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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 1, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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>> paul, any resolutions from you? >> considering the state of new york city, my resolution for 2024 is to see 2025, and not beat myself up too much when all my other resolutions fail, because they inevitably do. i have a lot of the same resolutions as you. will go south by tomorrow. >> that's why i don't settle. you? >> my husband is a much better than me in the kitchen. i was like, it's getting embarrassing now in my family recognizes it. that's a problem. so i'm going to learn how to cook. i don't know. >> like ratatouille. "anyone can cook!" >> i say own it. set the bar low and that way, if you start to make a meal every once in a while, they'll be like, "oh, my god, she can cook!" that's it. happy new year, everybody. and for you at home, thanks for everyone watching the special edition has "outnumbered." happy new year. >> a major escalation in the
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red sea as the risk to u.s. troops grows by the day. the u.s. navy helicopters destroy three iranian-backed houthi boats after they attacked yet another shipping vessel sunday. this marks the latest of roughly two dozen houthi attacks on international shipping since november. the u.s. navy because the ongoing assaults reckless, but says there are no signs of them slowing down. happy new year, and welcome to a special edition of "fox news live." i'm rich edson in new york. >> and i'm anita vogel in los angeles. happy new year to you. the white house says the u.s. was acting in self-defense when it fired upon those houthi-operated boats. they say it's an all out effort aimed at preventing a wider war, that critics warn it is not the time to be on defense. >> this idea that we are just going to play defense, waste all our missiles, which is the benefit of the chinese and iranians, let the houthis fire at will not stop without any consequence, that's got to and
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now. >> anita: retired u.s. army brigadier general anthony tate is standing by with analysis, the first to jennifer griffin, live at the pentagon with the very latest on this. happy new year to you. >> happy new year, anita. this is the first time the u.s. has killed houthi fighters since these attacks in the red sea started in november. an estimated ten houthis attempting to high hijack this maerskshipping conta distress call from the ships. the boats fired on the singapore flag, denmark-owned container ship, and attempted to board the vessel. this is the second time the maersk ship has come under attack and just as many days. the u.s. attack helicopters launched from the uss eisenhower and the guided missile destroyer uss bravely. maersk announced it is postponing its operations in the red sea for 48 hours.
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the white house is discussing with great britain and other allies whether to strike back against houthi forces with missile and drone launch sites a likely target. defense secretary grant chaps wrote in an op-ed in the u.k., the u.k. is willing to take "direct action if these attacks continue." "if we do not protect the red sea, it risks emboldening those looking to threaten elsewhere, including in the south china sea and crimea. we won't hesitate to take further action to deter threats to freedom of navigation in the red sea." >> i'm not ruling anything in or out, that we've made it clear publicly to the houthis, privately to our allies and partners in the region, that we take the threat seriously and we are going to make the right decisions going forward. >> there have been an unprecedented 23 attacks by the houthis on international ships since november 19th. none of these ships have been
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affiliated with israel, despite houthi claims. now iran has deployed a navy frigate equipped with eight cruise missiles into the red sea through a strait. >> these activities are in line with the role of those countries in the intensifying instability and insecurity in the regional waters, especially in the red sea. such moves will not help reduce the instability and security at all. >> january 3rd marks the fourth anniversary of the u.s. assassination of the iranian revolutionary guard corps commander, general soleimani. proxy groups have vowed to launch more attacks targeting u.s. interests to mark the anniversary. anita? >> anita: jennifer griffin live at the pentagon for us, thank you. rich? >> rich: let's bring in retired u.s. army brigadier general anthony tate. thanks for joining us, happy new year to you. look at how "the new york post"
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handled this, the red sea smacked down is what they are calling the sinking of houthi boats and put this in perspective for us. does this create more deterrence in the area or does this represent an escalation? >> it is responsive in nature, so i think we are seeing, obviously the red sea, the persian gulf, they are all major shipping lanes for commerce, for oil all around the world, so that's the primary mission of the navy, quite frankly, to help maintain commerce lanes around the globe to enable our economy. so this is part and parcel of what the navy's mission is, the u.s. navy. i'm glad to see there's a joint task force with other nations participating in the red sea and in the gulf of aden and surrounding areas around the horn of africa. so it's a good thing that we have these chips and this task force patrolling the waters trying to help container ships
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that are trying to get through the area. but we also need to match this operational mission with a strategic mission of diplomacy and financial penalties on iran for funding all of this. that is where all of this is coming from. and for whatever reason, this administration continues to coddle iran while they fight the proxies of iran, which is mind-boggling. >> rich: as jen was laying out, this is getting to be a pretty crowded neighborhood. we are seeing attacks from militias and forces across the region, but now you've got a direct iranian naval presence in that region. what does that represent, and how could that potentially spiral out of control? >> rich, it's an interesting development. i don't think the iranian navy pretends that they could compete with u.s. navy. at the same time, these are their forces, so it is what we in the army would call a probing
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attack. maybe that ship is going out there to see what kind of response the united states navy does directly against iran. as i mentioned, we have been taking on the shia militia group proxies, whether that's in syria, iraq, yemen with the houthis or even hamas and hezbollah, they are all iranian-backed militias. now we have potentially an iranian vessel facing off with the united states navy, in what will be an interesting dilemma for this administration that chooses to appease iran at every turn and give them money, give them support. aid and abet, so to speak, the iranian government, while they continued to fight the shia militia groups that iran funds. so this will be an interesting development and it will tell us where the administration is with regard to their policy on deterring iran.
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>> rich: beyond the houthis, which iran supports, you have this group across iraq. 108 attacks on u.s. forces since october 17th here. the u.s. has responded at times. the argument from the administration is likely that it is establishing deterrence, but if it were to get more aggressive, it could widen this battle in iraq and syria, as you saw, but also easy from hezbollah in lebanon, the war ongoing in gaza. is the u.s. striking the right balance here in a military response or should i get more aggressive? >> i don't think they are deterring at all. i think the attacks continue. there is no deterring, they are sending more ships. houthi rebels are attacking with small boats and drones. hamas is launching missiles at israel on new year's eve and new year's day. so i don't believe that any reasonable person can conclude that there is any deterrence of
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iran in any way, shape, or form. so those that prefer to see more stability in the middle east should take a hard look at this policy that the united states has toward iran, and perhaps tightening that up and looking at more severe sanctions. if we don't do it, israel would surely do it. what we have got, if iran is on its way as they appear to be to a nuclear weapon, israel will not let that happen. i can assure you of that. >> rich: general anthony tata, thanks for joining us today. anita? >> anita: well, rich, breaking right now, a scramble to free people in the rubble of collapsed buildings in japan after a series of earthquakes hit the country. the largest was a massive magnitude 7.6. watch right here, this is the
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moment it struck. wow. it is unclear how many people have been killed or hurt, and the japanese government is warning tremors could still create deadly waves along the coast, telling those who live there to find higher ground. they are going to keep an eye on this story and bring you updates as they come to us. ♪ ♪ well, the mayor of chicago calling out texas governor greg abbott as the sanctuary city struggles to deal with all the migrants being bused and flown in from the southern border. meantime, agents their are being overwhelmed by an historic surge. art del cueto, vice president of the national border patrol counsel, is standing by. >> the biden administration has broken us. it had three years to fix it. unfortunately every year gets worse. '21 was a historic year, ' 22
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beat '21, and now '23 is beating '22. it continues to compound on itself and we are going in the wrong direction. this d. kind. second, they have to be honest. and third, they have to be hard-working. it's very simple. wherever you are in the world, when you come to a different culture, you meet people of very different backgrounds, but you find out that they have the same ambitions and the same fears just like yourself. i'm so sure that travel is good for the world. it's really the best to engage with the locals and the destination. and i think travel helps broaden the human mind and makes us kinder. and that's fantastically valuable.
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>> unfortunately, the governor of texas, governor abbott, is
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continuing to sow seeds of chaos. a number of buses continue to arrive in the city of chicago and throughout the country. without any court nation. and this very dangerous task of placing individuals on airplanes and flying them into our various cities. this is certainly a matter of national security, but it's the type of chaos that this governor is comm committed to administer. >> anita: slamming the governor of texas for sending migrants who entered the u.s. illegally to the windy city. this comes as the border patrol manages a record surge, migrant surge, including 300,000 encounters at the southwestern border in a single month. the first time that has ever happened. mike tobin in chicago with more on this. happy new year to you.
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>> the flow of migrants crossing into the u.s. illegally continues to set new records, and the texas governor continues to send some of the burden to sanctuary cities like chicago. and texas chartered another plane to send migrants not to o'hare airport, but the rockford, illinois, about an hour and half out of the city. this is the second time texas governor greg abbott has sent a plane loaded with migrants to the chicagoland area. rockford officials reportedly said there were 355 people on the plane who were subsequently bused to the city. chicago called this an escalation of the dispute between chicago mayor brandon johjohnson and the texas govern. part of the statement of social media from johnson read there was no community should from texas and the city of chicago is elated by authorities in rockford regarding the flight. the mayor is on the receiving end of the shipment and sounded off over the weekend. >> we want to create structure in court nation on the humanitarian crisis. unfortunately, the governor of
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texas, governor abbott, is determined to continue to sow seeds of chaos. >> we don't want people arriving at 2:00 in the morning with women and children outside in 10--degree weather or no support. speak of the month of december set a record for the most ever at the southern border, 302,000. the first time the numbers have crossed 300,000. the fiscal year starts in october in the first quarter of the year also set a record for the highest total of migrants ever recorded at the southern border. a simple observation here in chicago, you can see migrants huddled in grocery store parking lots trying to stay warm and out of the wind. you see them on street corners in public trans rotation trying to sell things like candy bars and drinks, oftentimes with children. >> anita: mike tobin live in chicago for us. for more, let's bring in art del cueto, vice president of the national border patrol council. thanks for coming in on this
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new year's day. such an important issue. but the city of chicago has branded itself a sanctuary city, so do you think they are rethinking this now? we are in a place where all can come to seek safe haven. >> they basically started off saying come on, come all. now that there is the reality of that, unfortunately they are pointing their finger in the wrong direction. instead of pointing the finger at governor abbott, they've to point a finger at this administration who ne continueso do nothing about this. the numbers keep going bigger and bigger. continuously, frankly, every month and every week is a new record number, and that is to the finger needs to be pointed out, because you're seeing way too many individuals coming across from all over the world because this administration said, ask for asylum and you will get released, and that's why we are in the mess we are in
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now. >> anita: texas has been trying to do things to stem the flow. they gave the power to local law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants crossing the border. judges have the power to send them back. but every time they tried to do something to fix the situation, it seems like the federal government reprimands them. let's turn to general ken paxton. >> it's crazy to see what happened the last three years. they are helping aid and abet the cartels and texas threatened us from enforcing our laws. >> what are your thoughts on that? these threats from the federal government to crack down on texas just for trying to enforce the law there. >> it is angering and frustrating. if they'd directed that much effort in protecting the southern border, we wouldn't be in that mess now.
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they are absolutely right, it's the drug cartels are making money off of this because they are the ones that control where the groups are coming. every time we see large caravans come across, you don't see that huge caravan crossing one particular area, you see different groups in different areas. that's because it is driven by the cartels. they do that purposely so they can continue to distract agents and put law enforcement and other areas so they can bring their drugs. the only ones taking advantage of this and loving it is the drug cartels at this point. >> anita: no doubt. when you hear that number, that record 300,000 number, for one month, people crossing the border, just try to put that into context. to hear the number is one thing, but what is the reality that number? what does it mean for texas and the rest of the united states? >> realistically, that issues for the entire united states, not just on particular state. they continue to come across, and in a lot of areas you see
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single male adults, military age men, coming across. when he started to hear people trying to get away from something, they usually bring their families. but you're seeing a lot of military age men and it makes you wonder if they are leaving something or coming to something. so that's what makes it scary. that's just numbers being reported. put alongside those that got away numbers, there is no way to tell how many are getting laid. >> anita: and it does seem they are getting away, correct? >> we don't know where they're at. record number every year of the sadness duration. someone needs to ask this administration where the numbers the first year, where are those individuals, who is kept track them, where they in the united states, and they're not going to have an answer for t that, either. >> anita: the answer is going to be i don't know. thank you very much for joining
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us today. appreciate your time, sir. >> thank you for having me. >> anita: you bet. rich? >> rich: meanwhile, california is now the first state to offer health insurance for everyone, including undocumented migrants, starting today. anyone can apply for calhoun's version of medicaid regardless of their age. correspondent jeff paul reports in los angeles. >> california is preparing to provide full coverage to roughly 700,000 undocumented people under the state medi-cal system. previously health insurance was available to undocumented residents under the age of 26, but the new law now expends health care at any age. it is expected to cost the state $3.1 billion each year, but this program gives as california faces a record budget deficit. another law taking effect today, banning guns in most public places in california. a federal appeals court on
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saturday put a hold on a previous ninth circuit court of appeals ruling that the law violated a person's right to bear arms, so for now concealed carry permit holders will be able to bring their guns to places like schools and government buildings. the california lawmaker who authored the bill calls the new law common sense. >> when you go to the mall, do you need a weapon to go shopping or do you need a credit card? you need a credit card. when you go to the supermarket, bring your bags. don't bring your gun. >> around the country, 22 states are all increasing their minimum wage starting today. the highest minimum wage will now be in washington state at $16.28 an hour. the biggest increase will occur in hawaii, where it will go from $12 an hour to $14 an hour. washington, d.c., is also raising the minimum wage to $17.05 per hour, and nevada, oregon, and florida are planning for increases later in the year.
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rich? >> rich: new year, new laws. thanks, jeff. anita? >> anita: rich, a growing number of states disqualifying former president trump from their ballots, or looking to do so. why that could come back to bite the democrats in the new year. >> how many times have we heard the democrats lecture us all about how donald trump will get rid of democracy? selected they do? that's come up with a strategy to make sure he's not even on the ballot. that sounds like an attack on democracy. ♪ ♪ safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today.
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>> do you agree with some of the republicans, even chris christie, for example, who argue that taking him off the ballot or at least trying to make donald trump a murder? >> of course. if there is any validity, you'd see other states trying to do the same thing. personally i think this is very
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politically motivated by the maine secretary of state. trump should be on the ballot. >> rich: that's a chris sununu warning colorado and maine disqualifying former president trump from their ballots will backfire. let's bring in thomas depree, former deputy assistant attorney general. thank you for joining us. there's a number of other states continuing doing the same thing. >> i think that's how it will play out. i think the colorado supreme court decision and the maine decision are not long for this world. i think the united states supreme court will step in and reverse it. i think the consequence of this is that a lot of people, including people who are political opponents of former president trump, or going to look at this and say it goes too far. it's too much, not the way the constitution is intended to operate, and opponents of former president trump are trying to achieve in the courtroom what they haven't been able to achieve at the ballot box. let the american people decide
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this at the polling places. >> rich: we've been hearing about the insurrection because of the 14th amendment to try to ban the former president of running again this year. it's been talked about for years now. does this finally put it to rest one way or another prompting the supreme court potentially to act here? >> it can pick and choose which cases it wants to accept. a lot of states, in fact more states, have reached the opposite conclusion. the united states supreme court is uniquely suited to step in, clarify the law, and make a rule that everyone will understand, everyone can live with, and everyone can apply going forward. >> rich: all of this is testing the system, the court
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system, the constitution. there's an issue of whether president trump has immunity. there's a question as to whether or not the number of defendants who have been charged with a specific law, whether that actually applies to them. does this just further create more questions >> they are percolating and making their way up to the supreme court. i can tell you this, i don't think there's a single justice on the supreme court who wants to be in this position, who wants to be deciding who has a direct bearing on the election. they don't like getting dragged into it and having to decide at all, but i think events have left the supreme court with pretty much no choice. as i said, i think they have to take this disqualification question. i think there is a good chance that they will take the immunity question where the january 6th
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criminal prosecution question, too. at a minimum, i think they will decide this 14th amendment question and do so in the near future. >> rich: given what we are seeing on the court schedule right now, do you think it's possible the former president could be convicted, or not convicted, before the election? >> i think it's possible, that i do think the likelihood of it has decreased. as you know, the special counsel basically tried to expedite things as best he could buy leapfrogging the court of appeals and going directly to the supreme court. the supreme court rebuffed his effort, they will let it play out in the ordinary courts. i think, as a result of the supreme court decision not to get involved in the immunity question at this point, i think that makes the scheduled trial date a virtual impossibility. i think it's more likely that this trial, if it takes place, will be at some point over the summer. that too could get pushed back
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criminal trials are always unpredictable. so there's a chance this could get pushed on past the election despite the special counsel's best efforts to get this thing tried soon. >> rich: tom dupree, 2024, many legal issues. thanks for joining us. >> anita: president biden ends 2023 with record low approvals and some major polls. will he be able to turn this around in the new year just in time for the election? our panel discusses, coming up. >> joe biden seems poised to be the democratic nominee. what kind of year has he had politically? he started 2023 coming off those good midterms for democrats and it wasn't that bad, but he's taking a hit this year. that's the lowest in an nbc poll for facing the election. ♪ ♪ she looks great! what they don't know is i got inspire,
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>> anita: welcome back. president biden entering the new year with a tough road ahead for his reelection bid. the latest fox poll neck showing an overall approval rating for the president of 43%. while a majority of voters say 2023 was a bad year for their family and a slim 36% approve of the president's handling of the economy. in moments, our political panel. the first, to lucas tomlinson, traveling with the president in st. croix. lucas? >> anita, we have been told that president biden just held a secure phone call with his national security team on the latest development in the middle east as well as a devastating earthquake in japan. last night he spoke to ryan seacrest. >> we put a lot of jobs back in the united states, people are in a position to be able to make a
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living now, and they've created a lot of jobs, over 14 million. i just feel good that the american people got up. they've b through a rough time with the pandemic, but their back. >> our colleagues at "the wall street journal" put together a list of promises kept and those still outstanding from the white house. energy, on his first day in office, biden canceled the keystone pipeline, but also promised to stop all new offshore drilling. in september, the administration said they plan to schedule new leases in the gulf of mexico. according to "the washington post," the united states is producing more oil than any country ever has in history. critics say the bulk of that is on private land and they want to see more drilling on federal lands and offshore. here's the president's chief economic advisor on 2024. but first, the stock market. what you didn't hear from the
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president, they boast about the stock market, the dow is up nearly 14%, the s&p 500 up, and the nasdaq is up nearly 45%. many americans say prices are still too high for many items they buy, including groceries. >> if you look at who has benefited from biden's policies, it's true the top 2-3% have done really, really well. the problem is those working-class americans outside of washington, d.c., main street, all over this country, they are not feeling the love. >> rich: alexander hamilton spent some of his childhood here on the island of st. croix, the father of the modern american economy. perhaps on president biden goes back to washington he will bring some of those thoughts back with him. anita? >> anita: lucas, you always bring us a great history lesson. thank you for that live report, and happy new year to you. >> happy new year. >> anita: let's bring in our political panel now, david
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carlucci is a former democratic new york state senator, ashley davis is a former white house official under george w. bush, and a founding partner at west front strategies, and leo terrell is a civil rights attorney and fox news contributor. welcome to you all and thanks for joining us on this new year's day. as you heard in lucas' report, the president has a lot on his plate. he's dealing with those low polling numbers and now he has this to deal with. let's put this up on the screen. they said this is the five things that could tank biden in 2024. take a look. his age, the economy, approval rating, the pro-israel stance, and of course the house impeachment inquiry. hunter biden probes, and of course hunter biden has court dates coming up. when you take a look at this list, what concerns you the m most? >> the poll numbers are concerning, but when we look at
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those issues, we notice that none of the five have to do with his policies. because the policies of bidenomics are working. we just saw that flash on the screen, nasdaq up 45%. the stock market at record highs, unemployment at record lows. but there is a problem with communicating that to the general public. so biden has his work cut out for him, but republicans are helping. the biden impeachment inquiry, this will be a disaster for republicans, particularly those in moderate districts. it might be good red meat for primary republican voters, but it is politically selfish for these republicans to just be concerned about them, because this is doing nothing for the american people and it's going to lose the house for republicans. >> anita: ashley, david says bidenomics is working. he points to the stock market, which of course with that 13.7 return does look good, but is there a disconnect between
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wall street and main street? do bidenomics work for the everyday american? >> no, and absolutely that is the disconnect. the american people do not feel their groceries are getting any cheaper and they don't feel their housing is more affordable, and those are the issues that people feel day today. the fact the president is putting bidenomics and wrapping himself in that issue is not a good thing for him if the american people do not feel a change before november. what is most concerning that is not on that list is the border crisis that is happening, most important a national security issue that is going to be squarely on the president's lap in november as a major crisis facing this country. >> anita: that is a good point, because that issue tops most polls of voters' concerns when they think about the election. leo, let me ask you, because we all know you used to be a democrat. you supported democrats your entire life and then you became
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leo 2.0 terrell. do you think there are other democrats out there, when they look at these issues they think about their choice in november and they are dissatisfied they might start to look at president trump because they like his policies? >> anita, thank you for the question. i left the democrats in 2020 for two reasons. one, the democrats do not believe in supporting law enforcement, and joe biden makes that ridiculous statement, "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black." i want to go back to it is so important that david said. i challenge david to show me one poll where the american public, the majority, where the plurality of the american public, support any of biden's programs. he is a disaster on the economy, the inflation rate is high, he doesn't address middle america, the southern border is out of whack. you are giving us white house talking points. show me a poll. i will post it everywhere. they don't come on the program and give us a white house
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talking point, because this country is a disaster. if the election was held today, president trump wins the election. and the million-dollar question is, will joe biden actually be the nominee in november of 2024? >> anita: david has a chance to respond to that real quick. >> the point is that americans are frustrated, so they might not be thrilled with president biden, but when you have an election, it's a choice, and the choice is clear, with trump being the front runner, that people aren't happy with donald trump, either. the further we go into this campaign cycle, we see him losing ground with independents and moderates. that's the problem republicans have. making major progress. what are republicans doing? what is the agenda? will president biden put a comprehensive piece of legislation to congress day one?
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republicans have the speakership, and they are doing squat. least productive congress. i think it is a test run for american people to see republicans in leadership just isn't working. if you want to complain, that's where you go, but if you want to get stuff done you're going to go with biden. >> anita: i want to take a look at the last polling numbers of the year for the president here. let's take a look at that poll. you can see that he is at 40%. look at trump, he was at 44% and he lost that election. i imagine when democrats woke up this morning, new year's day, they may be thinking about what this administration can do differently to turn this around. let me give you a just a minute to respond to that. >> first i want to say i like leo 2 2.0, by the way. he's very feisty. but what i do want to say, not
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only is the president's approval ratings not positive at all, but more importantly, the front running candidates on the republican side, nikki haley and donald trump, are continuing to beat him and poll above him and all battleground states. nikki, for example, his double digits in some of the major states. as i think that is as concerning as the low approval ratings. >> anita: unfortunately we have to leave it there. i had so many more questions for you but we will have to leave it there. thank you all so much for joining us today and happy new year to all of you. >> thank you, happy new year. >> rich: anita, a new challenge from china facing president biden as xi jinping uses his new year's message to lay out his ambitions for taiwan. that's coming up. ♪ ♪ i won't let me moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me... emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months...
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>> rich: breaking right now, four people are confirmed dead in japan with many more feared missing in the rubble of collapsed buildings after a series of earthquakes hit the country. the largest was a massive magnitude 7.6. president biden has been briefed on the situation and will have more as our coverage continues. anita? >> chinese president xi jinping
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renewing threats to take over taiwan, using his new year's address to say reunification with their island neighbor cannot be avoided. >> interpreter: at the reunification of china is a historical inevitability, and compatriots both sides of the taiwan strait should join hands and share the great glory of national rejuvenation. our goal is grand and simple. >> anita: in moments, former deputy national security advisor victoria coates will join us. first, to correspondent matt finn in london. hi, matt. >> in his televised new year's day address, the chinese president claims he is aware of the "preciousness of peace" and he's ready to work with the rest the world to promote a shared future for mankind. however, despite xi jinping's claims of that shared future, the taiwanese people continue to support their own government, and not chinese control. taiwan is holding its presidential election on januar.
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china considers the presidential front runner a separatist and accuses him of trying to provoke a chinese attack. china has never renounced using the military to bring taiwan under chinese control. in recent years, since russia has invaded ukraine, there's been even more concerned that, one day soon, china might try its own invasion. in his new year's address, xi jinping also address the chinese economy, which he acknowledged it suffering post-pandemic era. >> interpreter: on the road ahead, wind and rain are normal. some enterprises are facing operational pressure. some people are encountering difficulties in employment and life. natural disasters such as floods, typhoons, and earthquakes have occurred in some places, all of which i am deeply concerned. >> xi jinping offered a message of hope, that he is reaffirming that china will reunify with taiwan. anita? >> anita: matt finn live in london for us. thank you. rich? >> rich: let's bring in
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victoria coates, the former deputy national security advisor and heritage foundation vice president of foreign policy. victoria, thanks for joining us this afternoon. this speech that xi jinping has given here, we have heard him time and again say the goal of china, one of the goals, is to reunify taiwan with the rest of the country. it's been a goal since 1949. does this really change what we think is going to happen in taiwan regarding beijing? >> happy new year, rich. good to be with you and anita. i think we can all be forgiven for not being enthusiastic about chairman xi's vision for mankind coming forward, after having come through the pandemic. involving political persecution, slave labor, and other deeply unpleasant things that i don't think the global and a long taiwan really wants to embrace. i think this is a time when the president of the united states should make it very clear statement to the american people
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and to the ccp, to china, that this is not something the united states is going to tolerate. >> rich: if you look at what has gone on economically in china -- and xi jinping mentioned this in his address -- they've had a really rough year. how much does that handicap their international ambitions? >> it's a critical point. at the heritage foundation we are working on a new report that would release in coming weeks call the conservative case for taiwan. it talks about this issue that china has significant internal problems. the economic problems, looming demographic catastrophe. really, this period, this next decade, is a time when the united states, with our allies -- and this is a critical point, we can't back into another ukraine situation where we had the first, last, and only line of defense. we have australia, japan, we have the philippines, we have south korea.
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all of them are very strong allies who are willing to do more. if we can get through this period, this will not be a perpetual threat that we will manage for generations. this is a situation that i think will largely resolve itself because china won't have the people or the resources to go after taiwan in ten years, which is why now is the critical time. >> rich: very quickly, victoria, do you think xi jinping looks at ukraine and says -- has learned a lesson that this is maybe not something he wants to get into? >> unfortunately i think he is seeing a lack of resolve, particularly on the part of our european partners. he's looking at a situation like the middle east where we just got the news overnight that the aircraft carrier is going to be leaving the mediterranean. i think that is going to go into his calculus going into 2024. >> rich: . coates, thanks, and happy new year. anita? >> anita: rich, the urgent
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