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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 3, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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female lead. the first editor of "star wars," it woman, and women have directed many of the series in between. >> it's true, and the brown groundbreaking thing to do would be to have a male lead in the next movie. i'm not sure they'll embrace that idea. >> make men uncomfortable. i enjoy making men uncomfortable. [applause] it is important to be able to look into the eyes of a man and say, "i am here," and recognize that. it should make you uncomfortable, because you need to change your attitude. >> you know, pete, disney should have learned the lesson, you don't how to program your audience. they should have learned that with the "star wars" expensive hotel that went out of business. now they're trying to ruin the franchise, too. >> pete: you are totally right. jesse watters takes it from h here. >> jesse: welcome to
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"jesse watters primetime." tonight -- >> this is an attack on diversity. you can hear and see the racism. >> jesse: democrats defend plagiarism. i didn't see that coming. >> i ain't say [bleep] about trans people. maybe three or four times a night, but that's it. >> jesse: dave chappelle, doc on tour, having a ball. >> $2,000. >> $3,000. >> done. >> holy [bleep]! >> jesse: that is one sticky honeypot. plus... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ fox news alert, a huge batch of epstein documents were just released by a judge. a thousand pages naming epstein's fixers, employees, associates, and accusers. our team is digging through them
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right now and we will have a report for you in a few moments. but first... for as long as there have been words, there have been plagiarists. the first known case of plagiarism came in the first century, when roman poet marshall accused another poet of kidnapping his verses. "how dare you kidnap my versus!" throughout the years we have seen plagiarism everywhere, from music to politics. johnny cash famously ripped versus for his hit song "folsom prison blues," including the opening line, "i hear the train a-comin'. it's rolling --" as separate there. cash was forced to fork over $100,000. vanilla ice plagiarized "ice, ice, baby," taking the bassline from queen and david bowie's hit, "under pressure," costing him millions but not costing him my love and affection. and joe biden, who played raised
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his way to the top. >> the notion that every thought, or an ocean, or idea, you have to find and attribute to someone, i think is quite frankly ludicrous. i was wrong, but i was not malevolent in any way. >> jesse: when biden wasn't plagiarizing papers in law school, he was stealing lines from other politicians. plagiarism that joe biden said is so blatant -- [laughs] i could have only done it accidentally. it cost him the '88 primary. if ripping verses could cost you your career, your candidacy, and your cash, imagine what plagiarizing 50 times gets you in academia. academic exile. but if you are a black woman caught plagiarizing half of your already-sin published scholarship, you get to keep your million dollar a year salary, blame caucasians, and chalk it up to sloppiness. >> i have not seen any evidence that claudine gay was guilty of
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true plagiarism. she may have been guilty in the distant past of some sloppiness. >> jesse: that was a harvard law professor redefining plagiarism. and, ladies and gentlemen, that is why we hate lawyers. the democratic party is now the pro-plagiarism party. why? well, apparently, it is because conservatives are against plagiarism. yeah. maybe we should be against border security and trick them into stopping the caravans. the ap says the harvard's president resignation highlights new conservative weapon against colleges, plagiarism. you hear that, conservatives? we have a new weapon. it's called noticing stealing. democrats hate when people notice stealing. claudine gay should have just said she was shoplifting someone's writing. conservative journalist chris rufo, who noticed that
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harvard's president was stealing, is not the bad guy. thou shalt not noticed when black women steel. it is one of dei's ten commandments. rufo wrote "scalped" after gay was forced out, a familiar phrase when the opposition forces the other party to fire someone. the ap says rufo used the term as if gay was a trophy of violence, invoking a gruesome practice taken up by white colonists who sought to eradicate native americans. i wonder why the associated press, and organization of accredited journalists who were bred to understand plagiarism was the industry's cardinal sin, would side with a serial plagiarists. the ap takes millions in bribes. i mean, grants from left-wing foundations. and the ap is on the payroll of the 1619 project, one of the
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most disreputable revisionist history vehicles in the u.s. so if you think the oldest and most prestigious college in america shouldn't let a serial plagiarists run the school, you are a racist colonizer. you see, plagiarism is in the crime. it's pointing it out. and, hilariously, claudine gay just published a piece in "the new york times" calling herself a hero. gay says, by courageously stepping down, she is denying the demagogues victory. gay calls the attacks on her "coordinated," as if this was some well-planned, well-orchestrated sophisticated campaign, like the collision hoax. but all she did was bomb a congressional hearing and draw attention to herself. reporters sniffed around and found she plagiarized 50 times. by the way, that hearing, she calls it a "well-laid trap" that she fell into. the woman prepared for a week
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for an anti-semitism hearing with the brightest lawyers in the land, and didn't know she would be asked about the jews? gay says she didn't plagiarize, she merely duplicated other scholars' language without proper attribution. your honor, i did not shoplift. the handbag was blown onto my shoulder by an overzealous air conditioning unit, and i walked out of the store unaware. now, gay says she was being attacked because white americans are anxious that the country is "browning." do i look anxious? apparently gay thinks that noticing stealing makes you racist. no wonder the left thinks cops are racist. gay worked her way to the top by stealing, kind of like liz warren, the senate's chief identity thief. so these are the rules: if you hire a person of color who blows up your institution, you have to keep them around, because treating them the way everyone else would be treated as an
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attack on diversity. >> this is an attack on diversity, and attack on multiculturalism. the fact that she's a black woman and the first person who is a black american to lead harvard only added to their first to dethrone her. those attacks, i don't have to say they are racist, because you can hear and see the racism in the attacks. >> jesse: you can smell the racism. the naacp says, if gay is a white woman, she would still have her job. >> when three presidents go to capitol hill and they testify, it is the black president, the black woman president, the president of harvard, whose entire academic career is put under a microscope. this is not about plagiarism. it is really about an attack on higher education, and an attack on diversity. >> jesse: okay, well, let's put that to the test. just the summer, the white
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president of stanford was forced to resign for faulty research. the university of south carolina president, a white man, had to resign after plagiarizing just one speech. not 50, but one. even the president of u penn was fired after flunking the same hearing gay did. gay got let off easier than all of these whites. she got to keep your million dollar salary and her job at harvard. everybody else got canned and couldn't keep the money. if anything, gay was treated better. so what's next? liberals say the next president of harvard must be a black woman. prime time would to nominate newly minted professor lori lightfoot. you can find a qualified black woman. there's hundreds of them. no one has a problem with that. but hiring should be based on an array of factors. making diversity the top factor without regard for merit, just
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so you can hire a radical liberal, is a con job that keeps blowing up in our faces. biden's supreme court nominee couldn't see what a woman is. this vice president can't even say anything coherent. smart money says dei is doa. a harvard got involved in the gay scandal says this diversity, quality, and inclusion push have become reverse racism with no payoff. the only path goes to al sharpton and his patronage mail. from sharpton, to biden, to gay, we have learned our lesson. never hire a fraud, no matter what color. christopher rufo is the senior fellow at the manhattan institute, and a very bad colonizer. chris rufo, you are critical in unmasking this gay lady as a
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fraud, and people are criticizing you for saying you got a scalp. is this something you are going to continue to do? >> absolutely. i'll be continuing to work on my scalp collection, and scalping of course is a common term in journalism. the apa, which pretended it was some kind of racist colonizer conception, actually used the same term in its own reporting in previous years, and they got the history of it totally wrong. they said it was white colonizers who introduced the process of scalping. but, of course, it was native americans in precolombian north america who had been practicing scalping for decades. so from the history to the usage to the hypocrisy, the ap, which used to be the associated press, seems to have morphed into an organization called the associated progressives. they have been saturated in the same ideology, but i will never back down. in fact, pushing out claudine
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gay, toppling the president of harvard, for a journalist like me, is a big win. if i were on the left, is a big pulitzer prize-winning material >> jesse: are you looking to other academic credentials of other radical professors at other institutions? >> i am. in fact, i have just pledged an initial $10,000 to establish a plagiarism hunting fund to go after more ivy league professors and administrators to discover whether they, too, have been plagiarizing. because, jesse, what we have heard from these professors is that everyone does it, it's not that bad, what claudine gay did was no different than what everyone else does. well, let's put that to the test. if other professors at ivy league universities drawing these huge salaries are pushing anti-american ideology are plagiarizing 50 different passages in their work, the public should know and the taxpayers who send massive
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subsidies to the institutions should have the choice whether they want to continue funneling dollar after dollar to a corrupt ivy league establishment. >> jesse: chief colonizer, chris rufo, on the warpath. behavior self. i hope you didn't plagiarized anything from your thesis in college, because you're in deep trouble! i'll talk to you later, chris. we are going through the epstein document that just got dumped. straight-ahead. ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: fox news alert, the list with nearly 180 names of jeffrey epstein's associates, fixers, accusers, and employees has just been released by a judge here in new york. there are a thousand pages of court records and our team is
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going through them. and here's what we have so far. we suspected former president bill clinton would be named, and we were right. in a deposition with an epstein victim, joanna schonberg, when she was asked, "did jeffrey ever talk to you about bill clinton?" she says, "he said one time that clinton likes them young," referring to girls. the documents are also filled with names we already knew about, like prince andrew, billionaire glenn dubin, a french modeling agent, jean-luc purnell, and clinton's former aide. jennifer freeman is epstein victim lawyer extraordinary. have you come through these documents? i know there's a lot. anything besides the bill clinton name jumping out at you? >> one of the things that is interesting is it is not exactly what we expected or were told. there's no list of names. there's lots and lots of documents that need to be
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examined and studied to see what's in there. a lot of it, we already knew, or could have anticipated. there's a lot of discussion by maxwell about all the reasons why she did nothing wrong. i do think the information about clinton was quite interesting, and also that the victim reported being on a helicopter with him and with maxwell. there's another statement she made that clinton was on the island, very different from what we had previously. we heard he wasn't on the island. again, hard to say who to believe, of course. but he was on the island but didn't take the bait, in other words, didn't have sexual relationships with any of the girls. >> jesse: jennifer, who said and he arguments that
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bill clinton was on epstein island? >> johanna -- excuse me, my pronunciation -- sjoberg. >> jesse: and she was one of the alleged victims? >> i'm sorry, i'm going to correct that. i think it was one of the journalists who reported that giufre told her that. but she was on a helicopter. >> these are court documents from this litigation. there is talk that bill clinton likes them young, was seen on epstein island, didn't participate, also was on the jet and a helicopter with maxwell. thank you very much, jennifer, and thanks for fighting for all of these victims. we really appreciate it and we are going to continue to look into the thousands of pages. >> thank you, jesse. appreciate it >> jesse: for decades, members of washington's elite,
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politicians, contractors, officials, have found themselves trapped in honeypots, engaging in illicit sexual relations and then being blackmailed by enemies of the evidence. in the '70s, a chinese spy named katrina ling became an fbi informant and got into a sexual relationship with her handler, and she was accused of sending intel back to the ccp. and who could forget fengfeng? swalwell says she didn't honeypot him, but come on. after six high-end brothels were shot down in boston in the d.c. suburbs, the clients included politicians, military officers, pharma executives. the list goes on and on. and the clients would get texts with the offerings, like, you could have sex for just $840 with your choice of women.
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intelligence experts tell the daily mail they believe these brothels were a friend by a foreign nation to trap u.s. officials and potentially black blackmailed him. so far three south korean u.s. nationals have been charged. until officials say a south korean spy agency could be behind this, but no one knows. it's the perfect op. they could have secretly recorded politicians who showed up to the brothels and demanded favors, or what's common in honeypots games, they get the men to fall for them and they s. prosecutors say there could be charges for 28 of the clients that paid to have sex with these women. will we ever get their names? so far we've got nothing, but, like the epstein documents, that could change. andrew bustamante is a former cia officer. andrew, how do these schemes work? >> it's a great question. one of the things to keep in mind is that espionage and are
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two of the oldest traditions in the entire human experience. he thinks go hand-in-hand. they always have, and they always will, because humans have an innate desire to connect with somebody who finds him attractive, who finds an interesting, and who wants to have that kind of relationship. >> jesse: so, are u.s. officials at the justice department, are they trying to clean this mess up? are they trying to blackmail the other politicians and defense contractors who were on the h hook? >> no, this is a situation where, very much, the american government wants to make it go away. keep in mind, when you have an individual trapped in honeypot, you have two problems. the first problem is you don't know what information they have disclosed to that honeypot target, that honeypot asset. second, you have to figure out what to do with this person who's always been in a position of sensitive compartmentalized information. what do you do with them next? if you just send them to jail or
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just prosecute them, you end up losing a valuable clearance-holding asset to the united states national security infrastructure. so, oftentimes, the objective here is to find out what information was granted, what information was shared, and fix the problem from the inside and just kind of push away the person who broke the policy rather than seek any kind of legal charges. >> jesse: and these johns had to disclose their ids before they did the deed? how dumb is that? [laughs] how dumb is that? and these are the people who are supposed to be the elites. >> one of the things that is interesting about this case specifically, not only that you had very senior people involved, senior lawyers, professors, attorneys, intelligence contract executives -- like, these are definitely powerful people, and it kind of goes to show that they thought they were in a very
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discreet relationship with a service that was professional. >> jesse: so discreet, that's right. the best and the brightest. washington's finest. thank you so much. bustamante, i love saying that name. arizona democrats just promoted a convicted election fraudster, and we caught him. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: "prime time" found another wanda, this time in arizona. her name is gloria torres. she was a city council member in san luis arizona. arizona wanda pled guilty to ballot harvesting in the 2020 primary election. remember, our elections are pristine. in 2020, she was sent this photo of a stack of sealed ballots from a woman named nadia who was also charged in this scheme, and they messaged each other in spanish about their little plan. here's the translation.
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"gloria, good afternoon. i want to give you some ballots. the ones i have here. where do i take them?" gloria says, "i am at home." not he responds, "okay. in 15 minutes i'll take them to you." "okay, thank you." "you're welcome. i am outside." such polite harvesters. the evidence was damning but she only got a wrist slap. a $2500 fine, two years probation, no jail, and she can't run for reelection. but the democrats found a loophole for arizona wanda. which is strange, because why would the democrats go to bat for a convicted ballot stuffer? her friends on the city council appointed gloria to serve as vice mayor of san luis, the same city she harvested at. arizona gloria harvested in the democrats gave her a promotion. they could have appointed anyone, and arizona democrats chose a woman convicted of election fraud.
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it arizona wanda stays in office, "primetime" is already calling arizona for biden. presidents have often fled the chili christmas climate to warm her seven destinations. harry truman would take cabinet secretaries down to sunny key west to talk shop. obama thought he served in the hawaiian waves, to the delight of suburban wine moms. donald trump, who wisely wore a hat, played golf in sunny south florida. even jfk soaked up the rays before his first televised debate with nixon. but some presidents can't handle the heat. in a scandal more impeachable than obama's tan suit, joe biden returned from the virgin islands looking like george hamilton. i hate to be a nag, but the president just had skin cancer a year ago. he had a lesion removed from his chest. white house dermatologist dr dr. jill should know better, but
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apparently you can't keep biden out of the sun. >> i've got hairy legs that turned -- that turned blonde in the sun. and the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down, and then watch the hair come back up again. >> jesse: if biden can't take care of himself, how can he take care of the country? as the great greg gutfeld said, joe finally got burned by a different sun. everybody knows he must wear protection. >> is that sun hot or what? [applause] i'm going to be a lobster. does anybody have some sun protection for your president, please? >> jesse: the former president planning a campaign blitz soon. he's going to be hitting new jersey, new mexico, virginia, even holding a rally at madison square garden.
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"primetime" suggests delaware. could be a fun option. with biden blowing of the border and setting a record over 300,000 illegals caught and released in december, his solution, not really a solution. >> reporter: [inaudible] >> what? >> jesse: "protect the border." hiring more border patrol agents to let more migrants in, no bueno. the white house is having a hard time keeping up the appearance of actually looking like they care about protecting the border, because today they said they should remove the barbed wire at the border because it might pick someone. david nino rodriguez joined me now. how about that sun tan sleepy joe?
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>> i mean, it's ridiculous. i'm surprised he didn't burst into flames. when i look at biden, it's like, can you really fry an egg twice? this guy is a disgrace. that is where our hard-earned tax dollars are going, for this guy to take vacations on the beach. i'll tell you where they should go, let's build a sandbox in the back of the white house, put them in there, let him make a mess and tell him it's america. >> jesse: dark brandon got a little too dart down in the virgin islands, where he was promised two weeks. you know what he did? he did nothing. he had an empty schedule. he got back from vacation and took the day off. >> so nothing's changed! he does nothing anyway. he's going from the basement to the beach. nothing's changed. trump is not afraid of the heat, not afraid of the sun. that's why he is that beautiful shade of orange. >> jesse: [laughs] >> that's why we all love trump. >> jesse: that is really dark.
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i've never seen joe biden that dark. he always said he was an african american. i've never seen the man that dark. >> he doesn't know what he is! >> he says he's jewish, he says he's hispanic. he can be whatever color he wants to be. maybe this is appealing to the base he's losing. what do you think about this porter plan? they just send more money! that's all joe needs, is more dinero. >> i'm on the border, and i'm telling you, i see it every day. i can go to downtown el paso, and i've gotten footage of this, where the migrants are everywhere. they are from venezuela, el salvador, and they are all just hanging out not doing anything. the only thing on these kids' minds, military age men's, his crime. they're not here for jobs. i can go down to downtown el paso right now and show it, show everybody. they want to do bad things. i've been on the border from ciudad juarez to el paso and i know the mindset of these guys. >> jesse: record some of that stuff and we'll put it on.
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>> beautiful. i'll do it. >> jesse: nice t-shirt. see you later. the trans industrial complex furious with dave chappelle after the new special just dropped, and "star wars" hates men in any galaxy. ♪ ♪ in a rocky mountain setting? spanning over 280,000 acres, three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy private skiing with 23 runs for every level. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to to book your luxury experience. biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: they say you shouldn't meet your heroes, because they are probably not how you imagine them. just ask dave chappelle, who told a story about how he met his idol, jim carrey, for the first time, and his new special, "the dreamer." >> jim carrey is talented in no way you can practice over hers. what a god given talent. i was fascinated with him. and no one knew that. he called me, "dave, i'm doing a movie with jim carrey. do you want to meet him?" and i said, "[bleep] yes, i do." in the movie was called "man on the moon." i didn't know any of this. and in the movie he was playing another comedian i admire, the late great andy kaufman. and jim carrey was so immersed
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in that role, from the moment he woke up to the time he went to bed at night, he would live his life as andy kaufman. so much so that everybody on the crew called him andy. i didn't know any of that. i just went there to meet him, and when he walked into the room, i screamed, "jim carrey!" and everyone said "no!" [laughter] "call him and he!" anyway, i say all that to say, that's how trans people make me feel. [laughter] >> jesse: chappelle is as funny as he is right. dylan is as much a woman as jim carrey as andy kaufman. listen, everybody wants to be polite. no one is more polite than i am. if a guy wants to wear a skirt and put on makeup and says he is a she, you go along and say, hey, whatever. if jim carrey wants to pretend he is andy kaufman, the crew plays along. but you can't tell me it's not a little unorthodox. and when you demand everybody play along or be punished,
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that's when i have a problem. that's when you get girls in the boys room, men boxing women. you get coed prisons. what could go wrong? >> god forbid i ever go to jail. but if i do, i hope it's in california. because as soon as the judge sentences me, i'll say, "your honor, before you sentence me, i want the court to know, i identify as a woman." [laughter] "send me to women's jail." [laughter] and as soon as i get in there, you know what i'm going to be doing. "give me a [bleep] fruit cocktail before i knock your [bleep] teeth out! i'm a girl just like you, [bleep]! come over here and suck this [bleep] i got. don't make me clean myself. i'm a girl." >> jesse: predictably, chappelle is under attack by biology deniers and people with no sense of humor. he's found out that trans is
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ripe with material. now to a galaxy far, far away. where chewbacca is transitioning, it is illegal to body shame jabba the hutt, and the only black jedis are able to use the force. disney is giving the franchise a face-lift and their next film will be directed by a canadian pakistani feminist. >> i'm very thrilled about the project, because i think what we are about to create is something very special, and we are in 2024 now, and i think it is about time that we had a woman come forward to shape the story in a galaxy far, far away. >> jesse: "primetime" doesn't have a problem with this. no one, and i mean no one, is a bigger supporter and defender of women then jesse watters. i think my mom still has my lightsaber stashed away in the basement somewhere, next to my trophies and slightly above average report cards. so i'm excited for this very
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special next chapter. can you give me a little taste? >> i like to make men uncomfortable. [laughter] i enjoy making men uncomfortable. [applause] >> jesse: oh, you want me to pay you to feel uncomfortable? i could watch "gutfeld!" and do that for free. this is a very interesting marketing strategy. two-thirds of the "star wars" audience is male, and your goal is to make them feel uncomfortable? i guess making movies that people enjoy and make money is a thing of the past. why does it feel like the entertainment industry is trying to take revenge on us for something we didn't do? and, by the way, pakistan kept usama bin laden for years while they shook us down for billions, and if anybody ever moves on canada, who do you think they're calling? just not right. we don't deserve this. but we do deserve rob schneider, star of "daddy daughter trip,"
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available on all digital platforms and walmart. rob schneider joins me now. >> thank you, jessie. they are finally addressing with the fans of "star wars" franchise really want, a female diverse director. i mean, that explains why all the new "star wars" stuff sucks. obviously it was the director's penis at fault. >> jesse: always the fault of the penis. >> 65% of the fans are men. these men are already uncomfortable with women. i mean, most of the "star wars" fans have never even spoken to a woman, so this -- they have already got that. >> jesse: did "star wars" just dylan themselves? this is straight out of the bud light playbook. >> i think it is time to short disney. >> jesse: [laughs] >> i can't get over this claudine gay thing. i'm surprised disney didn't hire
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her as the director. claudine gay, of harvard, talk about that she's black. what more does harvard want? she's black, she's a lesbian, her name is gay. she checked more boxes than a warehouse worker at amazon. >> jesse: is she a lesbian? >> that the joke i got. [laughs] >> jesse: i didn't even know she was -- is she a lesbian? they're telling me she's not a lesbian. >> i don't know. it fit the joke. sometimes you have to go with the joke. >> jesse: the joke is more important than the truth half the time. ask anybody. >> i used to work for disney, i did "deuce bigelow" for disney. they would never do that now. they called it buena vista but it was still a disney corporation. how good can you feel about yourself if you know you're getting hired because of your genitalia or your ethnicity or because -- the pigmentation of your skin. at a certain point, it reminds me of that -- remember in
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"rosemary's baby" when john cassidy's comes back and says, "honey, i got the lead in a broadway play!" "the other actor went blind!" >> jesse: [laughs] >> how do you feel good about yourself? >> jesse: i can't wait to bust out my lightsaber, which is still -- i think it still lights up, rob, after all these years. >> well, that's good. save that. there's a market for. >> jesse: walked down to the theater and buy tickets to make myself uncomfortable. it'll be the best thing i can do. rob schneider, one of the greats. "deuce bigelow: male." that was a classic. >> disney. >> jesse: go back to drinking real movies. give the people what they want! thanks, rob. up next, look out. >> hey! hey! [bleep]! ♪ ♪
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>> jesse: fox news alert, "primetime" now going through these new epstein documents, and interview the victim said bill clinton "likes them young." two names popped up, michael jackson and stephen hawking. remember, these aren't the flight logs. they are not the surveillance materials the feds have been bottling up. these are unredacted court documents detailing some of epstein's associates, names that popped up in deposition. a lot of these are familiar names, which is why we are still waiting for senator dick durbin to release the flight log manifest so we can see the names of the people who flew to the island. let's bring in julie banderas. so you've got clinton, apparently likes them young, according to this person. >> monica lewinsky is like a grandmother compared to some of these victims. >> jesse: what about
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stephen hawking? i didn't see that name coming, as someone who was on pedophile island. >> i doubt he was among the men. how do you even get that man aroused? i don't think that's possible. >> jesse: we know that epstein was fascinated with the human brain. as we said earlier in the show, galaxies far, far away, that might have been something he was involved in in terms of dinner party discussion. other names that surprise you, michael jackson, probably not a surprise, but i didn't know he was there. >> i understand there were also young boys on the island. i'm not pointing fingers, but there have been accusations about michael jackson before. it wasn't just young girls, it was young boys, as well. who knows? it's a really scary thing and bill clinton should certainly be very afraid. we all knew he had a thing for younger girls, but how young? that's what i want to know. 12, 13-year-olds? prince andrew, can we talk about
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that? apparently there were a orgies that evolved him, and now we wonder why the queen pi paid off big sums of money to hide this. they can't hide in silence anymore. >> jesse: this is all coming from these documents just released and we will continue to go through them. this las vegas courtroom descended into pure chaos after this three times felon, well, didn't like his sentence. >> i think it's time that he gets a taste of something else, because i just can't with that history. >> [bleep], [bleep]! >> hey, hey! >> [bleep]! [clamoring] >> please! >> jesse: so why did he go? the judge handed him a 30-year
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sentence. the judge was sent to the hospital and treated for a head injury. she is expected to be okay, julie. >> he repeatedly punched this girl. this woman, this honorable judge, should put him behind bars for the rest of his life. you mentioned he was a three-time convicted felon? this is a shocker, convicted of battery and substantial bodily harm. kudos to her, first of all, for not giving him the probation he was seeking when he was in court that day. every judge should do the same. put these guys to bed for life, because they will come back and reoffend. >> jesse: if that guy had ever done that to judge jeanine pirro, never would have made it home. >> he wouldn't have gotten a cyst in, by the way. have you seen her guns? >> jesse: judge jeanine is not to be messed with. we hope the judge is recovering nicely. thank you, julie. >> sure thing. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: america needs to know who the best bartender is. it is john, down in naples, florida. you have to look them up.
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he knows everything about alcohol. the history, he's a great storyteller. go check them out, best bartender ever. find him in naples, florida. let's do text. bill from aurora, colorado, "maybe harvard should replace gay with mayorkas. he let everyone." "the new catchphrase would be luke, i am your mother." kurt from wiley, texas, "jesse, you told us about your news resolutions." i don't do new year's resolutions. i'm doing pretty w well without all that. "did you replace watters or is it original? my dad claims i stole this move from him. he says it's a dense move i still him. i didn't steal that! how dare he! i'm watters. this is my world. ♪ ♪


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