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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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this is only dragged out, this kind of exclusion area stuff, when christmas rolls around >> laura: i think they should try that in new orleans taking christmas out of everything. that wouldn't go over in new orleans. >> it's a federal holiday it shouldn't happen everywhere. we're free to express ourself and that's not government endorsement. >> laura: no it is not. raymond great to see you as always. i hope you enjoyed this as much as we did and had a relaxing day with your families maybe you caught a little football. thanks for being with us every step of the way last year but this next year, it's going to be fun. so stay with us on the oil. thanks again for watching this special edition of the ingraham angle. happy new year remember it is america now and forever. jesse watters, takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime.
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tonight. >> i am telling you right now, [bleep], [bleep] back there is not real. >> jesse: crazy plane lady gets her redemption. >> there are so many guys that i know who would go to prison for 20 to lifetime sentences for this kind of stuff. >> jesse: notorious mobster sammy the bull talks hunter biden. >> all these models like in the bahamas. >> island get away turned disaster. >> he was lying to investigators making a scene like we were making a ton of money when we weren't. >> that's fraud. >> jesse: the fyre festival gets revived. plus. >> la da da da. ♪ >> jesse: a young kansas city chiefs fan dressed up for a game against the raiders. all he did was everything that diehard fans do. he painted his face through on the head gear and went to the
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stadium with his family. no different than what you see every weekend in arrowhead and vegas and pittsburgh. but male karen at dead spin only showed half his face, the black half and accused the 9-year-old of wearing black face. quote, he found a way to hate black people and native americans at the same time. and the media piled on. >> the kid is still in full racist garb. the only part of him that's not intentionally kind of racist is the black part. the rest is team colors and he's going for just being a fan, but the racism is already in there, just not the kind that the right is picking up and nothing dead spin with over a 5-year-old kid. the stupidity of this is remarkable. >> feels like we're in the vegas residency phase of, like, you know, racism. >> jesse: that guy dan le batard who accused the 9-year-old of
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racism wore the same face paint himself last year. there he is. that's how ridiculous this is. and the black face hoax gets more ridiculous the more we learn. here's the nine year old chiefs fan posing with the cheerleaders. do any of them look like they think he's racist? i only see smiling faces. and when the young man started the tomahawk chop, the chiefs players joined in. >> oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! >> jesse: i'm just having such a hard time keeping track of all this racism. but it gets even more ridiculous. the mother of the young fan is saying her son is native american. it turns out holden, the 9-year-old getting slandered, has native american blood. his family lineage, the chumash
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tribe hail from california an ancient people with a rich history on the pacific coast. holden and his family used to live on the reservation. so if anyone's entitled to paint their face and wear a head dress to a chief's game it's holden. here's holden at the super bowl last year. holden can wear whatever he wants and americans can wear whatever we want. we agree and kansas city agrees, too. it's why the chiefs fans are planning to wear plaque and red face paint to the next game, to show support for holden, who's not only a proud kansas city chiefs fan, he's a proud chumash indian. let's bring in holden and his fa fa father bubba. >> bubba what was going through your mind the second you found out your son has been targeted like this? >> it's been a lot. been a crazy couple days.
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i was mad, upset. upset for him. mad that he's upset. he's pretty devastated. i mean, he's seen the videos and everything posted, he's excited, he's all over, it was his dream to get on the jumbotron and i've had family and friends call and, oh, we saw you on sunday night football. so he's excited. but then everything else came up and it's been a little bit of a spiral. >> jesse: holden, how are you feeling right now? >> it's okay 'cause a lot of kids at school are getting excited but it's starting to get mow a little nervous because if they go a little bit overboard, it's a little scary. >> jesse: i bet it's scary. it can be a very overwhelming experience. how has the community been in terms of support?
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>> okay, so far. >> jesse: good. and you're a football guy, right? don't you have practice in a few minutes? >> yeah. >> yeah, getting ready to head out the door for all-star practice. >> jesse: what position do you play? >> wide receiver and free safety. >> jesse: that's amazing. and how big of a chiefs fan are you? >> really big. >> jesse: and what is it -- >> because we went to the raiders chiefs game last year, too. >> jesse: nice. and what does it mean now that you're feeling all this love from chiefs nation, everyone's going to be wearing red and black on their faces next sunday. >> really good. >> jesse: so bubba. >> he asked me ten minutes ago if he can paint his face before we go live. >> jesse: he can do whatever he wants. he's a great patriot, great american, a great fan and everybody loves holden. but karen over at dead spin
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doesn't. bubba would you like an apology? what would you like from karen at dead spin? >> you know, i don't even know what to think about that. it's kind of, it's a little too late for that. the damage is already done. it's, you know, worldwide now. there's comments all over. there's, you know, disrespect towards native americans and towards my family. we never, in any, way, shape or form meant to disrespect any native americans or any tribes. the tribe we're from doesn't even wear that type of head dress. this specific head dress is a novelty piece. it's a costume piece. that's exactly what we had purchased it for and wore it for. not in any disrespect toward any
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native americans at all. and it's just been a whirl wind of comments coming even from other tribes, from tribal members. some think it's okay. some think it's not okay. it's a 9-year-old boy supporting his team. >> jesse: and you're going to be wearing the black and the red, i guess every sunday for as long as you're alive, i'll bet, holden. >> yep. >> forever, huh? >> jesse: who's your favorite player on the chiefs? >> patrick mahomes. >> jesse: my eagles beat your chiefs a couple weeks back. >> i know. >> jesse: you guys did beat us in the super bowl but i think we're going to see you again in the super bowl. >> yeah. >> that would be good, huh? >> jesse: now, if we're back in the super bowl together, the eagles and the chiefs, you want to have a little bet, holden?
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>> yeah. >> jesse: all right. we'll do a bet, and if the chiefs win, you're going to get something very special, and if the eagles win, we'll figure that out. how's that sound? >> okay. >> jesse: all right. can i get a chop? there you go. holden, bubba, we love you guys. good luck at practice. good luck for the rest of the season until the super bowl. how's that? >> thank you jesse. we really appreciate the opportunity tonight. >> jesse: thank you very much. >> thank you >>. >> jesse: well karen from dead spin thought he was onto something when he decided to smear a 9-year-old. now, we know holden's not a racist, he's an indian, he's a fan, he's a patriot. so karen's back pedaling. he just deleted this. quote for the idiots in my mentions who are treating this as some harmless act because the other side of his face was painted red, i could make the argument that it makes it even worse. y'all are the ones who hate
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mexicans but wear sum brayer os on cinco. here now former espn host sage steele. so what's up with this guy. >> hello jesse. >> jesse: i love that you're going with the karen. first of all, he's got some issues. i think that is established now. and i will say i have intimate knowledge of karen in the way that he has taken a liking to attacking me. for full context for people who don't know much about dead spin last year they put me on a list of top ten idiots in the country and the title, number six, stage steele, who is the black candice owen. i will aleve that there. that gives you perspective because i think candice is black, too. i wrote down a quote from the actual article because people saw just the headline but karen actually wrote this about this nine year old kid that he quote found a way to hate black people and native americans at the same time. saying a 9-year-old found a way to do it. here's the problem with people like karen and so many other,
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frankly, media members out there today is that they are making money by doing this. these companies, whether it be dead spin or espn or many other places, are hiring reporters who are focusing just on race, race and sport. if they don't create these narratives and go after nine year old kids, they don't have a job. there's no money in it. so my fear is that this is just going to continue because they've continued to hire people like this to stir the pot and make things up which is only doing what, dividing? when i think we should be celebrating a 9-year-old kid out there being a kid. he's not on video games or on an iphone or doing something bad he's cheering on his team and that's what sports is all about i thought. >> jesse: so you're saying the bosses at dead spin are happy with karen. karen got traffic. carp brought attention to dead spin. karen got clicks. you're really -- they don't even care about the controversy. >> no. >> jesse: they just like
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controversy for money? >> you don't doubt that, do you? >> jesse: well they don't care thure' hurting a little 9-year-old boy? >> no. no, it's clicks and money and they're going to continue to do this and stir the pot and race bathe because that's what karen and many other people have gotten accustomed to doing. proof is in the pudding which is not once since this began on sunday have they decided to put the full picture of holden's face on their web site, have they? let's not just show the black paint here, let's show the front to show, oh, wait, there's a red half, too. they've been called to do it. they've specifically chosen not to. so, to me, this is 100% intentional, and it's prevalent throughout the media. again, when they're hiring reporters to specifically -- their titles are race reporters, race and sport reporter. that's what the undefeated slash and scape, just to focus on race issues. when it comes to sports that's
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like the one safe haven right? where you can go to aero head stadium on sunday, 80 thousand people, race religion politics socioeconomic status none matters, they're just there to cheer for the chiefs. i think the one positive from this is the backlash coming to the dead spins of the world from people on both sides, right? and to me i think this kind of gives me hope, jesse, that people are tired of the race baiting. that this is a kid who's out there having fun and i think the positive thing from the negative pathetic situation at dead spin and others have chosen to focus on is people are rallying saying stop it and it's taking away from actual issues when there are racially incense activities. that's not what this is and shame on them and they know it. >> jesse: you know what i like about you sage? i like how every time you come on, you always end it on a positive note. >> do i really? i should change that. >> jesse: yeah, you always do. but you always have this uplifting finish as to where we
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can kind of take this from here and i think we want to hear that. >> because i hope so. i mean it's sports. what are we doing? this is the one safe haven and this guy intentionally went after a little kid. get a life, really. that's a negative right? when i'm telling him to get a life? there we go back down in the gutter. >> jesse: there we go. bankrupt and the company has to sell itself. but really we love holden and we love you sage. thank you so much for coming on and telling the truth. >> thanks jesse. >> jesse: he's a notorious mobster, but he says joe biden makes him look like a choir boy. hit man sammy the bull is next. ♪ (woman) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (vo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat.
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>> jesse: brand new developments in the briden bribery scandal. remember how joe biden cashed a
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$40,000 check that came from china? >> $40,000 in laundered china money landed in joe biden's bank account in the form of a personal check. >> jesse: the white house says biden's brother was paying joe back. you know, it was just a loan. and now we have proof they lied. a money laundering investigator blue the whistle. in 2018 when they were the biden this money laundering investigator was flagging hunter's counts like crazy. he was designated as a pep politically exposed person susceptible to bribery and the everyoning ba was right. remember when the chinese threaten he pay the bribe and that his dad was in the room. the chinese sent $5 million the next week and hunter told the bank oh it was just a loan. but the bank never got a single loan document and then hunter started sending money all over
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the place which the money laundering investigator called unusual and erratic especially since, quote, the llc does not currently have any investment projects at this time which raises further concerns as millions in fees are being paid but does not appear to have any services rendered. that's bank lingo for bribe. the money laundering investigator added he put his family in a deep financial hold because of drugs and prostitutes which opened up to china targeting children of politicians and purchase of political influence through sweetheart deals. the money laundering investigator finished his report with this. the activity on the account appears unusual with no current business purpose and may require reevaluation of the bank's relationship with the customer. that's bank lingo for the chinese are bribing the
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vice-president's family and we should tell him to bank somewhere else so we don't find ourselves under federal investigation for money lawneders. so we know the fbi, the cia and the biden's own bank knew they were taking bribes and laundering cash. and no one did anything. that tells me biden's a puppet or he's being blackmailed. or that he's a made man. >> save your breath. you got nothing on me. you know it. i know it. i'm changing dollar bills, that's all. you want to waste my time? okay. i call my lawyer. he's the best lawyer in miami. he's such a good lawyer that by tomorrow morning, you're going to be working in alaska. so dress warm. >> jesse: here now notorious mobster sammy the bull. how you doing, sammy? >> i'm doing pretty good. i saw -- i heard your opening
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monologue and it's incredible. it's an incredible story. i mean, it's mind blowing. i don't understand how the country is just sitting back listening to these things and no action is being taken. if you want my opinion, there are so many guys that i know who would go to prison for 20 to lifetime sentences for this kind of stuff. and when it comes from the president, the vice-president, and people like that, it's beyond theft. it's treason to a country. and i remember when i was younger and i was in the military, treason was something that you would face the death penalty for because you're robbing every man, woman, and child, every race, black, white, hispanic, asian. i mean, and you can't get a more disgusting crime than this.
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i've been hearing it over and over again, and i don't understand why there's no actions. there's certain people, like yourself, talking about it. and i'm very proud of you. i know a lot of people in the media industry, men and women through the years, and they're good people. they went to colleges and universities to come out and stop things like this and protect us small people. and, yet, they do nothing. and i know why they do nothing. i spoke to a lot of them, i'm not going to mention names, but a lot of them have -- they're a single mom or they have a job that's paying well. their bosses won't let them talk, and if they do talk they get fired. and it's a shame. so, you know, as far as what you're doing in talking about it and saying openly and honestly and bravely, may i say that.
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>> jesse: so you're saying that the biden family's treasonous, and that the feds know they're dealing with a treasonous family. but many honest people in the federal government are afraid to speak out because they'll be fired and destroyed. >> yes, without a doubt. you know, i cooperated years ago, everybody knows it, with the fbi, the federal government, some prosecutors, john gleason and different judges, and they were so honest, it was unbelievable. i was proud to be with them for a while. i'm still friends with a lot of them and some of them tell me, sammy, i spent my whole life in the fbi, i'm embarrassed to tell somebody i'm an ex fbi agent. and i said don't feel like that, just get out, speak, talk against it, do something. don't sit back. and that's not just them and any one individual, i'm talking about the whole country. if we allow this, our
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forefathers died for this country. i'm a vote ran, i go to the va hospital and i see people walking around without a leg, a arm, they fought for us, they died for us, they lost parts of their body for us. how do you think these people feel when they go home and look in the mirror? everything they gave for us and we're sitting back and doing absolutely nothing. i don't care how much power they got on their side, we have the people. the people are the power. if we don't talk, if we don't say something, then we're part of it. we become complicit with what's going on. so that's how i feel about it and i feel very strongly about it. now that i changed my life, i fight for a lot of things. the open borders, people pouring in. they're invading our country by the millions, not tens of thousands, millions, and we do nothing. fentanyl i fight against that.
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>> jesse: you're an inspiring patriotic speech from sammy the bull tonight on primetime but i think you're saying things that a lot of people agree with and you've paid the price, served your time and i think what you're telling me is you're seeing things that marrior what you did and what you were involved with back in the day. >> it's true. but we did things -- i don't even want to compare. we're like choir boys compared to these people. we always had a thing about protecting the public. i mean, i talk about people and i have friends in new york and family, and they turn around and they say, sammy, it was so much better when the mafia was in control in new york. things that are going on, i see the lighting of the tree, these things to me are so important, not for religion, not for anything like that. it's so festive and it brings love and respect. there used to be hundreds of
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thousands of people lighting the trees and looking at macy's window and stuff like that. it brought love to your heart no matter how bad of a person you are. now i'm seeing riots. i'm seeing things that are going on. how do you have the beep bleep audacity to do this, come to this country and do this? and you're getting away with it is mind blowing. so. >> jesse: yeah, well, we do need to bring back love and respect. i'm not sure we would have to bring back the mob if we would just take care of things ourselves. but sammy it was great speaking to you the. merry christmas, i know it's a little early to say that but merry christmas and thanks for joining us on jesse watters primetime. >> thank you so much. and it's my pleasure and, you know, i watched you years ago when you would interview people coming out of colleges and running around. you're a main person now and you're doing a great job. you've done it from day one up until now. continue it.
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it's my pleasure to talk to you the. anything i could ever do for you just let me know. >> jesse: i will a let you know and i appreciate that. that means a lotment thank you >> everybody knows her as the crazy plane lady. >> i don't give two [bleep]s, but i am telling you right now, [bleep] that [bleep] back there is not real. >> jesse: who's not real? tiffany gomez tells us next. ♪
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rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy.
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arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. ♪ >> welcome to fox news live i'm claudia cowan in new york. india pulling thousands of its troops from the gaza strips. the move comes as israel faces pressure from the united states to scale back the fighting that's already killed nearly 22,000 people. the war began after hamas attacked southern israel on october 7th killing 1200 people. hamas also took hundreds of hostages, including several
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americans. >> pro palestinian demonstrations making it even more difficult for thousands of americans trying to get home from their new year's eve celebrations. in new york and los angeles, the protesters blocked public transportation and roads leading to both john f. kennedy airport and to lax. police say they arrested 62 people. >> i'm claudia cowan, now back to jesse watters primetime. ♪ >> jesse: it was a sunny day in dallas. the birds were chirping, clouds voluminous, and there was a slight breeze. she was about to become internet famous. you've seen her. i've seen her. we've all seen her. >> i don't give two [bleep]s, but i am telling you right now, [bleep] that [bleep] back there is not real. >> jesse: so that moment was watched half a billion times and everybody wanted to know the same thing. one, what's not real?
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and, two, who's the lady? well, the lady went underground for over a month. the press finally found her. tiffany. and now every time tiffany goes to the airport everyone knows her. any time tiffany goes most places everyone knows her. tiffany was a halloween costume. that's how you know you've made it. so what exactly does tiffany do now? well, tiffany's here. hey tiffany. >> hello. >> jesse: how was your flight in. thanks for having me. it was good. >> jesse: good? >> yes, no problems. >> jesse: okay, good. so at what point did you realize your life was about to change? >> pretty quickly. as soon as i left the airport, i think panic set in and i went home, couldn't relax obviously, was just pure terror of like what's going to happen next and i couldn't fathom the amount of times this would get reposted
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and retweeted and it just, i mean, i knew it was going to go viral but i didn't think it was going to go that rye ra. >> jesse: at what point were you looking in your phone and you were just saying, oh, my god. >> the next morning, i was searching like crazy, crazy like crazy lady on a plane, american airlines, like just anything that i could possibly think of. >> jesse: you were searching crazy lady on a plane for yourself. >> i was searching anything and everything that i could think that someone else would post. and i found it pretty quickly that next morning and it had already like started to be like retweeted or on tik tok, whatever. i don't even know what that's called >> jesse: i don't know either. how are your parents handling this, tiff? >> they've been so incredibly amazing. my support system is out of this world, that i think is the only reason i survived it. >> jesse: what did you see? >> i did not see anything. >> jesse: you condition see anything. >> no, i wish i did, it would be a way better story.
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>> jesse: you didn't see anything, then why were you saying that mother f'er isn't real. >> yeah, the language, i've been working on that. it was talking to a specific person that i had an altercation with. it was just a figure of speech. not a good one. but when you're worked up spiralling out of control you're not thinking your words clearly through. >> jesse: trust me i know exactly what you're talking about. i never think through what i say. probably should. so there was an altercation with a gentleman. >> yes. >> and what did the gentlemen do? >> legally i can't get into all of those details. >> jesse: oh, are you suing the gentleman? >> no, no. >> jesse: is he suing you? >> no, but it is not advised to be talked about. >> jesse: okay. so it's something we can't talk about. >> yes. >> jesse: but he's a bad guy. >> i don't know him personally. >> jesse: you don't know him personally but he did a bad thing. >> it was an altercation that i felt really uncomfortable in the situation and i needed to depart
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the plane. >> jesse: let me guess he was either hitting on you. >> no. >> jesse: or he was putting his feet back really really far. >> exactly. >> jesse: exactly. >> there's no leg room what are you going to do. >> jesse: what are you going to do. >> reporter: i'm glad everything's all right. do you now go to the airport and everyone says that's the plane lady. >> it didn't happen today. i think people kind of like talk but there's only been a couple scenarios where people come up and ask. so i'm thankful. >> jesse: that's because you're wearing a different outfit. if you wear the same outfit. >> and supposedly i look different every single time so i think i keep people guessing. >> jesse: when you see yourself, i mean, you really had your finger out there tiff. >> know, it was very -- it was. >> jesse: what do you this i when you see that? you had the little move and the thing going. >> i also didn't know i pointed with two fingers, i had no clue but i guess i would be a really great flight attendant because i have that down pat. >> jesse: all right tiffany is announcing here she's going to be a flight attendant.
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>> no, no, no, no. >> jesse: thank you very much it's very nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> jesse: the fire fest scammer's out of jail and looking for redemption straight ahead. ♪ in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. my name is caron and i'm from brooklyn. i work for the city of new york as a police administrator. i oversee approximately 20 people and my memory just has to be sharp. i always hear people say, you know, when you get older, you know, people lose memory. i didn't want to be that person.
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♪ >> jesse: in 2017 billy mcfarland a hot shot entrepreneur put together a fyre festival. a weekend get away where the world's top models a liveses bots yachts were all promised. >> all these models like in the bahamas. >> the most insane festival i've ever seen. >> island get away turned disaster. >> he would not take no for an answer and he kept putting money in somehow. >> desperate people do desperate things. >> he was lying to investigators making it seem like we were making a ton of money when we weren't. >> that's fraud. >> there's mattresses all over getting soaked. >> the save yourself kicked in. >> free for all. >> it became a looting mentality. >> there's an angry mob and they want their money. >> he produced the worst party in world history, so bad it was
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a crime. >> we spent $30 million to execute this festival. >> but that was not true. >> we had 250 houses rented. >> not true. >> i spent $5.9 million of my own money. >> not true. he lied to investigators and frauded, repeated misrepresentation, deliberate plan top deceive: a sham. betrayed his investigators, customers and employees. >> jesse: there were no cabanas, no personal chefs. instead they got rain soaked tents and cheese sandwiches, probably lunchables. musical acts cancelled there was no running water and violence broke out. billy ray's more than 26 mill and defrauded over a hundred investigators in the process and billy was arrested shortly after convicted and sentenced to six years in prison but after serving four years and having time to think about what he's done billy's a free man and hatched a new idea. fyre festival two. >> in my first year i partnered with one of the biggest and best tv companies in a world to produce a documentary called after the fire.
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i also worked one of the biggest production companies to sign a deal to start fyre festival the broadway musical and finally today we are announcing fyre festival two. guys this is your chance to get in, this is everything i've been working towards let's go. >> jesse: fyre festival founder billy mcfarland joins me now. billy what's wrong with you. >> jesse good to be here so hard to watch myself in a tik tok video but can you believe that sold tickets out from a sunday morning video. >> jesse: what are you doing here again with the fyre festival. >> nothing's going to take away from the bad decisions i made five years ago and that is not okay. but i am here to pay people back and to make my mark and build something. >> jesse: oh, you're paying people back. >> every month i am paying people back. >> jesse: with a party. >> with a party. it's just so wild but i actually have professional support this time. >> jesse: so you have changed, you are a new man. you spent time in prison how was that. >> spent four years, it was rough. not fun. >> jesse: was it a real prison or was it like --
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>> it was a real prison in michigan for the last one, i'm sure they're all watching live right now so hang in there guys your day is coming. >> jesse: was it a rough scene in there for you? >> they would fight over fox and cnn on tv physically so i wonder if that's happening right now. >> jesse: did you go at first to a swanky prison. >> slightly swanky. swanky for prisons, didn't last very long there. >> jesse: what happened? >> long story short, i ultimately tried to do a podcast from jail which is not a good idea. >> jesse: you love attention. >> i don't know. i think i love bringing people together and i always just so hard to be separated from friends and family and i had to grow up and mature and realize the gravity. >> jesse: are you promising things are going to go right this time. >> i am promising that i am getting the proper help and staying so far away from the areas where i suck. >> jesse: so the people doing the party don't want you anywhere near the party. >> not really, no. >> jesse: when is the party. >> going to be the end of next
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year. i hope they let me come i'm not sure yet. >> jesse: so you don't have a date. >> no, it's end of next year. >> jesse: you don't have a date for the party and people have bought tickets. >> yes. >> jesse: so how do they know how to plan. >> i think fire one is just a cultural moment where people just left their comfort zones and embarked on this adventure and met people who materially impacted their life and that's what i'm trying to build for fyre two. >> jesse: where is this party. >> going to be in the caribbean. >> jesse: where. >> can't say yet the partner's going to kill me. >> jesse: so you don't have a date and don't know what island in the caribbean but it's going to be great. >> i have a sheet of things i can't say on tv so i'm trying to find the things i can say. >> jesse: i feel horrible for participating in this scam of a party. >> this is terrible. >> jesse: i don't know if it's a scam but you're on thin ice already so hopefully i wasn't used and this party actually materializes and we're going to send johnny to document. >> i already said he's coming. >> jesse: good hopefully he never comes back. >> he packed granola bars from
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the green room. >> jesse: just in case. billy thank you very much. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: your mug shot wasn't as good as trump's. >> i was filing too much. >> jesse: you have to go with the fierce look. >> i'm not very tough though. >> jesse: let's not have another mug shot. >> please no. can't do that again. >> jesse: johnny goes to the dog park. >> she's a rescue from mozletan. >>. >> reporter: from where. >> mexico. >> reporter: mexico is sending their best. i scheduled with safelite autoglass. their experts replaced my windshield and recalibrated my car's advanced safety system. ♪ acoustic rock music ♪ >> woman: safelite is the one i trust. they focus on safety so i can focus on this view. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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(woman) what if all i do for my type 2 diabetes isn't enough? or what if... (vo) once-weekly mounjaro could help. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and can help you eat less food. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems.
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(woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. new year's day is a great day to let old grudges died. be the bigger man. forgive and forget. to the subaru driving real girl who let your dog biden me, i forgive you. johnny went to the dog park to teach some owners some manners. who do we have here? >> we have milo. she is kind of purring. >> is he going to biden me? >> gracie.
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>> jupiter. >> this is a do. i don't know. >> what kind of dog? >> a french bulldog. >> italian greyhounds. she likes everything. >> she's a rescue from mazatlan. >> from where? >> mazatlan, mexico. >> is she friendly? >> she has a lot of opinions. >> democrat or republican? >> independent. >> she would take other dogs balls and take them. >> that would hurt. >> they are toys. ♪ music playing ♪ >> does daisy do any tricks? >> she knows how to sit and spin. good girl. >> we can dance if we want to. >> it's like "dancing with the stars".
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♪ music playing ♪ is your dog your favorite family member? >> my dog is my favorite creature on the planet. >> this is my whole life. i used to have a job and friends and this is what i have now. >> you know what they say? owners look like their dogs. >> they say she is cute. i will take that as a complement. >> we dressed alike. >> come on, dude. you guys are not twins. >> has your dog ever bitten anyone? >> yes, but they deserve it. >> they write my boyfriend and me in a fun way. >> she bit the groomer supposedly. >> you don't believe it? >> should we believe the groomer? >> i don't think so. >> that sounds horrible. that is rough. i'm disgusted it you would laugh at that. >> is he okay? >> he doesn't know. >> should i be going near him? >> stay away from him. take over the show, i think. >> you know what the worst part
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was? >> the dog is a democrat. what should you do if a dog biden you? >> get checked for rabies. do you think he has it. put a band-aid on it and call 911. you have to train your dogs. >> do it over i am suing you. >> is he overreacting? >> yeah. maybe you should get him an edible or something. >> should i get a rabies shot? >> it doesn't hurt. >> what if i am afraid of late needles? >> shots are the cool thing to do. >> take that to the bank. >> there you go. okay. joe biden has a dog that bites a lot of people. what's up with that? >> he is old so he doesn't take a lot of time to train the dog. >> i would be scared if i lived with joe biden. >> someone pushed the dog in the lake. i get it.
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>> what advice do you want to give jesse watters if you've got bit by the dog? >> i hope you don't have rabies. >> man up. your edible arrangement is coming. >> hope you don't get bit again. >> get it together. books for sale. you can preorder it. you missed it for christmas. it's okay. you can still get a little thing in the mail so it gets shipped to you on the release date. there it is. the greatest book since how i saved the world. time for text. jane from ohio. so cute. i think someone should get him an invite to meet all the kansas city chiefs. maybe put him in a state farm commercial. jake and holden. they look great together. diana from chicago. i cannot believe you've got hold in on your show. that was my favorite segment of the whole entire year.
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wow. even better than sammy the bull? bob from illinois. i wasn't sure if primetime was on live next to sammy the bull. i knew that it is. susan from ohio. jesse, i never thought i'd cheer on a mobster but sammy the bull has more love and respect for this country than those who are supposed to be running it. as you said, bring back the mob. bob from north carolina. i'm 84 and the fyre festival sounds fun. sign me up. if they can have the golden bachelor, they can have the golden fire fest. mark from brooklyn. this year my resolution is to watch every episode of your show. keep up the great work. we will be sending you a nielsen box straight in the mail. that's all for tonight. dvr the show and remember i am watters, and this is my world.


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