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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 2, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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companies. this is home run rivalry. everyone is on the internet. i'm with cheez-its i'm with pop-tarts. kellogg's is like i'm with the cash register girlfriend let's go. >> we brought pop starts doesn't actually know this yet. and we learned that pop-tart dunked itself in the toaster before the winning team ate it. so, if you want to commit the faux pas you now know that you cannot eat a pop-tart unless you toast it. it has to be toasted first. >> i argue with that though. here's the thing about the pop-tart. it can't go bad because it was never good. it's a pop-tart. you eat it because you like it. it's sweet, it's chewy. i dig it. >> griff: brown sugar. >> jimmy: i like to see the year started on good marketing after a year the bad marketing dylan bud light and bidenomics. poll numbers they are not doing a dry january in the white house. they are throwing it down. >> griff: jimmy failia, thanks for being here. we will find out. maybe who knows national
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championship. maybe we can eat the mascot there. thanks for being here. as i chew this pop-tart. second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> ainsley: we begin the second hourly of "fox & friends" with a fox news alert. right now firefighters are still working to put out that raging fire after a japan airlines flight collided with a coast guard plane. the passenger plane bursting into flames on the runway at kyoto international airport. a spokesperson confirming that five of the coast guard members on board their aircraft are now dead. >> steve: those are live pictures right there. look at this. this video capturing the exact moment the commercial plane erupted in flames as it apparently clipped the coast guard's plane. then, next thing you know they are on the runway shortly after that. thankfully, they were on the run way and all 367 passengers on board that flight were safely evacuated. one local news outlet reports
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that the coast guard plane was on a mission to deliver aid to victims of that massive earthquake that rocked japan on new year's day. and so, the coast guard plane was taken off just as this commercial jetliner with close to 400 people was landing. sounds like they clipped each other mid-air. and then it just blew up. >> ainsley: almost 400 people were on board that large commercial airplane and all of them were able to get out safely which is remarkable when you see the images. so sorry for coast guard members who lost their lives and their families. >> steve: this was just about an hour ago. look at the flames inside that plane. this is like a disaster movie. you never see that. this is one of those instances where you actually see something like this and it's terrifying. >> griff: these are live images we are showing you. they are still battling raging fire well after an hour after the remarkable evacuation of all the passengers aboard that
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ghecial airliner sadly though for the coast guard plane with the five confirmed dead, you can bet there is going to be a deep investigation into how this happened. >> ainsley: they have been dealing with the earthquakes and then the tsunami. i know you have been reporting on that griff all happening in japan. >> steve: roof of the fuselage burned off. you can see the letters. the inside is so hot the paint is literally boiling off the side of the -- off the top of the airplane. these are extraordinary images. it looks like somebody had a drone out or something like that. or maybe it was from a nearby -- >> ainsley: i wonder how they got them off the plane, inflatable slides? >> >> steve: in a couple of the images you see very wide emergency slides have been deployed. jet liner like that. i would imagine, has six. one up front one in back and one in the middle. >> ainsley: you get off that plane as quickly as possible. >> steve: when it's on fire
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absolutely. >> griff: rescue, first responders had to respond immediately at the end of the runway. so as we understand, from the reports there, it appears that the collision happened somewhere mid-air, shortly before the plane, the commercial plane was able to land. able to come down. you can bet the first responders were already headed out to the tarmac to meet. >> ainsley: imagine being on that plane, you clip another plane. you are wondering if you are going to crash and go down. then you see the flames. you wonder if you are going to be burned. you are trying to grab your children. whatever can you get your loved ones and have to immediately evacuate every single person on that plane made it out safely. >> steve: extraordinarily it, looks like the plane is clipped. in that video we were watching. if the point of ignition was literally less than 10 seconds before they landed. number one, right there. that's ignition. and now they are on the ground. so they are so lucky. and, you know, the pilots to land an airplane straight
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whether it's on fire, these guys are heros that they were able to do it. the fly crew heroes and everybody else. >> ainsley: did they clip it high in the air or right there. >> steve: from what i have been reading some of the local news coverage it sounds like mid-air collision as the commercial flight was landing. so it looks like it was just seconds away from landing. seconds away from missing it. but, today sadly, at 9:04 local time there in tokyo, that plane is a disarser and those 364 people are lucky to be alive. >> ainsley: we are expecting major jeffrey epstein document dump this week expectings names of # hundred people who had ties to the convicted sexual predator. >> former president bill clinton is reportedly on the list. named more than 50 times on the list. and apparently he is not the only name we might recognize.
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>> griff: peter doocy live at the white house. hey, peter. >> peter: bill clinton forever known as 42nd president. now known as john doe 86. epstein documents going to be released by the end of this week. here is what we are told expect. 150-plus john or jane does affiliated with jeffrey epstein. these will include epstein's friends, recruiters and victims. this is after a new york judge's order unsealing expected this week could start today. the names on these documents have been redacted before today. but they are coming forward part of a 015 will civil lawsuit virginia guthrie settled in 2017. a judge though says there is no legal reason to believe to keep a lid on this anymore. importantly, need allegations of wrongdoing by clinton. guthrie has said she met the ex-president at little saint james which was epstein's private island. maxwell, epstein's
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co-conspirator says that clinton had never been to little saint james. there is no reason to think that former president clinton is going to be charged o. accused of anything illegal or improper. this is just not a list that anybody wants to be on it's going to puts him in the same place at the same time as people who are eventually convicted of human trafficking. back to you. >> steve: so, peter, you know, would he have heard some stuff about this over the last couple of months. r.f.k. jr. was, i think i saw him talking about how he knew epstein or his wildfire was a friend or something like that. and they flown on a plane a couple times. donald trump took like seven flights. bill gates. the list is big. >> ainsley: doesn't nestle mean he did something wrong. >> steve: no. just a flight. steve. >> peter: there are so many questions people have about epstein's death. even though the department of justice has come forward to say
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that there was ultimately no wrongdoing that he committed suicide in prison. in federal prison. but, there are just so many questions about how his life ended, and what he knew when he died, this presumably is going to fill in some gaps, questions that people have about whether a exactly was going on on these flights and then down at his private island. >> ainsley: all right. thank you so much, peter. the judge has decided to unseal these documents 24r-6789 are so many different documents, hundreds of documents. the judge said, look, this is all over, jeffrey epstein has already been in prison. he died in prison. the girlfriend was also tried let's make this public to everybody. so we can read about it. we're saying -- we're being told by some reports that bill clinton's name is in there 50 times. we will learn more about that this week. >> steve: to peter's point. keep him and there is an image from the clinton presidential library. to peter's point about --
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remember, when jeffrey epstein died mysteriously in jail, here in new york city, in high security lockup, there were all sorts of rumors floating around about did he really kill himself? and things like that. ultimately, the department of justice said it was suicide. but there were a lot of people who were saying, you know, kind of suspicious because there are a lot of influential people on that list. there is nothing to suggest that he was murdered, according to the department of justice. griff griff that's because a lot of questions about how the bureau of prisons handled having such a high profile inmate like that. >> steve: and, remember, wasn't it about that time and ainsley, we were on the couch discussing it. wasn't there is a problem with the surveillance camera? it just didn't work. >> ainsley: security guards falling asleep on the job. we interviewed someone earlier alana goodman a author of a book called "a convenient death.
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the mysterious demise of jeffrey epstein. she said what is interesting you have accusers saying bill clinton was on that little palm island. little something island. and then you have others saying he wasn't there. bill clinton denying that he has ever been to that island. it's going to be interesting to see what does come out this week. >> steve: stay tuned. buckle up. meanwhile, one of the number one stories of last year and certainly one of the number one stories going into the election will be the number of illegal migrants who are being allowed into this country joe biden says that the border is secure. and, yet, they broke a record 302,000 migrant encounters during the month of december. that means for the total fiscal year three quarters of a million people who are not americans, are here. >> ainsley: like three of the
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michigan qana stayed jumps, largest college stadium in the country. how many does it seat 112 three row stadium. >> griff: it was remarkable. my cbp sources was tracking this as i was filling in for you guys over the new year. i was watching the real time cbp early in the day on new year's eve they were at about 295,000. i said do you think you are going to get there they said it's not slowing down. normally on a holiday now, the sources proving with a screen graph of the data base that cbp keeps showing 302. don't forget if you look at the october, november, and december, the first quarter, that at more than 785,000 something they have never seen. >> ainsley: why do you think donald trump is doing better than biden. he is letting so many people in. you are paying for all of them.
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>> griff: go ahead, steve. >> steve: 40 of the towns i grew up in the population -- here's the thing. 161,000 of those migrants have made their way into new york city in the last year or so 161,000 that is why because so many at our southern border that, is why greg abbott, the governor of the great state of texas has been shipping migrants here to new york city. the development is on wednesday, of this past week, mayor adams issued an executive order requiring that those charter bus companies, with fairs paid by a third party, you know, somebody else gave them the ride, they had to alert the city's emergency management office, 32 hours before they arrived in new york city. >> ainsley: so they could be ready for them. >> steve: exactly. what they did was limited the drop-offs between 8:30 in the morning until noon and only at one place on the west side. and if you break the rule,
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criminal charges class b misdemeanor, fine up to $2,000 and three months of jail, so, the message was, don't bring the migrants by bus to new york city. and so what did they do? they decided before they crossed the river into new york, they would drop them in new jersey. so new jersey is now where all the migrants being dropped. >> drop them at the train station. take a train that some commuters take into the city every day. voila they are here in manhattan. here is a flashback of our mayor, mayor adams warning migrants not to come here. this was in october. >> we are at capacity. over 117,000. it will be foolish for me to sit back and not try to stop this on a local, state, national and international level. there is a body of people who are there that are giving them false hopes and false promises. we want to give people a true
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picture of what is here. >> griff: adams says, look, this is on you, joe biden. we spent a billion dollars in new york city dealing with it. we are going to need another 4 billion if you are going to keep doing. this tomorrow, speaker mike johnson, along with a handful of other members of congress, mostly republican, house republicans including tony gonzales going down eagle pass where you are looking at that shot and stay there. at the end of the day, unless they have a plan to get the biden administration to stop favoring a mass release policy, this is not going to stop and to your point, ainsley, you know, if you look at i believe yesterday's numbers was about 9400 migrants crossed. more than 7200 were released wedwith notices to appear with court dates 10 years from now which they may not ever bother to show up. every migrant that comes knows they will be able to be released. in chicago the mayor out there saying we need to do something to help these people get jobs. that's what they want. they are coming for jobs.
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that caravan carrying a banner says free us from poverty. they are not coming for fear they are coming for economic opportunity. >> steve: not a good, valid excuse to claim not amnesty asylum. amnesty is ultimately what they are all going for. it is a disaster and you have got to figure, you know, the white house has said they don't want to lump the border in with aid to ukraine or israel but something has got to give. >> ainsley: hard to watch all those images and know what is happening to our country and over the new year, someone told me it's more important to pray for your country than it is to even pray for your individual family your family members. country is so important we cannot lose this country. when you see images like that it's very scary. that's why these elections do have consequences. >> steve: coming up on this tuesday, authorities are investigating a deadly crash outside a concert venue here in new york city as, perhaps,
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terrorism. a bunch of gas canisters discovered at the scene in the vehicle. that story straight ahead. >> ainsley: g.o.p. candidates have big hopes for the new year. with less than two weeks until the iowa caucuses do they still have time make a splash. let's hear from previous iowa winner mike huckabee. that's next. >> griff: stage set for the football college playoffs michigan vs. washington. overtime thriller come up. michigan makes a stand and comes up with a milestone playoff new victory. ♪ (i am strong and brave) ♪ ♪ (i know) ♪ ♪ (with a little time for me) ♪ ♪ (no doubt i'll get through) ♪ ♪ (loving me is loving you) ♪ from centrum, the women's choice multivitamin brand. when you stay at a vrbo the host doesn't stay with you. because without privacy in your vacation home, it isn't really a vacation...
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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>> steve: fbi and local police rochester new york investigating a deadly new year's crash as a case of possible terrorism. todd piro joins us now with what we know. todd? >> here is what we know, steve. that fiery new year's crash left two people dead five hurt. a florida expedition hate mitsubishi outlander leaving the kodak theater in rochester, popular concert venue and event venue as well. this happened early monday morning. a group of pedestrians crossing the street were also hit. both vehicles burst into flames
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and officers say first responders found at least a dozen gas canisters inside and around that suv. two people inside the outlander were killed. the driver taken to the hospital with non life-threatening injuries. the driver of the ford expedition suffered life-threatening injuries. according to investigators, the driver of the ford is from syracuse and rented that suv from the syracuse airport. reports reveal the authorities are combing through the driver's devices and social media to determine why he had so many gas canisters in that vehicle. that seems to be the question and obviously that's where the questions as to terrorism originate. steve, back to you. >> steve: indeed. todd, thank you. meanwhile, this new year marking an official election year. the race for the white house heating up with the first caucuses in iowa two weeks from yet latest poll still show donald trump rosin desantis, nikki haley and vivek are
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trailing. our next guest knows all about what it wins to iowa caucuses former presidential candidate won in iowa he joins us now. >> good morning, steve. you win 2008 and thinking okay, next stop the white house. what happened? >> we went on to win a lot of states in super tuesday. came in second to john mccain. the turning point for us in 2008 was south carolina. the three states and now four, if you add nevada, really do make a difference in how well a candidate is going to do, iowa, new hampshire, south carolina and now ned. florida the fourth state that really kind of winnows the field down to who is still standing and who isn't. and that's what is going to happen here. and in less than two weeks, iowa is going to go to the caucuses. it's a different kind of experience than voting. and that's what a lot of people don't understand.
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the caucuses really are neighbors coming together in their neighborhood and openly publicly in front of their neighbors kind of declaring who they are going to support. >> steve: right. over the last couple of years, people have been reluctant to say well i support donald trump or i support whomever. but it all comes down to a ground game. because the way it works is there is no early caucusing. you can't write it down and drop it into a drop box or anything like that. you have got to to show up in a middle school the auditorium, okay who is for mike huckabee stand over that corner. who is for john mccain stand in that corner. it works like that. that's one of the reasons why i saw that donald trump said in the last couple of days everybody needs to get a neighbor and drive them to the caucus and stuff like that. ultimately, you have got -- it comes down to who wants to vote. because we have seen those polls, governor, where it's like, well, i'm not crazy about either of the frontrunners, so
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maybe i'm not requesting to vote. going to vote. >> it could happen like that, steve. one of the things that's interesting about these numbers, that doesn't necessarily mean it's going toe turn out that way because people don't always tell the pollster the truth. >> steve: exactly. >> if you look at the numbers, donald trump has more people saying they are supporting him than all of the other candidates put together. >> steve: right. >> that's pretty significant going into it. the caucuses are going to be more about organization. more about actually delivering people to that evening. because it doesn't matter what they say to the polls, it may be a cold wintery foss from night and they have got to show up in person and walk through snow to get there. >> steve: no kidding. i will be there as well in my native land of iowa. governor, thank you very much for joining us live from your native land of arkansas. >> take care, steve. >> it is exactly 7:25 now aaron
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on fire at tokyo's airport. this was about two hours ago. all passengers were safely evacuated on time. what led to the massive flames and the evacuation plus who is missing at this hour. plus, former president trump's campaign team expected to appeal those decisions at booted from the maine and colorado. first, need help with new year's resolution? well, guess what? there's an app. for that kurt the cyberguy has new apps for the new you and kurt is coming up next. ♪ ♪
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the first time you connected your godaddy website and your store was also the first time you realized... well, we can do anything. cheesecake cookies? the chookie! manage all your sales from one place with a partner that always puts you first. (we did it) start today at >> griff: back with your headlines, starting with a fox news alert. firefighters still battling a
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smoldering fire after a japan airlines flight collided with a coast guard plane. the commercial plane bursting into flames on the runway at tokyo international airport. all passengers on that flight made it out remarkably alive. but a japanese coast guard spokesman confirming that five crew members aboard that aircraft were killed. all runways right now at tokyo international are closed. in massachusetts, the state attorney general's office finds that boston mayor michigan show woo's holiday party excluded white people did not violate state law. an investigation determined that the electeds of color party did not violate the state's public acomplication law because it was not open to the public. the mayor's office faced heavy backlash after a staffer accidently sent an email to everyone at city hall including white lawmakers who were excluded. now to the college football playoffs, the washington huskies making a defensive stop on the last play of the sugar bowl to secure the 37-30 win over texas.
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and in the rose bowl, it was michigan's defense standing strong, sending the wolverines to their first title game that more than 25 years. >> it's wom williams in motion. michigan makes a stand and comes up with a milestone playoff victory. >> griff: a milestone indeed michigan beats alabama 27-20 and now face washington in the national championship game next monday. and those are your headlines. ainsley, send it over to you. >> ainsley: okay. thank you so much, griff. well, you might have had big plans for 2024. and now you are looking for a little help making your new year's resolutions a reality. so, reaching for that smart phone in your pocketbook, might be a good first step. kurt the cyberguy is here with all the apps to help you reach your goals this year. you're telling me about some of these really cool apps that help us with our new year's resolution. >> all right here. happy new year's.
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>> ainsley: 700 classics on one app. >> called serial reader. it's amazing app. 4.8 stars out of five in the app. store and it delivers these bite size portions that are about 10 minutes long to your phone every day. >> ainsley: anybody can do that. >> kurt: you may have said i don't have time to read a book. once you get 10 minutes you just said to me everybody has got 10 minutes, they did read 10 minutes. suddenly reading becomes a joy again. >> ainsley: audio or reading. >> kurt: reading it on your phone. >> ainsley: 10 minutes and fall asleep and read a classic after a few months or whatever. what's the next one? called quit now. what's that one. >> big resolution get rid of smoking. put it in your past. quit now an app. one of the leaders now to kick the habit. the thing i like about this. not only have 2 million people in your community that support you. but really the secret sauce here is that it keeps your mind in this idea that you are being
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rewarded to be an exsmoker. so, it puts it in the past and helps you realize how rewarding it is not to smoke. for example, it will tell you how much money you are saving every day as you are not smoking. >> ainsley: that's really good. i wonder what the success rate is? how many people can anything is better than smoking. good follow that app. if you can. >> a great resource. it's free to use. and i think it gets its high ratings because it is successful. quitting smoking you got to want to do it. >> ainsley: i remember struggling with that my mom dead. my grandparents. it's awesome they have this app. what is the next one? you need a budget. >> money is our focus also into 2024. why nab. you need plan out your spending, help keep you on track. it's just really simple to use.
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it's free but also have a way let you jump into it. free part only a try for 34 d days. >> kurt: connected care for families app. if you have an older loved one in your family. everybody should have this app. what it does is lets you really feel secure secure and connected to a loved one. caregiver maybe family sharing responsibilities of taking care of older loved one of the family. you get picture what is they ate. they are feeling good. how they are feeling a certain time. it's beyond just the data. really about life. are they enjoying their life and getting what they need in wellness? >> ainsley: if your mom is a could i bet particular you can say she can't have that muffin for that meal that day it needs to be sugar free or your mom lives in tampa and you are in
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california you can feel connected. >> kurt: whether she is down the street or across the country. fitness buddy an app. leader for those who want to get in shape. a great community of a thousand workouts on it. 4,000 different exercises. they have it for free. and then the premium stuff is more high definition. you don't need to spend the money on it. >> ainsley: 10 minutes of ads. >> piles of them. put them all there. we actually have five additional bonus ones online. and if you have got a resolution, make your phone your friend to keep them. because it's really a great reminder tool in our lives to get our goals done. >> ainsley: we are all starting today. are you going to do this? are you going to do some workouts and got gym more? >> that is actually mine. >> ainsley: me too. >> i want to get fit and feel well. less about losing weight and i just want to feel well. >> ainsley: i want to be toned. >> kurt: yeah. let's get toned. you are toned.
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>> ainsley: former president trump's campaign team expecting to appeal decisions booting him from the ballot as early as today. monica crowley previews the court battle coming up next. plus, more millennials are embracing dry january. i have heard of damp january. just drinking occasionally maybe on the weekends. we are going to discuss all of this coming up. ♪
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♪ >> only gained since started getting indictment. what you thought might be kryptonite for him has turned out to be battery packs. >> this is a big one for him. presumably the supreme court will deal with it fairly quickly. i expect that they will leave him on the ballot. i do think it would rip the country apart if he were actually prevented from running because tens of millions of people want to vote for him. i think if you are going to beat donald trump, you are probably going to have to do it at the polls. >> griff: former obama senior adviser david axelrod warning dumping donald trump from the ballot would, quote, rip the country apart as the trump legal team could file charges in colorado and maine as soon as today after both states disqualified him from the ballot. monica crowley served as assistant treasury secretary under former president trump and
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joins us now. happy new year, monica. what is your read on this and if you were an adviser to trump's legal team right now, what would you be telling him? >> well, good morning, griff and happy new year. you know, from the moment trump came down that escalator in june of 2015 he has been targeted by the system, by the left and they absolutely cannot believe but is he thriving. leading in all of the polls both in the g.o.p. primary and in the general election it try to eliminate president trump from the scene. they have felony the kitchen thn sink at him this is not going to stand. this is blatantly partisan. anti-democratic move and wrong politically as well as constitutionally. david axelrod is exactly right about this. so i do suspect that the supreme court is going to move to throw
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out all of these attempts and allow president trump to be on all of the ballots. but, remember, griff, the process for the left is the punishment, this is -- they know it's unconstitutional. they know it's not going to stand. they don't care. they simply want to continue to half-time this man to try to weaken him, distract him, and drain his resources. that's what all of these legal attempts are about. and it's about what jack smith's cases are about. all of the fake impeachments. all of the fake indictments. that's what it is about. >> griff: monica, set jack smith and that aside for a moment. david axelrod may be the lone sane voice in the democratic party. is he saying more than a dozen state up to 13,000 where section 3 of article 14 -- 14th amendment is basically saying that the president engaged in insurrection. something he has not been charged with, and certainly not convicted with. therefore, it doesn't hold up. we hopefully will have the supreme court weigh in quite
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swiftly in this. and we expect it could be a fairly unanimous decision because of the legal standings. but, at the end of the day, the democrats seem to be trying to remove him in what would be the greatest disenfranchisement perhaps in presidential history over something that doesn't exactly exist. >> you know, the left has been hitting him nonstop since june of 2015 and certainly over the last year with the fbi raid on mar-a-lago. and then you have got these four indictments with 91 counts where they want to put president trump in prison for like 750 years. you have got these two fake civil cases against him. now trying to remove him in the ballot. there are so many people, yes, on the left who are motivated to try to eliminate him from the political landscape. but you also have now people on the left like david axelrod but also like good afternoon the 14th amendment does not apply in
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this case for a whole variety of reasons. he was never charged with insurrection. he was never even accused of it except in a political context but not in a legal one. so you have voices on the left who are now seeing, griff, that this is rocket fuel to president trump. now, his numbers have gone up, not down, and, like a super hero, he has been strengthened by this. and now they are realizing it's back firing on them big time. >> griff: we will see what happens. we will see what the trump legal team does and what the supreme court may or may not do in the coming days, hours, weeks. we will see where it goes. monica crowley, thank you very much for taking time. >> thanks, griff. >> griff: steve, send it over to you. >> steve: thank you very much, monica and griff. now for your headlines. we start with a fox news alert. a south korea opposition leader stabbed in the neck. he was apparently making his way through a crowd of journalists and political supporters when a guy with a knife lunged forward. you can see the attacker being tackled to the ground before he was carted off to the police
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station. the victim was airlifted to a hospital where he is reportedly recovering with non life-threatening injuries. the attacker's motive is unknown. new reports revealing a maryland county could create a school board seat that only students who are illegal migrants can vote for. supporters argue the student-appointed position is protected by the 1st amendment. some howard county maryland residents are challenging the practice saying it's description discrimination and therefore unconstitutional. ice pancakes seen floating down a river in minnesota on new year's day. the rare phenomenon happens when foam on the water's surface freezes, waves then cause the ice to knock against each other and rounds the edges into this or pancakes. it just happens this time of year. because it's cold and that's
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what janice dean knows because currently outside it's 29 degrees. >> very cool. i would rather eat real pancakes than ice pancakes because they are warm and they have syrup and butter on top. >> steve: delicious. >> janice: cold enough for snow and steve doocy we might get snow across the northeast. we haven't seen snow in some cases i think baltimore in over 700 days. measurable snow is what i'm talking about. because it's cold, any of those storm systems that start to develop could bring some snow. now, right now it's quiet. but see this system moving into the west? that's what is going to travel across the country. so several areas of low pressure moving into the west not only bringing coastal rain but mountain snow. you can see it spreading across the rockies in towards the plain states. so that's wednesday, thursday, friday. and then another batch moves in on thursday, friday for the west coast and that's what is going to kind of change our weather pattern and bring us the potential for a lot of weather for most of the country. so there's the snow. lots of snow for the skiers for
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the rockies. and then that area of low pressure we are going to be watching starts friday into saturday and then up towards the northeast. and, steve, some of the computer models show you six inches plus for the i-95 corridor. the bottom line is we are going to have to pay attention. we will put our spoons underneath our pillows for those of us that want the snow and fox will keep you up to date. the timeline looks like sunday into monday. a lot of time to watch this and get exact snow totals. >> steve: it could be coming. >> janice: it could be. >> steve: j.d., thank you very much. >> janice: you got it. >> steve: so today is january 2nd. that means yesterday a bunch of americans and they are estimating between 15 and 35% of americans started what is called dry january. which is you try to make the -- you try to go through the whole month of january without alcohol. and it started in great britain and now it's really taking off. and in fact, it's taking off with kids. >> ainsley: we were asking y'all if you were all interested in doing this at home.
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theresa emailed us said the number one resolution for the 2024 year start with dry january and reduce my alcohol intake the rest of the year. maybe even stop drinking completely. good for you. >> griff: susan says i participated in dry january in 2023. i continued through the entire year. i have no plans to go back to drinking any type of alcohol this year i am giving up sugar for january. >> ainsley: wow, impressive, susan. >> steve: daniel emailed i feel great since switching to nonalcoholic beer. 2024 making a big difference already. congratulations to all of you. so i said that with the kids, with the young people, apparently gen z is drinking 20% less than millennials were at the same age. and, to the point about how it's becoming very popular for the young people to not drink alcohol. white claw, the boozey seltzer people are coming out with four new flavors of nonalcoholic
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seltzer. so, just goes to show you. >> griff: i drink beer. i'm a beer guy. everybody kind of knows that about me. at least in d.c. in the safeway i go to, there is a large selection now of nonalcoholic beer like stellar favorite beer they have a nonalcoholic version. nonalcoholic corona one if you go to the beach. i have tried some of them, they are really quite good. >> ainsley: once you do you think was it really worth it to drink those calories. i remember when i was pregnant i wanted to be a part of the party i wasn't drinking, obviously, i would have one of those. i think it has a tiny, tiny bit of alcohol in it. i feel like it's not really i'm going to do a soda water or something and put some lemon in it. there is a place on the upper east side a liquor store minus the liquor it. sells all kinds of different drinks. boys on. it's french. >> steve: developing market.
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>> ainsley: it is. >> steve: anybody taking part in dry january, i'm with you. so far one day. and it's been tough. just saying. one day. >> ainsley: would you ever do damp where you have one day. >> steve: because that's cheating. zero. until february 1st. and then i'm just going to go crazy. >> ainsley: good luck with that, steve. proud of you. >> steve: i did it last year and the year before. i have done it like 10 years. >> ainsley: i did d'arpino last year and i will tell you my skin has never been better because you are hydrated. >> steve: i'm done talking. still ahead from quiet quitting to bare minimum mondays. gen z and millennial workers short challenged their bosses this past year. >> thing called bear minimum monday for the last several weeks. >> job you can basically quiet quit. the 9-5 schedule is crazy. [laughter] >> ainsley: heaven forbid ramsey solution career coach ken coleman joins us next how bosses
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>> bare minimum monday.
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>> the 9-5 schedule in general is crazy. >> crazy! >> gen-z and millennial workers challenged their boss this past year. how should employers respond? ramsey coach kim, joins us now. as father of two children, i will reserve my own comments, how should employers and parents deal with this? they have to mentor and coach young employees. it is not as simple as they show up and know what to do thachl is on parents. we collectively have allowed this environment. you have to coach younger employees more than any previous generation. that is leadership. welcome to the game. >> steve: a lot of young americans over the last three years have been under covid
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rules. they work from home and stuff like that. the four-day work week will probably be a thing. it absolutely will be a thing. i don't know when, it came out after testing that productivity did not dip temperature is being tested in the united states you, as well. it is industry and leader specific. you can't shove five days of work into four days without systems and it has to be advantageous to that specific industry. >> ainsley: it is funny to watch the clips. we watched the girl crying about working 9-5. bare minimum monday. this girl talking about taking breaks and overextending yourself for minimum pay. we worry about them, but do they have it figured out? maybe we did it wrong.


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