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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 1, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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her people. i'm a little disquieted by the fact the phone is not ringing at all. >> well, you know, it is a private line. i have gotten wrong numbers from different kind of take out places. >> representative of the dell. >> she has reached out to your coast to coast to kevin and said, it is not possible. i don't know if i take cretans and that. >> that doesn't sound like an outright -- >> great stuff and great to have you with us on this new year's day. neil is back tomorrow. send him some new year's resolutions you would like to see from him in 2024. he will read those emails on ♪ >> hello everyone, i'm dana
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perino along with judge jeff paul jess can tarlov jesse watters and tyrus. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is a special edition of "the five" ♪ >> happy new year, everyone. we're excited to kick off 2024 with you. now get ready because we have a huge show ahead. we are taking a look back at our must-see moments from our show last year. answering your fan mail questions and are also going to rewind to one of our favorite things which is one more thing. plus, it's our annual tradition. we're revealing our new year's resolutions and predictions. but first. it's the best five stories of 2023. first up it's the viral moment of the year. >> i don't give two [bleep]s but i am telling you right now [bleep] this guy back there is
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not real. >> tiffany gomez known as the crazy plane lady setting the internet a blaze after confronting a not real man op the flight. jesse, you had her on primetime. what happened. >> i did. she never told us what she saw. she said there was a guy, and he didn't put his seat back and he didn't try to hit on her. so i have no idea what happened. the judge said i booted the interview. she said i should have crushed this poor lady and i've lost sleep over it. >> no, you haven't. >> i haven't. >> what would you have asked, judge? >> well, first of all, she was charged with criminal trespass. everyone on that plane had to get off the plane then they had to go through security again and then she tried to board the train again, the plane again. appear she acts like, oh, you know, i was just so upset. if she wants us to believe that she had an argument with someone, what was the argument about? if you have an argument you say
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he touched me, he stole from me, he pushed his seat on me. you don't say he's not real. i would say to her, were you on something? you know, did you drink something? do you act like this normally? have you seen a doctor? have you seen a psychiatrist? >> jessica do you think she just needed a minute? >>. >> i don't know. it really transformed my way of thinking once jesse had her and she seemed pretty normal and mellow and, you know, greg obviously loves to insert substances into the conversation of what might have happened and then i was like maybe she was on something, maybe she just like had a complete adverse reaction to whatever cocktail had been consumed but it was a fun story. >> for us. >> it tortured her. >> you travel a lot. >> not on my flight no. >> you travel a lot. if this happened on your flight, what would you do. >> listen, i love the twilight zone, you know, there's a man on
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the plane, no one believed william shatner. there was something on the plane and it ended up there was something on the plane. she knows better than to talk because when you talk invisible ghosts aliens you disappear. obviously it was real to her so therefore she should not fly ever, especially on a flight that i'm on. but, you know, and, judge, she was dressed for success and just like you are, apparently, the party was pretty good last night. [laughter]. >> young lady, you care to explain. >> my lips are sealed for the producer's sake. >> next up, remember this heart-stopping moment during a podcast? >> so quiet in here. >> imagine that -- [explosion]. >> yes, an suv crashing right into a coffee shot window in houston as two podcasters were in the middle of a life broadcast. don't worry they were all okay and they were joking about it a little bit later. what do you think of that, the
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driver lost control? >> no, i'm calling, what's the appropriate word? bs on this one. this was staged, thousand percent stage. first what a crazy turn to make on a straight line, wasn't like he had to make the turn. and since when do you do an interview with the blinds up? okay. and a car's coming, you run. you move. they didn't even flinch because they knew it was coming. nor did they have any concern for the driver. >> wow, i never thought of it at that way. >> somebody hits the wall you don't jump up and be like, okay, and once you find out you're okay, then that's when the epitats would come out, what are you crazy you could have killed me. the mathematical possibilities of this happening, i don't have harold or charles payne here with me but is astronomical. you have a better chance of winning two lotteries than this being at the right place at the right time for a car speeding but not quite speeding enough,
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just enough. >> that's quite a stunt driver though. >> is it? my 9-year-old could pull it off. >> you know what's missing from this story, was the guy arrested? was he tested for alcohol? here we go again with drugs. >> conspiracy, conspiracy. >> yes, conspiracy. the reason they didn't know it was coming because they don't have eyes in the back of their heads. but i agree with you because this guy is driving straight and then all of a sudden drives right into this. by the way, the shades are down, did you see them move? the shades are down. >> the shades are up enough to catch the spot. they were down on the other side. >> no, see they're both down. >> objection. >> overruled. >> judge, you have a natural response. >> yeah. >> i have an instinct. >> you have to see something to move, you would feel it, not to mention you would hear the sound of the car. >> here's why i don't think you're right. jesse, it was a 38-year-old woman driving the car. >> that even more makes my point. >> so would you trust a woman to pull this stunt off, tyrus?
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>> objection. >> absolutely. >> badgering the witness. >> what makes you think women don't drive like stunt women. >> how many stunt women drivers are there? >> thousands. thousands, yes. how do you think she got here. >> also, jessica, she also ran into -- collided with a white ford escape lost control and she did get a citation for running a red light. >> that's it? >> that was it. >> oh, the system works, doesn't it. >> this is taking the fun out of it. why can't it just be a real thing that happened. >> we're not sucking fun. >> i think the fun has been sucked. >> no one sucked fun. >> fun does not suck at all. >> i love this out of control when a prankster crashed a new york runway wearing a trash bag no one even noticed. judge you could have been in the audience would you have noticed. >> i wouldn't have noticed. you're laughing. i like the way he just kind of
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walks slowly sticking the butt out going back and forth and then all of a sudden when he looks back you know that he's in trouble. look at him. he's strutting. >> i think it's great. and it looks like what you would expect to see out of a fashion forward fashion show. you dress for the job you want, jesse. >> sure. all the suckers in the front row were like, oh, yeah, yeah. >> i can see that, i would pay a thousand dollars for that. >> that's right. >> he literally got 150 orders for that outfit. >> that's right. >> again i'm so happy it's 2024 because 2023 i'm just over it. this says more about the fashion industry than it does him. the fact that you can put a shower cap on and a see through trash bag and stroll down and everybody's fine with it and at some point somebody yelled out he's so brave. and the security guard took him out why? ? if he turned around he would have sold them to every distributor neiman marcus and
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nordstrom's rack. >> remember ye did that this next up important life advice always do a quick google search. new york having a sister fake country. they invited the hindu nation for an official ceremony. >> but, guys, it was totally fake. newark democrats forced to admit they were scammed calling it a regrettable incident and the guy behind it is a notorious scam artist. you have to do a little google search before. >> listen, everyone gets cat fished when you lead with your heart. they were desperately looking for their soulmate city and she said all the right things. it was confusing though whenever they wanted to have a meeting on facebook or face time their country's video camera never worked but it was one of those things they just believed it to be true. let's not be too hard on them
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because love will blind. >> are you turning over a new leaf. >> no, if this was anyone i knew i would still be laughing at them but i'm trying to be nice. >> were they leading with their heart or their virtue. >> both, oh, yes, jesse, virtue signal, look what we've done, look. our center city. >> does that even exist center city. >> oh, yes, little google search you'll find out who your center city is. >> i'm on it. >> i could do a google search put my address in and end up with someone else's house so do all my packages so google isn't all that savvy. there stuff comes to me my stuff goes to them. my stuff is -- >> are you guys friends? >> yeah, thank god. >> did you happen to meet, i sent a gift to somebody accidently put east rather than west. the person finally calls me and says i don't know what to do with this thing. as we were talking they said wait is this dana perino, they were a huge fan of the five and
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i said keep it, and i ordered another one. >> i'm going to remember this. you didn't send me a gift. oh, i put west. >> this year we finally called him the secretary of shredding, picking up a guitar and singing the blues while at a diplomatic ♪ ♪ i'm a hoochie coochie man ♪ >> so i realized that i was not here for that, i think i was in spain. i didn't see that. do you think he's got a future after secretary of state? >> i think he likes his line of work but -- and he has another term coming up, you all heard me say that. but i loved it. i thought it was really fun and he's very talented. >> judge, you be the judge of that. >> you liked it when we first saw it. >> no, i liked the fact that he can turn over a leaf and do something different. get for him he's having fun. >> can you play guitar. >> the flute. i'm a floutist. i hate to agree with jessica and
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you know how much i hate to agree with you but he was shredding. >> this is the one time i'll say this, he can go ahead and quit his day job. >> really? >> he should go after this full-time. follow your dreams, yes. quit immediately, resign and go on the road full-time. you've got something there kid. >> ahead don't miss our resolutions and predictions for 2024. we are very excited for that. but first a look back at the best moments from "the five" when we return. ♪
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i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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- wounded warrior project has been with me every step of my journey. - they've helped me realize it's possible to rise to the top again. - it's possible to get the help i need for me and my family. - it's possible to hate pushups again. - to feel understood. - to begin healing both inside and out. - to feel like myself again. - and now i know anything is possible. (gentle music)
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♪ >> judge jeanine: welcome back. you never know what's going to happen here live on the five. we certainly are an unpredictable and fun bunch. who wrote this? let's take a look back at some of our most memorable moments
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from this year. >> what's up? >> judge jeanine: good point. [laughter]. >> jesse: he could give me a federal holiday on every friday in the summer. i would be a democrat tomorrow. >> judge jeanine: i'll take care of my health thank you. >> jesse: what did you cook in florida? >> judge jeanine: i never cooked that. >> tyrus: dana perino adding yet another huge achievement to her already impressive spectacular resume. you can now call her doctor. >> you're going to do great things the country is a wonderful place to be you already won the lottery. >> tyrus: we pledge allegiance to all that dr. p. >> notice we kind of look alike >> jessica: we don't live in the same world it's just crazy. >> jesse: exactly your world's fake. >> go to break. >> jesse: judge tell them to go to break. >> coming up, where am i. >> hi everybody, nashville. wild horse saloon.
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we are here to learn a little line line ♪ ♪ >> getting dana ready for this day is a lot harder than it seems. we had no choice but to send harold ford jr. out to california to help her out. >> can someone open the door the moderator's coming. dana come right on in. dana come on. the moderator's here. can you tell us where to go. >> am i right? nod or blink yes >> jessica: if i'm still alive in here. and i always tell you that you don't know. >> i knew you were going to say that. >> jessica: no -- i don't think so. i wasn't even repeating that. >> i knew you were going to say that. >> judge jeanine: we spend too much time together. >> i lied about my resume to get this job. finally got there so it is what it is. >> how are you? >> good to be back. >> dana: how great is it to be the around the table. >> great to be back. >> jesse: you forgot to say it's good to be back around the table. >> i thought it was implied. >> judge jeanine: first of all, bull, bulls have rights, okay? and they should be able to ride
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shotgun. >> are you at all offended? because you're at mad in this country. from one bull to another, i get it. >> judge jeanine: coming up greg and jesse have a big announcement. >> we're getting married. >> judge jeanine: and i'm going to marry them. >> i love you, too. >> i have to point out at that in the green room dana asked me if she should be -- if there was any availability to work on moi holiday shows and i'm not joking. >> judge jeanine: and i'm like dana, you know, but i'm not interested on working on holidays greg said. >> tyrus: i have enough time juggling this juggernaut. maybe i'll run for president. >> tyrus for president. >> judge jeanine: you never know. >> fun fact, baby porcupines are called tarlovs >> jessica: no they're not. >> dana: are you pro bidet or anti bidet? judge? >> judge jeanine: i'm not looking. >> dana: why? >> judge jeanine: i'm pro bidet. i like bidets okay?
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>> jessica: you don't bidet out. you just go. >> judge jeanine: eat them in moderation like oreo cookies. >> tyrus: have you ever eaten oreos in moderation judge? just so you know i live next door to you. >> judge jeanine: never, ever. aoc said stop eating hamburgers, you stop eating hamburgers. >> what happens if you take food away from judge jeanine. >> dana perino eats her salad with her fingers. she does. she actually eats like crumbled feta cheese with her fingers. >> it's five years. five years with the forks there. >> what a great forking story. >> jesse: i've seen what it looks like, grab something dana, with your fingers, show us how you did it. >> dana: i just picked it up like that. i was in a hurry. >> jesse: we're doing a lot of wheels on the bus ♪ the wheels on the bus go round and round -- everybody -- round and round. and then you go the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish
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♪ >> jesse: don't go chasing waterfalls. ♪ >> jesse: is it going to be forever or will it go down in flames ♪ >> jesse: 'tis the season to be robin, fa la la la la ♪ >> i am not an elf. >> jesse:. >> jesse: time now for one more thing. dana. . >> judge jeanine: thank you greg. >> i think we could probably just go home. >> jesse: yeah, let's go. >> i call it. >> judge jeanine: whatever, i'm going to leave it at that san say good night. >> jesse: what a year it's been. >> dana: been a fun year. those were good. >> jesse: what a forking year dana. >> dana: what a forking year. >> tyrus: put it in a nice little box, forking. >> judge jeanine: what was your favorite part of that? >> tyrus: i loved your reaction to admitting that you like
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bidets. >> judge jeanine: oh leave it out. i don't know why we're talking about it. >> tyrus: don't ask questions if you don't want the answers. this is why you were uncomfortable. >> judge jeanine: do you use a bidet? >> jesse: no but i'm bidet curious. >> judge jeanine: have you tried it since then? >> jesse: no. i want one. >> judge jeanine: so buy one. >> jesse: you buy me one. >> judge jeanine: no. >> tyrus: there's one in my house and it's as brand new as the day it was put in. it's just there for status, no one really uses it. >> judge jeanine: what was your favorite part dana? >> dana: i loved the look back. i love the fact that we consistently make fun of ourselves, right? so we talk about serious issues but we don't take ourselves seriously and i think it's super fun. i was glad we got on the road to nashville and that was a really great trip. >> judge jeanine: we need to do that more often. >> dana: surprised they didn't make a best of hits guys in the control room. >> judge jeanine: i'm with dana. >> jessica: i like the harold dana skit preparing for the debate. dana did such an amazing job but
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harold. >> dana: harold really rose to the occasion >> jessica: he wanted it. >> tyrus: he was so into it he wanted me to move that plane. he was so into it. >> judge jeanine: yeah. >> jesse: i could not believe how much gus looks like greg. >> yes! >> jesse: scary >> jessica: it's like a thing. >> jesse: it is a thing. >> judge jeanine: rookie looks just reich you. >> jesse: no he doesn't. >> judge jeanine: he does, too. >> jesse: he does sglot what does he look like? he doesn't look like emma. >> jesse: does everybody -- thank you. >> tyrus: i'm on record, mark the date. >> jessica: but that little doodle, doodles are the cutest little things. >> judge jeanine: i have a dudele and he's not cute at all. he's a monster. >> tyrus: the guy who represented labradoodles said it was one of the biggest regret of his life. >> judge jeanine: i have a bernadoodle. >> tyrus: he's anti doodle now he brought them in the world and he says he wished he hadn't. >> judge jeanine: so get a poodle if you have allergies.
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straight ahead where was the teen-age hank out place in our home towns? that and more from our fan mail questions when "the five" continues. ♪ push
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[dice dreams game] when i grow up, i want to be just like my mom. eva longoria. she's really famous and rich, because she steals money from her friends. she's taking money from my dad. she wants to destroy him. ah... it's dice dreams. dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now.
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>> i'm mike emanuel from fox news in washington. happy new year. the five continues in a moment, but first this special report news break. as the year drew to a close, border crossings set another record. since december 1st, officials have reported more than 302,000 migrant encounters. that is the highest monthly total ever recorded. airports saw another busy travel day and more protests. pro palestinian demonstrators blocked roads surrounding john f. kennedy airport in new york. police officers tried to intervene as traffic moved toward the airport. and iran has moved one of its
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war ships into the red sea following a u.s. response to houthi attacks that some three vessels left several militants dead. white house officials say they will act in self-defense going forward. i'll be back for special report live at 6:00 p.m. eastern. now back to "the five" ♪ ♪ >> jesse: welcome back and happy new year everybody. time for some fan mail questions. instagram question from chellen girl. where was the teen-age hangout place in your home town? let's start with you tyrus. where did you hang out as a teen. >> tyrus: i didn't get to hang out but the official hangout was taco bell but to go there you had to have a car to drive around all time. i just heard it was phenomenal
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and amazing. >> jesse: poor kid. you had it rough. >> tyrus: i had to hear about it but taco bell was the hangout then it graduated in the high desert in california it was at one time a giant desert, this place called avenue g, supposed word on the street was it was an old insane asylum and we'd go out there and make bon fires and that was like the place to go. >> jesse: meet me at the insane asylum. >> tyrus: yeah. >> jesse: feel like i'm already here. >> tyrus: we had the old buildings and stuff and you would go walk through there and all that cool stuff but we could actually use some of those insane asylums now. bring it back. >> jesse: bring it back, build back better, insane asylums. dana. >> dana: i guess there were two for us as well. the first was the safe way parking lot or the sub wave sandwich shop because that was when they first came out and it was a big deal and i would take my little sister with me because i had to take care of her all the time so she would come along i would get her a six-inch sub and she would hang out and learn from all of us iis prince
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williamian parenting, you have to take the little one goal with the older one then the older one has to act right. >> dana: yeah. then we had the gully, there was nothing out there we were just out in the rural area so you could go out there and do a little bonfire and that's where you hung out. >> jesse: we hung out at the trussle, it was underneath train tracks. there was bon fires, there was a little drinking involved. >> hobos? >> jesse: i never went. what about you >> jessica: i grew up in manhattan and grew up on bleaker straight and there was a pizza place called the pizza box that was like a block away, just past mcdoogle's street and we used to go there every day after school everyone get a slice and soda hang out. >> judge jeanine: i went to saint peter and paul school, there was nobody hanging out and then i went to notre dame high school and it was far away. everybody had to take a bus in so nobody could hang out. the only thing you did was went to dances on the weekends and then you would go out in the back and do whatever you were going to do. >> jesse: question jeff v what home improvement project do you hate most. start with you judge.
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>> judge jeanine: right now i'm doing a den and i love it. >> greg: do you hate the most. >> judge jeanine: i don't need home improvement but i got this light green rug in between my son coming home on the weekends had his fee answer says and the dogs i'm getting rid of it after eight months. my local carpet company says i've had 40 carpets in my own house. >> jesse: 40. >> judge jeanine: four zero. >> jesse:'s what happens when you have dog. >> jesse: jessica, bad home improvement experience >> jessica: i haven't really attempted a real home improvement thing but i'm really bad with light bulbs. >> jesse: what do you mean? >> jessica: i just, i can't -- so now -- >> jesse:. >> jesse: how many democrats does it take >> jessica: fine i don't care. i get how many does it at that time to screw in a light bulb. more than one certainly. >> judge jeanine: why? >> jessica: so they changed the capacity on what i could have in this one, i have like this great modern lamp that's supposed to have flood lights that are 75
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watts and 120 volts and now it's not legal to have 75 watts in the city. so i have a 60 watt. it's one of those things and i won't work. >> judge jeanine: didn't you take algebra and chemistry and all that? you can figure that all out. >> jesse: dana i know you've done quite a few. >> dana: i'm going to throw peter under the bus. when we lived in san diego at a very small house, we had a house, and i wanted a special new door and i wanted a red door, okay? so he went and he bought a door at home depot and i was complaining that it had been in the garage for so long, when is my door going to be put up. so he called our friend bud and i heard them in the garage working on it but the door was a little too big so it had to be shaved off a little bit and i could hear them talking, they didn't know i could hear them and they screwed it up. they made it too short. >> judge jeanine: yep. >> dana: then you hear we're just going to go out for sandwiches. no. then they went and they bought a new door, another new door. we didn't have a lot of extra money.
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so we got another door, bought it and i can't remember, that one might have also been ruined as well. >> judge jeanine: get that little thing on the bottom and screw it. >> jesse: throw him under the bus. >> dana: he's used to it but i eventually got my red door thank you very much. then we sold the house. >> tyrus: you know what i hate jesse? the bill, the bill. it's getting so expensive. i lived in louisiana, we have hurricanes every year which means i have to make renovations every year and the contractors get harder to find and the bills get bigger and the work gets less. so it doesn't matter what it is. if you're going to fix a door, and i'll be like fine, i'll do it myself and then i start doing it myself and i realize, you know, this is why they have contractors because it's so hard to get skilled laborers to show up and children, no matter how much you threaten them are not good at holding things. i've asked for a hammer i get a saw. i blame the school but they're home schooled. >> jesse: it's all your fault. >> tyrus: so i'm better off paying for it. >> jesse: last question instagram, we have montestanky
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1889 in your travels what city state or country most pleasantly surprised you? guess it depends on your expectations. tyrus, what would you say? >> tyrus: sydney australian. that was nice. >> dana: gosh. i really like everywhere i go, i feel like everywhere i go i think i could live here. >> jesse: everywhere you go. >> dana: i try to put myself in that scenario like i could definitely live in venice. >> jesse: what about you? >> jessica: woman on the i could live here front istanbul. >> judge jeanine: i can't believe it >> jessica: i looked up when i was living in london and you could get to all these incredible places quickly and on cheap flights we looked at property on the european side of istanbul and i think it is the most spectacular city. >> jesse: i think it's constant nople. >> judge jeanine: i don't know if she got it but that's exactly my city. >> tyrus: reality show >> jessica: that's season two.
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>> judge jeanine: here's the amazing part of it. you go there and you're not really sure what to expect but it's incredibly western, okay, and they have fabulous restaurants, fabulous food. and i stayed at a four seasons, it used to be a prison for murderers. >> tyrus: sweet. >> judge jeanine: okay? it was great >> jessica: next to the contingency. >> judge jeanine: i don't remember. i just remember they said it's a four star hotel used to be a prison. >> jesse: nice plug. mine pleasantly surprised new jersey. >> up next the big moment we've been waiting for our annual new year's resolutions. stay right there. ♪ call me the breeze, i keep blowing down the road ♪ ♪ my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: welcome back. it just wouldn't be a new year without making some resolutions so let's go around the table starting with you, judge. >> judge jeanine: okay, my first resolution is to give up oreos. and my prediction is that i will -- >> jesse: whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. >> judge jeanine: okay. and no more rescue animals for me. that's four legged and two legged. >> jesse: oh. >> judge jeanine: and i'm going to drink more water and increase my social media presence. >> jesse: oh, increase your social media presence? >> taylor. >> taylor. >> taylor >> jessica: taylor is judge's lovely assistant, a great job. quickly, my first, be more patient professionally and personally. i realize these terrible twos you need a much longer fuse with a little person who can't express themselves. same goes for jesse and greg. less screen time.
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i know it's lame still need to do it. and care less about what other people think about me. >> judge jeanine: yes. . >> jessica: jesse. >> jesse: i'm going to promote myself more this year. >> judge jeanine: you? >> jesse: yes. and i'm going to tell you why. there are a lot of people on this network and all over the industry that are constantly touting themselves on social media, plugging things, promoting things, throwing their weight around. >> judge jeanine: johnny does that for you every minute. >> jesse: no he does not so i'm going to make it a point to really get myself out there more. i know that's a cliche. also i'm going to go to a concert. i haven't been to a concert in about two decades and i think it's time. >> dana: i know which one one you're going to with me. >> judge jeanine: what concert. >> dana: i want to take them to dierks bentley. >> jesse: i'm going to be your guest. >> dana: yes in holmdel. >> jesse: what an honor for dirks to have me there. >> dana: what if he promoted you were at the show. >> jesse: two resolutions done >> jessica: dana.
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>> dana: peter and i had a new year's resolution last year to start taking ballroom dance lessons and we did but we kept with it so we want to keep doing that through the year. last year i had a resolution about cleaning up my tech life. i have too many apps. i just, i fell short, i fell short. fell off the wagon there. >> judge jeanine: you always fall short. >> dana: and then i also want to finally, i am determined i'm going to finally film and catch percy putting the three balls in his mouth so i can figure out how he did it. this is as close as i've gotten. i think we have it here. there's one, two. i still haven't gotten the three >> jessica: tyrus? >> tyrus: well, i always go with this one. eat more apples >> jessica: why? >> tyrus: because an apple a day keeps -- >> jessica: how many apples would you need to eat a day. >> tyrus: 364 >> jessica: more than one a day for you. >> tyrus: just one a day and not crush them just eat them. >> jesse: how many apples can you feet in your mouth. >> tyrus: i can't fit any i can
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take a bite >> jessica: can you make apple sauce with one. >> tyrus: i will if jesse keeps bothering me. my last one i changed it i am going to ensure my dream of producing j&j will come through. >> jesse: then we're going to istanbul >> jessica: great resolutions, everybody. straight ahead, what big events do we think will happen in 2024. our predictions for the new year are next. ♪ what can i put down as your profession? thief!
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actress. she means actress. thief! [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now.
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by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ . >> tyrus: what it is, you were listening to that song last night at the club judge. welcome back to the five. time for our annual predictions for the new year. i'll go first because they're telling me to. firsts the celtics will win the championship, we need a trade, porzingis, need a trade but i feel good about it. that's my feel good prediction.
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unfortunately my next one is some dark no, sir tow nostrodamis stuff. i feel we'll have another election no matter what are side wins the other side will scream unfair and we'll have more bickering and arguing. dane a please clean it up. >> dana: i usually am pretty good on my predictions. last year i didn't do well i'm going to try again. i think there will be another royal wedding this time in america. i believe travis kelce and taylor swift will either get engaged or be married and that she will sing him a song that she has written for him and she will debut it at the wedding and it will be huge. >> tyrus: she's going to sing a breakup song at their wedding. >> dana: number two prediction is aaron rodgers makes a comeback before the end of the season and wins a game. okay, i have to do both. >> jesse: good prediction.
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>> dana: and number three, nyad the movie will win an oscar excellent acting by annette benning and jody foster, the directors from free solo. remember i predicted they would win an oscar from free solo and they did so nyad the movie. >> tyrus: jesse you're so excited for predictions, please. >> jesse: i want to remind the audience that my last year's prediction came true. i predicted someone close to me would get arrested and donald trump was arrested. i didn't see that coming at all. this pro diction, take it to the bank. eagles, not only going to the super bowl, winning the super bowl. >> another one. >> jesse: what do you mean it's another one. >> judge jeanine: just keep going. >> jesse: i will keep going. my second prediction, i will be honored at a professional sporting event. i don't know whether that's throwing out the first pitch at a phillies game. i don't know whether it's coin toss at a super bowl >> jessica: this is part of the resolution of promoting himself. >> jesse: i didn't even think of
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that dana but yes. >> dana: i want to be your press secretary. i'll figure this out. >> jesse: you would be my choice >> jessica: okay, first oj timely displaced as the trial of the century. >> jesse: okay, i get where you're going with it. make it political >> jessica: you said i didn't expect him to get arrested i'm saying the trial will be a big deal. number two phoenix suns win the nba championship you laugh at me and pd as finals mvp. and my third that usher will set a ratings record for his super bowl half time performance displacing rihanna from last year. i'm excited wind usher at the super bowl. >> jesse: okay. >> judge jeanine: all right. so my prediction is that i will break my first resolution of not eating oreos within the first two weeks. and i think that's why i reacted. i think the eagles are going to win the super bowl >> jesse: yes!
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>> judge jeanine: that's why i said oh, again. they said do pop culture stuff. i think thin eyebrows are coming back in style for the women. and in this movie, anybody see the jennifer lawrence movie no hard feelings? >> jessica: yeah loved it. >> judge jeanine: the kid who plays >> jessica: percy. >> judge jeanine: the 19-year-old man eater will come out with a record and since we're being political donald trump will win the election in 2024. >> jesse: hey! take that jessica. >> tyrus: up next, favorite one more things from 2023. ♪ ight.
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from 2023. jesse, let's start with you. >> jesse: do you remember the grandparents' race? there they go. oh, and -- there is an achilles. [laughter] >> jesse: i could watch this all day long. well done, grandparents. we love you. >> dana: we love them. jessica? >> jessica: so, throwback to my inaugural. you go girl. i only have one of these. >> you go, girl. zelenskyy jessica greg and jesse do a new one every day. get excited about it. the only girl to play in this year's little league world series. blockbuster performance holding the u.s. record for little league girl series. did you go, girl. >> for me it was back in may we found out about jason hardesty the u.p.s. driver whenever he goes on route in new orleans he snaps adorable selfies with all
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the pups were and posts them. >> jesse: that's a ghost. >> dana: maybe it's the pets that he sees. [laughter] >> dana: all right, judge? >> judge jeanine: all right, in atlanta, the thief tries to rob a nail salon but fails miserably. makes believe like there is a gun in it. the women are more worried about making sure that their nail is dry. one person walks out the middle of the robbery. and after some painfully awkward silence, the robber decides to give up and walks out without anything. >> jessica: doesn't count. >> whatever. >> second home. >> wow. you know, with all those the new godzilla coming out this year. we had to keep that monster thing, the monster so a record-breaking monster discovered at the australian rain forest. found what could be the world's largest known toad deep in a rain forest. coming in at 6 pounds.
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toad zilla species that pose as threat to the australian ecosystem. the park ranger was shocked to find out during a patrol, what that means he has been eating at love things. one thick i will say i like about this guy his trap game is strong. i know it guy monster traps. those are monster traps he does not skip leg days. >> jessica: shrugs. >> they need to send him back. is he from the state. >> dana: i'm surprised your new year's resolution wasn't to make your calves bigger. >> jesse: you have small calfs? >> dana: he does. >> tyrus: i have taken your abuse. >> dana: before i get beat up. >> jesse: have you chicken legs? >> tyrus: no. >> dana: happy new year. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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