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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 1, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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even better than sammy the bull. bob from , >> i wasn't sure if prime timex was on live. thanks to sammy the ball is. i heard that it is susan, ohio.g >> jesse never thought i'd cheer on a mobster but apparently sammy cheer the p has more love and respect for this country than thosece who ae supposed to be running it. b as he said, bring back the moringb. >> bob from north carolina.both caroli'm 84 and the fyre festi. >> sounds fun. sign me up. >> if they can have the golden bachelor, they can have the golden fyre fest an. >> marc from brooklyn. jesse this year, my resolution is to watch every episode of your show. >> keep up the great work and we'le great rkill bel be sea nielsen box straight in the mail. >> that'ight is all for tonighth >> dvr the show and always remember i'm wattersbe and thisi is ms y world.
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and welcome to this special of hannity. >> happy new year. now, tonight for the full hour, we'll highlight some of our big interviews from 2023. we start tonight with highlights from the first ever red state blue state debate between florida governor ron desantis and california governor gavin newsom. >> taka govern santis ae a look.t star >> well, let's get started. everybody ready? te all we are as we speak, theres is a phenomenon that is playings out across the entire country. americans, they are leavingr blue states in droves, in favor of red states. you can see numbers on the screestatesyou cas n rigm the year 2021 and 2022. these particularyears numbersst are stark. >> in the state that you lead sa in the castee, you, governor newsom, according to the u.s. census, this is where the numbers come from. ,e in 2021, 2022, california, california's lost 750,000 residents to other states. governor desantis, during that same two year period, you gained 454,000 residents0 re from other states. so governor desantis, we had
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a coin toss. i was not part of it. i missed it. but apparentlyit., governor newsom, you won the coin toss and you chos erst to let governor desantis have the first question. you will get the last word tonigh ast wordt. >> so i begin with you. you know, for governor newsom,.n i will ask, you know, what your response is on this as well. e s what he is it's a simple question. how do you explain this i phenomenon. >> what governor, what's going on? when i wass goin in the navy, i orders to go to a naval amphibious base, coronado in souther to n california.lifo and i was a lifelong floridian, but i went there and i was like, marniafloridhere andn, the most beautiful places on earth. and i think california has more natural earth advantages than the any state in the country. >> you almost have to try to mess california up. yeah, that's what gavin newsom has done since ewsom ha he's been governor. he's the first governor to ever lose population. nor to ethey actually at one pon out of you u-haul in the state of california because so many people were leaving. of course, he's imposed restrictions on his own
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people while exempting himself from thoses ow restrictions and going to the french laundry while his people werh laune. lt he led the country in school closures, lockinheryg kids out of school while he had his own kids in private school in person. now, he's very good at spinning these these talehe's vending ts >> he's good at being slick and slippery heels. he wd of lies failur to be able to try to mask the failures. but the reality is they failedee because of his leftist ideology and the choice os leftis for am. this what biden and harris and newsom want to d harris ao is take the california model and do that nationally. modelin florida, we showed we h that conservative principles work. this country must choose freedom over failure. governor newsom, your reaction? well, it's good to be with your show. with you ande in a to se tie as well-connected to be with you, ron. and i imagin to e gassed up for the occasion, governor, that no, i'm impressed and i'm grateful. look it's an important occasion and this is important conversation. >> and iportant casion think itt
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to folks watching. >> they're probably wondering what are we actually doing t here? and i want to answer that very directly. i'll tell you wh that very y i'm here. >> i'm here to tell the truth about the biden-harris and also compare and contrast ron desantis record, the republican party's record as a point of contrast that i s different as daylight and darkness. you want to bring us back to a pre 1960s world america in reverse. >> you want to roll back hard earned nationahardl rights and voting rights and civil rights and lgbtq rightg rightss on rights, not just access to abortion, but also access to contraception. >> you want to weaponize grievance. you ar. te focusing on false separateness. you in particula on far run on n banning binge, a cultural purge, and intimidating and humiliating people you disagree with. ndiliatingyou and president trup are really trying to light democracumy on fire.ther so, sean, there are profound differences tonighdifft and i lk
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forward to engagement. but there's one thing ther tin closinghing that we ha. in common is neither of us will be the nomines wille for our party in 2024. >> governor, great 2024. opening statement. >> but he did not address the issue. can yo can you explain this migration out of california and going to. you mean they hold it? you mean the last two yearss gon more floridians going to california than california going to florida? i've put up, by the way, that's going to be fun to facoingt. t r >> so we'll just start right there. california has no peers. californiae.o dominates sizable 21 state populations combined is a fifth largest economy in the world. we dominate numberwe one manufacturing state. we dominate in two way trade in research and developmen d tt access to innovation, more scientists, more researchers, more engineers, more nobel laureates in the state of california than any other the te oe in the nation. the finest system of higher education. it's the birthplace of life, science and biotech and nanotechnology. we've dominatelace of lifed gree
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dominate in high tech, we dominate in artificial intelligence . intellig so with respect, i think it's an interesting campaign strategy. foreig resctn to santos to be bg the state of 40 millionameric americans when california simply has no peeranens. s a pr that's a pretty slick way of not answering your question. et ing yourhe went on a binge of pf out a lot of left wing platitudes. here's what i would sa ldes. move talked to a lot of theto people that have moved from california to florida, and we never used to get people from california to florida or really anywhere on the east coast. why would you leave california because ? you it's got the best weather. why? excuse me, to our class so., but one of the things that i did, i had a gentleman, a couple of guys i'm going to let you do, i don't know, let the debate breed, bris tbut. his turn. >> let's take let's take turns. ahe movs talking to a fell who had made the move frome rnia california to florida, and he was telling me that florid to a is much better governance, safer, better budget, a lowerr r taxes, all this stuff. and he's really happy with the quality of life. and then he pausedof and he sait you know, by the way, i'm gavine newsom's father in.
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so we do count gavin's in-lawsas as some of the people that havet fled california. >> i mean, come to the state of florida. and why are weo florida why ara getting people to come? we have a 50 year low in the crime rater t. years >> you don't see in the last ten years we've had a 45%ssness decline in homelessness. california's. had a 45% increase in homelessness. we back thincreasee blue. i was walking the streets of san francisco a couple frle mono and i had some of the cops in san francisco do say.line to come over to me and i didn't know what they were going to say. and we want to thank you for standing for law enforcement don because we don't get that support in the state of california. so people understand he state o qualityity-of-l of life matters. they understand that florida's doing iters.d florid right. and i can tell you the numbers speak for themselves. we have way more people to goavo to this state. and leaving gavin can't say the opposite. more peoplreanleave an e are leaving california than are moving in. let me let me bring up coming tl to california the other way around the last two years. >> let's talk about crime. so the governor. the governor. wait a minute. hold on a second. >> you said a lot of things
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that are factually untrue, including that 50 year crime law, which is on law >> yrcement, 21 should not be using. >> you have yet to address the issuoue. o answ i asked you twice. you don't want to answer. but the issue of why of the migratio redn of red statest sorry, out of blue states, we just established more floridianlue stats coming to california in the last year than the overall net loss>i that bush it's asserted it. it's a fact. it's not a fact. it is a. g >> moving on. let's go. your states have vastly income tax rates, okay? it is what it isit i. these the facts. highest california's highest rate for top earners, 13% married couple, for example, in california earning a median income of 84,000, they have a 6% income tax in the statee st of california. florida's incomeate of tax rate% across all salaries. ibut goes beyond income taxes.a property taxes are lower in california, but everything else is higher. let's take a look at the numbers. these are the facts. the average property taxer in california,ty tac 8.75%. florida, 0.91%.
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x. es ta california 7.25%. florida 6%.a 6%. gas tax rate. california $0.77 a gallon. that is a low estimate. it's up to a dollar when you include mandatory fees and.s in florida, it's $0.35. corporate income tax, cocalifornia, 8.84%.%. florida, 5.5%. governor newsom, this is your question. let me ask you, obviously, support a different philosophy, which is higher taxes. >> yes. s is a t >> well, no, no, no. hold on. let me have tax question. does this is a very different a different approach. ynd i agree with you completel . he is one of the most regressive tax rates in the united states. regrs number three, most regressive state in america. st and what that means is simply this who does he tax? >> he taxes loe tacks?w income s more than we tax millionaires and billionaires in the statea of california, the question is a simple one. who, ron , are you for? lie tha it's a factual lie that the state of california'sts high tax
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has the highest tax rate. but for whom? and it'st fo a foundational and fundamental difference. >> you look at states like texafundamens, overwhelming majy caliexans pay more tax in texas than the state of california. so again, it's who you're for. n >> and i think those values matter. and i appreciate you bringing up iate you the of taxes. how many people leave florida, s go to california because they pay less taxes? i've not see t?i am nn that.from or people going from florida to new york because they pay less taxes. of course not. w yorktheythey come to florida . they pay lower taxes. we don't even have an income ta x. sale >> and yet california has a higher sales tax than we do. and that's one of the things that we do. but here's the thing, and i'll thinggive i'll give gavin cred. he did at least admit in his first answer, he's joined at the hip with biden and. harris. >> he thinks biden and harris have done a great job. he think e dones the economy is working because of their policies for americans and. they are not. and so what california represents is the biden-harris on steroids. they would love nothing more than to get four more
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years to be able to take the california model nationallay that would be disastrous for working people. >> and well, let's talk work.g people.your s pay more in your state than the state of california. charges for billionairesstat an, millionaires. >> and it's just a value proposition. it's a fact. again, you can't milliact. makee six or seven year or a gallon gas. >> how do they how dgas. ofolk they afford that? these are folks that are blue collar people talkings that about everybody to buy an electric vehicle. how are they going to be able to afford electricc vehicl w can th vehicles ife wo you're working class people? and i think the thing about california , they have one of the highest inequality rates because, yeah, they've got silicoe of theighestn valleo billionaires, they've got a lot of very wealthy people. they've got a lot of peoplalthye are on government assistance, but they've hollowed out their middle class. that'sed out the who's been payh rate. they've been living in other places. they go to arizona, they goquesi to nevada and the in go all the time. let me just say, i do i do have a calling out there. >> i do have a follow up in california. i'm happ let's ty that you cont to talk. let's talk a little bit about biodynamics, because it'shappy to take that ohappy tn right now as well. >> and i think that's a fair point of it that i appreciate. you acknowledgt. apprecie 14 min
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jobs, ten times more than the last three republican presidents because he hasn'ts hundred 15,000 jobs were] being 3.9%. so you get 3.9%. unemployment is it continues 3.9% une tal to talk over me. i'll talk to then american people, 3.9% unemployment, the lowest amerk unemployment in americanmn history, the lowest unemployment for in spanish in american history, the lowest unemploymente lowesten for wome0 years, the lowest black poverty . his admiistory that's this administration's agenda. smirby the wayagenda, as you sme and smirk over there, you should know this. the americanhere youow people. >> here's a guy who celebrated biodynamics just this week celebratin celg $28 millionme i that came in your state because of the chipsntse o and science s one of the most significant economic plans since, fdr.i am p >> i'm proud of the work biden and harris have done would you like to respond? and i do have a follow up. the 6% rate on people, families, a couple the in california, they pay 6% income tax on 84,000 low wage
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workers in the state of florida. they know about been governor 30. >> but here, let me askwe and then tell me what let me ask you. i voted to cover first by answering that i answered the question, okay, california has lower taxes, more lower thanking 32 states for working families in the middle class. significantly lower taxes,pport the places that's why taxes you support a 6% income tax. >> i like a couple of immigrants for the rest of taxes that advantage billionaires and millionaires , working families and the working poor. people in his state pa in y more taxes in the low end then we tax people. pes back seven dollars gallon gas, help workingp people. that doesn't help working people at all. how does paying anpeople. 8% sax help working people? at at doesn't help working workg people at all. they have the highest taxes in the nation. theyest taxes inpeople to be aby to get out of california.
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and you have working class people that move to these other states. their dollars go muc. h further. but here's the thing. they want to take thisng. biden-nomics and they want to double down on this for the next four years. >> how manury are able to affore groceries now compared to what you were doing? d three or four years ago? >> i talked to people you know, i talked to a woman who had hadg a cart full of groceries going in and they're ringing it uphadt and it got to be so expensive. she has to take a lot of the st. stuff that didn't used to beto the case. people used to be able to work hardable, get's n that is not true underotbi joe biden. den. and you know what's on. one more final thing. california's unemployment rate is 60% higher than florida's unemployment rate. >> our unemployment rate is 2.8%. there's a my next question, governor, because it's a command and control econom a coa they have a political agenda that they're pursuing. let me ask that question , people. >> i know the question of jobs. i think it's important, you know what that affects the d that in a way that affects everybody in administration. >> last thr the last three years.
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>> justin amash, joe biden, jan, tonight, 3.9%. >> i thought this was state versus state, but no, but it's about united states of america. i thought this guy was running for president of the united states. americought heunning fyou are yr a year. you just did it forcannot a little not admit it. >> but i know, guys, gentlemen, that you're running. all right? we can't talk we can't talk. tal i'm going to move on to the next question. the unemployment rat e in florida right now is just 2.8%, as you stated. and california ranks second worst in the country at 4.8% enjoyed. >> hold on. this question goes to governor desantis, and then you'll have a chance to respond. >> governor desantis a chan well, right. >> i mean, they tax too much, . ey regulate too much they have a political agenda. it's not a good climate for business. they've lost a lotr of. companies a lot of companies have moved to texas. we have had some to floridpaniea but they've lost a lot of companies to texas because they're not doing a good jobus looking out for folks and notti creating a good business environment. ng a gooand, you know, when i he people that come to florida, they tell me, you know tel,
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you guys actually want us to succeed in florida. and they feel like whe orida.n they're in california, they don't want businesses to see that. what did all that say in the tampa bay rays? well, actually, yeah, i think [ tt's an interesting poin with because i had disney open during and we made them a fortune. we saved a lot of jobs. .you disney closed inexplicably for over a year. ly for oyou were not following e you were a locked down governor. you di a locgovernord a lot of r people. you had more kids locked out of schoohad morecked outl for at of time in california than anywhere else in the countryhay it was the working class kids. it was the middle income kids. his kidslass kidthe midd were il school. >> they were in class. and i know teachers unionsachers u you're going to see is owned by the teachers union. they will never cross the teachers. it's just a lot of blocks the uns knocking back about covid. >> let's talk about your record on covioud. you passed an emergency declaration before the state of california. you te ofd you close down your beaches, your bars, your restaurants? it's a facdown bea, bars at.
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you had quarantines, you had quarantines, your checkpoints wy all over the state of florida. by the way, i didn't say that donald trump laid you outht on this day. >> right. you did that. you followed science. owedyou followed factually, godc answer. he followed science. he followets. ed sciend support. you know, he won leave all on you promoting lower taxes. >> you were open, you weren. promoting vaccines. you even wore a mask and tells you are closed. if it's if it's okay with you. well, why were you why don't we do this in a way where we both can have why are you supposed to be so long? all you know, let to bring september 2020. de he did all of that until he decided to fall prey to thefi fringe of his party. >> and as a consequence of that run, tens of thousands of people lost their lives. >> the equivalent if i had to your policies, the equivalent of ten 9/11, tens of thousands people lost their lives. >> and for what, ron? those are more lives. in facfor wh?t, the lancet just. a study. florida had a lower standardized had covid death rate
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than california did. that's a laugh. le's at me stu make it one more. one more thing. the other thing we hadr thing , the other thing, california had your healthcare when you had cahigher mortality. that. all right, gentlemen, gentlemen, let me talk about that. t to >> honestly. hold on a second. is others i want to as you bk b you both if i'll slow down. i want everyone to be heard. brea can ask it. i really do want thisi wa to breathe. i want this debate to breathe. i wantednt this to organicallya develop. to do that, i need botht. your cooperation. n't want i don't want to be a hall monitor. it's not my style. all right. you mentioned covi a hallmonito let me go to covid and i plan to bring this later.k ve but you both two very different apprdaches as it comes to covi . governor newsom, you issued the nation's first stay at home ordehe firr on march 19th of 20h governor desantis, you took. a lot of heat for reopening schools. you open schools in florida u open schin august of 2020. all right. so here's the data, which i think is important. thisi thinant. is where the face in. your state's death rates were
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almost identical, just factually untrue, although bot actually. >> okay. the and by the way, both your state yous with such diffet approaches, which is pretty statrenth natioe bot lower significantly lower than the national average. these numbers comena straight from the cdc. >> so governor newsom, how dsomt you how do you explain that facts per capita death of florida, state 29%, 29% per capita higher, 20 9%. >> not what the stats say right there, people, tens unnepeopleds unnecessary about it. >> put the graphic up there. don't liily died it.e about it y >> ot it, because your policy is about it. now, it's not we're a lockdown guy. timeyou got one at a time.h yo >> gavin newsom, finish your thought. his bars and restaurant. that's jusurt fact e he's running away fromisy fr his record. he's running away from the facht tens of thousands of people died. >> you start sterilizing all the cdc numbery.s, that's 2% higher death rate in the statete of florida versus the state of californiornia.a. are v
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response. governor, you cite the stat. y clthat's a very clear one bass and it's on a per capita adjusted basis. california and florida fornia a basically the same. >> now, why is that important? because gavin newsom didwhy is, huge damage to people in california. >> he ruined the livelihoods. >> we reopen the state very quickly. we saved thousands of jobs. >> we saved hundreds. saved of thousands of jobs, thousands of businesses. >> we had our kids in school. he had the kids locked k f th of school because of the teachers union. that is having a generationae ti impact. california has one of the lowest literacy rates in the country the low and the mostda recent nape exam. florida came in numberurth three for fourth grade reading. california was far, far behinda. . so you should apologize for note getting your kids in school. why didn'ttting s into s get ths in school in the summer of 2020 like we did only that the teacher only person do the job? you, sean i only person quick. >> only person i wanted to answer is ron desantis. r the tens of thousands of lives that died
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unnecessarily because you played they played to thetae fringe of his party. we got to take a break and i'll finish your thought. ools no. and when it comes to the issue of schools, you better be careful. you had more learning lostyou de in covid than the national average in the state of california. we out. it's a fac calit. . no more learning loss. your economynomy contracted mora 2020, expanded spanish slower than californinda in 2021. and coming up, we were the first show to interview mike johnson after he became speaker of theter he b house.sii that exclusive interview as we continuent every day, can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious by a tonio. great attention. former marines and family
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s to how you can join a mission. welcome to fox news live. i'm claudia cowan in new york. >> all tsunami warnings have been lifted in japan after
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a series of earthquakes triggered the country's highest level alert. quakes, including a powerful 7.6 magnitude tremor, ignited fires and collapsed buildings on japan's main island, honshu. at least 30 people are confirmed dead and it's feared more victims are buried in the rubble. >> the reported arrival of an iranian warship in the red sea threatened to further escalate tensions in the middle east. its appearance comes iranian backed houthi rebels step up their attacks on commercial vessels who claim they're only targeting israel linked ships to stop the fighting in gaza. the u.s. recently created an international maritime mission to help protect that vital waterway. i'm claudia cohen. now back to "hannity" for all your headlines, go to >> so i sat down with ther new speaker, mike johnson, for his first interview after becoming speaker of the house. and here are some of those
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highlights. >> he's had a very warmyo u'warmwelcome from dnc. they said you were in an anti-abortion maga extremist. j >>oh mike johnson,nson that was their first warm welcome. >> welcome. welcome to your new jowowelcomb >> then they went on to say that you were the co-sponsor re the cof instant to institutet extreme abortion ban. an el get into detai nationwide. you want to cut social securita and medicare? and here's some free advicee from mike johnsoadvicen. and that is, don't get comfortable. we've been here beforet get come this isn't the same exact maga extremism that the american peopl willve already rejected and they will do it again. >> i thought that was the warmes t welcome you could ever want from the democrat party. >> yeah. welcome to the job. look, they don't. they don't know me. a lot of these people don't know me. and i think ife job. t knowme. they would talkeven o to some of my colleagues here, even on the other side of the aisle that have worked with men for the seven years that i've been on capitol hill, they would tell them that those things are not true.. give me a chance.
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let me let me havet a chancmeed to lead here and you'll see what i'm really about. >> let me ast i'k you, becaused' a lot of people don't know you. and before i get to some reallyy heavy duty questions, issues of great national importance, what do you want people to know, about you want pu? ngs ab there were things about you that i learned in the lead up to this intervieoulearned thew i didn't know that you didn't actually legally adopt young 14-year-old, but you basically adopted him. it would havhim.e taken four yes to finalize it. and he happened to be african-american he and he wasw you your first son. >> and nowhar othe you have four children and you have one of them. well, this this son was name. dr-ol the other 14-year-old is jack. >> and you j said some pretty profound things that you think is harder for your african-american son than your biological son in life. >> are you saying that's institutional racism in the country? instutional what were you refer. ,o, it's a reality, though
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having raised 214 year old boys in america and the state of louisiana and, they had. different experiences and i'm not so sure it was all about skin color, but it is about cultur.e and society. d michael, the the our first camey from a really troubled background and had a lot of challenge td backgrs. ised i jack on the other hand, we wasn raised in our household from the time he was born. then it just struck me, sean, that it's a reality that you know, there are different therei are different paths in life and peoplefferen have lots of ts they have to overcome. and so it gives you a lot of empathy. es you a lot oit allows you to e the heart of people and really try to understand better. >> and that that that comes in handy in this arena because we're really expected to hate our colleagues. >> on the othegues on the othere aisle and beat them all the time as enemies, politically speaking. but you have to recognize that this is abut yothis systems built upon disagreement. i mean, what the founders intended here and is legislative context is that we're going to come to the table with very different
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philosophica tl ideas and core principles, and we have to arm wrestle overwe that and reache h consensus to move the ball forward for the american people. that's ball for what the system is bui. upon. and right now, people are going to the corners and they're refusing to talk o. >> we've got to get over that. i don't know how we reconcile r a lot of these issues, either believe in climate alarmism orn. ,energy independence. how do you reconcile that? how do you reconcile, defund y and dismantle versus funding law enforcement and? no bail laws versus bail how do you reconcile secure borders or sanctuary states or cities? >> very controversial and i don't know where the middle ground is. do you see it? see i there is less and less middle >> tsd over the overt? the decades that the parties have grown very far apart. there' havs a wide chasm now. >> you know, if you rewound back 40 or 50 years, theref wasn't really a lot of difference between t. youublican and democrace bee if you compare their platforms. they were nuances about policy, but they in the same things they were trying to do what's right for the country.
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wyou know, the allegation here about some of our colleagues is that's not really is that ie them som really would like to trade what we have forld lik a europee style socialist form of government. we know that that is a terribla idea. so we stand forid our foundational principles. what you have to d ationao is get down to those core principles and argue debate with your colleagues, and use the facts. you know, show them the reality. socialism is a didshow t in com. and marxism are terrible things. it's bee n responsible forfor th the deaths of tens of millions of innocent people over the 20th century alone. right. that is not the path we want to go down. america'nocent p the 20t uralone.s different.ferent and we are exceptional because we stand on certain foundational principle s. i said in my speech the other night, that was that last night. all my hours are running now. i think it was yesterday.i yesterday i talked about the core principletalkeds of americn conservatism, and that's individual freedom, limited governments indi, the rule of l, peace through strength, fiscal responsibility, free markets thron dignity.huma and under each of those, there would be subcategories. but that's what wen under stan i call them the core principles
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of american conservatism, but it's really the core principles of america itself. we're differene cot. we're exceptional. the reason we're the freest, the powerful, most successfultr nation in the history of the world is because that's what we stand for. and those values and those principles are under assault right now. and we have to defend them here everder assat riy day with evere have. it's my strong belief that all wirepublicans you're either goig to win together or you're going to be in the eye or in ts of the american people. you're going to win on your agenda or you're going to losen . >> and i don't see any way of winning if you don't all stick together . i know you have these this disparate group of egos. ife you will. i hope everybody will maybe hear your admonition and workano together as a team and god fi forward, you know, fix our border. can we become energy dominan.t and maybe start paying down our debt? can we come up with sounoud foreign policy to help out our allies at a time of, you know, a dire time for them? i mean, these challenges
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are run deep. and then you have the issue of law and order safety, security you have issu of open s pretty scary times. do you think this country is in declin e? w >> i think right now we're in very desperate times. i think the hours late in the crisis is great. but here's why i'm encouraged. in previous generationis son of americans from the framers, the founders of this country, all the waframery through times, the revolutionary period, the civil war, the great depressione revolu , the other lea world wars, when the leaders here got in trouble, that waders beyond the scope of what they could solve themselves individually or collectively. you know what they did? they saw divine guidance for it. we have in god we trust right abovin goduse the rostrumt >> and i pointed that out in mye speech. is this the the beech.n franklin moment? it is a ben franklin constitutional right. frankit's the same thing. are and we're we're calling one another to to humble ourselves and recognize that the challenges are so great. but that's where i are so great.t realpresente opportunity is presented. i believe that god is not done with america yetd is not. in tha i still believe in that motto. it's not just a quaint saying w to that's what the nation was founded upon, this belief. it's what distinguishe
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s us from all these other communist, marxist, socialist countries around the world. it's ther co key to our t our greatness. and we ought to appeal to that. and i believe if we do that gods is going to give us his favor and i believe we're going to solve these problemd we ws. >> and coming up, my latest intervie aswith, actor sean penn, as this special . why are forced actor vitamin c so popular at walmart foconveni actor uses the highest quality ingredient to deliver powerful, healthy resultrush to s from des and convenient supplements. that's why friends and family recommend for stanley rush to walmart and unleash your potential with four stacker assists. >> this is this dog food in your fridge. it's not dog food, it's freshpet. real meat. real veggies. seems like a lot of space to waste on a dog. you're all the family mean. >> i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life
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the game is simple and relative of the famous person will come out here and see how creation team does that voice remind you of somebody else? we know she looks familiar. i can't quite put my finger on it. i'm having an out-of-body experience right now. the celebrity behind a relative we are family premieres wednesday on fox. when you can watch, listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news on sirius xm america is listening. >> welcome back to the special t edition of "hannity". actor sean penn. he has been documenting the russia invasio umentingn of ukraine from the very beginning. >> i sat down with the oscar diu winning actor to discuss his latest documentary on the warocumenta. superpo >> it's called superpower. take a look at the film he set out to make was not meant to encounter an existential
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threat to democracy. just a spirited story and a comedy superstar turned president. >> we have currently in thetuato situation where there's a major russian buildun >> t the situation is changing and feeling more urgens cht. oh, had two impacts in town over this modern country was suddenly at war. >> this whole story, this wholei movie. i was riveted to it. i urge and i want to i'll tell everybody. i urge them to go see it t. it doesn't matter what side of the ukraine conflicr whatt you're on. it really doesn't. how this camis came e is just a fascinating set of circumstances whereer t you're going over there to interview a guy that's a formerrview a entertainer bes that becomes president of ukraine. and that was the purposepresidee interview. >> the purpose of the intended documentar pose of y, a sort of lighthearted take because it
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started pre-covid. wwe had started planning to do it long before this russianp off buildup of forces on the border. right. and thenorder. it evolves intora the timing where you are there as this conflict breaks out, pui as putin invades a sovereign country, ukraine you are rig right there. and i guess what i came awayher. with and i'm not i'm just to compliment you back because . let's be honest here, if you want to get into politics, we're not going to agree on a whole loticsill not wholet. and i could talk about a lot of your political positions in the past, hugo chavez and stuff that drove me up the wall. but that's not that's irrelevant to this discussion. di and i camethere away with the sense this is this is a real deal for you. you and you proved it by staying there in a war zone with the president, who's the top target of let'st be honesof, let here. one of the worlds, you know, a guy that had no qualms,
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killing innocent men, women and children, bombing out neighborhoods, bombingdren, bo t apartment buildings. you know, ruling is in any could the country you carry that be 20,000 kids? right.g them >> reeducating them into hatred. yeah. and you were told by a former national security adviser o'brien to gettional s the hello of there. >> they were telling you don't stay there because they knew bulenskyy a top target. >> but you stayed. that tells me a lot about. you didn't bail. you could have bailed out. you have kids. i'm surehave kidm sureant to d . i'm sure you'd like to live as long as you can. i would, actually. all. >> why did you stay? you know, i. i having traveled in placesplacs that certainly from the outsidee have a certain narrative around them of. of of, you know, unpredictability . i've had an anxious moments at times and this was verys. different in the sense
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that they immediately there was just a tremendous sense of heartbreak. and it didn't feel like it was s just for the ukrainian people andfor th ukraine. it really felt like that that this would happen at this point in human history. i thought about my kids immediately that this was something that would affect them. and i thinmething that wouk hast anything like what's happening on those front lines. and in that country. those people. but of course, it's just the the amount of collateral damage is going to continue economically. i think, as psychosocial, socially. l ti and it's a real tipping point in terms of how this country, a country that i love also, are we going to hold on toratio?
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the great aspirations, something i'm sure we do share in termsam sure of that the ord of this country'eas ideal or let are we going to let it go?go and i think it's extremely fragile right now. w. you know, we talked about this t the last timhis the and i'm goiu to give you news you probably don't want to hearprobably, butb probably also already know is true conservativelso alre sut in this country for this conflict has dropped precipitously. >> and we discussey.d some of the reasons the last time you were here. one is europe is not steppedt st up. it's their continentepped . and they needed to do more from day one and incomes the united e flooding ukraine with money. >> you know, basically a blankan check for a period timee. you know, culminating recently with $500 million earmarked for green energy in ukraine.that's that's the last thing that ist important in ukraine. thing right now. gree
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>> green energy, their survival is the most important. that'stheir suthe most that so n people in this country. we have veterans that are homeless. we have all thes homelee people that h need help in our country. and we'll get we're spending cn money on green energy in ukraine. that is asinine. i think you probablyenergy in uh with that. >> and here's the other part. so europe's not doing their part. we'rart.t doine paying the bulke money. it's like a proxy war betweeen us and vladimir putin, which is what it evolves into. in whichand joe biden did somet from the beginning that really infuriated me, and that washe when he vetoed the 28 megs. i brought this up the last time. you weren't sure of it. >> he did veto it. okay. and i'm like, here we, gain go again. >> you know, we start wars, we politicize, and then starw we sv never mind. and to, you know, tough luck to the. people died in those wars and left their legs on the battlefield. s have h >> and americans have had it with that. and they once they once i saw
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that joe was not in tune when, he should allowed them to have the mix of support or conflictln ,europe has to go all inan and you have to fight a ward to winyo a. and denying him that weaponry at that moment was critical. >> and it just infuriated me. ,l yeah, again, i'll say that i think there were many elements at play. i don't know to say that thatt e president biden wasn't. the dominant voice and that i do know that later he did saay that he didn't feel that they needed them. at a certain pointeded them. yep. look, i that whetheran, demo it's republican-democrat or anything in betwee n that and i'm of course not a political analyst, but as an observel anan as one more citizen, i would say that i'm very confident that whichever party might support decisive action, complete action in this, itwoul
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would be a political win, nobeto to mention a principled one. and by action i mean give thempe everything they need now rather than bit by bit over the time,il because eventually there's not the political will in this country to sen will thisd us trs there, nor is it the desire of the ukrainianthers to have u troops there. in fact, in fact, president zelenskyent zeley sayy passionately, they've fought too many wars, died in too many. wars. we don't want them to fight here . so what we will do, republican or democrat, over the long term is we're going to give them everything it taket takes short of u.s. troopp on the ground there. so we should do it now because the only difference is death and destruction. eath andmore death and destruct, more separation, longer separation of families, more psychological damage, and inevitably more that will come to our shores in terms of deficit.
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and so i would like to see you know i've never voted republican. i'm unlikely ever to vote republican. >> ii would like to see on view the democratic party, the presiden thet. look, this in a very realisticco and bold way and get this thing over. and up next, my interview with the one and only kiran, if you like. john, we got john. we got so much, john, we're throwing in a second john lee. that's right. not one john, but 2.1 motorcycle. john. what about yoga, john? no mustang even got irresistible.
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with your family's values. go to healthy children north berwick slash media plan and make a plan you can count on today. now, recently i traveledville an
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to nashville and spoke to the one and only kid rock. we talked about the out-of-control woke left in america and much more. intake a look.>> how >> hey, don, great to see you.t >> hurt your wrist. i didn't realize your thing than i'm first. let me get to this issue. you are on cancel of all. >> you don't give a flying repy and we say itbu a little different than rip, but it's correct. >> well, i mean, i can'tthat ist i mean, i say it differently. i call adam schiff. >>go s, you know, you don't give a . i'm just not in bed with any corporate entities. you know im , what would that wd put me in a position where people could raise a stinkon whe and i decided years ago, you know, i've been very blessed. you know, i've worked hard h d and worked and, a still be able to do this at a high level in 25 years. and i decided when i was going. to get, you know, vocal about all things like, it's not a time i hav a te never been vocal.ut >> i came out with middle fingers on my first cd, you know, with my moutleh going like this. >> and i really haven't changed the timei re s have. right. but i decided i was really
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good to get vocal sheerly for my lov tosheerly e of this coun, you know, use my voice, you know, speak on things n thhat meant to me that there was going to be any corporate deals and i'm fine with that because, you know, i've always tried to live that there's no dollar amount on this god's green earth that would get me to, you know, t be ablnot be able to be who i. but i think people love you more because of it. i hopee . >> all right. i turned down a lot of money >> i. dana da i'm a huge fan of dana white. i saw you with president trump presiden tucker and you guysu all went to the of made what was it, the garden at ufc here you have certain. all right. so >> ufc he was on this show i saw and it was about bud light.>> >> there we go he took the he took on as a sponsor now i'll hv tell you why i never in my whole life ever supporteerd. a boycott. i've never called for a firing i'r a fin ever. i mean, even people that i can't stand like, by the way, i didn't eithe r. yeah. okay. so what i worried about in that case was the guys that have the the beer can
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class people, right? the guys that work in the factory, the guys that blow the trucksys that cks., they'ret the guys that made that stupid, you know? >> they had no dogid. in thisfu. fight at all. it's actually funny. speaking of that ufc fight, wit i'm there with our favorite president, right? and someone come and somes over likebusch the ceo of anheuser-busch standing right behind you, right? so i go to the police. i'm like, hey, that's the ceo of anheuser busch. cedo wank to hime talk to i'mo r like, i do. so me and him go over. but actually. had a great conversation, really, because, you know, if you put this in contextif you p, why this whd this start? it's like, you know, i told him that night i go, you signaaled l to a lot of people like myself, like minded people put put s thing aside for a minute, right? i was like, but by sending that can to the trans ki d, you kind of signal to us you're some point this lifestyle and more that you impn like men being in women's sports and my granddaughters locker roo orts.m most of us draw a hard line right there. >> nah, nah nahard linh and liki what do you feel? a granddaughter. you're like two grandkids. you're likke2 yee, 42 years old.
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i'll go ahead. it gets cold in detroit. yeah, i guess it does. so i said, you single that to si us? i said, but speakingd you signas like, because, like, you know, someone wants to be trans is like, i direct that kid. >> i said, if you guys i didn't even say boycott of cancer. >> i said, f you. i said, what are you doing injecting yourself into thisntos conversation, these polarizing social issues? i was like, you know, you'veal u been doing so muchff more positive stuff, just making us laugh and drink beer. makin but i said i said, someonents td wants to dress up like a girl. i want to be transgender, d died whatever. a lot of people fought and died. for them to do that, go for it. coexist, you know,. in public places. you not be my firstmean and dinner invite. you know what i mean? and i'm probably not yours. youand if you're , no one cares anymore, right? >> we are a family members. friends, great coworkers. >> it's like, cut it out just be .. w okay? i'm not going to clap right here for you. you know what i hear you saying? you believe in freedom now,whyo but if you want to indoctrinate kids in schoolu at. ,- >> that's right. that's right. so let me let me say >> l this to the trans and community right now. >> be yourself.
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be y. brimmuny right >> you're cool with me. i'm cool with you. that's the most people are. but as soon as you bringng nto our kids into this, that's you going to bring hatred into it. leave our frickingthis's kids ot of it. >> that's the bottom of our parents. and still the values in there. all kids that yeah. more "hannity" straight ahead ahead. >> hey, guys, listen up. that's right, man. i'm to you. >> did you know that extra weight around your middle can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure and even diabetes? as a police officer, you're always kind of eating when you can. so you start eating a lot of food that's not great for you. and i put all my weight in my belly, and that's a very dangerous area for men. well, here's the good news. there's a weight loss plan designed just for men from, nutrisystem, that can help you lose your gut and feel great again. >> it's a high protein plan designed to burn more fat than . now get nutrisystem. new seven and seven. lose up to £7. your first seven days, you'll
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