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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 3, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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an excellent way in a discrete way take out the leadership of this terrible group hamas. hamas needs to be eradicated. i have seen the evil firsthand. there is no way you can live side-by-side with a group that's capable of doing what it did on october 7th and that's why israel has every right. but also a necessity of eradicating hamas and its ability to ever take action like that again. >> dana: dave mccormick, senate candidate in pennsylvania for the republican party. have a safe trip home. >> bill: one race to watch a lot. >> dana: the race here, domestic policy race, town halls coming up. monday will be nikki haley, tuesday will be ron desantis and 10th with president trump all hosted by martha maccallum and bret baier in iowa. looking forward to that. welcome back. harris is next. >> harris: well, it took just a
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few hours after she quit that she claimed to be the victim. claudine gay resigned after all that wildly controversial capitol hill testimony on anti-semitism on the harvard campus and a pile of mounting plagiarism claims against her. the republican lawmaker who fired off the questions that sparked the controversy for claudine gay, actually her answers did that. anyway, that congresswoman says two down, one to go talking about presidents in ivy league colleges where anti-semitism has been raging. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the "new york post" cover today claudine gay, playing the victim in her resignation letter. a victim who refused to answer whether students calling for the genocide of jews should be disciplined. here is a refresher. >> it's a yes or no question. let me ask you this. you are president of harvard so
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i assume you are familiar with the term intifada. >> bill: i've heard that term. >> do you believe that type of hateful speech is contrary to harvard's code of conduct or is it allowed at harvard? >> it's at odds with the values of harvard. >> can you not say it's against the code of conduct. >> we express free expression even views objectionable, offensive, hateful. >> the answer is yes, that calling for the genocide of jews violates harvard code of conduct, correct? >> it depends on the context. >> it does not depend on the context. the answer is yes and this is why you should resign. >> harris: claudine gay's six months term was the shortest ever for a harvard president not only the anger over her response to the israel/hamas war, but also reports of 50 separate plagiarism accusations. the school stood by her through
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it all. harvard corporation said it accepted her resignation with sorrow. the "new york post" editorial board says the board that covered for claudine gay must go, too. three university presidents at that december 5th hearing, two now have resigned. the other one was mcgill of the university of pennsylvania. she is gone. now claudine gay is gone. harvard alum and billionaire former mega donor big ackman posts this. a reference to mit and the latin for you, too. molly line with more from cambridge, massachusetts. molly. >> good morning, harris. not everyone is happy that harvard president claudine gay has resigned. gay's tenure was historically brief but also barrier breaking. she was the university's first
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black president and supporters like the reverend al sharpton wrote. this is an attack on every black woman in this country who has put a crack in the glass ceiling and the health, strength of equity and inclusion. gay also touched on the allegations of plagiarism in her academic work saying it has been distressing to have doubt on confronting hate and scholarly rigor and frightening to be subjected to personal threats fueled by racial animus. she first faced backlash from student groups blaming israel for the hamas terror attacks. pro-palestinian protests rocked campus and in december when she testified in the exchange she failed to say that calling for the genocide of jews violated university policies. gay apologized but soon faced expanding allegations of
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plagiarism. >> i believe these university presidents sit atop these institutions that have rotted out and have institutionalized anti-semitism particularly after the hamas terrorist attack against israel in early october. we've seen jewish students assaulted, physically harassed and facing vile attacks every single day. >> so what is next for harvard? the chief academic officer will be the interim president. gay says she will remain on the job in the form of returning to be a member of the faculty. a congressional investigation into how harvard habitude lid the allegations of plagiarism is still underway. >> harris: wow, she will be there. okay. we'll cover it if there is more news to be made. "wall street journal" editorial board says claudine gay and her whole saga have highlighted so-called free speech on college campuses. gay's focus over calls for jewish genocide was what
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constitutes actionable bullying or harassment under the first amendment. the double standard is obvious. what has been happening on college campuses results from the failure of leaders to support traditional liberal values of free inquiry and debate. prestigious institutions are wracked with ideological protests from a contingent of students and many faculty who seem to care more about activism than learning. ben domenech, editor at large for the spectator. opening remarks from you. >> well, i think that congresswoman stefanik is the way that anti-semitism has been institutionized within these entities and al sharpton represents an assault on the dei agenda. it is something that has taken hold of these major institutions and american life. we're familiar with it not just
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within the higher education space but the corporation space. ist teaches lies the way we ought to view the world as being essentially an ongoing conflict between the oppressed and the oppressors. and this is just the fruit of that in terms of what we're seeing happen on campuses across the country. not just in the ivy leagues but stretching down into state schools and the like. i think this is just the most prominent example, i think, of holding presidents of these entities like we ought to not just to academic rigor but to expect them to follow their own rules and live up to their own code when it comes to treating these types of calls for the genocide of a people as being something that truly amounts to bullying and harassment under their own rules. not just something that is an expression of freedom of speech. >> harris: i want to get to the
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race component. an egg timer rolled by when it was injected into the conversation. she sees herself as a victim. far left mostly in academia and media have said this. racist mobs won't stop until they topple all black people from positions of power. they hate the fact she is gone. did they note she quit? bad faith bigots will use women of color, especially black women as a scapegoat. you could not stand a black woman in authority. this black woman had some problems. when you have 50 allegations of plagiarism and you are at an elite school in this country and trying to go back and put quotes around what you knew you didn't say at the time that's problematic no matter what your job is. but it matters where you work. she is at harvard. >> the presidents of other
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institutions have been accountable before for their academic failures in other areas as well. i would argue that if you look back, there have been plenty of white male presidents of academic station across the country who have had to resign themselves. look, she is keeping her job. she is not actually even leaving the institution. she is still going to be drawing a check. it is something that i think frankly very objectionable. look, you saw one of those quotes you just cited was from a perfect example. the height of example of this dei agenda playing out across american institutions one that sets people at odds with each other over racial grievance in a way not just not productive but one founded, i believe, in a lie. a lie about the way america was founded, a lie about the way we view each other and a lie that frankly leads to all of this continued and fomented animosity. something that the left uses in order to push its own agenda.
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>> harris: one columnist points out that gay's light resume was never whether gay should step down but why she was brought on in the first place. she has not written a single book, has published only 11 journal articles in the past 26 years and made no contributions to her field reach the pinnacle of american academy? how did she get there, ben? >> well, i think that it's another example of how much this agenda has poisoned the ability of people to make decisions based on merit. that's what bill ackman is all about these days. i think that it's very good that people like him are finally having the courage to stand up and say it. ist is a lot easier to say it when you are a billionaire. a lot of other people need to stand up and say it, too. we are a nation that is built on merit and should be built on merit. unfortunately in this situation,
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that's not something that the harvard board delivered to the people within their community and i think that it's one that really needs to put this back at the center of american conversation. are people getting ahead based on their own merit or based on other factors that should not be included and should not be part of the discussion simply because they are trying to check a box when it comes to the dei agenda? >> harris: we have side and i'll be brief many times on this program and others that it isn't about the immutable facts our hair texture and color that are the reasons to do something. we want representation everywhere in america. that's what it means. it means for everybody. but the merits have to get you there and keep you there. and now they are taking such a close look at the lack of merit consistent with what she would need for the job and it's problematic. i'm so glad you were here to kick us off. ben domenech. good to see you. a new month, a new record of
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illegal immigrants coming across the border with mexico. the biden blame game is not letting up. and now he is pointing his finger at republicans for what's happening on his watch. now he knows people don't like it so he wants to point someplace else. new action as states are booting donald trump off the ballot. >> the favorite slogan of democrats today is we're saving democracy. nothing saves democracy like trying to stop the voters from voting for your opponents. these cases show what utter hypocrites today's democrats are. >> harris: what trump's team is now doing about it and how his rivals are reacting. one of them, nikki haley, in "focus" as she is campaigning in new hampshire ahead of the first presidential contest there and in iowa. stay with me.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> harris: former president donald trump has now appealed maine's decision to keep him off the ballot there. last week maine secretary of state unilaterally ruled that trump was ineligible because of the 14th amendment insurrection clause. his attorneys say she is a biased decision maker who had no legal authority to keep donald trump off the ballot. senator ron johnson in "focus" yesterday with a warning. >> this is just further proof that the left, the radical left is trying to divide this country, to tear it apart. the radical left is infiltrated every institution in this country including our media. these secretary of state, these individuals doing it, these
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courts that are pushing these types of measures pushing him off the ballot are not getting criticized in mainstream media. they do it with pressure from the mainstream media. by and large they're advocates for the left. >> harris: new op-ed titled trump versus the woke. let the people decide. here is part of it. it's trump who lies, the left will say. it is undeniable he does. but the trumpian right replies progressive america has become an entire culture of lies. men aren't necessarily men, women aren't necessarily women. mediocrity get an upgrade. appeal to excellence is racist oppression. the sane course is to disqualify neither. let the people vote. that from the "wall street journal" opinion. nikki haley, republican presidential candidate, former south carolina governor twice, former u.s. ambassador to the united nations.
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great to see you today. all right. let's start off first of all with keeping a former president off the ballot in maine and in colorado. ron johnson told me his state is on that list, coming up, wisconsin. >> happy new year, harris. look, first of all, don't open a door you can't close. this is a dangerous door to open. we need the supreme court to step in quickly before we have too many states do this. i will defeat president trump fair and square. i have no doubt about that. but this is not the way to do it. what we have seen happen, this started prior to covid, is government thinking that they know better than everybody else. and you've got people who are thinking -- telling people what to think, what to do, how to live, how to breathe. that's not what they are supposed to do. i trust the people of colorado. i trust the people of maine. i trust the people of wisconsin. let them make the decision. let them decide the path forward
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for our country. but this goes back to the fact that rightly or wrongly chaos follows trump. it always does. it just follows him. we are a country in disarray. we have a world on fire and we can't go through four more years of chaos. we won't survive it. you don't fix democrat chaos with republican chaos. >> harris: let's get to this. we're 12 days out until the first in the nation nominating contest, the iowa caucuses. your campaign just told us this morning it has raked in $24 million since october. that's more than double your fundraising total from the previous quarter. a new poll shows you climbing nationally. you are now in second place nationally with 13%. three points ahead of governor desantis but far behind the former president. everybody is. in iowa the real clear politics average of polls shows donald trump with a huge lead. governor desantis in second with 18%. you are in third place with around 16%.
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here is governor desantis just this morning. >> i think she has had very difficult time recently because her -- shed been pumped up by liberal media. she is the liberal candidate running. she is not able to handle basic questions that people are asking or not able to defend her record as governor of south carolina where she was the number one governor of bringing in chinese communist party investment into her state. clearly, republican voters are going to prefer my vision to hers. >> harris: your response. >> ron desantis is lying. literally every commercial he is running in iowa it's a lie. and he is lying because he is losing. that's not a true stat about china, it never was. the fact that he is saying these things that i can't handle questions, we've done over 150 town halls. we've answered every question.
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we've shaken every hand. i've literally been the last one to leave. the reason the momentum is real in iowa and new hampshire, the reason we're getting the traction we are is because we are putting ourselves out there and we are talking in hard truths and making sure that we're touching every person. so i mean i think he is getting desperate. everybody has seen that. the only candidate that has blown through $150 million and lost percentage in the process and so we'll keep doing what we're doing. i don't need to talk about him. we'll focus on what we need to do to fix the economy, secure our border, get our kids reading again. bring law and order back to our country and get us a country we can be proud of. >> harris: a couple of things there. he had $150 million to begin with. he would point that out himself and has acknowledged even on this program there have been difficulties in his campaign. and i would ask that you would acknowledge, too, that perhaps you haven't taken every question because your recent fallout over
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the civil war and slavery comments have generated a lot of attention and another week into this people are asking. i will ask you about it because i haven't had chance to yet. a "new york times" piece is arguing that nikki haley's civil war gaffe complicates her new hampshire push. failure to mention slavery in response to a question about the causes of the civil war have given chris christie fresh ammunition as they compete for the anti-trump involvement you are in second place in new hampshire, 20 points behind president trump. but you are leading chris christie and ron desantis by double digits. you saw on your instagram today are doing well in new hampshire. i want to visit this. it will continue to come up. the reason that it has is maybe you haven't put it to bed yet. so in "politico" today there is
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being written about black conservatives and some of their responses. conservative talk show host williams says you are and going to move on from this. but in the meanwhile he called it a teachable moment. i would ask, what have you learned? >> well first of all, i will tell you this. i said right off the bat i did respond to it right away. when you grow up in the south you grow up and slavery is a constant comment and constant point of discussion. you learn it in school and talk about it. the south is actually very comfortable with our history. what i should have said immediately was that the civil war was about slavery but i assumed it was a given and said it was also about the role of government and about the rights of people economically, socially and otherwise. so yes, we know the civil war was about slavery. that's always the case and i will remind you i was the southern governor that brought
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down the confederate flag after we had a horrific shooting of nine african-americans killed in a church. harris, really the media is the only one that has talked about this issue. >> harris: that's not true. >> not one person on the ground in iowa or new hampshire are talking about it. i've done multiple town halls. we've done 150 town halls i answer any questions from everybody. i'm happy to talk about this. we have a deep history in south carolina when it comes to what we've dealt with with slavery and i had to deal with a shooting by an unarmed black man who was shot seven times in the back from a dirty cop. we passed the first body camera bill in the country. we brought down the confederate flag. we didn't have riots. we had vigils. we didn't have protests, we had prayer. south carolina got through what was a very heartbreaking and controversial time not by
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demonizing each other but moving together and bringing out the best in people to go forward. >> harris: all of those things when you said at the moment. others have said it was a democratic plant in the town hall. i don't know. i wasn't there. but others have said that. you have said that in fact. on a reask what would you have me say about slavery was your answer. clearly you have plenty to say about slavery. the civil war, april 12th, 1861, started in your state at fort sumter and i imagine you have a lot to say about it. a former hud deputy secretary under president trump, someone who is not working in the media but often a guest shermichael singleton has said this about your comments on slavery and the civil war, quote. she should have been able to answer the blank question and move on. she had a chance to be competitive even though she was always likely to lose the nomination. however, that's over now.
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she is toast. now, i do want to say he does appear on radio, i understand he might even have a radio show. i want my team to shore me up on that. in the meantime, what do you say? >> i will tell you that people in south carolina know me and it's amazing how you will take one question out of 150 where i said immediately yes, i should have said slavery. that's a given. 150 town halls i've done, harris. one question i should have said slaving re, i didn't do it. the next day i said i was wrong. i will do that. we're moving on. there is a reason we're getting traction in iowa and new hampshire and the reason we had hundreds of people at our event and hundreds of people in kingston and keep talking about the issues that people care about. i'll remind you in south carolina, you can have any south carolinian stand up for what i've done in terms of race
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relations, in terms of really appreciating what our history in south carolina was and how we go forward. but look, people can talk about this if they want. my record stands for itself. what i've done as a person in my life stands for itself. what my family has done stands for itself. and so the media can talk about this all you want. everybody else has moved on and we'll keep on talking about the issues that matter, which are the economy, education, the border, making sure we get law and order back to our country and how to deal with the wars around the world. >> harris: i appreciate you leaning in on it. i don't think i've heard you say this many words about it at all. it is important and you know your state's history. >> we've said it. it is just not the press has covered it. we said it immediately. >> harris: nikki haley, thank you very much. appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> harris: the fight for fairness and women's sports is jumping into the ring. critics up in arms about usa boxing's new policy that lets
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biological men fight women. plus controversy as more states are banning gender-altering treatments for children and anger after one republican governor vetoed a bill calling for that. ri riley gaines is a big voice on this in "focus" next. this in "focus" next. somebody would ask her something...
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...and she would just walk right past them. she didn't know they were talking to her. i just could not hear.
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conservatives when he vetoed a ban on trans treatment for kids. here he is on that. >> i cannot sign this bill as it is currently written. it would impact a very small number of ohio's children. but for those children who face gender dysphoria and their families the consequences of this bill could not be more profound. >> harris: the ohio house is coming back from its winter break early to override his veto. we detransitioner says why she thinks the bill is prisoner. >> parents don't have a right to abuse their children. no different from any form of abuse. this is the sterileization and mutilation of thousands of
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children happening within a state. he is being entirely complicit and made the choice to continue this. >> harris: riley gaines, director of the leadership institute and advisor for the independent women's forum. when she is not winning medals as an all-star swimmer, look what else she does. we are blessed for that. can we recognize the bravery of continuing to talk and you have set that tone. >> absolutely. chloe has been phenomenal not just in the state of ohio. she has traveled the country sharing the horrors of her story. the realization that what she and her parents and her family and really people, young adolescents around the country continue to go through is nothing short of child abuse. so her voice in ohio and across the nation has been incredibly impactful and proud to be in this fight with her.
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>> harris: what is the fight going to be like in ohio if they overturn that veto by governor dewine? >> well, what we saw from governor dewine he was compromised. he received over $40,000 in finances and money from pro-trans hospitals. hospitals performing these surgeries. so i believe the votes are there. that was shown on the first round when the bill got through before it got to the governor's desk. as long as these people don't become compromised like governor dewine i believe it will have no issue getting passed. not the majority of ohioans, but the majority of americans feel. >> harris: let's talk about women sports, your specialty. the usa boxing has introduced a new policy which will allow trans boxers who were born as men to compete with women if they meet certain hormonal standards. they justified the decision saying the purpose of this
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policy is to provide fairness and safety for all boxers. critics don't buy that. republican congresswoman boebert called the move pathetic and disdiscussing. a fighter says the policy is not the right decision. one female boxer said it's politically incorrect having a man fighting a woman. >> we all know this. you don't have to have a science degree to know this. this is basic common knowledge. women are not just a testosterone level or men who merely don't have male genitalia, the policies the usa burkesing has in place now. we know in regard to this topic we know about the unfair competition aspect. the safety of women has been compromised by usa boxing's new policies and guidelines. i think my biggest problem with this new implementation is now we're glorifying men, calling them champions, giving them titles and winning prize money for punching women in the face.
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that's the purpose of boxing or any fighting sport that requires physical contact like boxing does. we're glorifying that and calling it progressive. make no mistake, this is not progress or moving us in the positive forward direction. this is incredibly regressive and taking us back in time and utterly misogynistic. >> harris: the actual punch by a man into a woman's is normalizing abuse in our history up until now. more reactions pouring in after harvard president claudine gay resigned yesterday. she have has, as we all know, been at the center of controversy for weeks over anti-semitism on her campus and for nearly 50 reported claims of plagiarizing other people's work. stealing it.
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a "new york times" analysis says. gay, an architect of harvard's efforts for racial justice on campus came to stand for the right's broader elite academia that it views as narrow, lacks in standards and overly focused on questions of identity. whether the resignation of one or two college presidents will spur any broader remaking of higher education is unclear. riley. >> here is what i'll say. as a recent college graduate myself i don't understand why it's only seemingly the right or right-leaning media who is calling this what it is. plagiarism is bad regardless where you stand politically. and final thought here, i don't think we should be giving claudine gay too much credit here. i don't believe it was a good judgment move on her part. ultimately she was pushed out. we need to ask ourselves the question, i believe this is
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donor motivated. donors pulling out. we know the answer to that. i think we're following the green here. >> harris: great to see you, riley. always good to talk to you. good topics with you. biden in serious slippage among key voting blocks that were once reliably democratic. the messaging seems to stay the same. the white house just says give it more time to sink in for voters. they have 307 days. plus the non-stop flow of illegal immigrants arriving daily at our southern border has created a economic, humanitarian and security crisis. >> the president continues to ignore the crisis at at the border. what must we do to finally secure the border?
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> harris: the biden administration is fighting texas and going to the united states supreme court, a battle over the barbed wire. greg abbott has tried everything to protect the state. one of the latest.
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president biden is blaming all republicans for the biden border crisis. [inaudible] >> we have to do something. >> harris: i needs more money to protect the border. republicans said no, it circles back to the president's policies. speaker johnson led a delegation of 60 house members to eagle pass, texas, where the crisis is at a breaking point again. bill melugin back on the story live from eagle pass. bill, every time you return there, we say the words breaking point. it is broken already. now we're just in a disaster. >> yeah, harris, we are. the numbers are record
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shattering and historic. a show of force for republicans. 60 house members will be here in eagle pass today. one of the biggest delegations to visit the southern border. a little slow in eagle pass this morning but we'll show you what's going on in arizona where we have a team on the ground. look at the video. before sunset last night we witnessed another mass illegal crossing as people came through a breach in the border wall and hundreds of them started coming through and coming from all over the world. large numbers of men from africa coming through. senegal, congo, guinea, liberia, others from ecuador and brazil as well. and there are five republican house members kind of branching off and doing their own thing in eagle pass today away from the speaker's event including matt gaetz, andy biggs and others. they are willing to shut this government down if this border isn't fixed. take a listen. >> no more money for this
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bureaucracy of his government until you brought the border under control. shut the border down or shut the government down. >> we're all committed to that. there is a national security issue that is being taking place here on the southern border and that's what it is going to take to hold this administration accountable. >> speaker mike johnson and more than 50 other house republicans will be in eagle pass later today. the speaker posting this tweet yesterday pointing out that eagle pass has dried up compared to what it was a couple of weeks ago. here is weeks ago versus yesterday. the biden administration decided to divert the flood of illegal immigrants to another location to keep them out of the camera shots during the gop's visit. don't be fooled. they are still being released into the country. our southern border is disaster under president biden. this is jaw dropping. cbp sources telling us in the month of december there were
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over 302,000 migrant encounters at the southern border. the highest single month ever recorded. a previously unheard of number and look at how it compares to the previous four years including a couple of trump years. trump's worst december was 2020 when he had 74,000 migrant encounters at the southern border. we have now quadrupled that in year three under president biden. 300,000 in one month. back out here live ice report evidence in all of fiscal year 2023 they deported 142,000 people. we just had more than double that cross the southern border just in the month of december. send it back to you. >> harris: i just found the fact sheet from the white house march 9, 2023. budget strengthens border security. president biden's budget enhances legal pathways, provides resources, blah blah blah. they gave $25 billion at that point. it is disingenuous to say a little more money will make a difference when it's his policy.
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i don't know why he doesn't get it. the white house is defending bidenomics despite the polls showing americans aren't feeling what they say they should. the relief at home even some democrats say it may be time to drop the term bidenomics. white house press secretary karine jean-pierre. >> in the last two years, almost three years now the president has done more -- more in the last three years than some presidents have done in two terms. it will take a little bit of time for folks to feel what the bidenomics has been able to do. what we've done for the black community and the latino community, black community when the president walked in unemployment was 9.2%. now it's under 6% because of bidenomics. >> harris: power panel fox news political analyst gianno called well and richard fowler. >> she says the president has
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done more in three years and two terms. when you look at the border situation and see the numbers we just saw by bill melugin, wow, those are terrific numbers if he wants to run on those. those aren't numbers that people appreciate especially when it comes to the economy. high prices still an issue, interest rates still an issue. people maxing out credit cards. they have no savings. this administration hasn't done much more the common man or woman but especially those as she just mentioned the african-american community. they are sliding back from support of joe biden in the democratic party for good reason. they are prioritizing others over them in the economic situations aren't getting better. >> harris: if the president can't sell the message and won't change the message is it time for your party to look for plan b in terms of a candidate, richard fowler? >> i don't nov if there should be a plan be. i agree a lot of american people aren't feeling the impacts of an economy moving in the right direction. i think the president has to be clear communicating what he has
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done and clear communicating why you aren't currently feeling it. with that being said the economic indicators all point to the fact the economy is moving in the right direction. job growth, for the past three days if you were somebody watching this program you are not paying more than $35 a month for insulin. some people paid $6 hundred, no longer the case. beyond just that we're also >> harris: why isn't he saying it? >> he should be. i'll give it to you. >> harris: radio host charlamagne tha god feeling buyer's remorse after backing biden and harris in 2020 saying he felt burned over the endorsement telling "politico" i learned my lesson from doing that. once they got in the white house, she kind of disappeared. reverse order, fowler. >> look, i think i read that piece in "politico." it speaks to the fax how people
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are getting information from fox news and other cable news >> harris: charlamagne tha god has regrets he supported them. i will go to gianno. >> this is what happens based on identity politics. kamala harris was never ready for the job and vice president considering joe biden's age, she was supposed to be an effective number two. so in case anything happened to him she can jump into the spot. right now no one sees her as an effective anything. the border is her issue. it should be her issue but she has failed. >> harris: when we come back, richard, when i ask a question you'll go first again and take your time but when you don't we have to move. gentlemen, bless you, happy new year. thanks to all of you for watching "the faulkner focus." busy hour, "outnumbered" after the break.
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