released federal numbers show homelessness rising among american veterans. the department of housing and urban development found it jumped 7% between 2102 and 2023 with a total number of homeless veterans over 35,000. philadelphia-based nonprofit veterans village is looking to reverse that trend, opening its first apartment complex. offering affordable housing for veterans young and old. joining me now to discuss is veteran village's president. thank you for joining us as we are kicking off the new year.
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really a remarkable -- this is new construction. tell us what inspired this project and why it is so important. >> thanks so much for having me and happy new year. what inspired this project was that i was running a small but mighty homeless shelter for female veterans, female veterans are sort of the quiet crisis that no one really talks about, but one in 10 homeless are housing insecure veterans, female. and when they were graduating our program and for doing an awful lot of work, the government housing agencies, the va, hard, were putting them in in abject swallow and i was -- i had enough so i went to my father, a -- an army that, and i said, i don't know what to do. and it -- the cycle repeats itself. his response was, you build buildings for a living. let's show the government how it
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is done and that was the impetus for veterans village in philadelphia. we just needed to do it ourselves which we did. we raised money and through private donors, we opened a 47 unit beautiful market grade apartment building that is affordable and that is specifically to help house our veterans in need. >> molly: beautiful pictures there. one of the gentleman that lives there was quoted saying, we are building a bond as we go along. is part of this about not just building a building but also a community? >> oh, it is absolutely a community. the whole process and the premise of veterans villages is to have a village. it is a community. those who a camaraderie that is ever present. so even though they may be from different areas and we have people from the vietnam era all the way down to iraqi and afghanistan, they share stories.
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they share a common threat and -- thread and they have seen some terrible things and they are still going through terrible things. it is about, if you are having a bad day and you might be making potentially self-harm or bad decisions, there are many doors you can knock on and say, can i have a cup of coffee and a minute of your time and there is someone there to listen. >> molly: i want to make sure reask how people can help. >> it is very simple and we encourage everyone to get involved. for us, every day is veterans day. go-to veterans and please get involved. >> mike: dana spain, thank you for coming on to talk about this. we really appreciate it. >> thanks so much for having me. have a great day. >> molly: , mike? >> mike: a series of powerful earthquakes triggering tsunami advisories in japan. the latest on what people there
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are being told to do. that is next. ♪ ♪
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what about your husband? is he here? no, unfortunately, he couldn't make it. she attacked him last night. you attacked your husband? [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now.
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>> tsunami warning after rocking the main island west coast today, some waves three feet, nicole valdez is live with more. >> what a terrifying way to start the new year, confirmed one person killed after that 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck the central japan region and tens of thousands of people remain without power. rescuers are working to find many among the dozens of destroyed homes and buildings, this earthquake struck here and depicts the strength of that
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earthquake as it rocked that neighborhood and notice as homes collapse to the ground, they erupt in plume of smoke and fire. japan prime minister warning many to prepare for further disaster here. travel is also part of the impact, high-speed rail and air travel have been impacted >> the tsunami warnings were issued, the threat diminished from japan to russia to north korea and this video shows what was left aftermath of a building that collapsed and erupted in fire. experts warn more quakes could come, aftershocks anticipated. >> nicole valdez, thanks very much. more on the threat of the
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tsunami streaming on your favorite connected device on and free 24/7. mollie. >> mollie: a dramatic ice rescue after 100 fishermen got stranded on a chunk of ice that broke from a larger sheet drifting to minnesota red lake. no serious injuries, but four ang lers did have to be pulled out of the cold water. >> mike: ending on a lighter note, tonight's power ball prize is one of the biggest in the game's history, prize jumped to $810 million after nobody matched all the numbers on is the night. before you dream of winning all that money odds of winning of 1 in 300 million. 10:59 p.m. eastern time is tonight's drawing. best of luck. mollie, if i won, i'd still want
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to work with you because you always make it a blast. >> mollie: it's been great. fabulous work. a lot of folks are wanting a power ball to be part of the excitement. >> mike: you got to be in it to win it. what would you do if you were to win, mollie? i think i would put my kids through college and donate a lot to charity and fun things to do. >> mollie: a lot of inspiring ideas, college funds are a good one. i'm sure some will be spent on the kids, for sure. thank you for joining us, this special edition of fox news live, we loved having you. "outnumbered" is next. >> mike: back at 6:00 for a special report.


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