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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 4, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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this has been a bucket list of mine. i don't know what to say. the worst weather i've ever experienced and i loved every minute of it. >> steve: janice dean the frozen weather machine. >> ainsley: getting to the base and warming up toes and fingers. >> steve: lawrence is heading to where it's warm. >> lawrence: dallas, texas, we'll be at an egg's up grill in dallas. we head to the border and do packages from land, sea and air and live from the border monday and tuesday of next week. >> steve: go to eggs up tomorrow between 5:00 and 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. >> lawrence: catch you back here on wednesday. >> brian: catch me on the radio. remember to stay within yourself. >> ainsley: and get dressed. >> bill: good morning. let's get to it. breaking news moments ago.
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the u.s. strikes back. air strike in baghdad against militia leaders supported by iran. the u.s. believes they're behind the surge of attacks against american forces in iraq and in syria. we've been on the story for some time and see where it goes now. live in new york i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom." it's interesting it feels like every day we come here and there is another little bit and another little bit. the retaliation from the biden administration, it's been a long time coming since the middle of october pro-iranian mill i shalls have attacked 118 times. >> bill: let's get to senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot watching the story from london. let's begin with you. hello. >> bill and dana. our crack team at the pentagon in the last 30 minutes has been able to confirm this. a major strike by the united states on a militia leader right
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in the center of baghdad. we cannot confirm whether it was a drone strike or an air strike but apparently it didn't hit a building, headquarters as was earlier reported. it hit a vehicle with this individual number one and number two and number three in the echelon of an iranian-backed militia that is active in iraq, as well as in syria. at least one dead, perhaps two, perhaps more injured. we got some reaction from the groupings of militias that are there. they, of course, are very upset and think it is a terrible, terrible thing. the grouping of militias in iraq, believe it or not, very much tied with iran. this is just one, as you folks have noted, of dozens and dozens of response -- response to dozens of attacks by iranian-backed groups in iraq, in syria. we're also talking, of course,
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about hezbollah, hamas, houthis doing damage down in the red sea with traffic there and shipping there and the u.s. now beginning to respond in a more substantial way. certainly against the houthis they've been doing that and with casualties, with damage done at various u.s. military bases and in fact even at the u.s. embassy, the u.s. is beginning to respond in a more muscular way as well. the strike just a short time ago in baghdad a sign of that. back to you. >> bill: developments when we get them. leading us off today in london. thank you, greg, talk soon. >> dana: new document revealing the names of nearly 200 people linked to jeffrey epstein. more documents today. a judge is releasing them as part of a past lawsuit against maxwell. one name featuring prominent plea is former president bill clinton saying the billionaire
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once told her clinton likes them young. most of the people named including the former president are not accused of any wrongdoing. as dave march cast says, not a good luck. >> none of these people get points for not sleeping with underage girls. that is not something that speaks to your credit. the question here is what were all of these powerful people doing in this very sordid world? >> dana: we will get charlie gas parrino's interview with epstein later. >> former president bill clinton is described as having a close relationship with jeffrey epstein in the unsealed document. the two last spoke almost 20 years ago. the former president is photographed shaking epstein's hand in 1993. clinton is mentioned almost 50 times in the document including
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when a lawyer asked one of his accusers, quote, did jeffrey ever talk to you about bill clinton? she responded, quote, he said one time that clinton the likes them young, referring to girls. former president donald trump is also mentioned in the unsealed documents. showburg claims she was taken to trump's casino in atlanta city. neither president is accused of any wrongdoing. there is a picture with the prince and another accuser where she says andrew holds her breast. he settled one case out of court in 2022. one document reads jane doe three was forced to have sexual relations with this prince when she was a minor in london at maxwell's apartment, in new york and on epstein's private island in an orgy with numerous other
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underage girls. other names unsealed include michael jackson, david copperfield who aren't accused of any wrongdoing and attorney alan dershowitz. >> i want to make sure every single document comes out, including the documents that cast doubt on the credibility. the public has the right to see everything and make their own judgment. >> as you mentioned, dana, we're expecting more documents that could be unsealed at some point today. send it back to you. >> dana: nate foye, thank you. >> bill: charlie has been on this story since the beginning. we look at this. what's new in this that we did not know? >> nothing. nothing. you know, this is a story about who jeffrey epstein knew. he knew so many people in power both on wall street power, in academic power, even washington
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power, that this doesn't do justice to his rolodex. when i interviewed him and doing stories for fox and and i had to get in touch with him for these stories. he is not in the phone book. i'm having dinner at a new york city restaurant. i won't say who it was. two very powerful people. one is a named billionaire. you know this guy. i don't know how to get in touch with epstein. guys pulls out his phone and gave me the number. this speaks to the type of people he knew. the guy did business with the top of j.p. morgan. daily, the number two to die mon on boarded him to the platform. i'm surprised he is not in any documents that come up. he has been named in the past. this to my -- in my view as
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someone who covered it doesn't do justice to the breadth of his relationships. the other thing. you had a guest on before or a tape from mr. markus who said these people need to answer what kind of sordid relationship. this doesn't mean they were in a sordid relationship. it means they were in a business relationship in a guy with a high network broker. not excusing these crimes. a lot of these people had no idea. epstein went to -- spent a year in jail. he made a mistake. that was the rationalization. he might have slept with somebody he didn't know. i can tell you how people were reacting to it at the time. we know jeffrey is not to be that type of guy and he went back to doing business. by the way, the reason why i started covering this is i could tell something was happening in terms of the u.s. attorney's office. there was a series of articles ramping up. then there was a story in the miami herald that said he got such a light sentence because he was cooperating with the government on wall street crimes
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during the financial crisis. that was totally wrong, i knew. the first story was the mystery deepens. that's the mystery. why did he only get a year the first time? >> dana: also president clinton is named. there is this one line that says that at one point epstein says clinton likes them young. is that new? sort of been out there? also is that something significant that we should be aware of? >> clinton likes them young? what does that mean? if you go back in time. i did a lot of research, donald trump was quoted as saying that -- donald trump and epstein were friends at one point. in palm beach. and trump was commenting about epstein. i'm paraphrasing. >> dana: let's play it here, call for number one. >> i knew him like everybody in palm beach knew him. he was a fixture there. i had a falling out with him a
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long time ago. i was not a fan of his, that i can tell you. i was not a fan of his. >> that's not the quote. the quote was either "new york magazine" or "vanity fair" where he said jeffrey epstein is a great guy before they had the falling out. he hangs around with a lot of beautiful women including very young women. this is from donald trump who hung around with jeffrey epstein. are we supposed to play a game well that means donald trump was part of that sordid relationship? no, that's not the way it works. >> bill: tawdry. what does it mean you said hello to epstein? we wait for the next drop whenever that is. there is a lot of anticipation for this report. >> it's a sordid, interesting story. it involves rich women >> dana: and young women. >> just being on the list, you are going down a slippery slope.
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>> bill: our national debt hit a new record, 34 trillion. the biden administration points the blame at republicans. edward lawrence live at the white house. >> let's break this down. that's a new record, $34 trillion. a milestone you don't want to see. the u.s. is paying $659 billion in interest payments alone in 2023. president biden has been in office for 35 months now and he signed $6 billion in spending into law. the administration blames republicans for the debt problem. listen. >> and over the past three months, the u.s. has added $10 billion per day to the federal debt so that's not turning around. so there is a discussion about cutting spending then. >> republican tax cuts are responsible for 90%. 90% of the increase in the debt. 90%. that is something that republicans are responsible for.
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what the president has done, what the president has done and you have heard us talk about it. i just talked about this. >> the fact is former president signed $8 trillion in spending into law. most of that short term covid emergency spending. the last four administrations, republican and democrat added $28 trillion to the federal debt. president biden has done nothing to stop the spending splurge. in fact he has asked for more money from congress. house speaker telling fox business it has to stop. >> we have to limit discretionary spending. as you know, it's been widely reported we passed $34 trillion in debt today. we take this very seriously in the house republican conference. >> when lawmakers come back to washington they have less than two weeks to come up with spending bills to fund the government. republicans want to cut spending. democrats want to keep the spending and add taxes to off set that. >> bill: see how it plays in an
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election year. thank you. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey. hey. [shouting] >> bill: you can watch this video over and over again. this chaos in a courtroom in las vegas. that defendant lunging at the judge during sentencing. story behind all of it and the wild video in a moment. plus this. roll it. >> walk this way right here. come here. keep your hands up, hands up. hands up. >> dana: this is incredible. terrifying incidents of swatting targeting government officials. how the fake 911 calls are tying up law enforcement. >> bill: congressional delegation turned welcoming committee. migrants illegally crossed the border when they were there. another story about how many did not get across the border. why was that? we'll take you there. >> eagle pass typically very
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busy with thousands of crossings per day. you guys show up here, it's pretty dead. >> it illustrates it could be turned off like a spigot at every time. maybe we should make congressional trips once a week and help solve this problem.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi
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and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> america is at a breaking point with record levels of illegal immigration. less than three years president biden took office that this has happened. it is an unmitigated disaster, catastrophe. what's more tragic it is a disaster of the president's own design. >> bill: new stark warning from mike johnson from the border after republican delegation there watched as migrants crossed into the country right in front of them. the biden administration now
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suing texas to stop its latest border security law. bill melugin watching all of it, including migrants in the river at this hour apparently. bill, good morning. >> good morning to you. this is just the biden administrations latest effort to try to stop texas from securing its own border. remember they already sued texas to get the water barriers out of the river. fighting in court to allow border patrol to cut the razor wire in eagle pass and now suing texas off sp4 that allows texas law enforcement to arrest, jail and deport anybody who crosses into texas ill. the feds say it is unconstitutional. it reads in part. texas cannot run its own immigration system. its efforts through sb4 intrude on the federal government's exclusive authority to regulate the entry and removal of non-citizens. frustrate the united states immigration office and proceedings and interfere with u.s. foreign relations.
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sb4 is invalid and pub enjoined. house republicans were in eagle pass, yesterday. the chairman of the homeland security committee is promising texas, help is coming. take a listen. >> every state and city in this country is a border state. thank you to text the as, you have borne the brunt of this and we -- we will not let you down. accountability is coming, i promise. >> meanwhile mass illegal crossings continue in lukeville, arizona. our team on the ground out there in border patrol tucson sector shot this video yesterday afternoon. more masses of african men crossing illegally. something we've seen for the last month or so. senegal, liberia. later in the day another group came through. more women and children in that group. we encountered a man from guinea on the other side of the border wall and begging border patrol
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to let him in. he ended up for some reason having a new york state i.d. card. take a listen. >> sounds like we don't have the sound there. he was holding in his hand. he had a new york state i.d. card as he was asking border patrol to let him in. we don't know how or why he had that card or who it may belong to, whether his or somebody else's. we don't know. we found it interesting to point out. we're told he ended up later crossing illegally into lukeville successful. he somehow got through the border wall. live on the fox news drone 50 yards away we have a small group of hondurans and venezuelans trying to climb through the texas razor wire now. when the house republicans were out here they said they got a briefing by border patrol and were told that the cartel in mexico across the river from us is estimated to be making $32
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million every single week just here in the eagle pass area just from their human smuggling activities. send it back to you. great point. >> dana: let's bring in dr. don cunningham. you have a very interesting job and perspective. what is the scope of your responsibilities and how you see the federal government failing to do what it needs to do for you to be able to do your job? >> thank you, dana, great to be on with you all today. good morning to all of your watchers. you know, the general land commissioner steward to 13 million acres of state land responsible for the oil and gas funding education and help veterans and do other things. uniquely in the border fight the islands north of center of the rio grande that have previously not been claimed by texas, we claimed them a few months ago giving the dps and other law enforcement access to those islands trying to end the illegal migration that's coming across them. but i tell you what, what i see
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every single day is that the biden administration not only hurts our lovely border communities but they are absolutely orchestrating almost every bit of this mass immigration. article four, section four of the constitution says that the federal government should and will protect us against invasion and domestic terrorism. what we're seeing now is an absolute abdication of their duty. if you look recently, even just a few months ago they made it easier for the chinese migrants to come across, asking them only five questions, i believe, instead of 55 questions. we have to realize that people from china don't just walk out of their country. it is who their government allows them to come across. when you see the aggressive plans on china's 100 year plan about taking over and getting into military conflict with the u.s. in their 100 year plan i think we all should really worry what is happening at the border even more than that mass of
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humanity that's coming across. >> bill: here is your governor just yesterday talking about the new steps that texas is trying to do and what the administration is trying to do in response. >> joe biden has spent no time trying to stop illegal immigration. he has only spent time trying to stop texas from stopping illegal immigration. >> bill: they might be successful on that point. but you say this entire invasion as you call it is by design. is that what you are trying to describe to us by the chinese nationals who are cross ping over? >> absolutely. when you look, we know we have an aggressive country who is looking spying on us, doing all these types of things. i think initiating acts of war actually already. they published their plan a long time. it is no secret. there is lots of literature on it. i think governor abbott is exactly right. the biden administration is spending more effort on trying to stop texas obeying our laws and constitution than they are
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in actually obeying the constitution themselves. and doing their duty. you know, take, for example, we've seen just about 140,000 deportations in 2023. to put that in context, we have 300,000 people that we know of across our border in december alone. so these court dates for these folks aren't until 2030 now. that is how backed up they are. those people won't stick around for their court date in six years. so we're seeing now -- >> bill: the numbers are staggering and we visit it every day and we wonder when it is going to stop and what bill just said about the cartels making the millions that they do by the week should stun everybody watching this story. thank you for your time. great to have you. thanks for being here. president biden setting the tone for his re-election campaign with a pair of speeches upcoming. they are some interesting location choices, huh?
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josh holmes, jim mass ena will break down. a sentencing hearing turned violent when the judge came under attack. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey. no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently.
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>> dana: we've been telling you about this story. we now have images of it. this is an attack the united states took out in iraq. there was a militia leader who apparently has been responsible for attacking u.s. troops on the ground there and there was an opportunity and the target was struck. we'll continue to follow this. have jack keane later on in the show. >> bill: more breaking news. perry, iowa high school. police department confirming there has been an active shooter at that school. not a lot of information just yet. perry, iowa, is in dallas county 25 minutes north and west of des
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moines and you know the candidates have been all across that state for some time now. there are news crews throughout the entire state as well reporting on that caucus story. so we'll get more information on this momentarily. a school of about 1800 students. perry, iowa, is the location. one report suggested the shooter was down. none of that is confirmed. we're just watching it now and let you know when we know something momentarily here. in the meantime 9:32 in new york. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey, whoa. >> bill: courtroom drama caught on camera. that man through himself over the been much. took out a judge in las vegas. the judge and court marshall were injured. it went on for some time. william la jeunesse has the follow-up today. how is the judge and what happened here? >> she took a beating. ultimately so did the defendant. but let me show you what
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happened just before the attack, bill. 30-year-old man faces four years in prison for attacking somebody with a baseball bat. he claims mental health problems and asked for probation. the judge countered with his criminal history. >> i don't think i should be sent to prison. it's appropriate you have to do what you have to do. i'm in a better place in my life and not on drugs. not doing any crimes now. >> three felonies. nine gross miss demeanors, you have a lot going on, sir. >> yeah, that's true. >> battery on a protected person. robberies. >> his attorney argues his client deserves probation because he is a good risk. the judge disagreed and when reden leaps over a three foot bench slamming the judge against a wall.
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>> i think it's time he gates taste of something else. i just can't with that history. the state -- >> whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey. hey, hey. >> a bailiff, marshall and court clerk tried to restrain the man. the judge is on the ground for four minutes before getting up. if you look at this in slow motion, the judge and clerk will see what's coming but they have no time to react. the man appears in court again this morning facing six more felonies and seven misdemeanors. he is looking at a lot more time than four years. he previously attacked a police officer and sheriff's deputy. his attorney thought he deserved probation despite a lot of punches the judge is recovering. >> bill: remarkable stuff. happened like that. william la jeunesse, thank you, live in los angeles on that
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story today. dana. >> dana: president biden kicking off his campaign with two speeches in two days. the first in valley forge, pennsylvania. the other at a church in charleston, south carolina. "the new york times" laying out the high stakes saying that the two speeches are part of an effort to redirect attention from mr. biden's low approval numbers and remind democratic and independent voters of the alternative to his re-election. let's bring in our panel, josh holmes, former chief of staff for mitch mcconnell. jim. you know how to deal with big huge campaigns. one of the things for an incumbent president you want to make if your record is not great and poll numbers aren't good, the election about a choice between you or the other person however bad you think that person might be rather than a referendum on your record. jim, given that president biden will talk about the risks to
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democracy that president trump would bring if he is reelected, do you think that's the best approach at this time? or is it narrow and not forward-looking enough to guarantee a re-election win? >> i think it's exactly the right choice. i agree with your earlier statement. presidential elections are a choice. what you have to do is frame that choice. why did joe biden beat donald trump the first time? because voters got sick of trump's antics and his daily chaos. there is no bigger reminder of that than january 6th. so going to valley forge, reminding people the choice between him and trump is exactly what re-election campaigns should and do do. >> dana: josh, your perspective on it. voters are saying over and over again they are not happy with president biden. if you look at the usa today poll and hispanic voters president trump gaining on president biden and that is just within the 3 1/2 years. the campaign is not really
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underway yet and so you have quite a distinction. what do you think of jim's assessment of the president's approach? >> look, i think he is right in many ways. if you can't sing, you have to dance. in politics, if you can't rise above you will have to drag everybody else down with you. the amount of choices that the biden campaign has afforded to them are very few. they'll have to drag everybody down with them and what the strategy is designed to do. pretty cynical but what they've got. to be honest with you, there has been historical -- a lot of historical examples how this kind of things work. it accomplishes a few things. it is going to motivate a democratic base that has been extremely reluctant to support president biden. all kinds of different problems with him. second honestly, here is where this is strategically i think sort of interesting is every time that biden has invoked trump's name, it peels away the center of the electorate that ultimately they need to win an
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election. but it also motivates republican voters. and when you are in the goalpost shadows of the iowa caucus invoking donald trump, you have to think that the biden campaign somewhere along the way is trying to maybe motivate some republicans to get out and vote for donald trump in the caucuses. >> dana: they do want to run against trump indeed. i want to ask you about this speaking of trump. jim, i haven't seen your commentary. you might have commented on this somewhere else. president trump made a request to the justices -- to the supreme court to summarily reverse the colorado supreme court's ruling and return the right to vote for their candidate of choice to the voters. because colorado supreme court said he could be stripped off of that ballot. what is your position on that? >> look, i think the supreme court is going to need to rule very quickly. there is also a case in maine here. they have oh figure out exactly what the rules are going forward. i think it goes to the biden case, though, that this is chaos
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all over the place. do we really want to go back to trump and this chaos as we get drug through court case after court case. there are another four court cases coming up in the next few months for trump. it is in the middle of all of this going to be, you know, played in the back drop of a presidential election as the republican nominee sits in court week after week. >> dana: interestingly, the legal chaos was brought by democrats for the most part, josh. >> that's right. again it reconsolidates the republican base around donald trump in many ways looking for an alternative. every time one of these things comes up, this case is laughable and i expect the supreme court to act and act quickly. it is not just colorado. we've seen the secretary of state of maine take similar action and other states that could have this as we approach the general election. they will have to make a determination somewhere along the way. >> dana: you guys are like a
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shot of coffee for me in the morning. loved having you boat. thank you so much as we get ready to go to iowa. off to the races in 2024. thank you jim and josh. >> bill: fox news we have three town halls. we broke this news yesterday beginning on monday with nikki haley, tuesday with ron desantis, both of those happen at 6:00 eastern time. and then on wednesday donald trump is at 9:00 p.m. eastern time and bret and martha will moderate all three. we have that beginning next week and we head to iowa. special edition of "america's newsroom." just about every day, right? starting on sunday, the day before on the 14th. we'll be there live on monday morning and monday night and tuesday morning to follow all the movements from -- >> dana: i will barn storm iowa. that's what i'm going to do. >> bill: take that barn. >> dana: i'm taking it back. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: the new york knicks guard missed the mark at madison
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square garden last night. that's something i would do. social media users having a field day over the mistake. hart tweeting this, yo, commanders, holler at me. that would have been an air ball. >> bill: very good. >> dana: that i knew the term? it was a big callback from seventh grade basketball. i was a point guard. >> bill: let's watch it again. roll it. roll it. >> dana: here we go. >> bill: good player, boom. >> dana: whoa. >> bill: he was throwing to his mom in the fifth row. in a moment here we've got new aggression out of beijing. what is it doing in taiwan and how the u.s. should respond on that. congressman mike gallagher is one of the more outspoken members of congress on the topic. coming up live next. the craze sweeping the country. shoppers buying for a pink stanley cup. ♪
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>> bill: the u.s. now responding to new aggression from china. this as multiple chinese spy flights are spotted over the island nation of taiwan. last year the u.s. shot down one off the coast of south carolina. not before it traveled across america. republican mike gallagher chairman of the house china committee. how are you and good morning to you. i know you are same dog, old tricks, is that what we're seeing here? >> well, this seems to be the first time it flew directly over taiwan. we've seen balloons go around. it goes to show we've normalized pressure against taiwan designed to influence their upcoming
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election january 13th. we have our own recent experience with chinese spy balloons that you alluded to. the best advice we could give to our friends in taiwan is don't lie about it. don't downplay the incident. don't delay defensive action for fear of provoking china because that will only make them more aggressive. that's what we're seeing right now with respect to china's attempt to influence taiwan's election which goes beyond spy balloon including tariffs on petro chemicals. it is gotten so bad the more pro-china party is even accusing the ruling party the dpp of making it impossible for taylor swift to perform in taiwan. you know it's serious. >> bill: that's like hemmer celebrity news there. on a serious note. show them our map the ten chinese spy flights sightings over the u.s. and going out to
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guam, etc. , the northern coast of south america and columbia. december 31st xi made a major speech. this is what he said about taiwan and reunification. >> reunification of china is an inevitability. we should join hands. our goal is grand and simple. >> bill: that goal could be tomorrow, it could be in 50 years, congressman. >> i think it's more likely that this year, 2024 is really the dangerous year. we have to take xi's threat seriously. instead president biden is saying because china is facing domestic economic problems, it is less likely they are going to invade taiwan. there is no evidence to support that. ist is just as possible that xi will survey the world, see the u.s. looks weak, that we're consumed with two regional wars and he may never get a better chance to achieve his life long ambition of taking taiwan by
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force if necessary. than when the u.s. is distracted internally because of our presidential election. the most important thing we need to do which we haven't done to prevent it from happening. is to invest in our own military hard power. that is where we have failed dramatically. it has made the prospect of a confrontation with china over taiwan much more likely because of our weakness. >> bill: it brings foreign policy front and center in an election year. thank you for your time. mike gallagher, the republican from wisconsin. thanks for coming back. >> dana: an update in iowa. there has been a school shooting at a high school in perry, iowa. we don't know the extent of injuries, it is unclear at this time. we expect a police briefing. as soon as we get that they will we'll bring it to you. we'll be right back. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift.
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information, but perry high school, 25 minutes northwest of des moines, has a student population of about 1800 and today apparently was the first day of their second semester. today is the day all the kids come back from the christmas and new year's break. there are police still on the scene. multiple law enforcement vehicles. including what appears to be police and state troopers. flashing lights are on. there is an ambulance on the scene. there was one report from a police scanner that suggested a helicopter en route for transport was waved off. what all this means we don't know. we're just trying to piece this story together right now and give it to the the best we can based on the little reporting we have so far out of this high school in perry, iowa. >> dana: with it being 25 miles from des moines. a lot of parents might commute into the city in order to work and so there is probably a dearth of information is not a good thing at this time. we'll keep up with this and as
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soon as they brief the media we'll bring you the update as we have it. southern californians outraged the state is offering health insurance to all of its undocumented migrants, 760,000 of them. critics are pointing to california's staringing $68 billion deficit and the state's healthcare system is already too strained. despite these concerns the trend is spreading. nine states already cover migrants in certain age categories. left wing lawmakers want to follow california's lead and expand coverage to all ages. >> walk this way right here. come here. keep your hands up. hands-up. hands up. >> what you are watching is a case of swatting. it is happening more and more often. that term refers to a fake 911 call to send law enforcement to a location also an active criminal harassment. multiple state capitol complexes were evacuated after swatters
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reported fake bomb threats. this false alarm comes amid of wave of hoax calls against high-profile people, especially politicians and mark meredith has the story out of washington. you can bet this is in the news there. >> it sure is. the f.b.i. says it is working with officials in multiple states to determined who emailed bomb threats to several state capitols. it forced the evacuation of some of these capitol buildings targeted in the hoax. in mississippi bomb sniffing dogs responded giving police the all clear. no one was hurt but these incidents spotlight how frequently lawmakers nationwide are being threatened. within a few weeks several law makesers have become targets of swatting. fake 911 calls that dispatch police to a person's home. overnight we heard from an official with the georgia secretary of state's office who became the latest person. he post evidence my family has joined the ranks of those who
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have had their homes swatted. capitol hill lawmakers demanding stiffer penalty, federal penalties for people who conduct the swatting attacks. >> i think people need to understand there are real consequences to actions, even such as calling in a fake bomb threat or a swatting incident. they need to be held accountable. i think they need to be deterred with real stiff penalties. >> while this debate is just now getting underway on the federal level. there is some legislation for schools we've seen at least two states, virginia and ohio already increase penalties for these swatting attacks. it is getting more brazen by the day. >> bill: watch and see where it goes from here. nice to see you. >> dana: fox news alert. a high school in iowa on lockdown as we speak. officers are responding to active shooter calls at perry high school. multiple deaths are being reported. we're following this story and


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