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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 2, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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in last night's college football playoff semifinal game , much to the satisfaction of one of their most vocal alums, who says he had seven figures riding on the outcome. finally, a big ten team had the best sticks it to the big bad bully. now we're going to houston. we ain't done this about the national title. yeah, i'm a milli richer. i don't care. this is about the natty. all right, dave portnoy winning $1 million on michigan. the barstool found says that he will be at monday's championship game with the wolverines. take on washington with a million bucks in his pocket. i wonder who he's going to take. maybe. look for him on the front row. i know you can buy good seats with that, griff. thank you for all your work. you've been awesome. thanks for having me. it's been great to be with you with the best morning show in america. there you go. see you tomorrow. a good day. thank you, friends, and happy new year. but tragedy on the tarmac in tokyo. a plane
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collides with a japanese coast guard aircraft on the runway at haneda airport. local reports say five crew members on the coast guard plane are dead, but that all 379 passengers and crew on the japanese airlines flight got out safely before that plane was engulfed in flames. we are monitoring that but first we're seeing death on the migrants, which nobody talks about. we're seeing the fentanyl at record numbers. the drugs, illicit drugs come across the terrorist are coming to our country. and then you see the economic impact that we're seeing the border crisis bleeding into 2024. and a record number of crossings is creating a political nightmare for the white house. good morning. i'm dana perino. bill is off today. but good morning to you, bret. good morning. happy new year. i'm bret baier and this is america's newsroom authorities stopped more than 300,000 migrants trying to cross the southern border just last month 300,000. that is an all time record. it is reigniting calls for president
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biden to change his approach. so just for context, the size of that surge is roughly equal to the populations of newark, new jersey, saint paul, minnesota, pittsburgh, pennsylvania. and greensboro, north carolina. meanwhile border agents are seeing more migrants using fake passports. officials say they're doing that to claim they're unaccompanied minors and possibly give themselves a better chance of asylum. let's get you some team fox coverage. nate foy on how migrants are getting around new
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aggressively go after the drug cartels. we need to look at the cause, not just at some of the problems, but the cause, which is mexican cartels and not looking at them as terrorists. foreign terrorist organizations and being able to use our military. we are at a war time
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scenario at our border right now. the record migrant encounters at the border could give republicans, republicans, some leverage. dana, as those talks continue in the senate in the new year. dana. okay, lots happening here. and getting us started on the new year. thank you. grady meanwhile, president biden returns to the white house today after a winter break under the sun of the tropics. but his poll numbers here at home are underwater. our peter doocy live on the north lawnaway 37% of the time
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off it is election year now so we'll get tougher for the president to be away as much. he is already teasing another trip to st. croix. >> what's your new year's resolution? >> key voting groups are not impressed. the latest usa today poll finds 20% of hispanic and black voters are breaking for third party candidates and 21% of young voters are also breaking for third parties. >> in 2020 the president was able to bring together the most -- the largest, most historic coalition that we've ever seen. democrats have ever seen. we want to continue that. what we've done for the black
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community and the latino community, black community when the president walked in unemployment was at 9.2%. now under 6%. that's because of bidenomics. >> it is the first day back at the office in the new year for many americans. but not president biden. he and the first family are not scheduled to get back from st. croix until 9:55 p.m. bret. >> bret: peter doocy live on the north lawn. thanks. >> dana: former white house deputy chief of staff karl rove here to react to polls. biden versus trump voters enthusiasm. you look at that. enthusiasm for biden 18%. trump 44%. quite a disparity. biden's support among black voters was 63% today. in 2020 it was 87%. you have a similar changes for hispanic voters. biden today at 34%, trump 39%.
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it was 65% for biden in 2020 and trump at 32% then. it leads us to believe that you could see the new swing voters not in the suburbs necessarily but perhaps hispanics and african-americans? >> yeah, i would add to that list young voters as well. evidence they are declining. as peter doocy pointed out. 21% of them say they might vote for a third party candidate. georgia, joe biden won it by 11,799 votes. 29% of the electorate is black. if there is a 0.9 -- less than 1% decline in support among blacks in georgia joe biden loses georgia. arizona 19% of electorate is hispanic, biden won it by 1,417 votes. a 2.7% decline. today it's at 20% decline.
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2.7% decline and he loses arizona. wisconsin, 20,682 votes winning margin. 14% 14% -- 7.6% decline and he loses wisconsin and today he is losing 20% of the young vote. real problems for the biden coalition here. hisp hispanics, blacks and young voters. >> bret: are you looking at these numbers saying we have have to have a major change of messaging in the white house? >> that moment came months ago. take a look at the white house press secretary goes out and says bidenomics is working. the president's job approval on the economy is 30%. there is a basic rule of marketing. if you have a product that stinks don't put your name on it. bidenomics stinks and they put their name on it and keep talking about it rather than saying we're working on the
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problem and we're making progress. we have a lot to do. it's everything is great and don't you feel it? that's a big mistake. yeah, the white house political operation and the campaign, which is being run by a woman who has never run a political campaign in her life, she is the campaign manager. they ought to be waking up that they got a real, real problem. >> dana: probably start hearing a lot of anonymous concerns that might end up being on the record. karl, one other topic for you. the states considering removing trump from the ballot. still an issue coming into new year. the pending states if we can pull up the map. wyoming, south carolina, etc. pending appeal is arizona. disqualified pending appeal maine and colorado. how has this issue energized the trump voters out there? >> well, it's anti-democratic and looks like a stretch and it is a stretch. maybe one of the stories we'll find out after november is this
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was a clever plot by the trump campaign to sucker left wingers into opposing him being on the ballot knowing it would engender greater support for him and their efforts to remove him from the ballot would be overridden by the u.s. supreme court. which i fully anticipate. this has done nothing but help donald trump, which is ironic given the nature of the people filing the actions in the state. they hate donald trump and yet they are helping him enormously by looking like they try to remove him from a ballot in an anti-democratic move. >> bret: you don't think any of this sticks, right? >> i don't think so at the end. i find it very hard to believe. look at what's happened on appeal. first of all, colorado very liberal court, 4-three vote all democrats, all liberals. in fact, the court's most liberal member wrote the scathing dissent saying this is absolutely wrong. if you take a look at what has happened on appeal of these decisions, they've been
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generally overridden. the supreme court will enter this fray, i suspect sooner rather than later and i would not be shocked to see a 7-two, 8-one, 9-0 vote saying this is wrong, we should not be removing people from the ballot based on lack of due process and allegations. >> dana: we might know about that soon. thank you for kicking us off. >> you bet. happy new year. >> bret: first ballots are about to be cast. iowa caucuses now just 13 days away. heading to iowa soon. the hawkeye state getting the first say on who should challenge president biden for the white house. >> dana: it's hard to believe but i remember being in iowa with you and remember four years ago when iowa screwed up the count that night. i imagine that they are hyper sensitive about it and will try to make it right this time. we sat at one point brit hume had had enough and got up and walked out. >> bret: he was done, that's
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right. he said other people are leaving, let's just go. hopefully we'll keep britt there this year. >> dana: we'll be there and scott wilder promised me a cheese tray. president clinton mentioned is more than 50 times in an undisclosed document regarding jeffrey epstein. we'll talk about the potential fallout. plus this. pro-palestinian protestors wreaking havoc on a busy travel day of the year. how police responded. how bus loads of migrants are getting around new york's latest attempt to stop them from coming. >> if you are going to break the law once, why not break it a second time? this is a real worry. we have to stop this. we have to button up the border. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing? hashtag still not coughing?! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night.
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>> dana: that's brand-new video there that you can see. a japanese airlines flight turned into a fireball after landing at tokyo's international airport. the plane reportedly hit a japanese coast guard plane as it was landing. all 367 passengers and 12 passengers got off the plane safely. five people on the coast guard plane unfortunately are report evidently dead. the airport there is temporarily closed dealing with the after math of that earthquake yesterday. >> we cannot allow buses with people needing our help to arrive without warning at any hour of day and night. failure to do so will result in a class b misdemeanor, possible fines, lawsuit, and even buses being impounded. >> bret: mayor eric adams
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imposing new rules for when and where migrants come into the city. but republican states run by republicans are side stepping his emergency order dropping hundreds of asylum seekers at the city's back door in new jersey. nate foye is live in new york city's port authority bus terminal with the latest on this. good morning, nate. >> good morning, bret. yeah, instead of dropping migrants off here at the port authority bus stop like we've seen so many times since the spring of 2022 over the weekend several buses arrived in new jersey including in jersey city across the hudson according to the mayor there. new jersey governor phil murphy's office tell fox news chaperones were on board the buses and helped them get on trains to new york city. you heard mayor adams speak about this executive order that he signed last wednesday and already changing things. that executive order requires charter bus companies to provide
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32 hours notice before arriving in new york city with migrants and limits the drop-off window to between 8:30 a.m. and noon monday through friday. who don't abide by that they could have fines and buses impounded. murphy's office says new jersey is primarily being used as a transit point for these families. all or nearly all of them continued with their travels en route to their final destination of new york city. one of the bus operators involved here is based out of louisiana but louisiana governor john bel edwards office tells fox this morning that all the migrants came from texas. the southern border, as you mentioned, is seeing record numbers of migrant encounters with over 300,000 for the first time ever last month. it's impacting cities across the entire country, including chicago, where mayor brandon johnson posted on social media this weekend saying a planeful
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of 350 migrants arrived at the airport 85 miles outside the city after chicago passed an ordnance similar to new york city restricting migrant drop-offs. now, sanctuary city mayors held a press briefing last week, bret. they all are asking for more from president joe biden and also very critical of texas governor abbott who says their hypocrisy is overwhelming. we'll send it back to you. >> bret: nate foye, new york city's port authority. thanks. >> dana: let's bring in former nypd inspector paul mauro. you know a lot about this. new jersey and new york like to fight about things. in this situation, you have a -- here is the mayor in new jersey. it seems clear the bus operators are finding a way to thwart the requirements of the executive order by dropping migrants at the train station here and having them continue to their
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final destination. in a situation like this, does mayor adams coordinate with any other mayors or just leave them to it? >> he could. but i think new jersey seems to be signaling that as long as they leave new jersey and go into new york, we're all good with it. so texas and new jersey are taking the path of least resistance. there are other things going on here. for instance, while mayor adams has the ability to declare this executive order under his emergency powers, aspects of this are likely not every en constitutional. the migrants themselves have liberty interest here that's being violated. allowed to move around the country. they are here pending an asylum claim. they aren't allowed to have their movements pro described by an emergency order from the mayor. the doj civil rights division is not involved. if this was any other context they would be losing their minds
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talking about suing governor abbott for protecting his border with barbed wire. he is throwing up every roadblock he can from getting to new york city not a peep out of d.o.j. >> dana: the number of buses to new jersey since saturday 13 from texas from louisiana and you get to new jersey. these people got through the darian gap, okay? they can figure out how to get from new jersey into new york. and then you had mayor johnson of chicago on the sunday shows this weekend. the blame -- he wants to blame governor abbott, not the white house. watch him here. >> all we want is a system that is humanitarian for both new folks arriving and for our cities and city employees. so we understand there will be an inflow. we already have 35,000 migrants arrive and helped them integrate into the country here. we don't want people arriving at 2:00 in the morning at a city
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and county building and women and children outside with no support. >> mike johnson of denver. >> dana: mayor johnson of chicago has a similar perspective. they don't want to blame the white house. >> they're all on the same sheet of music. it's an election year. all of them came out strongly in favor of sanctuary cities. one of the first big tweets after winning the mayor contest in new york, adams came out we'll protect immigrants and we're a sanctuary city. blaming abbott for getting what they asked for and want is like a junkie blaming the syringe. they said they wanted this, we want immigrants to come to the city. what did they think, that sanctuary status would come without people seeking sanctuary? that's part of the deal, guys. i think this is very clearly a political conundrum for the left in an election year. they throwing it at the tops.
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they say the nypd will impound the buses. we'll arrest drivers and try to hold them up to three months? >> dana: with the district attorney would he actually prosecute those crimes? probably. >> if he is in league with adams and works politically they will. they are capable of selective prosecution. we start to see the institutional daylight you don't want to see between states in the same way they are messing with the ballots in maine and colorado and have different elections going on in different states. this is not a twitter argument about the great divorce. this is an institutional argument. you are starting to see some pullaway. it is troubling. >> dana: the white house is silent. >> in st. croix. >> dana: he can be anywhere he wants to be. >> bret: for california migrants the doctor will see you now. starting yesterday, all migrants
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qualify for medical. he opened up 3,000 immigrants. it's estimated to cost california $3 billion a year. >> dana: a shift in strategy for israel. idf says it's pulling thousands of soldiers from gaza effectively clearing the way for a more targeted approach. police in new york investigating a possible terror attack. a car packed with explosives crashed into a crowd at a concert yesterday. automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans
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buy a tablo and you can watch the top networks and more for free. - switching to tablo has really been a money saver. - with tablo, i can record something on my phone. i can pause it. i can go get a drink. i can come back. i can continue in the family room. - tablo is so easy to set up. - [narrator] order a tablo total system with a tablo and tv antenna and pay just 109.95. retails for 129.95. tablo. pay once and watch forever. order today at >> bret: israel shifting gears. now saying it will pull back some of its forces from gaza. the change in tactics hardly means the jewish state is letting up on its fight against hamas. trey yengst live in tel aviv
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with the latest. good morning, trey. >> good morning. it is day 88 of the war between israel and hamas. this week israel will start to call back some of the reservists that are actively fighting in northern gaza. we understand the military indicated these reserve forces will come from two different brigades. the drawndown will help to keep israel prepared for a prolonged war. israel hoping the next phase in fighting will allow some of the thousands of displaced residents near to the border to return home. israel's home front command announced residents living 2 1/2 miles or more from gaza can go back. much of this area was considered a closed military zone. israel's defense minister commented on the situation overnight. >> i have just returned from the gaza strip where i met our troops as they face our enemy and behind them are israel's communities. they know their mission and
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their performance in excellent. here in our southern communities life will return. >> the announcement comes as israeli soldiers are in the second largest city of khan younis. rafah palestinians continue to shelter in makeshift tents and housing displaced by the israeli air and ground campaign. their future remains uncertain. >> there is no safety. we are scared, i swear. my children are scared and tell me we are in the open. i tell them may god help us. where would we go? >> the developments do come amid new fire from southern lebanon into northern israel. hezbollah continues to be actively involved in the fighting with the future on the ground inside gaza uncertain. bret. >> bret: as that fighting continues there is a major development concerning israel's controversial judicial reform that triggered nationwide
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protests. israeli supreme court stepping in. >> absolutely. in an interesting development yesterday, israel's supreme court actually overturned the reasonableness law passed back in july. it was a very controversial law that was voted on by the israeli parliament and it would have limited the court's ability to act as a system of checks and balances for basic laws passed in israel. it is something that was met with a lot of joy yesterday by those who were in the streets over the summer protesting against the overhaul and the judicial reform. bret. >> bret: it's one to watch. israel doesn't have a constitution but that's their checks and balances. we'll see how it plays out. trey, thanks. >> dana: iran reportedly deploys a warship to the red sea smicing tensions higher in the critical waterway. it comes while houthi rebels continue to attack commercial
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ships there. yesterday u.s. navy helicopters killed several houthis, destroying their boats after the militants fired at the choppers. >> bret: we're waiting the unsealing of redacted documents on convicted sex offender jeffrey epstein. abc news reports that former president bill clinton is among more than 150 people set to be identified in those documents. let's bring in marc thiessen, fox news contributor. good morning, happy new year. what do you think of this? there has been a lot of speculation about this -- these documents and a lot of talk about who is on that list and what it means. >> first of all it's just a disgrace that it's taken this long for the names to be unsealed. he died five years ago. rich and powerful people were associates of a known sex trafficker and their names have been protected for all these years.
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it is only now we're learning the identities of the associates of this man. >> bret: where do you think it goes, however? it is all tied to the maxwell case and trial. where do you think it goes from here? >> you know, it's interesting bill clinton's name is on that list 55 times. republicans -- the president who told us the era of big government was over. balanced the budget. signed legislation to crack down and deport illegal migrants. now the bear of big government is back. worst border crisis in history. why were we so mean to this guy and why didn't we appreciate him more than when we had him? this is why. he was a cretin.
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the monica lewinsky scandal. paula jones, the list goes on and on and now on a list with associated with this known child sex trafficker, a reminder of why republicans, you know, should not be wishful for the clinton years. >> bret: a lot of effort to get to who is on the list. as far as legal action or liability going forward, that's a question mark there. >> we don't know who is on the list. we don't know what it says about bill clinton. we don't know if he is accused of doing anything other than being associated with this guy. we really have to wait and see what the list says and what the individuals are accused of. there are 150 people whose names have not been previously publicly identified, many of them, who were associates of a known sex trafficker. a guy who was raping young
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girls. if we take that seriously as a society, then we have to hold consequences for these people and maybe -- i don't know if there can be legal consequences but should be social consequences. the whole line -- the democrat lyonized him and tried to elect his wife. they wanted the clinton political machine to give them another big win. they sold their souls to defend bill clinton. maybe i would like to see some of the democrats defend bill clinton finally say maybe we were wrong. maybe this guy isn't a hero of the democratic party and shouldn't be speaking at the democratic convention this summer. maybe he should be shunned by our party. >> bret: marc thiessen. we'll watch those documents. might be coming today. appreciate it. >> thanks. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: okay. well, let's see what we have here.
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two unbeaten powerhouses face off in the national championship game pitting michigan, against washington. the number one seed wolfer ins beat alabama. michigan coming up big when it counted the most. this all amid accusations of an elaborate cheating scandal. they will take on the huskies who beat texas 37-31 in the sugar bowl. washington winning after fending off a long horn comeback in the final minutes. bret, the national title game is january 8th in houston. a week after that iowa will vote. >> bret: which is another battle to come politically. did you watch this? i know you read sports. >> dana: i didn't. i was not in the country. i followed it all. mostly want someone to explain what happened between the lions and cowboys. i will wait for "the five" and maybe jesse will explain it to
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me in a commercial break. >> bret: meantime, a courtroom showdown in the works. former president trump's legal team preparing to appeal the controversial decisions in colorado and maine to kick him off their 2024 primary ballots. embattled harvard university president claudine gay facing even more charges of plagiarism. can she explain these latest allegations away?
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[shouting >> bret: a large group of anti-israel demonstrators took over the brooklyn bridge creating huge congestion headache for drivers. the "new york post" puts it block heads for hamas. that's not all. protestors calling to flood kennedy airport for gaza chanted pro-palestinian slogans and charlet thrive i can near the city's main airports. it lasted more than two hours on one of the busiest travel days of the year. authorities were forced down to shut down roads to those without passes and air train offices also closed. >> dana: new calls for the
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president of harvard to step down coming from students. over the weekend two members of the school paper's editorial board wrote a dissent. it is time to let gay go. leo terrell is a fox news contributor and good to have you here. i'm sure you would not accept this from your students. just take a look call for number two. this is from some of the latest allegations. if you look at david cannon's work versus claudine gay's work you can see it there in yellow. to me, leo, this is pretty brazen. i want to read from the crimson editorial, dissent. not the position of the paper itself but from two members saying that president gay maybe i a good person. she may even be a praise worthy scholar but not enough to remain president, the leader of the world's foremost university must be held to a higher standard.
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one that gay has not met. she probably hoped the year would turn, get into 2024 and this would be behind her. i don't think it is going to stop, leo. >> i think you are correct. thanks for having me on this subject. she has academically stained the university of harvard. how can she judge others when she cannot meet the standard of harvard excellence? and what you saw there was an intentional act on her lifting the words, the thoughts of another author. another writer, and basically incorporating them as her own. this is cheating. and how again harvard being one of the top academic universities in the country has basically sacrificed that in order to satisfy diversity, equity and inclusion. and that's wrong, dana. she have should be terminated or she should resign. >> dana: bill ackman, a wealthy individual on this from the beginning writes new whistleblower complaint alleging 50 instances of plagiarism by
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gay. whistleblower races serious issues how the initial investigation into her work was conducted. the media must dig deeper here, gay gate is in need of greater sunlight. it might be the mainstream media doesn't look anymore into this. we're not in the age where the mainstream media uncovers things like this necessarily anymore. you look at stanford and what happened to that president based on a student who wrote a piece in the newspaper which basically led to the eventual resignation. in this case for claudine gay, what do you think she is holding on for? >> i will tell you, she is waiting. she is the first black female president of harvard ever. so there is a tremendous amount of pressure on harvard not to fire the first black female. notwithstanding the incompetence
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or the cheating or the horrible statements that she made in not supporting the jewish students on campus. there is a laundry list to terminate her. skin color and ethnicity shouldn't be the basis for her to remain in that position. she does not meet the standard of harvard. so why is she being kept? this is d.e.i. at its worst. >> dana: do you think going forward, let's just say start a new semester, there is a student accused of plagiarism, are they going to be able to enforce that? >> impossible. dana, that question right there supposes that she can judge someone else for misconduct that she has been excused for. she has lost all credibility, status. she cannot judge others when she cannot meet the standard of harvard university. >> dana: leo terrell, thank you for being on today. this story is not stopping and neither are you. have a good 2024.
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>> happy new year, thank you for having me, dana. >> dana: thank you. >> that gave me the kind of joy that this idea that i get a second chance. i'm able to be part of their lives again and i'm able to get back into my life. >> bret: pennsylvania senator john fetterman opens up about the crisis he thought would end his career. what he is saying about clinical depression. we'll look into that. plus a biker gang attack caught on camera. the famous actor they went after and if there is any hope to rein in crime in 2024. that's next. uring back to ameri. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain.
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>> three pedestrians were struck and transported to the hospital. one is currently in life threatening condition. the other two are in non-life threatening condition. >> dana: we're awaiting an
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update on a new york car crash being investigated as possible domestic terrorism. it happened early monday morning in rochester. a man driving an s.u.v. full of explosives plowed his car into a crowd leaving a concert. at least three people are dead including the driver. police say he left a suicide note in a nearby hotel room. his family reportedly believes he suffered from bipolar depression. authorities are scheduled to hold a news conference in a few minutes and we'll bring you any updates from that story. >> when it got released where i was and where i was going and it was a big story, and so i had assumed that would be the end of my career. and i don't know what kind of impact that would have on my family or anything. so i really didn't know how -- what would happen at that point. >> bret: senator john fetterman
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opening up about his treatment for depression nearly a year after checking into wallster reed medical center. he says things are much different now. for the rest of america the mental health crisis has never been worse. joining us now dr. marc siegel. doctor, happy new year, thank you for coming in. you know, this is a really serious issue and you look at these latest poll numbers from cnn kaiser family foundation poll. 90% think our country is facing a mental health crisis. that's a staringing number. >> they're right. kaiser family foundation, less than 1-third of what we need for medical workers. i'm glad to see senator fetterman come out. i said is he fit to serve in
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apparently he was struggling with that idea himself with the stroke. he points out social media on the interview this weekend points out that social media was an accelerant. the volume of negativity affected his children, made them frightened and confused, made him more depressed. downhill spiral. we saw a recent warning from the surgeon general of the united states about the role social media is playing in depression. then goes into the hospital and his kids visit him and he gets some courage back. and that moment of family reentering his life is so important. we emphasize that so much here. i have changed my view on john fetterman as a result of this. i see his personal courage standing up for israel in the face of his other progressives not doing that. talking about the border against the current policies of the administration. i think senator fetterman is standing up for courage and fighting the stigma of mental health and i'm backing it.
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>> bret: here is the sound bite you reference evidence from this weekend about social media. >> do you think that social media may have made your depression worse at the time? >> oh, yeah, anybody. it's an accelerant, absolutely. i would just warn anybody that social media -- i have never noticed anyone believe their mental health has been supported by spending any kind of time on social media. >> bret: that's really important as we think about tiktok and other venues that have been singled out here. but we don't fully understand the extent of what it is doing to kids, to people who are suffering depression at the time. >> you battle it yourself on social media, bret, i see you doing this every day. a sense of humor about it. i think you have a really good perspective. the surgeon general said to me that social media starts off with inclusivity. it draws you in but once you are
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in, people hide behind their anonymity and they attack each other all the time and contribute to the anxiety and depression among our teens and the loneliness we see among all ages. the pandemic worsened this and you end up detached from people. people should try what i did over new year's eve. take a phone and don't bring it to the table. look people in the eye again. reconnect in person. again, you could have social media and you could have iphone use but it has to be something where it is regulated by the family and by individual members. your children are going to do what you do. so if they see you on the iphone all day long they will be. i think social media is a cancer on our mental health right now. >> bret: it is an important conversation and we appreciate it. >> great to sigh, bret, thank you. happy new year. >> dana: 2024, the trump campaign getting ready to fire back and challenge the removal of his name from


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