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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 2, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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counties. he has got a ton of energy and he has met a lot of folks. he seems to like getting to know the people. he is still in single digits heading into the last week. >> bret: you talk about somebody who is hustling. vivek ramaswamy has ten events every day according to his schedule. this is another one of those. we'll see how it pans out. he says there will be a surprise. we'll see. we have the iowa town hall with the former president who holds a big lead. january 10th is going to be the town hall martha maccallum and i will moderate. i think it will be fascinating to not only hear from the former president of the issues iowans care about but answers about the moments he is facing. >> dana: exciting to announce that here. 9:00 p.m. next wednesday. i'll see you on "the five" and talk to bret on special report. here is harris. >> harris: we begin with a fox
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news alert. president biden starting day two of the new year with a slog uphill to try to convince american voters, especially those of color, that he actually can do the job of solving their toughest issues. two days into the new year, three years into his presidency. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the president took a new year's message out for a spin. >> president biden: my hope is that everybody has a healthy, happy and safe new year. beyond that, i hope that they understand that we are in a better position than any country in the world to lead the world. we're coming back and it is about time. >> harris: he is currently navigating around two foreign wars, dismal poll numbers, one poll after another. and a biden border crisis that just won't quit. republicans have some thoughts on that very last one. >> if we cannot secure our own
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borders what does it say about our country? this is very dangerous. >> i think democrats are realizing that the border is a big issue and will be the biggest issue facing biden in his attempts to be reelected. >> 300,000 people in december alone. it is not broken. it's in chaos. >> harris: senator graham speaking the truth there and here is the proof. more than 300,000 illegal immigrants have come into america in just the month of december alone. this is the highest number of people coming over illegally in a single month in the history of our nation. peter doocy has more from the white house. peter. >> the biden white house is first border move of the new year is reactive instead of being pro-active. this morning they are reacting again to the texas governors continued policy of relocating migrants. >> it is shameful that a
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republican governor, governor abbott in texas, a using migrants as the political stunt. that's what he has been doing. >> you are referring to the busing of migrants to northern cities. >> the busing of migrants. putting them on flights. it is shameful that's occurring. >> dhs secretary mayorkas is going back to the border on monday for, quote, an operational visit regarding ongoing southwest border enforcement efforts. that doesn't sound like a new policy is going to be announced by then. house speaker mike johnson also heading south. >> it's time to deport those that illegally come into the united states. president biden can either do that or he can watch and lose and watch the next president enforce those policies that are on the books. hosting speaker johnson next week is critical to getting house republicans on board. i am expecting at least 60 of my republican colleagues to join us on that visit. >> officials here like to talk about how president biden put
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forward an immigration policy on his first day in office. but now in january 2024 it's three full years ago. a second attempt at a bill that could actually pass a republican-controlled chamber of congress has not been put forward in all that time. >> harris: that's unbelievable. i mean, seriously. >> believe it, i checked. >> harris: i know you fact checked it. it is just a lot of time. thank you very much. we'll have more this hour on the record-breaking border chaos as it is reaching cities and states far beyond the line that separates cities crushed by cartel country in mexico and our united states. john, national border patrol president and friend of the "focus" coming up. i spent a lot of time with him at the border last september and he and i want to get back into how do you keep sovereignty when
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it seems like other countries don't think we have it? and also turning to those controversial primary ballot decisions in maine and colorado today. this is a big deal today. president donald trump's legal team is expected to file challenges today to both attempts to take him out of contention in those states. both colorado's supreme court and maine's secretary of state have cited the constitution's 14th amendment, section three insurrection clause. political experts from both sides of the aisle say it just hurts the left in the long run. >> i think it would rip the country apart if he were actually prevented from running. tens of millions of people want to vote for him. i think if you beat donald trump, you will probably have to do it at the polls. >> it's anti-democratic and looks like a stretch and it is a stretch. this has done nothing but help donald trump, which is ironic given the nature of the people filing this actions in the
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states. they hate donald trump and yet they are helping him enormously. >> harris: a headline from the wall street editorial board making a similar point you heard from karl rove. maine casts its ballot for trump. democratic secretary plays into the former president's hands by blocking his candidacy. maine is unlikely to matter in the gop primary and meantime, secretary bellows is giving mr. trump another chance to tell iowa and new hampshire republicans that democrats are attempting to steal the 2024 election before the voting begins. democrats really do want to run against donald trump next year. the former president faces at least 11 more pending lawsuits looking to kick him off state primary ballots including one in my next guest's state. republican senator ron johnson of wisconsin is here. great to have you, happy new year and blessings to you and your family. let's get started with the
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ballot fight against trump in wisconsin. >> good morning, harris, happy new year to you as well. listen, this is just further proof that the left, the radical left is trying to divide this country and tear it apart. that's what is happening here. this is a continuation of it. the radical left infiltrated the university systems and graduating journalists that aren't journalists but advocates for the left and pushing things like critical race theory, identity politics. the left is dividing this country. lincoln said a house divided cannot stand. i don't know what their endgame here is other than destroy the country and rebuild some socialist utopia? but it is literally tearing our nation apart. it is coming from the left. people need to understand this. this isn't just happening. this is traore strategy. >> harris: this can happen to anybody. i don't think the left has
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thought this through. once you start keeping people off ballots it could be anypeople, democrat people. >> i think the left has completely thought this through. it's divide and conquer. that's what the left is doing. i've said this in the past. if you were asked to develop a strategy to destroy this country, you would be hard pressed to come up with a better game plan than biden and his administration. open borders, war on fossil fuels. embarrassing and dangerous surrendering in afghanistan which made our enemies bolder, drawn china and russia and iran and north korea together. now they are cooperating. this is a very dangerous world because of american weakness caused by the division that the radical left is pushing on america. >> harris: i want to show you this. former attorney general bill barr with a new op-ed on the former president's ballot drama. he says he opposes trump and any
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efforts to ban him from the ballot. quote. the efforts to knock him off the ballot are illegally untenable. politically counterproductive and most ominously destructive of our political order. the supreme court needs to act swiftly to strike down these foolish decisions. your response. >> well, bill barr is right. but again i try to point out the fact the radical left is infiltrated every institution including the media. these secretary of state, these individuals doing it, these courts that are pushing these types of measures that are pushing him off the ballot, they aren't getting criticized other than the hand wringing of political operatives who don't think it will be helpful in the general election. they do it with impunity in terms of public pressure. the mainstream media are advocates for the left by and large. >> harris: the shoe on the other
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foot people would be in the streets over this if somebody tried to kick joe biden off the ballot because, you know, whatever reason they would come up with. the 14th amendment. it could be anything. i think that the response would be not as -- i don't want to say complicit but just as quiet. it's just happening. >> we saw the riots in the summer of 2020. we don't see the f.b.i. undertaking just a massive effort to round up those individuals that rioted in 2020. instead they have done a massive investigation into anybody showing up at the capitol on january 6th if you are a potential domestic terrorist. a maga republican. it is not a fair fight. the left has infiltrated every institution in this country. federal agencies, school systems, media. that is the danger to our democracy. >> harris: it's fascinating some of the things you are talking about how much bigger the left has made the former president.
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just even with the steps that they choose to make they just make him bigger right before the primary and caucuses begin. all right. you mentioned it. iran. the threat there against us is growing and iran now is showing its full force. at least so far that's what it has been. it could be worse dispatching a warship to the red sea? the move comes after our own troops were forced to take out at least ten iran-backed houthi fighters and sink three of their vessels on sunday. according to the military, those boats were going after a commercial ship. an instance of retaliation over more than 100 recent attacks by iran-backed trained, paid for killers. critics are asking where is biden when it comes to iran? watch. >> this administration has been very timid in responding to escalations by iran. i think the president absolutely
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has to look at what actions need to be taken in yemen to be able to prevent the houthis to continue to put commercial and military vessels at risk. the fact that the president is not doing that is giving i ran and ability to operate in the area. >> harris: the "new york post" editorial board. iran and its pawns are escalating across the middle east to push biden into full retreat. it is a deadly game of cat and mouse except these mice believe they can scare the cat right out of the house and so far he has given them every reason to keep trying. why is he so weak against iran? >> he is a compromised president and surrounded by a team of individuals, obama's defense secretary robert gates said biden and his team have been wrong on every foreign policy issue in the last four years and the record remains unbroken. this is a dangerous escalation by iran. it needs to be responded to.
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one of the primary ration nalls for the u.s. naval strength is maintain free navigation of the seas. we need to do that with our allies. because of this weakness because of adversaries sense it, now you have russia and china. they are not going to punish iran for this behavior. they are probably egging them on. it is a dangerous moment in our history brought about by weakness. it's peace through strength and all this administration has done is created weakness in america and emboldened our enemies. >> harris: military leadership i've talked with in the last few weeks even during the break because you have time to sit down and talk with people. their greatest concern is that a mistake gets made and gets us to a place we don't want to be in terms of war. >> a very dangerous escalation. does iran have sleeper cells in america. it is entirely possible.
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we have 6 million people entering this country since the biden administration started, almost 2 million of unknown gotaways. we know they are in this country. no idea who these people are or where they are. is that what's restraining president biden that he may think there may be sleeper cells if he attacks iran they may have to activate the sleeper cells? who knows? it is all because of the biden and democrat weakness from their gove governance. elections matter. we need to win big in 2024 to reverse it. >> harris: you have so thought through a situation that doesn't sound like the commander me chief has. if he thinks there are iranian sleeper cells why would you let in 300,000 people in december and not be able to vet everybody and know they are coming in illegally around the checkpoints? >> real quick we need a pretty
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to seal the border. we have to secure the border and silt and let the world know we won't let people in the country anymore. we have to end it. it will take extraordinary measures to address this unprecedented migrant flow. >> harris: senator ron johnson of the great state of wisconsin. we'll follow the ballot issue today with former president trump to see if your state tries to keep him off. you say the fight is mighty. happy new year good to see you. it will be here before you know it. the first in the nation iowa caucuses kicking off presidential election season in 13 days. republican contenders needs a good showing or it will just be trump. the dismal polls keep rolling in for president biden. this is where we started. the president dropping really big among minority voters. those are the very people of color who helped put him in the white house. he called upon them. remember, if you don't vote for him, you are not really black. he had that conversation with
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charlamagne tha god. people voted for him and now they are turning their backs on him. the power panel next. lways thou, “dog food is dog food” i didn't really piece together that dogs eat food. as soon as we brought the farmer's dog in, her skin was better, she was more active. if i can invest in her health and be proactive, i think it's worth it. visit
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>> harris: many polls say the president is loseing to president trump. he is losing among black and hispanic voters after needing them to win the white house in 2020. as i mentioned before the commercial break, trying to shame those of us of color if we didn't vote for him saying we're maybe we're just not black. this is new. biden with just 34% support among hispanic voters. trump has 39%. for biden that's an enormous
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decline from 2020 when he had 65% among that key voting block. he also has lost support among black voters from 87% in 2020, down to 63% support now. but the white house says minority voters will be there when they need them. >> in 2020, the president was able to bring together the most -- the largest, most historic coalition that we've ever seen. that democrats have ever seen. we want to continue that. what we've done for the black community and the latino community, black community when the president walked in unemployment was at 9.2%. now it's under 6% because of bidenomics. >> harris: wait, there is more. the president's support is also down among younger voters. he trails trump among voters under the age of 35 by four
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points. power panel now. david avella, chairman of gopac. david car lucci former new york state senator. david and david. i'm curious, you know, you heard the white house press secretary there trying to say that people of color are going to come in 2024. what do you do about young people? you are down in three categories. is it time for biden to get real with the american people now and how does he do that? >> yeah, no question. these are red flags. an obvious warning sign to biden and the entire biden administration. with that said, we have a year to go. there is an opportunity to change -- shift gears. the way you do that is to change the messaging. we've seen biden already start to do that. stop boasting. stop talking about bidenomics. nobody believes you when you are boasting and talking about how great you are. what you need to do is contrast and go issue by issue and talk
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about okay, you might not be thrilled with the way things are now, but just wait until a republican takes control and actually is able to implement some of the things that they do. a lot of these voters when they talk about cooling off excitement for biden, it's not necessarily they are jumping to trump. but they are undecided or talking about a third party candidate. i think when you are able to have that contrast, when it's one republican versus one democrat, those people that are very disenfranchised right now will come home to the democrats and that will put biden over the top. >> harris: you know it's interesting. in all that you said. i haven't heard this from the president and i know you are probably a better messenger than he ever could be. i never heard a thank you. you want people to come back when you know they are feeling this economy the way they felt the high inflation. you want people to come back when they are being forced basically to accept the lie about how they feel without even a thank you. i don't think that will work. david.
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>> >> they continue to talk about bidenomics. we just heard helps press second and him and his message talk about how things are going well. the problem for this president is what he says doesn't match up with what americans see and certainly this administration hasn't taken david's sound advice is to get off that message. americans can see with their own eyes that their saving account is dwindling. credit card debt is going up. they can see thousands coming across the border with us having no idea who those individuals are. americans are very generous people but we want to know who is coming into our country. we haven't had the border be a national discussion at this level since 1803 when come as
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jefferson signed the louisiana purchase. this administration is in free for all. >> harris: i want to get back to you, david. with this. the poll indicated the voters groups aren't necessarily switching their votes to donald trump. it shows 20% of hispanic and black voters are turning to someone other than trump and biden. anybody but biden, abb. 21% of young voters are doing the same. so as you read deeper, third party candidates could be scooping some of this up and you are going to have the stay at homes. that's a big chunk of people. >> i believe that the polling of today, we really have to look at it with a grain of salt because we have candidates today that can really win being underwater meaning their negatives are higher than their positives. donald trump, president biden. that's possible today. a few years agony pollster would tell you it is impossible, you can't have that. with the 24-hour news cycle and
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different media sources, attack, attack, the right, left, doesn't matter. once you get into the public spotlight you take a lot of bows and arrows, more than ever before. that means these candidates will go downhill. these third party candidates. let's talk about kennedy. when he arrived on the scene there was a lot of hope. but as people get to know him, to know him is to not like him. >> harris: why is he still in the teens and in some almost 21%. why is that happening? it's because maybe those people mean it when we ask them in polling -- not me personally, but groups do -- who would you vote for now? it is anybody but biden. >> anyone but biden and anyone but trump. that's true on both sides. but when they are forced with a candidate, when push comes to shove. we've always seen this historically. third party candidates implode as they get closer to the election. when people know it's a choice between two candidates. >> harris: only one candidate is losing all the people he needed
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last time to get across the finish line and that's president biden. he is losing people of color. by the way, david, you said you have a year. then you gave great advice to your party. see if they take it. you don't have a year. you have 308 days, 44 weeks, 52 in a year. you don't have a year. all right. republican presidential candidates laser focused on iowa january 15th with the first in the nation caucuses. according to averages from poll analysis and the website is 538, former president trump holds a wide lead there with 50%. ron desantis and nikki haley are battling for second place. david avella, your thoughts on this. >> dive even deeper into that, harris and you see 80% of republicans think donald trump is the best person to defeat joe biden. which has been the message you have heard from nikki haley and ron desantis.
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a message they have given up on now that more republicans believe trump is the person who can best beat biden. you add to that while 2/three of republicans believe they have a good understanding of president trump's position, no other candidate is anywhere near 50%. the republican voters don't have a deep knowledge of any candidate other than donald trump and as we get closer, that will have a big impact. >> harris: before i go away from you, david avila. i noticed something recently. ron desantis, if it's not him, the people who support him say their second choice would be donald trump. now from what i've read, it is not the case with nikki haley. that's an interesting combination of the two of them. basically atop the ticket now. he is cooking two points ahead of nikki haley, ron desantis. what are your quick thoughts? >> we saw the same thing when tim scott got out. not all candidates go against
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donald trump. donald trump will get his share of supporters from candidates who drop out and you underscored that with your point about ron desantis. trump will get some of those votes as it goes forward. >> harris: what's interesting and what could potentially happen is what if desantis doesn't get out and what if it's trump who struggles? we don't know how it is going to go. but there are a lot of people between the two of them that like the two of them. anyway, i just point that out. >> absolutely. >> harris: i will bring you back on a different day. a pair of davids on this january 2nd. harvard president claudine gay. seems like a day don't go by when you don't say her name. she is facing ramped up criticism and getting hit more again and again and again with a new round of plagiarism allegations. apparently she took a whole page out of a scholar's work to swipe it. plus biden's board crisis has
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reached drastic new heights. we go down to the border. republicans sounding off on the record-breaking numbers. >> they ignore it at their political peril but also at the risk of our own national security. ist is a public health crisis, a national security crisis, a humanitarian crisis. >> harris: new jersey is now seeing illegal immigrants dropped off by bus loads coming from new york city. they just ride the buses to the states around it. national border patrol council vice president who you know i met at the border is in "focus" next. if you're a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. and can save $6,000 a year. that's real money you can use to
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take care of your family and home. dad and i finally had that talk. no, not that talk. about what the future looks like. for me. i may have trouble getting around, but i want to live in my home where i'm comfortable and my friends are nearby. i can do it with the help of a barber, personal shopper and exercise buddy. someone who can help me live right at home. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪
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you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. they offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. i can see from your expression that you find that shocking. ...aaaaaaaand, you don't have ears. book an exam today at >> harris: the biden border crisis is spilling over to cities and neighborhoods across america and "the new york times" is reporting buses are carrying hundreds of illegal immigrants and some of them are arriving in new jersey. it has been happening since saturday. it appears to be a way to get
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around new york city mayor eric adams' emergency order which restricts the number of illegals who can arrive in new york city by bus. so they just take those buses to other places. nate foye is at port authority, the bus terminal, in new york city. nate. >> new york city mayor eric adams is once again criticizing texas governor greg abbott after several buses with hundreds of migrants arrived in new jersey cities and towns over the weekend rather than here at the port authority bus stop. chaperones were on the buses and helped guide migrants to new york city. adams had an executive order that is changing the game. it requires charter bus companies to provide 32 hours notice before arriving in new york city with migrants and it limits the drop-off window to between 8:30 a.m. and noon monday through friday. companies that violate the order
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could face a variety of penalties including fines and having their buses impounded. today mayor adams office tells fox news texas governor greg abbott continues to treat asylum seekers like political pawns and is instead dropping off families in surrounding cities and states in the cold dark of night with train tickets to travel to new york city. speaking of chicago, another city that is dealing with this mayor adams mentioned chicago in the statement. mayor brandon johnson said that a plane full of 350 migrants arrived at the chicago rockford airport 85 miles outside the city and still sanctuaries cities receive a fraction of the migrants crossing our southern border illegally. in december alone border officials processed over 300,000 migrants for the first time ever in one month. listen to this. >> it's literally an invasion.
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it has become so absurd. the cartels are making so much money on this and the biden administration does nothing. so as long as you continue to provide money and safe haven you get more migrants, which is exact will i what we're getting. >> in new york mayor adams is beginning his media availability now. we'll see if we get any more information about the migrant crisis. >> harris: great reporting as always, nate foye, thank you. as we are reported earlier this hour sources say there have been 302,000 illegal immigrants come into our country since december in one month, one month. since october 7, '85. you see the pickup in one month. that's the total again. it's unbelievable what is happening. the fiscal year rounding out now with numbers that are crippling our resources at the border.
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the national border control vice president. when you and i were together down there we were looking at 2,000 or 3,000 people coming across the border and we were in eagle pass together. it is so much worse and so many different places. i don't know if you were watching when senator ron johnson was on a short time ago from wisconsin. his greatest concern is sleeper cells in the country from places that hate us like iran. i mean, just the mountain of things we're up against. >> that's right. with every year under the biden presidency they keep breaking new records. you look back at the haitian migrant camp in 2021. everybody thought that's the worst you could get. over the stretch in eagle pass we had 28,000 people cross in just one area. so i don't know where we even go from here. the border patrol has been broken by the white house's policies. >> harris: i talk about those potential dangers that senator
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johnson of wisconsin brought up. what worries you most and keeps you up at night? >> it's the same thing that keeps up most agents. we don't know who is getting away. we were seeing maybe in the 2023 on average 1500 gotaways we knew about because we had footprints and saw them on cameras. now we hear something like 700 to 800 a day. not lower because we're catching more people. it's lower because we don't have agents to watch the cameras to count who is actually getting away. >> harris: that's unbelievable. i want to look at this. the percentage of americans according to a brand-new poll who say the government should work on immigration this year has jumped by nearly 10% since last year. when broken down by party, 55% of republicans say the administration needs to do more to secure the border. 22% of democrats feel that way. the numbers are ticking up. >> that's great.
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we're finally seeing some interest at least bipartisan level. unfortunately i don't know if that will translate into anything of real effect. they want to throw money and resources at it. if the resources don't result in agents getting back into the field it is pointless. it makes the assembly line faster and more efficient but not discourage people from crossing. >> harris: customs and border protection forces saying some illegal immigrants from guinea are using fraudulent passports to pose as minors. an internal memo obtained by fox news show the warning for agents to be on the lookout for fake or altered passports. it's hard enough to vet people and now you mix this in. >> you're right. we've always had people over the years who have claimed that they were a minor when they were
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maybe in their late teens and early 20s to pass as a minor. we don't normally see people show up with passports and the reporting on these passports has been they are real passport books with altered info that makes it harder to detect. before we when they told us they were a minor we could send them to get examined. it is not happening anymore with numbers we're dealing with. who knows who we aren't detecting. we know it is happening more. >> harris: i worry about your morale and the people you lead. a quick last word. >> you are right. the agents at this point just want to get back to doing their job. unfortunately we just got through the holidays. three days before christmas they are threatened with leave being canceled. >> harris: i pray for you and grateful for you. thank you.
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the relentless anti-israel protesting is getting more fiery and disruptive and it happened through the weekend and into the brand-new year. people making a mess of things for passengers on one of the busiest travel days of the year. raymond arroyo in "focus" next. [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts,
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>> harris: new documents set to be unsealed as early as today in the jeffry epstein case up to 150 people tied to the former sex offender. president clinton's name was mentioned 50 times. prince andrew also expected to be unmasked. eric shawn with more. >> a lot of people waiting for those lists to be released with the names and you are right, bill clinton, former president donald trump as well as prince andrew among the many bold faced names that could be made public later today. they have been mentioned previously in connection to jeffrey epstein. identities will be revealed in the wake of lawsuits that accused epstein of trafficking underage girls. a judge ruled there was no legal justification to keep the names of epstein's friends &
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associates a secret. among them on those lists are apparent business associates, socialites, celebrities, wall street and other prominent people. former president bill clinton mentioned, as you said, dozens of times. previously he was named as john doe 36. no indication there is any illegal conduct by the president. he shook hands with epstein and maxwell back in 1993. the documents we are waiting to be released are part of the settled lawsuit from one of the accusers, guthrie. she said she was sex trafficked by epstein and maxwell, his close associate. starting when she was 16 years old. she met maxwell when she worked as a spa aden attendant at lair
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lag owe. they name clinton and former president trump before he took office among other passengers on epstein's jet. waiting for the names to be released now. no indication that they did anything wrong, though. harris, back to you. >> harris: it is interesting on that. we have to see. many of the minors' names will be released. if there were untoward things going on with minorsist would also protect the men specifically who are mentioned. see how the case plays out. great reporting. a new year's day anti-israel rally at new york's jfk airport caused massive disruptions. the protestors forced police to block off a major roadway into the airport. it was ugly traffic. the "new york post" front page block heads for hamas. in manhattan an anti-israel
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demonstrator set off a smoke bomb at macy's trying to disrupt new year's eve activities in new york city and boston. we should also probably call them anti-american. it is one thing to protest, another thing to do some of the things they are doing. it is interesting. >> you know, harris, we're on the same track here. this is beyond protest. this is public endangerment and this is chaos and mayhem that they are sewing. around celebrations and a celebratory period. they are choosing these spots deliberately. we saw it on the thanksgiving day parade. we saw it during the tree lighting at rockefeller center. now around all of these travel sites because they know people are in and out of new york city. i'm sorry, i'm glad the police have stepped up and tried to contain them. protests are trying to get
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people to your point of view. three protesting on hamas, chaos, disruption, mayhem. i am looking forward to the river to the third degree. >> harris: when they have to protect you from the protestors that's the fight. that's not free speech when people feel unsafe by your movements. let's move on. she is back in the news again, harvard president claudine gay. not a day goes by we don't say that name. some students are saying it's time for her to go. the editorial board wrote this. dissent for harvard's sake, it is time to let gay go. she was hit with another plagiarism claim over the weekend. it brings the reported total up to nearly 50. this comes as she also has repeatedly been criticized for failing to protect jewish students on the harvard campus. by the way, this plagiarism claims, one of them she took like a whole page of some
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scholar's work, wholesale stole it. allegedly. >> after the fact she goes back and inserts the quotation marks that she left off earlier. once she is discovered she did that issuing all these corrections. the harvard corporation board has cleared her of these 50 charges and allegations of plagiarism. this runs to the heart of not only what she says and how she executes her office but her credibility as a scholar. big ackerman and student body are saying they need to be investigated. the board themselves who cleared her of these charges. and maybe that's what it is going to take. harvard is now the disney of academia. a once great brand collapsing upon itself without an audience. they better right the ship. >> harris: bill ackerman and a lot of his friends and colleagues. people who have gone to the university and give a lot of
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money. i'm sure what they will do is trigger an investigation to slow harvard way down, follow the money. just a quick thought on this. why are they protecting this woman? >> well, you know part of it, harris. look, i think there is a piece of folks at harvard, the mindset at harvard that enjoys this and wants to foment more of this ant semitism and anti-americanism within the campus. that is certainly at play. the other is there is a racial component here. removing a black woman from the presidency of harvard looks very bad for them. >> harris: it's really sad. there are probably 50 standing behind her. it can't always be about that one. can't just look out for just one. and there are other candidates who don't look like me. they might be a host of people they could hire. raymond arroyo, happy new year, "outnumbered" next. s and psoria.
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