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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 3, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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about alcohol, the history. he's a great storyteller. alcohol.go out, john. best bartender ever. find him in naples, floridender. >> let's do tax bill from aurora. >> maybe harvard should replace gay with mayorkas. he let in. gene from north dakota. darth vader's new catchphrase will be luke. i am your mother. >> all right, gene. curt froem wylie, texas., "j >> jesse, you never told us about your new year's resolutions. don't resolutions. >> i think i'm doing prettyreso well without all that. >> jerry from tucson, arizonal did you plagiariz? waters and this is my world, or is that a jesse original? my dad. i stole this move from him.nal? he says it's a dance move. stil been doing. he can't dance. i didn't steal that. how dare he? i'm waters.watter >> this is my world.s.this i that's. h
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>> and welcome to hanna. tonight, we begin with a fox news alert. the epsteiwslert,n files, they e been released, and we are now learning the names of more thaan 150 individuals allegedly an 150associated with the powerl convicted . that includes formeresident president bill clinton. now coming up, we'll get reaction tonight from pam bondi. markon. will get from p geragosd alan dershowitz, who once represented epstein in courte lt and whose name appears on the list. he will join us. . s.also tonight, shocking new video from nevada where a convicted criminalfrom nev. this is unbelievable. brutally attacking that judg --e after she sentenced him to jail. and it goes on from theres oe. we have a lot more coming up. and later. i do have bad news for jon d ne stewart, formerly of the daily,o show, who once begged me, along with the "jersey boys" and nathan lane, to stay in new york. you mighheseyt remember. >> take a look. jon, we know you're ma d at usyou ha and you have every right tveo b. occupy wall street, governor cuomo, that weird has m
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smell. new york has made a lot of big mistakes, but we'rade to change. >> just please stay. >> and they actually sing anyway, now that i have officially moved. to the freef state of florida, my new permanent residenc me. and i don't know. will jon stewart, the jersey boys, nathan t ever survive?la i jimmy fallon here tonight to respond. tobut first, we turn back to or top story. the ultra wealthy convicted ultr jeffrey epstein, we know is dead, but he leaves behind pedowhat is a long trail of high profile associates and friends, includin og many who knew about or may have participated in his massive web of abuse. to date, no one other than epstein and his partner, julian maxwell, have ever been charged or convicted in connection with their, quote, conn trafficking ring and allegations. but tonight, a court has just unsealed a list of names in a civil suit. this one brought by one of epstein's alleged victims. now, befor
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e we get to the namess and the allegations, here is a quick reminder. for decadequic s, jeffrey epstein was shrouded in mystery. he was once regardedstery.vesto. a billionaire investor. no one seemed to know how epstein becameno one wealthy and so well-connected. he owned multiple private planes, a fleet of cars, several massive estates all across the country, including what was the largest home right there in new york rgest hocity. epstein even had his very own private island named, quote, little saint james. now, today, many of you know itt "p a island based on numerous allegations that young girlswert were trafficked to epstein's island and tharaepstein't they , in fact, abused. they were also abused. allegations, allegations, accordin, abusedalsocording manm beach mansion, his new his homea in new york, his sprawling ranch in new mexico, and his luxury apartmentns in paris and france. at the very same time, epstein welle, eps with some of the most well-connected people on earth, including billionaires, actors,
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world leaders. and according to logs, former president bill clinton took nearly two dozen flights on epstein's private planes, includinnein's prg the jet thate to be known as the express. in i and tonight's unsealed documents do mention the former president, includingts exchange with one of epstein's victims. quote, epstein v said at one time, clinton like them young, referring to girls. . now, keep in mind, these are allegations as from a civil suit and was a suit that was a settled and have not been proven in a court of law. former c clinton has denied any wrongdoing. now, of course, clinton is not elease the only high profile name released tonight. anyway, joining us now with alth l own the latest details, our very own eric shawn. a lot of interes t in this tonight. >> my phone's been blowing up, eric. hi, shawn. ic.good evening. stuff in >> well, 943 pages. lot of stuff in this. , some osome of it i can't say . giving insight into the infamous fiends, including the names of some of our nation's top business and political leader postraces.
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the documents about epstein include depositions, evidence and the unsealins on epsg of nas of people he knew being on the list. i want to say, is not an indication of any wrongdoing. asostu said, perhaps the notable name belongs to former president bill clinton. >> mr.elongs to . >> seen here shaking hands i with epstein in 1993. he's described as a key person who can provide information about close relationship with delay, maxwell and epstein. ghismaxwell and epst ghislaine n in that photo standing behind epstein. she's now servindid stein.g 20 s in prison for sex trafficking, underage girls for epstein sex.t >> she is appealing that conviction. then there's this. and joininthenhere'sg us. >> sjoberg she's one of many women who accused epstein of abuse, quote, joannaerg. testified jeffrey told her clinton likes them. younshe ted thatg, referring to. girls. as for those reporte d flight logs, while they do show the former president flew on epstein's jet to europe and the states, but not to epstein's private caribbean island , that's wherey authorities say epstein held
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those underage parties. >>held tho bernie mansion of cln and the island comes in this page, according to the documents, quote, maxwell says, just so we'r e clear, the allegations that clinton had a meal on jeffrey'n is thasd is 100% false. epstein accuser, johanna sjoberg, also said that prince andrew once jokingly put his hand on her for a photo that happened at epstein's upper east side manhattan mansion. you're seeing a photo here of princ thesidee. that >> he denied that., by the way, this photo shows another accuser, virginia giuffre. she has said that she was forced to haveaccuse with manye men by epstein, including prince andrew. he denieas mand that and the cae about that has been settled. and as for former president trump, well, his name does come up in the papers. you knowp in thepapers, we knewn in new york for many years, but cut him off. years him offreports say that p trump kicked epstein out of mar-a-lag o because epstein hit on the teenage daughter ter that beforee epstein was ever charged in the
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cases. joanna charged that she, epstein, giuffre and maxwell once visited one of trump's atlantic city casinos that in 2001 an entire deposition. joanna was askedin 2 a very dir and blunt question. sean quote, dird ever massage donald trump? her answer wase no. joanna also said that she met michael jackson, that atpalm epstein's palm beach mansion. she also said in shthe depositions she did not massage him either. sean and there was other mentions of trump during the deposition. >> did you ever sens of trump dt jeffrey's home? not that i can remember on his island. "ni can ret that i can remembere in new mexico. no, not that i can remember in new york. nomber, that i can remember. >> so for those people always looking to go after donald trump, we appreciate you being with us. thanks for that reporto go, eric shawn tonight. joining us now, harvard law professor alan dershowit z. itz. >> professor, you are mentioned in this document, e ment you're mentioned repeatedly and very specificallio
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y, it was the allegation against you wasce that epstein forced then miner jane doe numbedr three to have sexual relations with you and thats with also you were anw eyewitness to abuse of other minorsit by. >> epstein. you have been out theree vigorously defending your your name, your honorvigorous, and de these allegations fiercely. and i want to give you a chancei now that it's come out in writing tonight to to ton. our reactioti >> well, first of all, the woman who accused me has now stated categorically that she may have misidentified me continuously, whichit someone else. and these documents, if all the documents are revealed. , tegorica will prove categorically that she did this. >> me, that i never met her, never, never spoke to her.y >> and i can prove itent me by independent means. i want to travelan records. recor i have all my televisionds appearances. i can prove that i couldn't possibly have been
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anywhere near any of the people who were involved. this i was epstein's lawyer. of course. i go on his way with ken starr a ,with black, with otherck lawyers. wewith other flew to meetings we us attorney, with the state attorney. >> and so people have to be very careful about what they're believing. and when it happens, fors example, as soon as epstein was showson to be what he was, i ended my personal associationn completely. but i maintained a legal relationship that myed some ofh. the worst people in the world that continue to do so. >> that' represes life. and of course, i represented your state. now, at one point i do want to to make is that i understand all thosmae terrorist groupso and radicals and think this is the worst thing in think thie world that anybody ever had any contact with. jeffrey epstein, where are alll those radical feminists, when it comes to the hamasts whs rats
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of young jewish girls, sexual abuse, beheadings. they are quiet. they are silen aret. the incredible hypocrisy of the metoo movement. we to accept, if you're a, if i want to have a list of allo ar the radical feminists who are pushing hard and i understaned that to get all these names revealed, and i want to knoww mo how many of them that ever actually condemned hamas for the for th that now occurred and murders that occurred. how many have been silenceer d silen and how many, like the national lawyers guild, have actually approved of what hamas did. so let's put this in context.hae i'm thrilled that all these papers have come out. i i urge them.cause i went to court. i asked for everything to come out because i knewew i had therd nothing wrong and the papers the papee. ate m what i only worry about is that maybe the judges withheld certain document maybe ths. i want to make sure every single document comes out in, including the documents like this, down on the credibilite dy
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of of the accusers and some of the accused. the public has the right the ton everything and make their own good. they do no t create guilttrat by accusation or guilte by association acc. >> but by the way, i think that is fair. and i still like you believe that in the presumption of innocence and i don't rush to judgment. and frankl>> sean:y, on many hi profile cases in this country, thisth show, startingen with richard jewell, we've been right. we will write about duke lacrosset. , we will write a about uva. we will write about ferguson, missourire and freddie gray in baltimore, because i didn't i sh to judgment and icaus had impeccable sources. but i have known you for yearshn i don't i don't really know why you like to defend these high profile clients. >> everybody certainly es deserves a defense, including mr. epstein, including o.j. simpsold . >> and you and i had wars over w bill clinton back in the day. you've taken on these these high profile cases. all? why? and do you regret it at all? and do you ever see anything
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about mr. epstein? >> i never did. psteinand do regret having nevet jeffrey epstein because it caused me the worst few years, of my life when i was falselwhy. accused and i was canceled by theed by th 92nd street y, cd by temple emanuel, and then shes ultimately admitted that she may have confused me with someone meth someo. and so, you know, things obviously have gotten a lot s haiously gbetter. now, of course, these revelations put my name in the headlines agaithes n, but i've nevercause been afraid of that because i have nothing to be afraid of. nothini g to be ashamed of. >> i did nothing. why would i do it again? none io it if i knew i was going to be falsely accused. but it's not true that ie hurt far worse people. i represented murderers. i represented people who have done terrible, terrible things. that's an essentiale, terrl of system. if i don't do it, who will? i had tenureit, who we?. i had an obligation to defend the most controversial of thesoe
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worst people. sometimes i won, sometimes i lost, sometimetii wo is i cred a plea bargain like i did in this case. by the way, i've seen seriously be rewarded. they might be able to do a terrible job becaused a he ed up going to jail and having rt itport as a sex offende the of the world thought it was a sweetheart. but that's what criminal defenseart deal. e do.i ho i'm 85 years i hope the good lord gives me the strength, continuepresen to represent the most despised, the most controversialt , the most unpopular people in the world. >> look at the i got for representing donald trump.repres i did that and i lost a lot ep my friends and peoplei did ty to me all the time, oh, i understand everything, but not trump or i understand trump. and obviousl trumpy you havend t to understand that the role of criminal defense lawyer is the ao defend everybody who's and i'll say this is evenean: i truthfully accused. >> yeah, i think thi you're goig to be the only one that does have the courage to say, no, it's not true. o ue, and and you do make a goo. if there's exculpatory the informatiore'sn that is nott released as part of the information that is being given ouen outy tht.
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the judge i think that's unfair to everybody and that would be unfair to youevul. and if you believe it's exculpatory, i the public should see that as well. and, professor, thank you.s >>don't need any more exculpatory material. this woman i don't has already d that she may have clearly misidentified me, and that's enough for me. i'm going on with my life. e to dong to continu what i have to do. but thank you, sean, for an fort opportunity to presenthe my my case. >> professor, we appreciate your time, as always m . us. thank you for being with us. joining us now, former florida attorney general pam bondig us and criminal defense attorney mark geragos. good to have you both, pammark r r let's get your take on this release. >> what does it mean to yo u? >> well, it's trickled out, shawn. it's trickling out.t. first of all, it should have om come out a long time ago. professor dershowitz wanted it out. and by the way, he is one ofor the best attorneys in this countrneysy. i know i know him. i know his wife. that's a great family. and they'v he been dragged through on this. >> i want to know why a.g. garlans.d and the justicenight.
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department are so quiet on this tonight. >> you know, they're out therete labeling parents domestic terrorists, yet they're sayingrr nothing about this. and these documents were so to come out. >> human trafficking is a multibillion business in this country. ghd jeffrey epstein is dead and gourlay maxwell is in prison for 20 years where she belongs. ifd if people in that report still fighting to keep their names private, sean, they have nos priv legal basis o so, unless they're a child, a victim or a cooperating defendant. by some chance against a potential case against girl lane maxwell. and i think mark geragos is as great criminal defense attorney of back that up as welgreatense attl. l. you know, mark, let me go to tha you. there are a lot of people, the professor dershowitz saysrsi represented that, that franklyt, i never liked and i really don't understand why would take on these whole high profile cases. gh-profiyou're just like profesz
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dershowitz. you've taken on a lot of high profile case. s. and i know you paid a pretty dear price for representinge with the belief that everybody has a right to a defense belief. and you've paid a price for that. what is yourtur take on tonigh ? >> you know, my father, who was my hero, was a former prosecutor. a 12 overwhening to 20 years ago when i was askedase to represent scottd peterson. and, you know, it was one of those things where he was the most hated man in theake th world. and he said, if you're not going to take this case becausie you're worried about your reputation, then why do you do what you do? whicdo h i, i kind of live by it. i think i've talked with alan over the yearslked wit. we've represented many of theth same people and talkeds job about the thankless job that it is. it's been rewarding for bothitln of us intellectually and financially. but at the same time, you've got to suffedncially, but ar thi and arrows. and i will tell you that it's easel y to make accusations. it's a lot tougher when you're and trying to defend yourself against
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the allegations and watching's him and the pain he's gone through for the last couplhrouge of years that i've talked to on more than one occasion about th me the toll that it's taken on him, i kind of chuckled to myself when he was talking about losing all the friends because he representedl i've said somefh of the things that are the most hatefu- the mol comments i've er gotten. this is what i represented. i reprrepublican political fundraisers. so i, i feel his pai so i feen and probably not to the levelno exponentiallt to ty that he has because of trump, but it's a it's a function of thisieve i system. if you believe in the constitution, if you believen tn adversarial system, then you then you need somebody to do it, not just walk through the motions. >> somebody who will fight zealous. s to i've never met a client yet who came to my office and saidmy wi just want somebody to be window dressing and sit by herne and not really put up a defense. you want somebody who's going
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to fight for goingfo you.ntless and i've had countless clients that have been innocent, and we'v cocent, ae proven it.ea >> what about bill clinton? bill into thisctor when we know he's a liar? we know the issue of monica lewinsky. i've g i've got to believe that a lotsu of americans suspect there might be some trutspecght beh t especially with the number of times he was on the plane, which i believ e contradicted his public statement, if i recall correctly pub, how >> well, yeah, and sean, we know one of the witnesses about this up. hang on pampers. >> pampers. yeah. and well, we knom first. w was on the plane not only on the plane a couple of times, multiple times apl. he traveled internationally, internationally with jeffreyrave epstein and he was on the plane called the express because. it supposedly had a bed t in there where jeffrey epstein haherejed young girls.girls. he has been a friend of his a continuing friend of his for years and years. contrast that with donal dwho ha trump, who hasn't spoken to him
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in many years, over a decadesnf- bater he kicked him out of mar a lago for bad behavior. so that's the difference there. and i think americans see the two tiered justice system. >> but, you know, we don't knoto they're saying clinton has not been to his private island, but he has traveleland, thtravee world with jeffrey epsteiny epsi well, over time, let's say. and if the judge judge does have other information that would add context ine to a list, i do believe the judge has an obligation to release it has a, especially because people's names for reputation are in play here. yereputatie s. pam, thank you. mark geragos. thank you. when we come back. when we cos didpublichank yo something, joe biden and kamala harris, well, justan couldn't t be bothered to do, actually visit the southern border. do visit thejim jordan was ther, the speaker of the house was there. and we'll checwe wilk in with h, jim jordan, after this. and alsoan, afte your department of homeland security, secretary mayorkas, he continues making excusecurity us for the spiralig crisis. we'll check in with texas
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governor greg abbott, who was blamed by the department of homeland security secretary earlier today. straight ahead. repeat after me. >> we'll never steal from the weak and vulnerable again. it's going to be a fire. okay. thanks. is a beekeeper special program outside the chain of command in the system is corrupt. the correct. stolen millions from people who work hard all their lives. we have laws for these things until. they fail. they fail. then you have me beekeeper. you see it early this saturdayfr at 7 p.m.. at 7 p.m.. everywhereing >> january 12th. this is our last chance to help savey. survivors who are sufferine in the former soviet union today support the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning?
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ell, thrtually, neeone is the e i believe it is a clear and present danger , especiallyg from with all the people coming from iran, syria, afghanistan, egypt, russia and china. the the next issue i thinks gett is of great importance is getting the $34 trilliontril under control spending. and thlionole third thing would be your investigation. well, those things happeinvestit election year. >> yeah, i think they will shine. and you're right. you don't only see the problem here. her eight out of ten americans know that the border situation is a crisise. bo. t of but they also, i think, understand the magnitude of it that they thin s k it's a crisis because it is. 300,000 last month, highest month on record, john.and unde >> and the pace fall under joe biden. his administrationjoe biden, hii we're on. we will hit 12 million migrants coming into the countrillionantr years. that is what we just got to stop. there should be the plan should be no more migrants come into the country. >> let's justcircum some circumstances for an individual. >> no new migrants should be allowed individnts shou in tw
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one sentence i think will do it that sentences do not spend dola american tax dollars to process or release intoceso country anyy new migrants. >> that's what we got to try to get on every singlet on eve e of legislation that we can enforce. joe bidend fon to do the right thing. so, joe biden, we know since you've beeo joe n president,atih by eliminating the policies of donald trump, that working, we now he allowed 8.3 million people now crossing that border are all pretty much unvetted, including some of of very hostile regimes towards this country. regimes towaf our biggest geopolitical foes. ge oath lawbiden take ant to uphold the laws of our land, our constitution, and every law is based on that document. if i were to ask, is a president now allowed to justws pick and choose what laws they'll enforce? is a president to aid and abet in in the law breaking by offering free transportatiolan, d to our governors are allowed to offer free health care like free being offered in statess li
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like california, forcing taxpayers to pay for people that entered the country illegally. >> is that now our futurtry ill >> no, you're exactly right. when joe biden too k the oath of office on january 20th, 2021office, he's supposed to tht go enforce the law instead. what he did that very day sean, is issueissue d number of execue orders and he changed policy. he said no more building the wallnge poli no more remain in mexico while we evaluate an asylum seekers claime remain. sa and he also said once you comeun to the country, you will be releasetrd to wherever you want to go. >> all across our our nation , people are going and everyone understanding. that is why i think the american and ev people know del that this is deliberate. this is willful. this is purposeful. did he did this. he he was determined this -- too this. >> and the country understands just how wrong, an it that's why i think you're seeing that the 80% polling numbers itself, something has to be donethat. h, >> and what i think has to be done is if he's not going to pass the bill. he's not going to pass
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our bill, then he should do that. >> once we should do that one tentence and put io that o on legislation. >> well, mayorkas be impeached . >> i think we're always drivenpe by the facts and the evidence. i think the facts and the evidence are pretty darn compelling for himty dar. i also think the evidence is compelling for joe biden. that's for joe why we've actually entered an impeachment inquiry phase, took a vote on impeachment impeach inquiry, and aree moving forward with the witnesses, the final witnesses. weesses, t final need to deposeh make a determination. >> but i think the factse fact and the evidence are already compelling for both individuals. >> jim jordafon, you so much as always, we appreciate it. time now breaking earlier tonigh at, the department i of justice is now actually suing the state of texas as the biden administration is trying to stop what is a brans tryid nw that would allow police to arrest illegal immigrants alp after they cross the border illegally. in other words, to do. border joe biden's job. now, this lawsuit is no surprise. the biden administration i prety much done everything they can do to stop texas from takingo
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any action to secure their border. homeland security secretary alejandrero mayorkas even triedo to blame the entire crisisrk on, texas governor greg abbott this morning. take a look. let me identify one fundamentald probleentifym here, and that ise fact that we have one governor in the state of texas who is refusing to cooperate with other governors and other local officials and coordinate effortnds to address a challenge that our country, whicngh this country should stand united to address, that our countryite is facing. god it's a remarkable failurto e of governance to refuse to cooperate with one's fellowse local and state officials. >> texas governor greg abbott is with us now. >> this is the same same secretary governor, that wasthas saying the border is closed. the border is there's no illegal immigration taking place. legaimmigrati don't believe you. he blamed climate change. donald trump and you today for
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his failure. >> what's your reaction? >> listen, the only climate this changed john, the refusal to enforce the immigration laws of, the united states.wh you saw what happened four years ago when we had the lowestfour yeaag illegal imn in 40 years. and that's becausen in president trump put in place four policies. they remain placn in mexico polt the title 42 policy, the catch and release and buildinghe the border wall. when biden came in, he changed d all of bui that and he createded a climate, quite literally, that attracted people across the entire world from more than ats. ountrie texas is the only government i in the united states of americna to stepping up, trying to stop illegal immigration by buildinog our own border wall, by putting up the razor wire. and by the way wir, joe bideno is also challenging me in the united states supreme court right now on trying to tear downw, the razor wire that texas put up to stop illegal
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immigration. joe biden has spent no time trying to stop illegal h immigration. he's only spent time trying to stop texas fromas onlme stopr illegal immigration. >> and it's amazing. it' kamala harris or, you know, for example, these mayors that ar harris e at just a tiny percentage of illegal immigrant a ts. ou ae when you're dealing with the pretty much the entire problem p . they won't do their job. yobg theiying to do their jo for you. and now they want to stop you from doing their job. if i picked up people at the border the and i took them d to another state, would i be arrested and convicted i? you t well, you got to do it in a way so that it does not turn into nt kidnapping. and texas is doing tn it in a y legal way? when we send people to new york, to washington, d.c..,o chicago to l.a., to denver, to wherever they're going to. dit's by the letter of the lawe to make sure that nothing n othingis wrong, however. what we have found is the hypocrisy. now of the mayor of new york,
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of the mayor of chicago, of the mayor of denve r, of california,s li things like that, where they say, ohke, we want to be a sanctuary city. we want to provide all these free benefits to migrant mi but then they start complaining when taxes start start butsng te dropping them off into their states or into their communities. thism r states this is a respony caused by the joe biden administration and these democrat mayors. they need to wake up to the reality that their communities are going to continue to face challenges, including ins, unlessand planeges, and until joe biden starts enforcing the immigration lawsse . >> the united states. governor, i give you a lot of credit. a you have triedte to protect the people in your state. you're doing everything imaginable . o the people of texas have had to bear the cost of this. you've shown the cos leadershipe i hope you win in every one of these cases. and we dse casesd weo appreciat, as always. thank you, governor. all right. coming up next, shocking videochecking showing a judge being attacked after she denied a defendant she
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probation. >> we've got the full video and we'll get reaction from the former speaker of the house, newt gingrich, straight ahead. i see a grown up everybody watching everybody's kids. you would do something bad at school. and by the time you got back, you would get weapons before you even got home. i know my kids messed up because try to act casual. kids can act casual. amazing things happening in the bedroom and she loves it. i listen now time here and nowr it's streaming now only on fox nationtensurance and up. >> cyrus's new book nuff said wherever books are sold. ou're agi'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonialox program. program. >> i and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remembers e >> what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price and price.
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that's 1-800- 6408653. or log on to roof max scam call 1-800- 6408653. >> now when you can watch, listen get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius anytime, anywhere fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. a judge under attack. video o shocking new video out of nevada tonight showing a brutal assaultf during a sentencing. >> watch this. >>appreciate that, but i it's time that he get a taste of something else becausa taste i just can't look at history in accordance with the laws of state of alaska. oh, i as you watch this video, keep unfolding, you actually t see this this fight went on for a long time. it took a lot of effort fromiffe a lot of different people to restrain this personnt. thankfully, the judge is okay.
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but certainly respect for the rulefor th of law might be n all time low anyway. >> here with reaction. former speaker of the house,fox fox news contributor newt gingrich. >> you know, when i lookneor newt the republicans at the border today and 8.3 million illegal, unvetted, illegal immigrants under joe biden, includinglion m countries, iran, syria, egypt, afghanistan, russia, china, i look at you know no bell defund, dismantle reimagine, the police. how big are these issues goingao to play the economy? all we need more time fo pr biden-nomics to work. >> what are the issues that will define this race, especiallythat look at law and order in this case? well, i think law and order v will be one of them in aar variety of ways. first of all, biden is not enforcing the law at the border. so you have a whole question there. just tion , you know, obeying to ob the law. >> he swore an oath to obey the law and he'sey t not obeying the law. you have, i think,
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yo. s haveuption we're going to find out. billions of dollars have been stolen, much of it ben by people who donate to the democratic party. >> you're going to find that washingtote to franhich frankly, the congress should take controshouldl of. i just had 975 carjackings, 975 in one year. the guy you just showed on tyov hall had charges in two states,e had a records of being violent and frankly, shouldn't be on the streeton. . we have we're a crossroads between civilization and the kind of collapse which will take generations to recover from if we ever do. you saw of thatuniver on the universities where you had people openly saying they terrorism, they favored. de those of us who believe in civilization have to stand and firmly commit ourselves to taking this country back in a direction of law and order of rea
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l opportunities,, of of people having an abilit pyeoi to blie safe and to have an a ability, frankly, to pursue happinesbis without somebody mugging you or robbing you or carjacking. thes these are all real issues. you knowe i talked about my new full time residence now being state of florida. >> and, you know, the reasons s left of the reason everybody's leaving states like california, new york, new jersey, illinois lik. and a lot of it has to do hig with high taxes, burdensome, a lack of law and order, terrible school systemation, as and if you look three years in a row, it's florida, it's texas a it's the carolinas that's tennessee and their populations are growing.popula and the populations of theseti deep blue states are, you know,p literally shriveling up before b our eyesef. uing? >> do you see that continuing? and by the way, for the people that move, don't bring your dumb policies with you to the new state that accepts you, because otherwise you'llus
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juste othe be implementing moref the same. >> that's my admonition. e> well, look, mike, my sens is that a lot of people were figu, have figured it out, and they're not going to goleftw back to the kind of crazy left-wing policies, you know, to govern new york. now, for exampleinthe go recommg a reparations commission. >> a totally stupid idea that has no possible name as california and would be one more effort to take things away. you know, california, utty california, that's all sorts of nutty rules. and i think that wha rulest you're going to have is an election this this year between continuing down the road that most of us know doesn't work for taking back america t and returning a path that hasine made us the greatest country in the world. >>orld i actually have great representatives. i got governor desantis. i'vepresenta got senator rubio. i've got senator rick scott. you knowtt what? there are great people here in florida, unlike where i camfe from, my former state,
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new york. but, mr. speaker, thank you asao always. we appreciate your time. it's going to be an interesting year. it'lure. al be a rollercoaster rider that i can assure you. all right. straight ahead tonight, the left'scoasteat i ass scrambe excuses for former harvard president claudine guay after she resigned as president there. as usual shed as, are playing the race card. but we've got some of the most egregious examplesrace cf . >> we continue. thank you for being with us. do you know how hard it is to fit in at a cable news channel? as a cab driver who dresses like an overweight figure skater? my is 6'5". he's getting a women's basketball scholarship. nobody wants to go to your baby's gender reveal. you know, it's a waste of a football saturday. well, if you clap for that, you're not going to like the rest of his job. jimmy fallon. they're just jokes. streaming now on fox nation. >> sign up at fox nation .com. hi, it's christina again.
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literally says plagiarism is a, quote, new conservative weapon. really? what does that mean? anyway, meanwhile, serial race baiter, the reverend al. well, he told takerevere to then quote, this is an attackck on every black woman in this country who's put a crack in the glass ceiling. it was reactio then. tion, fox news contributor ari fleischer,fo project 21 chairmao horace cooper. >> horace. is this about racismrace .? >> well, it's about racism by al. not so sharpton. it's not about racism in. about the case of us in america being a meritocracy, a placexpec where we expect high standards. >> i really love to have interviews with the harvard corporation and ask, why didn'ty you interview condoleezza rice? if you wanted a brilliant, exceptionaoul person with academic and managerial experiencel ? she fits the bill. claudine gay doesn't fit any
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bill. bill more booksten than she has. it's unbelievable that people want to claim that hig th standards are a problem for minorities. the truth of the matter is, is low standards that are a problem for minorities because only the david duke'ske of the world and apparently now mr. obams ofa think that it's ot to have a poor functioningin mediocrity like ms.. gay as the president, harvard te university. >> what's your reaction, ari fleischer, to alent of hl of th? and can you maybe help provider some edification for our audience here as it relates heree weapononservativour audien known as plagiarism? that was i don't even know what to think of that. n >> yeah. if it's new, why did i when i was in college in the seventie, why did n
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s, eighties, have to sign everything promising. >> i didn't plagiarize and. if i did, i would get throwning out of school as opposedwo to gt promoted to president of my university. and don't forget, one of these plagiarism charges first emerged against former u president. >> harvard denied them. they backed her up. det for her onlyonly to find that they were more and more credible allegation t. >> look, i read her entire oper ed and it's amazing she e resigned because she doesn'tn' believe she did anything wrong. >> she actually called the congressional and what she failed to condemn and say the cries of against jews is abhorrent and shouldn't be allowed at harvard. s she actually said that was abk. l laid trac >> that's how she described it in her op ed. the only trarack."p in her minde failed to answer the question. she got what she deserve shed. >> oh, i think so, too. down one to go, horace. >> where's that mighty well? absolutely. the focus needs to turn on to
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amity and recognize his high standards. it's not about race. it's about accomplishment.mpli it's about talent. and it's certainly notshme t about indulging the evil of anti-semitism. >>dulging and by the way, ari,n shouldn't have just been about the added charge about of plagiarism to me. that testimony before elise stefanik, who did a magnificent job. right. honestlyho did icen, that should have been enough for her to have have to at least take the and not campaign. last word. >> yeah, and that's why a president, they call it a well designed trap lled it , as if she still doesn't get it. she still doesn't understand the mistak e of hers. and what she did was she said and she still allowed it at harvard's campuses. that remains the problem. doesing rid of presidents campus doesn't solve the academic problem we have in this country. yeah in thi, she continues to get c nearly $1,000,000 a year. >> unbelievable. getlion dthank you both. all right. i've made it official. my new residencei've mad my newe
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state is florida. i am out forever out of new york. ew york. and i think some of my old friends at the daily show, jon stewart the jersey boys and even nathan lane might be upset. we'll show you the video. jimmy fallon will respon you tmd with a special announcement. >> straight ahead. come on, guys. you know, we hate to ask for help, whether it's asking for directions or taking care of ourselves when we're sick. but if you're over 40 and not feeling like the man you to be, don't go it alone. get yourself a complimentary sample. nugenix total tea. the number one doctor recommended testosterone booster. just text live. two, three, two, one, three, two, one. guys, as we age, we have less and less pretest. ask the room what can make it harder to stay in shape. new gen-x total d is powered by test, often a patented key ingredient clinically validated to boost pre and total testosterone levels. to help you get a leaner stronger but more energy and drive more passion to new x
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unique zinc formula. it shortens calls that can shorten that cold democracy. 24 we'll take you all the way to election night. every caucus, primary and convention, the candidates are ready. americans across the country are ready and so are we. democracy 24 your freedom, your vote. all right. as i announced yesterday, i have officially left new yor ki'm no state for good.w i'm not going back. i'm now a full time residenta f in the free state of florida, something frankly, i've wanted to do for years. and back in 2014, when i first e floated the idea. show well, jon stewart on the daily show. well enliste, the enlisted the s of nathan lane and the "jersey boys", i took it as a great compliment. and they actually wrote a song for meuall begging me to stay. >> take a look. jon, we know you're mad at ust and you have every right to be. occupy street. governor cuomo, that weird
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smell in new york has made a lot of big mistakes, but we're going to change. >>st please stay, stay, stay. okay oh, your show, man.e need you can't leave. we need you, darby i will losay. e my accent if. you stay, then get a beerhow's and watch the gameth. how's that? will make in the city tours shine and the city tours don't go these days. we'll cut off our hoodies. we're in lov oure but will marry women instead. we stop selling a lot of food. you still have a fight. that keystone pipeline p. n we'll run it through central park. no problem . >> heidi. yeah, it was a hoodie. what the cit y depends upon john breeders like you, sean. so we're going to give you the perks you deservgoe. we'll name a street after reagan health. we'll name them all after reagan after. home sorry about your commute home. no problem. this hatre? a trd is now running directly to sean palin. >> he said poo r. stay.
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take it. no, please stay, stay, sta y, stay, stay, stay. mr. hannity. stay with wait. text to his money was gone. would we impose socialism upon this race? save your life and time today stay in your first f and second. homes don't disappear forever. mike allen calls these manyf fa are a unique brand of vodka and insanity saying take away, e from the rest of humanity to stay. what do i say? remain the states human beings stay sane.
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what you say? on second thought, who gives up what you do? i think that's the real sentiment, and i'm sure they're all sa read that.ay her i finally left. anyway, here with reaction, the host of a brane td new sho. we get to announce itit right here, fox news saturday night with jimmy failla and appears january., >> we're proud of you. you're staying online. >> y. yoing i le yeah. by the way, how did you find out? i ge t a show, you move outp with of the state the next day. >> what's upt, with that man?jut what's up? it was. it was just baing.d timing. i had no idea. but i'm proud of you. we're happy for you. you deservpye it. you're an amazing talent. i try to do a little of d what you do. you've seen me do it. i'm not. i'll never be as. >> i admire what you do. well, listen, i love you. and you know, this wouldn't possible without you. everyone's been asking me what your cut'eryone'ss going te
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like. how much does sean want? is this like the soprano>> seank do sean get to wet his beak like on the sopranos. but anyway, two concerns here. hannity okayhannit. an you've been in florida 48 hours and you haven't cut the sleevehr off your jacket yet.a real are you sure you're a real ceridian? and how come there's no plastic on that chair? you haven't evenyou have plastic the chair. i said, well, i brought my old k with me that one thing i took from new york. but by the way, i mean, i actually i think jon stewart thought it was really funny. even when he did make fun of me, i wasfunny blown away bt production and might have kept me in new york longer than stay. i wanted to stay. >> i have two points. >> i htsone, i legitimately dis that was a good video because the stewart show had a lot of funny elements to it. the modern dailyhow, show is,a you know, tickets are $10 to get in anhu outd 100 to get . >> it's not the best show.ay? okay. but,but sean, you shouldho
12:00 am
be concerned that the daily mae, a bigger effort to keep you than we did. >> okay. we w love you, but we did notve make that video. >> i mean, i would have made me video for your staff because i love your staff and i love their familiesd ilie. >> but i feel like we owe you that video. sean, are like fox has been great. >> i have no complaints that if you would have met 1996, i'de be, you know, one of the last people standing. that was a bad bet. congratulate on saturday night. 10:00 will be watching. lefty fallon, thank you, sir. all right. that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you foreveningt being with us. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episodsoe. hannity for the others. any time. every time. all the time. hannity the tim m, fox and by not the way, let not your heartbeate troubled. our show in the free state of florida is now complete, ce but it's great. gutfeld is standing by to put a smile on your face. have great. night