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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 2, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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. >> it's a big,r fo big happy a year for america. yes, it's a big happ, y forbi jesse watters. prime time. it's a big year for you, paula. than fork you for joining us. >> thank you so much for asking me. i do appreciate. we're going to take thisy easure bank, shall we? >> oh, absolutely. people dhi o. >> here's a gorgeous vacation photo of gigi waters g. ittle look at this little treat. she is now crawling. trea sht.e is almost doing a threeg point stance. >> in fact, she is. and this little delicious creature on me a plane ride back from florida, and then she spit up on me. it's quite a ride. i love her. that's all for tonight plane. pn >> dvr, jesse watters, primetime. and always remember, i'm waters. and this is my
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world. and welcome to hannity and happy new year and happypy election year 2024. now, the exodus ou t of big states like new jersey, california, illinois and new york, itew jerse c continues. in fact, tonight, we are now broadcasting from my new hom ar the great free state of florida. like so manyflor americans, i li new york for good. and now in the state with, let's see, warmen r law and order, better education, more freedomr , better quality of life. and guess what? no state income tax. noe inco tw, here is my predict. this mass migration out of dee e blue statep,s like the ones i just mentioned, that will continue unless untilless a the change they change their governing philosophiesnd, that are overtaxing people, overregulating people. they're under-performing in schools and safety and issues of public importance . and that's why it's happening. but no matter what state you call home, i will say this 2024 is going to be a critical year not only for our country, but for the worl ford as anyone.
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who has lived in new york will tell you. yeah, election s, consequences. and in just 11 short months monh and theys, will fly by you, w the american people, you will determine the future of our country and frankly, the trajectory of the world. no w, no one can predictthe the outcome, but i can tell yet year willnex look like. and by the way, anyone that does predict the outcome, they don't knot the tcome,w whae talking about. it's too unpredictable. probably the most unpredictabl too e presidential election year in our lifetimes. now, democrats, media mob,, th they will work in unison that i can predict with certaintywill w they will be on a never ending nonstop smear campaignrepublic regardless of the republican candidate. they will obsessively focus tru on donald trump. donald trump. donald trump. dojanuary 6, january >> and they want to ever talk about joe biden's accomplishments. why? jobecause there really aren't any. they won't defend biden's why? because it has defen resulted in one national disaster after another.
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and you, the american people, you can see it. a.they don't want to talk about biden nomics because what? two thirds of our fellow countrymen are living paycheck to paycheck and the american people are getting wrecked by joe biden's economy. of inflation, high interest jobs rates. they don't want to talk about biden's performance on the world stage. why? because the president has been bullie ovover and over and over again by our top geopolitical r anfoes as joe has abdicated america's role on the world stage, the world is paying a consequence. we see china openly planning an invasion or what they call reunification. it's an invasion of our ally, taiwan, while harassing our military in the pacifiiwanc both in international airwaves and international waterwaypacif spying on our nuclear sites right here in the continental stited statepyins with a slow moving spy balloon that it onrns out they knew all about. on top of all the intellectual property theft, all of their unfair trade practices, we now see war in europeir tra
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as russia invaded ukraine and war continues. therssiae. e is and it seems like there's no end in sight. biden is utterly faileo d to deter what is one ofde the bloodiest conflicts in recent historter y. and of course, we have iran,th the number one state sponsor of terror. they are enriching uranium at the fasteste spon pace ever, all while directing proxy wars and proxies to attack americans and our allies r al all over the region. now we have war in the middle east on u.s. troop ove s have been 118 specific attacks, including in the new year. even the houthi rebels, a radica specil formed from yemh by the way, funded by thee iranians. re they're using fishing boats and rifles to wreak havoc on, important shipping channels in the red sea. all while joe biden does littlet to nothing to respond. meanwhile, our southern border ,it is worse than ever. we have a lot more on that coming up tonight. border, thaand of course, crime is completely, totally spiraling out of several
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control in many major american cities and even some small townscities a. and to put that special cherry on top. yeah, tax collection is now at an all time high. and with the extral-time two pls trillion dollars biden added to the debt last added t well, t started this fiscal year in october with the national debt. noe w more than $34 trillion. that is a record and i don't know how we pay that back. so make no mistake, joe biden, as your president has been and continues to be an abject failurresidente both at home and abroad. don't expect to see much of joth the way in the lead up to november. in fact, he will campaig n probably less than any other candidate in modern historbablyf donald trump or anyif republican is the candidate. i even doubt will show dontrumpo one debate. he will work in the shadows. he will hide in the basement he will hide on the beach in delaware while the media mosb does all the heavy lifting for him. now, it's not evenil clear that joe can do the lifting at all at this point.
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even the most basiit is t clears conversations are now really difficult for your commandericif in chief. re >> and here is just the latest and greatest. take a loo i andk. mr. president, before we start to hear about the new year, i'm curious what sort of holiday foods have you been enjoying over the last few days ? well, harmony and everything holie, n g trump in costum which i love. you know, a lot of chicken, chicken parmesan. i mean, you know, all italianf food is basically ice cream and ice cube chocolate chip.rmes ice cream. yean. s. my biggest one right now. >> now, joe biden's cognitive ability is not good. wit anyone with eyes to see. you can see it every week. it see gets worse and it's getting worse by the day. now, keeting worp in mind, bides also dealing with very real and serious corruptiony al and bribery allegations, along with a very real impeachment inquiry. and his image as a lovings im father and grandfatherag that is
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forever been shattered and tarnished by, frankly,is his disgusting treatment of his own four-year-old granddaughter in arkansas. in other words, there are almost endless reasons to dislike joe biden, both politically and personally. like joeh poand now, according , biden's year end approval rating is no hisw lower than any other first term president in modern history going intoa, a reelection year. he's even losing support amongsing s very key demographics. a big part of what is th me democratic that which propelled him to victory in 2020.victor look at this new usa today suffolk university poll. only 63% of african-american votersersity p support joe bide. why is that significant? well, that's down from 87% that he was receiving in 2020. and it only gets worse fromng there by now. trails trump among hispanic voters 2 five points after easiy winning winning a majoritya maji in 2020. and get this, biden is down
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four points with another key constituency amongthe de the democratic base, and that is voters under 35, a usuallya s very reliable democratic voting bloc. if these numbers hold, ifn, if there's if he's their candidate for reelection, they will lose todalection,sey a landslide.lide but a lot can happen between now and november. a let's be very clear. le let me start this year with a warning to conservatives a and to republicans, if you wantu any chancebl of winning in november, you need to do dol basicof fundamenta things. one, any conservative, any republican, any voter that has any reluctance or any resistance to voting by mail and voting early, you have to get over that. he just can't start out these s races on election night, downreo by hundreds of thousands of votess and depend on peoplep voting day off to make it up. also, states that allow legal ballot harvesting keyword legal
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and republicans, they need to start matching the verytotary well-organized democratic party efforts that would be critical gop organizers in every state need to do it, especially the swin g. ey hav they've got to adopt what ise a robust operation that isobus basically puts them on a level playing fiel d and workingd work within the system, not the one you want. it's not the system i want. wa i want their voting on election day to be in the nationai wantld holiday and i want paper ballots. that's not going to happen. and i want voteray w i.d. and i want partisan observers watching the voting all day and the vote counting all night in a perfect world. in a would be what happensd al. but it's not the reality. that is not our current reality. , be wharepublican you have to del with the system. the hand you're dealt, notou the one you wish you had. my last piece of advice is on controversial issue of abortion, not my moral point of view, but i'm looking at it politically now. first, leave abortion to the states. that's leave what roe v wade dis and i believe it's more w constitutional.
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if republicans if you want to push restrictive bansnal. on abortion, like, for example, doug mastriano running governor in pennsylvania, no restrictions, ,, mothers life. lostost by a margin of like 16 points. that has not been seena ma in pennsylvania history sinceia the 1940s against a non-incumbenryt opponent. you'll pay a heavy political price. and by the way he'll have noll v ability to even stop late termot abortionops that many democrats support. you can get the high ground on the issue. look groun, ohio, that is a statee that donald trump won twice by a very comfortable margin.mfa voters overwhelmingly approved a measure to makbl.e abortion, a constitutional right in that red state. that ought to tell you a lot about the issue of abortion. gop, you need to be smartca about this because 11 months you have a prime opportunity , yoto regain power in d.c. andn our country back on track before it's too late. anyway, here now with more wit
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south dakota governor kristiernm noem is with us. >> governor, great to have you back. happy new yearent,i gnome, is . >> oh, happy new year, sean. you're in florida in a beautiful but the news is still bad. we still have joe biden as our president and the country's in trouble. so i'm in iowa this week we stalking to folks and having those conversations about those critical issues that you were tr discussing. >> well, let's talk about let'ss talk about what i'm sayingcuss. reluctance and resistance to voting, early voting by mai l syste . that's not the system i want. i don't think it is the systemm that has the most integrity that would give us the most confidence in resultity s. however, it's the system we're living with. it'lis theystel be the system i. dol you agreebe with me that? a conservatives and republicans need to get over reluctance and resistance towards early voting and voting by mait overl >> absolutely. if it's your state lawig that, u you need to use the law to make sure that you can be victorious ind get the right man in the white house that can fix the problems in this country.
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that's what we've seen, sean ho, with secretary of state's will do. look at what happened in these staty wherein our countr s the secretary of state's the chief election officers broke the constitution downtrum to remove donald trump off the ballot and another one spoke out in supportn anot of her. so the democrats will dos anything to wiwill dn. . they don't care about the constitution. they don't care about law and order. they don't carout law e about or election laws. we do. we have integrity. we're going to use this system totegrit to our highest performance level and run it with excellence so that we can wi higheformancen. let me talk about the issueut te of abortion and. ask i'm not asking you about your own personal view. i happen to be pro-lift e belie in the sanctity of life. i, i, i donate to a group pre-born bcom because i believe in their mission. they use the science of 4d ultrasound to convince i beg moms. >> they give them free ultrasounds to choose life. >> but on the political side, where do you stand politicallye ?ll because i believe politically probably the country poll afteya
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that i read is probablya at firstfi trimester 15 weeks ws which was that decision. nobody that even says they're pro-choice, likes or prpports term abortion, which many democrats do. what is your position thero-s e >> you know, what bothers me so what, is thatis people aren't even having these conversations. >> they're not even talking about it and avoidin people areh causes the public not to trust them. so i think tr that at the federal level that that certainly is where the public is landing. absolutely.. and the issue is the us as leaders, we don't get to be dictators. we leaders, we follow the puble public opinion. i get to have personalwe fol ani advocate for policies that at the end of the day, the votersor and they decide what the laws are. and solaws are that's one of the things tha that we as conservatives mess up so often as we don't have the conversations, we talk like crazy people andersation then wr get the chance to actually govern and we need to be we na little smarter and wiser t in how we have these conversations and let people know that we we care about these families, we care
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about mothers, we care about their healthlies, we, tha, south dakota, we've started as a website that is all aboute how we can come alongside and support womed n in theseunplanne situations that are unplanned. >> yeah. any other advice you would offer, unprompted by me? >> and. well, i think that americans neednk to start sitting downg and having conversations and they can't you know, cos can't shy awaythat's w from these issues. so, you know, that's what i think that they're having lots of different debates. roe v. wade changed everything in this country, but the at the stw level, my state law looks very different than what is in place in florida or illinois or any other states.e co if there's a decision that's made at the congressional th the public will be weighing in on this election cycle. and that that is what with the leaders will follow. >> yeah. all right, governor. no. great to.l see, by the way, you have a great jobs program. you've now thousands of peopleyou ha that you're incentivizing to go to south dakota.
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that's a tribute to you. even. even people that becomribute ty an apprenticeship or making statrand a year by movin0 g to your state. that's a great program. thank you, governor. >> i. antasticat's a g pro >> all right. according to a new poll, many americans seem stunnedseem stu the president's lack of action overseas as american troops are targeted now almost daily. now, recently, the u.s. navy, tp they did sink three little baby hunting rebel speedboats. the red sea after coming under attack. but so far, the commander chief has done little to counter this aggression. now, iran, they are sending t a warship to the region. and meanwhile, just a few weeks after their meeting in california. well, china's dictator once again threatened what he calls reunification of taiwan. we would cala threl that an inv the biden white house doesn't seem to care. we haviti e war in europe that continues with no end in sight. now, war in the middle seem east and all my sources tell me joe biden is saying one thing publicly about israel and very different things
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. ifferent here with analysis, fox news contributor, former secretary of state mike pompeo. you know, mr. secretary, i look cont. world situation don't care if it's europe, ukraine, russia. i look at this new axis of evil, china, russia, iran as probably the biggest threat since the cold war. and i think they're more emboldened than ever just based on their actions. what do you say? >> sean, first of all, happyinkr new year. i think your analysis is exactly right.n octo what we saw happened on october 7th, what we saw happened in afghanistanbe, where 13 americans killed the chinese people. and these things are all connecteere d by dictators,gs ae authoritarian regimes that do not fear b the states of americ, that that president biden has allowed such a accelerated rate of decay of our deterrence that we had built up in the four years that president trump and i were serving hasd a really done the american people disservice. and it is dangerous. it's dangerous not only for the israelis and for folks in the middle east, but it's dangerous for folks here in thka united states of america as well. >> a wide open southern border
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and a north korean leader, a chinese leader, a russian leader who does not thin andk that the united states will stand up and defend its most sacred values. it's a place that is a very dangerous country here at home as well. >> so when xi just recently spoke in the last week or so>> e about reunification, taiwan, that to me he said it before, but this time it feels more real, feels more real to me because if in fact that is his geopolitical ambition or it's going to happen while biden's president,going that means he - he has at least they have in their mind about have ina yc get it done. i predict that's probably going to happen. t i hope i'm wrong, but i think i'm going to be proven right. charlotte, i hope you're wrong, too. opand it's not an independent variable. we have the capacity to deter xi jinping too., to demonstrate our resolve to show that just just as we'll provide all ammunition, weapons, missiles that the israelis need to defend their homeland to dett
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as we should be providing what the ukrainians have asked for to defend their homeland, e the invasion by vladimir putin. we need to make clear that we're not going to allow jinping to steal our property here at home. we're not going to allow to run spy rings and spy balloons against the united states on our own soil. soilwe're not goiny g to let him take over an independent and free taiwan by forceim in te pacific. it'll be a very, very dangerous thing for all of us, whether that's the hawaiian islands, u alaska, guam, all all of these places. at's thewhen you pick up the ma. and see what he's doing in taiwan, make no mistake about it, xi jinping'snt intentions aren't limited to what he calls the reunificatioionsn, properly described as the takeover of taiwan. reunion, youwhat do you make ofe advancement of the iraniannceme nuclear program? and they're sending a warshi thp to basically seemingly help out the houthi rebels and they've been using those rebels to fight a proxy and war against saudi arabia. and they're even the houthi rebels are firing missiles into israel also. so that's another front in the
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israeli conflict. you know, is tha firt a bold moe by the iranians to send that warship there? >> shah remember the history of this administration and the obama administration with iran? they have they have emboldened the iranian regime. they've provided them $6 the billion in exchange for six american hostages. siere are now more americans re, held by the iranians after that than they were before we released their $6 billion. now, this is all iranian driven. l iathe israelis have at least a three front, maybe as many as a five front war underwaybe o today. it's not something that's in the future or might happen if there's an escalationmething' don't impose real costs on the iranian regime. we're coming ut impose rp on the anniversary of when we took out soleimani. it's january. too if we don't impose real costs on the iranian regime, if we just keep taking thingst ding and firing at empty warehouses in syria, the iraniansie will feel emboldened, empowered, and they will not only continue to attacrehouse,k, but they'll attack middle eastern countries. and i fear that they will do coings here in the homelanmpowed as well, have us thinking, see
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this much anti-semitism in the halls of congress, on college universitiesul. you know, just in the past week, at the site of the world trade center, where nine 1101 we lost, you know, to that day, wworld tre lost 297 americans. and they were actually shouting, allahu akbar, australia, you protesters shouting, gas the jews. you seamerice anti-semitism ramt all across europe. anti-s it's beyond disturbing to me. how do you analyzeem? yeah, you know, i never i never thought i'd see this volume and this depth of activity. and then i neveris vol i'd seee our central institutions, whether that's the united cents or our universities. so fail to understand this is and white, this is good versus evil to allow this anti-semitisd m to run rampant and then not to do anything about it is morallanti-semy mory indecent. and i never thought i'd see that and i regret it. neveule i hope that america cand
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its way back. i'm confident that we will. but it'spe amerid it going to tl american leadership, not just from presidents of the united states, but fro s going m each of us all across the country making clear this is just unacceptable. >> yeah, we do need people like you. we do need adults like ts like k bus in charge. i hope you're not busy in about a year or so. a k i think there's a bigig job waiting for you somewhere. secretary pompeo job, happy new year, sir. thank you. all right. coming up, harvard president courting gay has now finally stepped down. >> congresswoman elise stefanik ,she reacts. she kind of made it happen. plus, where does trump stand, a the left's attempts to throw him off the ballot? we'll check in with senator ted cruz straight ahea d. introducing news seven and seven, nutrisystem lose up £7 in your first seven days because losing weight fast is shown to help you reach your weight loss goals. i saw results my very first week. i went on to lose £48. once i started losing, i just
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beginning to end shop now show allegiance .com. >> all right so after spending emeks embroiled scandals, harvard president and gay finally announced
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her resignation earlier todayud amid a growing number of plagiarism allegations nearly one month after what was a disastrous testimony on, anti-semitism on capitol hill. what's going on on harvard's ant campuses, on harvard's campus, she made the announcement in a pretty bitter letter that sheter le shared with students and colleaguestthare. uld no shock to me, but it should be shocking. she refused to apologize sh for t all the disasters leading up to her resignation. no apology for her vile testimony before congress on anti-semitism or, t the allegations of rampant plagiarism throughout her academic career. instead, she just resorted to the left's favorite talking point t. t get used to it. you'll hea r it all year long. she played the racd toe. long congresswoman elise stefanik, who pressed kwarteng during her testimony, celebrated the news, calling this maresignation long overdue. thi and congresswoman stefanik joins us now with more you.overu really do. you exposed something that it was a moment that you don't see
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often in congress, three college presidents, three of the most prestigious universities that gave the mos t appalling answer when you were asking a simple question about, you know, anti-semitism. i'm surprised it tookti-sem the charge of plagiarism to make this happen. what's your takeit ? pen. >> my take on is there is a t reason that the testimony of the presidents of harvard, penn and mit made histor y as the most viewed testimony ever with over 1 billion views. and that's because their testimony was morally bankruptwi ove and pathetic. my question was very simple. it wasba a moral. does does calling for the of jews can ruin your school's code of conduct? does go against your school's cot, and everyf single one said it depended upon the context. we knodew it does not dependn th on the context. it should be condemned. it is not that difficulte contey that. yet all three failed abysmally, and the world sa. w it it
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is unacceptable that it took harvard a month to demanptable d the resignation of claudine de penn made the right decision immediately. e th but this is after it was forcedn in front of the world to see . i and i believe these university presidents sit at top, these institutionsty that have rottedout an out and have institutionalized anti-semitisd m, particularly after hamas's terrorist attack against israel ianti-semn early october, we've seen jewish students assaulted, physically hamaharassed and facing just vie by its bio attacks. viery single day. well, let me ask you this. a if ittacf it didn't violatee coe the code of contact, our code of conduct, and it depends ot an context, would they apply that standard? would they have answered the question the same way if it was clearly something said that was racist misogynist, xenophobic, transphobe, ma what would they give it? would they have given you the same answer? i suspect the answer is no. they wouldn't say, well, ite depends on the they would not have. bic.they not have sean..
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and that's why it was so anthetic and it was so clear for everyone who saw that how wrong that testimonyth was. and i will tell you what,at you can', t in the video that he now been viewed overe in 1 billn times is there were jewish students from each of those universities thee jewish who wei congressional hearing. and as i was listening to theitr to my question that university presidents, jewish students, you coul ld them shaking just of the abysmal lack of moral leadershipe je. and then on top of this, you've seen just these shredding f moraof academic integrity in harvard's case, where it was very clear with this intense scrutiny that claudine day wass a plagiarist president, that she plagiarized nearly 50 excerpts in her work, which is a very limited body of academic work when compared to other harvard university presidents. and i say this as a harvard graduatepresiden. i graduated from there from undergrad with honors, and i will tell you students, if you plagiarized, you were expelled. expell
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>> all right, congresswoman, take a bow. i think that was one of the best, best moments that i've ever witnessed. terms of a congress, man or a woman out there, you know,woma being able to literally stomp college university presidents on what was a lay up question and they deserved to get fired. two down, one to go, in my opinion, you for being with us. we appreciate it. now, tonight, former president trump announced he iss appealing maine's democratic secretary of state'>e decision to ban him from the ballot. now, while the colorado republican party has appealed trump's ballot disqualificationo in their state. here with reaction, texas senator ted cruz. t disqualisenator, first, you're a harvard grad grad. i don', ted t know how you feel about equality and gay. that's a separate issue. well, let mel about ask you th. i always believed in theou presumption of innocence and that you are innocent until proven guilty. correct meption of. kno if i'm wrong, i don't even know if you got to use the 14th amendment to keep trump off the ballot. has he ever eveneenth
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been accused of insurrection or even in any of the cases that have been brought against him? >> because bro don't recall seeing that in no case in a court of law. he is, of course, accused of insurrectio>> in eve day by democrats on twitter and by media pundit. pu but insurrection is actually a formal crime defined in the united states code. and even jack smith, the wild eyed partisan, who is like they're going after jean and lee mears. he wants to get the world no matter what. even smith did not bringot b a charge of insurrection r because the evidence doesn't remotely support iem t. and, you know, i do a podcast three days a week verdict with ted cru week, vz podcast i entirely on the colorado decision and the mainre decisions. they are utterly unsupportable. they are utterly lawless. and my prediction is the u.s. supreme cour ut will takesuprem the colorado case.
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they will reverse it. and sean, i think there'court ws a real chance the supreme court will reverse it unanimouslhey. m and it really doesou reveall th the lie on. the left what the favorite phrase, the favorite slogan e favori dof democrats today ise saving democracy. and, you know, nothing saves democracy like trying to stop the voters from voting for your opponent. i think these cases show what utter hypocrites today's democrats are. >> it seems to me whether supreme court wants to or not, that they're going to have to get involveg tod in a number of issues involving this election. i know they did not go along with jack smith's arguments in terms of expediting xpeditin the ruling that should go to the appellate courlingt termsf r of presidential immunity. they're going to have to weigh in on something like this. i can see a number of cases where they're not going to really havea number o a choiy >> do you see the same perhaps?a i thinpsk the one that they inevitably will take is the
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colorado case, because that really goes to the heatse. of can you have judges hea preventing the from voting forns one of the major two parties nominees, assuming donald trump is the nominee and b y the way colorado they're trying to take him off the primary ballot? i don' taket the supreme court,oing i think they're going to reverse that quite easily. i thin k that decisionn is is utterly lawless. the main decision is even more laughable and more and more we see in courts, we see at the department m of justiceore we we see among ee democrats, we see in the corporate media,mocrats, they ae motivated just by thise overwhelming hatred of donald a trump. and they're corrupted. and by the way, i'll point out this also intertwined. you were mentioning just a minute ago chlorine resigning from harvard. i think that was inevitable. it was the right decision, but a lot more needs to happen. you look at claudine gay, she was a symptom of how our elite academic institutions have beene thoroughly corrupted by cultural marxism and.
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you look at the testimony of the presidents of penyou lon harvard and mit, as you mentioned, two down, one to go, president penn has resigned. the president of harvard resigns, the president of mit. he needs resiresign because our universities are so cultural marxism. they divide everyone into dictims and oppressors s and anything is justified on behalf of the victims nto vict against oppressors. he tic that's why they can't stand up to anti-semitism. but it'sgainst t also why they e donald trump because they view him as oppressor. and that's why they ask you this. anything to go afters an him?r >> i'm not so sure that had the plagiarism not followed up to the horrific comment, to the horrific answer that elisele toe stefanik was able to get out thr of these three presidents. i'm sure she'd be gone today. and where i think the issue of her appalling comment on should be should have been
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enough to get any collegepresid president fired. yeah, well, the doubled. on plagiarism was really galling. as elise mentioned, a minutell ago, if you're a studentard, at harvard and you're guilty of plagiarism, you'll be. and that's one instance with claudine gay. she had nearly 50 instances. the new york post is reporting now that she's expected to still continue receiving claun dollarstolio a year salary, even though she, has some 50 instancessh of credible allegatione has of. and nowhere in her resignation letter is a wordg. of apology.t nowhere in her resignation letter is a word of acknowledging what she dif d wrong. nowhere in harvard corporation wront willis any acknowledgmen of the willingness of the university to tolerate frti-semitisf thm. you know, i have a number of very close friendss who have kidins in college and who are jewish, who tell me they're their children that areh frightened for their safety becausd e of the universities.
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when given a choice betweeneen pro-hamas protesters and their s jewish students, the university administratorstude side with the pro-hamas protesters, even if it endangers safety of their jewish students, it is utterly indefensible. and harvard needs to do a loth more. kwarteng needed to step down. but -- but they're not apologizing for any of it. and much of this wasot driven, i think, by donors who at harvard's case rescind did roughly $1,000,000,000 of pledge contributionn s. it makes you wonder where the donors amity is and why amit oy is willing to hold outts when when penn and harvard finally did the right thing.d fi >> well, let's see what happens over time, senator. greana t. see you. happy new year to you, sir. glad to have you as always. up nexyeart, shocking new record in biden's border crisis. nos t a record you should be proud of. we've got the data. sara carter speaking with chicago hav residentsou about their growing crisis thanks to joe biden. also, stephen miller will join us as we continue live.
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that's 899 one 4021 call now when you can watch listen get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime anywhere fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening, right? joe biden's border crisiset that continues now to set more records. founthise border patrol now found over 300,000 illegal immigrants trying to cross in december alone. that iers a new monthlyden to record since biden took office. the total numberokice, of encou is 6.7 million illegal immigrants, with an additional 1.7 million known as, quote, gateways. those gateways that we know abot about. that's a total. of 8.3 millionr people. he's not controlling our borders, not enforcing our laws. he's not respecting our sovereignty. most of these people are unvetted, rewarded for the lawbreakin g, free travel,
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health care, education for their kids. this crisicare, education s is r cleaonal security threat. i'd say a clear and present danger as well. you know, we have of illegals coming from iran, syria, thousands from egypt, is, afghanistan. we have tens of thousands from russia and china tens of all cg across our southern border. now, california announcing as of the new year, passing a law. they've not only become a sanctuary state, but they've become a haven for illegal immigrantsa have. 700,000 now in the state are eligible for free. well, california taxpayer funded health care, that's a cost of at least $3 billion every year. by the way, happy new year, california. you're insanelery yearw yey hig. they just got higher. but this is crushing. inf you know, what we have now is an influx of so-called asylum seekers. they're all told what to say. destroying communities, ound the the country, putting an unfair
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financial burden on people, takingntry, jobs from the amern people. anyway american , the city of co is one such place. our very own sarah carter, she went suc there today speakingy p with local residents that have watched their belovedd neighborhood park turned into a crime scene. take a look at this. t >> they come out here, they th on my truceyk. treet. they smoke weed across the street. i actually see the guy deliver i have seee the wheat to them. they're smoking weed. itey're drinking>> they , litte. it's they play loud music untile 1130 at night. i have to call the polic te, lk get them to stop. well, why at least a wall street acroso to that part? no more. because you go over there, you can kind of a floor. you see that smoke going on there? usedan, basicall.y the neighborhood we used to know and love is no longer here. >> and i ande is will simply say that full house should be for the kids. it couldl mply be turned into a center. it could be somewhere a safe place whera yoe kids can go insd of the complete opposite. i mean, i don't know if
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you know, you come over here seeking asylum and you're youdo don't have a dime, but you're smoking weedha, you're drinking, whistling. and all the women that g, o right catcalling them because that's what they were doing. they were the ones that they were watching itg.. re you know, people going by doesn't seem to me that they're verhonkiny respectr >> all right. joining us now with more, sara cartees s withr with former seniorcarter advisor to president trump. stephen miller is with us. longsara, let me start with you. the park issue is important. we have facilities nowe star being taken away from communities that's happening all over new york. that's happening as you reported in chicago. that's a bigmunities deal.f the cost of educating the children of illegal immigrants, that's putting a burden on our educational system. we have a burdenwe have a , ouro care system, because our hospitals won't turn n'turnpeople away. but that's not my biggest concern. if you're coming from afghanista n and egypt, iran, syria, china and russia, why do i suspect among those
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that maybe wanamt better life fr their families? there are groups of people that have other ideas, nefarious intentions for our country. what you're absolutely right,get sean, one of the biggest issuesa that we're facing right nowthat is that national security crisis. it's the weaponizationecurity of migration. and this is what i've been talking with when i speak to u.s intelligence officials, western intelligence officialsgration.a in central america, in south america and across the globe,, k that are saying, look, this pipeline is being used, by nefarious actors and also by our adversaries like china and iran. look at what iran did. iran supplied hamas with the money and with the training necessary to target israel. now we see that iran is also actively involved in centralrae. america and south america. and that pipeline coming into mingthe united states is being s being utilized by everyone. and to putut matters into perspective so that people can
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understand thi cans. when people come into the united states, it ible is impossible to vet themi they are from countries like syria like afghanistan, liken, l china. why? because thosike chine do not coe with us. and when you look at a city mico like chicago, you seecoe a microcosm of what we're seeing across the united are goi states. it's the people of chicago that are going to be paying the price. look to be the residents told me, we don't even know who these people are, okay? they're smokin know whog pot.mmitting they're committing crimes. there was a venezuelan migrant a in front of the shelter right there near gage park, that on december front 23rd lot his life when he was targeted. when he was targeted. and they are still looking for the killer. so these are the situations that americans are facing right now. and it is a situation our intelligence agencies are looking into more and more. all right, stephen. a huge burden financiallncies a, you know, this is a clear and present danger to our country. w do you agree with me?it
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i would sai y it's 100% certainy that among these people coming from countriesople our top geopolitical foes, that they're probably bringinfoes, thg in ter cells to plot, plan, scheme. and october 7th, a 911 or whatever, maybe something worse. against the american people. why would we why whatevest would we put ourselves in that type of. why would we type of burden ours with that type of risk? joe biden waging war against america's national security. every foreign enemy and adversary the world knows kno and understands that joe biden has a policy of open resettlement on the border. turn yourself in.tlem enget resettled. and if you are worried about that, you can be. one of the millions, as you mentioned, of got away. so either way, you're getting into the country either because you're going to be release od og are you going to just slip right on through along with millions of others? >> anyonh alonthe who wants to o
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america, knows this, understands it, and can exploit it. and not just terror, sean, but spies. how foreign spies? maybe we could have stopped at an airport and maybe weeign could have stopped through normal migration channels. how many committee spies espion stealing our secrets, feeding informatio n our our foes have come through h that border overav the last three years. amone g the nearly 10 million that have invaded into our society, thie invades is nal security catastrophe. it really is. and more, by the way, a preventable war. you know what oni support? immigration. illegal immigration. you t people, haveatio to make sure that they don't have radical associations. you have to make surcal assoe th the middle of a pandemic, you might want a health check and maybe you want to ensure that they can take care of themselves financially when they get here. mselves all right, sara, great . stephen miller. happy new year to both of you. straight ahead. wow. this is going to get interesting. jeffrey epstein, court documents. jeffrey documents well, they're unsealed. we thought we were getting them today.
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toy.. ing to reports a lot of big names on that list. we'll check in with we'ltor marsha blackburn of tennessee as we continue from florida. >> this is our last chance to. help save thousands th who are anythin suffering in the former soviet union today. union today. so forgotten jews hav yeyester are something beyond anything you can imagindae. have you eaten this morning? year i took care of it. so i ate half of it yesterday. and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in twoa days? l llowshipone cat of people hasg at least i for me. the international fellowship, christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need gift of $25 now to help provide
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do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. >> this mango hint. what? it tastes just like mango. how can if it's just like fruit? how can it be looked? just like a hand. how can i think it will just go for a limited time? you customers get 45% off on off top flavors. a drink income, including how you exclusive online flavor coconut, just $1 per bottle. and if you order now which you only to your door for free. did he just say there's coconut hint hint water with a touch of true fruit flavor. >> jim jordan on fox and friends ahead of us toward the southern that was a great
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halftime speech. >> let's go win. >> don't give up. don't ever give up. all right. any da y now. hundreds of court documents related to jeffrey epstein will be made publi c. l now, the unsealed recordsn 15 will include more than 150 names of individuals who had ties to the convicted. now, abc news has reported that bill clinton will be haidentified as john doe 36,s na with his name apparently mentioned more than 50 times. clinton is one of many we dinent names expectedf ma to appear in the court filings. we did reach out to bill clinton's office for comment t and we were referred to his statement from 2019 whenitte the former president admitted toto traveling on epstein's plane, says he never visiteder
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his infamous island. and his office notes that clinton has not been accused of any wrongdoin has beeg. re anyway, here with reaction, tennessee senator marsha blackburn. well tennessee, according to one victims who is writing a book and an expert excerpt showine oe up in the daily mail, it suggests that bill clinton wasp there. i guess time will prove that. onm hearin.g last minute that there might have been a delay. one of the john doe's quote ofe claiming that the mention of their name may bring themmi ng tha physical harm, that you heard t, that senator. we have not heard but, sean, i would expect that that is what is happening. and thank you for continuingo at to bring attentiontentio to thit issue. you know, this is not a list a that anyone wants their name to be on. and there are going to be tha people there on this list that are accused of wrongdoing . there are going to be those on the list who are accusing epsteiusinn and maxwell of wrongdoing. witnthere may be people were witnesses to some of this
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activity, but not report rep that activity. soort that i'm certain that bile clinton and other people are very nervous. list. >> they don't want to be on this list. there are people that are going to bare peop thae ashamed that , and he's probably one of them. >>obably the only one i can thia of that might be on the list is alan dershowitz, who is an attorney. everybody has a right to counsel. he did have charges brough dersi against him and he's beenm. adamant in his denial, any a wrongdoing or any knowledge of even the things that have happened there. whny y is this important to get this out to the public, in your vieiw ? >> you know, it is so importants that we figure outthis s what happened with this sex trafficking ring, this human traffickinex traff ring r. you've been talking about the border and the cartels and the amountther of human trafficking. and, sean, we know that human trafficking and traffickingg has gone froham being about beig a $500 million a year business $ a few year50s ago to upwards of 150 billion dollars a year.
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this is modern day slavery.. there are women children that need this protection. this is not about celebrit y. t it's about criminal activity. it's getting to the bottom of what is going on and saying who was affiliated and associated with jeffrey epstein. so we break theswith jeyek thes sex trafficking rings. all right, senator, we'll stay on it, i promise. all right. more "hannity" from our new i omise.more hanhome, the free e of florida, as we continue. if your group showing danger signs like streaks or rays, shingles, it could be trouble and a new roof could cost ten, 15 or $20,000. >> introducing roof backs the first professional and affordable roofing treatment that is scientifically proven to strengthen and extend the life of your roof. with roof match, you will have the protection of a brand new roof and save thousands. roof backs are skilled
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