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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 2, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PST

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♪ ♪ >> thank you for joining us. we are back tomorrow night with a brand-new episode. "special report" is next and on behalf of greg gutfeld, we love
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you, america. am. >> hi um i am laura ingrahamhope that's a special edition of "the ingraham angle." i hope you are having an amazing start to 2024. i cannot believe it is another election! the iowa caucuses are just a couple of weeks away and we cans start to a see a thinning of th g.o.p. field. it is about timeup sure to befoe things were ramp up, politically, we want to take time to remember how much fun we had in 2 2023. some of the biggest laughs came when raymond was here with here is a look back at what we all did. it is time for "seen andra unseen" and raymond arroyoym rh, biden had in the event the hou kennedy send her honorees at the white house and that happened the other day. happene queen latifah got a little less on the royal treatment. speak with other movies ande movie she's armed with golden globe prime time emmy --i
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enemy -- that isme mean. [laughter] prime time emmy. >> laura, this is -- the man can't even read simple accommodation for an honorary a. this point. how will he read complexn foren policy statements. the hallmark is persuasivend mem speech being able to command anh audience and move them. but i guess part of the presidency is also knowing where the exits are. ♪ ♪ 's >> laura: that exit music gets longer and longer. they need one of those leashes they used to put kids in day care. the little strings where the kids stay together. hel needsap to stay on one of e for all appearances and events.
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>> laura, how did jill biden became the seeing eye first lady question which had to drag him. around and i never seen anything like it. oth if any of the president had done this or first lady come it woul be front page news all day long. but the biden poets get a pass for whatever reason and you are right it gets longer and longer periods but when raymond, we talk about the exit but there is more from the ultimate blowhard john kerry at this climateduba summit in dubai. edit wasn't what he said, but wt he is alleged to have done. what is this?wh >> look, this is a man, john kerry who apparently has no use for fossil fuels or oil.thin but i think natural gas emissions is something he issten comfortable with. >> laura: oh, no! ct ed >> at least his own, no no, sho listen closely. we didn't edit this, listen.ju >> you cannot measure claimant by degrees over to but lives saved. they do not understand how
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adults imposition of responsibility can be avoiding responsibility for taking away those things that are killing people on a daily basis. and the reality is that -- >> laura: i heard it. >> laura at hand of god we did not edit that appear this is asn guy content on throwing methanen emissions except his ownsh apparently.d did you notice the lady sittingp there and as she goes on, sheel putsl? her hand to her mouth trying to block the smell? i don't know what happened there carbut -- >> laura: it reminds me of my kids in the car, i didn't do it, he did it, she did it. the it would be funny if both ofat w them just went like this, not us. that would be the classic. >> pointed to you know? >> laura: liz cheney, did youab hear what shoue was asked bye no savannah guthrie about a presidential run? >> you have not ruled our prt t running for president yourself
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but is isot somethinmeg you rune a democrat and do some kind of d unity ticket? >> i will decide the next coupla of months and depend wherenati things are going with the nominations of both parties. people have to put be willing tf partisanship aside to. >> laura: raymond? >> she will decide over the next couple of months, laura? this woman has a less chance of being president that she has less chance of being president than george santos at this point. she walked by 66% of the vote to harriet ha harriet tubman.t's this is absurd. >> laura: there was nothing on the president scheduled today shocking as that may be but is last event of the week was married duty on the south long? >> it was, laura. it was hard warming to see theut president like the national christmas tree, especially since as lights have been out for so long.ay but there were some -- let's call them outages along the
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way -- if you are the t white house advance team, it is probably aos good idea to put t teleprompter not so close to the bulletproof glass so the audience can read it. watch.nd ionormas >> jill and i would like to welcome you to the nationalpa christmas treerk lighting. thanks to secretary and the national parks service foundation here they are theit ones doing this. >> laura: oh, yes, you can see it, it is like a decoration. >> yes commit is. >> laura: and the big moment pposthat was supposed to just wt for it to gather around and to a group count down but he couldn't even wait that long. [applause] >> 5-4-3-2-1! [cheers and applause]i >> no build up at all.mina i think that is prematureg
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illumination, laura. if the timing was a little off,a at least one yuletide tradition was protected: the president performed his trademark where's the eggs at dance. ♪ ♪da ♪ ♪ [laughter] >> laura: what was that?he >> the music >> laura: and then he stopped. maybe he thinks it is one long game of musical chairs and you're supposed to stop when th. music stops. i'm >> i don't very peculiar.>> o >> laura: christmas spirit, i grant you three wishes. >> mrs. claus, my first wish pro-palestinian protesters would stop using tree lighting ceremonies at christmas events for a staging ground for their protests. this was the same from
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columbia university during the tree relating ceremony, protesters canceled joy. [chanting]qana >> i love it that they think they can cancel joy. you can't cancel joy. you are not the minister of joyn this idea you heard them say, there is no room for celebration. i'm sorry, there is.ou and our religious embrace and expression of christmas is not your free pass to stage a demonstration. do that somewhere else at another time, sorry. >> laura: this is their whole goal, they don't want the jewish faith, the christian faith, that's not what it's about for them here they want to swamp all of it. >> there were a group of seven protesters at the center and
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don't run our family holiday celebration with a protest. i want to go to my second wish, e laura. i wish we had more magazine covers like this unless magazine covers like a one feature shannen doherty waging incredible, inspiring battle against cancer savoring every moment of life, and the other feature is a publicityge f hound who gets coverage for getting coverage. whatpt t does dylan mulvaney do except talk about dylan mul mulvaney? al.l day long.s >> laura: what has happened? >> i don't know. >> laura: i guess it was a sound bite. >> i don't know a lot about cancer but people put you out to pasture at an early age and you are done and retired. wediff are not. we have a different outlook on life. we are grateful for every second, every hour, every dayhe. that we get to be here. >> laura: good for her. finbecause she is a hero. we need to hear more of that.isv finally, i wish stores would stop accommodating looting. look at this video from earlier
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thisto t the car just like these people y come in to take whatever they want. why not let them try on shoes and get their sizes from the back? may be looters could be next. this is a nightmare. >> laura: it is consumer reparations is what they are calling it in chicago, consumern reparations. speak with grand gavin newsomghi who has announced, laura, the annual tree lighting ceremony in sacramento is not canceled. >> laura: what! >> due to pro-hamas protesters d knew the term tree lighting ceremony into a virtual event and attending the tree lighting in person, watch. >> disappointed/. >> will you guys be watching virtually? >> probably not.s >> laura, this is unbelievable. he heard that there were going to be pro-hamas protesters at the tree lighting ceremony so
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gavin newsom cancels a 92 yeare. tradition and makes it a virtual event. he did this a few weeks ago when pro-hamas protesters invaded the democratic state convention in california and they shut thao t down too collapsing to this mob giving up religious and nationat traditions, 92 year tradition the majority hold dear? this is a huge mistake, new politically i'm a culture in many other ways. >> laura: the gavin newsom who a stole christmas. raymond, this is a point wecrow mentioned before. the pro-hamas crowd, those llamas, political islamists,ey a they are just not anti-semitic. they are anti-christian, anti-judeo-christian and desiret to dominate the culture with islam. that is kind of the ultimate goal of the politico islamist..
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>> pluralistic society is not acceptable. you see this kind of -- this is totalitarianism and what it looks like your stamp out everything i don't leave. that is not the american way, and it's not the american system. >> laura: now, did they take the rose beast too? also in california san mateo,ol thieves are getting pretty brazen and this guy actually's stole the christmas tree off oft families car ruth. that is how desperate it ishi getting. >> cannkan you believe it, laure can help your yuletide o yuletie rage. they actually stole a santae decoration from the porch. the idea you are taking joy from children and stealing christmas trees, these people should be prosecuted to the full extent of the lot made an exampl the me o. you know who i hope comes and visits them? cramp us. i hope he is real. >> laura: santa claus, where
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are you putting your stuff up it the treat -- remember the grant? i'm just getting the tree lights -- that is still the greatest of all time. that and the charlie ground dominic brown christmas. >> christmas carols are bad for your mental health. really? or holiday hide jinks with to duckduckgo on all your devie
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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♪ ♪im >> laura: it is time for ourfor "seen and unseen" segment. raymond arroyo arrow, okay, the white house, we have been to these parties at the white house .before better times but they ae aglow with christmas cheer. h >> welcome at the first lady unveiled the new white house decoration yesterday and you remember the hill malan a cop for the red trees at the white house? i've heard very little comment about this year's declaration and the theme was magic wonder and joy, loo but it looked moree tragic blunder and geo joe biden flying reindeer but it looks like it could have come from the close out ben at dollar general. these decorations on theite white house and nobody has said a word, laura, nothing.
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>> laura: well, those do lookno a little -- >> that looks like somethingth n clark griswold's lawn. come on, it is a mess. it has always looked pretty pure to book a month! >> laura: they do look like some of the plastic reindeer my neighbors have grown up with in connecticut, which i kind of 11. liked when i was ten and 11. but for the white house, we probably need to take it up a notch. >>y i agree.s the bidens did a tradition of lleting out stockings for al the grandkids once thedgy acknowledged hunter's daughter that they hahed ignored that tradition was deep-sixed.itio >> they totally got rid of that tradition pure no more stockings for the grandkids. but you know, this is t interesting no grandkid stockings but a statue of commander of the killer dog that no longer lives in the white house.they we don't know where he is, at an undisclosed location. that is whatto childre tn want dothink of when they walk throue
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a white house. just moments ago, jill biden open a new ice ring at the white house with skater brian. >> what is more magical and wonderful and joyful then, you know, being on an ice rink in the south lawn of the l auwhite house? >> laura nothing is more magicaw and joyful. withow about joe biden inaugurg the ice rink with a little hockey? >> a lot of attention. not a real strong skater though. [screaming] >> okay, mercifully that didn't happen. biden waavs on the other side of the country in colorado, but it would have been fun to see him on the ice. but like the national christmasw tree, laura, the other day, biden took a spill or to verbally at least at a wind turbine factory of all places.
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>> -- [indistinct] to blow up the world. not nuclear weapons.ou >> i am the leader -- a good guy. we can use a medicare system instead of cutting likeen congressman trump wanted to do. >> congressman trump, laura. i guess trump moved to congress. i miss that press announcement, but that will be news to the trump family come i would imagine. >> laura: raymond, i'm so eblown away by every gaffe's. in the first one i had forgotten like tables -- >> he's had a wind turbine factory but talking about nuclear codes. in my marine has a code to blowy up the world. >> laura tur: that is it -- >> wind turbine factory and why are we talking about blowing upn the world when the world is
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blowing up all around you? that is the worst thing to say. >> laura: 3 minutes or whatever they got on for that. robert de niro with the gotham awards is apparently furious that they had the trump from the prompter. >> the beginning of my speech is edited and i want to read it, tm the former president lied to us more than 30,000 times before i came in and so they edited all of that and all of that, blah, blah, blah, apple, i don't feel like thinking them adit all for what they did. how dare they do that, actually. >> laura: all right, thanks, raymond. >> laura, he was presenting an award for his own film. is anyone looking to robert de niro for political commentary before his award?e i think not! >> laura: it is so old. didn't he threatened to punchs v somebody like trump? i mean, god bless him and bless
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everyone this christmas season but come >> embrace it. celebrate your movie. stop talking it doesn't do good for your politics, good night. >> laura: herld. has the blowupf the world, that will take thee the cultural train as we move into the holiday season. >> laura, it seems no corner of the culture is saved from crudeness and vital behavior. even disneyland "it's a small world" on sunday, a visitor invaded the small world. he left his close behind. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪is >> oh, god he's going to break all the stuff. oh, my god, he's going to fall. >> from there, the strung out streakers show just how small his world is.
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then he waited out of the rident fully naked, laura. now, if you will take all your clothes off on a disney attraction, why choose "it's ael small world"?yo maybe the carousel of progress tohe might be able to justify bt whose drips down in front ofma children at disney world? the man was eventually arrestede and charged with being -- imagine this, laura, under theba influence of a controlled substance. >> laura: let's keep let'sg keep legalizing drugs. it is working out well for us.oo there are a lot of jokes with the small. >> yes. >> laura: it is too easy. his world was very small come all right, raymond. >> the permissiveness and drug e use, people have no shame. it is a disgrace. now even christmas is being profaned. if you have been to the movies lately, i made the mistake ofhe rsgoing over the weekend, there are two holiday/was on the big screen. thanks thanksgiving maniac carving a people during thanksgiving and it is a
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wonderful life may/or spin on the classic. i have to say i saw theseght posters at the cineplex and the are a joke but they are not, they are real. but this is an emblem of our cultural decay. when you can't live there make uplifting or joyous movies around the holidays, mutilation maiming and death. >> laura: but it is so -- i a would like to be surprised by m nothis. but i'm not surprised at all. i'm not surprised put the flasher and it's a small world. and i got stuck on it's a smallc world and i was stuck forpp 45 minutes andet scored by that experience with th.e puppets moving. i got dizzy and there at least 45 minutes. i think i text you for a ride. i'm not surprised by that. i'm not surprised defiling, defaming, disrespecting christmas. of course they are. of course. raymond, now in wisconsin speaking of the satanic temple, there is a satanic temple has
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sponsors a tannic warship tree.c it is featured at the national o railroad museum in wisconsin ano people are obviously furious. the ceo of the museum told local nbc affiliate that there had been complaints and some are praising their inclusivity. >> this is the problem, laura made is not inclusive here this is indulging, and ito wa isn'tpr indulging people who want to defame and derive religiousas practice and expression during the holiday. it is christmas!ives christmas is not your arena tota apply narratives about the dail or satan or whatever you are hanging on your christmas tree.s this is a private entity, this national railroad museum. they should have kept them out.d it is not a proper christmastree display. if you don don't want christmas trees, don't have any trees. that is how i see it. people should vote with their feet and stay away from that museum curator laura, i came across disturbing piece of clinical psychologist named, ibr
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kid you not, linda blair claims christmas carols are bad for your health. so i asked visitors to new york if they agreed. >> there's a new report, clinicalngs psychologist singdy christmas songs are detrimental to your mental health.? do you agree with that? >> christian carols, christian songs are never a detrimental tv anything. >> absolutely incorrect.op it helps your mental health. it gives you hope in. >> i'm enjoying the music, the scenery and i want to feel the joy and love. the spirit for holidays.ha >> having children in a family,u playing around the home comingir itnaturally they are happier. >> keep in mind the spirit of the season. it is about christ. >> laura: that is nice. >> some grinch want to abo extinguish anything even the width of god or faith about it and yell, christmas songs, masts, they touch the divine and
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are filled with it. that is why they have lasted all these centuries and why we con continue to sing the same songs here they are a source of joy. >> laura: raymond... biden gets hands he with birds. and a pop star lashes out that is next. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget,
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♪ ♪ >> welcome to "fox news live" claudia cowan in new york. ron desantis and nikki haley will participate and back-to-back presidential town halls in iowa on thursday. this comes 11 days before the iowa caucuses. national polling shows that donald trump holds a commanding lead in the race, but desantis
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and haley are battling to be the alternative to the former president. bans on gender-affirming care took effect monday in several states. idaho and louisiana are among those banning such treatments for minors. and idaho physicians who break the new law could face $5,000 fine and a felony charge. however democratic led maryland passed protections requiring medicaid to pay for gender-affirming care. i am claudia cowan, now back to "the ingraham angle." for all your headlines go to ♪ ♪ >> laura: it is time for "seen and unseen" where we reveal the stories we had than leiden spirit fox news contributor raymond arroyo. biden led thanksgiving day turkey pardon and even if he managed to watch it.a. speak with 76 anniversary of this event. to know that i was onenot there. [laughter] i was too young to make ito you.
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>> now, laura, he is wrong on both counts here. he is 81, which is more than 76. but the turkey pardon hasr th everyone read my book and for ted lincoln knows that washa instituted in 1863 by tad andth abraham lincoln. by thee way, laura, i intervied the two turkeypards biden pardog here at the full interview isit coming thanksgiving day morning. nglehere is a little exclusive e "the ingraham angle" preview. >> what are you most concerned the president might ask?ncer [turkey gobbling] >>us he is showing us now how tn exit. this is good. what are you most concerned the president is requesting of you? [turkey gobbling]rdon he's not going to ask you tonyth pardon him. he's not up for anything. he's fine. the nice thing you will end up in a nice farm and on the table. this is a good thing for you.
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>> laura, we bring you up close and personal to the newsmakers. we really try to do that. >> laura : of course, i'm thinking that beautiful bed -- that beautiful bed at the willard hotel with that turkey. those are beautiful sheets and beautiful linen.wh i mean, what happened to those? that's what i'm thinking about. >>or they have pads on that bed for obvious reasons. i have to say they were a littld smelly. this tradition is actually a l white house tradition and a monument to abraham and tad lincoln. these idea of mercy ando forgiveness that lincoln extended to so many after the civil war to bring the country together. but i don't know -- i think it is lost on the president. he did manage to partner thesest turkeys liberty impel but youll have to pardon his set up. t listen. libertony and dell had to work hard to show patience and be able to travel over 1,000 miles.
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you can say even harder than gettinissag a ticket to the renaissance tour or britney to w her. war it is warm in brazil right now. >> laura, he meant taylor swift. britney spears hasn't performed in years. but another cardi b is sounding off on biden. she is not pardoning him. >> there is $120 million budget cut inblic new york to affect schools, public libraries and the police department. and the $5 million budget cut and sanitation. we are going to be drowningld [bleep] like rats. joe biden is talking about wate wecan fund two wars. no [bleep] we are not. we are going to be drowning in rats! rats andra squirrels! [bleepleep]s ta [laughter] >> laura, it is kind of funw yo
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listening to her but she's talking about the migrant crisis in new york city. cardi b like so many othercelese rock and so many other celebrities, they supported biden in 2020. they have buyers remorse and she apparently doesn't like it likeo that. [laughter] >> laura: raymond, raymond, first of all, i love the fact she's going totally cash. i love the fact she is comfortable with her audience and in a bathrobe. i'm not sure if that is a showel cap. but i like that. she is just natural and not all clammed up. i'm at the end of the day and 3 i'm going to speak my mind. >> laura: yell, end of the day and i'm going to speak my mind.a re30 minutes? >> 30 minutes. look, people were clearly being affected by this and not just the working class or middle class. these are people on the upper as to lawns of entertainment and sp society. they are feeling it.
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these are people who supported joe biden. and what you see is far beyond politics and the cultural power of cardi b, the rock and other, kevin hardy calling out theay president in h specific ways. this may have politicalll, consequences that nobody sees right now. >> laura: well, let me tell you this. i think that cardi b needs to go to chicago in the south side of chicago.o ch she needs to go to l.a. shhesee needs to go to all these places. h the gospel preac about what is really happening in the not just on instagram.ea she needs to preach the gospel to urban america. up next, at the grand ole opryhs house in nashville. what happened they are, pray tell? you will find out next. joining christian health care ministries was one of the best decisions we ever made.
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and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. i think he's having a midlife crisis join the mi'm not.of people taking back their privacy you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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♪ ♪ for 's pay when it is time for "seen and unseen" where we reveal the story behind the t headlines. for that we turn td aro fox newg contributor, raymond arroyo. we have been talking about biden, but "the rock" appeared on joe rogan i understand and made a startling admission? >> i have friends who supportied trump. i have friends who supported biden. >> do you really have friends
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who support biden? [laughter] >> i have friends -- c thank yo, that is a good check.ic this is important, important context. >> it is for theight democratic party. >> i have friends who support the left. speak with the progress of right. >>s nobody likes what biden is cooking. >> here's the problem, "the r rock" i believe that kamala harris and joe biden are the best choice to leave theat country. he endorsed joe biden.lebr so the idea that you now have a major celebrity like "the rock" crumbling, no pun intended overa joe biden support tells you anhe reenormous amount and not only were the country is but where hollywood and the elites who want supported joe biden. >> laura: may be the audiencein for his films. does he think the audience is filled with like pajama boys out there betting around and they are flip-flops wondering when the next colonization bill wilzl come around? >> it is really sad when the left is so desperate for theirth
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e search for solutions.argu just yesterday,st "washington post" opinion editor argued doing the rock johnson is the best nominee for the president in 2024 appear theyd sahave been pushing this and he even came out a few weeks ago both partiesai are courting him, why i don't understand but this is again seeking empty celebrity and someone who n basically seott up a couple of nice movies, but that is not enough, laura. it shows the problem we are having in the country today. there is a new story that those deliveries that are soon to beyr coming to your door steps all over the country, they are being stolen at a rate we've never seen before. you got it. seattle is the worst place followed by memphis. san diego and then birmingham,hl alabama. and here is the challenge,nati 119 million packages stolen worldwide. nationwide appear to want to give you littlok ae sense of it. look at this, look at this video of the y old -- this is wild
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criminality! look, they run up -- these people literally run up -- look, he's dealing with the plant and practically has the whole garden entering to get in the car. this is happening all over the country. >> laura: that is pretty tame, raymond. >> three out of every four people in the country are attacked and vandalized in this way. >> laura: what is the connection to "the rock"? >> there is no connection torock "the rock" except the country ih in dire straits. he doesn't know when know anyone that like biden. this is another symptom of the biden regime played out inch various ways, ways that touch you win three out of every four persons are -- have items stolen from their front doorstep, nopa retail chemical retail hoping ta make it to the parking lot. >> laura: "the new york times" today reminded us and i think it was 67% of the country or maybe
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62% are living paycheck to paycheck! that is the real enemy of the campaign whaton is happening to the working day people and how they can get by f with everyday purchases. >> finally, laura, i have new raised rules. are you ready for this? i'm going to take the contrary position tonight. this is an amazing story. t a gospel singer bobby storm was nearly thrown off of a plane fo. listen what happened here. the>> pricing for the lord anda song is out on all platforms.. i haven't done this in a while and i got to the next step. n but they are enjoying it. >> i'm not enjoying it. >> can you answer my question are you able to be quiet rightdo now? >> i'm doing wit.h the lord tels me right now. what do you guys think?. >> i'm asking you, ma'am. ♪ ♪e is
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spay one oh, gosh.d she is a grammy nominated artists.resu i've been on southwest airlines and scream at you all day long. i like this, let the woman saying! >> is it true staffers inside the white house don't trust biden? wand what is a wisconsin town kind of going to war against christmas decorations? more after this. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is
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hello, colonial penn? >> laura: it's time for seen and unseen where w >> laura: it is time for "seen and unseen" where we reveal the headlines. raymond arroyo his new christmas is out. whe we discussed this political piece where biden can't govern or run a campaign like other presidents. kingchucking report.ts >> political also suggest and you mentioned it earlier, hishe staff does not trust himy to to they have good reason for those
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concerns. today the president welcomed the stanley cup winning vegas gold knights are though it is not exactly clear he knows he is the president. p [cheers and applause] >> president harris, let's make sure you do this the right way.o >> president harris is here to make sure we do at the right way. the other president appeared before autos workers union after struggling with to don a t-shirt, he struggled with hisce syntax. >> thank you -- you had no choice because of what you did.o you helped everybody. and lo, i want to thank you for your commitment to solidarity. i also want to recognize ford, gm, they negotiated on good faith. and all the workers are being rewarded. >> laura, the president has to be capable of basic speech or at
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least reading a teleprompter, particularly if he's going to run and try to stay in power for more years. this is just a tragedy what we are seeing.>> w >> laura: no, it is a the plan is plaguing out. if you don't think president she acloves this, he loves the facta he's walking in a room and doesn't have they. capacity. >> but lord the president is inv a state of constant bewilderment peered a cert a veterans day cee is seen totally lost flipping tthrough the program trying toa figure out what to do and layins a wreath is an exercise in confusion. he puts it down, then he goes back, then the soldiernd t has o tell him, "go back to your seat, sir, please go back to your seat." he returns dutifully to his seat which he miraculously found. john martin had this piece andy it is very interesting, his two big points. when the g.o.p. goes low, "the dems go fing lower."
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if thaalt is all they have to rn when people are feeling ank th economic pinch over the last four years, i think they will bw in big trouble with this kind of performance. >> laura: that is it, pot,only abortion is their campaign. biden is not only bewildered, raymond as a public figure but soccer star egg and wrap i wente down in the last game of her career. she claims she tore achilles tendon with a horrible entry, aaron rodgers and how she described it. >> i mean i'm not a religiouske person and if it wasn't god -- it is [bleep] up. it is [bleep] up because 6 minutes and, i hurs my achilles. [bleep] >> what a charming woman. we have to [bleep]
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everything she says becauseng she's so sweet with hers language. maybe the injury is proof there is a god. because as you know, he lifts us up and humbles us. maybe she will have time to meditate on that. contrast with houston, texas, quarterback c.j. strahl who beat the bengals this weekend and an incredible game. listen to him. >> error lord jesus christ, this is a great opportunity and they have proven week in and week out but [indistinct]goes all glory goes to god. i'him blessed to be on this texs team and play with my teammatesa >> laura, can you ever remember a sports person taking full credit for everything they do?th their promise on the field, look in the game?n i've never seen that until megah rubino. megan rapinoe. i b >> laura: is it megan rapinoe?ei
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have i been saying it wrong the whole time? v i have a mental block.icha you know how has a few names and we tease him about it?hill that is my achilles' heel. an'ti can't save her last name. >> don't pop your achillesbut tendon whatever you do.s but secularization is happening across society. you heard it with megan rapinoe but now even christmas is being secularized. according to wisconsin right now, that is an organization, as city admini administrator it res not celebrates christmas. so department should refrain from using religiousfrom decoras are those wholly associated with christmas such as red ans sud gn colors. when decorating a public space touild make spaces and public buildings. she is the suggest neutral likei snowflakes, snow people or festive lighting, laura. this is quite a doozy. is she concerned about those who
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don't celebrate flag day or quonset? this is only dragged out this kind of exclusionary stuff when christmas rolls around. >> laura: i think they should>> try that i ln new orleans where they take christmas out of everything. i don't think that wiln s tal gr too well in new orleans. >> it is a holiday.l it shouldn't go down anywhere.e. we are free to express ourselves. >> laura: raymond, great tot see you as always. welcome i hope you enjoy this as much as we didas w. i hope you had a relaxing day with their a maybe you caught a littlee football. wathank you for being with usths every step of the way last year but this goi next year, it is gg to be fun so stay with us on "the ingraham angle." thanks again for watching the special edition of "the ingraham angle." happy new year. remember, it is america now and forever. from watters, he takes it here.
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>> todd: it is


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