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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 4, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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♪ ♪ ♪ >> brian: final our of "fox and friends" with a fox news alert. hundreds of pages of jeffrey epstein court documents unsealed. >> ainsley: several prominent figures are referenced including bill clinton and celebrities and business leaders. >> steve: many people publicly
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named, including clinton, have not been accused of wrongdoing, but documents are answering questions about epstein's web of famous friends and associates who would meet him at various locations. >> lawrence: peter doocy has more. >> peter: by now, been 20 years since bill clinton and jeffrey epstein talked, but he is in the pages released by epstein accuser joannashowberg. did jeffrey ever talk to you about bill clinton, she said he said one time clinton likes them young, referring to dpirls. in the deposition, david copperfield, famous magician, asked have you ever met david copperfield? yes. can you tell me what that was?
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sure. someone called me from the house and said he would be there and if i wanted to come have dinner, i could meet him. neither of these men, clinton or copperfield are accused of anything inappropriate and that is wearing on the convicted ghislaine maxwell who is in jail now. these crimes are about men abusing women, the only person in jail is a woman. back to you. >> steve: one other name is michael jackson? the king of pop? do we know anything about the circumstances? we know bill clinton flew on his plane a bunch of times, a lot of celebrities and famous people. former president trump a couple times. no evidence anything happened. what about michael jackson? >> peter: she was asked if she saw anyone famous, she said
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michael jackson. rich guy who liked having famous people around. descriptions are just somebody was there, not necessarily doing anything bad. >> steve: no smoking gun regarding anything wrong happening, gives us something to talk about. thank you very much. >> lawrence: another person mentioned was prince andrew. question said please name a person ghislaine maxwell directed you to have sex with. prince andrew. who else? as a whole, they both trafficked me to people, under both direction. not easy to say ghislaine maxwell, i mean both of them talking about epstein and ghislaine maxwell. >> ainsley: my gosh. >> steve: you got to figure going forward, election year, leap year, last number of election cycles, bill clinton campaigned for democratic nominee. you have got to figure given the fact people are reaching out to
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the white house, -- will not be campaigning for anyone. >> lawrence: he is one of their best assets, one that modern-day democrat that can talk about the economy better than any other democrat. >> steve: feel your pain. >> brian: reelection of barack obama said even i shouldn't have done such a great job, many believe that is why he met mitt romney. steven hawking, living life with als, one of the smart people he wanted around. he was fascinated with space travel. oliver anthony said, be more concerned about human
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trafficking, i don't know the exact line, more than people on an island, epstein island. 80,000 unaccompanied minors and we're focused on this celebrity and 10 years ago, which seems abhorrent and people should be held accountable. i wish people had the same concern among kids missing in our country skirting under child labor laws. >> ainsley: the stories are all horrific. some individuals were very young, these women. one accuser, joanna said ghislaine maxwell told her to go upstairs and she saw virginia, jeffrey, prince andrew and ghislaine maxwell in a room and they pulled out a character prince andrew on andrew's lap and they put the puppet's hand
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on virginia's breast and they took a picture of the photo. >> steve: the puppet had a tag that said prince andrew and that is how she knew until his puppet showed up. >> lawrence: to your point, brian, part of the problem, the victims never got full closure because alleged suicide of jeffrey epstein and part of it was he was going down and going to sing like a bird and take down the rest of the people, as well. >> steve: you said suicide. >> lawrence: i said alleged suicide. >> steve: mark his brother believed he was murdered and did not commit suicide. >> brian: too bad no cameras work in prison. coincidentally they were out and
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guards were asleep. >> ainsley: northeast record snow drought could end. >> lawrence: expected to bring first significant snowfall to washington and new york city. >> brian: time to get out shovels and you'll need a scraper. meteorologist adam klotz is here with the weather forecast. >> adam: this storm is moving into the midatlantic and northeast over coming days. northwestern pressure system bringing warm air with it and it will make a huge difference on who sees snow and who doesn't. from d.c., to baltimore to philadelphia, on borderline of seeing snow. in new york, north of new york and pink color indicate a lot of snow. boston will see a lot of snow. you might get less than one inch you need in d.c. and
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philadelphia to break record streak we're on. new york currently one to three inches. that is tight gradient and could slip beneath this one-inch total we've been tracking because that list we've been saying. it is baltimore, philadelphia and new york city up around 700 days since we have seen one inch of snow. best chance in years on saturday and sunday. that is the weather. back to you guys. >> steve: is this because it is el nino year? >> adam: yeah, we get these tracks, this is a system that will become a nor'easter. >> brian: can we look back at 1996 and see what the weather was? >> adam: did you jot that down on your calendar? >> ainsley: will we see more snow in >> adam: typically in el nino,
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no. this setup, maybe more the rest of the season. >> ainsley: nice. >> brian: if you have a liner, do it ahead of time. >> ainsley: and mittens. >> brian: unattach. >> ainsley: no. >> steve: people will be -- listen, i'll bet on friday, people will pick the grocery stores clean, sounds like folks up here, run on toilet paper and bread. >> brian: pop tarts. >> ainsley: cheez-its. >> brian: it is america. >> steve: show you this video, guy with violent criminal record, went to jail in the past, being sentenced by a judge in las vegas, not being sentenced, she was going to deny his probation. what happened next made this viral video of the day. watch it. >> i think it is time he get a
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taste of something else because i can't let that history in accordance with the law -- [bleep] -- >> whoa, whoa. hey. hey. stay. hey. >> lawrence: rushes her like a defensive yooern end. when you look at this, we don't respect law enforcement, giving people no cash no bail. it is okay to loot and steal as long as it is less than $1000, criminals set things on fire, of course they respect officer of the court being the judge. >> ainsley: i respect her for, sounded like she was saying i can't look at your rap sheet and allow you to walk the street. he didn't like that and dives. too bad he has a rap sheet, he
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would be a great football player. the judge has injuries and the court marshal has a dislocated shoulder and gash on his head. >> brian: i talked to esther salis and she has direct experience. this 72 year old she sentenced wanted to kill her. she showed up at the door and it was her son daniel, he goats killed and her husband rushes to the door and got shot and survived. that is outside the courtroom. inside the courtroom, here is what she said. this kind of anger we experience in and out of the courtroom and this is shocking example of what judges go through on the daily and what we need to do to protect judges at state level.
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this attack on judge holtis is first attack in 2024. saw a maryland judge killed october of last year at his home and retired judge roamer in wisconsin. this is a sign we need to do more to protect judicial officers. >> steve: she knows first hand. a lot of communities and towns, they have made a decision, changed laws which are soft on criminals. what she was doing in las vegas, so man criminals are not held accountable. she was holding him accountable. what did she do? you can't do that to me. he dove and he is in big trouble and she's a hero and so is the guy screen right who leapt to her defense. >> lawrence: we had summer of intimidation of the supreme court, people protesting, trying
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to change the outcome of the supreme court when it came to roe v. wade. we don't know who the electioner was, they put pressure on the court. >> brian: they came to kill judge brett kavanaugh. >> lawrence: exactly, figure out where we stand on the issue. >> ainsley: the suspect was arrested for attacking a person with a baseball bat, that is why he was in court. now because of what he did to the judge, his rap sheet gets longer. >> brian: other stories to go over. first this. just in, vatican moving to calm bishops after shift in policy. pope francis is blessing same-sex couples. new document put out by the church stresses blessings must
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not be tied to catholic celebration or religious service and not conferred as a civil union ceremony. figure that out. air force recovered the black box from the osprey crash where eight service members were killed during a routine training flight off the coast. this saturday marks the epiphany. the day to take cower christmas tree down. yesterday dawn and i ran into a problem. by the way, the bag of the tree does not work. whose idea? >> steve: why didn't it work? >> brian: there is a stand there, it is under the stand. you undo the stand, my guy did it in the nursery and hammers it
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in. eight foot tree and ceiling, getting marks to get my tree in a bag. sounds terrible. you sent me advice. linda says never read instruction, put a hole in the bottom of the bag and slither over the trunk. i can afford a new tree stand, drag it to the road and be db with it, ainsley. suzanne, fake tree, problem solved. >> ainsley: me, too. >> steve: 100%. >> ainsley: i told my dad you were talking about the tree bag. i said, you should brian, first time i've heard of this. my dad, said genius, where do you find the tree bag? we don't have that in the south. >> steve: they have a preservative they sell at the
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store. i forget what it is called. prolong. you sure for the tree? next to preservative, they have the bag. >> ainsley: prolong. >> steve: plastic bag. >> ainsley: my dad called you genius, headline here. >> brian: genius for getting the bag. >> steve: problem solved. >> lawrence: that is the best you will hear someone from the south. >> brian: getting word dana perino will have more on this story. >> ainsley: biggest breaking news stories, what you hear is talking about the bag. >> brian: garbage guys, the best thing to do, bag is barely on. >> steve: crisis averted. cash bonus, former cop in san diego turning a side hustle into a million dollar business, plus look at that. >> lawrence: republicans take a field trip to the southern
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border. >> mitigated disaster, catastrophe, it is a disaster of the president's own design. >> ainsley: congressman erin hatchen was there and will tell us about it next.
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ah, these bills are crazy. she
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has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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>> ainsley: san antonio police arresting a father and son in connection with double murder of the pregnant teenager savannah soto and her boyfriend, mathure guerrero. >> todd: the two are behind bars charged with capital murder for carrying out the killing. the dad helped the son conceal the body. they went to the father's house to arrest him. the bodies were found inside a car. it is believed soto and guerrero were left there after being killed at a different location. they believe this is a drug deal gone wrong. the suspects were linked through cell phone analysis and surveillance footage.
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soto a family believed they were missing after she did not make it to her appointment to be induced. >> brian: house republicans putting immigration front and center kicking off 2024 with a renewed push to impeach the person in charge. >> greatest national threat to the american people is secretary alejandro mayorkas, he through his policies defied and subverted laws passed by united states congress and broken his oath to defend this country. >> brian: more than 60 congress met man and leaders getting a look at the eagle pass crossing in texas that happened yesterday. a congresswoman joins us with a look at what she saw. your observation what you took in yesterday you couldn't get
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from a piece of paper or personal description. >> we visited with local community in eagle pass from ranchers to law enforcement asking us to shut down the government until the border and addressed. there are one million more people than the entire state of indiana, which i represent. we saw 60 members of congress on eagle pass and saw 20-something males single adult males, military age, cross the river, go through the barbed wire and show up for processing. those young men will be processed and sent into the interior of the united states and some just give a name, no id, an alien id card and get
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released. >> brian: this administration is suing to get rid of the barbed wire and suing the governor. andrew baits said house republicans vote against his border security funding hamstringing border security. do you know what he's talking about and do you agree? >> that is more gaslighting from the administration, only thing they could do. they failed miserably on the border, they gaslight the american people. the american people know the border is not secure. it was not secure in march nor now. they have a solution in hr 2 waiting on passage that would solve this problem, yet asking for more money to do more of the same and republicans will not do that. >> brian: looks like you are going after mayorkas to impeach him. what does that do knowing the
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senate will not follow through and it will be tough lassoing the republicaning to agree? >> mayorkas has clearly failed in his responsibilities as dhs. so mission is to protect the united states from greatest threats and they are letting in millions of people into the united states without vetting, giving them a court date, some on the terror watch list. they are showing up to processing centers and going through the process. those people are detained, but we believe they are reporting back what that process is like to gain intelligence. it is catastrophic emergency we need to address immediately and we are calling on the administration for seven months now. >> brian: i hope they come up with a deal, you have leverage
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to get something done, they want the war funding, i hope you use it and get it for the good of the country. it would help joe biden's election if you did that. i wonder if he realizes that? doesn't matter. congressman houshgchin, thank you. unsealed in the epstein document dump, more on that and bracing for a blast, first nor'easter of 2024 could bring significant snow along the east coast. but for janice dean snow is coming down, she is live from new hampshire, she is wearing a parka and layers and has one shovel.
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wins reelection or election again should hire kcuellar. remember this video. will face additional charges today for attacking that judge. caps and wizards moving out of washington, d.c., there are people protesting to stay. clean up crime, make it profitable and maybe they will.
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we'll be watching to see what happens. governor youngkin wants them in virginia. >> steve: newly released jeffrey epstein court filings revealing more alleged ties to many people including bill clinton. in deposition, epa accuser j johana showberg asked did jeffrey talk to you about bill clinton? he said one thing clinton likes them young, referring to girls. next guest says this raises more questions about what clinton knew. alana, good morning to you. bill clinton can't like this. >> absolutely not. a lot of powerful people are waking up to unwanted calls this morning, i think. there are famous names released
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as part of the documents in this case. bill clinton, donald trump, michael jackson, tom pritzker, david copperfield, the magician. none of these people are accused of wrongdoing and that is important to note, it raises questions about what they might have known and why they were involved in this epstein orbit. >> steve: such a good point, no suggestion that anything happened, but they probably knew stuff that has not come out, 200 names so far. what is interesting and you referred to this talking to our producer, that is the fact when you look at what has been said in court cases, etcetera, sounds like bill clinton's relationship
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with ghislaine maxwell, who is behind bars is closer than his relationship with jeffrey epstein. explain that. >> right. that came up in documents, as well. e-mail between her and a publicist working for her where she talked about how she was concerned the media might start asking about her relationship with bill clinton. this is something i reported with daniel hopper in our book, "convenient death," this relationship with bill clinton and ghislaine maxwell was very close, closer than his weapon with jeffrey epstein. she was an intermeed iary with clinton and epstein. that is something new questions upon be raised for him. >> steve: you brought up your
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book "convenient death," jeffrey epstein's brother does not think he committed suicide. >> he had similar questions for our book. he has done a lot of work looking into that and hiring investigators and things like that to look into it. there are still many questions that we have about this death and hopefully will be able to get answers from the doj on that. >> steve: would be great. thank you for joining us from d.c. >> thank you. >> steve: coming up on this telecast, target shoppers getting trampled, fighting trying to get a limited edition stanley cup. and kelly clarkson opens up about her weight loss and -- cash bonus, former cop in san
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antonio turning side hustle into multi million dollar business. what does he do and could you do the same coming up? i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan.
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songs for her next item and singer kelly clarkson sharing her secret to slimming down. i dropped weight because i've been listening to my doctor and 90% of the time i'm good at it, protein diet is good for me. i like my meat. clarkson said exercise was key to her success. and shoppers going wild for
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valentine's day stanley cups. some people were trampled on trying to get this one. tumblers like this sell for $50. they are now selling $200. these are becoming mainstream. when young kids and betweens adopt, older gen-z distance themselves and pop tart could be eaten again. there was a lot of thought and testing that went into the creating of the perfect character. i can tell you that will not be the last time you'll see our mascot come to life. those are trending headlines over to lawrence. >> lawrence: i have not had a
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pop tart in years. the blueberry and icing on top. >> ainsley: do you put in the toaster? >> lawrence: got to be toasted, 10 seconds, all it takes. more americans turning to extra jobs to make ends meet, including this former cop. he worked gruelling overtime to make a living until he bought an atm, he bought two dozen atm's, he's noun a multi millionaire. former narcotics detective and self-made millionaire. how did you do it? >> how you doing, my friend. >> lawrence: good, brother. >> so while i was in last two years of law enforcement, i was in the city of oakland working 80 to 100-hour work weeks.
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i missed spending time with family and friends and i needed to find that one simple idea to execute in and that was atm's. i talked to a friend who told me about the idea and i jumped on executing and launching my first atm and within 18 months, i landed 30 locations in san francisco bay area. that covered my bills and reduced 100 hours per week to 40 hours. from there, i diversified and got into digital marketing, it started with a $5 book digital millionaire and from there you can say within six months, i launched atm, the basis is to help the average
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everyday person like myself succeed by making a secondary source of income for them and their family. >> lawrence: i heard the e-mails coming in. break down the cost and profit. there is $3 fee and monthly withdrawal and monthly revenue and $500 monthly profit. can i do it, too? >> anyone can do this, sir. this is a low-risk invest mment especially somebody who is younger person or someone who doesn't have a high salary, start with less than $6000, buy the actual atm, look at educational videos on my platform, i have a free
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community, one of the largest and i do live training, free resources. people ask me, why do you do this for free. i believe in helping people and believe in ripple effect and helping others. >> lawrence: if you see lj atm's, it came from your idea. appreciate you sharing your story today. >> thank you. >> lawrence: coming up, people observing weather on the mount washington for 150 years, we sent janice dean to take a look for herself. let's check in with bill hemmer. >> bill: making money when sleeping. breaking news from overseas, american military hit against iranian militia, big story we'll get to that. is the border getting attention?
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elections focus the mind. what is in the epstein report and he was one of it is best pitchers in baseball. sexual abuse allegations went public. two years later, trevor bauer says it is time for him to tell his time of the story. he is here live, big story top of the hour. so dad grabbed puffs plus lotion to soothe her with ease. puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin and locks in moisture to provide soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue.
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coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit
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>> steve: back with a fox news alert. we have some things that you probably haven't heard about. a u.s. official confirming the american military has carried out a strike earlier today on an iraqi militia leader in baghdad. that leader is believed to be responsible for attacks on u.s. forces. u.s. officials issuing a stark warning to our enemies, quote, the united states is continuing to take action to protect our forces in iraq and syria by addressing the threats that they face. the strike comes as tensions soar in the middle east with at least 118 attacks on u.s. forces since october 17th. meanwhile, the u.s. military space force and china both launching secret space planes within the last month. the u.s. spacecraft was launched from spacex rocket launch pad
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last week after making multiple failed attempts. brian and i both saw the launch. that launch coming two weeks after china sent its own top secret spacecraft into orbit, the fireball we said we saw. the chief of u.s. space operations say the timing of china's launch is, quote, no coincidence. we saw that part right there where it separates. the wizard of oz celebrating it's 85th anniversary this year. the hollywood classic will play in select theaters at the end of the month. the movie is the story of four friends just like us. we asked you what you are would like to see back on the big screen. pam wants to see the sound of music in the theater again. ryan says good fellas, while billy ann suggests singing in the rain a classic musical for the eons,
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>> lawrence: i like what you did with yourself, brian. >> brian: was the lion -- >> ainsley: your head is >> you look the same. >> ainsley: they are very nice to the woman. lawrence looks in camelot. steve, that is too big for you. >> brian: anyone have a funnel? the metal hat. >> steve: the tin man was in college. they have a lot of fun else. >> brian: never thought of that. >> ainsley: home to one of the world's worst weather but janice dean is exploring mount washington in new hampshire. >> brian: along with i.t.
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specialist. take it away, janice. >> here we are on the observation deck. tell us about this equipment we have. >> first the piece of equipment you are holding here is what we have as the snowboard. we use it when it's snowing. what exact present situation take is happening. freezing rain, ice pill either, snow. when we get closer to 32 is when you start getting the wintery mix and when it comes in handy. >> you are so talented with this. tell us how this works? >> come out here every hour to figure out our relative humid tee spin it around for five minutes in the summer or ten or 15 minutes in the winter below fringes. we evaporate all the water out and when that happens all the temperature actually drops in the temperature to the lowest possible temperature in the air. if there was no water.
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using that and the current air temperature figuring out the difference between the two figure out relatively humidity. >> it is at art form to translate the scientific to what people can understand at home. >> absolutely. some of the stuff i learned in school nobody would have any idea what i was saying if i were to speak about it. you are a weather translator. i look at the complicated weather models and complicated patterns that happen and figure how to interpret that in a way the general public would understand and use it as way to stay safe while hiking in the white mountains around here. >> it's important to send a spotlight. you rely on public funds. >> go to mount there is information how to donate. we really rely on member donations as we're a private nonprofit organization. anything anybody can do to help us would be greatly appreciated. >> i'm so proud of you.
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thanks to all of the observers. this has been a bucket list of mine. i don't know what to say. the worst weather i've ever experienced and i loved every minute of it. >> steve: janice dean the frozen weather machine. >> ainsley: getting to the base and warming up toes and fingers. >> steve: lawrence is heading to where it's warm. >> lawrence: dallas, texas, we'll be at an egg's up grill in dallas. we head to the border and do packages from land, sea and air and live from the border monday and tuesday of next week. >> steve: go to eggs up tomorrow between 5:00 and 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. >> lawrence: catch you back here on wednesday. >> brian: catch me on the radio. remember to stay within yourself. >> ainsley: and get dressed. >> bill: good morning. let's get to it. breaking news moment


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