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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  January 3, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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♪ >> greg: final thoughts jimmy. >> if you want to see how my wife and i live, at nicky and jim, at nicky and jim nyc on youtube, you can go theren a see how we live our life. >> reporter: very interesting. what about your life joe? >> you can see how sad and depraved i am in rochester, rochester new york buffalo new york and point pleasant new jersey in this next week and a half. >> reporter: awesome, little upstate tour fantasticment thank to jim norton, kennedy, kat timpf our studio audience. fox news at night with trace gallagher is next. i love you america. >> trace: good evening i'm trace gallagher, 11:00 p.m. on the east coast 8:00 in los angeles
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and this is america's late news, fox news at night. breaking tonight, brand new video just into fox news showing a man, as you saw there, violently attacking a las vegas judge literally jumping over barriers up onto the bench. we'll tell you wa the suspect said right before he attacked. but, first, breaking news that almost broke the internet. the names of people tied to convicted sex offender jeffrey epstein now publicment more than 900 pages of court documents were unsealed moments ago. it really is a who's who list that nobody wants to be on including the former president bill clinton and names like michael jackson, george lucas, it goes on and on. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in dc with the breaking information on this story. kevin good evening. >> reporter: evening trace, in addition to the former president, bill clinton, some other high profile names mentioned include prince andrew, michael jackson, stephen hawking, david copper field and
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naomi campbell. again, it is important to note that the inclusion of a name on this list does not mean that that particular person has been accused of any wrong doing in relation to epstein. however, these associates and others in this just sealed list which has now been unsealed were contained in court documents trace filed as part of the epstein accuser virginia giuffre's lawsuit against ghislaine maxwell. now giuffre has claimed that epstein and maxwell for that matter forced her into a sexual encounter with britain's prince andrew when she was just 17. and other people, by the way. in a separate document, which included a deposition given by another alleged victim named joanna joyburg, she claims that epstein once said that bill clinton likes 'em young, referring to girls. now, in 2019, a clinton spokesperson denied claims made
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about the former president's involvement with epstein saying in a statement on twitter that he knew absolutely nothing about the terrible crimes involving jeffrey epstein. also denying allegations of impropriety tonight famed harvard professor allen dershowitz who was named by a victim in one of documents. dershowitz says he was epstein's lawyer which explains why he flew around with him so many timesment we've been following this story for quite some time so i want to reiterate maxwell is serving a 20-year sentence for recruiting under aged girls for epstein. she's appealing her conviction but again the names that have been released from this long list, again we just want to be fair, it doesn't necessarily mean they've done anything improper but they're there, trace. >> trace: they are there we are going to put them up again to show you but kevin is right no indication they have done anything wrong. kevin corke live in dc thank you. let's bring in washington examiner political and
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investigator reporter sarah bedford along with gop strategist and attorney cooke. ladies thank you for coming on we appreciate it. you're the attorney on the panel here so i want to go to you first and put some of these names up there. kevin mentioned a few there are a lot more. here's some of the prominent names, bill clinton, michael jackson, prince andrew, david copper field the magician, allen dershowitz, stephen hawking,al gore, naomi campbell and kevin spacey. and again we reiterate there is no indication they did anything wrong facing no charges at all. the question to you, mahek is could they? could this come back to maybe stir up new allegations, new, you know, people taking a look closer at these documents? what are your thoughts on this? >> i think that this could absolutely stir up additional allegations. the fact that there's a release, now the next couple steps are going to be what additional evidence is there against the individuals that are named, like you have said and stressed.
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there is no crime right now, that these are all allegations against individuals, but is there a crime and is there going to be accountability if there is a crime against these politicians and celebrities and all we know right now is that there is some connection to epstein but what degree do these individuals either commit a crime, how many times did they visit, and did they know about the under age boys and girls that were on that island and in his home. >> trace: that's right and that's the whole thing, we have a lot of information that we do not have right now. one of the alleged victims, joanna showburg sarah said the following in her deposition. it is document 10. she said was asked, did jeffrey ever talk to you about bill clinton, the response he said one time that clinton likes them young, referring to girls. again no evidence of accusations. clinton didn't do anything wrong, a lot of people said that he never went in for these massages, didn't do anything like that at all. i'm wondering the political fallout. what does this do politically, what do you think the
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ramifications of this are, sarah. >> i think politically, you know, this is very far from the first time that bill clinton has been accused of wrong doing when it comes to women so i'm not sure that his public image in the women department can take much more of a hit at this point after all these decades, but it's bad timing for his wife. hillary clinton had started to emerge back on the national stage, she was set to campaign for joe biden. this is not what the clintons want in the headlines when hillary clinton was said to be becoming, you know, a top surrogate for joe biden back on the campaign trail especially when he needs his foreign policy credentials and she was going to be the one to do that. i'm interested to see if the biden campaign will want her front and center if this is a slowly unfolding story focusing on bill clinton's history with epstein. >> meantime aaron rodgers made mention of jimmy kimmel of possibly being on this list we have seen no indication of jimmy kimmel's name but he came back and said this quoting here, dear
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a blank, for the record i've not met, flown with, visited or had any contact whatsoever with epstein nor will i find my name on any list other than the clearly phoney nonsense that soft brained whackos like yourself can't distinguish from reality. your reckless words put my family in danger. keep it up and we will discuss this further in court. could he take this to court. is there liability on aaron rodgers part for even associating him with this list? >> i mean maybe but he's not going to prevail in court. i saw the clip and this was totally a joke in response to the way that jimmy kimmel has mocked aaron rodgers on his show and if you watch jimmy kimmel's show you know that he no longer knows what a joke i is so at the end of the day he won't prevail. >> trace: your final thoughts on this entire subject sarah? >> yeah, i think you don't trust institutions and particularly the justice department has fallen so low among members of the public that will's not a lot of faith that anyone will be
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held accountable for the epstein saga. law enforcement authorities had known about this for a decade before jeffrey epstein was arrested on federal charges. even though this is emerging faith that this is going to get taken carry of, accountability is low. >> trace: he had sex with under age girls and he did not account for it. he had a very softball punishment in florida. so that goes to show you. sarah, mehek thank you both we appreciate it >> claudine gay is no longer president of harvard university and some members of the liberal media know exactly who to blame. conservatives. lauren green is live with more on that tonight. lauren good evening. >> good evening trace. calls for claudine gay's ouster came with some of the wealthiest donors, members of the harvard crimson editorial board and several notable alumni but not everyone is celebrating the resignation of the school's first black president. >> there is this sort of open war on black progress, black
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history. claudine gay, the president of harvard university, at least up until she resigned, is now the latest casualty of that. >> the fact she's a black woman and the first person who is a black american to lead harvard only added to their thirst to dethrone her. >> reporter: after facing online scorn the associated press was forced to acknowledge that this headline, accusing conservatives of using plagiarism in its so-called war against diversity, equity and inclusion, was not up to its standards but the new york post took a far different tone with its cover today accusing gay of playing a victim in her resignation letter in which she argued that the calls for her to resign were partly due or fueled by radical animus. >> she asked the question, does it violate harvard's speech code and policies for students or anybody else to come out and say we want genocide against the jews and she had trouble answering the question, it
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depends, pit it in context, i'm not really sure. the president of the university of pennsylvania also had troubling answering that question and she got booted and guess what? she's white. >> reporter: obviously racial animus but gay's tenure as harvard's president was a brief six months and two days longment she will remain at the ivy league school as a faculty member and still likely fetch a nearly $900,000 a year salary. trace. >> trace: indeed lauren green thank you. let's bringing out jill simonian and the dean of pepperdine school of public policy pete peterson. welcome both. the media went out of their way to defend claudine gay. here's a few more clips of what they said and we'll get their response. watch. >> harvard's first black president, a woman named claudine gay. resigned her position. everything from a bad faith hearing on campus anti-semitism to unfounded plagiarism charges were thrown at er had. >> i don't think it's fair to say all the critics were racist
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with you a few were. >> it looks as though she was targeted. >> trace: targeted jill simonian? she did all of this. she went before congress, she gave the answers, she was the one allegedly who plagiarized those documents. targeted. >> we saw everything play out before our eyes and still, still there is media trying to lie to us in front of our faces saying, oh, she was targeted, just as we saw in the clips. we talk about this all the time at prager u and prager u kids, how we, especially our children, are just inundated with lies, lies, lies, and this is just another example of the lies and the division they are trying to create. >> trace: one more clip for you pete cnn. >> we should note claudine gay has not been accused of stealing anyone's ideas in her writings, she's been accused of more leak copying other people's writings without at contribution. so it's been more sloppy at contribution than stealing
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anyone's ideas. >> trace: sloppiness. 50 accusations pete she lifted entire paragraphs and changed a little bit and then, you know, your thoughts. >> well, in the academic world we all know that that is plagiarism and we have 50 instances of it. you know, what's missing from this, just six months ago, the president of stanford, after an investigation was forced to resign after one single report or study he did until 2009 14 years ago in which he may have inflated some data around some alzheimer's research. 14 years ago was a single study and he was let go from stanford. now he was white. there were no accusations around race or anything else playing a role here, and now when claudine gay leading america's premier undergraduate institution college and university, has 50 instances of plagiarism that would let any student go and every student knows this at harvard, now we're finding and hearing these accusations of
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racism. it is ridiculous. >> trace: yeah, that's right. meantime wabc says the following here, jewish student claims rutgers university ignored anti-semitism on campus in a new lawsuit. a jewish student at rutgers university says he is facing expulsion or suspension for pointing out anti-semitic propaganda on campus which is a little bit of evidence here, jill, that this thing is not over by a long shot, still going. anti-semitism across campuses in this country. >> it is and it's extremely tragic and i've gone on the record many times saying how tragic it is however from a perspective as a mom i'm going to say this this gives me hope that more young people are finding their courage to speak truth, to bring truth to light no matter what kind of backlash they might receive. and it really gives me hope that perhaps some of the most woke universities that have been corrupted are going to correct, a little bit. i can't say all the way, but i'm hoping they'll correct a little bit in the future. >> trace: pete a few
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resignations is not going to stop the anti-semitism. >> no, as churchill said we're not at the beginning of the end we're at the end of the beginning. at important to point out in the rutgers case this is not a free speech case. this lawsuit being brought is around title six of the civil rights act and we're starting to see those kinds of cases brought by students and administrators. that's going to be the angle here. not free speech but the civil rights act. >> trace: great point. pete peterson jill simonian, thank you both. >> thank you ♪ >> trace: well, the fox news at night common sense department was intrigued by today's trip to the southern border by house speaker mike johnson and several other republican house members. they got a firsthand look at what fox news has been showing you every single day and while gop representatives toured the crisis zone, the white house was again reiterating what a wonderful job the president has done in securing the border. the administration also reminded us that if there are any hitches
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or heckups at the southern border, it is clearly the fault of republican resistance, quoting here, actions speak louder than words. house republicans anti border security record is defined by attempting to cut customs and border protection and personnel. common sense thinks this is a pretty good time to clarify that when the white house says personnel, that republicans oppose, they don't mean border agents trying to stop migrants from crossing. they mean personnel in charge of processing more illegal migrants. why stop them when you can speed them up? this is the same white house that now calls the border crisis, quote, irregular migration, or normal ebb and flow. common sense thinks when seven million migrants enter the u.s. in just three years, flow is actually flood, and he been was apparently kidnapped by the cartels in early 2021. shocking new video tonight of an attack on a district judge inside a las vegas courtroom by
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a criminal seconds before he was about to be sentenced. it is an unbelievable story, christina coleman is live with video unlike anything we've ever seen. >> reporter: amazing, it was wild, a defendant being sentenced for attempted battery in las vegas reached over the bench to attack her. courtroom cameras captured the wild moment that he dives his whole body over the bench and curses at the judge. take a listen. >> i think it's time that he get a taste of something else, because i just can't with that history. in accordance with the laws of the state -- [bleep], [bleep]. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hey. hey, hey, hey. >> reporter: i mean what in the world just crazy trace, both the clark county district court judge mary kay and a marshall were hurt during the attack.
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the marshall was hospitalized and listed in stable condition. the judge didn't need to go to the hospital to seek medical care, fortunately she's okay. the court's public information officer recognized the quick actions of those around the judge writing, we commend the heroic acts of her staff. law enforcement, all others who subdued the defendant. the court remains committed to a safe and secure courthouse and courtrooms. we are reviewing all our protocols and will do whatever is necessary to protect the judiciary, the public and our employees. now as for the defendant, he's now facing a new round of charges including two counts ever battery on a protected person. he's expected back in court tomorrow morning and let's all hope he does not leap at the judge this time t. >> trace: i think he'll be cuffed up pretty good tomorrow morning. >> reporter: i think so. >> trace: christina thank you. own of low bows boxing judge and attorney lexy. i don't know lexy amazing to me, when i first saw the video, it just came out, i just it about
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an hour and a half ago two hours ago. when i saw it i thought that has to be a satire thing. i have never seen anything like that have you. >> i have never zone anything like that, i couldn't believe it. my mouth was on the floor. i always fall prey to something crazy like that, something crazy in a courtroom but that i did not expect and thankfully i've never seen anything like that happen in person and i've been in many courtrooms. >> trace: we want to bring you on to address that quickly. we actually have a different subject to talk about because it's california, the businesses, that's the reason we brought eddie on, one of southern california's favorite bakeries shut down eight locations, eddie you probably know this, sweet lady jane a celebrity hangout our friend who's on a lot let me translate the cost of security due to burglaries and legalized theft in california plus inflation plus keeping up with your wage and employment regulations plus oppressive and rising taxes forced what was a
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thriving family-run business, a beloved local establishment steps from my home to disappear. i mean i have friends, you know the whole business world in california. they make it so hard to run a business in this state and people are shutting down. >> it's almost like they're doing it on purpose at this point. >> trace: right? >> they don't give you any avenue for you to succeed. even a businesslike that that was thriving and successful, if they can't do it how does anybody else expect to get ahead. >> trace: very good point. and our friend, the chef, andrew gruel who's also been on the show, headline, celebrity chef andrew gruel says he won't open another restaurant in crime-plagued california. lexy, they have to figure out a solution here to stop this, and they also have to figure out a way to let the businesses at least make a profit. >> right. and, you know, they say there's that old saying all politics is local. people pay so much attention to the presidential election and understandably so but people need to pay more attention to who they are electing in terms
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of their mayor, their council people, the people who are going to be raising their taxes, the people enacting policies that impact their pocketbooks. and are responsible for how many police officers are on the street. that is so important because if this is not an attractive place to do business, businesses will continue to leave. >> trace: you talk about the mayors, there's a rapper, his name is chino yang, put out a music video kind of slamming london breed. let's watch a little bit and we'll get eddie to respond. ♪ ♪ ♪ you ain't nothing but a clown ♪ when we really needed you you were never ♪ ♪ >> trace: i mean, it's the frustration and you see this all the time eddie. we talked to chef gruel, you've seen and been on with him before. it is really frustrating for businesses to be in california and constantly be ripped off and then, in essence, be ripped off by the state in what they have
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to pay their employees and the taxes and regulations they have to endure. >> yeah you get hit on every angle on that. and even for some of the businesses to have, you know, products and stuff like that, you can't defend yourself, if they try to stop somebody from stealing they get if trouble and there's no accountability and you see it transient that video that you just showed about with the judge, this is the behavior and there's no accountability for it and if guys are doing that to judges, imagine what they're doing in businesses when they know there's a slayen on the wrist at the worst. >> trace: i imagine nobody's walking into your gym and causing a rut gus because it's a boxing gym and there would be consequences immediately. >> i feel like the safe would be run like a boxing gym where there's consequences for behaving like that. maybe they should let me handle it. >> trace: maybe they should. eddie and alexi thank you. we appreciate it >> coming up republican candidates descend on iowa two weeks before the caucuses and there appears to be some movement in the numbers. later in the nightcap the average american believes they
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could survive 16 days alone in the wilderness. are you among them? two rules, you can't bring anything with you, and you literally have to live off the land. let us know your survival plan. x and instagram at trace gallagher. we will read the best responses in the nightcap. meantime 8:21 on the west coast fox news at night trip across america, live look at the bright downtown seattle skyline next to manatoic wisconsin which sits on lake michigan. and the empire state building lighting up the new york city sky. if you can't join us live do not forget to set your vcr and join us anytime. we're coming right back. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms...
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♪ >> trace: on to politics now as the republican presidential contenders focus on iowa with less than two weeks until the caucuses. the sitting president is apparently ready now to get up and fire his first big salvo of the campaign and, yep, he's going after all the maga republicans. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is back live with that story. kevin. >> reporter: you know you love this. i know you love this, trace. we can talk politics all day long because that's what we do for a living. and, no, it is not a surprise that gop candidates continue to crisscross the hawkeye state with time running out before the caucuses but for joe biden things are finally heating up on the campaign trail. biden planning to mark three years since the 2021 capitol unrest with a speech at valley forge this week. his remarks in pennsylvania intended to frame the 2024 presidential election as a fight for democracy. by the way, mr. biden's reelection campaign also says he'll be making a speech next
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week at the mother emanuel ame church in charleston south carolina. you may remember that's the site of that 2015 shooting by a white supremacist. critics argue what the white house is doing is easy to figure out. they say it's all about optics meant to paint the president and so-called maga republicans and insurrectionists and as racists but given biden's sagging poll numbers especially as it relates to the economy, the border, crime and foreign affairs, leak the wars in ukraine and gaza, it's a bit of a surprise for some observers that his opening salvo isn't really touching on the biggest challenges facing americans right now. however, if there is one thing we certainly know about campaigns in january, it's that they fairly often have little impact on november, but of course we'll all see soon trace. >> trace: we will all see thank you. iran is vowinging to hold
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responsible for those killings a hundred people during the funeral of the general killed during a strike in 2020. senior foreign affair greg palkot is in london. >> reporter: a mass gathering in central iran shattered by a bomb blast and then another. leaving a scene of death and carnage. at least 95 killed, 211 wounded, the deadliest attack in iran in decades. it happened at a commemoration near the grave of an infamous iranian general, that sem soleimani the former head of the revolutionary guards force who was killed four years ago in a u.s. drone strike. he and iran backed then believed responsible for attacks on american bases. those groups including hamas and hezbollah, remain very active today. hezbollah chief mourned the death in a video address. >> martyrs of the same cause and battle and soleimani.
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>> reporter: iranian president saying we tell the criminal america signist regime you will pay a high price for the crimes you committed and will regret it but no exact maim placed and no claims of responsibility yet. the u.s. said it had nothing to do with it and neither did its ally israel. >> we have no indication at this time at all that is reel was involved in any way whatsoever. >> reporter: for his part, iran prepare leader ayatollah said in a statement about the terror attack the cruel criminals must know they will be strongly dealt with and there will be a harsh response. he wasn't specific about that response. trace. >> trace: greg, thank you. let's bring in retired u.s. navy captain and search and rescue spefrt armon kurdian along with navy seal who trained with special forces cameron hamilton thank you for coming on. the remain for defense secretary leon panetta said this about the iranian explosions. watch. >> it smells an awful lot like
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terrorist like isis or opposition forces in iran. so i think they better be sure just exactly who's responsible for this before they decide to suddenly go out and start attacking others. >> trace: it's a fair point cameron because iran really does need to be very careful before pointing fingers at somebody like israel in this scenario. >> i think it's a fair assessment. right now what i find is that the more this conflict spills over into adjacent regions, the more it has a great potential to unite previously sick terian divides within the islamic world. so what i see from this attack, and of course the intelligence will be forthcoming i hope very soon to reveal the indications of who committed these atrocities, likely these are detractors who are trying to stoke further flames to pull iran directly into conflict with israel and with the adjacent areas. >> trace: and meantime, armon, you have general jack keane saying that he sees iran continuing to taunt, maybe even target the united states. watch.
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>> the iranians obviously are on the march. they see this administration as weak, and they see a lack of political will only the united states to confront them and our adversaries. therefore, they feel there's a vulnerability in the united states and this is opportunity. >> trace: and it's big, a heavy word, vulnerability when you're talking with this country is one of those things you just don't want to even go near. >> no, trace, consider the fact this administration says they don't want to escalate the war but iran is dictating the pace of escalation not only that they have a strategic initiative in the area. encapsulated in the red season the gulf of bay, what was happening with hezbollah and hamas. each of these various incidents if you want to call them that acting within themselves might say one thing but it is all a coordinated unified effort in order to destabilize that region, strengthen their hand and weaken the united states and eventually see us perhaps leave. >> trace: it appears coordinated
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that's the whole point. looks like israel wants to scale back, cameron, some of these attacks in gaza. is it pressure? do you feel like this might be the beginning of the end of the war in gaza? what's your take away from that? >> i think most of us hope it is. we are seeing israel make stride and progress with their initiatives taken out several key leaders of hamas made significant strong holds and gained territory within gaza. again individuals need to realize that is reel will not be completely absent from gaza. they will have to set up some kind of a long-term presence. so i think the hope is that they will ultimately scale back operations on a more offensive nature but time will tell. again their presence is not going to diminish in that region. >> trace: meantime up in the northern part of israel they're still going after hezbollah and lebanon. in fact things are ramping up. we've had some very row equal and determined statements from the head of hezbollah, hassan
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nahs rally and things could get worse. >> absolutely. we are seeing israel sending troops toss the northern border to protect that. is real is taking the right course and proportionate response because they don't want a war on two fronts at this point. not to say they wouldn't be able to fight it but an incredible toll on the country if both hezbollah and hamas were going after them. >> from the start on october 7th people were worried wind what's going to happen with hezbollah in the north and now they're still poking away. armon, colonel thank you. are you optimistic about 2024 many young americans are. in fact many are turning toward religion. evita duffy and emily austin are next with their take on exactly what's happening. and would you wait hours for a tumbler? these customers did. plus a gust of wind takes down a christmas tree in london. the day's best viral videos are next. first a live look, the santa
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monica pier right down the road from fox news at night courtesy of sky cam. we're coming right back.
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i khamenei. ♪ >> trace: well, a new online poll shows a majority of americans who make new year's resolution are wanting to pray more and focus on their faith more in 2024. the chief religion correspondent lauren green is live again with a new look at these numbers lauren. >> reporter: trace it's all about hope. a new survey finds young people are more likely to make resolutions in 2024 as opposed to old americans with over 60% of those in a cbs ugov survey says some say they compared to make one compared to 15% of those aged 65 plus. health and fitness goals top the list of the resolutions, the survey finds more and more americans want to make faith a
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priority. nearly 6 in 10 americans say they want to pray more. coming out of last year, fox news polling found 53% say 2023 was a bad year for them and another 66% believe it was a bad year for the country. but the cbs news analysis found that despite that, americans are hopeful about 2024 and that it is young people who feel the most hopeful. only 37% of americans aged 45 to 64 say they feel hopeful about the coming year. but that number rises to 64% for americans under 30. now, this mirrors recent findings from gallop that found 76% of gen-zers are optimistic about their future and 82% belief they will achieve their goals. now, that survey highlighted just how important a role a supportive adult played in fueling that optimism. young people that had a mentor or influential parent figure saying they are twice as likely
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to believe they have a bright future ahead of them. trace. >> trace: makes sense. lauren thank you. let's bring in the federalist staff writer evita duffy along with activist and television personnely austin. thanks for coming on. evita to you first the christian headline says the following, americans making resolutions aimed to pray and attend church more in 2024, and you just heard lauren say 6 in 10 want to pray more. what do you think is happening? >> well, i'm pleasantly surprised by it, especially among young people because we've heard a lot of polls saying gen-z is the most er religious generation to date but you have a lot of young and old people saying they want to pray more and i wonder if it has to do with a little bit of uncertainty coming into 2024. whether trump wins or losses there can be volatility, there's probably going to be volatility. you have reporters predicting a black swan event in this coming year. and so i think that in times of
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uncertainty people turn to prayer and to god and i think that's a really positive thing despite the uncertainty. >> emily would you echo that because it seems like evita's right, when you talk about the whole thing, people seem to get, when they're a little bit concerned, they lean towards spirituality. what do you think about this? >> i'd say that america's in a time of rapid decline if there's not something that's going to spark a change very quick. i, personally, believe that the war might play a huge factor. we've had a war between russia and ukraine this year now a middle eastern global crisis and there's not really much that gen-zers are do. we're not enlisting in the army or going overseas to help the very least we can turn to god and maybe sad to begin with gen-z was such a godless generation to begin with so i would echo it's great news to hear. >> trace: emily talks about change and this is a big, big change coming up. ages 18-34 on whether they
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support biden or trump. look at the numbers of this poll. you've got 34 -- 37% saying they support donald trump, 33% joe biden. the numbers are close, evita duffy. the problem is, during 2020 biden overwhelmingly won by those under 35. so it is a sea change. >> yeah, again, i'm surprised by these numbers but then again if you look at what's happened the last three years it makes sense. the economy has been terrible and again people get hurt the most. they're the ones who want the bye a house start their lives advance in their careers and they can't because of how stagnant this economy has been. then you look at the conflict in israel with hamas and a lot of young people are angry at joe biden for apparently not siding with the terrorists, which is another issue, and then the third thing which is joe biden made a lot of promises to young people saying he was going to forgive student loans and he didn't pull through with that. so there's a lot of i think
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resentment amongst young people which is why you're seeing those numbers. >> you know what i find fascinating emilyr time karine jean-pierre talks about young voters what she does is we're really going after climate change we're the ones who are going to protect your rights for abortion as if young people only care about those two issues. they care about the economy. they care about a lot of things that are going wrong. your final thoughts on this. >> i think what biden did a good job at is promising a lot as duffy said and underdelivering he did a good job targeting minority groups. my question remains what did biden do for the black community or the hispanic community. what has he done for college students? he can't even keep college students safe anymore on campuses. so when you've promised things and you can't deliver, what gives anyone an incentive to vote for you again? of course we want to see change. >> trace: emily austin, evita duffy thank you both. we appreciate it. >> thanks so much. ♪
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>> trace: first up in tonight's viral videos the stanley cup craze hit a whole new level with customers waiting hours at target to get their hands on the new limited edition gallon times version of the vacuum insolated travel mug. resales of the 40 ounce tumbler more than a hundred bucks. not bad. symbolic end to the christmas season in london where people outside a tube station helped move a giant christmas tree out of the street after it was toppled by a gust of wind or gut of the grinch. if you have a viral video to share share it with us at trace gallagher or fox news night on social media. here we go, up next, how long could you survive in the wilderness alone with nothing but the land that you are lost in? we want to hear your survival strategy. the nightcap crew, including our survival expert, armen kurdian, next. ♪ closer than the average mother daughter. hi mom! if i lost my mom.... i can't think about that for too long.
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i was like, "whoa, mom, i have this gene!" kenzie's test and me being able to find out that i was brca positive was lifesaving. i've seen her take her health into her own hands, for herself and for us. i'm really proud of my mom.
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♪ >> trace: back with the nightcap crew, kevin corke, lauren green, christina coleman, jill simonian, eddie ar sole a, armen kurdian, and eddie. fox news at night style survivor. the average american thinks they could survive in the wilderness alone for two weeks. could you make it two weeks alone in the wilderness lauren
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green. >> no you couldn't and illusions. i have no illusions i spent 15 minutes at a bus stop in sub zero temperatures. it doesn't work. respect nature be honest with yourself. >> trace: kevin corke i know you could survive 16 days in the wilderness. >> no chance my brother. [laughter]. >> i'm like a day and after that no mass, no good. >> trace: next we give you exactly how to survive but first jill simonian your survival technique. >> what do you think? i get cold if i'm outside for a minute. >> trace: wait, nobody said it's in the dead of winter it could be in the heat of summer. >> if i have matches and fire i might have a little hope, like two days. >> trace: fair enough. evita duffy, could you make it 16 days out in the wilderness? >> i'm a survivor. i would do it for sure. i grew up in northern wisconsin, i would go out, i would paining a fire with the friction from wood. we would figure it out. >> trace: oh, my ga shall evita
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duffy. talk about that kevin corke, she put us to shame. my other survivor eddie ar sole a will survivor he's a boxer he will beat the daylights out of the bears. >> i could probably do it depending where it is. if it's in the caribbean somewhere where it's warm and there's fish i could. >> trace: otherwise. >> otherwise i'm a big guy and i would get hungry and won't last two days. >> trace: i'm going to give you a tip christina because recd is a survival expert how do we survive 16 days. >> i have a hard time packing for a weekend get away. i would find the leaves go all tom hanks cast away, find all the slow animals throw them onto the fire, make a little barbecue, at that point i can work my i self up build up strength and a little meat there and maybe i don't know go all gilligan's island build myself a hut and i might actually stay for a while. >> trace: gilligan's island, i like it, survivor, cast away? christina. >> no, i'm not surviving. i sleep with a sound machine i
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need filtered water. no i'm out. >> trace: there would be a natural sound machine out there. did we get everybody? yes i think we did. we asked instagram could you survive two weeks in the wilderness yes 39% no 61, instagram 26, 74. a lot of naysayers out there. scarlett says pray and not panic and remember all the shows i have watched about people who have been rescued and survived like armen. chris clark eating everything in sight hoping one item is poisonous so i don't have to do the whole two weeks. eva, look for mas a water source sleep in a tree and start a fire. i am with them. andrea says i'm going to be honest i would probably last four hours and that's only if it is a sunny day. i think the same thing. you have to get something warm, get a fire and something to drink. thanks for watching america's late news fobs news at night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. we'll see you right back here tomorrow night.
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>> jesse


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