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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 3, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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the president are trying to resolve these things through litigation and court rooms rather than fight it out and win at the ballot box and polling places on election day. >> neil: so confusing but you keep up with it so well. tom dupree, always good having you. tom, the former assistant deputy attorney general. the guy interprets complicated legal matters. i appreciate that. thank you, tom, happy new year. as tom was wrapping up there we are just letting right now the secretary of state lincoln will in fact be leaving to visit israel and the middle east in countries, this is things, heighten tensions there, talk about hamas, the red sea, israel wanting to expand the war but in a different matter, you name it, he's got to deal with that. i think this would be his third trip in as many months. we have a lot more coming up as "the five" picks up right now. good night. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody.
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and jesse watters, along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ clotting gate is gone, but the media and race hustling liberals are doubling down to defend the poster child of dci. gay stepping down as president of harvard after 50 examples of wager is emerged and her embarrassing testimony on anti-semitism. expelled those it you are convicted of plagiarism. set to keep her nearly $1 million annual salary and also has an army of sympathetic liberal journalist crying racism and blaming conservatives for her resignation. check out these headlines. "how the right toppled harvard's president." "harvard president resignation highlights a new conservative against colleges."
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"servicing claudine gay's resignation as a victory." and pundits, listen. >> what happened to to claudine gay, president of harvard university until she resigned is now the latest casualty of that. >> there is a racial component. >> it looks as though she was targeted. >> the fact she was a black woman the first black person to lead harvard only added to their thirst to dethrone her. >> jesse: but what all of these race hustlers failed to mention is that the white you plan president, the first ivy league head to roll, mit president salih kornbluth is feared for her job.
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send an email to students outlining steps to understand the nature of summative on campus. did you expect this reaction? they are defending plagiarism. >> greg: of course, gay led this. she refused to defend jews and then she cries racism. that is identity jiu-jitsu and this is a jew. if you saw ap, ap is getting barbecued for framing this as conservatives pouncing, they weaponized plagiarism, which is actually, what does that mean, weaponizing something, does that mean getting rid of it? i don't really know. i am all for weaponizing crime and corruption if that is what it is. the great thing about adp, they got totally eviscerated because of community notes on x, which they printed the litany of her infractions. you know who is a threat to diversity? people claiming this firing is a
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threat to diversity because no one in their right mind tumult of the business will hire a person under the assumption they can never fire them. this is the message. no one is going to hire you, a minority, if they think they can't fire you if you suck. so there is this unconscious reluctance to hire a person of color because back of your head, he could the boss is a person of color, our thinking, will this be trouble down the line? what if this person doesn't work out? discrimination obviously illegal but you would be a fool not to think in this climate, where lawsuits, discrimination lawsuits are incentivized and met with large settlements, that an angry fired employee, a.k.a. gay, who actually resigned, will accuse you of racism once you decide to pull the trigger. you see this now, you can see this in small businesses that are run by whites, blacks, asians, hispanics, when they hear these stories, they go, you
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know what? we are going to stick to our group. [laughs] because you know what? as a precaution, we are observing reality. victimhood is profitable so we do not want to step out and hire anybody else because i could blow up in our face. >> jesse: did you hear any evidence that the people were asking for gay's resignation were racially motivated? >> dana: no, but it is interesting, i love the point, she was saying how hard it was to be targeted with a racial animus, that was what elise stefanik asked at the hearing, calling for the elimination of the jews, against the code of conduct and she couldn't stay yes. then the push on plagiarism. "the new york times" is the one who started asking harvard, why aren't you responding to the washington free beacon inquiries? it is curious ap journalists would not be worried about
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plagiarism. they write for a living and soon the robots are going to write for the living -- for a living -- and no one is going to be able to do anything about the plagiarism from the robots when that happens. >> jesse: are they allowed to plagiarize the robots? >> dana: the robots are going to plagiarize everybody else. who is to police that? a liberal on twitter, dig into the academic writings of conservatives. okay, yeah, let's do that. >> greg: who hasn't done that already? >> jesse: might learn something while reading. >> dana: the question was -- the fair question -- how was gay chosen in the first place? how will they undertake the next search? what are they looking for? what does harvard want? it is not going to stop until they are honest about their situation and clear about their rigorous scholarly standards they want to uphold. if they don't do that, then it
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can become like any other state school. >> jesse: does harvard now have to hire an african american woman as a replacement? because a lot of people are calling on harvard to do that. >> jessica: i don't think so. i think they should hire whoever makes the most sense for the school and certainly take into account what has happened over the course of the last month, and where they want to go in the future. i think that is what they will do. it doesn't mean if they do hire a black woman or another person of a diverse background that it is a pity hire of some kind, or a dei higher. there are plenty of well-qualified people to do this job. you are right, they have in the past dug into the backgrounds of conservative scholars. we know for instance neil gorsuch plagiarized portions of his 2006 book. he took from a 1984 indiana law journal article, and he said it wasn't malicious. he said this was a citation
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mistake. and i saw people were exploding about this online. shouldn't this be what we are focusing on? there is a key difference if you are leading the top, certainly one of the top, the top academic institution in the world and your background is in that versus having done what justice gorsuch did, and wish that he hadn't but it is the reality of the situation. plagiarism as a weapon, the terminology the ap used, plagiarism or do incredible work is the holy grail of academia. it is the thing you pride yourself on. it is the thing that gets you remembered. nothing that your students love about you. i think that terminology is so strange and off-base. bill ackman, obviously seminal in this happening, published i think 4,000 words about how he ended up becoming part of this and retraced his steps, saying i showed up on october 8th, before
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there was any organization on any level and what was disturbing to him was he was confronted with this paradigm which greg talks about a lot. between the oppressor and the oppressed. and people can only think, what do you call it, the prison -- >> greg: jessica, read my last book. >> jessica: i actually did. >> greg: never mind. >> greg: >> jessica: no, it was great. the part i found most interesting about ackman's letter was when he talks about the ei and i think we need to be careful in bucketing it as one thing, this is about hiring unqualified black women, that is not what dei is about. the side of dei focusing on ensuring people get a chance to rise up and get roles they have been discriminated against in the past. and then people who actually get
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those roles who are people of color. 76% of chief divers the officers are white. >> jesse: with green hair. judge? >> jeanine: one citation or missed citation by justice gorsuch does not compare to 50 credible claims of plagiarism by a woman who did not have the background, the intelligence, or the academic support to be the president of the most sophisticated and the most sought after university in the country. there is no comparison between the two. number two is the fact that dei is about equality of outcome, not opportunity. i think equality of outcome is great but when you are talking about someone who is going to lead the university, it does not work. the fact is, sally kornbluth
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from mit, today she wrote a memo to her students and this woman gets it. she said, you know what, i must not -- i must not have understood how serious this was or how bad it was for jewish students on campus. she shows how easy it is to keep your job. all she had to do is recognize that jewish students are being intimidated on campus and you cannot allow it. claudine gay in her letter where she resigned doesn't apologize for anything, only talks about herself. it is me me me. claudine gay only has herself to blame. she did not have the academic excellence. she didn't have the integrity or the moral core to stay calling for the destruction of any group is against the code of conduct of harvard. she did not have that minuscule intelligence that she needed. and what the left is saying by saying this is all about racism, they cannot figure out who the victims are. in a criminal justice system, the victims are not the people of been victimized, it is
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the criminal. with hamas, the terror organization, not the other people in the same with claudine gay. because she is black, not the jewish students who are invisible to these people. in the end she could very easily have resolved this. bill ackman is right. that board has to go. threatened a defamation lawsuit to a new york newspaper, i think the post, because they wanted to write about the defamation of claudine gay and they did not want it to come out. they said 50 instances of plagiarism. it was not intentional. it wasn't even reckless. it was not misconduct. kids at harvard having their words day, getting thrown out of harvard with a permanent mark on their record if they plagi plagiarized. last thing on the board, they sought retribution against the whistle-blower who told the
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press about other plagiarism. ackman was right. this claudine gay deserved to go and that is the end of it. it had nothing to do with race, ask liz mcgill. >> jessica: he doesn't want the mit woman to go. >> jeanine: she is not going. she wrote that before she wrote of the spirit. could contributions from all of you and i really mean that, except for you. insane liberal policies forcing democrats to sound like republicans. here what philly's mayor said next. ♪ ♪ with cpap anymore. she looks great. i got inspire. great sleep at the click of a button. did she get implants? yeah, i got an implant, sheila!! it's inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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>> greg: it is the oldest story in the book. liberal policies do a number on democrat run cities, sewing chaos, crime, poop-encrusted streets. democrats pivot to sound like republicans. philly's newly inaugurated mayor promising more cops on the beach and declaring a public safety emergency in her -- her! in her first executive order in office. >> we are going to make our cities safe for the people who live here, who work here, and to come into our city from the suburbs and from across the country and from across the world, if we don't get our own house in order before company comes and if we don't address public safety, we will be ready to receive anybody in 2026. i am fully committed to ending this sense of lawlessness in bringing order back to our city and a sense of lawfulness.
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>> greg: sounds like a republican. biden's border crisis causing democrat mayors to sound like g.o.p. border security hawks. >> police officers did not know if any of those 40 individuals were carrying weapons. they could not be identified and that is a major problem, a major security risk, a health risk, and we are just not willing to tolerate that. the solution for me as the mayor of edison is not to pond it off to another mayor. >> greg: jesse, if they only watched this show, they could have avoided this mass. why is this always the case? should we have elections year-round so they start acting like adults? >> jesse: year-round elections, what do you mean by that? >> greg: every month have an election so they're listening to their constituents and keeping their cities safe. >> jesse: that would be good for ratings. >> greg: it would be good for ratings. more hair products for you. >> jesse: the term derangement syndrome combined with the george floyd hysteria
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triggered all of these anxious democrats who already had daddy issues, who are already incredibly insecure, to become radical racial revolutionaries and what they wanted to do was label the entire western civilization as an evil patriarchy infused with racism. and they had to tear it down. instead of saying no, we handed these people a sledgehammer, and for the last three years have watched them just take strike after strike at the pillars of our civic society, knocking out the prison system, knocking out the criminal justice system, knocking out the education system. it is actually immoral to release the same criminal month after month to pray on the public, it is immoral to teach children about racism instead of teaching them how to read. it is immoral to let poison blood into the seat and have everybody die on the cement.
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we stand around watching it all happen and if you want to do something about it, if a democrat wants to identify as a republican, that is the kind of transitioning that i support. i was just down in philly and walnut street, the nicest commercial district, all of the flagship shops have shut down because they cannot protect their merchandise, they cannot protect their customers, and they cannot protect their employees. jessica, if you want to have all of the great stuff the liberal's love in cities like italian leather shops -- >> jessica: and lululemon. >> jesse: pretentious art galleries, and your little asian fusion hot restaurants that no one can understand what is on the menu, that is all going to leave. all of the wealth. all of the commercial activity is just going to leave and you are going to wind up with a gaping wound in the city of brotherly love. >> greg: that is touching. the liberty bell is selling its own crack.
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[laughter] jessica, how does it feel to be pushing such an immoral vision for america? and must make you sick to your stomach. >> jessica: i'm ready for it. >> greg: that's very different reason. >> jessica: the new mayor acknowledged that there has been a drop in the murder -- >> greg: property crime. and most people don't get murdered, jessica, but a lot of people get mugged. >> jessica: they certainly aren't telling you about it. she doesn't sound like anything but a regular democrat. no, it's true. she has not saying -- she doesn't sound like a republican. she is not saying "bring back stop and frisk or three strikes and you're out or get all of the undocumented people out of america" -- >> greg: give it time. >> jessica: she just got elected. she has a wilder coast on this
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one. she is speaking in common sense terms and i was struck by the fact common people in chicago would have heard if paul paulus won the election instead of brandon johnson, a rousing opening day speech of cutting down on crime. it is moving in the right direction. i think it is a great example. mayor adams talks that way here in new york city. he does. i think you will continue to see more of it. on the border front, biden just requested $13.6 billion, which mike johnson, he was on in the last hour with jake tapper, says he is not going to approve it even though it means 1300 new border patrol agents, new judges, 1600 asylum officers to expedite screenings. republicans need to play ball if they are getting what they want. >> jesse: what's the point if he is going to let them in any
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way. >> jeanine: the problem is if biden gets more money and every answer, every problem is solved with money as an answer, all he is going to do is put more border patrol and let more people in. 302,000 people in the month of december. that's outrageous. the last month trump was in office was 70,000. she said things that made sense to me. she said she wanted to put more cops on the street and have a job opportunity programs for kids after school because we all know that is when they get in trouble. she wants an economic opportunity program so people can better the homes in their neighborhoods. she impressed me as a black woman who seems to care about our community. all right, it is the black community and the brown community that are the victims of crime.
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it is not just the color of her skin, we know from mayor adams it does not make a damn bit of difference, he has not done -- brandon johnson is not doing damn bit of difference because he is from the minority community. i want to believe she will do something from her community and i'm impressed by her. the guy who is the mayor who won't let 40 people into that city in jersey because they are a security risk, he doesn't want to send them to another town, he wants to send them to the border. if he sent them to the border, they are not getting sent back, they will let them in the country. i like this woman and want to give her the benefit of the doubt, and the mayor, i think he is just talking politics. >> greg: dana, i know this is going to take you off because it ticks me off, as well, two or three years, was interrupted brunchers, talking about how b
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bad -- >> jesse: so many eggs benedict ruined. >> greg: where are they? they need to be taken to an auditorium and lectured >> dana: by someone like her. she has a strong voice. an actual strong voice. she should use the bully pulpit every single day and just be out there. she could join up with somebody like the mayor in dallas because the black guy who is in dallas trying to do the right thing, ultimately decided to change parties but who cares? people care about their communities. larry krasner is still a prosecutor. you can do all of these things and bring more police there but if they're not going to prosecute the crimes and the cops know their jobs do not mean anything, the jury is still out.
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>> greg: excellent analogy. well done. we are going to move onto something exciting exciting. up next, what can go wrong? usa boxing will soon but biological males punch females in the face. ♪ ♪ >> woman: what's my safelite story? i'm a photographer. and when i'm driving, i see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed right. i scheduled with safelite autoglass. their experts replaced my windshield and recalibrated my car's advanced safety system. ♪ acoustic rock music ♪ >> woman: safelite is the one i trust. they focus on safety so i can focus on this view. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jeanine: talk about a gut punch to women. usa boxing is getting slammed over its new transgender policy that allows biological men to fight females. according to the rules, transgender athletes must have completed their gender reassignment surgery and be subject to quarterly hormone testing for a minimum of four years after surgery, and their total testosterone level must remain below a certain level. female boxers are outraged and calling it unfair and dangerous. top women's sports advocate
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riley gaines is laying out the stakes of the damage that could be done. >> glorifying men, we are calling them champions and giving them titles, their winning prize money for punching women in the face? make no mistake, this is not progress, this is not moving us in a positive forward direction. this is incredibly regressive and taking us back in time and it is utterly misogynistic. >> jeanine: okay, all right, dana, i will start with you. look, those guidelines say are very strict, what the boxing association is requiring come up with the truth is no matter what the nano levels are of testosterone, they have the same bone density, the same muscle ms and other biological factors that make it dangerous for a woman to get into the ring with a man. >> dana: gab. i go back to that interview we did with a young woman playing volleyball and had dreams of going on a college scholarship and she got hit in the face by transgender male who was on the
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opposing team, spiked the ball, hit her in the face, she is not the same. she was not able to fulfill her dreams, so she lost opportunity and scholarship, didn't go to the college you want to go to. why have women sports at all? if you went through puberty, and this is what i would do -- let's say i ran the boxing association. >> greg: you do. >> dana: there was a meeting, i want to bring up a transgender policy -- no, next? i don't understand why we are even talking about this. i think it is insanity. >> jeanine: jessica, when i was ada, i had several one punch homicides. all it takes is one punch and that person can die. they are not even taking that into consideration. >> jessica: no, i do think they have taken far more than other associations into consideration because when we have discussed these cases before, greg in particular has been curious as to whether the
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transition happened -- >> greg: i offered to check. >> jessica: and they appreciated it but they still declined. i did feel it was more thoughtfully done. it is happening in the most violent sport that we could consider, right? where is actually combat. whereas you swim in the lane next to someone, not going to punch you in the face. that is very likely going to happen here. the goalposts obviously have been moved but you still have over 70% of americans that don't think on a competitive level that transgender athletes should be with biological females are biological males, depending which way they have transitioned, and i don't think that is going to change, and the leaks need to catch up with that and find a solution or this group that i want to be able to. >> jeanine: like their own lane. jesse, what jessica says makes sense. when they move literally from swimming to boxing, we are not
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talking about basketball, not talking about other sports, swimming to let's knock each other out, that was a real fast fading and it is very dangerous for women. >> jesse: what you would call a flip turn, judge. >> jeanine: is that it? >> jesse: one punch homicide was greg's nickname. here are the women's sports that are great spectator sports. swimming. gymnastics. tennis. skiing. volleyball. not beach volleyball. not my cup of tea. lacrosse. women's boxing -- and i say this with the utmost respect to women boxers because i do not want any trouble -- is not a great spectator sport. i have never met a woman boxing fan. male or female. sometimes when i watch a boxing match, they will force-feed women's match in the undercard. and to me it makes me sad.
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to watch women punch each other in the face. and i know these women are great athletes and fierce competitors and if they want to punch each other in the face, have at it. the only thing worse than watching women punch each other in the face is watching a man punch a woman in the face and when i see that, judge, i don't know about you, i want to make an arrest. >> jeanine: you don't know about me? [laughter] >> jesse: when you have made so much progress with others, ring doctors, there is concussion protocol, to go backwards and have men hitting women in the face, it is probably because boxing as a sport has declined so rapidly they are trying to generate buzz. >> jeanine: you think if a man is fighting a transgender man, that he is hesitating because he is a former woman? >> jesse: what is a transgender man? >> dana: i'm confused. >> jessica: a biological woman who transitions -- >> dana: but who is doing that?
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>> greg: got a uterus, just think of that. >> jeanine: there is a group -- >> greg: is the universe removed? this is so typical of chicks, they always want a ring. [laughter] i have a favorite female boxer. she wrapped my christmas gift at macy's. anyway. >> jesse: hey! >> greg: this is an amazing error to be alive if you are misogynist. multiple male murderers living in female prisons, men can beat women in public and get paid, feminist marching alongside hamas. if you were to raise a legendary feminist from the dead, she would probably ask to be cremated. wait, you are me women cannot penises and men can have babies? i owe jerry falwell an apology. but there are these feminists on the street that are selling out a billion women.
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women who don't have the luxury of blocking traffic, and then returning to a cozy starbucks and their trust fund. this is a true blow against feminists, these protests. a generation of naive young women embracing the cause of the most hard-line misogynist and homophobic men on the planet. and they just cross it off their list and pretend like it is not happening. it is actually disgusting. >> jeanine: it is. well said. up next, beach bum biden is back from vacation and looking like a lobster. ♪ ♪ right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: now that is a sunburn. president biden back from vacation in st. croix and apparently he forgot to pack his sunscreen.
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the president sporting a red face. critics say it is not surprising considering he spent 37% of 2020 enjoying vacation destinations. now that biden is back home out of the sunshine, pivoting into dark brandon mode. his team is ramping up his 2024 campaign by of course focusing on trump. upcoming events designed to emphasize democracy and of course the former president. jesse, are you concerned about the president not using enough spf? >> jesse: i blame his dermatologist, dr. jill, i believe she is the dermatologist. he looks like george hamilton. you have to be able to take care of yourself if you're going to take care of the country and the man just had skin cancer a year ago and then goes out and gets totally roasted in the sun. it's reckless. i'm not going to make a sunburn a scandal but this is impeachment material. >> greg: i agree. >> jesse: the fact he skipped the 9/11 ceremony and is going
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to show up for the january 6th ceremony is a disgrace. at this point why don't we just make january 6th a federal holiday like we did with juneteenth? >> greg: it is my christmas. >> jesse: it is your chri christmas. and you can't say you are running to save democracy but you are not allowed to vote for your other guy. you are not allowed to do that. >> dana: so what do you think? we found out also that his team is just waiting to figure out when to go full hitler on you. >> greg: ms. warren is really upset because only she can pass herself off as a red skin. and finally, i will say this. joe finally got burned by a different son. hahahaha. according to the hitlerize-sean. the whole orchestrated effort to remove the chief rival from the ballot and demonize and use law
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fair in order to basically create an unfair election. they are doing everything possible but running a candidate. have you noticed that? there is nothing else they are doing. they are not even running a reelection campaign. all they are doing is trump trump trump trump. if trump did not run in 2016, none of these efforts to destroy his business would ever exist. what does it tell americans? it is cause and effect. in a political outsider runs for president, we will destroy you. this is why, dena, i am not running in 2028. i can't have the media poking into my mail order leather goods company. >> dana: there are some good products. >> greg: there are. >> dana: what is that again? >> greg: >> dana: check that out. judge, campaign strategy or the idea he is going dark brandon? >> jeanine: he doesn't have a choice. he has nothing to offer. the public is rejecting him. 71%, saw this yesterday, in the
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swing states think he is too old to run, 70% of america think we are going in the wrong direction, 25 points with the blacks, behind with hispanics and youth of this country, he's got nothing else so what is he going to do? he is going out there and talking about how donald trump is a threat to democracy while he makes sure that donald trump isn't on the ballot. the whole thing is backwards. he can save democracy all he wants but he is going to do january 6th? i envision him with those marines behind him in that bloos and blood red background, going to charlottesville -- he has nothing else to offer. trump is beating him for good reason and that is all i have to say. >> dana: jessica, it is the case that when you have an incumbent you want to make the election a choice. between two people. are not a referendum on your record, especially if the record is getting the kind of reviews . >> jessica: his records actually getting good reviews.
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it is being ignored. people all over our own airwaves from "the wall street journal" to people from the biden campaign talking about the economic record, talking about what bidenomics has done for the average person. "the wall street journal" ran editorials, ran reporting pieces about all of the optimism heading into it. the stock market has exploded, jobless rate is down, inflation is easing, gas prices -- remember when you guys told me, drill, baby, drill, we won't drill. we are now producing more oil than any country in history, 13.4 million barrels. >> dana: that is an accomplishment. >> jessica: listen to jerry bernstein on fox over the weekend. >> jesse: jerry bernstein. >> jessica: chief economic advisor. >> jesse: why doesn't the president say -- >> jessica: he does. >> jesse: nothing on his schedule. just got back from two weeks in the caribbean. >> jessica: this idea that trump is pulling out of the water is not supported by the
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data. the real clear politics averages within -- no, it is within the margin of error. last three or four poles, trump is up to arco, the other, biden has one of the other. if you believe trump will win with 20 points of the black vote, i have many bridges to sell you. the guy had vanilla ice at his new year's eve party and you think -- >> jesse: how dare you, jessica. i have heard a lot from you over the years, but that will not stand. >> jessica: ice, ice, baby, you are losing the youth vote. >> greg: yeah, this data is always out of context. >> jessica: no -- >> greg: it is. coming off a pandemic, getting jobs back, yes, because -- >> jessica: but all -- >> greg: listen! >> jessica: the job -- >> dana: up next, mickey mouse is now a serial killer. why the beloved disney cartoon is starring in a new horror movie. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: it is a mickey mouse like you've never seen him before. >> where the hell did he go?
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>> jessica: mickey mouse is now a creepy serial killer in a new live action horror film. the copyright for the original film "steamboat willie" dating back to 1928 has finally expired. greg, is this the serial killer that we all need? >> greg: i don't know, i am surprised he is not canceled y yet. the little rodent probably identifies as white, never marched for civil rights, hates blacks cats, not a good person. i thought steamboat willie was a euphemism. [laughter] had to go to a doctor. >> jesse: one punch homicide. >> jessica: dana, does this bother you? >> dana: a little bit, yeah. i think they copyright law should probably be revised especially if all of us are living a lot longer. >> greg: very practical. >> jessica: jesse, would you like to make a good point?
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try really hard. >> greg: pretend to care. >> jesse: i would have made mickey a migrant and had him pay wile e. coyote to smuggle -- and then i would have had him fake adoptive speedy gonzales as his sons of the got asylum and elmer fudd would have shot him dead in texas. >> greg: how did you do that? >> jessica: great cartoon. >> jesse: that would have been a great show. >> jeanine: would have been. >> jessica: i think there is no more that can be said. >> jeanine: they should do a movie called "cocaine mickey." and he can do it with -- remember him? >> jesse: that's a euphemism. >> jessica: all right, "one more thing" "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: time now for "one more thing." greg? >> greg: we have a show tonight for you jim nor tan, kennedy, kat timpf. look at that 10:00 p.m. let's do this greg's drunk panda news. new year's eve was a couple days ago. the zoo bars were spilling outer with drunks. here's a couple of pandas rolling out of the bar last call. wow, were they wasted, brawling. they couldn't find their car keys. fought out in the street. nobody wanted to break it up. they just kept fighting. they wanted to get back in; you know, the thing is, this is the problem with new year's eve. it's all amateur night. these pandas get wasted. come out doing stupid things. maybe drink at home next time, pandas. >> greg: go back to china. >> shut up, racist. >> jesse: today is national straw drinking day. i have update on rules for men. as you know i disapprove strongly of men drinking from straws in public. i have an exception if it's an coconut. i was served a cocoa nut with a
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straw in it and i drank it proudly. no one has a picture this is not preemptively getting out in front of the picture that might be coming out at all. tonight, "jesse watters primetime," we have rob schneider, chris rufo, julie banderas at 8:00. judge jeanine is next. >> judge: oh, i thought i was on your show. saying grace is common among religious households. typically human only. take a look at this family though. >> say grace. say grace. say grace. >> judge jeanine: they all said grace. that's it. >> jesse: very good. do you want to. >> dramatic helicopter rescue ever leo happened in oregon. he had gone down 300 feet down the side of a cliff. look at them. >> wow. >> because of the vanilla ice crack we can't let do you one more thing. >> bret: i wanted to


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