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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 2, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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under stressed and underresourced areas. people like nancy pelosi, gavin newsom, those who live behind gated communities. those the d.c. elite. they are not going to have to deal with this up close and personal. kids aren't going to have to deal with this in their schools. their infrastructure is not going to be stressed by. this it's your communities. your communities already struggling and tax dollars already stretched thin. that's what is impacted most by hundreds of thousands of people now several million people coming into this country. it's unsustainable, unmanageable. this can be fixed. congress needs to act. the first thing they need to do is work on asylum laws and policies. this cannot continue into 2024. >> it will be the number one issue, i think, at the end of the day in this election. we will see how it plays out. tomi, happy 2024 to you. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ >> griff: we begin the first hour of "fox & friends" with a
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fox news alert. shocking footage out of japan. right now, firefighters are battling a raging fire after japan airlines flight burst into flames on the runway at tokyo international airport. >> steve: folks, these are live pictures right now that we were just looking at. here's a little play back as you can see. the plane -- the video shows the plane erupting at the tarmac while it was taxiing. 367 passengers and 12 crew members evacuated safely. japan's coast guard confirming that commercial flight was involved in a collision with a japanese coast guard plane that could be where this ignition came from. and reuters is now reporting five of the six members aboard the coast guard aircraft are unaccounted for. an investigation is underway. we are going to keep you updated on this breaking story throughout our morning. >> griff: you just stay on that shot for a second though. it is remarkable that anyone
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survived that. >> ainsley: almost 400 people survived, griff. fiscal cliff. >> griff: the plane almost engulfed in flames. >> steve: when is the last time you saw a plane like that on fire? usually when there is an aviation mishap. you don't see something like that. this is extraordinary. this is just from within the last hour. and you can see the escaped chute there leading out of that jumbo jet. but just imagine. and it does sound as if there was some sort of an incident with the coast guard plane just before this happened. so, you know, as -- it's obviously 12 hours ahead of us. we should know more details a little later on. >> griff: it's frightening to see this, too. as we are showing you on the screen, a possible collision with a commercial plane. and we have had so many close, excuse me, near misses at our own airports in the country. it's really got to make you think about that. >> ainsley: some images where it
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looks like the paint is actually melting off the side of the plane. maybe we will get to that image. looks like it's playing on a loop. fly on planes all the time. many of us were on planes over the last week of the holiday. if this happened, what do you do? >> steve: what do you do? and so you have got to figure that the aviation experts and safety people are going to be looking at there is radar from ground level that shows where planes are before they take off. and so i'm sure they have already played back the loop and figured out what happened. but, you know, i will say this. and, ainsley, to your point about how many people in this country have been traveling, air traffic control levels are so low. just before christmas we had on an expert who said that right now at newark airport just across the river, the number of air traffic controllers is at 52% what they need.
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>> griff: that's not good. >> steve: that's not good. anybody who flew in or out of florida over the weekend and going through the holiday week knows for sure that there were so many ground stops because the traffic was so heavy because they simply did not have enough air traffic controllers. completely unrelated to what happened in japan. we will be bringing you details as it's 8:03 over there right now we should hear shortly. >> ainsley: yesterday was january 1st. i was getting all these text messages from people saying this year is going to be wild and crazy. two weeks of the iowa caucus. and people are talking about joe biden. they are talking about donald trump, amongst other candidates. and there is some new polls that have just been released. a and biden is not doing well among some of the groups. some of the like the young voters and he is not doing as well among african-american and hispanic voters as did he in 2020.
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take a look at some of these numbers. >> steve: keep in mind, joe biden got elected with these particular demographics with hispanics. joe biden right now is at 34. donald trump is at 39. keep in mind, in 2020, joe biden got 63%. and then when you look at young voters, under the age of 35, joe biden won by 24 points. now, donald trump has 37 and joe has 34. >> ainsley: why is that? you have young kids children able to vote but not 35 yet. >> griff: i think it's if you look at what young democrats are saying about their disappointment with this president is this they are not paying enough attention to the things that matter most to them. >> climate change and other things. president biden is going to come back tonight from a caribbean vacation in st. croix. somebody at the white house is
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going to have to walk in the oval office and be say hey, boss, listen. so you are the oldest president in history, with the lowest approval ratings, running for re-election than any president since world war ii. we're in trouble, oh, and by the way young people and hispanics are bailing and going for trump. >> steve: ainsley you mentioned african-american voters. joe biden currently. keep in mind in 2020 joe biden had 87% of the african-american vote. right now he is at 63%. donald trump has 12%. joe biden's approval rating is 39%. and as bad as that is, kamala harris' even worse she is at 33%. but, griff, to your point about somebody coming in sheep punishlytelling the president ie oval office tomorrow the numbers suck. >> griff: that's exactly the message. >> steve: that's exactly what the message is going to be. we all know the issue is the
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economy. here's the thing, in 2021, rather, in october, it was at 21%. the number of americans who said that they felt like the economy was in recovery. so, just one in five. now, a couple months later, that i can't say in october. now about 30% say the economy is in recovery. he has hitched his wagon to it's all about bread and butter issues. >> ainsley: trump's numbers haven't changed with the african-american voters. one in five black voters say they will support a third party candidate. the one that's doing the best that's in the third party candidate aisle is robert f. kennedy jr. is he getting about 10%. and if you talk about the young people, i was reading one article and they were interviewing some of these young people to find out why they are not supporting joe biden as much this time and they like president trump. they said he promised us so much on climate change. they don't like is he being
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sympathetic to israel and not the free palestinian, which i disagree with, but i understand these young people they think that there needs to be a cease-fire it needs to end voting rights upset about and promised to forgive student loan debts. remember? that didn't happen. it was stopped by the supreme court. >> steve: so many people went to the polls joe biden promised me going to do something about student loans. going to do something about climate change. they are steamed that he hasn't done anything. >> do a bunch of stuff. >> griff: here's the problem. i thought a lot about this sitting in for you guys over the weekend. >> steve: thank you. >> ainsley: thank you. you and your wife stayed in the hotel forever. i didn't have griff got a lot of sleep. more rested than i have been in years. president biden calls into ryan seacrest on new year's eve and gives his message he hopes people remember america has never been in better shape economically and to your point they are going to keep selling
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bidenomics. the reality is the impact of inflation core inflation, which food and gas at 4%. inflation has destroyed the middle class. americans went out and doing christmas shopping in the holidays and said i don't know ro i don't know if i can buy that through the roof way to have the privilege to put their bills on credit cards. the middle class is in big trouble and not recognizing it. and that's hurting him. >> ainsley: no voter enthusiasm. 18% for the people who used to vote for president biden. they are not excited about it. when it comes to president trump's voters it's like 44 percent said we are at a 10. excited about him rubbing and 10 being the highest. >> steve: one final point, i got home from the christmas vacation yesterday, and i went to the
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grocery store do you know the bottle of clorox. >> ainsley: those used to be not very expensive. >> steve: # 9 cents. $8. a gallon of clorox is $8. it used to be a dollar. >> ainsley: every time he goes to the grocery store he tells us something that's just shocked him. last time it was the rotisserie chicken. >> steve: ketchup $6 a bottle. >> griff: it's true. the woman who runs the bar in the motel i'm staying at first time in six years i do prime rib not doing in this year because it was so expensive. >> steve: no kidding. more on biden's awful numbers and the 2024 race because the iowa caucus is two weeks from yesterday. >> ainsley: on martin luther king jr. holiday. on that monday. >> steve: in the meantime, let's talk football. >> ainsley: go blue. >> steve: stage set for next championship after a pair of fantastic championship games last night.
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washington huskies making a defensive stop on the last play of the sugar bowl to secure the 37-31 win over texas. >> griff: this one, chris is, for you. the rose bowl ending in an overtime thriller. michigan would strike first in the game's extra period. and the wolverines defense standing strong sending michigan to first title game in more than 25 years. >> williams in motion. michigan makes a stand and comes up with a milestone playoff victory. >> ainsley: michigan beating alabama 27-20 in overtime and now face washington in the national championship game in houston next monday night at 7: 30 p.m. and chris you have to step in front of the camera. chris has michigan gear on today. is he proud. [cheers and applause] >> griff: look at that it was awesome. it was awesome. >> i was in bed just trying not
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to. >> griff: come back and sit. >> ainsley: dry not to fall asleep. >> griff: all this great sleep i have been getting. this game got in the way. because, you had michigan took the lead in the first half and you are like wow, what is happening. they are going -- alabama comes back. we sort of expected that and defense playing terrible. but then literally in the last 90 seconds of regular play, michigan came back. what do you think when that happened? >> steve: chris, get a little closer to griff to talk into his mic. >> great defensive game. did i not expect michigan's defensive line to be so good the first half. like they absolutely dominated alabama's frontline and for the whole half. and then when it went to overtime i was just nervous a, nick saban is the king of halftime adjustments. so the other half, third and fourth quarters just terrified. i'm happy. >> griff: we go to overtime and the running back for michigan
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just bounces off. >> held them down all game but that was the run that sealed it. the defensive line won the game. you know, on the third yard line. i mean, i felt bad for that kid. he was phenomenal quarterback he really is. >> ainsley: did you see tom brady instagram. >> i saw the tom brady michigan jersey. >> ainsley: last time won 1997 and tom brady was. >> there i'm going to age myself. i'm going to say i was probably still in high school. >> griff: did you get any sleep last night? >> a little bit. but it was worth it. >> ainsley: are you going to go to the game in houston? >> steve: wouldn't he like to. >> i would love. to say. >> steve: for everybody watching, you have been listening to the analysis of chris harris our long time stage manager. congrats. chris just gave himself a wrap and just walked off the stage. [laughter] >> steve: more on that later. in the meantime, still developing this morning, listen to this former president bill clinton reportedly named some 50
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times in a legal document related to the late sex offender jeffrey epstein. we will break down what we expect to learn very shortly. there they are right there. that's from the clinton library. >> griff: plus beverly hills 90210 actor attacked by an l.a. biker gang while stuck in traffic with his daughter in broad daylight. a live report as the actor speaks out on the ohr deal. >> the first powerball numbers of the year are drawn. the lucky winner is in michigan and have having a great day. you mean this isn't going to win? >> no. you might win a few bucks, all right. >> michigan got $800 richer. $800 million richer and their team won. they are back in the blue. >> steve: they are celebrating at the food castle. tuesday "fox & friends." look who is with us today
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coast guard playing on the run way. right now firefighters are hosing down the wreckage of the commercial flight at tokyo international airport. this video capturing the moment the airliner caught fire. wow. after touching down on the runway. everyone aboard that plane made it out alive remarkably. but japan's coast guard confirming two people on board a coast guard plane were killed and a captain is critically injured. we will keep you posted on this breaking news throughout the morning: the fbi and police in rochester, new york, are investigating a deadly crash as a possible act of terrorism. police say two people were killed and five hurt when an suv hit a vehicle that was leaving the parking lot of an inteanment venue. officers say first responders found at least a dozen gas canisters is need and around the suv. according to investigators the driver of the suv in the hospital with life-threatening injuries from syracuse and rented the suv from the syracuse
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airport. more inflated prices to look forward to this new year. drugmakers are reportedly planning to raise prices at least 500 drugs sold in the u.s. this month. now, reuters reporting pfizer, santa fee and pharmaceuticals initiating the price hike. the rise in prices come as the pharmaceutical industry gears up for the biden administration to publish significantly discounted prices for 10 high cost drugs in september. well the powerball frenzy ending with a big winner in michigan. a lucky ticket worth $842 million was bought at this food castle grocery store about an hour from detroit. it marks the first time someone hit the jackpot on new year's day since the start of the powerball back in 192. the winning numbers are 12, 21, 42, 44, 49, with a red powerball of 1. the winner can choose to give a
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series of payments over 29 years or receive that one lump sum of about $425 million. those are your headlines and sadly, this is not going to pan out anything. >> steve: just because you don't have the powerball number it could still be worth a million dollars. >> do i have the powerball? no. >> steve: don't have the one but have the others. >> oh, dang. >> ainsley: a beautiful family. you have a wonderful job. a lot to look forward to. >> steve: got a lot of hamburgers on the company. >> griff: exactly. >> ainsley: beverly hills 90120 and sharknado star is speaking out after being brutally attacked by group of, by on the street in los angeles. >> steve: not just bikers they were mini bikers. todd piro joins us with the details. todd, who has ever heard of a mini bike gang. >> i have not. but they apparently are ganging up and attacking the crew and
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cast of 90210. he says the whole thing played out when he was stuck in traffic on new year's eve and that group of bikers violently approached his car. the worst part his daughter saw the whole thing. tmz releasing shocking video of the attack. .[shouting] >> hey! [car horn] the actor taking to instagram just yesterday writing quote this situation highlights a larger issue of hooliganism on the street. the response from authorities seems insufficient. zeerg says it all started after one of the motorcycles or mini bikes hit his car and he stepped out to check for damage he tried
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fighting them off before running across the boulevard eventually able to get away before returning to his vehicle and driving off. thankfully the actor says both he and the daughter made it out completely unscathed. so far no arrests have been made and the lapd still investigating this attack. hey, look, it's pretty bizarre the whole video and mini bikers and why are they beating up ian ziering his daughter was in the car that had to be frightening to be separated from her during the attack. >> steve: here is the other thing that happened on holiday d boulevard. that is los angeles' main street. you know, it's just hard to believe this is happening where you know there are a bunch of cops around there. why didn't anybody help him? >> todd: a bunch of cops and tourists as well. this is a holiday week. you had a lot of people in town for the rose bowl up there in pasadena. a lot of bodies around there to your point, steve nobody did a thing.
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>> griff: is there a thing now are mini bike gangs hoolihan begans that we should be worried about. >> i didn't have this on my bingo card for 23 or 24. hopefully this is isolated according to reports he ran into the car. he was worried it might have dinged it. maybe he said words this them. they didn't like it. temp everywheres can be high when you are stuck in traffic and trying to get somewhere. >> well, and to that point, ainsley, you know, you think guy on mini bike hit my car. >> griff: are they children? >> it's unclear who these people are what their intentions are. overall point why are you driving these mini bikes what's your intention? why do you have is so m so much rage? are you part of an organized gang? completely bizarre story, again, i know can you say on the daughter there. that had to be really scary hopefully authorities get to the
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bottom of this, hopefully this isn't a thing because it's we weird. >> steve: all bad. >> thank you very much, todd. any day now we are set to learn more details about the big names that are tied convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein including former president clinton. coming up talk to an investigative reporter who says the document dump will be a major problem for bill clinton. >> steve: plus, a lot of angry passengers after pro-palestinian protesters caused a major backup at jfk airport. we are going to tell you how it ended and how many people got arrested. >> griff: the mascot war continues. cheez-it throws shade after the infamous pop-tart bowl. this is sear serious. that's ahead. >> steve: of course it is. ♪ i would be lying if i said i
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>> griff: coming up today live on the fox news channel, a lot of important events. 6:45 eastern heads back from vacation from st. croix. more on that in this show. meanwhile also today an exgang leader makes his bid for house arrest as he awaits trial in the decades old death of rap star too pack shakur finally today. president trump's team could file legal challenges supreme court could get involved. we will bring you all the live coverage of these events on the fox news channel. ainsley, send it over to you. >> ainsley: thank you, griff. coming as early as today brand new documents are expected to reveal the identities of more than 150 people that had ties to convicted pedophile jeffrey
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epstein and stunning new reports claim former president bill clinton will be exposed as john doe 36, who is mentioned in the document more than 50 times. here with more is washington free beacon senior investigative reporter and co-author of a convenient death. the mysterious demise of jeffrey epstein alanna goodman. thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me. >> ainsley: you know a lot about this case. what can we expect when it comes to bill clinton this week. >> this is not a good new year for bill clinton. the last thing he wants is his name to be dragged back into this case. this is horrific story of abuse of women and girls and, you know, no politician would want their name involved in this. one thing i think it could shed some light on bill clinton's relationship was jeffrey epstein which bill clinton has long down played but we know is more extensive than the former president has led on. so i think that these documents could shed new light on that and that's something that i will be looking for when these are
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eventually released. >> ainsley: alanna, these are sealed documents. the judge has now said the public has a right to see these? >> right. exactly. this is part of a defamation case. i think one of the most interesting questions on this is bill clinton has said he never went to jeffrey epstein's island. the plaintiff in this defamation case, who was one of epstein's victims has said that she saw bill clinton actually on the island and so i'm very curious to see if there are -- is information in these records that could place bill clinton on the island and contradict what he has said about this publicly. >> ainsley: are there any indications of illegal conduct on bill clinton's part and also what do you know about prince andrew's accuser who is due to be in a u.s. court this week to talk? what will be revealed? >> there are no indications of that. we have seen it in reports that bill clinton apparently isn't linked to any illegal activities in any of these records.
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but the question is did he -- was he aware of any of this illegal activity that was happening with jeffrey epstein? he was traveling with him extensively, and, you know, did he have any knowledge of this? i mean, bill clinton has his own history of allegations of sexual misconducts against him. he has so far been able to avoid being kind of dragged into the me too reckoning. and, you know, this is something that he probably would want his name to avoid being associated with because he doesn't want a reexamination of the sexual misconduct allegations that have been against him in the past as well. >> ainsley: alanna, thank you so much. if you want to read her book it's called a con seen convenient death. >> thank you. >> ainsley: plane on fire. this is at tokyo's airport. all the passengers, thank goodness, almost 400 on board
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plus bus operators getting creative after crackdown dropping off migrants now just leaving them close by new york. they are dropping them off in new jersey and catch the train. in jacqui deangelis on the billions of migrants, how much it's costing us coming up next. ♪
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>> griff: back with a fox news alert. right now firefighters are still on scene at tokyo international airport after a deadly collision between a commercial airliner and coast guard plane. you are looking at live images here. of the smoking wreckage of a japan airlines flight that burst into flames on the runway at tokyo international airport. all 367 passengers and 12 crew members aboard the commercial airliner were evacuated safely, remarkably. japan's coast guard confirming five crew members on that aircraft are dead. local outlet reports the coast guard plane was on a mission to deliver aids of the massive earthquake that rocked japan on new year's day. now this video capturing the moment the commercial plane erupted into flames on the runway shortly after landing. the area around the wing catching fire first and the rest of the plane going up in flames
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shortly thereafter. sky news reporting officials are investigating the apparent mid-air collision. as we leave with you this shot we will bring you more on this story as we get it as best we understood the collision may have occurred in the air but fortunately the commercial airline able to land. as we get more news we will bring it to you this morning. steve, over to you. >> steve: amazingly everybody got off that plane. a new york city migrant bus crackdown not working as bus loads of migrants are now being dropped off in neighboring state of new jersey before taking a train into the big apple. new york city's growing migrant crisis costing tax players joining us right now is the co-host of the big money show on fox business jackie deangelis. how>> good morning how are you?
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>> steve: i'm good. abbott send the buses he heard from mayor adams with the executive order. you have got to know a day and a half before you brung anybody. he has figured a work around. >> yeah. >> this is a loophole if you will. you can't really be angry at governor abbott because he is so inundated down there. and right now it's like less than a thousand people that have done it so far. but they are coming to new jersey. as you know, can you cross the river in many different ways whether it's by bridge or train. take another bus. there are multiple options. and so these people rending up in the city and i will just give you a couple of stats. "wall street journal" reporting just a couple of days ago, there are 161,000 migrants here right now. the city is reporting that it's about 125,000. regardless, adams is saying it's going to cost 12 about the through fiscal 25. that's about 40,000 per year per person. this is absolutely insane. >> steve: here's the thick. the city of new york needs help from the federal government. but you have got allocate that through congress and this
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congress is not going to do that. >> yeah. absolutely not. that's the issue. adams doesn't want to walk back the sanctuary city status. he is sort of sticking with that but he is saying hey, federal government, you need to cut me a check. i was one of the first people when it started that is exactly what they are going to do. they are going to ask for money. they are not going to try reverse what is actually happening. he needs to put pressure on washington to say stop the inflow, close the border all together. that's the issue. >> steve: you know, and here's the thing. historically over the last year and a half, when the migrants have showed up over at the port authority bus depot, there is somebody over there to greet them i know you have taken the train it's confusing. i feel sorry for the migrants figure a way into new york city. it sounds like they all are.
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isn't there a better way? >> there has got to be a better way. crisis on all levels. every part from when they start to make the journey and cartels are bringing them across the border and money extracting from them. there is also a lot of communication between them how the process works and where to go. a lot of them actually want to come to new york because they know when they get here they will get a lot of free stuff. >> steve: real quick exit question. the house of representatives is considering aid to ukraine and israel along with the southern border. the white house has tried to make it sound like they are not willing to play ball. whether you look at the president's tanking poll numbers he has got do something about the border. >> it seems like he might be willing to play ball. that was amazing. there was nothing we could do about the border. all of a sudden be you want ukraine funding and maybe we can have a conversation. really sad actually these people are being exploited and our country is really going to hurt
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as a result of this. not just now but through time. >> steve: jacqui, thank you very much. watch jacqui today on the fox business. >> see you then. >> steve: a quarter before the top of the hour and ainsley has headlines. >> thanks, jacqui. now to hawaii. two honolulu police officers were shot during a island wide manhunt. critical condition. it all started when the suspect allegedly shot a 39-year-old woman several times on a busy highway. the victim was taken to a nearby hospital a fourth man was injured during that police chase. the 44-year-old suspect was killed in a shootout with police officers. new york city, a large group of pro-palestinian protesters seen surrounding jfk airport yesterday getting in the way of thousands of post holiday travelers. at least 26 people were arrested after a car caravan tried blocking access roads. the group also tried block roads around laguardia airport. a growing number of young adults
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are looking to kick off the new year booze free. being sober seems to be a popular choice for the gen zers. with at least 30% of young adults over 21 years old participating in dry january last year. experts say the decline is due to a surge in nonalcoholic drink alternatives and awareness of ditching alcohol like weight loss. are you looking to hop on the sober trend? we want to know how you plan to stay healthy this year. can you email us at friends at and now to a fox weather alert. a small earthquake ratling southern maryland in metro dec overnight. hundreds of people felt that quake that hit rockville, maryland northwest of the nation's capital. no injuries, thank goodness. no major damage has been reported overnight.
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>> janice: way to start the new year shaking and you are asleep. thankfully nobody was hurt. no injuries reported and everybody seems to be okay. but there it is. two miles west of rockville, maryland. 3.2 magnitude. of course, we are tracking the 7.5 magnitude in japan, which has caused deaths and destruction and just an awful way to start the new year. so fox keeping you up to date on all of those stories. now, let's take a look at what is happening across the map. we have the west coast storm moving. in we have the potential for showers and thunderstorms across texas. look at what is going to happen this week my friends. the best chance at measurable snow for the i-95 core tore in years. so we have got these areas of low pressure moving into the west. moving across the south. see heavy rain for the southeast. this area of low pressure that's going to develop this weekend could bring some impactful snow to the i-95 corridor. , a lot of us have been wishing for some snow. we'll haven't had it in a couple
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of years. this is the best chance that we have had the potential for a big nor'easter euro model a little more aggressive with this storm system than the gfs which is the u.s. model. but both models bringing measurable snow to areas that have not seen snow in 700 days for philadelphia and baltimore it's been 685 days in new york city since we have had measurable snow. so i don't know if you were hoping for a white christmas, it didn't happen for the northeast, but it might happen this new year's griff, ainsley, steve, i'm excited about this. >> ainsley: she has to think about it. >> griff: i say no snow. >> janice: i got everybody's name right. >> ainsley: why don't you like the snow? >> janice: the euro model went blockbuster a foot. the domestic gfs is saying a cof
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inches. snow line, i think we are going to get measurable snow. i don't think a jackpot but interior sections get walloped sunday into monday. >> ainsley: janice, we are all back from vacay we will be talking about any advice you have for people out there that don't like their jobs. they are having to go back and a little depressed. >> janice: oh, no. i'm excited to be back. >> janice: me too. i have a big trip i'm going to be talking about mount washington. the coldest and most windiest spot. >> ainsley: are you prepared? do you have a down coat? >> janice: i hope i'm prepared. all weekend i was preparing for this. i will keep you up to date. >> steve: thank you very much. >> janice: stay tuned. >> steve: today is january 2nd. it feels like a monday but actually a tuesday. people are returning after the holidays to their regular routines whether it is you are going to work or school or just at home there is some -- we all know this, there is some let down after the holidays because
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everybody has been racing 100 miles per hour to get presents and plan stuff and travel. and all that so the question is how do people deal with the post holiday blues? everybody is different. >> ainsley: all right, griff. what is your advice you are a very happy person. i didn't have griff i'm going to go to the way it was handled here at "fox & friends" get an . >> ainsley: like a live one? >> griff: a live one. >> steve: got a collie upstairs now? >> griff: we have a fish here. rachel ray's fish, executive producer, you see him his name is poncho. >> ainsley: rachel where is your fish? >> griff: under the log. "fox & friends" bowling ball in the background which is a little
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confusing. poncho is a beta fish. named after the great mexican outlaw. i don't know why i named it that. it just seemed to make sense. >> producer ari gave this to rachel. >> steve: griff named it. >> griff: i named it because it's stressful to work in the holidays. >> ainsley: that was your secret santa gift a pet. >> griff: somebody at the office to kind of sooth the stress. >> ainsley: that is a good idea. do not mix that bet pa fish with another beta fish because they will eat each other. they attack. >> steve: giving somebody a fish is a lot of responsibility. ainsley: it it is but better than a surprise dog. like if you didn't want the dog. >> steve: the neighbor gave one of those. >> ainsley: bigger responsibility for 17 years. even though we love our dogs. >> steve: no kidding. >> ainsley: whatever you're maybe a little bit depressed about. maybe all the work you have to do taking down the christmas tree, packing up every single
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ornaments that maybe the win have to do this unfortunately. just take it in stride and know that you can do it tomorrow. can you do it on thursday. can you do it over the weekend. there is no rush for that and i think, also, just try to fill your time there san article that goes with it. fill your agenda with activities. go to lunch with your friends. have that glass of wine at lunch if you want. to say. >> steve: can't do it dry january. >> ainsley: damp january. >> steve: i'm so relieved it's over i'm excited. how do you deal with it email us at >> ainsley: it is stressful. now we can breathe. >> griff: why you buy a fish. stage is set for the national championship. cheez-it throwing shade after the infamous pop-tart bowl. jimmy failla joins us live on his take on why this is happening. ♪ ♪
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[dice dreams game] yes. ready? everywhere you look beautiful people. oh my gosh! eva. eva, love the dress. -thank you. -what do you think? mommy's going to steal the show, right? she steals everything especially money. she steals my friends. she steals from everyone. it's dice dreams. i don't steal, you know. dice dreams,
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attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. do you like that bone? i got a great price on it. did you see my tail when that chewy box showed up? oh, i saw it. my tail goes bonkers for treats at great prices. sorry about the vase. shop and get a $30 egift card through january 14th,
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at chewy. that first time you take a step back. i made that. with your very own online store. i sold that. and you can manage it all in one place. i built this. and it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. godaddy. ♪ >> it's women's williams in mo. comes up with a my stone playoff victory. >> griff: michigan pulling off a wild comeback rose bowl victory in alabama overtime thriller setting the stage for the college football national championship against washington.
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but, perhaps the biggest story in football right now is undoubtedly the cheez-it's citrus bowl mascot throwing shade at pop-tart with nonedible sign. jimmy failla hosting fox across america fox news radio. and fox nation. now you can see the some of the moss scouts. >> what's up with this booking. i was told by wardrobe to go on new year's diet. first story of the year cheez-it and pop-tart. >> griff: we love it for you. >> jimmy: pop-tart mascot goes viral all over the stadium and they eat him. weird. >> griff: super weird. >> jimmy: do we stop drinking yet? do we start? severing a mess. the pop-tart thing is a hit. cheez-it comes back and steals the day. number one mocking pop-tart and number two they are both owned by the same company. kellogg's owns both of these
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companies. this is home run rivalry. everyone is on the internet. i'm with cheez-its i'm with pop-tarts. kellogg's is like i'm with the cash register girlfriend let's go. >> we brought pop starts doesn't actually know this yet. and we learned that pop-tart dunked itself in the toaster before the winning team ate it. so, if you want to commit the faux pas you now know that you cannot eat a pop-tart unless you toast it. it has to be toasted first. >> i argue with that though. here's the thing about the pop-tart. it can't go bad because it was never good. it's a pop-tart. you eat it because you like it. it's sweet, it's chewy. i dig it. >> griff: brown sugar. >> jimmy: i like to see the year started on good marketing after a year the bad marketing dylan bud light and bidenomics. poll numbers they are not doing a dry january in the white house. they are throwing it down. >> griff: jimmy failia, thanks for being here. we will find out. maybe who knows national championship. maybe


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