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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 2, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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>> hello. i am dana perino. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." embattled harvard president resigning as the leader of the most powerfuel ivy league school in the country. it took her disastrous testimony before congress and 50 allegations of plagiarism to end the shortest presidency and the university's history, just six months. she dihed not mention eithern a statement but seems to imply racism was a factor in herctor ouster. she said it was frightening to be subjected to personal attacks and threats fueled by racial it started when she could not answer this question in front oe congress. >> the answer is yes, that calling for the of violates
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harvard code of conduct. >> i it depends on the context. >> it does not. the answer is yes and this is why you should resign. >> her stepping down as only the beginning. >> we have seen a failure ofdine leadership from claudine, but also a failure of academic integrity, which is ahe cornerstonre of any institution. we will uncover what will be the greatest scandal in higheral i education because the harvard corporation members are complicit in this cover of herim plagiarism and their failure to protect jewish students on campus. >> nrmero word from barack obam. we are hearing from al sharpton. he said this is an attack on every black woman in t this
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country who has put a crack in the glashes ceiling. it is an assault on diversity, equity, and inclusion when corporate america is trying to back out of commitments. she is still on the payroll as a faculty member.eren so many angles here. "the washington free beacon" was the one pointing out this plagiarism based on shoe leather reporting. "the washington post" could have done i."t but "the washington free beacon" is the one who did. >> it is not a surprise she claims she is a victim of racism after this moral implosion and this countless examples of plagiarism and some made by blacholak scholars and it is stl
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racism. itss g was not racism that costt the job. it was racism that got you theg? job.e any white person had her pedigree, they would not be running a school of fish. this is the problem with di and esg. it destroys. if you designate a small group out of a larger general population as the preferred higher, you force every recruiter to go to that select group and the supply cannot mees demand.orce it is a math problem. you are forced to hire what isdr left, even if they are not qualified or competent. you choose that candidate overab somebody that choice makes it harder for places like harvard and any a other company to fire somebody,.
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even if they were right for firing. it is not her fault. the system awarded her a slot beyond her capabilities because of her skin color. if you make a deal with the di devil, you are going to die with the accusation of racism. >> watch this. >> clotting has not been accusef of stealing anyone's ideas in any of her writings. she has been accused of copyingi other people's writings without attributions. it has been sloppy attribution then stealing ideas. >> what is the definition of plagiarism? >> it is the taking of other tha people's ideas and words. when you look back into the
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history, you realize she hasneve never published a book. she has written nothing that has any contributions to her field according to people who haveed alooked at her. in 26 years she has written 11cs articles. the problem is she was held to a different standard than other students at harvard. there was an article in the"uph person responsible for upholdine the standards set it would be the worst day when a kid at harvard had to come before a committee. that person would cry, they might be suspended. they would have a tarnish on their record. yet, she has 50 of them. they relegated her to this system where as president, she
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was not touched. her race has advantage to her and the fact that she has no way been held to account for nott pr protecting others is the ultimate hypocrisy when you see in her statement when she is leaving, she says, it is fin frightening to find myself the target of threats. ifreat you had intelligence, you would understand the reason you are where you are is because you did not protect others who were the targets of real threats and you should realize harvard was started in 1698 as a divinity school and there were people who went there to learn about religion and divinity.ous repeated numerous violations. she did not deserve to be there in the first place and i am glad she is gone.ools >> you help develop the character of the person. taking responsibility and being accountable for your actions is
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one of those things. harvard is half-heartedly defending her and the pain is not going to end until they acknowledge the wrongdoing. there is plagiarism but it is almost as if the anti-semitismma was fine. that was excused but it was the plagiarism that got her in the end. >> she suffered from an attack of legal lease. theyan a went as if they had not soul. this is what the lawyers prepped me for this there isin a piece about how the president of columbia has avoided falling into this because the campus was rife with pro-palestinian protests. she has studied thofese ship ane thing she ended up doing was not going to that testimony. she was invited to sit there with thebe rest of
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>> next time, say you were going to a climate change conference. >> it was about how different her trajectory was that she wass not subject toub that line of questioning. i was struck by two elements of her that there was no apology. they teach you to apologize and how important forgiveness is. there was no apology about letting down the academic community. that is important. it is a small club, the ivory tower. people work really hard to getg there and they take low-paying e jobs and they kill themselves to publish multiple papers a year
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to get the credentials to go onto those jobs. no apology over what i imagine she feels is a misunderstanding of her stance on anti-semitism.- that turned the statement into g something about immutable those kids are being harassedar because of immutableacn or characteristics.ay. you are born a certain way. they are having chanted at them because of the way they were born. it is a missed opportunity.nts all presidents need to be subject to this level ofbjeccrut scrutiny. and, it lets people down.n >> this is an opportunity where biden could have a sister soldier moment and say this was wrong.t an he can't talk about plagiarism. >> he can't talk about anything.
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>> that is also true. >> my sorceress at harvard told me my monologue in december wasa the breaking point and the trustees heard enough andcted reflected over the christmas vacation. it was time to eliminate her. my other sources are saying this isourc about money and harvard hedge fund that teaches a few classes.t, a she just lost them a billion $ dollars in ten days. that is what you call a bad quarter. harvard can lose its reputation but not its money. di is a cancer and we have to expose it for what it is for what it is and we have to get back to what made america great. judging people on their actions anr acd merit. al sharpton is saying this woman was fired because she was a black woman who cracked the
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glass ceiling. she used someone else's head to crack itr . eight out of the 17 published articles were plagiarized. barack obama, who saved a man from a plagiarism scandal is lobbying to save another person. why are black leaders in this country rallying around other disgraced black americans just because they are black? it is an embarrassment. it should not be like we have to get back toio what hu worked. whatjudging people on what they produce. she has produced nothing. she has produced a loss of $1 billion. harvard did tht e right thing. l they told everybody it is about merits, not about skin color. now she will be -- now jesse jr.
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will be applying for early admission. >> you are going back 200 yearst black people were restricteds. from getting into these places. >> they can hire a qualified african american woman to run harvard. >> as long as she is not conservative. >> i bet they won't call condi >> onese thing to point out on al sharpton statement, here is h an investigation waiting to happen. he says this is about corporations tryin ig to get out of billions of dollars of commitments they made to di and that is a story worth following. corporations are saying we are done with this now.
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that is coming from the top. hollywood actors caught up in the crime crisis. a birly g beverly hills 90210 sr got into a brawl with a gang of bikers. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ar jesse: ♪ ♪ s >> the new yeawir starting with chaos and liberal cities. hollywood celebrities are getting attacked. >> hey.
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>> tmz getting their hands on that video. the star and is nearing getting into a melee with people writing many motorcycles. they chased him through the streets. it is murky on how it started. he said they got aggressive and hit his car while weaving through traffic. he only got out to survey thehe damage but it escalated and he t had to protect himself. he is ripping the lawlessness and hooliganism. when i heard the story, i thought it g was a gang of femai bikers.pass so consumed with passion overseeing him after so long of being unseen. >> dad is home. dad this is the perfect analogy. a encapsulation of a country of
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men hitting their limits. dads put up with a lot.mits you can mock them in every sitcom, you can tell everyone they are racist or sexist, but when you endanger the family, dad is going to fight. there is no paul hooks on self defense, only your right to protect your daughter or son. dad doesn't care what color they are. they will fight like nothing matters. mat take this as a sign that dad is coming home and it is long overdue to clean up this mess.e if i were bud light, i would sign him on and called the new promotion dad is home after a day of defending his family, b give him an ice-coldee beer.a we are so rudderless as a country. also, he is 59.y in that dude is in his sixth decade and even though he was running, he was swatting these brats away
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like thets ay were flies and it should be inspiring to you that i am the same age. >> it is hard to believe.oo nod w has never been a better te to get in shape, learn self-defense. d it untilknow you nee you need it. >> he did a good job protecting the head and staying away from the action. didn't want to do a six on one.u >>ld i would have charged them. >> anyone who commits a crime that is five on one, it is gang assault and they go to jail. who got out of the car? he got out of the car. he left his 10-year-old daughter in thein t car.ot what o did he do? he punched the biker. what did he do? he knocked the biker off the>>
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bike g.gree this is the guy who assaultedgu them first. his statements are legally vetted it is not funny. >> he threw the first punch? the >> they were on their bikes when he was out of the car punchingta them and he knocked a guy off the bike. i am a prosecutor. this guy says he got out to assess the damage to his car. he had ns cao damage., if he was worried about his daughter, stay in the car. you don't start a fistfight.stre >> he drew them away from the car. he is a hero. he understood there was a threat. >>all he h all he had to do wase doors. we he threw the first punch. he knocked them ofhrewf the bika te>> he felt threatened.
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ask have you been in a city where the gangs, it is one of the scariest things. there is no ati think it is traumatic for hs daughter tdocto see this. it shows that he is a great dad. these children.ja thercke is a lack of parenting there. the there is the knowledge they can get away with everything because noever one is getting prosecute. this adds to the chaos. when the white house says crimes is down, what are you ricacomplaining about, you see videos that include someone famous.
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>> i was thrown for a loop that the judge came out with that analysis. i am here fothr it. >> i disagree. i saw something different. >> he gets out of th>> je car. he assaulted them first. >> thehiy surrounded his car, i would get out. you are lucky. you have someone driving your car. if i am in the car, i am going to get out. >> don't we say maybe this is staged if this is a difference of opinion? > back in the public spotlig, a lot of sentiment on his side. fake news? >> i am ready to hear it.ou s
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put it back with tiffany amber theissen. >> she was on saved by the bell. >> it was just five years earlier. >> i am definitely right. joe biden's new year off to a rocky start. dumping the president in 2024. ♪ ♪
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bihave a pulse. >> what is your new year'sex resolution? >> that is the biggest one. >> his reelection prospects are a different matter. he has no plans to throw support behind the reelection. he saihed in 2024, it is a race between the cowards, the crooksg and the couch, referring to biden, trump, and the option to stay home. he added, i learned my lesson.eo once they got the white house, she kind of disappeared. is this the canary and a coal mine moment? is thiwarns a warning? he is trying to give to the president that you cannot take the black vote for granted?ugh >> it is, but it is quite
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regular he does this. black men have been expressing this through the trump era. they unleashed campaigns thatde ended upd being successful andi oubiden was elected but it is ah concern. it showed a staggering loss. i don't think anyone thinks that biden is going to lose 20% of th e black vote off of what he got. the disappointment with, love is i understand. are there people who were jazzed about her or thought i loved
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this guy. joe bidevin, the shining star ws getting gay marriage passed. that was his portfolio. it was a huge moment for thela h country and the party. kamala harris has been in charge of getting out the youth votehu and that has beegen successful.e there was hugere turnout in the midterms22 m and the expectatios that will keep up. i don't know if knocking her in- that way -- it was a gift. you didn't need kamala harris to do that. >> this was interesting.stin he said he is not looking for his politics to be pure.
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the purity goals of the democrats keeps the goalpostor movinge.. what do you say? >> we don't always need purity. sometime s the most staunch policy of silence -- politicians end up winning.ab thinouk about how hard it is to disappear as joe biden's vice president. joe biden has disappeared. you are seen and heard from less than the president we never seer or hear from.wh she is away from the white house 30% of the time. she needs to once every otheris, week make noise and when she
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does, no one understands a word she says. she was supposed to be cool. she wore her all-stars with theh pantsuit. she turned out to be an insecure goofball who runs away fromct t crisis after crisis. the fact that he is losing his base, it is time to pander. out jill is going to call them enchiladas again. they will probably make my mother grabbed the condiments. tiffany amber theissen did e diappear on 90210. >> the weird thing is it is not about crime or the economy or inflation or gender politics.
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it is not enough kamala harris. all of these issues are very left wing. >> that is a great point. yoatu have to say you should be more worried about joe. people rely on his tape because he is neither democrat nor republican. we expected more because you said this. he is in position where he doesn't speak for anybody. no one is buying what he said. 71% of the country thinks theio country is going in.n the wrong direction. and 71% think he is too f if he loses by .9 of 1% inor 1 georgia, which is a swing state,
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he loses georgia, which he needs. those numbers, 20 points, he dropped 24ed points. it just takes a sliver for him to lose a swing state. he had the benefit of abortion, climate change, and young people are not into him. they would rather voteth for trump. it is clear. young people, 37% trump, 33% biden. he is just too old. even his wife had to remind him that his favorite food was ice cream.."the >> once the media accepts thet fact he is still going to run, are they going to have to reverse gears?
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now they are going to say crime is down, illegal immigration is down. everyone is going to sound like a republican. imagine if, in the color-blind test, somebody said this and it turned out, what would be the reaction? those calls are coming from within the democratic party. a young producer from america's newsroom is home from the holidays. are not going to vote for biden and harris because they want to punish the dnc. you might have a coalescing from the media and may be somebody like taylor swift who says they may not be perfect but it is better than the alternative.
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you can find this on the twitter page, he went through.mall the margins are so small for president biden that he could lose all the swing states with a sliver of these other voters. arizona, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania and >> someone should point out that typo. it is embarrassing. it is an article. just three letters. the pro-hamas crowd causing new year's travel mayhem. ♪ ♪ ♪ it's two things a young man want to be, a cowboy or a gangster. and a gangster's out of style. i got back to my roots. we come from a long line of cowboys.
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what about your husband? is he here? no, unfortunately, he couldn't make it. she attacked him last night. you attacked your husband? [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now.
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>> pro-palestinian protesters causing mayhem. anti-israel demonstrators were disrupting travel on the busiest day.iv the crowd causing disruptions like a two hour long grid lock. >> this seems to be getting stupider and further away from the alleged cause. >> you hav dane the right to peacefully protest. i am glad i went through a new work. t odi would probably be in jail today. here is a question.f where is the secretary of transportation? he gives a press conference anytime there is going to be a
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snowstorm. remember when he blamed maggio republicans for the coming air traffic problems? on this one, they are silence.ef why doesn't biden say stop? i hear you.otec i want to protect the innocence as well but do not d do o this. why are they hiding? >> you want to make a name for yourself, go to jfk and say everyone of you knock it off and use the police and get thatth cleared out. >> he has made a political calculation. >> did you want to ask me anything? >> these people are misinformed. they are idiots. they engender bad blood and anyone trying to get to ann airport with their family for a
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vacation, that will infuriate them. nypd, port authority, they need to be out there and arrested.ou >> when yot u say nypd, kkk, id, are all the same. you are showing your cards. it >> i interview someone who is a climate traffic blocker, who sa on a freeway and stopped traffic for hours and askei asked him ie book, he said no one had ever gotten out of the car and come up to him ton sit. thank you for blocking my i commute for three hours. i am'm going to reconsider my climate change concept and walk home and leave my gas guzzling n
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an escalade, just a little lestfriendly >> points to the new york post for blockheads, but i would have gone with hamasholes.he you are asking the same questioh we have been asking. how did they think they are winning hearts and minds ihey fo are antagonizing citizens whor are tryingge to get to a flightr trying to get their mom to a hospital k oidr kids to a birth. we asked the question and went never get an answer. they are not interested in the people are in the vicinity. this is the year of the t perpetual protester. their audienceis is the u plsmartphone. they are trying to upload this
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global uprising. doesn't matter if it is 150 people out there if you can show the 110 freeway and you upload these it creates the protest, sn your frustrations and anger is irrelevant. the greater mission is sponsore. theater, telling the world that global jihadist beginning, join the fight. it is a doom loop feed and it feeds off of its own amplification and it is designed to create future generations to adopt the same mentality. it is a global brainwash to get people to join the uprising.u ar you are seeing people exchanging their views on gender for misogyny.t peoplewe who were pro-trans andd
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pro-they are now pro-hamas. >> i watched local news last night and one of the tha descriptions, that car right there, it says in big pink letters, the reporter says these protesters are seeking an end to the in gaza but those video is i like, what do you think that means?? i will put that in my good point journal. >> i can't wait for that to comj out. >> i will preorder that right now. coming up, green day causing controversy after bashing the magna agenda. s no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response.
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uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day.
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i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life.
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>> judge jeanine: a punch rock band famous for raging against th >> a punk rock band now seems to love the establishment. green day insulting millions ofe trump supporter's and changing the lyrics of their song american idiot.
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>> greg, i go to you first.ou ndi don't understand anything. n >> they just got lucky. talk about the opposite ofxa punk rock. you have aging hipstershe mimicking what she would hear ouare t of the mouths of joe bi, the legacy media and the establishment. green day and joe biden are the same thing. green day is establishmentit corporate identity and music. te they pretend to be giving it to the man when they are giving hik a reace?h around.engl they are like your high school english teacher who bought a shirt at hotco topic to make thm cool with the kids but this isay the opposite of punk rock. it shows you it doesn't matter
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whato it the republican is., you think trump is different, no, the next republican will be seen as hitler. those are the punks. real rebels threaten theth establishment.eying they don't appease it.e th they turned into everything they hated. i love it. they are no vandals. >> that explains it. >> they did not do a mitt romnee rendition in 2012. >> they did. they did a piece that he was bullying kids in grade school. or putting his >> green day lost its mindetel during the bush years. the only way they could get coverage was to do something
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like this and i am sure they leaked it beforehand. >> i thought ryan seacrest was phenomenal.seac people make jokes but he is -- he has perfect timing. >> "one more thing" is up next.
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♪ [laughter] >> dana: time for "one more thing, >> time for "one more thing." >> happy new year. let's see family photos, just ge one. we are going to run out of time. we have sage steel, marjorie taylor greene and i am going to get a tarot card reading from>> paula robert js.
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>> i was named by the international association of toe professionals a top judge. pic i feel so honored. here is my picture. >> congratulations. >> we are back and better than ever with a great show. tonight at 10:00 p.m. >> i have something to promote. we taped it this morning. check it out. set 20 minutes of politics. >> super cool set of twins. one was born in 2023 inp wonew jersey. >> one was born in 2023 and one was born in new jersey.or >> different years, they areank identical. g us. thank you for joining us tonig tonight. >> jesse: welcome to


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