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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 2, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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086060. call down. >> hello, colonial penn. look around in hollywood. everybody's walking around, skinny. these drugs had a serious side effect. this is truly the wild, wild west of weight. tmz presents hollywood's most epic obsession. streaming now on fox nation. >> all right. unfortunately, that is all the timeately th have left on this l edition of "hannity". as always, thank you for being with us. n of "u foplease don't forget tt your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever, ever that's ani wish episode of hannity. >> meantime, i wish you and your family a happy new year. have a great night.
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happy new year. i'm kat timpf greg is offto today. >> so he asked me to check in to see how your new year's going sod see ho far. not bad. that's good enough. i'll take it. sod? wel we had a great year of shos with some awesome guests, and we can't wait to. bring you more in 2024. but until then, let's take some of past our favorite segments from the past few months. >> enjoy. so there'sfe a new marvel movie out and apparently it. i haven't i haven't seen it yet because as you know, i better things to do. the new flick is courtesy of disney owns the marvel cinematic universe. but the real marvel is how eacth movie put out is getting worse and worse. worse and o be theer incredible shrinking box office because. offer
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their latest offering, the marvels, was the worst opening for a marvelin ever.ver. even worse than iron man versust women. >> well, they got destroyeleend that. >> now, in this universe, women are as physically strong as me n . i'm talking actual women now. not the ones with 5:00 shadows thcan p n their name in the snow. but today, entertainment nowty. secondary to diversity. and every cast must be as ev. ag o a bag of peanut m&ms and twice as nutty. g it's the universe, according to disney. unfortunately, that's dirtunatele. it's a this u is a hit, and it'ss more a universe that's more and a more audience find as entertaining as counting the liver spots president biden's thighs. so as hollywood's numbers drop like nancy pelosi's on a's booms hot day poll, pretty good for>>t 79.he >> they keep trying to get us to see moviesg to get with mr but are they getting our message? haveng our messa they finally rd
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that most of us would rather be dry shaved with a cheesmo rae greater than spend 25 bucks being scolded by a virtue signalinr thang cartoon?virtual >> apparently not, because with the marvelsrtoon? disney hs produced a movie so bad, it makes hunter's cocaine boogers look art. of do we have a clip of the movie? no. we're donelaughter. >> well, well done. i mean, technically, that is dog, but the reviews fore fl the flick have been brutal. apparentlyic, problems include the script, the acting, the casting, the ploriptt. mastr >> aside from that, it's a is masterpiece. it's so bad. so bad tthe are making grief cos available to viewers after the filmmaki. it stars the ultra woke brielars larsonon who has never madee a movie you've seen and she stinks so ba d her first name shouldn't be brie. >> it should be limburger. amd be lim i right.? >> some say she's a piece of .
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>> if that piece happens to be her head, a sexist would. . >> but that's beside the point. really a sexis because she cons herself to be a gender activist. which to the wokae means all men are awful. unless, of course, they were carrying a purse and a bud light. ly apparently, her superpower is making talent invisible her. >> as far as the script and the rest of the cast really, if marvel focuses on goodo making the way the view focuses on cutting carbs . >> yeah. the work idea of making all the of msuperheroes a group of fully diverse females beating people up as if they're guyslest was based on the assumption that there is an audience foudir that. well, maybe if there is a u.s.e. women's soccer teas.m. spea >>ki speaking of megan rapinoe played the final game of her pro career on saturday. it endede of her with her an in
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on the sidelines with an injury. in the post-game presser, shju ewas to decided who was to blame. >> and of course, it wasn't her. >> i mean, you know, i'm not a religious person or anything . >> and if there was a god like this is proof that there is a businessisn't.. >> so, yeah, it just yeah, minue 6 minutes in my achilles. >> i mean. [ ble oh, so her injury is proofy there's nois. i would argue the contrary. yeah. >> the knee injury during their championship game is proof positive that god is alive and well and has a kick sense of humor. you gock. but this is wokeism in a nutshell. megan got far on her. whoa. credentials. but when that ran out, what are when that ra with? str blame. once everything is stripped away, there's no grace or ipayo grachumility. just a blaming god or no god. it's the yoke of being woke.
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you expect the world owes you something and you, in turn. so. no gratitudes >> but when the where welfare wears off, all that's left is an insipid sermon. and that's movies. toda y. a >>ud the problem is the audiencs these producers and directors thinks exist. it doesn't.thud that's because the audience doesn't think like your average d producer.coward they are cowards like them. audience want a good movie, noto phony virtue signaling from a bunch of elitistt only swipes trying to appeal to a select group of outraged activists. n th you want proof? it's in the numbers. has anyone noticede women see flocked to see barbie, but not the marvels. barbibarbie made $1,000,000,000 acknowledging that women wouldbo go see a movie about a doll. a doll? wait to see a movie about a movie doll. hoever m that's because whoever made it must have actually had a childhood. muche haand that biology dictats preferences and that most girls alone will play with dolls.
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>> well, some guys too. but those dollwis made in japan and need to be inflated. i don't speak for myself, but while girls played barbie, boys played army or superhero. d sure, barbie mentioned patriarchy a few times, fe was said the producers could check the lock box. but women flocked to i t and. they loved it, even if the inspiration was a character made out of more plastica charan your average cardassian. >> so the marvels is thet biggest bomb yet, and disney loses, pretending women would pay to see it. it's the cinematic equivalent, m a brian kilmeade book. nobody's buying iteaook.. turns but as it turns out, thank god women and men aren't tha tos movie with a message that has no creative or artistic propaganda is like. da i you know it when you see it.s li so as long as hollywood puts work before work or a decent script with good dialog s and solid plot, memorable characters, we're just going to skip it. >>ol plo but lucky for all of u,
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there are more pleasurable ways to spend your daayy like a root canal and irs audit. and even tonight'sl an show.ighs >> that's what we're here at. i guess if you serve her gluten, you'll have her tootin. joseph kennedy saves the world podcast. kennedy. he's like a membership to planet fitness. impossible to cancel. actor and stand up comedian tyler fisher sees banner that in a plot to fast and furious nine new york times best selling author and fox news contributor catnip. ting i get it and he picks his teethh with the eiffel tower "new york times" bestselling author comediael towern former d world champion tyrus. >> kennedy, you're a female. what? are yes, i know it's true.ue
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and you're you know, you're savvy, you know, pop culture. you like entertainment. you have got earth. >> i'm not going to touch you. wear your bathing suit covers. hey. yes,g suit c my point is, you we in their target demo. yes. and i love marve.l movies. i always have. and marvel has made some of my favorite movies over the last 15 years. and it used to be that they would put something out and, you know, the marvel creative universet an with something that had the most intricate architecture. and they were sothatt in smartev about how they developed characters and spin offs and put the piecesels . but unfortunately, and this this mua mandate from disney, they lost the plot. and it's really it's sad because you used plot.caus to be you could see an ad for marvel movie out of the corner of your eye and you're likele, deadpool, this guy is damaged. but really interestingthis and awesome. and that was a smart, funny movie. but this like i caught w a glimpse of i was like, i don't know what this is about. it's tis io your point it's so expensive to go to movies anymore. why would you wastto ge your tie
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and money seeing this whens wh the dialog is completelyen t predictable and you don't care about the character? that's so true.i didn you know, tyler, i didn't see the movie, but that never stops me from talking about it. >> sure really doesn't, i.'t. you're the expert? yeah, i'm an expert at nothing>. i actually do research on. but you know what? kennedy makes a good point that thikes s super hero movies are generally kind of funny. there's a lot of teasing. in seemsfunny an to that there o there's none of that in this. it's more about teaching this. you something. it's all a big ted talk, you know? it's>>all a bi. just watch a ted talk instead of a movie. yeah, it's all it's all meaningless virtue signaling. that's all it is. they want to show, you know what they stand for. >> and usually the woman at the end uses up and mighn at tt fall in love. >> but this time, she just, you know, they hate the guys, this tguyst. k th yeah. and i think that that reflects the dating culture is wome ref n want they want to be liker their heroes. >> so i mean my ex her superpower was emasculating
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me in public and i think you knowe that's going around it's going around going around. yeah. did you see, barbie? no, no, but i, i like the ryan. gosling face. so i watched all ryan gosling scenes. i realized d all of ryan go he just looks e he's not a good actor. >> he just looks like he's smellin g a . >> every scene he does that face, it's just like, yeah, that's true. that >> that's all the good thing that's about acting. yeah. and i could seise even with you. beard, you could see it through my beard. i saw it through your bearugd, your short characters. no one cares about diversity ,>> tyl about height right, greg yeah. >> tyler is discovered. tyler is actually shorter thanet . this is the first time in the history your whole life. i can tellt time you that i saw. >> they stood back to back in the green room. that's why i'm. >> yeah. exac diversity hire. yes, i can lord over you youy hr a hold of emmanuel lewis? >> yes. is he alive? yes. okay, good it's the other one that's dead. coleman. yes. god rest s he ali
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my cat. you loved barbie. >> i did it because you're a girl. probably. >> would you like this movie?yoo would you go to this movie? m oviei go to the marvel movies. i think i live too close to comic-con yes. l that i just i see all that. and i'm like, no, not for me. >> so probably not. but i don't really go to mostly movie parties. the last one i went to, i won't talk about megan rapinoe, if that's okay. absolutely. i just i disagree with you okayn think she was joking?k oh, i think she was. yeah, she was joking and shesh was tryinge was use humor to me herself feel better about truly a tough situation. she was like, this is my last career. and yomyu and then it's over lie that. i think that she probably wouldn't be that nice to me. no, she wouldn't. but if i start being nice to people just because they would>> if i hate me or did hatetionsh me, a lot of my relationships would have been a lot shorteipa r. well, that's a lesson to be learned that i didn't see coming. >> you know, to iris.
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tellsee coming about your feelil about marvel. you are an expert at these movies. yeahingsbout maryo, well, i knon expert at them. >> i just it's. they're al, l same. all these stories that you always kind of weave your monologues with a commoou n theme. and it's in this one. it's how woke just work. and you know what? and it's funny because the the woke and we were and cat proves my point cat is puts herselfpoin above it and says wellt. was what she said was in poor taste but it was probably a jokee bu e don't get that if cat makes a joke then they want her to apologizif cap me the next day s never work again. because you made a joke orlike something might not like. she's making jokes and has zero sense of humor. absolutely. sure. terrible joke teller. she wa terrib she was s she was upset and she wanted to blame everyone. but here's the thing. he was her wokenes things that allowed her soccer career to keep going. there was a young womar keep nt somewhere who didn't get to be on the field that night because they were too scared to cut her. they tried to cut her before mea and she went to the media and made threats and all thisol
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other kind of stuff.d th and lo and behold, they bend the knee to the world. the difference the is people ara bending the knee at the box office. they don't wanx t woke story. no one has ever wanted the woke story. we've been woke into thinking they had these huge numbers because they shadow bannedy e nr attacked us on social media but whenever they have to step onhave te of feelings in the real world. >> no one has time for that.timt whahha, but marvel used to tell good movies when they brought in directorseny and who grew ud who played, who lived, and you saw like, oh man, it's great. it's a great movie. then i think was thor.t thor was like, everyonmovie.e, . and then all of a sudden thor became the wealthiest movie ofeo all and they just walked away from it. people were walking away from it because they don' t that way.on't t they don't think that way and they don't want their kids they and i tookdaught my daughters to see barbie that i love it. noer seerbie. they loved it goo. for me. so just like when they have justa movie.odzill me i i love the whisper. it's a costume, dad. you know what? it's real to me. >> so know i a great idea.
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>> they should make a woke >> iion of dirty harrye . >> wouldn't that be easy? no, it would not. yeah, i would so see that. just to see that. really? you would noo set. you would right there and rip your face off crying. ? y did i say thisy >> why don't dirty harry dirty h and sheriff bark from blazing saddles in a movie togethesheri that would be a great buddy cop movie. there you go. now we gote move on.r alic up next, san brad sweet's at streets. four communist elitees. n scen alice loves the scent of gains so much shte there was a way to make it last longer. to make it last longer. say hello to fairy hours and long lasting gains, scent beads, part of the irresistible scent collection from game to john's are better than i like to serve the people who hate the beat now more than ever. john larroquette and john, crime your early times. check your local listings.
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the biggest issues our nation is facin
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. talk about vaping dormant for tips on when and how to have debate. talk. you stop, stop at you people. should you hire the old and the gruff to move your valuable stuff? >> the eagle employmentcommis opportunity commission or vioxsx ,is suing a california moving company called meet head movers for allegedly violating its age fo law by notn
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hiring older workers because there's one thing consumers want. it's to have their priceless belongings handled h by this, tht by their. >> but that's the government for you.entl when they see something that works quickly and efficiently, they need to destroy it literally want everything to stop moving. >> the company flaunts their student moversn on the sides of their big manly truckse sides and features the chiseled young men in their social media ads in theg e gym, lifting weights, doing squats, working up a sweat. ui hired a few last week, but they canceled as soon as they san asw the was a room at the red roof in but they even twerk, which takes a lot of lower back strengthac and qualities that you wantt yo a mover. >> however many of the allegations against media movers stem from its the a and n practices that could discourage older workerpractices from applt
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with current employees. asked to scour localyees gymsr a and colleges for new recruits. >> which is exactly how i found my staff of interns or they gete mentappy when i mention them on the show. ccessf but in the lawsuit, successful current employees may be asked to seeulk out new recruits in retirement homes, bingo hall s and a white house. >> but the company's owner saysy that 100% open to hiring anyone at any age a if they can do t the job. and i got to agree. it's noto agre about age, it's a ability. arnold schwarzenegger, 76. basity.joe is 81. basically the same age, except all biden can move a stoolis and not the kind you sit on. emily, you are a lawyerou a and congratulations for that.
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>> a woman could be anything. i'm sure you go, girl do they have a case, the eeoc or eacc? >> yes? , it's the eeoc, i. here's what i found soilario hilarious and sous revealing about the eeoc. you guys, they get over 70,000ms complaints a year from various yearg, who are sayin you know, this company is engaging in anti people,tory behavior, trade practices, etc.. but they just found this, they i on their own. right. they ignored the dozens of thousands of actual theozen complaints and referrals from people who feel they have a valid case to just seek thesye out. and you know what they wanted? they wanted $15 million. wow. will and then they said, oh, well, you know what? we'll stop harassing you for five. ssing yoto which the moving com like, i'll give you 750,000. and they wer$7 e like, all right, we'll negotiate. so at the end of the day, first of all, the eeoc care about howe old you are or about what lawst you are breaking. e what they care about is the money to restore to this government resto all funds thata horrible economic policies have
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absolutely destroyedt, thanksto to biden's decisions. and secondly, they will ferretis what they see as a cash grab. at the end of the day, if hadise an issue with this, they would consult with the company and say, looyd consulk, you cane physical standards for your jobs. and by the way, they say worobsd of mouth is no marketing strategy. so according to them, you have an irketing strategy guess post, something in the newspaper and say like everyone over 80, elike you can completely have physical standards. i mean, the social security administrationysical does, righr all of their elections. clearly, these guys and by the i'm interrupting myself to just say that i will ll never hire anyone else again. other than that. no. again.ght?right for moving to k. >> it looks like you might have a second job. right.t move so, first off, the best move of the day. as much as i appreciate , to picklogue emily to go first in this, which is a fantastic move. f the >> and i salute you on behalf. of the whole crew. yeah. way of applause. und of just did so thoro.
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you do you look at you read your notes. >> you read anything to say? do you know to say, yeah, this u is what he does. he say, i'm totally out. yeah. so you got nothing say pass. >> i would, but i do have something to say. oh, i would like to announce that. by the way, what's with. were you shocked at that. no shocked would you stick to tn today, brian? you. i'd like to announce i'm suing the knicks because i notause i on the knicks because i'm too old. and i think i am suing old thems and how dare it's ageism. i don't think it is any view of my ability. t job. two, nobody wants a job. nobody wants to move people out. right. so dy wants to peo wants to bubbl. >> nobody wants to lift heavy things. thes do it.ople shouldgs. >> and also, i was managed to do some research. i at the bottom of theatue statue of liberty, and it says, give me your young, your chiseled your shirtlessaysc male are in trouble. >> and irniture f you don't bele in america, that's fine.s fine. but i believe in america and why we came here. oh, good foreve in a and why yo. >> good for you. what do you what do you stand on this? i do make decisionn ths when you're moving based on age.
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>> i don't make any decisions i when i'm moving. yes. no, i just. i know what day it's happeningsn . yes, that's pretty much it. but there can be there can be an unfortunately, some might say are beat heads of all ages. but yeah, just about as you can physically do it or not in the fact, like emily said, that they actually wenr not.theg and sort this out and the factht that it's a government agency means it's a taxpayer funded agency, which is we're agen money that we earn. >> for them to be like me hurts ,i don't know about like, stop it. >> just stop it. stopjust. at thi >> i think it's terrible, terrible that this is what >> i do with their tim whae. >> no, it's like there are no big this is there are no victims. all people being like, i want to throw out my back. yeah, there is. the villages is erupting in some program again.e whol >> yeah.e prem great. i question the whole premise of. >> the okay. the idea is that there would w be no demandould b for old people moving. yes, but i think young people would enjoy seeing old
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people move their couch. it's not peo about yes, it would be like, you know, hey, grandpa, pick up that mattress. >> gw young people, whenpeople they move into college, enjoy watching old arthritic people move their stuff. yeah. you knowarthritiople mov , so.that w >> souo i just think another company that would hire the oldd ,you know, and experience a lot of injuries on the jobt oj and still. >> yeah. entertain the young i meanen pay think my kid would pay to have to hisy my age have you know futon i, i, i had the best mover i ever had an adult had only had one hand. >> it was amazing. he showe amazingd up and he usee his stump as a battering ram. he couldam. get like the sofas in the and the mattress through the halls just with this stuff. >> you can help him. this is a storybook. >> yeah. i wish i had like, wow, it wasta really amazing. anyway, i don't know whyp i brought that up. other than that, i still think thout it from timeothe iit from
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i know you get something, mcpherson. that'st theyalled hi what they . >> no, they didn't call them mor that. >> also, old movers aren't going to steal your stuff. they're youns are to g kids. >> you know, young kids. you can't trust them. yeah. all right, wwe've got toe got th of that. mickey. these changee limiteds phase tol you drinks from outer space. >>g introducingdesign the limid edition disney collection from at nine exciting designs nu blend jet2 is portable, which blend jet2 is portable, which means you can blend upe! nutritious smoothies, protein shakes, or frozen treats. just about anywhere recharges quickly. >> usb-c it even cleans itself . . >> water use now from blendd and bringld guy . hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember her neighbor? >> sure. >> sure. he's the who still runs marathons,
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there we go. here we go.ndisce herern we go.e >> here we go. here we go. there you go. that's what i'm talkinhat i amg oh, we had that on tape. oh, i would say that's a problem. i think i think handling it quite well. >> you know what? >> y some christmas music now, cops say 75 protesters were arrested, but, you know, they were let go fastetesters r than a in the green room at the view. jamie, one of the protesters said we cannot sit by as people in gaza are starved s
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and slaughtered. >> but that's literally what they were doing. oh that's ley wer, you're right. >> some of them were sitting by. yeah, they were standing by andg sitting. but i feel like protesters. f are doing it all right. i feel like protesters of they're trying to convince you to something. all they do is inconvenience us. yeah. shouldn't they be like, hey, like inconveence, if they got ml and took me for a ride in the carpool lane, i'll listen to what you got to say . but they >> yeah, but they're making the traffic worse. throwawaysfi, right? always. always trying to make up. i don't know if i ever told you guys that my ex-wife my , actually a big protester. >> it was mostly during anditti she. ease-f she wantedir a cease fire call. she got it? yeah, she got it. ha ha. all right, you know, cat, you know, here's a theory i was thinking of. if a person physically get s in your way blocking
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your egress, the source wordna wa a personal way, it's your right of self-defense to get past they, om. why is that the case? you're. why can't you push them aside, throw them off? you know, i'm not saying run over them, but i'm not nott no saying that. no, i am. i'm saying don't do't that because pedestria do thn he the right of way. i learned that when i got my driver's licensi leivere. i think any of those people areo protesting every single one of them, no matter what side of this issue you're o n, ife traf you're in that traffic jam, you're off. yeah, it doesn't mattefiu arr. what side of the issue on what you believe when you're not in a traffice issue you ar jam? a person in traffic is not the person they are. persr time. right. right. and they're just getting jut. e tha i mean, especially in l.a., there's so much traffic already and peoplethere o much t were ie protest. can't see that because not only because of whatstn't see k about the issue and what they're protesting, but also because they don't hav prote anywhere to be. >> i know. think they don't. oh, yeah.
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he mhe peoplthat do haveve any somewhere to be that could be any range of things that are very important. >> people need to get somewherre . n >> you're not going to win anyone over like that. exactly. tireot s one of these days the wifegoing to upset the wrong people. imagine a guy who's taken his wife to the hospital or imagino the hoe a gang of you dt have to go that far. >> imagine a guy who's driving car, his wife, and she's, you know, backseat driving from the front seat.can she can't see what'sse in front of. and it's your fault if you you s 15 minutes earlier, this wouldn't have happened. so guess i couldn't wait to geto out of the car and talk to them . listen, i'm more i have two points on this. i'm so offended. a. rew up in californi now, if have pulled the plug on the four or five or the ten in santa monica, i get it right. but they did this on the 110
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next to the staple s. >> yeah. so awesome swap meet. yeah. by crenshaw boulevard. >> where are the hood when we need to have we all gottenbeca that saw that was all really what tagus was the guy wearing a flannel in the dead of summer inthough the here the problem you got you ain't got to get ith like that. and the second thing how stupida are two? >> they had a meeting. that welisten, this guy gond on 4 to 4. a here's what we're going to do.r we're going to protest on the ten freeway. meanwhile, while this was goingi on over in israel, they were getting ready to attacrael thek there was a call came in, said, you're not going to believe what they're protesting on. >> the one 10:00 they want a cease fire now, wrap it up,
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fellas. . go over 14. >> don't do all of jobs and cease fires. let's go. rob, do you ever wondeaid ceas r you would do if you wereyou in this situation? >> well, this justwereat about raising awareness. >> terrorists, that's what they're doing. likewhat the the day i was at aq plus rally for hamas, they and i invited all to a kkk rally for black lives matter. >> and then i thought wese finished it up at a fundraiser for underage, underagechildr children for. >> fundraiser? yeahle, that up at the end.i [ >> sblo close. >> now i am. it's just they're just trying to get on the news. >> and they succeeded, didn't they? yeah, but i don't consider us the news, though. no, no, we'r newe better than the news. we're better than the news. plus better the news.
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women don't expect expensive gifts. you can probably get lucky just by buying them yo potato. and you get to second base. >> all you need is a rutabaga. s >> i don't even know what that is. that's according to a recent surveyat's according t of zoomes and millennials. fox news digital also found other red flags include obviously smelling badly, talking loudly, invading personal space too quickly. a deadly trifecta known as theb brian kilmeadeki. but the biggest red flag the ladies men identify by as maga republicans typical if america becomes great. >> the chicks won all the credit, but communism stands alone as the majore warning sin for men. trust me, if you forget a communist birthdaymeou will kl you and take your farm. take ybut there's one thing shes can't take from us. a spot in th.e kitchen. oh, sexist would say. joke
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try to make jokes about something so funny, kat. funny, all right.t to i don't know what to ask you. i could ask about the thing, or i could ask you about the maga thing. i can just take it from here. okay? oh, yeah. i just don't how these things are coming up on first date, so. update. yeah, likeg up on, does. i'm a communist just to get on. what are womenare wo actually l i'm a communist or a man justor figuring it out when the girl walks and she has those tiny little bangs, you know? what is that like the little medicare for all? bang, bang they go to, like,o right here? that's that is basically sayintg i'm a communist. that's true. i never put those two together. ue e twa thousand nobody who has bb that go up beyonodd half before i had that does not believe in medicarthate. t's tr all yeah, that's true. i don't dateue though. i wish i could have bangs.
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>> matt do you think it's a relationship of success? >> maybe political views should be aligned or should we just not worry about that stuff? i think political probably would lead to a betterly relationship i wouldf they're. s but you know, at the same time,m they say opposites attract. that's. >> but i can't believe that 33% of people are either turned on or neutral to communism, right? >> yea aedh. >> i mean, i know people that have fled communist regimes. it seems pretty brutal. yeah. so again, the, you know, the us.a, we are a very broad and diverse people, but at the same time, this, you know,me and women want safetywo and securityme closed borders,ic low taxes. >> i mean,lo i can't imagine that maga republicans aren't more popular. you know, i think that the magau republican thing is they've been brainwashedbl . the media, they don't even knowy what they're talking about. but you hit on something fleeinarout.g communism and what said together, it's like they're just probablunism.ythey
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on attractive, i think about this, but that's wheree wa you that's exactly what he was saying. yes. but, you know, you wouldn't flee >> y a communist country if the women were like, yeah, how is charlie? >> not true? have you ever been to poland.? i >> you're poland. well, she's polish, so i have to be careful. be careful, they are quite beautiful. are gorgeous. yeah, yeah, yeah. you know, on the democracy.. no, no, no. but i mean, when i was there,sad it was like, canadian. i was like, this is incredible. is ih, you know, i don't.thinki i think we're overthinking all this. i don't think it's unlike, likne discussion about medicare or anything. >> i think it's just it's i thin somek, it's that they smell bad. they smell bad. they don't shower, they smell baon'twer.d and they're usuallyd their pets exact all of that. s pretty obvious pretty quickly. i would like to think it's because men look at andho think, you know, i don't want a woman who doesn't think for herself. i don'
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t want a woman who wants to be oppressed, which is all what you get with communism. ey i would like to think that it but i think it really is just that they smell that. here's what i'm okay, jeff. >> here's my theory. >> there's not there's no red flags for if they're hot so they just said communist dealb they were like which mae absolute dealbreaker like she's a ten. >> it's like, well, maybe she's a communist,he's a c righ? yeah. yeah. we all know a lot of things that she's hot enough. yeah, exactl sy socialist. so okay. okay. communisist?t one neither. >> i agree with him. that's 100% of that's a it's a communist is 100 100% of people wouldn't want to date a communis wouldt if they, theyt don't use the right words. that's what it is. people ask this side of anymore. they're like, well, what do you mean by communist? i'm sort of a communisist?theyt but i'm like, they don't even know what the definition is. obviously, if you're like my red flags o r boundaries,boun you know, spending, taxing too much, famine, execution, like
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these are definitely big red flags. >> i think it's silly. all right. well, coming up, you'l l us schmooze about local news. >> do you have too much body fat? it tends to accumulate on your stomach. hips and thighs are struggling to lose weight. does it seem like no matter what you do, you just can't get rid of excess body fat? body fat builds over our midsection. body fat increases the lack of exercise and poor diet. the obesity research institute has found the solution. it's called limousine life within is clinically proven to help reduce your body fat and weight and to raise awareness about this weight loss breakthrough. the company is letting people try. labels lean risk free for 30 days. >> now you can lose four times more weight just add light cuisine for only 2995. call right now and we'll double your order for free and ship it
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i get there. >> for every age and stage boys town forgone parenting a story in five words.
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five words. good day cost hundred and 96 bucks. >> all right, kelly, accordinge to a new survey of single people, you know what? thossi peoknow whae are?on est the average person estimates that a good date should costim $196. >> thoughts? so the men think a good dates to 20. the women think a good date, 170. >> which is ironic because everyone blames the woman. the woman needs the nice take out. so not true. alsono, 37% say they will go on fewer dates next year because of the expense. sofewer lowering of the birth rn >> thanks, joe biden. there you go. well, there's not going on dates. lower the birth rate. doesn't well, yes, theoreticall, you get married, you have a kid there. >> stepsically y. >> but you're still old fashioned. , are adam, i don't even know. are you married? i am married. do you eveyon know what people o on dates? >> i don't know. my wife doesn't know eithe r because they yell at me. i get so mad. i mean, i just. pay i just hate you. it looks like the guy to pay
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for the first time becausee is n you're the guy and she's an escort. but. but it's hard. it's 100. and is it? 's's 100 hours a day. >> 96 bucks for the weed you're to smoke afterwardse weea you know, i'm sure you know, ng i remember when i was a youngco guy,ha you could have 20 bucks in your pocket. you know, you get likeshot four beers and a couple of shots and you'd be good cast. those were the days. nose were w got to fork out thew you know what i'm thinking wha is the hundred dollar bill, the new 20 under joe america. ,. >> yes, it is. yes. thanks, joe. yeah. see, i don't >> i'm. i'm actually okay. so i'm actually not impressed by material things. no, you're not. which isn't really me bragging, becauswhnge people say that's lw maintenance. >> that makes me way higher maintenanc me because you can't' just buy me something ifg you want to impress me or you want me to think that you care, you actually have to show
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me you care with your behavioroa . >> that . yeah, it's harde that sur. that's a lot work. i'd rather just throw moneyprob at the problem. i'm. welllem. a, yeah. >> oh, what? what is that? you know, we throw right back y. at tyrus. hink do you think this is. well, this study is unfair because they need to define what is a good date ie. i th i think men, we have a much different definition of what a good date is. and it doesn't matte r how much money we spend as long as the end isn't. >> happy ending. yeah. so where women don't think that way, no flowers. >> why? and the reason why men say 200y0 is somewhere somehow in the magica i l world men's mind. we think if we spend $200 of our hard earned money, well, she owesart earn it to us.
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and then it's a good date. date. so $196 is a good date. d ifat she's giving you e ifa dols rebate. yeah. >> tell me one fella who won on a date whose wife's not here on a date, spent over $200 and got a kiss on the cheek and on the way in. when the boy saw him the next day. >> how was the date? oh, it was wonderful how was. happy meal was fabulous conversation. oh the i can't wait to see her again. >> or he'lor he l go throw her . >> wait. hundred bucks. i can't get back to ours. talking about nsyn clse. and everything else. >> like, really exciting, like, t of guys just lie, and they're like, you.i' yes, we do. we do that, too.t but i'm some of your close friends. fr i find some of the best dates free, right? you know, like, you know, when i chaperon at the prom,
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everyone pause for 7 seconds. so we can't. is that out? >> oh, i like doing that. you know, not double down. go to a musical. >> museum is free. when is the last time you went to a museuyom? ur wif >> it's nice here tonight. i think the last time e i wouldm do a museum is that was hiding there because they now they'd. >> no one would find me there going. you go to the park. yeah. i mean, look can have a nice date like travis. kelsey met taylor swift dad swift's and went to concert ando are you talking about? it our embassies it up. yeaht he we solved nothing with this story. >> they just didn't tell us what the definition>> tell e a good date. >> yeah. all right. but y. >> be right back .are an we all need fibe er for our digestive health, but less than 10% of us getting up each da same amy. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic plant baseeasy wayailr with the same amount of fiber as two cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies
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