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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 3, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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integrity. we want merit-based academia, and we do not want discriminatory policies like dei. we stepped up and did something about it. you know what's happening, bill? places like new college in sarasota which we turned from basically a marxist commune into now a mini hillsdale college have applications going through the roof. there is a hunger for truth in this country. parents don't want to raise their kids for 18 years and have a university undo everything in four years. they want to go to a place where their kids will be able to prosper. harvard has totally dropped the ball. the institution needs a total overhaul. just as somebody that hires people, i see someone come out of harvard, usually you would think man, this is the best of the best. now i just wonder what kind of stuff was put into their head in terms of this ridiculous ideology? it is sad that's the case but they brought a that on
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themselves. >> bill: bill ackman is going after the head of m.i.t. i wish we had more time today. see you in iowa very soon. thank you, governor. >> bundle up, it's cold out here. >> bill: thanks for the warning. >> dana: breaking news out of iran. back-to-back explosions at a cemetery. soleimani was killed in a drone strike in 2020. no word on who is behind it. no one has claimed responsibility. we'll bring you any updates as we get them. -out going harvard university president claudine gay may no longer have a top job but still on the payroll and raking in the big bucks. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. good morning. >> bill: good morning. first hour. we called this reentry day. but your reentry was yesterday.
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my reentry is today. >> dana: like walking on a high wire without a net. you know what you are doing. >> bill: once the first hour is done we're back. good morning, everybody i'm bill hemmer. controversy has been clogging claudine gay for weeks. then came multiple allegations of plagiarism in her work. some on the left say she was just a victim of racism. democratic activist al sharpton saying it's an attack on every black woman in the country. >> dana: others say her credentials paint another picture. the number of articles, essays and published books are drastically lower than her three predecessors at harvard. >> al sharpton pretends he knows what every single person of
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color in this country thinks, believes, how they should live and act and vote. i just wish he would go away. remember martin luther king, mr. sharpton? judge me by the content of my character, not the color of my skin. >> dana: molly line is live from harvard, university. >> good morning, dana. mounting calls for resignation came from alumni and donors and fellow academics and some students at the university. not everyone is happy that president claudine gay has chosen to step down from her post at harvard. her tenure was brief. just six months and two days but barrier breaking. the university's first black president. the founder of the center for anti-racist research at nearby boston university posted this. racist mobs won't stop until they topple all black people from positions of power and influence who are not reinforcing the structure of racism. in announcing her resignation he she touched on the allegations
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of plagiarism writing amidst all of this it has been distressing to have doubt to upholding -- and frightening to be subjected to personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus. she first based backlash for her statement to a student group blaming israel for hamas terror attacks. pro-palestinian protests rocked campus. in december she failed to say calling for the genocide of jews violated university policies. she apologized but soon faced expanding allegations of plagiarism. >> in her resignation letter the lack of personal responsibility say i'm sorry for causing all of this. if she didn't want to be ousted, don't plagiarize. >> so what is next for harvard? the chief academic officer will be the interim president and gay
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will remain a member of the faculty and an investigation continues. a congressional investigation is still ongoing. dana. >> dana: molly line. thank you so much. she didn't have a very long tenure there. started july 1st. we have this year. started then, october 9th came under fire for not condemning the hamas attack. it was quite striking. then you go on and we won't read the whole thing but she testifies in front of congress about anti-semitism december 5th and allegations started on september 10th about plagiarism. you have yesterday even after the holiday when she thought all of it was behind her there was another allegation of an additional plagiarism piece and so that is what was the straw that broke the camel's back. >> bill: drip, drip, drip. you had to ask yourself when is time going to come? that was the sense i had early on. >> dana: hence it came.
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>> bill: david portnoy was on with brian. >> they dig their heels in and won't admit they are wrong and take responsibility. she gets pushed to another spot. to save face other than being a straight hey, you are fired. so whatever, it's still a victory. i do think there is still major problems. >> bill: i'm sure she wanted a job and wanted to hang onto it. she will have a job at harvard making $9 hundred thousand a year doing it in cambridge. former president trump officially filing a challenge to reverse the decision banning his name from the ballot in the state of maine. an appeal against a similar decision in colorado could be before the u.s. supreme court very soon. rich edson is watching that in washington, d.c. we'll need a flow chart, rich. good morning to you. let's go. >> we are, bill. i think we have a few. one appeal is in. another on the way. in their filing to overturn that
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decision for maine's democratic secretary of state trump's attorneys write president trump is aggrieved by the order because the secretary was a biased decision maker who should have recused herself and acted in an arbitrary and capricious manner. the secretary of state ruled the former president is ineligible for the primary ballot there because she says he engaged in an insurrection and violated the 14th amendment. >> i'm mindful there is no precedent for secretary of state to deny ballot access to a presidential candidate for engaging in insurrection and mindful that no presidential candidate has ever engaged in insurrection. >> using similar reasoning there are lawsuits in nearly a dozen other states to strike trump from the ballots. the primary opponents have largely criticized these efforts. >> i'm also increasingly concerned this year that uca system that has decided one way or another they will keep donald
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trump out of contention. i'm deeply disappointed by what i see and alarmed by it. >> governor desantis is opposed to it also. if the state kept one of trump's points off the ballot the president with a spike the football and cheer the decision. this morning trump secured tom emmer's endorsement. the top five house republicans in leadership there have all endorsed the former president. bill. >> bill: more to come. rich edson in washington, d.c. thank you. >> dana: meantime key voters groups are souring on the biden white house. three heading with the sights set on one campaign strategy, talk more about trump. this is a quote from a cnn report. some of the younger aides on biden's re-election campaign have been grimly joking about when to go full hitler when the
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leading republican candidates speeches and actions go so far the biden teams go all the way to a direct comparison to the nazi leader. haven't they already done that? >> yeah. their friends on msnbc have gone murder. claire mccaskill saying trump is more dangerous than hitler. just absurd and obscene this kind of comparisons. but this is every single one from the white house this is what we'll get. this will be a nasty, negative, ugly campaign presenting mr. biden's opponent as an enemy of this country and it will be poisonous and hard to watch and people have had enough of the president and i think that's why he is going with this strategy. >> bill: charlamagne tha god made major headlines four years ago and now saying this about vp harris. i've learned my lesson from doing that. once they got in the white house
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kind of disappeared. when i give people my word i think we should be supporting kamala harris for vice president because she'll hold it down and when it doesn't happen it causes issues. it could be the border, immigration, root causes. >> dana: voting rights is what he is talking about, too. >> inflation that has hit real incomes everywhere. i think sometimes i think celebrity endorsements can get overrated. what's really interesting about his comments he is talking about feedback he is getting from his audience and it is obvious that a lot of people from what he is telling us, a lot of people are saying why did you endorse them? i think that tells you there are a lot of -- his audience skews younger. a lot of younger voters, we've seen that in the fox poll and other places are really soured on the president. >> bill: speak of the devil. >> dana: usa today poll shows
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biden's support among blacks and hispanics is way down. 65% in 2020, today 34% for hispanics. the margin that president trump or whoever the republican nominee will be would need in -- from blacks, hispanics and younger people. in georgia, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, all those swing states that bill will be watching and telling everybody about on election night, you only need a little bit. if you are the white house right now you have to look and say how do you turn it around? it is fought like it was greg gutfeld saying that about kamala harris. >> wouldn't it be nice if the president's response was here is what i'm doing and here is why life is going to be better and here is why inflation is going to die this year, and something positive. instead, what we're seeing and they are telegraphing this for
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the first few biden speeches, it will be basically accusing republicans of being white supremacists. this is some of the really disgraceful rhetoric from this president saying he looks to repriest suggesting that voting laws are sort of a new jim crow. i think that's kind of what they are foreshadowing. >> bill: biden will talk about -- kamala harris will go on a national tour in wisconsin to talk about abortion rights. when biden got back to the white house last night he said we have to do something on the border. they ought to give me the money i need to protect the border. i don't know about the money front. the first phrase we have to do something. is something changing? >> you wonder could there be a better moment for him? the polling says people are fed up. this is a problem. in the fox poll he is worse on this than the economy. he has got an opportunity here.
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he is not worried anymore about challenges from his left in the presidential nominating contest. he is basically keeping his opponents off the ballot in florida and north carolina. so he really is in general election mode now. why not do a deal with republicans? big enforcement, more legal pathways. if he was really smart, he would say we'll build the wall that trump wanted. in return, you give me all these policy changes and i bet he would get a lot of them. >> dana: also leave the razor wire up. i don't understand. take the win. >> bill: happy new year to you. communities along the border stretched beyond the limits and now the migrant crisis is causing some blue cities to roll back the welcome mat. >> dana: a sea of red ink turns into a tsunami. the national debt and the
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problem it's causing biden. >> bill: female boxers could be going up against biological males in the ring. do you think that's a fair fight? lately? get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals,
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi
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and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> dana: well, guys, america's debt hits another sobering milestone. $34 trillion. fox business's edward lawrence is live at the white house and explains what does a number like this mean to folks at home? >> it means that we all potentially could be paying more through taxes to try to service that debt or see the services that we use being cut back to handle that debt. it is not a milestone to celebrate. it is a reminder the u.s. is an on unsustainable financial pass. republicans want to cut spending. democrats want to keep the spending and raise irs
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enforcement and fees. look at the spending president biden signed into law the first two years. chips act, bipartisan infrastructure bill and omnibus spending bill. all on the screen represents $6 trillion in spending. the president for the committee for responsible federal budget says we can be a weak divided countries where our leaders take the easy way out while we mcincreasingly vulnerable or do the hard work to be stronger, more secure and more prosperous in the long run. still president biden vowing to keep going to try to cancel more student loan debt. the cost so far $132 billion of taxpayer money. he wants to get to $443 billion worth of taxpayer money on the student loan debt. the benjamins going out the door at the white house. >> dana: edward lawrence at the white house, thank you. ♪
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>> bill: you like this. potential gut punch. usa burkesing has now allowed a new transgender policy to enable biological men to compete against women in the ring. brian brenberg and joe concha. men and women in the ring, what could go wrong, joe? >> my wife was a division i athlete at georgetown. she is not a political person in any way, shape or form. when it comes to this topic, suddenly the mood, pace and passion comes to the forefront and makes a very good argument. that is, if you ban steroids or hgh being used by division i and professional athletes to give them an advantage, how do you not do the same for the chemical and biological advantage we see when men compete against women especially boxing, by the way?
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nearly 2,000 deaths in boxing in the ring or sustained after the fact and you put women in there with men? >> dana: to me this isn't a complicated question. it shouldn't happen. what am i missing? >> this is the problem with a topic like this. you don't know how to answer it in some ways. are you kidding me? boxing inherently is about violence. the idea is to incapacitate your opponent as quickly as possible. anybody knows who has played a sport like that like college football, when you come at somebody, i don't care what kind of treatments you've had or apen -- >> dana: this is the eligibility requirements. you have to have complete gender reassignment surgery. quarterly hormone testing. total testosterone level must remain a certain level.
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it is called nonsense. >> bill: whatever that is. >> they have a macho man kicking everyone's butt. that would be stupid. good for comedy. now we live the comedy. >> how are we even debating this? >> dana: we have to. what your wife is saying is who is standing up for the women? >> riley gaines. >> dana: nobody on the left. >> riley says it will take a woman getting killed before these fools wake up. >> sage is out at espn. >> guys, don't do it. compete with guys. they can do that. the honorable and right thing to
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do. have a dad say that. >> bill: i thought it was an april fool's thing here. is the onion still in business? >> dana: the babylon bee had a great one yesterday, have to say. it's crunch time in iowa. governor ron desantis among several candidates hoping for a late surge. we'll break down the latest on the polling. plus fox business's jeff flock is putting the electric vehicle to the test. he is driving a tesla from chicago to new york. he is still not here, guys. tell you how he is doing on day two. ♪ choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. i feel refreshed because i am not struggling with cpap anymore. she looks great. i got inspire.
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>> the poll numbers are scary because we're leading by so much. don't sit home and i think we'll take it easy, watch television watch the results.
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no, because crazy things can happen. >> are you ready to work hard over these next two weeks so we win the iowa caucus? >> if you will caucus for me i will forever be grateful and promise to make you proud. >> i'm asking each of you, we are asking each of you to take 30 minutes of your time on january 15th to save this country. >> bill: so they sound like closing arguments because they are in iowa. we're 12 days away before the big caucus in des moines and throughout 99 counties. here is where we believe we stand at the moment. fox business did a poll in mid-december. donald trump here actually upped his percentage mark by six points from september to december. upwards of 52% now in support in iowa. well above the other challengers here. if you put all the averages together, real clear politics average, you have trump leading
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desantis, which is roughly 33 points between the first-place trump and desantis in second place according to all this polling. nothing matters until you caucus. we'll see what goes down on the night of january 15th. we want to look back a little bit on history. this is 2016. ted cruz and donald trump. what was going on in iowa? cruz was the winner. he had 27 1/2 support that day in the caucus. trump was second he had slightly less than 25% support. rubio came in third as we look at the caucus results from 2016. trump has made a lot of changes. we'll talk about those in the next 12 days what he has done with his ground game in iowa. what ron desantis said last hour saying they have 1500 captains that go to the state and bring people in. the trump people say we have 1700 captains. whose ground game is better? here is what trump did in 2016
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over hillary clinton. with a little more than 51% of the vote in 2016. he won the six electoral votes in iowa and in 2020, it was not exactly a sweep about 53% of the vote. you see the read in the background? when we're in iowa we'll focus on that and talk about the blue counties. add them up with me, six. trump took every county in iowa, 99 with the exception of six. so we'll watch that. go here and talk to my partner here because we have some breaking news? >> dana: i love breaking news. president trump is going to do a town hall on january 10th here. two additional things you need to know. martha and bret will do town halls with nikki haley and ron desantis. nicki hallie's will be monday,
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january 8th. next monday and next tuesday for ron desantis. bret and martha will host those. >> bill: we talk to the candidates like we did. a lot of times we don't hear from the folks in iowa. this gives them a chance at these town halls for them to voice their concerns and tell us what the issues are and what matters to them. looking forward to that. >> dana: we have such a great political team. martha and bret leading that. we'll see them on monday, tuesday and wednesday. wednesday will be 9:00. all right. check this one. he is back on the road tracking jeff flock's journey from chicago to new york in an electric vehicle. day two of the trip. has it been smooth sailing or is he running not an fumes but on the last of the batteries? what's going on? you should be here by now.
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>> well, that was the gas powered car, maybe. what can i tell you? i am at a charging station in gerard, ohio, and this is a tesla supercharger. they will route you to the superchargers. it's pretty simple. stick it in there and you are good and charging. they go pretty fast. the superchargers go pretty fast. the problem is this morning we went last night. got off the track a little. tesla tells you what to do. we were doing that but then we went out to dinner. the dinner place was close and we had to go farther. in the morning we lost 15% of the charge. we were running not fumes, whatever you call it when you are almost out of juice. here is what unfolded this morning. take a listen. >> last night when we parked the car we had 38 miles remaining. this morning didn't do anything overnight, 15 miles remaining.
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it says go to the supercharger. we will have 2% of our charge left when we get to that supercharger. yikes. i hope we land. oh, 3%. gosh, we could have gone another 15 feet. i joke only a little. this is it. this is the tesla model y, producer dan is in there keeping us on track. i don't know when we'll see you, dana. i will bet tomorrow morning. >> dana: do you guys have good snacks for the car? >> yeah, i think we do, yeah. this is dan's plan. real nice. >> dana: excellent. i'm really good on a road trip and i get excellent snacks. i'm really good. honestly, you should be here by
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now. >> i will swap you real quick if you are available. what can i tell you? >> dana: i'll see you when you get here. good luck. thank you. >> thanks, dana. >> bill: how late is it to wish somebody happy new year? that's today's hemmer celebrity news as we begin 2024. the writer and comedian larry david had thoughts on this. >> happy new year. >> it's a little late frankly for the happy new year. >> why? it just happened a couple weeks ago. >> statute of limitations has run out. three days, plenty. >> bill: i'm good with that. that is today. >> dana: people celebrate birthdays for a month. i think you can say happy new year for a month. especially if you haven't seen the person yet, right? happy new year, everybody. i will say it every day in january. you will get sick of me. >> bill: happy new year. >> dana: he is already sick of me and been back an hour.
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unfortunately we have breaking news that dozens were killed in an explosion near the tomb of an iranian general. what about sky high tensions in the middle east? iran threatening u.s. forces across the region. is the biden administration's policies letting tehran off the hook? >> we are now going to go to a point where we have given iran the ability to make war and because of this placating policy we've really -- iran is upping the ante. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. want to save money and get cash? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards
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what about your husband? is he here? no, unfortunately, he couldn't make it.
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she attacked him last night. you attacked your husband? [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> dana: embattled democrat senator menendez faces a new federal indict ament for allegedly anticipating gifts from qatar. part of a corruption scheme that went on for years. menendez is also accused of enabling a member of the royal
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family to invest millions in a new jersey real estate project. it all comes after menendez was indicted for his alleged role in a bribery scheme involving the egyptian government. the senator and his wife enriched themselves with cash, gold bars and luxury car. his attorney says the new allegations stink of desperation. >> the federal government must take responsibility and lead on this humanitarian crisis. >> our cities have reached a point where we are either close to capacity or nearly out of room. >> we are looking at $160 million of potential cost going to next year's budget. 10% of our entire city budget. >> bill: all three mayors you heard from new york, chicago and denver, are all considered sanctuary cities. the democratic mayors complaining about the migrants they once welcomed as texas continues to transport tens of
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thousands of asylum seekers to those cities. chicago towns now eyeing plans to crack down on the buses. raymond lopez, chicago alderman, good morning to you. these towns are much smaller than chicago. juliette, illinois, a few others, buffalo grove. i don't know where they all are. however, what are they saying in those towns about these migrants? >> good morning. we're seeing a dozen of our local suburban counterparts saying thank you, but no thank you to the migrants that are being shipped to their cities and villages after chicago said that we will impound buses that bring anymore migrants to the city of chicago. they are being dropped off in locations around us and leaving it to our neighbors to then bus them or train them into the city of chicago because they simply do not want to have to take on the responsibility of being the foster parents for these new arrivals. the city of chicago has 29,000
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individuals who have been sent here since this crisis really came to a head when governor abbott started shipping them throughout the country. the one thing we have yet to hear my democratic saying to joe biden fix the issue, secure the border and stop sending these individuals throughout the nation. they refuse to say that because they are focusing on the next money grab which is for billions from the federal government to go to these democratic cities like chicago so they can cover their costs and reimburse them for things not associated with this crisis. >> bill: you wonder what they would do living in the towns along the border in texas. henry cuellar is living there. he represents that southeastern district and this is what he said. >> the border has been ignored. they are listening too much to the immigration activists. the white house and a lot of members of congress and the senate listen to the immigration advocates but who is listening to the border communities? we are losing democrats. they feel the democratic party, the president is not doing
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enough. >> bill: coming up in an election year and the president said last night when he got back to the white house we have to do something. >> i don't know what he is waiting for. that's a good question. i don't know what he is waiting for. he could direct secretary mayorkas to immediately start adjudicating some of these claims within six months. spend the money to secure the border, fix the holes, fix the gaps. work with mexico to stop the influx coming directly from every other place on the planet, not just south america. he is not doing that. what we're seeing right now and that brings up a good point, particularly among latinos and african-americans, they are getting very distraught over what they are seeing with the border and feel as though their principles of wanting a secure border, secure communities are being overlooked. if a five or 10% of those individuals stay home because they think the party is knowing
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them we'll see a disastrous outcome for the democrats come november. >> bill: maybe some of the polling is right. african-americans, latinos, support for republicans growing as opposed to democrats. two things to run by you. apparently the google search on behalf of migrants now, the top five are illinois, colorado, new jersey, new york, district of columbia over the past seven days. if that's true, they know where to go. another thing, chicago activist andy fare said the fact of the matter is the democrats have used our issues to gain electoral advantage, then given us the bare minimum. what's the political effect of that coming out of a deep blue state like illinois? >> the politics of all of this isn't to help people or to help expand immigration access to the united states because all of us want to be part of a country that everyone wants to go to. it is a question of how you get in. what we see from these individuals pushing their
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progressive extreme adepends is that they want to insure that we have a second class citizenry in the united states that is socially dependent upon government. that's what they are trying to create and maintain for the next generation. not trying to fix immigration. if they were they would fix it for the millions of undocumented mexicans who came looking for work and being ignored. doing it for these individuals because they want to create a new caste system and feels the need of social programs for a whole new generation. >> bill: my taxi driver from west africa was going off. at least you are paying attention. raymond lopez. thank you for coming on today. speak to you soon. dana. >> dana: iranian aggression putting pressure on the biden white house. will the attacks on american forces continue to go unanswered? f historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks,
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>> harris: raging ant semitism on the harvard campus. now the university president is
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gone, quit. claiming she was a victim of racism and personal attacks. plus usa boxing says biological men can compete against women. outrage over how dangerous that could be. and the iowa caucuses 12 days away. trump's rivals looking to ship away at his monstrous lead in the polls. nikki haley, ben domenech and "the faulkner focus" is hot at the top of the hour. >> bill: breaking news out of new jersey. newark, new jersey. a shooting earlier today outside of a mosque. the name of the mosque is the -- hang on a second, it's the mosque mohammed new york mosque. there is a report out there that the imam was critically injured. our information won't confirm it was the imam. a shooting at 6:15 local time
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outside the mosque in newark, new jersey. we'll see what comes out of it and give you updates when we get them here. [shouting] >> dana: today marks four years since the killing of an iranian general responsible for the deaths of hundreds of american service members. earlier more than 100 people were killed in two explosions near a ceremony in iran that was honoring him and last night former secretary of state mike pompeo said the biden administration is letting iran's aggression go unanswered. >> we're coming up on the fourth anniversary of what we took out soleimani. if we don't impose real costs on the iranian regime and fire at empty warehouses the iranians with continue to attack israel but attack middle eastern countries and fear do things here in the homeland as well. >> dana: the u.s. continues to come under attack in iraq and
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syria with 118 attacks since october 17th. joining us now is dave mccormick republican senate candidate in pennsylvania. you're in israel and went there for a variety of reasons. we'll get to all of those. can i ask you first about your sense of the security situation in the region especially when it comes to our soldiers, forces and the protection of trade on the high seas? >> thanks, dana. i agree with secretary pompeo we've lost deterrents under the biden administration. it's a combination of capacity to respond but also the will. unfortunately president biden hasn't demonstrated that willingness to lead and as a consequence our adversaries think america is weak and they are testing us over and over again and not responding adequately. >> dana: you want to be a member of the u.s. senate. you are running as a republican candidate in pennsylvania against the incumbent bob casey.
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somebody you also served with is bernie sanders the senator from vermont. he tweeted this yesterday. let me be clear no more u.s. funding for the grossly disproportionate war against the palestinian people. no more aid for the right wing netanyahu government. you have been on the ground and seen what people went through on october 7th and since. how do you respond to bernie sanders? >> this is a moment where we need to show solidarity with the people of israel and freedom of people around the world in this fight against radicalism. what's clear from my visit walking through one of the kibbutzs attack and talking to survivors and seeing horrible footage from the terrorist body cams that showed the horror of that day, that we need to destroy hamas. hamas needs to be destroyed by israel and we need to stand
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behind them in doing so. and i do think the idea of conditionality makes sense. in my view, israel has met those conditions. it has come under attack and been a great ally. it is really on the forefront of the fight against radicalism and terrorism in this part of the region. they are a great american ally and we need to stand tall with them. >> dana: one of your jobs in the past you helped deal with terrorism financing, right? if you follow the money where all of this is coming from is important. yesterday there was a drone attack in beirut against a hamas leader, 57 years old, arouri, and it is proclaimed that he was one of the people who helped organize the attacks on october 7th. and so the united states anonymously has been asking israel to be mortar -- more
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targeted attacks. now it will embolden the hamas fighters in order to do more. to me they're already quite emboldened and israel would be justified in going after the leaders wherever they are. do you expect them to continue to do so and will it escalate and risk a wider war? >> what's happened under the biden administration started with president obama is we gave iran a free pass. and the iran deal put money back in the hands of the iranians and as many of us said at the time, me included, that money would find itself in the hands of terrorist groups. that's exactly what's happened. so first of all we need to put the sanctions back in place. right now iran's exporting $60 billion of oil to china. we need to put sanctions if place and take away the funding source. second, i think taking very targeted actions as the united
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states did against soleimani and what israel did in the past is an excellent way in a discrete way take out the leadership of this terrible group hamas. hamas needs to be eradicated. i have seen the evil firsthand. there is no way you can live side-by-side with a group that's capable of doing what it did on october 7th and that's why israel has every right. but also a necessity of eradicating hamas and its ability to ever take action like that again. >> dana: dave mccormick, senate candidate in pennsylvania for the republican party. have a safe trip home. >> bill: one race to watch a lot. >> dana: the race here, domestic policy race, town halls coming up. monday will be nikki haley, tuesday will be ron desantis and 10th with president trump all hosted by martha maccallum and bret baier in iowa. looking forward to that. welcome back. harris is next. >> harris: well, it took


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